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REPORT ON THE 1990 INDUSTRIAL DIRECT DISCHARGES IN ONTARIO .VOLUME II DATA FOR INDIVIDUAL PLANT PERFORMANCE JULY 1992 Environment Environnement CJ Ontario ISSN 0838-519X REPORT ON THE 1990 INDUSTRIAL DIRECT DISCHARGES IN ONTARIO Volume II : Data for Individual Plant Performance Appendices Report Prepared By: Water Resources Branch in co-operation with Regional Operations Division Ontario Ministry of the Environment JULY 1992 0 Cette publication technique if est disponible qu' en anglais. Copyright: Queen' s Printer for Ontario, 1992 This publication may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes with appropriate attribution. Log 92-2310-042 PIBS 1957E Copyright Provisions and Restrictions on Copying: This Ontario Ministry of the Environment work is protected by Crown copyright (unless otherwise indicated), which is held by the Queen's Printer for Ontario. It may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes if credit is given and Crown copyright is acknowledged. It may not be reproduced, in all or in part, part, for any commercial purpose except under a licence from the Queen's Printer for Ontario. For information on reproducing Government of Ontario works, please contact Service Ontario Publications at coyri,htC«ntari.<< ENTEREO JUL 1 3 2003 MOE Standards Develop= Branch LIBRARY wilMat"M s PAGE NOTES ON APPENDIX A 3 APPENDICES A Wastewater Discharge Summary Sheets A-1 B Alphabetical List of Sources B-1 C List of Sources by Major Watershed Basin C-1 D Sources in MISA Industrial Sectors D-1 E Pollutants and their Significance E-1 E.1 Physical E-1 E.2 Chemical E-1 E.3 Microbiological E-2 EA Radiological E-2 E.5 Hazardous Pollutants E-3 0 F Federal and Provincial Guidelines and Regulations F-1 F.1 Control Order or Requirement and Direction F-1 F.2 Certificate of Approval F-1 F.3 Objectives for the Control of Industrial Waste Discharges in Ontario (Provincial) F-1 F.4 Liquid Effluent Guidelines for the Petroleum Refining Industry (Provincial) F-2 F.5 Guidelines for Environmental Control in the Ontario Mineral Industry (Provincial) F-3 F.6 Pulp and Paper Effluent Regulations (Federal) F-3 F.7 The Chlor-Alkali Mercury Liquid Effluent Regulations (Federal) F-3 F.8 AECB Licence Limits (Federal) F-4 F.9 Metal Mining Liquid Effluent Regulations and Guidelines (Federal) F-4 F.10 Interim Pulp and Paper Effluent Guidelines (Provincial) F-4 F.11 Guidelines for the Control of Industrial Phosphorus Discharges in Liquid Effluents F-5 G Ontario Ministry of the Environment Regional and District Offices G-1 2 NOTES ON APPENDIX A Appendix A is composed of the Wastewater Discharge Summary Sheets which contain specific information on each discharger, and their data tables. Wastewater Discharge Summary Sheets 1) The name of the discharger and the municipality in which the plant is located. 2) The 10 digit code used to identify the company in the Ministry of the Environment's Industrial Monitoring Information System (DES) and the Sample Information System (SIS) data bases. 3) The Ministry of the Environment Region and the District Office that deals with the discharger. 4) Its MISA sector name. 5) The receiving water body. 6 The Standard Industry Classification code (SIC) and a brief description of the industrial activity. 7) Effluent characteristics as related to the industrial activity. 8) Effluent treatment equipment and systems. 9) The discharge type, or nature of the flow-continuous or intermittent; the means of discharge-surface, open pipe, submerged diffuser, or drainage ditch, and the number of discharge points. 10) What the company limits,. which may be a guideline or a requirement, are set by. 11) A compliance summary statement under Exceedances for each discharger based on the number of individual limits exceeded out of the total number of parameters monitored with limits. 12) Any remedial actions that may have been taken to correct problems that have caused the discharge to exceed the allowable limits. E 3 E 13) Any additional comments on the effluent which may help to explain the nature of the exeeedance, in particular where the actual pollutant value was exceeded. Toxicity test information is also presented for those companies that have performed toxicity analysis. Data Tables The individual discharge points or pipes for each source are shown, if 1) there is more than one discharge pipe. 2) Compliance is assessed as in previous Reports. For some sources, compliance is judged on one or two key discharges, although more discharge pipes are reported. In some cases, the legal limit is based on net loadings and compliance is assessed using net loadings. 3) The average monthly effluent flow discharged by the source. 4) The average monthly pollutant load discharged by the source, and limits which may be a guideline, a legal number (set by Control Order, Requirement and Direction, Certificate of Approval or Federal Regulation). Some discharges are seasonal and, thus, twelve monthly results are not available. Some pollutants are measured on a quarterly C or semi-annual basis. S) Data on pollutants which are monitored but which there are no limits. The data tables in Appendix A have been printed from the Ministry's Industrial Monitoring Information System (I IIS) and from the Sample Information System (SIS). Multiple data tables may be reported for some sources. This is because some industries submitted data as required by control orders or certificates of approval, and submitted data as required by the MISA Monitoring program. The control orders, or certificates of approval (C. of A.) may have specified sampling frequencies greater than the MISA monitoring program, and/or parameters not required by MISA. The order of data table presentation in this report is: 1. data table used for compliance assessment 2. data table obtained from MISA monitoring regulations and presented here for comparison purposes. Where there are differences in data values between the two tables they can be attributed to the difference in number of samples reported and/or to the 0 method of calculating the monthly average loadings between the MISA program and the control order or C. of A. 4 The following example shows the format used for chemical parameters C reported on the data tables: PHOSPHOR UNF. TOT KG/DAY (PPUT) PHOSPHOR UNF. TOT is `phosphorus unfiltered total'. Some of the chemical parameter names are abbreviated due to lack of space in the name field in the I IIS/SIS databases. KG/DAY in this example is kilograms per day and represents a loading value. Other units used are M3/DAY (cubic metres day) for flow; MG/L (milligrams per litre), UG/L (micrograms per litre) and NG/L (nanograms per litre) for concentration. (PPUT) is the Ministry Laboratory parameter code for `phosphorus unfiltered total'. ACTUAL is the preralculated loading value provided by industry to the Ministry of the Environment. CALC is the loading value calculated by the Ministry of the Environment from MISA sample results provided by industry through the MISA monitoring program. The following list shows parameter names which may be described by alternate names in this report. Column A shows those chemical parameter names as they appear in Appendix A while Column B shows the same parameter as it appears elsewhere in the report. Column A Column B BOD5 BIOCHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND CHEM. OX. DEMAND CF M IICAL OXYGEN DEMAND K'DAHL N KJELDAHL NITROGEN NH3-N AMMONIA-NITROGEN; AMMONIA NO2 +NO3N NITRITES AND Nn RATES N03-N NITRATES RESIDUE FILTERED DISSOLVED SOLIDS RESIDUE PARTIC. TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS; SUSPENDED SOLIDS; TSS; SS RESIDUE TOTAL TOTAL SOLIDS SOLVENT EXTRACT. OIL AND GREASE TEMP RISE TEMPERATURE RISE 5 Further information on parameter codes used in the discharge data tables is available from: Laboratory Services Branch Laboratory Computer Systems - Quality Assurance Section 125 Resources Road, Readale, Ontario WW 5L1 Phone: (416) 235-5840 E 6 WASTEWATER DISCHARGE SUMMARY 1990 COMPANY NAME: Abitibi-Price Inc. I M I S N O .. 0000860403 & PLANT LOCATION: Iroquois Falls Division, Iroquois Falls MOE REGION: Northeast DISTRICT: Timmins INDUSTRIAL SECTOR: Pulp and Paper SIC CODE: 031, 271 RECEIVING WATERBODY: DIRECT: Abitibi River INDIRECT: Moose River to James Bay DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY: Logs and wood chips (softwoods - black spruce, jack pine, balsam fir) are converted into newsprint by two different processes - stone ground wood and sulphite. The ground wood is brightened by hydrosulphite. EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS: Contains suspended solids (bark, wood, paper) and a variety of organic compounds in the spent sulphite cooking liquor. EFFLUENT TREATMENT: In-mill screens remove some bark and ground wood fibre prior to the clarifiers. Two clarifiers in parallel are used to remove solids. DISCHARGE TYPE: Continuous outfall. COMPANY LIMITS SET BY. CONTROL ORDER (EFFECTIVE DATE): (August 1, 1985) In 1985 a control order was issued to the company setting limits of 9.0 tonnes/day and 69.0 tonnes/day for suspended solids (RSP) and Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) respectively, averaged over 30 consecutive working days, with a daily maximum limit of 18.2 tonnes for suspended solids. EXCEEDANCES: Suspended Solids (RSP) (1): The daily maximum limit was exceeded on June 25, 1990 - 24.7 tonnes. REMEDIAL ACTIONS: The company started up a new woodroom in early 1991 which is expected to lower total loading of suspended solids. COMMENTS: An audit sample conducted by MOE indicated this effluent to had been acutely lethal with a 96 hour LC50 of 5.8 %. The data for eleven trout bioassays submitted to MOE under the MISA monitoring regulation in 1990, indicated the total outfall effluent to have been acutely lethal to test fish. Statistically, the percentage effluent required to kill 50 % of the fish by the end of the four days exposure ranged from 6.3 % - 16.7 % effluent. 12/16/91 000086-04-0(3) ABITIBI-PRICE INC., IROQUOIS FALLS DIV. IROQUOIS FALLS REPORT DATE: 7 JAN 92 CONTROL POINT: 0100, FINAL DISCHARGE 1990 NET DATA ANNUAL TOTAL FLOW/LOADING PARAMETERS JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC AVERAGE EXCEEDANCES Ml FLOW ACTUAL 61691 60930 56770 57019 61M 67`011 659TT 70420- - 3311 9---m56 65"T 63BOU M3 /DAY (FTFLOW) GUIDELINE BOO 5 DAY ACTUAL 55200 58700 55800 53300 45900 54800 49400 42900 39600 39200 39800 40400 48158 KG /DAY (NODS ) REQUIREMENT S/C S/C S/C S/C S/C S/C S/C S/C S/C S/C S/C S/C S/C RESIDUE PARTIC. ACTUAL 6900 6900 6200 6800 6700 6700 6600 7000 5200 5900 7000 6100 6500 KG /DAY (RSP ) REQUIREMENT S/C S/C S/C S/C S/C S/C S/C S/C S/C S/C S/C S/C S/C NOTE: S/C - SEE COMMENTS THIS DISCHARGE EXCEEDED ITS INDIVIDUAL MONTHLY LIMITS 1 OUT OF 24, FOR A TOTAL COMPLIANCE RECORD OF 95.8 X IN 1990. 000086-04-0(3) ABITIBI-PRICE INC., IROQUOIS FALLS DIV. IROQUOIS FALLS REPORT DATE: 09 JAN 92 CONTROL POINT: 0100, FINAL DISCHARGE 1990 MISA DATA ANNUAL TOTAL FLOW/LOADING PARAMETERS JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN AX AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC AVERAGE EXCEEDANCES FLOW DAILY Iffear 6218T 60930 56932 59WT 64732 69765 69777 7DOOT 7003T 65149 65114 65265---UW M3 /DAY (FTFLAV) GUIDELINE BOD S DAY CALL 58898 SSW 49501 56887 53513 58221 46542 48162 36855 40048 40577 40521 49049 KG /DAY (GODS ) REQUIREMENT RESIDUE PARTIC. CALC ails 7271 6188 8104 8341 7961 6720 7470 6050 7991 9374 8599 7674 KG /DAY (RSP ) REQUIREMENT THESE LOADING VALUES WERE CALCULATED USING MISA MONITORING REGULATION SAMPLE RESULTS. THEY ARE PRESENTED HERE FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES. t a-t

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