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Renal Failure and Leukocytosis Are Predictors of a Complicated Course of Clostridium difficile Infection if Measured on Day of Diagnosis. PDF

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Preview Renal Failure and Leukocytosis Are Predictors of a Complicated Course of Clostridium difficile Infection if Measured on Day of Diagnosis.

SUPPLEMENT ARTICLE Renal Failure and Leukocytosis Are Predictors Clostridium difficile of a Complicated Course of Infection if Measured on Day of Diagnosis MartijnP.Bauer,1,aMarjoleinP.M.Hensgens,1,aMarkA.Miller,2DaleN.Gerding,3,4MarkH.Wilcox,5,6AdamP.Dale,5 WarrenN.Fawley,5EdJ.Kuijper,1andSherwoodL.Gorbach7,8 1LeidenUniversityMedicalCenter,TheNetherlands;2DivisionofInfectiousDiseases,JewishGeneralHospital,McGillUniversity,Montreal,Quebec, Canada;3HinesVeteransAffairsHospital,4LoyolaUniversityChicagoSchoolofMedicine,Maywood,Illinois;5DepartmentofMicrobiology,The GeneralInfirmary,OldMedicalSchool,6LeedsInstituteofMolecularMedicine,UniversityofLeeds,UnitedKingdom;7OptimerPharmaceuticals,Inc., SanDiego,California,and8TuftsUniversitySchoolofMedicine,Boston,Massachusetts NonsevereClostridiumdifficileinfection(CDI)andsevereCDI,whichcarriesahigherriskthannonsevereCDI fortreatmentfailureandCDIrecurrence,aredifficulttodistinguishatthetimeofdiagnosis.Toinvestigatethe prognostic value of 3 markers of severe CDI suggested by recent guidelines (fever, leukocytosis, and renal failure),weusedthedatabaseof2randomizedcontrolledtrials,whichcontainedinformationfor1105patients with CDI. Leukocytosis (risk ratio [RR], 2.29; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.63–3.21) and renal failure (RR, 2.52; 95% CI, 1.82–3.50) were associated with treatment failure. Fever, although associated with treatment failure (RR, 2.45; 95% CI, 1.07–5.61), was rare. Renal failure was the only significant predictor of recurrence (RR,1.45;95%CI,1.05–2.02).Differenttimingofmeasurementsofleukocytecountandserumcreatininelevel aroundtheCDIdiagnosisledtoadifferentseverityclassificationinmanycases.Inconclusion,bothleukocyto- sisandrenalfailureareusefulpredictors,althoughtimingofmeasurementisimportant. Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) has become an complicationsorrecurrencescanguidethechoiceand increasing problem in many hospitals in the Western duration of therapy. In 2009, a prediction rule for world during the past decade. C. difficile causes diar- recurrences, incorporating age, comorbid conditions, rheaandcolitis,withatendencytorecurafterinitially andthenecessitytocontinueincitingantibiotictherapy, successful antimicrobial therapy. Furthermore, gut waspublished[1].Thisrulewasderivedfromandwas inflammationmaybesoseverethatantimicrobialthera- validated in 2 cohorts of 44 and 64 patients, respect- py is not effective; in such cases, complications such ively. The relatively small sample sizes challenge the ashypotension, perforation,and toxicmegacolon may credibility of this rule. Several risk factors for compli- develop. Several risk factors for CDI have been identi- cations of CDI and prediction rules based on these fied,ofwhichtheuseofantibioticsisthemostimpor- factors have been described, but unfortunately, none tant.Predictingwhichpatientsareatriskfordeveloping ofthesepredictionruleshavebeenvalidated[2–6]. Thechoiceofanappropriateendpointforapredic- tion rule for complicated and/or recurrent CDI has aM.P.B.andM.P.M.H.contributedequallytothiswork. beenproblematic.Theclinicaljudgmentofwhetherto Correspondence: E. J. Kuijper, Department of Medical Microbiology, Leiden University Medical Center, PO Box 9600, 2300 RC, Leiden, The Netherlands attributeendpointssuchasCDI-relatedmortalityand ([email protected]). intensivecareunitadmissionmaybehighlysubjective, ClinicalInfectiousDiseases 2012;55(S2):S149–53 especially for elderly patients, who are often admitted ©TheAuthor2012.PublishedbyOxfordUniversityPressonbehalfoftheInfectious DiseasesSocietyofAmerica.Allrightsreserved.ForPermissions,pleaseemail: with severeillness and usuallyhavesignificantcomor- journals.permissions@oup.com.ThisisanOpenAccessarticledistributedunder bid conditions. End points concerning the resolution thetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttributionNon-CommercialLicense(http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0), which permits unrestricted non- andrecurrenceofdiarrheaneedaprecisedefinitionof commercialuse,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginal diarrheaandquantitativemeasurementofstoolvolume workisproperlycited. DOI:10.1093/cid/cis340 and frequency, which may be difficult to obtain. (cid:129) (cid:129) PredictorsofComplicatedCDI CID 2012:55 (Suppl2) S149 Furthermore, the parameters included in a prediction rule For patients with rectal collection devices, volume was should be objective, routinely measured in clinical practice, convertedtonumberofUBMsbydividingthevolumeby60mL andavailableatthemomenttheruleisapplied(ie,whenCDI androundinguptothenearestwholenumber.Attheend-of- isdiagnosed). therapy visit, an investigator assessed the success of therapy. ArecentguidelinebytheSocietyforHealthcareEpidemiol- Clinical failure was defined as the persistence of diarrhea, the ogy of America and the Infectious Diseases Society of need for additional therapy for CDI, or both on the basis of America recommends that age, peak leukocyte count, and theopinionoftheinvestigator[10].RecurrenceofCDI(deter- peak serum creatinine level be taken into account as potential mined by use of the same criteria as for enrollment [ie, >3 indicators of a complicated course of CDI when treatment is UBMsper24hoursandapositivestooltoxintestresult])was started [7]. The European Society for Clinical Microbiology assessed during the mean follow-up duration (±SD) of 28±2 and Infectious Diseases has issued a guidance document for days after completion of therapy. At enrollment, temperature, thetreatmentofCDIthatalsolistsqualitativeandquantitative leukocytecount,andserumcreatininelevelwerecollected. symptoms,signs,laboratoryparameters,andradiologicalfind- To assess whether the timing of laboratory measurements ings that may reflect more severe disease with associated couldinfluencetheirprognosticvalue,weusedthedatabaseof higherriskforcomplicationsandrecurrences[8].Threequan- a prospective cohort study performed at Leeds Teaching Hos- titative parameters for diagnosing severe colitis were included: pitalin2007.Inthisdatabase,104consecutiveadultinpatients body temperature >38.5°C, leukocyte count >15×109/L, and with CDI (defined on the basis of the presence of unformed serum creatinine level >50% above baseline; however, these stoolandapositiveC.difficiletoxintestresult)wereincluded. cutoffshavenotbeenconfirmedprospectively. On days −3 to +3 relative to day 0 (the day the diarrheal Inthepresent study,wesoughttoinvestigatethevalue of3 sample was collected), leukocyte count and serum creatinine quantitativeseveritycriteriainpredictingthefailureofantimi- level were recorded. Data from a minimum of 2 leukocyte crobial therapy and the recurrence of CDI after initially suc- counts and creatinine levels on different days were required cessful treatment. Furthermore, we aimed to investigate forpatientstobeincludedintheanalyses. whether leukocyte count and serum creatinine level fluctuate In both analyses, we defined fever as a core body tempera- earlyinthecourseofaCDIepisodeandthereforewhetherthe ture >38.5°C and leukocytosis as a leukocyte count >15×109 timing of their measurements can influence whether severity leukocytes/L. Because the pre-CDI serum creatinine level was criteriaaremet.Forouranalyses,weusedthedatabasefrom2 not known foreach patient, we substituted the 50% creatinine largerandomizedclinicaltrialsthatusedastrictobjectivedefi- level increase with a fixed value of the creatinine level nition of diarrhea and the database of a prospective single- >133μmol/L (>1.5mg/dL). This served as a proxy for renal center cohort study that recorded sequential leukocyte counts failure. andserumcreatininelevelsaroundthedateofCDIdiagnosis. Analyses METHODS The intention-to-treat population that received at least 1 dose ofstudymedicationwasusedfortheanalysis.Distributionsof Databases the continuous variables of temperature, leukocyte count, and The database from 2 randomized controlled phase III trials creatinine level were compared for patients with and patients comparing vancomycin with fidaxomicin for the treatment of without clinical treatment failure and recurrence. Nonnor- CDI wasused toassessthepredictivevalue offever,leukocyte mally distributed variables were compared with the Mann- count, and serum creatinine level [9, 10]. Patients were Whitney U test. Proportions were compared with the χ2 test. recruited in the United States, Canada, and Europe (Clinical- Riskratios(RRs)and 95%confidenceintervals(CIs)werecal- Trials.gov registry number NCT00314951, April 2006–July culated for the associations of fever, leukocytosis, and renal 2008, United States and Canada; and ClinicalTrials.gov failure with the outcome parameters. Kaplan-Meier survival registry number NCT00468728, April 2007–November 2009, curves were constructed to investigate the association of fever, United States, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, leukocytosis, and renal failure with the time to resolution of Spain, Sweden, and United Kingdom). Patients with CDI, diarrhea(expressedinhoursfromthefirstdoseoffidaxomicin defined on the basis of diarrhea (>3 unformed bowel move- or vancomycin). The log-rank test was used to test the differ- ments [UBMs] per day) and a positive stool toxin test for ence between the survival curves. Cox regression was used to C. difficile, were randomly assigned to receive 125mg of van- calculatehazardratios(HRs)with95%CIs.Receiveroperating comycin 4 times daily or 200mg of fidaxomicin twice daily characteristic curves were constructed to assess the validity of for 10 days. The numbers and times of UBMs were recorded the cutoffs used to define categorical variables. Variability of during treatment and for 2 days after an end-of-therapy visit. leukocyte counts and serum creatinine levels were compared (cid:129) (cid:129) S150 CID 2012:55 (Suppl2) Baueretal within patients and expressed in absolute differences. All ana- Table 1. Determinants of Clinical Treatment Failure Among lyses were carried out in SPSS for Windows software, version PatientsWithClostridiumdifficileInfection 17.0(SPSS,Chicago,IL). Variable MedianValue IQR Pa RESULTS Continuous,outcome Temperature(°C) There were 1105 patients with CDI in the clinical trial data- Failure 36.8 36.4–37.2 .180 base. Patients treated with vancomycin (n=566) or fidaxomi- Cure 36.7 36.4–37.1 Leukocytecount(×109leukocytes/L) cin (n=539) had similar median values for temperature, Failure 10.5 6.8–17.4 .002 leukocyte count, and serum creatinine level and were evenly Cure 8.9 6.5–12.1 distributed across the groups with respect to dichotomized Creatininelevel(μmol/L)b continuous variables (data not shown). Fever was rare; only Failure 80 62–150 .005 1.2% of patients (13 of 1102) had atemperature >38.5°C. The Cure 71 62–97 median treatment duration was 11 days for each group. Categorical,cutoff Failurec RRd 95%CI Overall, 143 patients (13%) experienced clinical treatment Fever,temperature failure at the end of treatment. Of the 962 patients who were >38.5°C 4/13 2.45 1.07–5.61 cured after treatment, 194 (20%) experienced recurrence a ≤38.5°C 137/1089 mean(±SD)of28±2daysaftertreatment. Leukocytosis,leukocytelevel The median leukocyte count and creatinine level were sig- >15×109leukocytes/L 38/153 2.29 1.63–3.21 nificantly higher in patients with clinical treatment failure; ≤15×109leukocytes/L 90/829 temperature distributions in patients with and those without Renalfailure,creatininelevel treatment failure were almost identical. In addition, dichoto- ≥133μmol/Lb 41/160 2.52 1.82–3.50 mous categories of fever, leukocytosis, and renal failure all <133μmol/Lb 91/896 showed significantcorrelation withtreatment failure (Table1). Abbreviations:CI,confidenceinterval;IQR,interquartilerange;RR,riskratio. Themediancreatininelevelwassignificantlyhigherinpatients aComparisonbetweenpatientswithclinicaltreatmentfailureandthosewith with recurrence, and this parameter was the only significant clinicalcure. bCreatinine conversion: 1μmol/L is equal to 0.0113mg/dL. Therefore, predictorofrecurrence(Table2).Differentcutoffsforthecon- 133μmol/Lisequalto1.50mg/dL. tinuous variables of temperature, leukocyte count, and creati- cDataareno.ofpatientswithfailure/overallno. ninelevel,assessedbyreceiveroperatingcharacteristics,didnot dFortheassociationwithfailure. leadtohigherrelativerisksandthereforebetterperformancein thepredictionofclinicaltreatmentfailureorrecurrentCDI. The probability of resolution of diarrhea within 10 days of whereas only 56 of 403 (13.9%) experienced a recurrence after treatment was slightly lower in patients with renal failure, successful fidaxomicin treatment (P<.001). In patients with compared with patients without renal failure (HR, 0.83; 95% renalfailureatbaseline,fidaxomicintherapywasassociatedwith CI, .68–1.02; Figure 1). Neither fever (HR, 1.08; 95% CI, a 60% reduction in the frequency of recurrences (8 of 54 .61–1.91) nor leukocytosis (HR, 1.02; 95% CI, .84–1.24) was [14.8%]) relative to vancomycin (24 of 65 [36.9%]; P=.007). associated with a lower probability of resolution of diarrhea. Likewise,inpatientscategorizedashavingleukocytosisorsevere Although creatinine level distributions were similar between CDI, the incidence of recurrence was more than double for patients treated with fidaxomicin and those treated with van- patients cured with vancomycin, compared with those treated comycin, we repeated the analysis of renal failure as a predic- successfullywithfidaxomicin(P<.01foreachcomparison). tor of resolution of diarrhea stratified according to treatment Becauseleukocytosisandrenalfailureatthetimeofdiagno- group and found similar results (vancomycin: HR, 0.80 [95% sis were shown to be the strongest predictors, we investigated CI, .61–1.05]; fidaxomicin: HR, 0.88 [95% CI, .66–1.19]). the stability of these parameters during a 6-day interval Because recurrences occurred less often in patients treated around diagnosis. In the population from the database of withfidaxomicin,theCIiswidestinthatgroup. Leeds Teaching Hospital, the highest mean leukocyte count Clinicaltreatmentfailureratesweresimilarinthefidaxomicin (13.4×109leukocytes/L)wasfoundonthedayofCDIdiagno- and vancomycin treatment groups regardless of clinical status, sis. Within the interval from 3 days before to 3 days after the using the 3 severity factors. Recurrence was significantly more diagnosis of CDI, the mean difference between the highest frequentfollowingvancomycintreatment,comparedwithfidax- and lowest leukocyte counts was 6.4×109 leukocytes/L. omicin treatment. In patients without renal failure, 93 of 402 Twenty of 86 patients (23.3%) had a minimum to maximum patients(23.1%)curedbyvancomycintherapyhadarecurrence, leukocyte count range >10×109 leukocytes/L, and 33 (38.4%) (cid:129) (cid:129) PredictorsofComplicatedCDI CID 2012:55 (Suppl2) S151 Table 2. Determinants of Clostridium difficile Infection Recurrence Variable MedianValue IQR Pa Continuous,outcome Temperature(°C) Norecurrence 36.7 36.4–37.1 .827 Recurrence 36.7 36.4–37.0 Leukocytecount(×109leukocytes/L) Norecurrence 8.8 6.5–12.1 .276 Recurrence 9.1 6.6–12.8 Creatininelevel(μmol/L)b Norecurrence 71 62–97 .008 Recurrence 80 62–115 Categorical,cutoff Recurrencec RRd 95%CI Fever,temperature >38.5°C 1/9 0.55 .09–3.51 ≤38.5°C 192/952 Leukocytosis,leukocytelevel >15×109leukocytes/L 22/115 1.00 .67–1.50 Figure 1. Kaplan-Meier analysis of time to resolution of diarrhea for ≤15×109leukocytes/L 141/739 patients with andwithout renal failure. Thehazard ratiowas 0.83 (95% Renalfailure,creatininelevel confidenceinterval,.68–1.02). ≥133μmol/Lb 32/119 1.45 1.05–2.02 <133μmol/Lb 149/805 infrequentinourstudytobeausefulpredictor,butitsassoci- Abbreviations:CI,confidenceinterval;IQR,interquartilerange;RR,riskratio. aComparison between patients with recurrence and those without atedrelativeriskwassignificant. recurrence. In previous studies, leukocytosis and renal failure were also bCreatinine conversion: 1μmol/L is equal to 0.0113mg/dL. Therefore, associatedwithcomplicationsandrecurrenceofCDI[3,11–13]. 133μmol/Lisequalto1.50mg/dL. cDataareno.ofpatientswithrecurrence/overallno. Therefore, both parameters could be suitable for evaluation in dFortheassociationwithrecurrence. apredictionmodel.However,becauseofthevariablenatureof these values around the time of CDI diagnosis, a strict defi- nition is needed before incorporating these parameters in a prediction rule. Early or late diagnosis could influence leuko- patients had a minimum to maximum leukocyte count range that included the cutoff of 15×109 leukocytes/L; therefore, a cyte count and serum creatinine level. Fever appeared not to beausefulpredictoroffailureofCDItreatment.Thiswasalso differenceintimingofasinglebloodsamplearounddiagnosis could have led to a different severity classification. The mean shownbyasmallstudyin2007[14]. serum creatinine concentration was 147μmol/L on the day of Bothfeverandleukocytosisarethoughttoreflectmoresevere inflammationofthe bowelwall.However, feverwastoo rare in diagnosis. The mean minimum to maximum range in serum creatinine values was 38.7μmol/L. Nineteen of 93 patients ourpatientpopulationtobeofuseasapredictor.Renalfailure may reflect loss of effective circulating volume due either to (20.4%)hadaminimumtomaximumrangeincreatininelevels that included the cutoff of 133μmol/L, which could have led dehydrationbecauseofdiarrheaortoshockinthecontextofa toadifferentclassificationinthecaseofdifferenttiming. systemic inflammatory response. Unfortunately, the predictive value of these parameters may decrease because of underlying illnesses and comorbid conditions. Renal failurewas present in DISCUSSION 14%ofclinicalpatientsandwastheonlysignificantpredictorof recurrence,anditwastheonlyparameterassociated,albeitnon- Leukocytosis and renal failure were significant predictors of significantly,withalongertimetoresolutionofdiarrhea.Thus, failure of CDI treatment. Only renal failure showed a trend creatininelevelmaybeagoodpredictor,alsobecauseofitsrela- toward longer duration of diarrhea during treatment and was tivelygreaterstabilityaroundthetimeofCDIdiagnosisincom- correlated significantly with recurrence after successful treat- parisontoleukocytosis. ment. Both leukocyte count and serum creatinine level were Strengthsofthisstudyarethelargenumberofpatientswith highly variable around diagnosis. Fever was found to be too CDI in the database with a well-described definition of (cid:129) (cid:129) S152 CID 2012:55 (Suppl2) Baueretal diarrhea andaconsistentmeasureofUBMs.Onelimitationis 2. Fujitani S, George WL, Murthy AR. Comparison of clinical severity that other potential predictors of severe CDI, such as age, score indices for Clostridium difficile infection. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol2011;32:220–8. serum albumin level, or use of concomitant antibiotics, were 3. 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