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**VolumeTitle** ASPConferenceSeries,Vol.**VolumeNumber** **Author** (cid:13)c**CopyrightYear**AstronomicalSocietyofthePacific Reorienting OurPerspectiveofBroad Absorption LineQuasars 2 1 MichaelA.DiPompeo1,MichaelS.Brotherton1,CarlosDeBreuck2,Sally 0 Laurent-Muehleisen3 2 1Dept. ofPhysicsandAstronomy3905,UniversityofWyoming,1000E. n a University, Laramie,WY82071,USA J 2European Southern Observatory, KarlSchwarzschild Strasse2,85748 3 1 GarchingbeiMu¨nchen, Germany 3Illinois InstituteofTechnology, 3101SouthDearborn St.,Chicago, IL60616, ] O USA C . Abstract. Newmulti-frequencyradioobservationsofalargesampleofradio-selected h BALquasars,alongwithaverywellmatchedsampleofnormalquasars,arepresented. p Theobservationsweremadeoneimmediatelyaftertheotherat4.9and8.4GHzwith - o thegoalofmeasuringtheradiospectralindexofeachsource. We haveidentified,for r the first time, a significant difference in the spectral index distributions of BAL ver- t s susnon-BALquasars,withBALsourcesshowinganoverabundanceofsteep-spectrum a sources.ThisisthefirstdirectobservationsuggestingthatBALquasarsaremorelikely [ to be seen farther from the radio jet axis, although a range of orientations is needed 1 toexplainthewidthofthedistribution. Utilizingafewdifferentrelationshipsbetween v spectralindexandviewingangle,wehavealsoperformedMonte-Carlosimulationsto 6 quantifytheviewingangletothesesources. Wefindthatthedifferenceinthedistribu- 1 tionsofspectralindexcanbeexplainedbyallowingtheBALsourcestohaveviewing 9 anglesextendingabout10degreesfartherfromthejetaxisthannon-BALquasars. 2 . 1 0 2 1 : 1. Introduction v i X Broad absorption lines (BALs) are present in around 20% of optically selected quasar r spectra, and the intrinsic fraction is likely much higher (Kniggeetal. 2008). The a blueshift and widths of these lines suggest high-velocity outflows along the line of sight, reaching to several percent of the speed of light. Although these features have been recognized for decades, it is still an open question as to why only some quasars showthesignature oftheseoutflows. Overtheyears, adichotomy hasdeveloped inattempting toexplaintheBALsub- class. One common explanation is orientation, where BAL clouds are lifted from the surface of the accretion disk and radiatively driven into an equatorial outflow with a covering fraction of 10-20% (Elvis 2000). Optical polarization properties have been argued tosupport thispicture (Ogleetal.1999),aswellasthesimilarities intheemis- sion lines of BAL and non-BAL sources (Weymannetal. 1991). While this model is successful in explaining some observations of BAL quasars, it has its shortcomings, andhasneverbeenshowndirectly tobecorrect. 1 2 DiPompeo,Brotherton,DeBreuck,Laurent-Muehleisen Radio properties are useful diagnostics for orientation. Resolved jets and lobes canallowdirectobservation ofsourceorientation, butthemajorityofBALquasarsare point-likeatthearcsecondresolutionstypicalofbigsurveyslikeFIRST.Becauseabout 50% of normal quasars show extended structure compared to about 10% for BALs (Beckeretal.2000),asecond explanation begantoemerge-thatBALquasars werean early phase in the lifetime of all quasars (Greggetal. 2002, 2006). For non-extended sources, the radio spectral index α (f ∝ να, where f is the radio flux and ν is the frequency) is an indicator of orientation, at least statistically for a sample. As a radio jetpoints morealong theline ofsight (“face-on”), relativistic beaming boosts the core component, which isoptically thick and hasaflatradio spectrum. Farther from thejet axis (“edge-on”), the radio lobes dominate the flux, and being optically thin they have asteeperspectrum. Thereisscattertothisrelationship, butasampleseenonlyedge-on compared to a sample seen mostly face-on should show a clear difference in spectral index distributions. This has been searched for, and so far (and in small samples) no difference inspectral indexdistributions between BALandnon-BALquasars hasbeen found(Beckeretal.2000;Montenegro-Montes etal.2008). To do this properly, larger samples are needed- this work finally lays to rest the question of whether BALand non-BAL quasars have different spectral index distribu- tions,andtherefore differentorientations. 2. Targets&Observations Thesamplewasbuiltbycross-matchingtheGibsonetal.(2009)catalogofBALquasars fromSDSSDR5andtheFIRSTsurvey. OnlysourceswithFIRSTfluxesabove10mJy were included, and a redshift cut of 1.5 was applied to ensure inclusion of the C IV emission line in the spectrum. The final sample includes 74 BAL quasars. In order to makemeaningfulcomparisons,asampleof74individuallymatched(inredshift,SDSS i-bandmagnitude, andFIRSTflux)unabsorbed quasarswasalsodeveloped. Observations were made over two periods with the VLA/EVLA at 4.9 and 8.4 GHz(1.4GHzmeasurementsarealreadyavailablefromFIRST).Withtheexceptionof afewcases,measurementsatbothfrequencieswereperformedwithin30to60minutes of each other, to remove any complications in measuring radio spectral index due to radiovariability. Datafromothersurveyswasalsocollectedwhenavailable,rangingin frequency from 15 GHz down to 74 MHz. In most cases however, only our new data andtheFIRSTmeasurements areavailable. 3. Measurements,Modeling,andResults Using the new fluxes, we measured the radio spectral indices of all sources in sev- eral different ways. First, we utilized two-point spectral indices between 4.9 and 8.4 GHz(α4.9;withsimultaneousfluxes)and1.4and4.9GHz(α1.4;withnon-simultaneous 8.4 4.9 fluxes). Wealsoappliedasimplelinearfit(assumingapower-lawspectrum)toallavail- able data points gathered from the literature combined with our new values, using the slope as α . We then compared the distributions of of these indices for the BAL and fit non-BAL samples, using both Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) tests and Wilcoxon Rank- Sum (R-S) tests. The distributions of α4.9 for the two samples are shown in Figure 1. 8.4 The statistical results (D for the K-S test and Z for the R-S tests, along with cor- KS RS BALQuasarOrientations 3 Table1. Statisticaltestsonαdistributions. Measurement nBAL nnon-BAL D P Z P ks ks rs rs α4.9 72 72 0.347 0.0002 4.00 3.1×10−5 8.4 α1.4 73 73 0.287 0.0036 3.18 0.0007 4.9 α 73 74 0.322 0.0007 3.76 8.4×10−5 fit cα4.9 63 56 0.337 0.0016 3.63 0.0001 8.4 cα1.4 63 57 0.342 0.0012 3.70 0.00011 4.9 cα 63 58 0.394 0.0001 4.19 1.4×10−5 fit Figure1. α4.9comparisonforBALandnon-BALquasars. 8.4 responding P values) are shown in Table 1; the top half of the table shows the results including all sources, and the bottom half shows the results restricting the samples to onlycompactsourcestoeliminateanyeffectsofresolvedstructure. Weseethatregard- lessofthetestperformedorrestrictiontocompactsources,thesamplesaresignificantly different at a 3 to 4 σ level. This suggests that BALquasars do show a preference for steeper spectra and edge-on orientations, although the widths of the distributions also showthatbothsamplescoverarangeoforientations. In order to quantify this result, wehave done some Monte-Carlo modeling of the αdistributions. Thisrequiresuseofamodelrelationship betweenαandviewingangle 4 DiPompeo,Brotherton,DeBreuck,Laurent-Muehleisen (θ). We do this in two ways, one based purely on observation and one from semi- empiricalsimulations. Theobservational modelusesthesampleofWills&Brotherton (1995), for which values of θ were obtained via superluminal motion observations. After collecting radio fluxes from NED to find spectral indices, we were able to do a linear fit to the relationship. To simulate the scatter in this relationship, we used the standarddeviationofthedistributionofαforthequasarsinthe3CRRcatalog. Because thiscatalogisbasedonlowfrequencyobservations,itismostlikelyalmostentirelylobe dominatedsourcesandallthevariationisprobablyduetointrinsicdifferencesbetween sources and not because of any beaming effects. The semi-empirical relationship is based on the simulations of Wilmanetal. (2008), and the scatter there is determined directlyfromthedata. Theoverallshapeofthethetworelationshipsaresimilar,though thescatterintheobservationalmodelislargerthanthatfromtheempiricalsimulations. We then simulate random bi-polar jets in 3-D space, calculate the viewing angle, and assign a spectral index based on one of the above models. We do this 74 times to build a simulated sample of the same size as the real one, and then compare the α distributionstotheactualdata. Werepeatthisprocess105times,andmeasuretheprob- abilityofreproducingtheobservedspectralindexdistributions. Wecanthenrestrictthe allowed viewing angles to the sources and run the experiment again, in order to deter- minewhichrangeofviewinganglesmostoftenproduces amatchtotheobserveddata. Viewinganglesabove45degreesarenotallowed,asitisassumedthatbeyondthatline ofsightobscuration fromdustislikelytobecomeanissue;e.g. Barthel(1989). The results when comparing the observed distributions of α4.9 to the simulations 8.4 basedonthesemi-empiricalrelationshipbetweenαandθareshowninFigure2(theleft sideistheresultforBALquasars,therightsideisfornon-BALs). Thex-axisisθ (the min lowest allowed viewing angle), the y-axis is θ (the largest allowed viewing angle), max andthez-axis istheprobability ofeach viewingangle range reproducing theobserved result (assuming a value of P > 0.05 indicates that the distributions are from the KS same parent population). Themost probable viewing angle range for the BALsample is from 1 to 37 degrees, compared to 0 to 24 degrees for the non-BAL sample. So whilebothsamplesareseenallthewaydownto0degrees(alongthejetaxis),theBAL sample extends about 10 degrees more edge-on compared to non-BALs. Running the simulations with the observationally determined model the results are similar, except that the probability is not as obviously peaked, but flatter in the θ direction due to min thelargerscatterintheα-θrelationship. However,therangeofviewinganglescovered Figure 2. Simulation results using the semi-empirical model; BALs are on the left,unabsorbedquasarsontheright. BALQuasarOrientations 5 with a probability of matching observations of greater than 90% is almost identical to whatwasfoundwiththeempiricalmodel-BALsourcesextendtoviewinganglesabout 10degreesmoreedge-on. This is the first direct observation to indicate that orientation does indeed play a roleinthepresence ofBALs,andthey areseen outtolarger viewingangles compared tonon-BALsources. However, theresults alsoshow thatorientation isnotlikely tobe theonly factor, asthemodels clearly show theyareseen along manyofthesamelines ofsight asunabsorbed quasars. Theorientation versus evolution dichotomy is likely a false one, and we need to consider the role of both in order to fully understand these objects. Acknowledgments. We would like to acknowledge the Wyoming NASA Space Grant Consortium for funding a portion of this work and providing travel support to attendthismeeting. WewouldalsoliketothanktheEuropeanSouthernObservatoryfor awarding DGDFfunding toM.DiPompeo tovisit and collaborate with C.DeBreuck, whichwasinstrumental inthiswork. References Barthel,P.D.1989,ApJ,336,606 Becker, R. H., White, R. L., Gregg, M. D., Brotherton, M. S., Laurent-Muehleisen,S. 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