CLINICS2011;66(4):599-605 DOI:10.1590/S1807-59322011000400013 CLINICAL SCIENCE Repeatability of the evaluation of systemic microvascular endothelial function using laser doppler perfusion monitoring: clinical and statistical implications Eduardo Tibiric¸a´,I,II Alessandra SM Matheus,II Bruno Nunes,I,II Sandro Sperandei,III Marilia B. GomesII IDiabetesUnit,StateUniversityofRiodeJaneiro,Brazil.IILaboratoryofCardiovascularInvestigation,OswaldoCruzInstitute,Fiocruz,RiodeJaneiro, Brazil.IIIComputationalBiologyandSystemsProgram,OswaldoCruzInstitute,Fiocruz,RiodeJaneiro,Brazil. OBJECTIVE: An awareness of the repeatability of biological measures is required to properly design and calculate sample sizes for longitudinal interventional studies. We investigated the day-to-day repeatability of measures of systemicmicrovascular reactivity usinglaser Doppler perfusion monitoring. METHODS: We performed laser Doppler perfusion monitoring in combination with skin iontophoresis using acetylcholineandsodiumnitroprussideaswellaspost-occlusivereactiveandthermalhyperemiatwicewithintwo weeks. The repeatability was assessed by calculating the within-subject standard deviations, limits of agreement, typicalerrorsandintra-classcorrelationcoefficientsbetweendays1and2.Theratioofthewithin-subjectstandard deviation to the mean values obtained on days 1 and 2 (within-subject standard deviation/GM) was used to determinethe condition withthebestrepeatability. RESULTS: Twenty-four healthy subjects, aged 24.6¡3.8 years, were recruited. The area under the curve of the vasodilatoryresponsetopost-occlusivereactivityshowedmarkedvariability(within-subjectstandarddeviation/GM =0.83),whiletheareaunderthecurveforacetylcholineexhibitedlessvariability(within-subjectstandarddeviation/ GM =0.52) and was comparable to the responses to sodium nitroprusside and thermal treatment (within-subject standarddeviations/GMof0.67and0.56,respectively).Theareaunderthebloodflow/timecurveforvasodilation during acetylcholine administration required the smallest sample sizes, the area under the blood flow/time curve duringpost-occlusivereactivityrequiredthelargestsamplesizes,andtheareaunderthebloodflow/timecurvesof vasodilation induced bysodiumnitroprusside andthermal treatment requiredintermediate sizes. CONCLUSIONS:Inviewoftheimportanceofrandomerrorrelatedtotheday-to-dayrepeatabilityoflaserDoppler perfusionmonitoring,weproposeanoriginalandrobuststatisticalmethodologyforuseindesigningprospective clinical studies. KEYWORDS: SkinMicrocirculation; LaserDoppler Flowmetry;Clinical Studies;SampleSize. Tibiric¸a´E,MatheusASM,NunesB,SperandeiS,GomesMB.Repeatabilityoftheevaluationofsystemicmicrovascularendothelialfunctionusinglaser dopplerperfusionmonitoring:clinicalandstatisticalimplications.Clinics.2011;66(4):599-605. ReceivedforpublicationonNovember5,2010;FirstreviewcompletedonDecember3,2010;AcceptedforpublicationonJanuary11,2011 E-mail:[email protected] Tel.:55212562-1265 INTRODUCTION nature of endothelial dysfunction, which simultaneously affects the coronary circulation and peripheral vascular Duringthe lasttwodecades,ithasbecome apparentthat beds,7 it has become clear that endothelial dysfunction in endothelial dysfunction is a central phenomenon in the conduitarteries,small-resistancevesselsandthemicrocircu- pathophysiologyofcardiovascularandmetabolicdiseases.1,2 lation can be used as a surrogate marker for coronary Endothelial dysfunction is also considered to be a specific endothelial damage.8,9 Assessing peripheral endothelial marker of atherosclerotic risk3–5 and is now widely recog- function can also be useful for establishing a correlation nized as the earliest clinically detectable indication of between improvements in endothelial function after ther- subclinical atherosclerosis.6 Moreover, due to the systemic apeutic interventions and improvements in cardiovascular outcomes.10–13 Due to the clinical relevance for the prediction of long- Copyright (cid:2) 2011CLINICS–ThisisanOpenAccessarticledistributedunder termcardiovascularrisk,therefore,thereisgrowinginterest thetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttributionNon-CommercialLicense(http:// in assessing endothelial-dependent vasodilatation using which permits unrestricted non- non-invasive techniques.9,14 Skin laser Doppler perfusion commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the originalworkisproperlycited. monitoring(LDPM)coupledwiththedeliveryofvasoactive 599 RepeatabilityofskinlaserDopplerflowmetry CLINICS2011;66(4):599-605 Tibiric¸a´ Eetal. drugs across the skin using iontophoresis is increasingly filled with 200ml of 0.1g/L ACh (Sigma Chemical CO, being used for the clinical evaluation of microvascular USA) dissolved in distilled water and were attached with endothelialfunction.15Nevertheless,theuseofsingle-point thelaserprobetoastandardizedsiteontheforearm(2–3 cm LDPM has some pitfalls that can interfere with its useful- from the wrist) that had no visible veins. The dispersive ness in the clinical setting and possibly preclude compar- electrodewasattachedapproximately15cmawayfromthe isonsofresultsobtainedbydifferentinvestigators.Themain electrophoresis chamber, according to the manufacturer’s concern is the poor reproducibility of the methodology, instructions.Aftermeasuringtherestingflowfor5minutes, which is mainly due to the spatial heterogeneity of skin 4 doses of ACh were delivered using an anodal current bloodflow(forLDPM)16,17anddifferencesinskinresistance (0.1mAfor10,20,40and80seconds,withtotalchargesof1, (for iontophoresis).18 The use of standard, well-defined 2,4and8millicoulombs)at120-secondintervals.Themean experimental protocols and the proper expression of values of the resting flow were considered to be the basal cutaneous blood flow changes in response to different flowvaluesforeachpatient.Usinganewdeliveryelectrode stimuli may improve the reproducibility of LDPM.19 One applied to a different location on the same forearm, four majorconcernistherepeatabilityofthemethodology,given doses of a solution of 0.1 g/L SNP (Sigma Chemical CO, that the sequential assessment of endothelial function is USA) dissolved in distilled water were delivered using a mandatory for evaluating medical interventions in cardio- cathodalcurrent(withthesamechargesandintervalsasfor metabolic diseases. Finally, most studies in the literature ACh). The curves of the microvascular flow increases thatinvestigateendothelialfunctionusingLDPMarecross- induced by ACh and SNP always had a total recording sectional and do not consider the variability of the timeof10minutes:2minutesforeachdoseand2minutesto methodology when calculating the statistical power and reachtheplateauresponseafterthelastdose.Previousdata the sample size. from our group showed that the maximum responses to Thepresentstudywasdesignedtoinvestigatetheday-to- both ACh and SNP occur during this time interval dayrepeatabilityofskinLDPMmeasurementscoupledwith (unpublished observations). physiological and pharmacological local vasodilatory sti- muliinyoung,healthyvolunteers.Inviewofourresults,we Physiological stimulation propose the use of a statistical methodology that takes the After measuring the resting flow for 5 minutes using repeatability of LDPM into consideration when calculating another laser probe (PF 457, Perimed) that had been the sample size for longitudinal clinical and drug-testing positioned at the beginning of the recordings, the post- studies. occlusive reactive hyperemia (PORH) test was performed by placing the cuff of a sphygmomanometer on the distal METHODS portion of the subjects’ arms and achieving arterial occlu- Study design sion by increasing the pressure to 50mmHg above the systolicbloodpressureovera3-minutesinterval(biological This study was performed on 24 healthy volunteers zero). Following the release of the pressure, the maximum without any underlying diseases (hospital employees and flow, time to maximum flow (TM), time to half recovery medicalstudents).Nosubjectsweretakinganymedications, afterhyperemia(TH2)andtheareaunderthePORHcurve and they were all judged to be healthy on the basis of a were measured using a heating probe (PF 457, Perimed). physical examination and routine laboratory screening, UsingPeriSoftforWindows2.5(Perimed,Ja¨rfa¨lla,Sweden), which revealed normal lipid and glycemic profiles. Each subject was studied twice in two weeks (all of the subjects the curve of the PORH was calculated from the release of were tested at 7-day intervals). The testing occurred in the thecuffuntiltheflowvaluehadreturnedtothebasalvalue. morning after a 20-minute rest period; subjects were Themeanvalueoftherestingflowwasconsideredtobethe instructed to assume the supine position in a metabolic basal flow value. unit with a controlled temperature (23¡1uC) after an When the microvascular flow had returned to the basal overnight fast. The subjects were instructed to refrain from value after the PORH (typically 5–10 minutes), we investi- drinkingalcohol-orcaffeine-containingbeveragesandfrom gated the maximal skin microvascular vasodilatation using exercising for at least 12hours before the study. The study prolonged (20 minutes) local heating of the laser probe to was approved by the local ethics committee, and the 44uC.Thebaselinemicrovascularflowvaluewascalculated participants gave written informed consent. as described above. The use of the area under the blood flow/time curve (AUC) for assessing skin microvascular Evaluation of microvascular reactivity to reactivity using LDPM is well validated because it repre- pharmacological stimulation sentstheglobalflowresponsetodifferentphysiologicaland pharmacological stimuli.20–22 The AUC was calculated Endothelium-dependent and -independent perfusion usingPeriSoftforWindows2.5(Perimed,Ja¨rfa¨lla,Sweden). changes resulting from vasodilatation of the skin micro- The four different stimulations described above (ACh, circulation(measuredinperfusionunits,PU=10mV)were SNP, PORHandheating) wereperformed consecutively. noninvasively and continuously evaluated using an LDPM system in combination with iontophoresis (Periflux 5001 and PeriIont, Perimed, Ja¨rfa¨lla, Sweden) of acetylcholine Data and statistical analysis (ACh) and sodium nitroprusside (SNP). Drug-delivery The values obtained for the different parameters are electrodes (PF 383, Perimed) were incorporated into the presented as the mean and standard deviation for each head of the laser probe (PF 481-1, Perimed), and the probe study day. An analysis of the day-to-day repeatability was temperaturewasstandardizedto32uCtoavoidvariationsin carried out using the limits of agreement (LA), within- skintemperatureand,consequently,inthemeasurementsof subject standard deviation (WSSD), typical error (TE) and microvascular flow. The drug-delivery electrodes were intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). 600 CLINICS2011;66(4):599-605 RepeatabilityofskinlaserDopplerflowmetry Tibiric¸a´ Eetal. The WSSD was calculated as the standard error of each Microvascular reactivity and systematic error subject’smeasurementsbetweenday1and2andisgivenby Therewerenosignificantintra-subjectdifferencesbetween sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Pn Pd ðxij{xjÞ2 thebaselinemeasurementsoneachofthestudydays(Table1). WSSD~ i~1j~1 ,where n is the sample size and d is The mean baseline values for skin microvascular flow were n 4.0¡2.1 PU (day 1) and 4.0¡1.9 PU (day 2) (P=0.74). The thenumberofmeasurementsobtainedforeachsubject.The AUC values werenot significantlydifferent betweendays1 WSSD wasusedinthe calculations ofthe sample sizes. and 2 for the ACh (10937.37¡7010.15 and 9079.15¡5462.00 Thetypicalerrorwascalculatedasdescribedpreviouslyby Hopkins23 and is given by the formula TE~psdiffidfffiffi. The P64U8,1.P20=0P.2U2,)Pan=d0.4S0N)Pad(1m28in0i8s.t4r2a¡tio1n1s8.19T.h00e aAnUdC10a8b3s1o9l2u¡te standarddeviationofthedifferencesbetweenmeasurements values were also not significantly different between days 1 (theday-to-dayrepeatability)isdividedbythesquarerootof and2forthePORH(706.97¡418.15and875.06¡796.36PU, thenumberofmeasurements(twointhiscase). P=0.39) and TH (86287.69¡54045.63 and 103987.36¡ 60900.94 PU, P=0.26) groups. These results indicate that The ICC was calculated using the formula described by MS {MS therewasnosystematicerrorbetweenthetwodays. McGraw and Wong (24), ICC~ R E , where MS zðk{1ÞMS R E MS isthesquareroot ofthemean betweenthe subjects(R) Random errors ortheerror(E)fromatwo-wayANOVAtable,andkisthe An assessment of the repeatability of the responses number of values per group. The significance of the mean between the two different days using the Bland-Altman error between days 1 and 2 was evaluated using the t-test analysis is shown in Figure 1. The difference in the for dependent samples (the paired t-test), with an a of responses between days 1 and 2 is plotted as a function of 0.0125 (a of 0.05 adjusted for multiple comparisons by the the average of the responses of both days for the AUCs of Bonferroni method). thevasodilatorresponseinducedbyACh,SNP,PORHand Considering that there was a correlation between the TH. error (the day-to-day variability) and the magnitude of the Table 2 shows the limits of agreement in the day-to-day measurements, the data were log-transformed to calculate measurementsofskinmicrovascularreactivityusingLDPM the limits of agreement, in keeping with the approach of for each parameter. A preliminary analysis of the data Bland and Altman.25 In this case, the limits of agreement showed that the variability was not significantly different were found to be a multiplicative function instead of an betweenmalesandfemales(datanotshown).Repeatabilityis additive one. mainlyexpressedbytheratiosofthewithin-subjectstandard deviationstotheglobalmeansofthevariables(WSSD/GM). The sample sizes were calculated according to the Thevasodilatory response AUC for PORHshowedmarked formula of Arango (26) for longitudinal studies. The size (cid:3) (cid:4)2(cid:5)WSSD(cid:6)2 within-subject variability (WSSD/GM =0.83). By contrast, of each group is given by n~2: za2zz1{b : MDE , the AUC for the skin vasodilatation induced by ACh exhibited less variability (WSSD/GM =0.52) than the AUC where WSSD is the within-subject standard deviation, and forPORHandwascomparabletotheAUCsforSNPandTH (as described above) MDE indicates the minimum differ- (WSSD/GMof0.67and0.56,respectively). ence expected between the groups. Using a=0.05 (z a/2 =1.96)andb=0.20(z =0.84),wecansimplifytheformula (cid:5)WSSD(cid:6)2 1-b Intra-class correlation coefficients to n~8: . We also calculated the minimum TheICCwasdeterminedforeachvariableforallsubjects, MDE and the data are presented in Table 2. All of the variables statistically significant differences for different levels of studied showed poor ICCs (,0.35). Similar to the other microvascularreactivityaccordingtothesamplesizeofthe repeatability indices presented above, the ICC values were hypothetical study populations. To compare the measure- much lower for the AUC for PORH than for the AUC for ment techniques under consideration and to determine ACh. The AUCs for SNP and TH presented intermediate which is the most stable and adequate, we calculated a values. globalmean(themeanofalloftheindividualvaluesforthe sametechnique atdays1and2)anddividedtheWSSDby Sample size calculations this global mean. The technique with the smallest ratio Samplesizeestimatesusingtheminimumdifferencesthat betweenthe WSSDandtheglobalmean wasconsideredto wereexpectedtobestatisticallysignificantforthedifferent be the most suitablemeasurement for clinical studies. microvascular reactivity measurement techniques in long- itudinal studies using LDPM are presented in Table 3. The RESULTS AUCforPORHrequiredamuchlargersamplesizethandid the other techniques. The AUC for ACh administration Study sample requiredthesmallestsamplesize,andtheAUCsofSNPand Thiscross-sectionalstudyincluded24healthysubjects(11 TH required intermediate values. males) aged 24.6¡3.8 years, with an average body mass indexof23.0¡3.4kg/m2.Thesystolicanddiastolicarterial DISCUSSION pressures on day 1 were 114.8¡2.1 and 69.4¡5.0mmHg, respectively. On day 2, the systolic and diastolic arterial The main finding of the present study is that there is pressureswere114.3¡2.3and68¡0.9 mmHg,respectively. important within-subject variability that is not related to There were no significant differences in the values of the systematic error in the evaluation of skin microvascular arterial pressure between days 1 and 2. All of the subjects reactivity using single-point LDPM. Although it is non- had normal lipid and glycemic profiles, and all of the invasive,operator-independentandeasytoperform,LDPMis females weretaking oralcontraceptives. hampered by its poor repeatability, particularly in measures 601 RepeatabilityofskinlaserDopplerflowmetry CLINICS2011;66(4):599-605 Tibiric¸a´ Eetal. obtainedusingphysiologicalstimuli,suchasthermalandpost- Table 1-The meanvaluesfor microvascular reactivity occlusivehyperemia.Thus,therandomerrorinherentinLDPM measured oneweekapartinhealthysubjectsusinglaser repeatabilityshouldbethoroughlyevaluatedwhencalculating Doppler perfusion monitoring. the statistical power and sample sizes in longitudinal studies Parameter Day1 Day2 Pvalue evaluating endothelial function as a surrogate marker for cardiovasculardisease. AUC-ACh(PU) 10,937.37(7,010.15) 9,079.15(5,462.00) 0.22 LDPMcoupledtoskiniontophoresisofendothelial-depen- AUC-SNP(PU) 12,808.42(11,819.00) 10,831.92(6,481.20) 0.40 AUC-TH(PU) 86,287.69(54,045.63) 103,987.36(60,900.94) 0.26 dent vasodilators, essentially acetylcholine,has already been AUC-PORH(PU) 706.97(418.15) 875.06(796.36) 0.39 usedtodemonstratetheexistenceofendothelialdysfunction inseveralcardiometabolicdisorders,includingarterialhyper- Thevaluesarepresentedasthemean(standarddeviation). tension27,28 , type 129–31 and type 2 diabetes,32 insulin Ach = acetylcholine,AUC = areaunderthebloodflow/timecurve, resistance33 and the metabolic syndrome itself.34 However, SNP = sodiumnitroprusside,PORH = post-occlusivereactivehyperemia, PU = arbitraryperfusionunits,andTH = thermalhyperemia. all of the studies mentioned above were cross-sectional and observational, and they included only a small number of subjects(typicallyfewerthan50patients/healthyvolunteers). Figure1-Bland-Altmanplotsfortheassessmentoftheday-to-dayrepeatabilityofmicrovascularreactivitymeasurementsobtained oneweekapartinhealthysubjectsusinglaserDopplerperfusionmonitoring.Thedifferenceintheresponsesmeasuredonthetwo days(Day1–Day2)isplottedagainsttheaverageoftheresponses[K*(Day1+Day2)].Thesolidlinescorrespondtothemeanofthe differences,andthedashedlinesindicatethe95%limitsofagreementforthedifferencesbetweenthedays.Thevalueswerelog- transformed.Ach = acetylcholine,AUC = areaunderthebloodflow/timecurve,SNP = sodiumnitroprusside,PORH = post-occlusive reactivehyperemia,andTH = thermalhyperemia. 602 CLINICS2011;66(4):599-605 RepeatabilityofskinlaserDopplerflowmetry Tibiric¸a´ Eetal. Table2- Anassessment of thelimits of agreementintheday-to-day measurements of skinmicrovascular reactivity using laserDoppler perfusion monitoring. Parameter ME(SL/IL) WSSD WSSD/GMRatio TE ICC AUCACh(PU) 1,858.22(10,015.76/344.76) 5,173.05 0.52 5,111.01 0.338 AUCSNP(PU) 1,976.5(9,834.75/397.22) 7,863.02 0.67 7,904.24 0.312 AUCTH(PU) 217,699.67(297,193.05/23,223.26) 53,159.32 0.56 52,776.22 0.160 AUCPORH(PU) 2168.08(21,024.57/227.57) 659.88 0.83 663.05 0.087 Ach=acetylcholine,AUC=areaunderthebloodflow/timecurve,ICC=intraclasscorrelationcoefficient,ME=meanerror(SL=superiorlimitandIL= inferiorlimit),SNP = sodiumnitroprusside,PORH = post-occlusivereactivehyperemia,PU = arbitraryperfusionunits,TH = thermalhyperemia,Ratio WSSD/GM=ratiobetweenwithin-subjectstandarddeviationandglobalmeanvalues,TE=typicalerror,andWSSD=within-subjectstandarddeviation. Althoughmostinvestigatorslimittheirstatisticalanalysis minimumdifferencesexpectedtobestatisticallysignificant tothecalculationofcorrelationcoefficients,ithasbeenwell according to the sample size for the different techniques established that the simple use of correlation coefficients to showedthattheendothelium-dependentresponsesinduced evaluate the repeatability of methods is not adequate.25 In by ACh were much more adequate than the responses fact, this approach evaluates the existence of an association inducedbyPORHbecausetheirvariabilitywassignificantly between values measured on different days but not the lower.Thisresultwasconfirmedbytheanalysisoftheratio agreement(repeatability)ofthemeasures.25Anevaluationof between the within-subject standard deviations and the theday-to-dayrepeatabilityofLDPMAChresponsesusing globalmeansofthevalues,inwhichthesmallestAUCvalue justthecoefficientsofvariationyieldedvaluesofupto42%.15 wasobtainedfromtheAChadministration.Inaddition,we When calculating the repeatability of methods, it is found that sample sizes of about 50 and 25 subjects are important to differentiate intervention effects from mea- necessary to detect changes of about 30 and 40%, respec- surement errors. Measurement errors can be divided into tively, in the AUC following ACh administration. Our two main components: random and systematic errors. results also showed that the variability observed in the Random error is always present in a measurement and is responsestoSNPandTHwascomparabletothatobserved not related to the clinical intervention because it is caused in ACh administration. These results imply that the by inherently unpredictable fluctuations in the readings of endothelium-dependent response of the cutaneous micro- themeasuringequipment.Bycontrast,systematicerrorsare circulation can be better evaluated using pharmacological predictable biases in measurement, also not related to the rather than physiological provocation. These findings clinical intervention, that can be attributed to the experi- confirm our previous results showing that the skin micro- mentalprotocol.Therefore,theycanbeobservedinallofthe vascularvasodilatoryresponsetoiontophoresiswithAChis subjects in question, and they interfere directly with the significantly reduced in patients with type 1 diabetes accuracyofthemeasurement.Inthissituation,theeffectofa compared to healthy subjects, while the responses to clinical intervention must be greater than the systematic PORH and skin heating are preserved.29 In that study, a error for it to be detected and considered a real effect significant difference of ,37% between diabetic patients regardless of the sample size. By contrast, random error and healthy controls in the AUC following ACh adminis- directlyaffectsthesamplesizerequiredtoachievesufficient tration was detected using a sample of 50 diabetic patients power to detectthe effects ofa clinical intervention. and 46 control subjects. The absence of significant differ- The results of this study show that there is important ences in the responses observed using physiological random error in the measurements of microvascular stimulation in our previous study29 may be explained by reactivity performed one week apart in healthy subjects. the higher variability compared to pharmacological (ACh) Moreover, we did not detect a systematic error in the stimulation. measurements. In fact, the values ofthe AUC ofcutaneous In the present study, the analysis of the measurements vasodilatationforallofthetechniquesinquestionwerenot obtained on the two days using the method of Bland and significantlydifferentbetweendays1and2,indicatingthat Altman25indicatedthatmostofthedifferenceswerewithin therewasnosystematicerrorbetweendays.Moreover,the the 95% confidence intervals. The AUC values obtained using ACh administration exhibited a more uniform distribution than those obtained from endothelial-depen- Table3-Estimatesoftheminimumdifferencesexpected dent vasodilatation induced by physiological stimulation tobestatisticallysignificantaccordingtothesamplesize (PORH andTH). under different conditions of microvascular reactivity in The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), a statistical longitudinal studies usinglaser Doppler perfusion measureofbetween-subjectrepeatability,wasalsolowerfor monitoring. the microvascular reactivity resulting from PORH com- pared to that resulting from ACh. Our results are in close Samplesize agreementwiththoseofRoustitetal.,16whodemonstrated Parameter 50 25 20 10 that the low ICC values obtained from skin LDPM in the forearm using PORH are related to the high anatomical AUC-ACh(PU) 2,927 4,139 4,627 6,544 AUC-SNP(PU) 4,448 6,291 7,033 9,947 variability of capillary density. 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