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Reports of explorations and surveys, to ascertain the most practicable and economical route for a railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean PDF

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Preview Reports of explorations and surveys, to ascertain the most practicable and economical route for a railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean

SENATE. 33d CONGRESS, ) V Ex: Dcfc. Id Session. \ .{. So/J?,- REPORTS EXPLORATIONS AND SURVEYS, & yWt ^3v. : \%> ASCERTAIN THE MOST PRACTICABLE AND ECONOMICAL ROUTE FOR A RAILROAD FROM THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER TO THE PACIFIC OCEAN. MADE UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR, IN 1853-6, ACCORDING TO ACTS OF CONGRESS OF MARCH 8, 1853, MAY 81, 1854, AND AUGUST g, 1854, VOLUME X. WASHINGTON: BEVERLEY TUCKER, PRINTER. 1859. - V* IN SENATE FEBRUARY 24, 1855. Resolved, Thattherebeprinted, fortheuse of the Senate, ten thousand copiesof the severalreportsof surveysfora rail road to the Pacific, madeunder thedirection of the Secretary of War; andalso ofthereportof F. W. Lander, civil engi neer, ofasurvey ofarailroadroutefrom PugetsSound, byFortHall andtheGreatSaltlake, tothe Mississippiriver; and the reportof John C. Fremont, ofaroute forarailroad from the headwaters of theArkansasriverinto theStateofCali fornia; together with the maps and plates accompanying said reports necessary to illustrate the same; and that five hundredcopiesbeprintedfortheuseof the SecretaryofWar, and fifty copies for eachof the commandingofficersengaged in said service. Attest: ASBURY DICK1NS, Secretary THIRTY-SECOND CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION CHAPTER 98. SECT. 10. Andbeitfurtherenacted, That the SecretaryofWarbe, and he ishereby, authorized, underthe direction of the Presidentofthe United States, to employ such portionof the Corps ofTopographicalEngineers, and such otherpersonsas hemay deem necessary, tomake such explorationsand surveys ashe maydeemadvisable, toascertain the mostpracticable and economical route fora railroadfrom the Mississippi riverto the Pacificocean; and that thesumof one hundred and fiftythousand dollars, orsomuch thereof asmaybe necessary, be, and the sameishereby, appropriated, outofanymoney in the treasurynototherwise appropriated, to defraythe expenseofsuch explorationsandsurveys. Approved March 3, 1853. THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION CHAPTER 60. Appropriation: Fordeficienciesfor therailroad surveys between theMississippiriver and the Pacificocean, fortythou sand dollars. ApprovedMay 31, 1854. THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION CHAPTER 267. Appropriation: Forcontinuing the explorations and surveys to ascertain thebest routefor arailwayto the Pacific, and forcompletingthe reportsofsurveysalreadymade, thesumofone hundred andfiftythousand dollars. Approved August5, 1854. CONTENTS OF VOLUME X. PARTS III, IV. GENERAL REPORT UPON THE ZOOLOGY OF THE SEVERAL PACIFIC RAILROAD ROUTES. ZOOLOGICAL PORTION OF THE REPORTS, BY LIEUTENANT E. G. BECKWITH, THIRD ARTILLERY, UPON THE ROUTE NEAR THE THIRTY-EIGHTH AND THIRTY-NINTH PARALLELS, SURVEYED BY CAPTAIN J. W. GUNNISON, AND UPON THE ROUTE NEAR THE FORTY-FIRST PARALLEL, SURVEYED BY HIMSELF. Nos. 2-5 OF PART VI OF THE REPORT, BY LIEUTENANT A. W. WHIPPLE, CORPS OF TOPOGRAPHICAL ENGINEERS, UPON THE ROUTE NEAR THE THIRTY-FIFTH PARALLEL. ZOOLOGICAL PORTION OF THE REPORT, BY LIEUTENANT J. G. PARKE, CORPS OF TOPOGRAPHICAL ENGINEERS, UPON THE ROUTE NEAR THE THIRTY-SECOND PARALLEL, FROM THE RIO GRANDE TO THE PIMAS VILLAGES. 1853-4. PART IV OF THE REPORT, BY LIEUTENANT R. S. WILLIAMSON, CORPS OF TOPOGRAPHICAL ENGINEERS, UPON ROUTES IN CALIFORNIA TO CONNECT WITH ROUTES NEAR THE THIRTY-FIFTH AND THIRTY- SECOND PARALLELS. No. 4 OF PART IV OF THE REPORT, BY LIEUTENANT HENRY L. ABBOT, CORPS OF TOPOGRAPHICAL ENGI NEERS, UPON THE ROUTES IN OREGON AND CALIFORNIA, EXPLORED BY PARTIES UNDER THE COMMAND OF LIEUTENANT R. S. WILLIAMSON, CORPS OF TOPOGRAPHICAL ENGINEERS, IN 1855. EXPLORATIONS AND SURVEYS FOR A RAILROAD ROUTE FROM THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER TO THE PACIFIC OCEAN. WAR DEPARTMENT. GENERAL REPORT THE ZOOLOGY SEVERAL PACIFIC RAILROAD ROUTES, WASHINGTON, D. C. 1857. PART III EXPLORATIONS AND SURVEYS FORA RAILROAD ROUTE FROM THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER TO THE PACIFIC OCEAN. WAR DEPARTMENT. REPTILES: BY SPENCER F. BAIRD, ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. WASHINGTON, D. C 1859. 2A

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