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Renegade Training for Football: The Ultimate Guide to Developing Maximum Strength, Maximum Speed and Maximum Power PDF

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Preview Renegade Training for Football: The Ultimate Guide to Developing Maximum Strength, Maximum Speed and Maximum Power

| The Ultimate Guide To Developing Maximum Strength, Maximum Speed and Maximum Power Praise for Coach Davies and Renegade Training “In ray 20 years nf exacking, 1 aave heen fortnnate to have been associatell with v lot of top qualivy coaches, When 2 think of somoone whoen (would was to send iny kidh to for speed and quickness development along with a nest approach to ovcral” training; medbods, the one who comes to mind Fret and foccmest ix john Davies. have persnally watched hi:t interact on the fefd and have had che opportunity to sere a lie af ry athleses to him and eveeyore one of rhein have trade: incredible gin fm all aspects. Joba is unique with his styl, be las cuttin edge rechniques, but what iupressey mae most is the sway he puts chings icc 4 simplitiod and easy tn andlerstand method thal et be tailored co athletes tall levels Uadosibuedly you wil find John’s Renegaste Training for Foorkall tv ie hoth rewarding? sans refteshingll jay!” Steve Mooshagiag, Wide Recrivur Coach, Cincin ni Regal “Tint waned thankyou foal the power al pope au hive devapd for owl nga tie pst a years eon oe erento se dat of apesd declan advan Teo propraus eee eee by voto sms mata tn eu pay tne pases seed a 1 de pion specie taining mans Tae Herd of 0086 arin ork a ‘rca aig eae ses erp ps CDEP acl graeesne Sa aa oustanding, Aang ine inca spect engh ark mocks Pal ls sea ol oe Rengica wa sar rlagete work shin Pstyaog a inenrewerbh ee Gone contiunes to be auntazed at how weil our players have progressed through the different levels Ste poveesjtal prove The pry seaiuses Lack ables epee a Sls weak ebay ganngylees The perapsdprogensJeceel he ee iam cath ne rey cng cats pcos eng ee Thurs sats Jol or all sone help. ou se make an Sethe Clann Serongth, Speed umd Conéitionig stacT ened une foothall program, We look forwaed to Sorkin wth soni he ofsenos Box afb sol Cot iste Has, SCC MSS, Darou Spode Coton, Cleon Uy ser “Joining the Renegade Coaching program has made an immediate impact on the young, athletes that L work with, As their personal coach L wart the hest fir then, Whar bettst programs to give chem than the Renegade Workoul? «30? and its proper iw plensesatinn hhave made me. heFever ir any program Jol Davice creates, have seen dramatic changes inn iny athlce's hip Hexibiley and overall work capeciy, Coach Davies taining programa has ‘aunched exy athletes’ cuufidence ane will to succes.” Dan Fichter, Wannagedfas, Power Speed Trainin, Rricheste, NY. “Playing tooteali it Carada, you do noe receive she game level uf coaching that players dlo inthe US,, and are ofen let te fond For yozelf wisn it costes co olscas0n Laing. ‘Over the yezis Thave ied nearly every footbal specie! wwrcour oar thers, and found dhar nome nf them accessed al. of dhe noses specific to dae spout of football. However Coach Davas’ peog-am addresses al of these necds—spuc, agility, stongth, power aud sgenorel physical pecparation—and outs fasta into a prosedy periadived und wavy 0 Follows yeartround werkarr program, | have made increclihle nropress over a short periexl of time Using his woskouts, and wish shat I had access ‘a his guicaace years ag." —Sontt Vass, Simon Fraser University Clansmen Foetball, *Jorw's wark is on the cutting os “always has boon and abvays will be, He darcs to go where few will ead. He attacks achletie performance with 2 forue finuly founded in rradtion as well as ventoring irto what some der uneomuent onal, Ta the end, the results spank for themelves, Wins, wins, and more wins, Letrle mare need be sai" — Mike Ryan, College and [igh Schoo! foeeball conch, CA "Coach Davies conceprs on craininy Football players are the bast that 1 have ever encouatered! His "renegade style” of training the Football athlste is unimus to any other form of train'ny, Jt doss not ca:pkasize just o£e or ewe aspects 0! foauball such as weight tuainiag and cvndivioning, it eruphin’ player on the gridiron. Exp‘asive strongth, agility, quicleess Hexihilty, special awareness, recetion Cave, conditioning and ext important ¥, wareior weit and mental & physical toughncss are all developed fully aud given equel attentian!" — Derek Alford, Oifersive Coordinaani(Zamterhacks, Garland Ligh School. TX, al faces eqcaily, which in carn ercates a great "John Davies ie the new wind of invasion iu sparrspasifia raining. TE fon don't read this book, then winaing seus: nat 3e very impartant ca yon —Asih Orone, Trainer, Minnespalis, MN "Que slayers are in Uke heat shape they've: ewer heer in ard they're able to leeep up wich thor eas who a year ayo blew past them, The boys have a Jovetkate relationship wich the program, Srey peieve in it ard ave ling wo go throng it, 2x: they also admit chat i's Fre toughest thing they've over done, They nov it will make cher beet athleuss ns vwell as pecple I youre gonna bw hey, I yricly" —Jabo Boryess Coach, Tasley High School Easley. SC "Working with Coack Davies was boon tte most intense espersenae in hol the taining and the sesuls chat T ave had swe starting trsining twenty years ago. | have becoaue a true "Reneyace," | now profs to test. alone after the gym closes by mvsell leaving iy training partners wonde-ing «chat has caused any uew fourid evel of speed, strengths and — Jay Cox, Dopury Saeeil, Biswopsile, MD “Thave learned merci seven aronths from Coach Devies about the practical application of exercises aud base work in the real wold hau I did from the other “expetes" in 1? yeazs lifting, a Master's degree in Exercise Physiology, cocartless journals and niayzines,” — Kevin Herring, Birmnghan, AL “Cogeh Davies—One word: Loyal This uian as stuck with 12 and every other guy that be has come in contact, Lleaas done it with vigilance and deterruiuation, 1 make ny the BRSv'we can be, Everything thu he has taught me has at one ine or another esmed odd, Fur all oft, has heen beneficial ts nat only ane but co my athletes. Coach Davies aver time has intiled a toughness that | have mot has in yeary and ough him Yann able to pass tbat same tonighmess, that (Newor say die’ attitude on to my players. When every other Coach has taumed ane dow, hi: has feand faith in me and given ma the ebance to be the ‘WOST. He uruly is a Coach among Caches.” Jeff Oech, Strength Cosch, Boulder High School, Boutden, CO "1 wanted to take sotne tine to thank you for the knowledge and insight chat you have supplied us with ia the last cwo years, (am aunazed ul the strides chat tbe Refcasivg Jie and. Linchacleors have tnade in the last two sommers, Mp athletes" hip strength and explosiveness have improved wemendonsly fon: the Power Speed Deills an the Short Come Vill eat we have we -Auother amaving factor isthe level of cundition chat my atatetes have eeached using your progears, Lam looking forward co seeing HN0Y%a nf may athletes pass our conditioning test. Your Speed Program and you have been cccrnendous ansets to Clensoa Adileicr and ystlf, The speod “esting mumbes ftom this sammer weie unbelievable and a great festauioa: us your knowledge of speed training, I wotld recommend your peogear ta any sos oF athlete, You have changod my views of what sped texting is all about. Tam so wxcized about this arogiam thal | vem go skip tke season and stare the thind year of ft feday, Uically appreciale everything that you have done for Clemson and aur sta” Russel auersim, SCC, SSC, Arsismant Sreengeh Coach, Cleinson Uaiversty "Most strength coaches arid football athletes have coftsed football conditioning, with vwcight Iilting. "The ability to bench press ehe weight room has ete pusitive transfer to the slaying arena, Fortunate'y, John Davies’ new book on fouthall conditioning will provide ‘the proper roadmap fur the aspising football athlete and his strength conch, The depth of Coa’ Davivs’ experience wit) the footba't all ete combined with his indepth knowlege is raccly fourd in day's contemporary voach, I ave found him to be an invaluable resuuree, Uis workouss are nor only a tremendeu challenge that producer sesults, but thoy provice a refres!-ing perspective on this modern giamn, n« pain and no gain mentaliey. Trwneld nor hesitate to necomrrend this book lo any athlete af conditionlag cousultaat.” — Michael Rutherford, MS. Exercive Physiology. ~All great coa ‘oeces “or ont ath cs wil agrea thar we mnst develop speed, strength, anc cenitioning in a to be successh’. Johr Navies has added the wards, "Spore-specilic™ y traning poilosephies in 2 mcaniaglul way. With Cucach Davies neds nar only have | acded! deprk and with ro the bekly, bt alse to che mind of these athletes as we pus beyond what wis onee Unuught co be the Lint of their abi ies both yer etivally and pssthological-y. ‘Ye ditir © reat cones art John Davies is 20 "sip = roca" always willy fe answcr a qeesriom appeneh that he has wth all oF us thar have buen fortarate te cross path wich Kim, Lwiil neve get tireé cf Estering co the "rzinb ings of this old woah" ax ig aleraye a buirway exrevier ca?” — Dale"Trowble" Wallace hooweeu, "Coach Davies is the teal deal. Ate: three azorihs of uaénicg under kis guidance, | was ahve a teach ‘evels ofstrengib an speed -hat Fn fer “rng eine heer” prossible. Pan zmauch moze confident -n my stills as an athlete ané can't wait to be able to apply thera ro the fouthal ele in a few mont.” —M). Mafaro, Staten Island, NY, Comyrighe & 287 teh K Daves Ulights under Inerratiowl nd Fan-Anetean Copyright comse-tos, Poison the United States Ly Dragon oor Patios, Ine PO, Sox ASB St. au HO =5104 Tes (651) 487-2180 » Pex: (651 487 2956 radi card orcers: P80 a8 14 Stall dragordaraaa.cir« Wabsite: wen dregonimcort ‘BON: wvoDy a2 4 “Tas coan Frat aun in dune 202 Ho pat ofthis Look may 26 “eprauicad in ac“ 3 any mars without the prior with corset cho Paste, exceotng 9'ef gates sed F cee. Printed the United States of tne Bons design, Mustations 20d curr by Derek Brighare ‘ebsie “rep ns trier. cemn Tolan (612) B27 3481 « Ec Uvighads.com Prasmarapas of he autor by Don PL: (612) 252-8797 Dscuater ‘The auc and publsher of this material are nat response th any “waer wHatsoerer Fr ry ine ‘hat nay ccc threugfttowng che instractions contained I hs material. he alles, 2-yical thers, descbed hein for *sratinal purposes 71, na Be toa Senos oF dangers or se people and the faders shot eosult x ystlan ete ecgeql@ sche al 396.332 0287r 2002 paviee. Jahn K. Renagade training for footha i Table of Contents Foreword ie ‘Vhe Renegade Creed si Tatroduction wv ‘the developmen: and maximization of speeddhe wew demands for explosive sirength, xgility, and pover..the grilitoa as modem bartetield. speed ay the uftimats weapon for detcumiaing vclory..how uo anihilane the sompetition...what dictas suecise..hinw mr prose a faster mace explosive alhlete.,.thy governing concept of effective raining..the well-trained athlee’s lini ui sucari ‘the fanctional novds of he modern Foothall pleyer..csow us enasimie intividua’’s aubletic develorsnent..the true and on'y goal of waining,..the Resnyade Trairing smecese-mantea that every task must satisy...the "no holds barred” and ack tn-hasios coac'ting philosophy for cxtzcane physical prowess and the talentless pussnic of victory How I develuped iny: Slueprint for sncecss. astonishing improvements in speed. .che key determinant for successful conditioning. the vival impuriamce {9f periodication..the teal reason most atbletes arc not sneccssiu, formulating an appropriate plan of attack...tegainiog the work ethic far mental toughness and invegriy. alevelopsng eke parern of victory as a daily mindsct Chapter 1—Range of Motion Deyclopment 1 Fleihily as sport pif vange of mation..clercoping a fonctiooaly flexshle achletc...the power of want and desire...the bending stocl aulogy.athe farce major elles oF erharest fexbilycxmafinal ad intrafusil musvle fiders. ! Static versus Dynamic Range of Mation 2 Starie and dynamic flexibility...bow to optimize statie flexibility... training the cognitive peoress.. ow to optinav dynamic flexisilry.,.emlerstanding the via diferenee hetneen stretching and range of motion developmen! i —————— OF Hip Mobility Exercises 3 1 side Mowerrent, Leal Leg, Over fright leg orm rb side 3. Side Vrvemene Crossover Leg Our fight leg from lel sd 3. Side Moversect 44, Front Movement SPs Moveragr# Dosin Cer et & ack Unde, Law Taroughort Duck Uden, Pop Up Beresea, 8 Duck Ghder, ors, Low Throughout $ “This, Pop Lp Berscen tit, Forward ZigZaz, Dek Uriler Jombling Drills u ti use tuerbling 10 itaprove body hamemy and Kivrlic awareness. abe any other Sencfirs of rumbling, oll LL bosward Roll to Staxd 2) Rackeward Roll a Stand 3. Tripod to Stand Postworkout Stretching 28 1. Side Righr 2 Sats Lett 3, Crossocer Righe 4. Crossover Tei S. Midd: Reac’a 6. Warrior Right 2 Werriur Eoft Herc hone Riga 3) Bont lange Lett 10. Teiery’e Rik 44. “Triangle bel Drowrward Da 1B. G 14, Lower Brck 15. Pesyer Right Jé. Prager let 17, Hurdle Rig 18, Tued2 Lek 1h Banery srt Mille 21 Lege Apait teks 22, Logs Apert) aft 25, Tay Unde Righ> 2a. Ley Under Lect 25, Qued Right 26. Quad Left — | TagLe of ConteNrs ——— Chapter 2—Agility Training a Yeh ccecion, balsa agility ate ae deter i used om the fon fell thon the D-pad Rope Skipping 2 Rope skipping —the peafect exercise for everyene2nthe mine skill areas addressed by rope skipping...te proper inedkasizs of rope work... selecting fe hest rope,.he impurtaace of comost hand position...1ope speat Sequence Drills “4 Ve Vase 2 Face rather Cunsover of banda Ali shuffc Doule skips fororside slalom lr, fee paral ip rams, lef ove foeward Hip turn, right aoe forward igh knces Four rope routine paueres ta employ during breaks, for prcator phpsical Juncfty ps a beightencd sense of awareness and concen Agility Ladder 34 Ladder drills for foor positioning, quiclass of feet, and eiicieney of sxoveren. Jie te ke your or Tale Agilicy Ladder Drills 4 1. Oe fot pet et of rungs 2. Twos fir per ser oF raspy 3. nice foor in ad our side-to-side fashion Crossover fuot in and ont, side-to-side fashion 5. Tater rn 4 Lareral apean-hack son 7. Larecal shuffle 8. Lavesal sbufle and suum

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