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Report on two rare Myostenostomum species (Platyhelminthes: Catenulida) from the Volga River Basin PDF

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Preview Report on two rare Myostenostomum species (Platyhelminthes: Catenulida) from the Volga River Basin

ZOOSYSTEMATICA ROSSICA, 26(2): 199–204 25 DECEMBER 2017 Report on two rare Myostenostomum species (Platyhelminthes: Catenulida) from the Volga River Basin Сообщение о двух редких видах Myostenostomum (Platyhelminthes: Catenulida) из Волжского бассейна R.P. TOKINOVA* & S.V. BERDNIK Р.П. ТОКИНОВА, С.В. БЕРДНИК R.P. Tokinova, Research Institute for Problems of Ecology and Mineral Wealth Use of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, 28, Daurskaia str., Kazan 420087, Russia. E-mail: [email protected] S.V. Berdnik, Research Institute for Problems of Ecology and Mineral Wealth Use of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, 28, Daurskaia str., Kazan 420087, Russia. E-mail: [email protected] Two rare catenulid species, Myostenostomum vanderlandi Rogozin, 1992 and M. bulbocauda- tum Luther, 1960, were found in reservoirs of the Volga-Kama Biosphere Reserve (Middle Volga Basin, Russia) during a survey of microturbellaria in 2013. Both the species were record- ed for the first time in the fauna of the Volga Basin, while M. vanderlandi, previously known only from water bodies of South America, was first found in the Holarctic. The morphological characters and geographical distribution of the species are discussed. При проведении исследований в 2013 году, в составе микротурбеллярий водоемов Волжско-Камского природного биосферного заповедника (бассейн Средней Волги, Рос- сия) обнаружены две редкие катенулиды Myostenostomum vanderlandi Rogozin, 1992 и M. bulbocaudatum Luther, 1960. Оба вида впервые отмечены в фауне Волжского бассейна, при этом M. vanderlandi, ранее известный лишь из водоемов Южной Америки, впервые указывается для Голарктики. Обсуждаются особенности морфологии и географического распространения обнаруженных видов. Key words: Republic of Tatarstan, Volga-Kama Biosphere Reserve, Lake Shatunikha, micro- turbellarians, Myostenostomum bulbocaudatum, Myostenostomum vanderlandi, new records Ключевые слова: Татарстан, Волжско-Камский заповедник, озеро Шатуниха, микротур- беллярии, Myostenostomum bulbocaudatum, Myostenostomum vanderlandi, новые находки INTRODUCTION nostomum for three species, Myostenosto- mum tauricum (Nasonov, 1923), M. bulbo- Catenulida is a group of freshwater caudatum Luther, 1960, and M. fasciatum (with few exceptions) microturbellar- (Vejdovsky, 1880). The main character of ians (Platyhelminthes) which reproduce these species distinguishing them from Ste- mainly by transverse fission of the body nostomum is the presence of a muscular gut (paratomy) and form chains of two or more that is the thickening around the proximal zooids. Stenostomum Schmidt, 1848 is the part of the intestine formed by multilayered largest of the catenulid genera, including muscle fibers (Luther, 1960). Based on this more than fifty known species (Noreña et character, eight species are currently placed al., 2005, Damborenea et al., 2011). In 1960, into the genus Myostenostomum, and among A. Luther described a new genus Myoste- them five are known from Europe: M. bul- bocaudatum, M. fasciatum, M. ilmenicum * Corresponding author. Rogozin, 1992, M. lutheri Rogozin, 1992, © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes 200 R.P. TOKINOVA & S.V. BERDNIK. REPORT ON TWO RARE MYOSTENOSTOMUM SPECIES and M. lutetianum (de Beauchamp, 1948). a cattle watering place. The opposite shores Two species, M. vanderlandi Rogozin, 1992 are covered with trees and bushes; vegeta- and M. marcusi Rogozin, 1992, are known tion of the coastal strip is represented here from South America and one, M. gigerium by reedmace (Typha sp.). (Kepner et Carter, 1931) is recorded for Microturbellarians were collected man- North America (Luther, 1960; Rogozin, ually by washing from aquatic plants grow- 1992, 2012; Artois et al., 2013). ing near the lake shores. Worms were trans- Two representatives of the genus, M. il- ported to the laboratory, where they were menicum and M. bulbocaudatum, are known studied under the microscope LOMO MIC- in the fresh waters of Russia in the southern MED–5. Worms were photographed using Urals (Rogozin, 1992, 2012). Members of the ToupTek UCMOS05100KPA C-mount this genus can also be found in the Crimean camera. Species identification was carried Peninsula from which N.V. Nasonov (1924) out on alive specimens using the taxonomic described M. tauricum. However, it is diffi- diagnoses of A. Luther (Luther, 1960) and cult to judge to which species the Crimean A.G. Rogozin (Rogozin, 1992). specimens belong since the name M. tauri- cum, according to Rogozin (1992), should RESULTS be considered as a nomen dubium. Class CATENULIDA In 2013, two species belonging to the genus Myostenostomum, M. vanderlandi Family STENOSTOMIDAE and M. bulbocaudatum, were found during Genus Myostenostomum Luther, 1960 a survey of microturbellaria in reservoirs of the Volga-Kama State Natural Biosphere Myostenostomum vanderlandi Reserve (the Middle Volga Basin, Russia). Rogozin, 1992 In this paper, we present the data on find- (Fig. 1A–D) ings of these species and discuss their mor- Material examined. Russia: Republic of Ta- phological characters and the geographical tarstan, Volga-Kama Reserve, Middle Volga distribution. Basin, Lake Shatunikha, on coastal vegetation, 12.IX.2013, S.V. Berdnik, R.P. Tokinova leg., one MATERIAL AND METHODS specimen studied alive (11 photos, 2 videos). Remarks. The first representatives of Specimens of the genus Myostenosto- this species were found by the Dutch zo- mum were found on Sept. 12, 2013 in Lake ologist Jacob van der Land in the vicinity Shatunikha (N55°55´44´´, E48°46´29´´), of Paramaribo (Suriname, South America) located in the vicinity of Belo-Bezvodnoye during research on freshwater meiobenthos Setllm., in the guard zone of the Raifa (Land, 1970). In his paper, the author fig- cluster of the Volga-Kama State Natural ured the habitus of Myostenostomum sp. but Biosphere Reserve. The lake is a drainless refrained from giving a name to a poorly basin of suffosive origin with a small area examined species. The name for the new (1.2 ha) and a maximum depth of three m. species and its description was given after a The lake water belongs to the hydrocarbon- quarter of a century by another researcher. ate class of the calcium group of waters; the A.G. Rogozin, studying the microturbellari- total hardness is characterised as soft. The ans in the southern Urals, conducted a brief active reaction of the medium is close to revision of the genus Myostenostomum and neutral. The quality of water corresponds described the worm depicted in the figure to the category of “slightly polluted waters” of van der Land as a new species, M. vander- (Unkovskaya et al., 2002). The lake shores landi (Rogozin, 1992). in the western and north-western parts are Description. The studied specimen with- flat and open, used as lands for grazing and out the genital system and consisting of two © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 26(2): 199–204 R.P. TOKINOVA & S.V. BERDNIK. REPORT ON TWO RARE MYOSTENOSTOMUM SPECIES 201 Fig. 1. Myostenostomum vanderlandi Rogozin, 1992. A, habitus of alive specimen; B, anterior end of body (arrangement of brain lobes is shown on the right); C, posterior end of body; D, muscular gut region. For abbreviations see text. Scale bars: 200 μm (A), 50 μm (B, C, D). zooids. By the main structural features, it is (Fig. 1A, 1C). Ciliated pits (cp) 35 μm in similar to van der Land’s figure of Myoste- width. Muscular gut [or ‘Muskeldarm’ by nostomum sp. in thin and vermiformly elon- Luther (1960)] (Fig. 1D) well developed, gated body with caudal appendage. Body 45 μm long in anterior zooid and not yet colouration light brown, except for colour- formed in posterior zooid. less muscular gut. Body length reaching Pharynx (ph) well separated from ante- 1.3 mm in motion, while tail length 65 μm rior part of intestine (i) [‘Darm’ by Luther © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 26(2): 199–204 202 R.P. TOKINOVA & S.V. BERDNIK. REPORT ON TWO RARE MYOSTENOSTOMUM SPECIES (1960)], 60 μm in length. Protonephridium Myostenostomum bulbocaudatum (pr) terminating in nephridiopore on tail Luther, 1960 base. According to Rogozin (1992), the (Fig. 2A–E) brain structure is the most reliable feature Material examined. Russia: Republic of Ta- for the recognition of the Myostenostomum tarstan, Volga-Kama Reserve, Middle Volga species. Brain in studied specimen generally Basin, Lake Shatunikha, on coastal vegetation, corresponding to structure of M. vanderlan- 12.IX.2013, S.V. Berdnik, R.P. Tokinova leg., two di brain (Fig. 1B). Divided anterior lobes specimens studied alive (25 photos, 4 videos). (ab) of trapezoidal shape; seven metameric Description. Both the examined speci- ganglia (mg) in lateral chains adjoining to mens without the genital system and consist them anteriorly. Posterior lobes shaped like of two zooids. Length of worms in motion unpaired triangular ganglia (pb) with apex reaching 1.5 mm (specimen 1) and 2.0 mm directed anteriad and adjoining to anterior (specimen 2). Colour light brown, except- lobes. Small elongated additional ganglia ing colourless muscular gut (Fig. 2A, 2B). (ag) adjoining to lateral angles of posterior Body of cylindrical shape, somewhat nar- ganglia. Refractile bodies absent. rowed and rounded at anterior end. Poste- Distribution. Republic of Suriname riorly body ends with dorsal caudal append- (Land, 1970), Russia [Republic of Tatar- age of 65 (specimen 1) to 200 (specimen stan, Volga-Kama Biosphere Reserve (new 2) μm long. Tail narrowing distally, with record)]. base conically widened (Fig. 2C, 2D). In Fig. 2. Myostenostomum bulbocaudatum Luther, 1960. A, habitus of alive specimen 1; B, divided alive specimen 2; C, D, posterior end of body with ventral protuberance [indicated by arrow] (C) and dorsal caudal appendage (D); E, scheme of brain structure. For abbreviations see text. Scale bars: 200 μm (A, B), 50 μm (C, D), 100 μm (E). © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 26(2): 199–204 R.P. TOKINOVA & S.V. BERDNIK. REPORT ON TWO RARE MYOSTENOSTOMUM SPECIES 203 specimen 2, ventral surface of body inferior- This can be concluded, for example, from ly base of tail with small protuberance indi- the following characters. Our specimen has cating second small tail. Muscular gut most seven pairs of metameric ganglia instead of powerfully developed in anterior zooids, its five to six pairs of ganglia in the figure of length reaching 140 μm (specimen 1) and van der Land; the anterior paired lobes have 250 μm (specimen 2), whereas it looking a trapezoidal shape instead of an elongated like narrow ring in posterior zooids. Cili- oval-triangular shape. Unfortunately, it is ated pits large, 80 μm (specimen 1) and 110 difficult to judge whether the revealed dif- μm (specimen 2) in length, lying dorsolater- ferences fit the range of intraspecific vari- ally on anterior end of body. Mouth opening ability of M. vanderlandi brain structures rounded, with folded margins. Pharynx well because the only one specimen is available. developed, cone-shaped. Short anterior part As for another species, all the listed mor- of intestine better developed in specimen 2. phological features clearly indicate that the Anterior brain lobes (ab) dentate and ad- studied worms belong to M. bulbocaudatum jacent to ciliated pits (cp). Posterior lobes described by Luther (1960) from Southern and transverse cerebral commissure fused, Finland. We consider it is possible to com- forming arcuate ganglion (pb) with vertex ment the recent new record of M. bulbocau- directed anteriad and adjacent to anterior datum for Ukraine by Kanana (2016). Ap- lobes (Fig. 2E). Refractile bodies absent. parently, the species identification in this Anomopods from the family Chydoridae paper is dubious by reason of the presence (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Cladocera) was in the brain of the Ukrainian specimens of found in the intestine of worms. two anterior chains with ten metameric Distribution. Southern Finland (Luther, ganglia which are actually absent in M. bul- 1960); Russia [Chelyabinsk Prov., Lake bocaudatum. This feature in the structure of Baraus (Rogozin, 2012); Republic of Ta- the brain, as well as the presence of the cau- tarstan, Volga-Kama Biosphere Reserve, dal appendage, brings these specimens clos- Lake Shatunikha (new record)]. er to M. vanderlandi. However, the available data are not sufficient to identify it exactly DISCUSSION with any known representative of Myoste- The catenulids species M. vanderlandi nostomum. Therefore, obtaining sufficient and M. bulbocaudatum found in the Volga- amount of material for comparison and Kama Reserve (Lake Shatunikha) were searching for the most informative criteria recorded for the first time in the fauna of for the reliable recognition of Myostenosto- the Volga River Basin. M. vanderlandi, pre- mum species are important tasks. Molecular viously recorded only once from Suriname techniques can prove to be extremely prom- (the Atlantic coast of South America), was ising tools to overcome taxonomic problems first found in the Holarctic. Any species in the recognition of Myostenostomum. common for two or more zoographical re- gions were previously unknown among the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Myostenostomum. The remoteness of the We would like to thank A.G. Rogozin for his newly identified species population from support with the identification of species. the former natural habitat of M. vander- landi can be explained by the poverty and geographical heterogeneity of knowledge REFERENCES about the microturbellarians taxonomic di- Artois T., Schockaert E. & Tyler S. 2013. World versity in the world. We also do not exclude checklist of freshwater Turbellaria [online]. the possibility that another species morpho- Available from: http://fada.biodiversity.be/ logically resembling to M. vanderlandi can group/show/3 [updated 7 February 2013; hide under the form from Lake Shatunikha. viewed 29 March 2017]. © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 26(2): 199–204 204 R.P. TOKINOVA & S.V. BERDNIK. REPORT ON TWO RARE MYOSTENOSTOMUM SPECIES Damborenea C., Brusa F., Almagro I. & Nore- Nasonov N.V. 1924. On the fauna of Turbellaria ña C. 2011. A phylogenetic analysis of Ste- rhabdocoelida of the Crimea. Izvestiya Rossi- nostomum and its Neotropical congeners, yskoy Akademii Nauk, 18(1–11): 35–46. (In with a description of a new species from the Russian). Peruvian Amazon Basin. Invertebrate Sys- Noreña C., Damborenea C. & Brusa F. 2005. tematics, 25: 155–169. A taxonomic revision of South Ameri- Kanana Y. 2016. Myostenostomum bulbocau- can species of the genus Stenostomum datum (Catenulida, Stenostomidae): new O. Schmidt (Platyhelminthes: Catenulida) for Ukraine, rare for the World. Zootaxa, based on morphological characters. Zoologi- 4066(1): 85–87. cal Journal of the Linnean Society, 144(1): Land J., van der. 1970. Kleine dieren uit het 37–58. zoete water van Suriname: Verslag van een Rogozin A.G. 1992. A short revision of Myoste- onderzoek in 1967 [Small animals from the nostomum (Turbellaria, Catenulida). Zoolo- freshwater of Suriname. Report on an Inve- gicheskiy Zhurnal, 71(10): 5–11. (In Rus- stigation in 1967]. Zoologische Bijdragen, 12: sian). 3–46. (In Dutch). Rogozin A.G. 2012. New and rare species of Luther A. 1960. Die Turbellarien Ostfennoskan- Turbellaria Archoophora (Catenulida and diens. I. Acoela, Catenulida, Macrostomida, Macrostomida) for the Russian fauna. Zoolo- Lecithoepitheliata, Prolecithophora, und gicheskiy Zhurnal, 91(6): 643–647. (In Rus- Proseriata. Fauna Fennica, 7. Helsinki. 155 p. sian). Received 2 May 2017 / Accepted 5 Dec. 2017 Editorial responsibility: D.A. Gapon © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 26(2): 199–204

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