Remote sensing of algal blooms with emphasis on Hincksia sordida for the Southeast Queensland coast: a feasibility study Final Report Submitted by CSIRO Wealth from Ocean Flagships To Healthy Waterways By A. Dekker, Y. Park, V. Brando, T. Schroeder February 2011 Prepared for: republication of any material should be addressed to Healthy Waterways Healthy Waterways. GPO Box 13086, Brisbane QLD 4003 Tel: +61 7 3177 9100 Fax: +61 7 3177 9190 For Bibliographic purposes, this document can be cited as: Dekker (2011) Remote sensing of algal blooms with © Healthy Waterways 2011 emphasis on Hincksia sordida for the Southeast Queensland coast: a feasi bility study: Healthy Waterways, This document may be used for research, individual study Brisbane Australia. 30pp. and education purposes. Properly acknowledged quotations may be made, but queries regarding the Remote sensing of algal blooms with emphasis on Hincksia sordida for the Southeast Queensland coast: a feasibility study A. Dekker, Y. Park, V. Brando, T. Schroeder February 2011 2 Acknowledgements This project is supported by the South East Queensland Healthy Waterways Partnership and CSIRO Wealth from Ocean Flagships. MODIS data were provided by NASA. Valuable comments from Mara Wolkenhauer (Healthy Waterways Partnership) and Elizabeth Botha (CSIRO Land and Water) are greatly appreciated. For correspondence regarding this report please email [email protected] or [email protected] or the South East Queensland Healthy Waterways Partnership on [email protected] 3 Executive Summary This report ” Remote sensing of algal blooms with emphasis on Hincksia sordida for the South East Queensland coast”, is the result of the project “Toward integration of Earth Observation derived information for South East Queensland water quality detection” commissioned by the Healthy Waterways Partnership in January, 2010. This project is a spin‐off of the on‐going Receiving Water Quality Model project. This project is a scoping study to assess whether it is possible, in principle, to use satellite based remote sensing to detect algal blooms, with emphasis on Hincksia sordida for the Southeast Queensland coast. This algal bloom detection feasibility study indicates that the surface algal blooms recurring in the Southeast Queensland coastal waters are likely to be detected and monitored using the MODIS high spatial (250 and 500 m resolution) satellite data. The basic physics behind surface algal bloom detectability is a distinct spectral feature of floating algal patches showing enhanced reflectance at the red edge or near‐infrared wavelengths. The MODIS high resolution (250/500m) data, after several image processing steps, is considered to be suitable to detect the floating algae blooms recurring in near‐shore marine waters of Southeast Queensland. By visual inspection of these (processed) MODIS images for a two‐month period of reported algal occurrence in the Noosa area (7th September to 6th November 2006), the floating algal patches were observed from MODIS from the 21st September to 18th October with a most extensive bloom on 3rd October. The blooms were observed along almost the entire Southeast Queensland coastline (from Fraser Island southwards across the east of Stradbroke Island), within a few days. These blooms appear to be an extensive regional phenomenon, and, based on these images, approach the coast (e.g. at Noosa) from the Coral Sea. The size of the bloom patches and the location varied significantly, often day by day, probably depending on local hydrodynamic condition. The floating algal blooms detected in these satellite images typically form lines of 0.5 km to 10 km wide about 5 to 10 km offshore from the coast line. This floating algal bloom location probably reflects the aggregation of floating algae in convergence zones associated with fronts. It suggests that the blooms might be used to identify front locations, and that a better understanding of the physical oceanography might help us predict bloom locations. The Noosa Nuisance Algal Blooms Study report suggests the algal blooms in the October‐November 2006 months were probably Hincksia sordida, although MODIS data alone could not confirm the species. Further studies on optical properties of Hincksia would be desired in this respect. The two MODIS satellites provide two images per day (owing to their wide swath and a short revisit period). This frequent and wide spatial coverage makes MODIS most suitable for timely detection and warning of algal blooms. However, it is also shown that higher spatial resolution images, if available for a bloom event, can reveal finer details of the bloom. Some of these more “algal bloom sensitive” satellites are MERIS and OCM‐2. From approximately 2013 onwards new satellite sensors will be launched with enhanced capabilities for more frequent or more accurate algal bloom detection and identification potential. The MODIS archives are available from early 2000 onwards and thus a recommendation is to study and report the climatology of these surface expressed algal blooms for the period 2000 to present. 4 Table of Contents Acknowledgements 3 Executive Summary 4 List of figures 6 List of tables 7 Abbreviations and Acronyms 8 Abbreviations and Acronyms 8 1 Introduction 9 1.1 Remote sensing for coastal water quality monitoring including algal bloom detection 9 1.2 Project aims, deliverables, report structure 9 1.3 A primer on remote sensing of coastal waters including surface expressed algal blooms 10 2. Feasibility of detecting algal blooms with emphasis on Hincksia sordida 11 2.1 Introduction 11 3.2 Methodology – MODIS high resolution data processing 12 3.3 Results 15 3.3.1 Spectral signatures of a floating algal bloom from MODIS data 15 3.3.2 Algal bloom observations based on MODIS processed imagery 17 3.3.3 Other satellite example: Landsat image of 02 October 2006 09:35 19 Conclusion and recommendations 21 Appendix A. MODIS images showing floating algae for 7th September to 6th November, 2006 22 References 29 5 List of figures Figure 1. Study area –Southeast Queensland Coastal waters............................................................................12 Figure 2. Example of visualization with different red‐green‐blue (RGB) combinations for MODIS‐Terra image of 03 October 2006. (a) R‐645, G‐555, B‐469 with Rayleigh corrected TOA radiances; (b)R‐859, G‐645, B‐469 with Rayleigh corrected TOA radiances; (c)R‐645, G‐555, B‐469 with at‐surface radiance; (d) R‐859, G‐645, B‐ 469 with at‐surface radiance. (a) and (c) use a pseudo‐natural colour combination while (c) and (d) use false colour combinations. Note that (a) is equivalent to the NASA RapidFire true colour image. The false colour RGB images (b and d) with 859‐645‐469 clearly identify the floating algae patches stretching along the coast up to Fraser Island..............................................................................................................................................15 Figure 3. MODIS spectra for floating algae pixels and clear water pixels for (a) Top Of Atmosphere spectra after Rayleigh correction and (b) at‐surface spectra. The spectra were extracted from the MODIS Terra image of 3rd Oct 2006 (pink rectangle area in Figure 2). Red curves for floating algae pixels and blue curves for non‐ bloom water pixels. Visible light lies between 400‐700 nm..............................................................................16 Figure 4. Landsat TM RGB image of 02 Oct 2006 09:35 around Noosa Heads. (a) True colour composite (R‐ 660, G‐560, B‐485) and (b) false colour composite (R‐830, G‐660, B‐485)........................................................20 6 List of tables Table 1. MODIS bands used for algae bloom detection.....................................................................................14 Table 2. MODIS‐based algal blooms observation for 7th September to 6th November, 2006............................18 7 Abbreviations and Acronyms CDOM Coloured Dissolved Organic Matter Chl Chlorophyll a EHMP Ecosystem Health Monitoring Program GBR Great Barrier Reef Hincksia Hincksia sordida HWP South East Queensland Healthy Waterways Partnership Landsat A series of earth‐orbiting NASA satellites with 30 m pixel resolution TM Thematic Mapper (one of the most recent Landsat satellites) MODIS Moderate‐Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (with 250 m, 500m and 1000 m pixels) MERIS Medium‐Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (with 300 m and 1200 m pixels) NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (USA) NAP Non‐algal particulate matter NIR Near Infrared (spectral bands) Kd_par Vertical diffuse attenuation coefficient for downwelling photosynthetically available radiation QC Quality control SEQ Southeast Queensland SPOT System pour l'Observation de la Terre (with 20 m pixel resolution) SWIR Short‐wave Infrared (spectral bands) TOA Top‐of‐the‐atmosphere TSM Total Suspended Matter UTM Universal Transverse Mercator (coordinate system) 8 1 Introduction 1.1 Remote sensing for coastal water quality monitoring including algal bloom detection Remote sensing is recognised as a suitable and cost‐effective technique for large‐scale monitoring of coastal water quality, providing synoptic views of the spatial distribution of some biological, chemical and physical variables of near‐surface water. The daily frequency of satellite sensors enables improved temporal and spatial resolution for detection and monitoring of optical water quality variables. Management‐relevant water quality products from remote sensing data that provide information beyond that of simple daily concentrations map are required by management agencies. Such an information product may be the detection and monitoring of surface expressed algal blooms. The surface algal blooms appear when suitable hydrodynamic and nutrient conditions cause algae to accumulate at the water surface. If remote sensing is to be used routinely and perhaps in a legal sense, for monitoring water quality variables such as chlorophyll, total suspended matter or surface algal blooms the produced information needs to be sufficiently reliable. This leads to the requirement that the algorithms that convert the coastal‐ocean colour signal measured at the satellite to concentrations of water quality parameters or to a detection of a surface algal bloom, need to be validated for Queensland coastal waters to an acceptable level of accuracy. In the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) this level of reliability has been reached as the satellite based chlorophyll, non‐algal particulate matter and coloured dissolved organic matter concentration, and the vertical attenuation of light products from MODIS have been adopted into the Marine Monitoring Program of the GBR. Several studies in the GBR area are underway to assess the potential for remote sensing to detect Trichodesmium blooms and to detect and assess algal concentration trends and anomalies. Thus, the capability of remote sensing to provide information on key water quality parameters– chlorophyll as a measure of nutrient status, suspended sediment, coloured dissolved organic matter and water clarity – that can be used to assess the condition of coastal waters of the GBR has been demonstrated (Brando et al., 2009; Brando et al., 2010). This report focuses on the separate issue of assessing the feasibility of satellite imagery to detect and monitor surface expressed algal blooms such as Hincksia sordida. Hincksia sordida blooms may sometimes accumulate on beaches in Southeast Queensland (SEQ), in 2006 specifically near Noosa. There is a need to understand where these blooms originate and how they are transported. Satellite observations are an suitable tool, provided they can detect these relatively small blooms. 1.2 Project aims, deliverables, report structure The objective of this project is to determine the feasibility of satellite image based detection and monitoring of algal blooms with an emphasis on Hincksia sordida. The area of interest is the Southeast Queensland (SEQ) coastal waters defined as Fraser Island to the Queensland‐NSW border. The deliverables are examples for the year 2006 from the MODIS –AQUA time‐series (2002 ‐2010) of algal bloom detection with an emphasis on Hincksia sordida, including an introduction to MODIS high resolution data processing methodology, results and discussions. The results include the feasibility of spatial and temporal observation of algal blooms from September 2006 to October 2006 based on identifying the spectral signature of floating algae blooms. The conclusion and recommendations summarise the findings of this project, and discuss future prospects. As this report is not suited to cover the technical background of remote sensing, the next section 1.3 A primer on remote sensing of coastal waters provides a summary of the key concepts and terminology used in this report. 9