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by  T. Kiss
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Reply on the “Comment on ‘Loss-error compensation in quantum-state measurements’ ” T. Kissa, U. Herzogb, and U. Leonhardtc a Research Laboratory for Crystal Physics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, P.O. Box 132, H-1502 Budapest, Hungary b Arbeitsgruppe “Nichtklassische Strahlung”, Institut fu¨r Physik der Humboldt Universit¨at zu Berlin, Rudower Chaussee 5, 12484 Berlin, Germany cAbteilung fu¨r Quantenphysik, Universit¨at Ulm, 89069 Ulm, Germany we could employ multiple runs of compensation or the The authors of the preceding Comment [G. M. D’Ariano analytic continuation of the series (1). In this case no and C. Macchiavello Phys. Rev. A (preceding comment), convergence bound on η does exist and hence loss com- 8 quant-ph/9701009] tried toreestablish a0.5 efficiency bound pensation is possible in principle. 9 for loss compensation in optical homodyne tomography. In In practice, of course, experimental imperfections will 9 our reply we demonstrate that neither does such a rigorous affect the compensation of detection losses [8]. We have 1 boundexistnoristheboundrequiredforrulingoutthestate never claimed that loss compensation is easy [9], in fact, n reconstruction of an individual system [G. M. D’Ariano and a H. P.Yuen,Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 2832 (1996)]. we have stressed [1] that for η < 0.5 other errors are amplified, e.g. the effect of any uncertainty in η itself. J 4 03.65.Bz, 42.50.Dv D’ArianoandMacchiavello[4]consideredtheinfluenceof 1 statistical errors for homodyne measurements. They as- sumedafinitenumberN ofexperiments,i.e. afinitesta- 1 There is little doubt that the compensation of detec- tistical ensemble of individual quantum systems. In this v tion lossesis a numericallydelicate procedure thatis ex- casethe reconstructeddensity matrix hm|ρˆ (N)|ni is meas 8 tremely sensitive to experimental inaccuracies. We have an estimation of the matrix hm|ρˆ |ni with statistical meas 2 shown[1,2],however,thatnoclearefficiencyboundexists error bars calculated according to Ref. [10]. However, 0 beyond that loss compensation is impossible, in contrast as a fundamental axiom of quantum mechanics, the es- 1 0 to a statement in an earlier paper [3]. In the preceding timation must tend to the ensemble average when the 8 Comment[4]D’ArianoandMacchiavellotriedtoreestab- ensemble size approaches infinity. Therefore, if we keep 9 lish a 0.5 bound for the overallefficiency η. the cut-off j in the series (1) at an arbitrarily large, M / InthisReplyweshowthattheiranalysisisincomplete butfixedvalueandincreasethenumberN ofexperimen- h p and that still no in-principle bound exists. Furthermore talruns,wemust approachthe correctresulthm|ρˆsig|ni, - we point out that the existence of such a compensation with an arbitrarily small, fixed systematic error that de- t n bounddoesnotfollowdirectlyfromthe argumentsgiven pendsonlyonthecut-off. D’ArianoandMacchiavello[4] a inRef.[5]wherethe impossibility ofmeasuringthe state didexactlytheopposite. TheyfixedthesizeN ofthesta- u of an individual quantum system was proven. tisticalensembleandincreasedthecut-offj ,andfound M q What is the problem? We have shown [1] that a gen- thattheseriesdivergesforη <0.5. OurFig1. illustrates : v eralized Bernoulli transformationdescribes the influence the influence of varying both j and N. We see clearly M i of detection losses on the density matrix hm|ρˆ|ni that is that the order of the limits j →∞ and N →∞ is im- X M reconstructedfrommeasureddataobtainede.g. fromop- portant. WealsoseethatquitealargenumberN ofruns r a ticalhomodynetomography[6]. Wehavetreatedtheloss is required to produce faithful data for compensating a process separately from the particular detection scheme. lowefficiencyη. D’ArianoandMacchiavello[4]discussed The inversion of the Bernoulli transformation [1] pro- certainly an interesting aspect of loss compensation but, duces the unperturbed density matrix of the signal as we have seen, their analysis was incomplete. Is the compensation bound [3] relevant for some more jM fundamentalfeaturesofquantummechanicsthanmerely hm|ρˆsig|ni= lim Bj(η−1)hm+j|ρˆmeas|n+ji (1) technical points of measurement technology? Does the jM→∞Xj=0 50% bound [3] rule out the state measurement of an in- dividualsystem[5]? Iftheboundexisteditclearlywould, with aswaspointedoutinRef.[5]. Fromtheconclusion,how- m+j n+j 1/2 ever, does not follow the premise. The impossibility of B (η)=η(m+n)/2(1−η)j . (2) measuringthewavefunctiondoesnotimplythatthe50% j (cid:20)(cid:18) m (cid:19)(cid:18) n (cid:19)(cid:21) compensation bound exists. The problem discussed in Ref. [5] is again a matter We have shown [1] that the convergenceof the series (1) of performing limits in the right order. Suppose one is not necessarily restricted to the range 0.5<η ≤1, al- thoughthematrixelementsB (η−1)oftheinversetrans- taps a series of N probe beams from an individual light j mode and performs a state reconstruction using the N formation are divergent if η < 0.5 [7]. Furthermore [2] 1 probes as a statistical ensemble. The effect of tapping, Ref. [12]. i.e. beam-splitting, is equivalent to detection losses [11] [9] U. Leonhardt and H. Paul, J. Mod. Optics 41, 1427 with an efficiency η scaling like N−1. Therefore, when (1994). we attempt to reconstruct the quantum state of the in- [10] U. Leonhardt,M. Munroe, T. Kiss, Th. Richter,and M. dividual light mode we should employ infinitely many G. Raymer,Opt.Commun. 127, 144 (1996). probes, yet with infinitely poor efficiency. Not surpris- [11] U.LeonhardtandH.Paul,Phys.Rev.A48,4598(1993). ingly, we cannot compensate the losses in this situation. [12] U. Leonhardt, Measuring the Quantum State of Light, A general 50% efficiency bound is much too much to be (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1997). required for such a delicate matter. In conclusion, compensation for low overall detection FIGURE CAPTION efficiency is numerically difficult. The value 0.5 for η plays clearly a crucial role [3] because at this value the matrix elements in the inverse Bernoulli transformation Plot of the loss–compensated density–matrix element become unbounded [1]. Our analysis shows, however, ρ00 with varying cut–off jM and ensemble size N. We that 0.5 is neither a rigorous bound for compensating employed the same thermal state with n¯ = 2 as in the lossesinopticalhomodynetomography,noristhisbound preceding Comment [4] and used an efficiency η of 0.48. requiredforrulingoutthe statemeasurementofanindi- We performed Monte–Carlo simulations to model a re- vidual system [5]. alistic experimental situation. First, we reconstructed T.K. acknowledges the support by the National Re- the density matrixhm|ρˆmeas|ni fromN runs ofthe com- search Fund of Hungary (OTKA) under Contract No. puter experiment using the method developed in Ref. F017381and HungarianAcademy of Sciences Grant No. [10]. Then we performed the loss compensation (1) with 96/64-17 and by an Eo¨tv¨os Fellowship. T.K. is grateful varyingcut–offjM. We foundthatforagivenjM there- to Professor W. P. Schleich for his kind hospitality dur- constructed matrix elements ρ00 do approach the actual inghisstayinUlm. U.L.wassupportedbytheDeutsche value of h0|ρˆsig|0i = 0.33 for increasing numbers N of Forschungsgemeinschaft. runs, apart from a small systematic error. On the other hand, if we keep the number N of runs constant and in- crease the cut-off j the matrix element diverges [4], as M canbe seen fromthe behaviorof ρ for N =103. Thus, 00 the order of the limits j → ∞ and N → ∞ is vital to M the loss–compensationprocedures [1,2]. [1] T.Kiss,U.Herzog,andU.Leonhardt,Phys.Rev.A52, 2433 (1995). [2] U.Herzog, Phys.Rev. A 53, 1245 (1996). [3] G.M. D’Ariano, U.Leonhardt,and H.Paul, Phys.Rev. A 52, R1801 (1995). [4] G.M.D’ArianoandC.Macchiavello,Phys.Rev.A(pre- ceding comment),quant-ph/9701009. [5] G. M. D’Ariano and H. P. Yuen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 2832 (1996). [6] ForexperimentsseeforexampleD.T.Smithey,M.Beck, M. G. Raymer, and A. Faridani, Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 1244(1993); M.Munroe,D.Boggavarapu, M.E.Ander- son, and M. G. Raymer, Phys. Rev. A 52, R924 (1995); S.Schiller,G.Breitenbach,S.F.Pereira, T.Mu¨ller, and J.Mlynek,Phys.Rev.Lett.77,2933(1996);G.Breiten- bach,S.Schiller,andJ.Mlynek,Nature387,471(1997). The theory is described in Chapter 5 of Ref. [12]. [7] It is interesting to note that the divergence occurs also foraclassicalparticle–countingprocedure[1].Foraquan- tumdampingprocessa50%lossmarksthecriticalvalue where the Wigner functions of initial states become en- tirely positive, see J. Janszky and T. Kobayashi, Phys. Rev. A 41, 4074 (1990) for a study of Fock states and Ref. [11] for the general case. [8] Other experimental aspects such as a finite number of reference phases and a finite quadrature resolution are analyzedinU.LeonhardtandM.Munroe,Phys.Rev.A 54, 3682 (1996) and in Ref. [10]. See also Section 5.3 of 2 NN 103 110044 110055 110066 110077 0.8 0.6 ρ 00 0.4 0.2 0 00 22 jj 44 MM 66

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