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Report of the Deputy Judge Advocate for War Crimes, European PDF

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Preview Report of the Deputy Judge Advocate for War Crimes, European

R E P O R T of the DEPUTY JUDGE ADVOCATE FOR WAR CRIMES June 1944 to July 1948 This report was submitted by the Deputy gJudge Advocate for War Crimes, European Command, Lt, Colonel C, E. Straight, to the Judge Advocate, European Command, Colonel James LoHwbaugh, Jr., pursum.t, to the requirement of letter, Head.qu~;rters,United States Forces, European Theater, to Theater Judge Advocate, f f le AG. 322 JAG-,GO, subject: "~nactivationo f Wax. Crimes Ac;-f;iv%ties", 7 March The report covers the pre-trial and trial, phases of that portion of the war crimes program, dealing with the so-called conventional war crimes cases, conducted by the United States Mflitmy Forces in Europe between the dates June 1944 and July 1948, D~sof'aras the post-trial phase of the program is concerned it covers only the initial reviews and recommendations prepared directby uder the Deputy Judge Advocate for Was GrSmes which smre submitted to the Judge Advocate, United States Forces, European Theater, for his further consideration and action, The report does not deal with the fi~mlr.evfew operatfoim of the Theater Judge Advocate, nor wfth subseque3nt post-f-,riaP action relating to modification and clernemy. Nor does it reflect the legal proceedings thereafter initiated by the aceused In Federal Courts, Accordingly, reference must be made to later reports or other official reco~dsi n order to determine subsequaaz+,action or final disposition of my case. - T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S . . . . . . . . . . . 11. AD1INISTRATION. , 5 A. First Phase 5 B Second Phase 6 C. Third Phase 5' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111. PHASES. , , 13 A. Prelimlmy 13 1. Exploration of Legal Problems 13 2. Mission Directives 14 a. Reports and Investigations 14 b. Apprehension and Detention 1.5 c. Trials 16 d. Extradition 16 3. Operational Responsibility 17 a, Reports and Investigations 17 b. Apprehension and Detention 17 B. First Phase 1. Mission Directives a. Reports and Investigations b. Apprehension and Detention c. Trials 2 Operational Responsibillty a. Judge Advocate.-Sections b. War Crimes Investigating Teams 3. Coordination with Other United Rations C. Second Phase 1. Trial of Leaders of European Axis 2. Mission Directives a. Scope b. Operational Responsibility c. Reports and Investigations d. Apprehension and Detention e. Trials 3. Coordination with Other United Nations 4. Extradition D. Third Phase 1, Operational Responsibility 2. Was Crimes Installations 3. Completion of Mission Table of Contents (contd) -Paxt IT, COIJX@rION AND DEVELOPMENT OF EVIJEJYCE:. 32 0 e 0 0 e A. Collection of Documents 32 B, Investigations 35 . . . . . . . . . . V. APP~SIONANDD~WTION., 40 A. Apprehension 40 B. Detention 42 . . . . . . . . VII, LOP^ OF LEGAL PRIMCIPL;ES , , 52 A. General 52 B, Conventions 54 1, Geneva (Prisoners of war) Convention of 27 July 1929 54 2, Geneva (~edCross) Convention of 27 July 1929 55 3 Hague ConventionNo, IV of 18October 1907 55 4, h e x t o Hague ConventionNo, ITof 18October 1907 55 C, Charges and Particulars 55 E, Jurisdiction 57 1, Offenses Committed Prior to Entry in War 57 2. Offenses Committed Outside US Zones of Oacupation 58 3 Status of Victim 58 4. Double Jeopardy 59 5. civilians ae War Criminals 61 P, common ~esign 61 1, General 61 2, Separate Substantive Offense 62 3, German Tiationals Victims 62 - $8 L Go Superior Orders 63 1, General 63 2. Administrative Regulations 64 H, Certain Questions of Responsibility 64 1, Admfnistratlve Determination of Guilt 64 ' 2, Military Necessity 65 30 Participation inMob Action 65 4, Intervening Killer 66 I1 Table of 'Contents (contd) m m VII. m L O P m OF PRDCIl?rnS (contd) I. Evidence 66 1. General 66 2, Best Evidence Rule 67 3. Reasonable Doubt and Presumption of . Innocence 67 z Judicial Xot:ca /- i 5. Extrajud5cial Sworn Statements J. Conduct of Trial 1, Plea of Guilty 2, Absence of Accused During Trial 3. sentences . . . . . . . . . . VIII, 2GVIEW OF RECORD3 OF TRUL, , , , 71 A. Reviewing Authority 71 B. Reviews and Reeomnda,-bions 71. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IX. EXTRADITION. , 73 a a A. Scope of Mission 73 B. Furnishing Leads to Othsr mations 74 C. Procedure 74 1, Clearances 74 2. Clearances re lndivf duals of Diplomatic Level Interest 75 3. Individuals Located in Austria 76 4. Extradition to Mon-United Mations 77 D. Operatic~s 77 A, Conclusions '19 1. Central Recording Agaxey 79 , 2. Prompf Development of Cases 79 3* bte;~tion 80 4. Ceatralization of 0peraZ:ioml Responsibility 80 5., Type of"Unit 8% . B Recommendations 8s . . . . . . . . . TABL;EOFF0O. T.N O2.E RE.i? ~.C ES.e . . ., . . . . . .a , . . . 83 APPENDICES. , , , , , , 90 - LIST OF mmmICES NUMBER IXESCRIPTION PAGE -=-. I Chart Showing Organization of War Crimes Group 91 in July 1945, I1 Graph Depicting Personnel. Strength of War Crimes 92 Group 1945 to l.948, 111 @hmtS howI- OZ'gaIlf~8ti0ll of W m Cl?iE@8 GPOUP b 93 July 196, IT Table of" Allowanoaa no, 1119 for 7708 War Crimes 94 Group, 28 October 1946, Y General, Orders No, 304, Eeadquarters, United States 102 Poreos, European Thea-ker, 26 October 1946. -tn: General Orders No, 3, Headquarters, 7708 War Crimes 103 Group, Unitsd States Forces, European Theater, 1 ITosember 196, Chart Showing Organization'of War Crimes Group in 110 Decambes 1946, Cfreular 132, Headq&@~~-United Statas Forces, 111 European Theater, subj~c+:'f In~estlgatioazo f" War Grims,' 2 October 19h5, Letter, Eeadydars, UnAted St,ettJes Forces, European 117 Theabr, -B;oTheator Judge Advo~a%@f,ile AG 000,5 GAP-AGO, aubJsolz aPlklfmry-to Other United 6\Tations and Italy of Persons kcused of War Crimes a d o f Witae~sesmd Evidezse Required in the Trial of' Wax Grrime~,"13 SeptxJrnber 19k5, Letter, Headqu&ars, Unii-ked States Forces, European 119 Theater, to Third Unf ted Sha%eaAsmy, file AG O00,5 '' l~'TG-AW, subJeat:: Trfd of War Crimes Cases, 14 October 1946, LgtZ;e.r, Headquarters, European Command., to First I 2; Militmy District, fils AG 383 (WC) ZAG-AGO, subject.: 'gRedesigna%foaa of Cent,ral Suspect and Witness Enclosure," 2% March 1947, GorreIsxtf on and Ree oruag Syatazm. 126 I1 Stanclad Operating F'rocedme No. 3, Headqumters, 135 7708 War Crimes Group, European Comms~nd, s.ubject : "Ga%l aring and Processing of Bulk Enemy Docments," 15 14ay 19b7. Standard Operating Procedure No, 5, Headquarters, 138 7708 War Crimes Grouy, European Command, subject: "F~ocessirgo f 'Reports of War CrimesD and (hvestigatfona of War Crimes' Involving Only llationals of Other Goverszments," 15 May 1947. PiSuggestiona to Investigators of War Crimes, " 141 Headquarters, European Theater of Operations, United States Army, Office of %he Thea,t3r Judge Advocate, 18 April 1943, a d C hange I thereto, 29 Oc tober 1945. XVI: Standard Operating Procedure No, 6, Headqua;r%ers 1.53 7708 War Crimeu Group, European Command, subjact: "Standard Case Ar~~I.ysiNs omenclatures, 15 May 1947. " S t m d ~ dOperating Procedure Hoe 7, Headquarters 157 mx 7708~arCrimesGroup,EuropeanCommand, subject: ''Establishment and Maintemm~eof Priorities in the Development of Cases, " 15 May 1,947. XVIII Graph Depietirg Cases Docketed, Administrat'rvely 160 Closed, and Tried by Wax Crimes Grow 1945 to 1948. XIX Letter, Headquarters, United Sates Forces, 169, ' European Theater, t o Eastern Militmy District, st al,, file AG 2.50,4 JAG-AGO, subject: ''Milftaxy Cornissfom," 23 Angust 1945. XX Exkraot Prom for the Trial of War Crimes 165 and. Relat,ed Gases," 17 July 1-946, as mended, XXI Graph Depiatix~Rates at 'Mklch #a?? Crimes Cases 203 Were Tried and Revi ewed, 1945 to 1-948, XXII Data aa to Cases TrLed, 204 XXIII War Crimes Group Fom No. 21 &~.umma.royf Infomnation 248 ~orm),B eadqu.arters, 7708 War Crimes Group, European C o m a . XXN Tabulat,ion by Nations of Exbrailltion Requests 249 and their DispositTon.. In addition to the other dutiea a ~ rdesponsibilities imposed upon the Judge Advocate, United States Armed Forces in Europe, he -. was &signed the duty of developing the evidence in war crimes case8 and the trial thereof. This operatiion is aptLy described by the . Supreme Court of: the Uai%ed States as a second p h ~ oef war, i,e., the seizing and aubjectinp; to discipline %hose of the enemy who, fn their attempt t o thwart or Impede our military eff orb, violated the law of war, Because of the unprecedented developments in this war, thia task wars wfthout p8rdlal both from the standpoint of its magnitude and the novel questiana of international law involved, This report relative t o the war crimes operation covers the period from June 1944 t o July 1948, The command comprising the United Statas Amed Forcee Ixl Europe was known as "%uropeanTheater of Operations, United S%ates Army," until 1 July 1945; EM 'Wnited States Forces, J3uro~ea.nT heater, from tba%date to 15 PWch 1947; " and ss '!European Command, " following the lakter date, Each of thesa commands ordinarily will, be herei&"&er referred to as the "%wropean Theater." The title of "Cormandiq C&neral." WM applied to the commander of" the firat two eommm~ds, and the title of' "Commander.-in- Chief" is applied t o ths commander 0% the European Command, The commander of each of these commmds ordi~imilyw i l l be hereinafter referred to as the "Theater Comdar, Ti?%Supreme Commander, " Allied ExpedStiomy Force, was also Commanding General, European Theater of Operations, United States Army, The unified command of Allied Expeditionary Force was terminated on 13 July 1945. The Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force, w i l l ordinarily be hereinafter referred to as "SHAE.F," The principal legal officer of the European Theater of Operations, United States Army, and the United Skates Forces, Europeau Theater, was designated as the "Theater Judge Ad~ocate,'~U pon %he organization of the European Commarnd he was designated as the "Judge Advoeate, European Co?ntnand," . The principal legal officer of these three commands w i l l ordinarily , be herairntsr referred to as the "Judge Advocate." In carrybg out the assigned w m crimes mission, the Judge Advoeate operated throngh the WELL- Crimes Group, which formed a part of his off ice, until Ib Novelflber 1946, On that date the War Crimes Group was organized as a unit, designated as ?'7708 War Crimes Group." Both these ageaofes ordinarily w i l l be hereinafter rkferred to as the "War Crimes GroupOgrT he Dcsputy Judge Advocate for War Crimes Ir w i l l ordinarily be hereh-E"tar referred to as "Deputy Judge Advoeate." Ha, was in charge of the War Crimea Group of the Judge Ad~ocate~s Wfiee. Mter the orgdza%iono f 7708 War Crimes Group, the Deputy Judge Ad-sroeate served. cot only as such staff officer of Headquarters, Emapean Theater, but also rn Coumndirg Of'iicer, 7708 War Crimes Group. Because of change3 in the apposite mission directives, in the organization of'war crimes agencies, and in the assignment of

The report covers the pre-trial and trial, phases of that portion of the war crimes program, dealing with the so-called conventional war crimes cases, conducted by
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