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Re merdt of chore spe kenenined La ea Wosge eat of , _ aah. \ Parody woe : Werarpars Joykcishas Pobtin Govt, of Weat Boneat ‘Libresp >» on a 2 x05 rap ne at BARAT Ewe be fr than wll iG, ready ea will inital. 235 for lightening, read Ughentogs 10, for worn expolted, read was expedted, ‘after the words not imported, infert« comase, 9) afte the ord lmpectattoa, dele eoromna, 2) fam the hottam, for clsimaat’s, vad the elaimant’s, 15, after the word courte, ifead ofa femnieolon ule x comma, ¥y ier the sword veal lQteed of famicom utes Full point mungiay for The Priccipey reed The Prinripe Athaslante, "bbe ay fer profinu-tution, rxad profecutieas ge Jo ad, reat as, ngs sCer the word treaties dle femlenom —” ‘fr tation, read exptore, 126, for atc mot provediod, sat In aot protaed. 154, f07 ia fecaign ger, read ia a Forcign ponte ‘The Reader ts sequedted to corredh, by thia Table, an ceratara io No. 12, 94 the Admiralty Reporter ent ejcosinsanece “Apoendiz, page 4 line ray far eontinusoces REPORTS, PRYERSINED 1W TE HIGH COURT OF ADMIRALTY, - Be, MANILLA, Banazr. ad YF PUUIS was a queftion arifing on the conflyudtion rac ant pice of the fourth claufe of the Order in Council of 10% 2ra the 1th of November 1807, as applied to thofe parts “ of St, Daminge, which had been wrelted from the til enemy by the infurgent negroes ; the relaxation of samen the general prohibition to trade with the enemy con. 5402 $"¢ tained in that glaufe being limited to the dive voyage Chet between the enemy's colony and the country to which Boateate, the neutral velfel belongs, or fome free port in His ‘Majefty’s Colonies. For the Captors the King’s Advocate and Arnold ‘ contended.—That the queftion hat already been dif ~ Poted of by the devifion of the Court of Appeals * ines Lat 37 the cafes of the Dart and Hapsy Couple, in which it was held that notwithitanding the unfettled fate, of Se. Domingo, it was ftill in point of law under the due minion of France, and muft be confidered 2s an VOk. Ie 3 enemy's 2 CASES DETERMINED IN THE enemy's colony. That this American thip was trading, from St. Domingo to Goitenburg, and confequently ‘under thofe decifions was engaged in a commerce pro- hibited by the Order in Council. For the Claimanis Lawrence and Swabey.—The Dart and Lappy Couple were eaptured early in the Year tog, and the Lords decided thole cafes with Teference to the time of capuire.—"They could not take upon themieives to determine sunt any part of S¥. Domingo was to be confidered at that period as not partaking of the general charadter of the colony, as it had not been fo declared by Lis Majelly’s Go. spared vernment *. But there are Orders in Council which bave iffued ful.foquenily to the capture of thofe veffels, permitting Brith fubje€ts to trade to thole ports of St. Deminga which are not in the polleffion or under the dominion of the enemy, and if by thefe orders Britifa fubjesis ave permitted to frequent fuch pars of the colony, they afcribe a difing&t charaéter to the places fo excepted, of which neutrals are entitled to avail themfelves equally with the fabjedts of this country. Funanext. Sir Wiliam Scatt-—This was the cale of a voll failing under American colours and captured Decenm ber ith, 1807, on a voyage from Port au Prince in the ifland Se. Domingo to Gottenburg. Tt was di. redted to ftand over until a queftion upon the national charaéter of that calony fhould be determined in the fuperior Court; becaufe, if S¢.Dominge is to be deemed hoflite, alt particular parts of the ifland as well as the whole yenerally, this hip with her cargo, would be fubjedt HIGH COURT OF ADMIRALTY. fubjeft to confifcation ay trading to a port not of her owa country from a colonial pott of the enemy. The peculiar circunaftances of the iand, which are well known, gave rife to that queftion ; feveral parts of it had been in the adtua! poffsifion of infurgent negroes, who hai detached them, as far as a€hual occupancy could do, from the smother country of France and ite authority, and maintained within thofe parts at lealt, an independent government of their own, And al. though this new power had not been diredtly and formally recognized by any exprels treaty, the Brith Government had fhewn a favourable difpofition to wards it on the ground of its common oppofition to France, and feemed to tolerate an intercourfe that carried with it a pacific and cven friendly complexion. Je was contended therefore, that $1, Deniingo could not be confidered as a colony of the enemy. ‘The Court of Appeal however decided, though after long delibe. vation and swith much expreffed reluance, shat no- thing bad been declared or done by the Brizith Gos vernment that could autliorize a Brith wibunal to confider this ifland generally, or parts of it, (notwith. fanding a power hoftile to Frunce had eflablithed ite felf within it, to that degree of force and with that Kind of allowance from fome other fates), as beiug other than (Hill a colony or parts of a colony of the enemy. ‘There can be no doubt that the (zie legal principle of that decifion was corrett; and yet at the fame time, if éircumftances can be pointed out in this Cafe for a favourable diftindtion, the Court would not be difinclined to adopt it, without meaning to recede from or to enervate that principle. It ‘turns out that fubfequent to the occurrence of thofe cafes, though Prior Co their deterznination, certain orders and inftrace Ba tion

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