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Report of the United States Deep Waterways Commission [microform] : prepared at Detroit, Michigan, December 18-22, 1896, by the commissioners, James B. Angell, John E. Russell, Lyman E. Cooley PDF

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Preview Report of the United States Deep Waterways Commission [microform] : prepared at Detroit, Michigan, December 18-22, 1896, by the commissioners, James B. Angell, John E. Russell, Lyman E. Cooley

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The last recorded frameon each microfiche Un des symboles sulvantsapparaftra sur la TshIaNlUlEcDo"n)t,aionrtthheessyymmbbooll^y»-(m(emaenainnigng""ENCDO"N)-, dcaesr:nil6eresyimmbaoglesd—e chseiqguniefimeic"rAofSiUcIheV,REs"e,ioniele whicheverapplies. symbols signifie "FIN". Maps, plates, charts, etc., mav be filmed at Lescartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvont Atre different reduction ratios. Tho^Atoo largeto be filmAsA des taux de rAduction diffArents. entirely included in oneexposure are filmed Lorsque ie document esttrop grand pour Atre beginning in the upperleft hand corner, leftto reproduiten un seul clichA, il estfiimAA partir rightand top to bottom, as manyframes as de I'angle supArleurgauche, de gauche A droite, re required. The following diagrams illustratethe etde hauten bas, en prenant ie nombre method: d'images nAcessaire. Les diagrammessuivants illustrent la mAthode. y errata )d to 1 2 3 nt ne pelure, 1900 A 2 3 1 4 5 6 32X ^. ^ompliments of the U. S. Deep Waterways Commission. , A / ,yO ^ James B. AnffclU ^^^^hrU^JLAdy uMjr. - Chicago, October, 1897. 1 REPORT OF THE WMMl llTi STATES BEEP WATERWAYS PRrPARED AT DETROIT, MICHIGAN, DECEMBER 18-22, 1896, BY THTi: COMMISSIONERS, JAMES B. ANGELL, JOHN E. RUSSELL, LYMAN E. COOLEY. ACCOMPANIED BY THE REPORT ON TECHNICAL WORK AND THE SEVERAL TOPICAL REPORTS AND DRAWINGS PERTAINING THERETO. — Januaky 18, 1897. ReferredtothoCommittoe ou Interstateand Foreign Coiumerce, withaccompanying pai)er8, andorderedtobex>iinted. WASHINGTON: CK)VEBNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1897. •><1>1T .^alocC UN :*.liTn CoNGRESf?, ) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ( Document • 2d Hessian. ] \ No. 192. REPORT \ OF THE PREPARED AT DETROIT, MICHIGAN, DECEMBER 18-22, 109G, »Y THE COMMISSIONERS, JAMES B. ANGELL, JOHN E. RUSSELL, LYMAN E. COOLEY. ACCOMPANIED BY THE REPORT ON TECHNICAL WORK AND THE SEVERAL TOPICAL REPORTS AND DRAWINGS PERTAINING THERETO. — January 18, 1897. Referredtotho Committoe on Interfitatoand ForeignCommerce, withaccompanying papers, andorderedtobeprinted. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1897. t. u CONTENTS. #<« Page. Lcttorof traiiHiiiittalfromtliorresiduiitof the (Iiiited StatcH 5 I Letterof Hocretaryof CoiniiiiHsion (> Keportof IbeI'lutctlStateH Deep\VaterwaysCoiumission 7 T«xtofjointreHoliitioii creatiuj;Comiui8.-iiou 7 I'ersouuelof Coiniuissiou 7 Suiuiiiaryof dcductioiiH 14 Thotrunkroute 11 Torniinalroutes It> Limitingconditions 18 Capacity 22 Projects 24 • Miscellaneous 28 Conclusions 29 Keconunendations yo Reporton technical work 33 lutroductiou 33 Scopeof work 33 ExhibitA—Prolilesandmapsofwaterroutes 31 ThoLakesandAtlanticwaterway 31 rrofilesandmaps, listof 31 Introduction 31) (ieneralprofile 11 LakeSuperiortoLakeHuronthroughtheSt.MarysRiver 42 LakeMichigan to LakeHuronthrough tho Straitsof Mackinac 4:{ I^akeHuron to LakeEriethrough tho St.ClairRiver,LakeSt.Clair, an;lDetroitRiver 43 Lake Erieto Lake Ontario through theNiagara Riverand proposed shipcanalandWellandCanal 45 LakeOntariotoLakeSt.Francis^jhrough theSt.LawrenceRiver 45 LakeSt. FrancistoLakeChanipluinandtoMontreal 47 \Mta St. Lawrence RiverfromMontrealtodeepwaterbelow Quebec 48 ThoChamplaiu-Hudsoii Valleyfrom St. Johns,Provin<'e ofQuebec,to TroyDam, New York 40 HudsonRiverfromTroy Dam toAtlantic 0<'ean 49 Lake Ontarioto Hudson RiverthroughtheOswego-Oneida-Mohawk Valley fromOswegotoTroy Dam 50 (ieorgian Bayto LakeOntariothrough Lake Simcoe 50 TheOttawaroutefromGeorgian Hay to Richelieu River 51 Earlycanalsystems 52 Interlakesroute 5-1 WesternNewYork (noprofile) 5H New YorkandPennsylvania (noprofile) 57 M^ Conclusion 57 Appendix '. 58 t

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