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RENEWABLE ENERGY AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION Wildlife Management and Conservation Paul R. Krausman, Series Editor RENEWABLE ENERGY AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION EditEd by Christopher E. Moorman, Steven M. Grodsky, and Susan P. Rupp Published in Association with THE WILDLIFE SOCIETY JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY PRESS | BALTIMORE © 2019 Johns Hopkins University Press All rights reserved. Published 2019 Printed in the United States of Amer i ca on acid- free paper 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Johns Hopkins University Press 2715 North Charles Street Baltimore, Mary land 21218-4363 www . press . jhu . edu Library of Congress Cataloging- in- Publication Data Names: Moorman, Christopher E., editor. Title: Renewable energy and wildlife conservation / edited by Christopher E. Moorman, Steven M. Grodsky, and Susan P. Rupp. Description: Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2019. | Series: Wildlife management and conservation | Includes bibliographical references and index. Identifiers: LCCN 2019001473 | ISBN 9781421432724 (hardcover : alk. paper) | ISBN 1421432722 (hardcover : alk. paper) | ISBN 9781421432731 (electronic) | ISBN 1421432730 (electronic) Subjects: LCSH: Renewable energy sources— Environmental aspects. | Wildlife conservation. Classification: LCC TJ808 .R41735 2019 | DDC 333.95/416— dc23 LC rec ord available at https:// lccn . loc . gov / 2019001473 A cata log rec ord for this book is available from the British Library. Special discounts are available for bulk purchases of this book. For more information, please contact Special Sales at 410- 516- 6936 or specialsales@press . jhu . edu. Johns Hopkins University Press uses environmentally friendly book materials, including recycled text paper that is composed of at least 30 percent post- consumer waste, whenever pos si ble. Contents List of Contributors vii 6 Wind Energy Effects on Bats 122 cris d. hein and amanda m. hale Introduction. Renewable Energy and Wildlife 7 Effects of Wind Energy on Wildlife: Conservation 1 Emerging Issues and Underrepresented christopher e. moorman, steven m. grodsky, Taxa 146 and susan p. rupp nicole m. korfanta and victoria h. zero PART I BIOENERGY AND WILDLIFE PART III SOLAR ENERGY, WATERPOWER, AND CONSERVATION WILDLIFE CONSERVATION 1 Short- Rotation Woody Crops and Wildlife 8 Solar Energy: A Technology with Multi- Scale Conservation 13 Opportunities to Integrate Wildlife rachel greene, james a. martin, and t. bently wigley Conservation 177 brian b. boroski 2 Effects of Harvesting Forest- Based Biomass 9 Waterpower: Hydropower and Marine on Terrestrial Wildlife 22 jessica a. homyack and jake verschuyl Hydrokinetic Energy 198 henriette i. jager and lindsay m. wickman 3 Impacts on Wildlife of Annual Crops for Biofuel Production 41 clint otto PART IV THE FUTURE OF RENEWABLE ENERGY AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION 4 Second- Generation Feedstocks from Dedicated Energy Crops: Implications for 10 Renewable Energy Policy Directives: Wildlife and Wildlife Habitat 64 Implications for Wildlife Conservation 229 susan p. rupp and christine a. ribic edward b. arnett 11 Renewable Energy Ecol ogy: The Next PART II WIND ENERGY AND WILDLIFE Frontier in Wildlife Science 247 steven m. grodsky, sarah r. fritts, CONSERVATION and rebecca r. hernandez 5 Wind Energy Effects on Birds 95 regan dohm and david drake Index 261 This page intentionally left blank Contributors Edward B. Arnett is Chief Scientist, Theodore Roos e velt Conservation Partnership, Washington, DC, USA Brian B. Boroski is Vice President, H. T. Harvey & Associates, Ecological Cons ult ants, Fresno, CA, USA Regan Dohm is Research Associate, Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecol ogy, University of Wisconsin Madison, Madison, WI, USA David Drake is Professor and Extension Wildlife Specialist, Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecolo gy, University of Wisconsin Madison, Madison, WI, USA Sarah R. Fritts is Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, Texas State University, San Marcos, TX, USA Rachel Greene is Research Associate II, Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Aquaculture, F orest and Wildlife Research Center, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS, USA Steven M. Grodsky is Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Land, Air & Water Resources, University of Cali- fornia Davis, Davis, CA, USA Amanda M. Hale is Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX, USA Cris D. Hein is Se nior Proj ect Leader- Wind Energy & Wildlife, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, National Wind Technology Center, Golden, CO, USA Rebecca R. Hernandez is Assistant Professor, Department of Land, Air & Water Resources, University of California Davis, Davis, CA, USA Jessica A. Homyack is Western Environmental Research Man ag er, Weyerhaeuser Com pany, Longview, WA, USA Henriette I. Jager is Se nior Scientist, Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National L aboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA, and Joint Faculty, University of Tennessee Ecolo gy and Evolutionary Biology Department and Bredesen Center for Energy Science and Engineering, Knoxville, TN, USA Nicole M. Korfanta is Director, Ruckelshaus Institute, Haub School of Environment and Natur al Resources, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, USA James A. Martin is Associate Professor, Warnell School of Forestry and Natur al Resources, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA viii contributors Christopher E. Moorman is Professor and Coordinator, Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology Program, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA Clint Otto is Research Ecologist, U.S. Geological Survey, Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center, Jamestown, ND, USA Christine A. Ribic is Unit Leader, U.S. Geological Survey, Wisconsin Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit, University of Wisconsin Madison, Madison, WI, USA Susan P. Rupp is CEO, Enviroscapes Ecological Consulting, LLC, Gravette, AR, USA Jake Verschuyl is Director of Forestry Research, Western United States and British Columbia, National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, Anacortes, WA, USA Lindsay M. Wickman is Research Associate, Department of Marine Science, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand T. Bently Wigley is Se nior Research Fellow (Retired), National Council for Air & Stream Improvement, Clemson, SC, USA Victoria H. Zero is Research Biologist and Habitat Conservation Plan Specialist, Western EcoSystems Technology, Inc., Laramie, WY, USA RENEWABLE ENERGY AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION

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