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Preview Reports of the selectmen and superintending school committee of the Town of Hill, for the year ending .

lal Reports andAnnual Reports ofthe len, Treasurer, Town ClerkandTax Collector, ngVital Statistics ofthe TownofHill, NewHampshire Forthe FiscalYearEndingDecember 31, 2007 andJune 30, 2007 ^^ Togetherwith the School District, etc. HILL NEW HAMPSHIRE , Ad* ir Annual Reports 2007 GENERAL TOWN INFORMATION SELECTMEN'S OFFICE Tuesday6:30-8:30PM PO Box236 Wednesday9:30-12;30PM 30CrescentStreet Thursday9-3PM Phone(934-1094) Selectmen meetonTuesdayevenings Fax (934-2011) unlessotherwise posted. Admin. Asst; LindaJ. Henry Appointmentsrequired please. TOWN CLERKTTAXCOLLECTOR Tuesday6-8;30PM PO Box251 Wednesday9-1PM 30 CrescentStreet Thursday-Friday9-5PM Phone(934-3951) Closed daily 1-2PM Fax (934-2174) Desiree L. Mahurin, Certified FIRE DEPT. PO Box226 18CommerceStreet POLICE DEPT. Phone(934-5350) PO Box 146 Chief: MatthewDesrochers 30 CrescentStreet Fire PermitIssuingAgents: Phone(934-6437) Fax934-0122 Linda Henry, Selectmen'sOffice 24 HourDispatch (934-3949) oratFireStation Chief: Donald Sullivan HIGHWAYGARAGE PLANNING BOARD 62 NH Route 3A PO BOX236 Phone(934-3055) 30CrescentStreet RoadAgent: DeanWheeler Meetings held in Hill PublicLibrary thirdThursdayofmonth @7PM WATERWORKS PO Box251 TRANSFERSTATION 30CrescentStreet 357 NH Route3A Billing Issues: 934-3951 Phone(934-6850) EmergencyServ. Issues: 934-5201 Saturday8AM-4:30PM Commissioners meet2nd &lastWed. monthly@7PM Wednesday3PM-7PM Secretary: DesireeMahurin ELEMENTARYSCHOOL PUBLIC LIBRARY PO Box266 30 CrescentStreet 32 CrescentStreet Phone(934-9712) Phone(934-2245) Fax(934-3079) Callforcurrenthours Librarian: Lynn Christopher FRANKLIN SAU OFFICE 119Central Street Franklin, NH 03235 Phone(934-3108)Fax(934-3462) 2007 ANNUAL REPORT TOWN OF HILL Index Appropriations, Revenues and Tax Rate 68 2006 Audit Reportfrom Plodzik & Sanderson 87-88 Balance Sheet 19 Budget Revenue Report (MS-7) 11-18 Capital Reserve Accounts (partof Trustee of Trust Funds Report) 31 CemeteryTrustee Report 53 Cemetery Funds (partof Trustee of Trust Funds Report) 33-40 Community Action Report 78-80 Concord Regional Solid Waste/Resource Recovery Cooperative 76 Fire Department Report 49 Forest Fire Warden and State Forest Ranger 50 ForYour Information 4-6 Franklin VNA & Hospice 84 Garden Projects 81 , Income and Expense Report 20-27 Lakes Region Planning Commission Report 56-58 Northeast Resource Recovery Association 77 Planning Board Report 54 Police Department Report 51-52 Summary Inventory of Valuation (MS-1) 61-66 Public Library Reports 44-45 School District Reports 89-118 Senator Peter H. Burling Reportto District 5 86 Tapply-Thompson Community Center 82-83 Tax Collector/Town Clerk Reports 42-43 Town Information Inside frontcover Town-Ovy^ned Property Listing 67 2006Town Meeting Minutes Summary 71-75 Town Officials 2-3 2007Town Warrant 7-10 Treasurer's Report 28-30 UNH Cooperative Extension 85 Vital Statistics (marriages, births and deaths) 69-70 Waterworks Report 46-48 Zoning 55 TOWN OF HILL TOWN OFFICIALS BOARDOFSELECTMEN(3)3yrs LIBRARY 1RLSlEfcS(3)3yrs J.MichaelBrady 2009 MarthaL.Jordan 2009 StevenC.Karris 2008 NormaKane 2010 MarkII,Dow 2010 JulieHunter,Secretary 2008 SELECTMENADMINASSISTANT LIBRARYTRUSTEEALTERNAI l.indaHenry LindaHuntley HILLPUBLICLIBRARY BUDGETCOMMITTEE(12+1+1)3yrs LIBRARIAN,LynnChristopher PaulMeyerhocfer 2008 GeorgeRobie 2008 MODERATOR2yrs (vacant) 2008 GerardDesrochers 2008 GaryN.David 2008 PaulaM.McDonough 2009 TOWNCLK/TXCOLLECTOR3yrs JohnLynch,Vice-chair 2009 DesireeL.Mahurin,CertifiedTX/TC 2008 JosephMahoney 2009 ASSISTANTTOWNCLERK/TAXCOLL RobertDupuis 2009 MartiKuplin RhondaBucklin 2010 NancyChaddock,Chair 201 TOWNTREASURER1yr VickiePlante 2010 JudithE.Brady 2008 ShaiinBresnahan,Jr. 2010 DEPUTYTREASURER StevenC.Farris,Selectman LeighA.Pickowicz SchoolBoardmember TRUSTEESOFTRUSTFUNDS(3)3yrs CEMETERYTRUSTEES PaulBarker 2009 CathyRobie 2008 MichaelStanley,Chair 201 DeniseRobie 2009 GlendonEaton 2008 LindaDenningham 2010 POLICEDEPARTMENT CHECKLISTSUPERVISORS(3)6yrs DonaldE.Sullivan,Chief BettyHanks 2012 JonathanEvans AnneM,Ford 2013 StephenDow LindaDennmghani 2011 DavidKratz BALLOTCLERKS(2)3yrs MeredithL.Hirtle,Secretary PhyllisKerkawich MarthaL.Jordan EMERGENCYMANAGEMENTOFFICER DonaldE.Sullivan,PoliceChief FIRECHIEF DEPUTYEMERGENCYMNGMNTOFFICER MatthewDesrochers StevenC.Fams.Selectman FORESTFIREWARDEN MatthewDesrochers HEALTHOFFICER DEPUTYFIREWARDENS JeannettePolaski SabrmaDesrochers PaulGuild OVERSEEROFPUBWELFARE DeannaFord (vacant) CIVILDEFENSEDIRECTOR FIREPERMITISSUINGAGENTS (vacant) SelectmanAdminAsst,LindaHenry 2007 ANNUAL REPORT TOWN OFFICIALS CONSERVATIONCOMMITTEE(5)3yrs WATERCOMMISSIONERS(3)3yrs MichaelStanley 2008 HILLWATERWORKS EPA#1131010 JohnHayward 2008 GeraldWeinert 2008 GeorgeRobie 2009 ThomasC.Wallace 2010 (vacant) 2010 GerardDesrochers 2009 (vacant) 2010 StevenC.Farris,Selectman DesireeL.Mahurin,Secretary PLANNINGBOARD(6+1)3yrs JudithE.Brady,Treasurer 2008 GeneSeip 2009 WilliamHenry 2009 MASTERPLANCOMMITTEE JudithBrodeur 2010 MichaelStanley RobertDancewicz-Helmers,Chair 2010 MarieStanley ThomasWhitman 2008 ShaunBresnahan,Jr. DeniseRobie,Vice-Chair 2008 FranSanderson J.MichaelBrady,Selectman NancyPescinski PLANNINGBRDALTERNATES BarbaraMaluchnik SeymourGoldberg 2009 RobertE.Walsh 2010 ROADAGENT DavidA.Maloof 2008 DeanWheeler ZONINGBOARD(4+1)3yrs TOWNTRANSFERSTATION RobertDancewicz-Hehners 2010 JohnHayward,Attendant GeraldWeinert 2009 GlenBartis,Attendant ShaunBresnahan 2009 DavidKane 2008 J.MichaelBrady,Selectman ZONINGBRDALTERNATES (vacant) (vacant) PARKS&RECREATION(5)3yrs (vacant) 2009 (vacant) 2009 (vacant) 2010 PaulaMcDonough 2010 VickiePlante,Chair 2008 4 TOWN OF HILL FOR YOUR INFORMATION... This is a synopsis ofsome ofthe laws that affect a f^reat many people. Forfurther clarification ofthese laws please refertheStateofNew Hampshire Revised Statutes Annotated as indicated. DOGS - Pursuantto RSA466:1-7, ifyourdog is over4 months old you are required to license it by APRIL 30 ofeach year. Proofofrabies vaccination and spaying or neutering is required atthe time of licensing. Licenses may be obtained atthe Tow/n Clerk Office. REGISTERING TOVOTE & ABSENTEE BALLOTS - Ifyou haveestablished permanentdomicile in the Town ofHill, are a United States Citizen and are 18 years of age or olderyou have the rightto registerto vote. Voter registration forms are available attheTown Clerk Office. You may also registertovote atthe polls during Election Day. You mustshow a picture identification ordriver's license atthe time of registering. Ifyou are a legally registered voterforthe Town of Hill you may request an absentee ballotfor anyelections. Ifyou will be outofTown, disabled or unable to gettothe polls forvoting on the day ofelections, you mayapplyforan absentee ballot. Ballots are obtained attheTown Clerk Office. TAX BILLS -All real estate property taxes are assessed on April 1 ofeach year. The tax year is April 1^*through March 31^'. The first billing ofeach year (June) is calculated at 50% ofthe previous yeartax rate. The tax rate is setpriorto the second billing ofeach year (November) bythe State of NH, DepartmentofRevenue. Thetaxpayermay, by March 1^'following the date ofnotice ofthetax and not afterwards, apply in writing to the Board ofSelectmen foran abatementofthe assessed tax as provided under RSA76:16. Ifyou are elderly, disabled, blind, a veteran or a veteran's spouse, or are unableto pay taxes due to povertyorothergood cause, you may be eligible fora tax exemption, credit, abatementordeferral. You mustapply priorto April 15'*^ to be considered for the nexttax cycle. Fordetails and application information contactthe Board of Selectmen. Real estatetax paymentswill be applied firstto the oldestdelinquent real estatetaxes (ifany) forthe indicated property. Payment ofa current bill does not preventcollection ofprevious unpaid taxes, nordoes an error in the name ofthe person(s) taxed prevent collection. Ifpayment is made by check ormoney order, it is not considered paid until the check ormoney order is cleared bythe bank. A $35 feewill be assessed forany checks returned bythe bankfor any reason. 2007 ANNUAL REPORT Ifyou are notthe presentownerofthe propertyand you received a bill still in your name, pleaseforward tothe properowner. The Board ofSelectmen directtheTax Collectorto issue billsto the last know reported ownerofthe property and the last known address. Any real estate property sales issued in the current month will not be recorded with the Board ofSelectmen until the middle ofthefollowing month. All address changes should bedirected tothe Board ofSelectmen. PROPERTYTAX ABATEMENTS - Municipalities may abatetaxes "forgood cause shown." RSA 76;16. Good cause is generallyestablished by showing an errorin the assessmentcalculation ora disproportionate assessment. Good cause can also be established byshowing povertyand inabilityto paythetax. Thetaxpayer hasthe burdento show howan assessmentwas disproportionate. To carrythis burden, thetax must showwhatthe propertywasworth (marketvalue) on the assessmentdate and the property's "equalized assessment" exceeded the property's marketvalue. Because the property's marketvalue is a crucial issue, taxpayers must have an opinion determined ofthe marketvalue. This opinion can be shown by obtaining an appraisal or presenting sales ofcomparable properties. Thetaxpayermuststatewith specificityaN_the reasons supporting yourabatement application. Generally, specificity requiresthetaxpayerto present material on the following (all may not apply): 1. physical data- incorrectdescription ormeasurementof property; 2. marketdata-the property's marketvalue on April 1, supported by comparablesales ora professional opinion ofvalue; 3. level ofassessment-the property's assessment is disproportionate by comparing the property's marketvalue and thetown-wide level ofassessment. Ifclaiming poverty or inabilityto pay, state in detail why abatementoftaxes is appropriate as opposed to some other reliefsuch as relocation, refinancing orobtaining some alternative public assistance. Abatementapplications must be filedwith the Board ofSelectmen by March 1. Municipalities have until July 1 tograntordenythe abatement application. Taxpayer's mayfile an appeal eitheratthe Board ofTax and Land Appeals or in the superiorcourt, but notboth. TIMBERYIELDTAX (RSA 79) - Timber is considered to be real estate, therefore taxable. Timber is onlytaxed atthetime it is cutand at a rate, which encouragesthe growing oftimber. In orderfortheTown to beaware ofcutting operationsthe ownerof the property must notifythem ofcutting byfiling an Intentto Cut. Timbertax is assessed uponthe receipt ofthe Report ofWood Cut, which must befiled with the Town within 60 days ofcompletion ofcutting. Finesfor non-compliance may be assessed. The DRA and Division ofForest & Lands have authorityto issuea cease and desistforany cutting operation not in compliancewith RSA79. . B TOWN OF HILL Thefollowing are the onlyexceptionsto taxation. No Intentto Cut is required and timber is nottaxableforthese items: 1 10 MBF saw logs and 20 cordsfuel wood for personal use. 2. 10 MBF saw logs and 20 cords ofwood for land conversion purposes when all permitsforthe conversion have been received. 3. Shade and ornamental trees, usually considered to be treeswithin striking distance ofa building. 4. Chnstmas trees, fruittrees, and nursery stock and short rotation treefiber. 5. Any amount offirewood for maple syrup production. 6. Government and utilities not selling thewood. CURRENT USE (RSA 79-A) -The purpose ofCurrent Use is to presence open space- a propertytax strategyto help landowners keep theiropen space undeveloped. Land is assessed at its present use ratherthan its highest potential use. Current Use does not require land to be open to public use. Parcels must be at least 10 acres in size or bring in $2500 in annual agriculture or horticultural products ifclassified as Farm land. Parcels can be sold with no penalty. It remains in current use regardless ofwho owns it. No "buy out" provision exist. Once the land is accepted, it is intended to be inforever. Current Use applications mustbe submitted tothe Board ofSelectmen byApril 15"^ with a fee of$21.41 to havetheir parcel so classified. Upon approval, applications are recorded atthe Merrimack County Registry of Deeds. Current Use assessment ranges includefarm land, forestland, unproductive land and wetlands. A20% additional recreation adjustment is availableforallowing certain recreation activities on the land. Ifthe parcel's use physically changes orthe changes create a parcel oflessthan 10 acres in size, a penalty of 10% ofthe full and true marketvalue ofthe changed portion is assessed atthetime ofchange. Onlythe acres changed are assessed, the remainderstays in current use. Formore information contact DRA- Community Services Division located at 57 Regional Drive, Concord, NH or by calling (603)271- 2687 oratwvwv.state.nh.us/revenue/currentuse. 2007 ANNUAL REPORT 7 THESTATEOFNEWHAMPSHIRE TOWNOFHILL,NH TOWNWARRANT TotheinhabitantsoftheTowtiofHill intheCountyofMerrimack,insaid State,qualifiedtovotein Townaffairs: YouareherebynotifiedtomeetattheHillPublicLibrary,locatedat30CrescentStreetinsaidHillon Tuesday,the 13thdayofMarch2008at 11:00AMtovoteonthefollowingsubjects: ARTICLE 1: TochooseallnecessaryTownofficialsfortheensuingyear. NOTE: Bylaw,themeetingmustopenbeforethevotingstarts.Therefore,themeetingandthepolls willbeopenat 11;OOAMfortheconsiderationofArticle 1.Atnoon,themeetingwillrecessbutthe pollsshallremainopenandshallnotcloseuntil7:00PM. ThemeetingwillreconveneattheJennieD. BlakeElementarySchoolonThursday,March 13,2008, at7:00PMtoactontheremainingarticlesofthiswarrant. ARTICLE2: ToseeiftheTownwillvotetoraiseandappropriatethesumof$300,000topurchasea newFirePumper/Tankertruck,andauthorizethewithdrawalof$66,000fromtheFireDepartment HeavyEquipmentCapitalReserveFundcreatedforthispurpose,andtoauthorizetheissuanceofnot morethan$234,000ofbondsornotesinaccordancewiththeprovisionsoftheMunicipalFinanceAct (RSA33)andtoauthorizetheBoardofSelectmentoissueandnegotiatesuchbondsornotesandto determinetherateofinterestthereon. (2/3ballotvoterequiredperRSA33:8)TheSelectmenand BudgetCommitteerecommendthisappropriation. ARTICLE3: ToseeiftheTownwillvotetoraiseandappropriatethefollowingsumsforthegeneral municipaloperations,exclusiveofindividualandspecialwarrantarticles: Approp. Selectmen BudgetCommittee 2007 2008 2008 Executive $38,915 43,274 41,750 TownClerk $39,293 47,302 42,943 TaxCollector $6,070 6,220 6,220 RevalofProperty $17,550 22,310 17,310 LegalExpenses $3,000 5,000 5,000 PersonnelAdmin. $10,820 14,550 13,150 Planning&Zoning $3,000 3,000 3,000 Gen.Govt. Bldg. $22,384 32,684 26,384 Cemeteries $2,000 2,300 2,300 Insurance $12,350 12,350 12,350 Police $65,655 94,478 69,264 Ambulance $25,777 27,000 27,000 Fire $55,467 63,648 55,467 EmergencyManagement $1,475 1,475 1,475 Highways&Streets $209,947 255,882 247,532 TOWN OF HILL StreetLighting $3,600 3,600 3,600 Recon.oflligiiways $46,866 46,572 46,572 Solid Waste Disposal $7.3,960 76,725 74,975 WaterServices $86,016 114,182 114,182 HealthAgencies $4,274 3,904 3,904 Welfare $5,030 5.000 5,000 Parks&Recreation $5,609 5,695 4,195 Library $26,203 24,921 24,921 PatrioticPurposes $800 800 800 Conservation $500 500 400 Int. onTax AnticipationNotes $1,000 1,000 1,000 TOTALOPERATING $767,561 $914,372 $850,694 BUDGET: ARTICLE4: ToseeiftheTovv'nwillvotetoraiseandappropriatethesumof$78,000tobe deposited inthefollowingcapitalreserve funds,asindicated; BoardofSelectmen's BudgetCommittee's Recommendations Recommendations Fire HeavyEquipmentCapital $25,000 $25,000 ReserveFund HighwayHeavyEquipment $20,000 $20,000 Capital ReserveFund PoliceHeavyEquipment $4,000 $2,000 CapitalReserveFund RevaluationCapital Reserve $10,000 $5,000 Fund RoadImprovements $20,000 $20,000 TransferStation $5,000 $5,000 WellheadProtectionArea 1,000 $1,000 Capital ReserveFund Total $85,000 578,000 ARTICLE5: ToseeiftheTownwillvotetoraiseandappropriate$34,000tobeplacedintheBridge RepairandReplacementExpendableTrust.(RecommendedbytheSelectmenandBudgetCommittee) ARTICLE6: ToseeiftheTownwillvotetoraiseandappropriatethesumof$1,100,000for constructionoftheBoroughRoadBridge.Thiswillbefundedbyan80/10/10splitwith$880,000 comingfromtheStateofNHBridgeAidProgram,$110,000comingfromtheTownofBristolandthe balanceof$110,000tocomefromtheBridgeRepairandReplacementExpendableTrust.Thiswillbe anon-lapsingappropriationandwillnotlapseuntiltheprojectiscompleteorbyDecember31,2013. (Recommendedbythe SelectmenandBudgetCommittee)

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