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( Renens, WCC **Alam al-Kutub al-*Had*ith. **Alam al-Kutub al-*Had*ith. *¸Þ**mid*±, A. a.-K. m. and Qatar. Wiz**rat al-Awq**f wa-al-Shu**¿±n al-Isl**m*±yah. (٢٠٠٥). *¸*aw**bi*¹* f*±fahm al-na*¹**¹*. al-Daw*¸Æah, Qatar, Wiz**rat al-Awq**f wa-al-Shu**¿±n al-Isl**m*±yah. *Abd All*ah, M. s. t. (٢٠٠٥). Na*zar*iyat al-siy*aq al-sabab*i f*i al-mu*jam al-*Arab*i. al-Riy*a*d, Mu&#x٠٢bc;assasat al-Yam*amah al-*Su*huf*iyah. *Abd, M. h. (٢٠٠٥).al-Na*s*s wa-al-khi*t*ab wa-al-itti*s*al. al-Q*ahirah, al-Ak*ad*im*iyah al-*Had*ithah lil-Kit*ab al-J*ami**i. *Agerfalk, P. J., L. Bannon, et al. (٢٠٠٥). Action in language, organisations and information systems : Limerick Ireland ; the ٣rd International Conference ١٥-١٦March ٢٠٠٥. Limerick, University of Limerick. *Alam, E. (٢٠٠٥). Amharic for foreign beginners. Addis Ababa, Commercial Printing Enterprise. *Cermák, F. and R. Blatné (٢٠٠٥). Jak vyu*zívat *ceský národní korpus. Praha, Lidové noviny. *Ha*t*hyeva, R. N. (٢٠٠٥). Bashkirska*i*a *etnokul*tura i *i*azyk : opyt vossozdani*i*a *i*azykovo*i kartiny mira. Moskva, Nauka. *Hayyuj, J. b. D. (٢٠٠٥). Yehuda ben David Hayyuwj : Tanqiyt: a treatise on Hebrew vowels ; translation, notes and analysis. München, Lincom Europa. *I*Urchenko, V. S. (٢٠٠٥). Filosofi*i*a *i*azyka i filosofi*i*a *i*azykoznani*i*a : lingvofilosofskie ocherki. Moskva, URSS. *Kupferberg, I. and D. Green (٢٠٠٥). Troubled talk : metaphorical negotiation in problem discourse. Berlin ; New York, Mouton de Gruyter. *Sentürk, R. (٢٠٠٥). Narrative social structure : anatomy of the Hadith transmission network, ٦١٠-١٥٠٥. Stanford, Calif., Stanford University Press. *Zi*zek, S., R. Butler, et al. (٢٠٠٥). Interrogating the real. London ; New York, Continuum. ¸Seyh, G. and V. R. Holbrook (٢٠٠٥). Beauty and Love. New York, Modern Language Ass. ¿*eyh, G. and V. R. Holbrook (٢٠٠٥). H©*sn ©* A¿*k. New York, Modern Language Association of America. ¿*ki, M. (٢٠٠٥). Imakagami no hy¿*gen tsuik¿*. T¿*ky¿*, Shintensha. ¿*m, C. n.-h. (٢٠٠٥). Kug¿* ¿*i pomun kwa pomuncha. Ky¿*nggi-do P**aju-si, T**aehaksa. ¿*tulhofer, A. and T. Sandfort (٢٠٠٥). Sexuality and gender in postcommunist Eastern Europe and Russia. New York, Haworth Press. ٢٠٠٢; ٢٠٠٥. Slovar´ smolenskichgovorov = ١٠: Sžalet´sja-tjatočki = ١١: Ubadrivat´-jaščerki. Avtoričanka-tušilka.[Redkollegija L. Z. Bojarinova et al.. Smolensk: Smolenskij GPI . . ٢٠٠٢; ٢٠٠٥. Slovar´ vologodskich govorov: učebnoe posobie po russkoj dialektologii.Red. T. G. Panikarovskaja. Vologda: Vologodskij gosud. ped. inst. . . ٢٠٠٤; ٢٠٠٥; ٢٠٠٦; ٢٠٠٧; ٢٠١٠. Slovar´ russkich narodnych govorov = Vyp. ٣٨: Skinat´ -Smetuška = Vyp. ٣٩: Smetuška -Sopočit´= Vyp. ٤٠: Sopočka -Ssurovit´ = Vyp. ٤١: Ssurovit´sja -Strigčis´ = Vyp. ٤٢: Striž-Suchlovina.[Glavnyj red. F. P. Sorokoletov; red., O. D. Kuznecova ][Sost.: N. I. Andreeva-Vasina ;, E. V. Kolos´ko ;, V. O. Petrušin ][Sost.: N. I. Andreeva-Vasina ;, E. V. Kolos´ko ;, Sergej A. Myznikov ][Sost.: N. I. Andreeva-Vasina ;, E. V. Kolos´ko ;, L. E. Kruglikova ;, O. N. Krylova ][Sost.: N. I. Andreeva-Vasina ;, E. V. Kolos´ko ;, O. N. Krylova ][Sost.: N. I. Andreeva-Vasina ;, I. V. Baklanova ;, E. V. Kolos´ko ;, O. N. Krylova ;, Sergej A. Myznikov ;, N. V. Popova ]. Sankt-Peterburg: Nauka . . ٢٠٠٥[٢٠٠٦]. Specifika církevní komunikace.Naděžda Bayerová ;, Irena Bogoczová ;, Marcela Grygerková ;, Jaroslav Hubáček ;, Zdeněk Kovalčík ;, Naděžda Kvítková ;, Michaela Lašt̛ovičková ;, Eva Minářová ;, Veronika Vydrová ;, Marcela Zončová . Ostrava: Ostravská univ. . . ٢٠٠٥. A companion in linguistics: a Festschrift for Anders Ahlqvist on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday.Ed. by Bernadette Smelik ;, Rijcklof Hofman ;, Camiel Hamans ;, David Cram . Münster: De Keltische Draak . . ٢٠٠٥. A new history of Ireland = I : Prehistoric and early Ireland.Ed. by Dáibhí Ó Cróinín . Oxford: Oxford UP. . . ٢٠٠٥. Aspects of English negation.Ed. by Yoko Iyeiri . Tokyo: Benjamins . . ٢٠٠٥. Breudwyt Maxen Wledic.Ed. by Brynley F. Roberts . Dublin: School of Celtic Studies, Dublin Inst. for Advanced Studies (Medieval and Modern Welsh Series, ١١). . ٢٠٠٥. Český jazykový atlas = ٥.Vedoucí autorského kolektivu Jan Balhar ; zpracoval dialektologický kolektiv Ústavu pro jazyk český AV ČR, Jarmila Bachmannová ;, Libuše Čižmárová ;, Karel Fic ;, Zuzana Hlubinková ;, Martina Ireinová ;, Stanislava Kloferová ;, Zina Komárková ;, Milena Šipková . Praha: Academia . . ٢٠٠٥. Clusivity: typology and case studies of the inclusive-exclusive distinction.Ed. by Elena Filimonova . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Typological studies in language, ٦٣). . ٢٠٠٥. Cognitive linguistics : internal dynamics and interdisciplinary interaction.Ed. by Francisco José Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez ;,M. Sandra Peña Cervel. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter (Cognitive linguistics research, ٣٢). . ٢٠٠٥. Comcáac quih yaza quih hant ihíip hac : cmiique iitom, cocsar iitom, maricáana iitom = Diccionario seri-español-inglés: con índices español-seri, inglés-seri y con gramática.Compiladores Mary Beck Moser ;, Stephen A. Marlett ; basándose en la investigación pionera de, Roberto Herrera Marcos y, Edward W. Moser . México D.F.: Univ. de Sonora . . ٢٠٠٥. Construction grammars : cognitive grounding and theoretical extensions.Ed. by Jan-Ola Östman ;, Mirjam Fried . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Constructional approaches to language, ٣). . ٢٠٠٥. Controversy and subjectivity.Ed. by Pierluigi Barrotta, Marcelo Dascal . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Controversies, ١). . ٢٠٠٥. Corpus linguistics : readings in a widening discipline.Ed. by Geoffrey Sampson and, Diana McCarthy . London: Continuum . . ٢٠٠٥. Corpus-based approaches to sentence structure.Ed. by Toshihiro Takagaki ;, Susumu Zaima ;, Yoichiro Tsuruga ;, Francisco Moreno Fernández ;, Yūji Kawaguchi . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Usage-based linguistic informatics, ٢). . ٢٠٠٥. Current issues in the analysis of Semitic grammar and lexicon = I : Oslo-Göteborg Cooperation ٣rd-٥th June ٢٠٠٤.Ed. by Lutz Edzard and, Jan Retsö . Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz (Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, ٥٦/٣). . ٢٠٠٥. Deutsch als Fremdsprache : Konturen und Perspektiven eines Faches : Festschrift für Barbara Wotjak zum ٦٥. Geburtstag.Hg. Antje Heine ;, Mathilde Henning ; Erwin Tschirner,. München: Iudicium . . ٢٠٠٥. Dialect change : convergence and divergence in European languages.Ed. by Peter Auer ;, Frans L. M. P. Hinskens ;, Paul Kerswill . Cambridge: Cambridge UP. . . ٢٠٠٥. Dialects across borders : selected papers from the ١١th International Conference on Methods in Dialectology (Methods XI), Joensuu, August ٢٠٠٢.Ed. by Markku Filppula ;, Juhani Klemola ;, Marjatta Palander ;, Esa Penttilä . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Current issues in linguistic theory, ٢٧٣). . ٢٠٠٥. El español en América: aspectos teóricos, particularidades, contactos.Volker Noll ;, Klaus Zimmermann ;, Ingrid Neumann-Holzschuh (eds.). Frankfurt am Main: Iberoamericana (Lengua y sociedad en el mundo hispánico, ١١). . ٢٠٠٥. Ethnologue : languages of the world.Ed. by Raymond G. Gordon . Dallas, TX: Summer Inst. of Ling. . . ٢٠٠٥. General and applied Romani linguistics : proceedings from the ٦th International Conference on Romani Linguistics.Barbara Schrammel, Dieter W. Halwachs &, Gerd Ambrosch (eds.). München: LINCOM Europa (LINCOM studies in Indo-European linguistics, ٢٩). . ٢٠٠٥. Gramatiniųfunkcijųtyrimai.Axel Holvoet ;, Rolandas Mikulskas (red.). Vilnius: Lietuviųkalbos inst. (Lietuviųkalbos gramatikos darbai, ٣). . ٢٠٠٥. Handbook of orthography and literacy.Ed. by R. Malatesha Joshi ;, P. G. Aaron . Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum . . ٢٠٠٥. Hungarian language contact outside Hungary : studies on Hungarian as a minority language.Ed. by Anna Fenyvesi . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Impact : studies in language and society, ٢٠). . ٢٠٠٥. Integration of European language research.Ed. by P. Sture Ureland. Berlin: Logos (Studies in eurolinguistics, ٢). . ٢٠٠٥. Investigating Arabic : current parameters in analysis and learning.Ed. by ‛Alā’ al-Ǧibālī :. Leiden: Brill (Studies in Semitic languages and linguistics, ٤٢). . ٢٠٠٥. Language diversity in Michigan and Ohio : towards two state linguistic profiles.Ed. by Brian D. Joseph ;, Carol G. Preston ;, Dennis R. Preston . Ann Arbor, MI: Caravan Books . . ٢٠٠٥. Le français en Amérique du Nord: état présent.Sous la dir. de Albert Valdman ;, Julie Auger ;, Deborah Piston-Hatlen . Québec: Presses de l’Univ. Laval (Collection langue française en Amérique du Nord). . ٢٠٠٥. Les langues chamito-sémitiques (afro-asiatiques) = ١.Directeurs scientifiques Antoine Lonnet et, Amina Mettouchi . Paris: Ophrys (Faits de langues, ٢٦). . ٢٠٠٥. Manipulation and ideologies in the twentieth century : discourse, language, mind.Ed. by Louis de Saussure and, J. Peter Schulz . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Discourse approaches to politics, society and culture, ١٧). . ٢٠٠٥. Mari undMordwinen im heutigen Russland: Sprache, Kultur, Identität.Hrsg. von Eugen A. Helimski ;, Ulrike Kahrs ;, Monika Schötschel . Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz (Veröffentlichungen der Societas Uralo-Altaica, ٦٦). . ٢٠٠٥. Missionary linguistics = II : Lingüística misionera = II : Orthography and phonology : selected papers from the Second InternationalConference on Missionary Linguistics, São Paulo, ١٠-١٣March ٢٠٠٤.Ed. by Otto Zwartjes ;, Maria Cristina Altman :. Amsterdam: Benjamins (Amsterdam studies in the theory and history of linguistic science. Series ٣, Studies in the history of language sciences, ١٠٩). . ٢٠٠٥. Modality in Slavonic languages: new perspectives.Ed. by Björn Hansen ;, Petr Karlík . München: Sagner (Slavolinguistica, ٦). . ٢٠٠٥. Multiculturalisme, multilinguisme et milieu urbain.Travaux réunis par Catherine Paulin . Besançon: Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté (Recherches en linguistique étrangère, ٢٣). . ٢٠٠٥. Native languages of the southeastern United States.Ed. by Heather K. Hardy ;, Janine Scancarelli . Lincoln, NE: Univ. of Nebraska Press (Studies in the anthropology of North American Indians). . ٢٠٠٥. Politeness in Europe.Ed. by Leo Hickey and,Miranda Stewart. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters (Multilingual matters, ١٢٧). . ٢٠٠٥. Polonistik im deutschsprachigen Bereich: Aufgaben und Perspektiven ihrer Entwicklung.Hg.: Danuta Rytel-Kuc ;, Wolfgang F. Schwarz ;, Hans Christian Trepte . Hildesheim: Olms (westostpassagen: slawistische Forschungen und Texte, ١). . ٢٠٠٥. Profesor Lumír Klimeš jubilující.Red. Helena Chýlová ;, Viktor Viktora . Plzeň: Západočeská univ. . . ٢٠٠٥. Secondary predication and adverbial modification : the typology of depictives.Ed. by Nikolaus P. Himmelmann and, Eva Schultze-Berndt . Oxford: Oxford UP. . . ٢٠٠٥. The Austronesian languages of Asia and Madagascar.Ed. by K. Alexander Adelaar and, Nikolaus P. Himmelmann . London: Routledge (Routledge language family descriptions). . ٢٠٠٥. The globalisation of English and the English language classroom.Ed. by Claus Gnutzmann ;, Frauke Intemann . Tübingen: Narr . . ٢٠٠٥. The handbook of speech perception.Ed. by David B. Pisoni ;, Robert E. Remez . Oxford: Blackwell (Blackwell handbooks in linguistics). . ٢٠٠٥. The peopling of East Asia : putting together archaeology, linguistics and genetics.Ed. by Laurent Sagart ;, Roger M. Blench ;, Alicia Sanchez-Mazas . London: RoutledgeCurzon . . ٢٠٠٥. The sociolinguistics of narrative.Ed. by Joanna Thornborrow ;, Jennifer Coates . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Studies in narrative, ٦). . ٢٠٠٥. Verba et historia: Igoru Němcovi k ٨٠. narozeninám.Ed. Petr Nejedlý ;, Miloslava Vajdlová za spolupráce,Borise Lehecky. Praha: Ústav pro jazyk český AV ČR . . ٢٠٠٥; ٢٠٠٦. La traduction, contact de langues et cultures = I; II.Michel Ballard [éd.]. Arras: Artois Presses Université . . ٢٠٠٥; ٢٠٠٨. Kalbos istorijos ir dialektologijos problemos = ١; ٢.[SudarėSaulius Ambrazas ;, DanguolėMikulėnienė(vyr. red.)]. Vilnius: Lietuviųkalbos inst. . . Aarad, M. (٢٠٠٥). Roots and patterns : Hebrew morpho-syntax. Dordrecht {[u.a.], Springer. Aaron, J. E. and E. Bander (٢٠٠٥). The Little, Brown essential handbook for writers. Toronto, Pearson Longman. Ab*u al-Hayj*a*, A. i. A. a.-R. h. a. (٢٠٠٥). al-Juh*ud al-lughaw*iyah : bibliy*ughr*afiy*a : ras*a*il j*ami**iyah, kutub, bu*h*uth bi-al-lughatayn al-*Arab*iyah wa-al-Injl*iz*iyah. *Amm*an Ab*u, a.-H. a., x٠٢bc, et al. (٢٠٠٥). al-Juh*ud al-lughaw*iyah, bib*ul*ughr*afiy*a [sic] : ras*a&#x٠٢bc;il j*ami**iyah, kutub, bu*h*uth bi-al-lughatayn al-*Arab*iyah wa-al-Injl*iz*iyah. *Amm*an Ababneh, Mohammad I. ٢٠٠٥. 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