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Remington 1100 Takedown Guide PDF

10 Pages·2003·4.344 MB·English
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Preview Remington 1100 Takedown Guide

R e m i n g t o n1 1 0 0 ThkedownG uide Distributed by: MIADEI EASI Y' Cleany our O\Trynrr glun wiirhl rcconfiitdeSlIlct e. Savesy OUU mIno)nEIr otn reenrflinrS!I ulLl[ llllillllllfiiflliu[llil 8 193 Remingto1n1 00 RadocyP roducts 1 8003 564 7s9 SimilarM odels Remington1 100D Remington1 100SA Remington1 100SF Remington1 100UF20 Remington1 100F Remington1 10058 Rernington1 100T8 Remington1 100S portsmanA uto 78 d ( I Action Bar Assembly 29 Canier LatchPin 61 Magazine Sltring Retainer 2 Action Bar Sleeve 30 Carrier Latch Spr'rng 62 Openting Handle 3 Action Spring 31 Carrier Pivot Tube 63 Operating Handle Detent Ball 4 Action Spring Follower 32 Carrier Release 64 Operating Handle Detent Ball Sprring 5 Action Spring Plug 33 Canier Release Pin 65 Piston 6 Action Spring Plug Pin 34 Carrier Release Spring 66 Piston Seal 7 Action Spring Tube 35 Disconnectq 67 Receiver Assembly 8 Action Spring Tube Nut 36 Extractor 68 Return Plunger Retaining Pin WARNING: 9 Action Spring Tube Nut Washer 37 Extractor Plunger 69 Saf€ty Swite h l0 Action Spring Tube Nut Lock Washer 38 Extractor Spring 70 Safety Switch Detent Ball Make suret he gun is I I Barrel Assembly 39 Feed I-atch 71 Safcty Switch Spring 12 Barrel Seal 40Fning Pin 72 Safety Switch Spring Retaining Pin entirelyu nloadedb efore 13 Breechbolt 41 Firing Pin Retaining Pin 73 Sear 14 Breechbolt Buffer 42 Firing Pin Retractor Spring 74 Sear Pin startingt he disassembly; 1165 BBrreeeecchhbbooltl t RReettuurmn PPlluunnggeerr Retaining Ring 4435 FFororenngd SSigulapport 7756 SSelidaer SBploricnkg Buffer visually checks omer ounds ll78 BBuuttttppllaattee Screws 4467 GCrriipp CCaapp Spacer ?7?8 SSttoogckk BAesasreinngib lyPlate canh ide. 19 Buttplate Spacer 43}Iammr 79 Trigger Assrmbly 20 Carrier 49 Hamner Pin 80 Trigger Pin 2l Carrier Assanbly 50Hamnrer Washer 81 Trigger Plal<: Safefy Reade veryi nstruction 22 Carrier Dog 5l Hammer Plunger 82 Trigger Plate PtnBushing 23 Carrier Dog Pin 52 Hamnrr Sp'ring 83 Trigger Plate Pin Detent Spring, Front carefullyu singt hep icture 24 Carrier Dog Washer 53 Interceptor Latch Retainer 84 Trigger Plate Pin Detent Spring, Re.ar 25 Carrier Dog Follower 54 Inrerceptor Latch Spring 85 Triggcr Plate Piq Ront only asa reference. 26 Carrier Dog Follower Spring 55 Inrerceptor Latch 86 Trigger Plate Pin, Rear 27 Curietl-atch 56Lhk 87 Ccnrpctor. irft 28 Carrier Latch Follower 5578 Llro{ackgianzgi neB lCocakp Assembly 8889 CCcornrnrcetcotro, r PRinight RADOCY 59 Magazine Follower 1 8003 564759 60 Magazine Spring Copyright0 2003 By RadocyP roductsC, o.- 1. Pul1b ack the operatingh andlet o lock the bolt in the openp osition,(refert o instruction# 3 picture-for open action) and unscrew and remove the magazine cap. Take off the forend and banel, in that order,t oward the front. 2. Move the rubber gas seal ring out of its shallow recesso n the magazinetu be, ands lidei t off towardth ef ront. Remove the gasp iston and the piston seal ring toward the front. 3. As seeni n picture, actioni s openb e suret o restraint he bolt, depresst he carrierl atch, and easet he bolt forward to the closed position. Pusho ut the large and sma11cr ossp ins at the lower rear of the receiver towarde ithers ide. 4. Removeth et riggerg roup downwardt,u mingi t slightlya si t is moved out to cleart hed isconnectoorn the left side. 5. If both retainingc lipsa rep resento n thef ront cross pin sleeve,r emoveo neo f them.R estraint he carrier,a nd push out the pivot/sleevea nd remove it. Ease off the carriers pringt ension,r emovingt he carrieru pward and toward the front. Caution: As the carrier is removed, restrain the carrier latclt, as its powerful spring will force.i t oyer towardt lrcf i'ont. 6. Slowly releaseth e tensiono f the carrier latchs pring,a llowingt hel atcht o pivot over forward while restrainingt he springplunger. Removet hep lungers pringt oward thef ront. T.Removet hec arriers pringa ndplungerfrom their hole on the right side of the housing. Not removed in normal takedown: For repairso nly, the carrier dog and its washer/ plate arer etainedo n the right rear wing of the carrierb y a crossp in that is riveted in place. Be suret he wing is well supported,a ndd rive outt hep in towardt hel eft. Thep in thatr etains the carrierr eleaseb utton is alsor iveted. and the samea dvicea pplies. 8. fne carrierlatchi s crossp irureda tthefront of the trigger group. The pin is of very small diametera, ndi s very neart he edgeo f the alloy trigger housing,s o take care when drifting it out, to avoid damaget o the housing and the loops on the latch. 9. Restraint he hammer,p ull the trigger,a nde aset he ham- mer down to thef ired position. Keept het riggerp ulledt o the rear,a ndp usho ut ther earc rossp in sleevet owardt he left. 10. Removalo f ther earcrossp in sleeve will allow the top of the trigger to move to the rear beyond its normal position, relieving the tension of the combinations ear and trigger spring. The springc ann ow be detachedfr om its studso n the seara nd trigger and is removedu pward. 11. Drift out the trigger pin toward the left, and removet he trigger upward, turning it slightly to clear its connector arm pastt he shelf on the housing.T he connectorsa re crossp inned to the top of the trigger,a nd the pin is riveted in place. Removeo nly for repairs. Be suret he top of the trigger is well sup- ported,a nd drive the pin out toward the right. 12. The searc rossp in is accessibleb y anglinga drift punchi nto thet op of the canier springh ole on ther ight side.N udget hep in toward the left, and remove it with smooth-jawedp liers. Re- move the searu pward. 13. Removeo nly if necessaryfo r repairs:T heh ammear ndd isconnectoarr er etained by a crossp in thati s rivetedo vera recessewda sheor nt her ights ideo f theh ousingB. e suret hed isconnectoirs supported firmly on the left side. Use a drift punch small enought o enter the depressiono n the right tip of the pin, and restrain the hammer spring plunger, as it will be re- leased as the pin clears the disconnector. 14. Pusho utt hes mallc rossp in att he upperr earo: f theh ousing,a ndr emove the safetys pringu pward,a long with the detentb all, if possible.P usho ut thes afetyb uttont owardt her ight side. ,rtr H If theb all cannotb e removedu pward, ;#ffif o u wait until the button is takeno ut, and insert a drift punch to push the ball downwardi nto the button tunnel for removal. 15. Grip the operatingh andle firmly, andp ull it straighto ut towardt he right. 16. Usea fingertipi nsidet he receivert o depressth e right shell stop,(highlighted in white) and remove the bolt and slide assemblyto wardt he front. 17. After thea ssemblyis takeno ut,t heb olt canb e lifted off the rearo f thea ctionb ar assembly. 18. Not removedi n normal takedown. The slideb lock buffer at the rear can be taken out by drifting out its crossp in, and the operatingh andle retainingb all and spring can be removedb y de- pressingth e ball slidingt he retainingp lateo ut towardt he side. 19. Drifttheverlical pin at ther earo f the bolt out downward. Removeth ef iringp in and its returns pring toward the rear. Re- move the lockins block downward. %rr 24. Insert a small screwdriverb etweent he extractor andi tsp lungerd, epressth ep lungert owardt her ear,a nd lift the extractoro ut of its recessC. ontrol the plunger and spring,e aset hemo ut, andr emovet hem toward the lront. 2I. Slidet he bolt connector( "link") forwardt o disengageit s rear strutsf rom the bolt spring plunger,t ilt it to freei ts sidew ings,a ndr emove it from the bottom of the receiver. 22. Remove for re- pairs only: The left shell stop( 'interceptor")i s re- tained on the post inside ther eceiverw all by a snap ring. Spreadt her ingj ust enought o remove it and detacht hes hells topf rom the post. The spring for thisp arti s stakedin place on the rcceiverw all. NOT PICTURED 23. Removef or repairso nly: Ther ights hells topl iesi n a shallowr ecessin sidet he receivera, ndi s lightly stakedin placea t ther ear. If the stakingi s light enought,h e stopc an be removedb y pryingi t gentlyo ut of its recessa t ther ear. If the stakingi s too tight for this, anglea drift punchi n thec rossp in hole,a ndn udget hes hells topt owardt her ear,s waging the stakingo ut of the shells topr ecess. 24. Inserta screwdriverin theo pene ndo f themagazines pringr etainera, ndp ry it out towardt hef ront. Movet hes crewdrivear s this is done,t o raiset he retainere qually aroundi ts edges.T he magazines plingi s undert ension,s oc ontroli t ande aseit out. Remove the spring and follower toward the front. 25. Removet he buttplate,a nd use a B- SquareM odel 1100 stock wrench or a large, wide screwdrivert o back out and remove the stockr etainingn ub,a longw ith its lock washer andw asher.T akeo ff the stock and stockb ear- ing plate toward the rear. 26. Inserta tool at the reart o restraint he bolt springp lug, and push out the retaining crossp in. Caution: The spring is under tension,s oc ontroli t and easei t out. Remove the plug, spring, and follower toward the rear. f * * $ w ReassemblTei ps: Not pictured: When re-stakingt he right shellt op, it's bestt o usea B-squares takingt ool. 'lhis can alsob e doneb y anglinga punchi nto the receiver,T he front trigger grip cross pin can be temporarily insertedt o help in holding the shell stop in place during re- staking. When replacingt he trigger as- sembly,b e sure the left connector arm is installedw ith its forward tip above the rear tail of the disconnectora, s shown. Note placemento f sear. Refer to instructton #2 for correct positiono f rubberg ass eal;g asp iston andp iston sealr ing.

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