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Reparametrizing the loop entropy weights: effect on DNA melting curves Ralf Blossey and Enrico Carlon Interdisciplinary Research Institute c/o IEMN, Cit´e Scientifique BP 69, F-59652 Villeneuve d’Ascq, France (Dated: February 1, 2008) Recent advances in the understanding of the melting behavior of double-stranded DNA with 4 0 statistical mechanics methods lead to improved estimates of the weight factors for the dissociation 0 eventsofthechains,inparticularforinteriorloopmelting. Sofar,inthemodelingofDNAmelting, 2 theentropyof denaturated loops has been estimated from thenumberof configurations of a closed self-avoiding walk. It iswell understood nowthat aloop embeddedin achain is characterized bya n loopclosureexponentcwhichishigherthanthatofanisolated loop. Herewereportananalysisof a DNAmeltingcurvesforsequencesofabroadrangeoflengths(from10to106 basepairs)calculated J withaprogrambasedonthealgorithmsunderlyingMELTSIM.Usingtheembeddedloopexponent 6 we find that the cooperativity parameter is one order of magnitude bigger than current estimates. Wearguethatinthemeltingregionthedoublehelixpersistencelengthisgreatlyreducedcompared ] h toitsroomtemperaturevalue,sothattheuseoftheembeddedloopclosureexponentforrealDNA c sequencesis justified. e m PACSnumbers: 87.14.Gg, 87.15.He,05.70.Fh,64.10+h - t a I. INTRODUCTION t s (a) (b) (c) . t A standard method to unbind the two strands of a a ~ m double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) in solution is that of in- dA creasing the temperature of the system. This process, dT - d known as DNA thermal denaturation or DNA melting, n hasbeenstudiedsincethesixtiesasitprovidesimportant o informationabouttheinteractionbetweenbasepairs,the c stability ofthe double helix, the effectof the solventand [ of the salt concentration (for a review see Ref. [1]). T T T 2 Several techniques are currently available for the in- v vestigation of DNA thermal denaturation such as UV FIG.1: Schematicviewofpossibledifferentialmeltingcurves 7 5 absorption, differential scanning calorimetry, circular observedfor(a)short(≈102 bps),(b)intermediate(≈103− 4 dichroism, NMR, fluorescence emission and temperature 104 bps) and (c) long (>106 bps) DNAsequences. 2 gradient gel electrophoresis [2]. Perhaps the most estab- 1 lished of these is the UV absorption method which con- 2 sists in irradiating the sample with UV light at 270 nm, peaksoftypicalwidthofabout0.5◦C orless(Fig. 1(b)). 0 a wavelength which is preferentially absorbed by single Thesepeaksarethesignaturesofsharptransitionsofco- / t stranded DNA (ssDNA). The total fraction of absorbed operatively melting regions, as for instance inner loop a m light,A,isthereforesimplyproportionaltothefractionof openings or the unbinding of double stranded regions dissocieated base pairs of the sequence and provides a di- at the edges of the chain. Finally, in very long chains - d rectmeasurementoftheorderparameteroftheproblem. (≈106 bps) there is again only a single broad peak cov- n In experimental studies, rather than analyzing directly eringabout15−20◦C,whichisactuallythesuperposition o A,itiscustomarytoconsideritstemperaturederivative: of many distinct peaks associated with the denaturation c teheplotofdA/dT vs. T isknownasthedifferentialmelt- of single domains [Fig. 1(c)]. These single peaks can- : v ing curve [1],ebut we will simply refer to it, in the restof notbe resolvedanymoreforsuchlongsequences andthe Xi the paper, as the melting curve. melting curve becomes again rather featureless. Meltingcurvescanshowasingleorseveralpeaks(typ- The computational prediction of DNA melting curves r a ical examples, as observed in experiments, are shown in is a basic bioinformatics task which is needed for a large Fig. 1) whose positions and heights depend on the se- variety of applications such as primer design, DNA con- quence length and composition as well as on external trolduringPolymeraseChainReactionormutationanal- parameters as the salt concentration. For very short se- ysis [3]. Also the denaturation behavior of DNA se- quences, i.e. of about 102 − 103 base pairs (bps), the quences of genomic size is of interest for studies of se- melting curve shows a single peak indicating a sudden quence complexity and evolution andfor gene identifica- unbinding of the two strands (see Fig. 1(a)). The peak tion and mutation [4, 5, 6, 7]. Consequently, specialized isroundedbyfinitesizeeffectsandthuscanbecomequite tools, such as Meltsim [8], were developed for this pur- broad for very short chains. Somewhat longer sequences pose. (≈ 103 −104 bps) are instead characterized by several The first attempts to model the DNA denaturation 2 dates back from the sixties (for a recent review see entropy, while Sec. V concludes the paper. Ref. [9]). The simplest model employed for this pur- pose was the one-dimensionalIsing modelwhere the two spin states si = 0,1 represent the open (si = 0) or II. ENTROPY OF A LOOP EMBEDDED IN A closed (si = 1) configuration for complementary base CHAIN pairs [10, 11]. This model obviously does not provide a realthermodynamicalphasetransitionbutonlyasmooth InthePolandalgorithmthepartitionfunctionofaloop crossoverbetweentheclosed(dsDNA)andopen(ssDNA) oftotallength l is givenby the number ofconfigurations regimes. The inclusion of an entropic term, which takes of a self-avoiding walk returning for the first time to the intoaccountthe numberofpossibleconfigurationsofthe origin [15] after l steps (Fig. 2(a)), which in the limit denaturated loops, induces an effective long range inter- l→∞ assumes the following form [18]: actionin the system andthus a genuine phase transition may occur, as shown long ago by Poland and Sheraga µl [12]. Ll ∼σlc (1) On rather short DNA sequences (∼ 102 bps) the loop entropy contribution is not very important as loops are whereµisanonuniversalgeometricfactor,whilec,theso rare and rather short and the DNA denaturates mainly called loop closure exponent, is a universal quantity. In troughunbindingfromtheedges. Adescriptionbasedon Eq. (1)wealsoincludedaprefactorσ,whichonlymakes the 1d Ising model with appropriate experimentally de- sense when comparing the loop partition function with termined energy parameters is therefore sufficient (see, thatofadoublestrandedhelix,andmeasuretheabsolute e.g., Ref. [13]). A calculation aimed at reproducing ex- probabilityofinterruptingadouble helixto opena loop. perimentalmelting curveswith severalpeaks ofdifferent This quantity is known as the cooperativity parameter. heights and widths [as that shown in Fig. 1(b)] however A small value of σ suppresses loop formation so that needs, besides accurate energy parameters, also a good loops proliferate only at temperatures very close to the estimate of the entropy of the denaturated loops. meltingpointandaretypicallylargeinordertominimize the effect of a small σ. The transition becomes highly A broadly known method to calculate DNA melting cooperative,in the sense that largeportions of the chain curvesforagiveninputsequenceisthePolandalgorithm will tend to unbind simultaneously. On the contrary, for [14] in which the probability for each base pair to be in a σ ≈ 1, there is no extra big penalty for loop openings an open or closed state can be calculated from a set of and many small loops may form already well below the recursiverelations. Theentropyofthedenaturatedloops melting point. The transition is less cooperative, and is given by counting the number of configurations for a peaks in the melting curves appear more rounded-off. closed self-avoiding walk [15]. This approach overesti- For self-avoiding walks embedded in a three dimen- matestheactualentropyasitdoesnottakeintoaccount sional space the exponent c has been estimated numeri- thatthenumberofconfigurationsavailabletotheloopis cally to be c≈1.75 [18]. Other loop parameters have to limited by the presence of the rest of the chain. Recent be fixed by fitting to the available experimentaldata. In advances in the statistical mechanics of polymers pro- particular, a lot of effort has been devoted to the mea- vidednew insightonhow tocalculateentropiesforloops surement of the cooperativity parameter σ. Its most ac- which are embedded in chains [16, 17]. curate determination was performed by Blake and Del- Theaimofthis paperistodiscusswhetherDNAther- court [19] who analyzed the melting of several tandemly mal denaturation experiments are able to fix unequivo- repeated inserts on a linearizedplasmid DNA and found cally the form of the parameters involved in the entropy thatthe valueσ =1.26×10−5 fits bestthe experimental of denaturated loops. We analyze the effect of the im- melting curves. This value is consistent with previous proved loop entropy estimate on the melting curves for estimates [1, 20, 21, 22]. DNA sequences of various lengths (up to 5×106 base Recent developments in the field of polymer physics pairs) and compositions. We show that the modification allow us to calculate the total number of configurations oftheentropicparametersassociatedwiththeloopsmay foraloopembeddedinachain,asforthoseshowninFig. have quite a strong effect on the melting curves, espe- ciallyforsequencesofintermediatelengthswhereseveral peaks are present [as in the example of Fig. 1(b)]. We also discuss how the effects described here can be best measured experimentally. (a) (b) Thispaperisorganizedasfollows: InSec. IIwereview somerecentresultsontheentropyofloopsembeddedinto a chain. In Sec. III we present some melting curves for sequences of various lengths and investigate the effect of amodificationoftheparametersassociatedwiththeloop FIG.2: Thetotalnumberofconfigurationforaself-avoiding entropy on these curves. In Sec. IV we discuss how the loopisgivenbyEq. (1)withc≈1.75foranisolated loop(a) and c≈2.15 for a loop embedded in a chain (b). double helix rigidity could influence the results for the 3 2(b). Analyticalestimates, relyingon the generaltheory TABLEI:DomainsfrompN/MCSxfromRef. [19]considered ofpolymernetworks[23], indicate thatthe formgivenin hereas insertions into purely CG-domains. Eq. (1) is still valid, howeverwith a higher value for the exponentc[16]. Thereasonforthehighervalueofcisthe Seq. (x) Length (N) Composition lowernumberofconfigurationsavailablefortheloopdue 1 155 [ACTCGGACGA]15ACTCG to the presence of the rest of the chain, comparedto the 2 305 [ACTCGGACGA]30ACTCG number of configurations available for an isolated loop. Monte Carlo simulations on suitable three dimensional 5 335 [ACTCGGACGA]33ACTCG latticemodelsyieldc≈2.15[17,24],avaluewhichisalso 10 500 [AAGTTGAACAAAT]38AAGTTG in agreement with analytical estimates, which place this 11 747 [AAGTTGAACAAAT]57AAGTTG exponentintherange2.10<∼c<∼2.20[16]. Itisalsowell- 12 214 [AAGTTGAACAAAT]16AAGTTG known[12,15]thatincreasingthevalueofchasaneffect 13 245 [AAGTTGAACAAAAT]17AAGTTGA ofsharpeningthetransition. Avaluec>2impliesafirst 14 203 [AAGTTGAACAAAAT]14AAGTTGA order transition in the case that the energy difference 3 135 [AAGTTGAACAT]13AAGTTG between different base pairs is neglected [12, 15]; first 6 330 [AAGTTGAACAAT]27AAGTTG order melting was indeed found numerically [25]. Itisclearthatacceptingc=2.15asthemostappropri- 15 292 [AGTGACAT]36AGTG ate estimate of the loop exponent entering in the parti- tionfunction(1)impliesthattheexistingestimateofthe (a) cooperativity parameter σ has to be revisited as its ex- (cid:0)(cid:1)(cid:0)(cid:1)(cid:0)(cid:1)(cid:0)(cid:1)(cid:0)(cid:1) perimental determinations relied on the choice c = 1.75. (cid:0)(cid:1)(cid:0)(cid:1)(cid:0)(cid:1)(cid:0)(cid:1)(cid:0)(cid:1) The aim of this paper is to investigate this issue in de- (b) tail. To this purpose we analyze the melting curves for (cid:0)(cid:1)(cid:0)(cid:1)(cid:0)(cid:1)(cid:0)(cid:1)(cid:0)(cid:1) (cid:0)(cid:1)(cid:0)(cid:1)(cid:0)(cid:1)(cid:0)(cid:1)(cid:0)(cid:1) DNA sequences of a wide range of lengths up to the full genome of the E. coli which amounts to 5×106 bps. FIG. 3: Schematic view of the melting of the AT-rich insert (gray) in the case of (a) edge insertion and (b) inner inser- tion as performed in Ref. [19]. The difference in the melting III. CALCULATION OF MELTING CURVES temperaturesforthetwocases∆TM =TMloop−TMend allowsto estimate of thecooperativity parameter. The calculations of DNA melting curves are obtained from our own C-version of the Meltsim package (for de- tails concerning this program, see Ref. [8]), which is a for a sequence of N base pairs, we obtained the melting programbasedonthePolandrecursivealgorithmforthe curves dA/dT vs. T. calculation of the probabilities A(i) that the i-th base In this work we have chosen the ten stacking energy pair is in a open state. The program uses the Fixman- parameters given in Ref. [8]. Another parameter that Friere [26] method, which consists of approximating the needs to be specified in the calculation is the concen- looppartitionfunctionofEq. (1)asasumofI exponen- tration of the monovalent salt in solution, which in our tials: calculation varies between 0.05 M and 0.1 M. I −b l Ll ≈σXake k (2) k=1 A. Melting of short sequences whereak andbk arefittingcoefficients. Asforasequence of total length N the longest possible loop corresponds Wefirstanalyzedaseriesofexistingexperimentaldata to l = 2N, the fitting is done in a limited interval of [19] for short sequences consisting of oligomeric repeat lengths. Therefore,the shorterthe sequence, the smaller patternsshowninTableI. Thesesequenceswereinserted is the number of coefficient I necessary to obtain a very inalinearizedrecombinantpN/MCSxplasmid(xabbre- good fit of Eq. (1) for the relevant loop lengths for the viates a specific sequence). The insertions are AT-rich problem. Typically a sum with I ≈ 10 coefficients is andmeltatlowertemperaturesthantherestoftheplas- sufficientforourneeds. Theadvantageoftheexponential mid chain, which plays the role of an energetic barrier approximationis that it reduces the computational time to prevent further melting. The insertions were placed for a sequence of N base pairs from O(N2) to O(N ×I) at one end, and in the middle of the linearized plasmid, without any significant loss in accuracy [26]. thus their melting occurs through end or loop openings, ForvarioustemperatureswecalculatedA(i),theprob- respectively (see Fig. 3). ability that the i-th base pair is in an open state. From Theexperimentalresults,tabulatedinRef. [19],arere- numerical differentiation of the average: analyzed here using the exponent c = 2.15, appropriate N for a loop inserted in a chain. To induce both loop and 1 A= XA(i) (3) endopeningsweembeddedthesequencesofTableIinthe N middle and at one end of a pure CGCGCG chain. Due i=1 4 3 3.6 loop c = 1.75 σ = 1.26 x 10−5 cc == 12..7155 σσ==11..2266 xx 1100−−55 TM 3.2 c = 2.15 σ = 1.25 x 10−4 c = 2.15 σ=1.75 x 10−4 2.8 2.4 2 ) C 2 T o A/d T(M 1.6 d ∆ 1.2 1 0.8 0.4 0 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0 N −1 74.4 74.6 74.8 75 75.2 75.4 T(oC) FIG. 5: Plot of ∆TM as function of theinversedomain size. FIG.4: CalculatedmeltingcurvesfortheSeq. 11insertedin Empty circles are experimental data taken from [19] (Table the middle of a long CGCG...matrix, for 0.075 M of mono- I) dashed and dotted lines refer to two choices of c and σ. valent salt concentration and three choices of cand σ. application of the asymptotic form of the loop partition to the higher stability of the CG-domains, their melting function of Eq. (1) may not be appropriate. willoccuratmuchhighertemperaturesthanthoseofthe inserted sequences. Figure4showsaplotofthe differentialmelting curves B. Melting of sequences of intermediate length for the Seq. 11 of Table I, embedded in the middle of a CG matrix, as calculated by our program. We first We next consider the melting of two sequences of in- fixed σ = 1.26×10−5, the value reported in [19]. The termediate length. We used two protein-coding cancer- change of c from 1.75 to 2.15 causes a shift of the posi- relatedgenes,eIF-4G(2900bps)andLAMC1(7900bps), ◦ tion of the melting curves peak of about 0.2 C and a selected from a series of other sequences analyzed for slight increase of height (the peak position defines the their predominant loop melting effects. loop melting temperature Tloop). By choosing c = 2.15, M Figure 6(a) shows the melting curves for three differ- σ = 1.75×10−4 one recovers a melting curve which al- entvaluesofcandσ forafragmentofDNAofeIF-4Gas most perfectly overlaps the original one obtained with calculatedfromourprogram. Fourmajordistinctpeaks, c=1.75, σ =1.25×10−5 (solid and dashed lines of Fig. labeled from 1 to 4 are visible. The denaturation maps, 4). This curve fits well the experimental data (see Ref. i.e. plots of 1−A(i) as function of i, the base position [19]), thus we conclude that for the choice c = 2.15 and along the chain, which are shown in Fig. 6(b), provide σ = 1.75×10−4 yields a melting curve consistent with further insight onthe type of transitionsassociatedwith the experimental values. each peak. We recall that 1−A(i) is the average prob- In order to provide an estimate of σ from several in- ability that the i-th base pair is in a closed state. The dependent measurements we reanalyzed the procedure six plots of Fig. 6(b), labeled as α, β ...φ, correspond followed in Ref. [19]. Figure 5 shows experimental data to the six temperatures markedby the verticalarrowsin (empty circles) for the temperature difference of the se- Fig. 6(a). quencesofTableI,∆TM ≡TMloop−TMend,plottedasfunc- Comparingtheconfigurationsatthetemperaturesjust tions ofthe inversedomainlength1/N (data takenfrom below and above the peak 3 (γ and δ) we notice that Table I of Ref. [19]). Here Tloop and Tend denote the lo- this peak corresponds to the opening of a big loop ex- M M cationofthe maxima ofdA/dT forsequences insertedin tending roughly from base pair 1300 to 2300. The melt- the interior and at the end of the plasmid chain, The ing curves were calculated for three different sets of pa- dashed line shows the calculated ∆TM in the case of rameters, starting from the standard choice c = 1.75, c = 1.75 σ = 1.26×10−5, where the latter value was the value associated with isolated loops, together with determined using a regression analysis to fit the experi- σ = 1.26×10−5, which is the most recent estimate for mentaldata. Wehaverepeatedthisprocedureherefixing the cooperativity parameter [19]. While keeping σ fixed c=2.15forwhichwefindanequallygoodfitofthedata we first consider the exponent for a loop embedded in with the choice σ = 1.25×10−4. Given the precision of thechainc=2.15. Forsuchacombinationofparameters the experimental data which we could not assess or an- themeltingpeaks1and2areshiftedfromtheirpositions, alyze further, we find that our calculated curve matches whilepeak4vanishesinthesignalbackground. Themain the data very well. Deviations between both theoretical influenceofachangeincisonpeak3,whichforc=2.15 curvesclearlyappearforshorterchains(loops)wherethe becomes roughly twice as high (dA/dT| ≈ 1.1 com- max 5 1 1 c = 1.75 σ = 1.26 x 10−5 α c = 2.15 σ = 1.26 x 10−5 3 0 c = 2.15 σ = 1.26 x 10−4 0 1000 2000 3000 1 β 0.6 3 00 1000 2000 3000 1 T 0.4 γ dA/d 0.5 0.2 δ A(i)100 1000 2000 3000 084 84.5 85 85.5 γ ε φ 1 − 00δ 1000 2000 3000 α β 1 (a) 1 2 4 ε 0 0 1000 2000 3000 1 (b) 0 φ 78 80 82 84 86 88 0 T(oC) 0 1000 i 2000 3000 FIG.6: (a)MeltingcurvesforthesequenceeIF-4Gforthreechoicesofcandσand0.05Mofmonovalentsalt. (b)Denaturation maps for c = 2.15, σ = 1.26×10−5 calculated at the six different temperatures (labeled by α, β ...) indicated by vertical arrows in (a). 0.8 β c = 1.75 σ = 1.26 x 10−5 1 α c = 2.15 σ = 1.26 x 10−5 0 c = 2.15 σ = 1.26 x 10−4 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 1 β 0.6 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 1 T γ dA/d 0.4 γ A(i)100 2000 4000 6000 8000 α δ ε 1 − 0 δ φ 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 0.2 1 ε (a) 0 β 0 2000 1 (b) 3500 4000 0 φ γ 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 0 T(oC) 0 2000 i 3500 4000 FIG. 7: (a) Plot of the melting curves for the DNA sequence of LAMC1 for three choices of the parameters c and σ. (b) Denaturation mapsfor c=2.15, σ=1.26×10−4 at thesix differenttemperaturesmarked in (a) bytheverticalarrows. Inset: Blowupofthedenaturationmapsβ andγ forc=2.15, σ=1.26×10−4 (thicksolid lines)andc=2.15, σ=1.26×10−5 (thin solid lines). pared to dA/dT| ≈ 0.6 in the case c = 1.75). The while both peaks keep the same heights. max reason for this is that, as shown from the study of the Werepeatedsimilarcalculationsforothersequencesin denaturation maps, the peak 3 corresponds to the open- thesamerangeoflengths. Figure7(a)showsthemelting ing of a long loop of about 1000 bps, thus any modifica- curvesforafragmentofLAMC1about7900bpslong,for tion of the parameters entering in the loop entropy will thesamechoiceofparametersasinFig. 6. Comparedto haveaparticularlystrongeffectonit. Increasingc,while the previous example there is a larger number of peaks, keepingσfixedmakesthetransitionsharper,asexpected as the sequence is more than twice as long as the previ- [12, 15]. ous one and more subtransitions take place. The most The third melting curve we plotted is obtained again relevantdifferencebetweenthemeltingcurvescalculated with c=2.15,but with a cooperativityparameterwhich fordifferentvaluesofcandσ iswithintheregionaround is one order of magnitude larger: σ =1.26×10−4. This 81◦C,whereameltingpeakdoublesitsheightgoingfrom curve overlaps quite well with the original one. The re- the original choice of c=1.75 to c=2.15, while keeping gion where the first and third curves differ the most is thecooperativityparameterfixedatσ =1.26×10−5. As around peaks 3 and 4, where the chain contains a 1000 in the eIF-4G sequence, when σ is rescaled by a factor bps long loop, and is shown in the inset of Fig. 6(a). 10 we obtain a melting curve running extremely close to Even in this regionthe differences are not very big: e.g., the original one in the whole range of temperatures. ◦ the shift of the maximum for peak 3 is ∆T ≈ 0.1 , Itisinterestingtotakeacloserlookattheaveragecon- max 6 ◦ figurations around the peak at T = 80.5 C. The inset lengthscales,thusonemaytesttheinfluenceinachange of Fig. 7(b) shows a blow up of the denaturation maps ofloopparameterssimultaneouslyforveryshortandvery β and γ in a region around base pairs i = 3500−4000, long loops. Unfortunately a limiting factor in this case where a loop opening occurs. While keeping c=2.15 we is that, as pointed out in the introduction, the melting plotinthe insetthe mapsbothforσ =1.26×10−5 (thin curves are rather featureless (as for Fig. 1(c)). lines) and σ = 1.26×10−4 (thick lines). It is remark- Figure8showthecalculatedmeltingcurvesforthefull able how little thick and thin lines differ, compared to DNA of E. coli which is of about 4.6×106 bps with a the big effect of a change of σ in the differential melting known sequence (taken from [27]). The curves are al- curves of Fig. 7(a). The ”robustness” of the denatura- most continuous, although some irregular structure is tionmapswithrespecttoachangeofthethermodynamic still visible, indicating that the discrete sharp peaks of parametershas alsobeen observedrecently by Yeramian the underlying sequence have not been completely av- [4]. The curves in the inset clearly demonstrate the in- eraged out. The melting curves extend now over about creaseofcooperativitywhenσ isdecreased: Eitherloops 15◦C and have a typical asymmetric shape, with a gen- aresuppressed(caseβ) or twoneighboringloops tend to tle growth in the low temperature region, and a steeper merge (case γ) in order to minimize the effect of a small descentaboveT ,thetemperatureforwhichdA/dT is max ◦ value of σ. Although the peak at 83 C corresponds to maximal. the formation of a loop of about 2000 bps, as can be Asbeforewecalculatethemeltingcurvesforthreedif- seen from the denaturation maps δ and ε, a change in ferent combinations of the parameters c and σ. Again the loop parameters c and σ does not seem to modify we find that by changingthe loop closureexponent from much this peak, as the transition considered is not an c = 1.75 to c = 2.15 while rescaling of σ by one order opening of a double helical segment, but rather a merg- of magnitude brings the curve back to the original one. ing of two loops with a corresponding enlargement. We The two curves obtained in this way are perfectly over- conclude that loops merging transitions are less affected lapping. Achangeofconly,while leavingσ =1.26×105 by a change in c and σ as compared to a genuine loop makes the melting curve somewhat sharper as observed opening. previouslyforshortersequences. Howevertheincreaseof We notice also that changing the loop parameters do the peak height is limited to about 10%, a rather small ◦ not affect at all the small peak at T ≈ 89 C, because effect compared to the doubling of the height found for thiscorrespondstoatransitionnotinvolvinginnerloops, some peaks of Figs. 6 and 7. but ratherthe melting ofthe region0<i<900through It is interesting to notice that by changing the loop opening from the edges (see φ in Fig. 7(b)). parameters c and σ the part of the melting curves for T <∼ Tmax apparently is not modified much as all three curvesplottedinFig. 8runwithgoodaccuracyontopof C. Melting of long sequences (E-Coli) each other, in this temperature interval. It is only at at T ≈T and above that the curves start separating, as max shown in the inset. We also point out that the compari- In order to further asses the validity of the previous son of experimentaland calculatedmelting curves for E. analysis we calculated melting curves for much longer coliofRef. [8]showsomedifferencesinthe hightemper- DNA sequences (∼106 bps). Longer sequences have the advantage that they develop loops of a broad range of ature region T >∼ Tmax. These differences could be due to some non-equilibrium effects, which are known to be more severe for very long sequences [1]. c = 1.75 σ = 1.26 x 10−5 c = 2.15 σ = 1.26 x 10−5 c = 2.15 σ = 1.26 x 10−4 IV. EFFECT OF THE DOUBLE HELIX 0.20 STIFFNESS T 0.2 There has been some discussionrecently about the in- d A/ fluenceofthestiffnessofthedoublehelixontheexponent d c[28,29]. Intheveryideallimitofaloopattachedtotwo 0.10 0.1 infinitelyrigidrods,theappropriatevalueoftheloopex- ponentisthesameofthatofanisolatedloopc=1.75,as 0 85 86 87 88 89 90 theloopdoesnotinteractwiththerestofthechain. The dsDNA has a persistence length which is typically much 0.00 larger than that of the ssDNA (ξds ≫ ξss), therefore it 70 75 80 85 90 T(oC) is legitimate to question the applicability of the polymer network theory [23], from which a higher loop exponent c≈2.1 was derived [16], to real DNA sequences. FIG. 8: Melting curves for the whole DNA for E. coli (≈ A different persistence length between dsDNA and ss- 4,500,000 bps). DNAwasincorporatedinlatticeMonteCarlosimulations 7 [17]. Inthesecalculationstheexponentc,estimatedfrom 1 an analysis of the distributions of the loop lengths using 0.8 A(1) realisticvaluesforξds andξss,wasfoundtobeconsistent 0.6 A(17) with that of the case in which the difference between 0.4 σ = 1.26 x 10−4 (a) persistence lengths is neglected. However these lattice 0.2 models did not incorporate a cooperativity parameter. 0 In Ref. [28] it was estimated that sequences up to 50 60 70 80 90 1 5000 bps are still too short to show any interaction ef- 0.8 A(1) fects between a loop with the rest of the chain, so that theappropriatevalueoftheloopexponentshouldbethat 0.6 A(17) of an isolated loop c ≈ 1.75. There is however still dis- 0.4 σ = 5 x 10−2 (b) agreement about this conclusion [29]. 0.2 Here we would like to point out some effects which 0 50 60 70 80 90 havebeenoverlookedinthepresentliterature. Themain T(oC) interest in the exponent c is that of modeling the DNA melting curves and the melting process typically takes ◦ ◦ FIG.9: Probabilityoffindingthei=1andi=17inanopen placeataround80 −90 C(seeFigs. 6,7and8). There- stateplotted as function of thetemperaturefor thesequence fore, in order to discuss the applicability of the higher M18 ofRef. [33]for σ=1.26×10−4 (a) andσ=1.26×10−1 loop exponent c ≈ 2.1 to real DNA sequence, it is the (b). difference in persistence length of dsDNA and ssDNA in this range of temperatures which should be investi- gated. Atroomtemperaturesthe persistencelengthsare CG clamps. Experiments show that the inner AT region ξds(T = 20◦C) ≈ 500 ˚A, while ξss(T = 20◦C) ≈ 40 ˚A melts at temperatures in which the CG edges are still correspondingtoroughly100bpsand8bps,respectively bound [33]. [30]. Both conformational fluctuations and electrostatic In Fig. 9 we present the calculated melting curves interactions contribute to the persistence length of ds- for the probabilities of having the base pair i = 1 and DNAinsolution[31]. Inthe limitofhighsaltconcentra- i = 17 in an open state for the sequence M of Ref. 18 tions electrostatic interactions are totally screened and [33],whichcanbedirectlycomparedwiththeexperimen- the persistence length is expected to scale as function of tal results as both quantities A(1) and A(17) have been the temperatureasinthe classicalwormlikechainmodel measured experimentally through fluorescence measure- [32],i.e. ξ =κ/T,withκtemperatureindependent. This ments [33] (the base pair i = 17 is in the middle of the formula implies a reduction of about 20% of the dsDNA AT-region). As the sequence is very shortthe calculated persistence lengthin the melting regioncomparedto the melting curves are not sensitive to a change in c. For room temperature value. However the assumption that σ =1.26×10−4 (Fig. 9(a)) the typical value for the co- theelectrostaticinteractionsaretotallyscreenedmaynot operativity parameter used previously in the paper, our befullyjustifiedfortherangeofsaltconcentrationsused calculations show that A(1) and A(17) are at all tem- here ([Na] = 0.1M or lower). Thus the 20% should be peraturesverycloseto eachother,whichimplies thatno rather considered as an upper bound. loopsareformedandthatthesequencerathermeltsfrom A more relevant effect for the reductionof the dsDNA edge openings, although the CG edges are energetically persistence length is the proliferation of small denatu- more stable than the inner AT region. This is an effect rated bubbles within a dsDNA segment. Within the of the small value of σ used in the calculation. In order model considered here the characteristic lengths close to to verify this we have plotted in Fig. 9(b), just as an melting, as the loop and double helix segment lengths, illustration, the same quantities with σ =5×10−2. The scale as 1/σ. As pointed out before, a large cooperativ- reduced cooperativity allows for the formation of loops ity (small σ), would imply typically long loops and long and now produces results closer to what is observed in double helical segments. However, the conclusion that experiments (see Fig. 2 of Ref. [33]). Thus, despite that short (i.e. ∼ 10 bps) loops would be totaly suppressed the small cooperativity parameter (σ ∼ 10−4) correctly due to the small σ, is too simplistic. Several studies describeslongloop(>100bps)formationsinDNAmelt- showedthatthe nearestneighbormodel largelyunderes- ing, smallloops (∼10 bps) openings in AT-richdomains timates the opening probability for small loops (see the are still possible. The importance of small bubbles for- discussion in [1] and references therein), so it cannot be mation in DNA oligomersmelting has been recently em- a quantitatively reliable tool at too short length scales. phasized in an analysis of the melting of DNA oligomers Such short loops are present in real DNA samples. [34]. ◦ We can demonstrate this effect explicitly by analyzing As the ssDNA has, at 90 C, an estimated persistence theexperimentalmeltingcurvesrecentlyobtained[33]in length corresponding to roughly 5 bps, we expect that astudyofdsDNAbubbledynamics. Thisstudywasper- the opening of a small loop of about 15 bps would be formed on short sequences (of about 30 bps) containing sufficient to decorrelate completely the two dsDNA seg- aninternalAT regionsurroundedonboth sides by short ments at its two sides. To provide an estimate of the 8 persistencelengthofthedsDNAonewouldneedtoknow ponent c and of σ cannot reproduce two perfectly over- theaveragedensityofsmallloopsandtheirprobabilities, lapping melting curves. We found that rescaling σ by which depends on the sequence composition. It is how- about one order of magnitude together with a change in ever conceivable that this effect would make the dsDNA c from 1.75 to 2.15 produces typically very small shifts ◦ ◦ at 80−90 C much more flexible, compared to its room inpeakpositions(∼0.1 )andheights. Accuratemelting temperaturebehavior,sothattheuseoftheloopembed- experimentswouldbeabletodistinguishbetweenthetwo ded exponent for c is justified. choices and fix unequivocally both c and σ. In any case ouranalysisindicatesthatthebestsampleswheretotest the above effects are sequences of intermediate lengths V. CONCLUSION (≈ 103 −104 bps). We showed that in these sequences rather large loops may be formed and that the associ- In this paper we have analyzed the effect of ated melting peaks are extremely sensitive to a change reparametrizingthe loop weightcontribution, in the cal- in loopparametersc andσ. The disadvantageof shorter culation ofDNA melting curves for sequences of a broad sequences is that they predominantly melt through end range of lengths, up to the full genome of the E-coli openings (unless they are designed to do otherwise, as (5.6×106 bps). Using the closure exponent for a loop in the example of the preceding section). The melting embedded in a chain (c = 2.15) we found that in order curves of very long sequences, as we showed for E. Coli, toreproducecorrectlytheexistingexperimentaldataand areonly weaklyaffectedby a changeinthe parametersc meltingcurvesoneneedstoincreasethecooperativitypa- and σ. rameterσ byaboutoneorderofmagnitude. Anincrease ofthecooperativityparameter,whichisthe weightasso- ciated with the interruption of an helix to form a loop, Acknowledgment. We thank I. Diesinger and E. implies that loops are more probable within the chain. Meese for their help in finding suitable sequences for It is clear that a simultaneous change of the loop ex- melting analysis. Discussions with A. Hanke, R. Met- zler and D. Mukamel are gratefully acknowledged. [1] R. M. Wartell and A. S. Benight, Phys. Rep. 121, 67 University Press, 1998). (1985). [19] R. D. Blake and S. G. Delcourt, Nucleic Acids Res. 26, [2] V.A.Bloomfield,D.M.Crothers,andI.Tinoco,Nucleic 3323 (1998). Acids Structures, Properties and Functions (University [20] A. L. Oliver, R. M. Wartell, and R. L. Ratliff, Biopoly- Science Books, Mill Valley,2000). mers 16, 1115 (1977). [3] E. Lyon,Expert Rev. Mol. Diagn. 1, 92 (2001). [21] B. R. Amirikyan, A. V. Vologodskii, and Y. L. [4] E. Yeramian, Gene 255, 139 (2000). 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