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Remarks on the quantum numbers of X(3872) from the invariant mass distributions of the rho J/psi and omega J/psi final states PDF

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Preview Remarks on the quantum numbers of X(3872) from the invariant mass distributions of the rho J/psi and omega J/psi final states

Remarks on the quantum numbers of X(3872) from the invariant mass distributions of the ρJ/ψ and ωJ/ψ final states C. Hanhart Forschungszentrum Ju¨lich, Institute for Advanced Simulation, Institut fu¨r Kernphysik (Theorie) and Ju¨lich Center for Hadron Physics, D-52425 Ju¨lich, Germany Yu. S. Kalashnikova, A. E. Kudryavtsev, and A. V. Nefediev Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, 117218, B.Cheremushkinskaya 25, Moscow, Russia We re-analyse the two- and three-pion mass distributions in the decays X(3872) → ρJ/ψ and X(3872) → ωJ/ψ and argue that the present data favour the 1++ assignment for the quantum numbersof theX. 2 1 PACSnumbers: 14.40.Pq,13.25.Gv,14.40.Rt 0 2 n I. INTRODUCTION 0 =[4.3 1.2(stat) 0.4(syst)] 10−6, B2π ± ± × a J for the charged B+ J/ψρK+ and neutral B0 Since its discovery in 2003 [1], the X(3872) charmo- J/ψρK0 mode, respect→ively, with being the produ→ct 5 2π nium issubject ofmanyexperimentalandtheoreticalef- branchingfractionBr(B KX(38B72)) Br(X(3872) ] forts aimed at disclosing its nature—for a recent review π+π−J/ψ) in the corresp→onding mode.×The number→of h see [2]. The most recentdata onthe mass of the X is [3] events in the background-subtracted combined distribu- p tion is - MX =(3871.85 0.27(stat) 0.19(syst)) MeV, (1) p ± ± e with a width of ΓX < 1.2 MeV. However, the problem N2π =196.0+−1185..92. h of the quantum numbers for the X is not fully resolved [ yet: while the analysis of the π+π−J/ψ decay mode of For the decay X(3872)→π+π−π0J/ψ Babar reports[5] v2 [t3h,e4X],(t3h8e7r2e)ceynietldasnaeliythsiesro1f+t+heoπr+2π−−+πq0uJa/nψtummodneumsebeemrss B30+π ==[[00..66±00..32((ssttaatt))±00..11((ssyysstt))]]×1100−−55,, 1 tofavourthe 2−+ assignment[5],thoughthe 1++ option B3π ± ± × 4 is not excluded. This question is clearly very central, for the charged mode B+ J/ψωK+ and for the neu- 2 tral mode B0 J/ψωK→0, respectively. Similarly to for the most promising explanations for the X in the S- 6 wave DD¯∗ molecule model [6] as well as in the coupled- the two-pion ca→se above, 3π stands for the product . B 1 channelmodel [7] requirethe quantum numbers 1++. In branchingfractionBr(B KX(3872)) Br(X(3872) 1 addition, the X cannot be a naive cc¯2−+ state, for its π+π−π0J/ψ) in the corr→esponding mod×e. The numb→er 1 large branching fraction for the D0D¯0π0 mode [8] is not of events in the combined distribution is 1 : compatible with the quark-model estimates for the 2−+ Nsig+bg =34.0 6.6, Nbg =8.9 1.0, (2) v charmonium[9]. So,forthe2−+ quantumnumbers,very 3π ± 3π ± Xi exotic explanations for the X would have to be invoked. andweassumeaflatbackground. Note,thespectrumre- Theaimofthepresentpaperistoperformacombined portedin [5]and usedbelow appearsnot to be efficiency r a analysis of the data on the π+π− and π+π−π0 mass dis- corrected. However, since only the shape of this spec- tribution in the π+π−J/ψ and π+π−π0J/ψ mode, re- trum plays a role for the analysis (see number-of-event spectively. We findthatthe S-waveamplitudes fromthe distributions (11) below) and we can reproduce the the- decay of a 1++ state provide a better overalldescription oretical spectra of [5], which have the efficiency of the of the data than the P-wave ones from the 2−+, espe- detectorconvolutedinviaaMonteCarlosimulation,the cially when the parameter range is restricted to realistic invariantmassdependenceoftheefficiencycorrectionsis values. We conclude then that the existing data favour expected to be mild and therefore should not affect our 1++ quantumnumbersoftheX,however,improveddata analysis significantly. in the π+π−π0J/ψ mode are necessary to allow for defi- Thus the updated ratio of branchings reads [3] nite conclusions regarding the X quantum numbers. Br(X(3872) π+π−π0J/ψ) 3π B = → =0.8 0.3. (3) Br(X(3872) π+π−J/ψ) ± 2π B → II. EXPERIMENTAL SITUATION In our analysis we use the ratio (3) as well as RecentlyBelleannounced[3]theupdatedresultsofthe N2π =196, N3π =25.1, (4) measurements for the reaction X(3872) π+π−J/ψ: → and he corresponding bin sizes are ∆E2π =20 MeV and + =[8.61 0.82(stat) 0.52(syst)] 10−6, ∆E =7.4 MeV. B2π ± ± × 3π 2 III. THEORETICAL π+π− AND π+π−π0 The transition amplitudes for the decays X J/ψV → INVARIANT MASS DISTRIBUTIONS are parameterised in the standard way, namely, A =g f (p), (8) As in previous analyses, we assume that the two-pion X→J/ψV XV lX finalstateismediatedbytheρintheintermediatestate, with the Blatt-Weisskopf “barrier factor” while the three-pion final state is mediated by the ω. It was shown in [4] that the description of the π+π−J/ψ f0X(p)=1, and f1X(p)=(1+r2p2)−1/2, (9) spectrum with the 2−+ assumption is improved dras- for the 1++ and 2−+ assignment, respectively. Here p tically if the isospin-violating ρ-ω mixing is taken into denotes the J/ψ momentum in the X rest frame. The account. Theoretical issues of the ρ-ω mixing are dis- “radius” r is not well understood. If one associates it cussed, for example, in [10]. Here we include this effect with the size of the X ρ(ω)J/ψ vertex, it might be with the help of the prescription used in [11], where the → related to the range of force. In the quark model this transition amplitude is described by the real parameter radius is r 0.2 fm = 1 GeV−1. This is also in line A =A† =ǫ. Thus, the amplitudes for the decays ∼ ω→ρ ρ→ω with the inverse mass of the lightest exchange particle X π+π−J/ψ and X π+π−π0J/ψ take the form allowed between J/ψ and ρ/ω, namely, f (980). On the → → 0 other hand, a larger value r = 5 GeV−1 is used in the A =A G A 2π X→J/ψρ ρ ρ→2π experimental analysis of [3]. Therefore, in the analysis +A G ǫG A , X→J/ψω ω ρ ρ→2π presentedbelow we use both values r =1 GeV−1 as well A3π =AX→J/ψωGωAω→3π as r = 5 GeV−1, keeping in mind that smaller values of +A G ǫG A , r are preferred by phenomenology. X→J/ψρ ρ ω ω→3π The theoretical invariant mass distributions for the where the vector meson propagators are π+π− and π+π−π0 final state take the form: G−V1 =m2V −m2−imVΓV(m), V =ρ,ω, (5) dBdmr2π =BmρΓρ→2πp2l+1fl2X(p)|RXGρ+ǫGρGω|2, with m = m (m = m ) being the π+π− (π+π−π0) (10) ππ πππ dBr invariantmassintheπ+π−J/ψ(π+π−π0J/ψ)finalstate. 3π = m Γ p2l+1f2 (p) G +ǫR G G 2, dm B ω ω→3π lX | ω X ω ρ| Masses of the vector mesons used below are [12] where R =g /g and the parameter absorbs the X Xρ Xω mρ =775.5 MeV, mω =782.65 MeV. detailsoftheshort-rangeddynamicsoftheXB production. The theoretical number-of-event distributions read The complex mixing amplitude multiplying the ω prop- agator used, for example, in [4] to analyse the two-pion N2π∆E2π dBr2π N (m)= , 2π spectrum, in our notation reads as ǫGρ(mω); in partic- B2π × dm (11) ular we reproduce naturally the phase of 95o quoted in N ∆E dBr 3π 3π 3π [4]. Note, as we shall only study the invariant mass dis- N3π(m)= . B × dm tributions ofthe two final states,we do not needto keep 3π explicitly the vector nature of the intermediate states. The ρ-ω mixing parameter ǫ is extracted from the For the “running” ρ meson width we use ω 2π decay width (Br(ω 2π)=1.53%). The corre- → → sponding amplitude reads 2 m q(m) f (q(m)) Γ (m) Γ (m)=Γ(0) ρ 1ρ , A =εG A , (12) ρ ≈ ρ→2π ρ mq(m ) f (q(m )) ω→2π ρ ρ→2π ρ (cid:20) 1ρ ρ (cid:21) and we find that where q(m) = m2 4m2/2, f (q) = (1+r2q2)−1/2, with r = 1.5 GeV−−1 andπ with1ρthe nominalρρ meson ǫ mωmρΓρΓω→2π 3.4 10−3 GeV2. (13) ρ p ≈ ≈ × width Γρ(0) =146.2 MeV. IV. pFITTING STRATEGY AND RESULTS For the ω meson “running” width (the nominal width (0) being Γ =8.49MeV),the 3π andπγ decaymodesare ω The number-of-event distributions (11) possess 3 free summed, with the branchings parameters: the “barrier”factorr, the ratioofcouplings Br(ω 3π)=89.1%, Br(ω πγ)=8.28%. (6) RX and the overall normalisation parameter . As out- → → lined above, we perform the analysis for twoBvalues of In particular, r, namely, the preferred value of 1 GeV−1 and a signifi- cantly larger value of 5 GeV−1 used in earlier analyses. Γω→πγ(m)=Γω(0→)πγ mmω((mm22−mm22π)) 3, (7) Sofintcheethtweonobrrmanaclihsiantgios,nwfaecteoxrtrBacdtrothpesorauttiofroRmthdeireracttliyo (cid:20) ω − π (cid:21) X from the integrated data, that is from the relation while,fortheΓ (m),weresorttotheexpressionsde- ω→3π rivedin[13],withareducedcontacttermwhichprovides dBr3π dBr2π dm dm = / , (14) thecorrectnominalvalueoftheω 3πdecaywidth[14]. dm dm B3π B2π → (cid:18)Z (cid:19)(cid:30)(cid:18)Z (cid:19) 3 TABLE I. Sets of parameters and the quality of the combined fits to the data. The last column refers to the presentation of thedifferent fits in Fig. 1. Fit Wave JPC r, GeV−1 RX =gXρ/gXω χ2/Ndof CL Curve/Markers in Fig. 1 S S 1++ − 0.26+0.08 1.07 37% Solid (red)/Triangles −0.05 P5 P 2−+ 5 0.15+−00..0053 1.33 14% Dash-dotted (blue)/Squares P1 P 2−+ 1 0.09+−00..0032 2.77 10−5 Dashed (green)/Diamonds where the value of the ratio on the right-hand side is besignificantmeson-loopcontributions[15],theestimate fixed by Eq. (3), and in the integration above we have (15) is to be regardedas a conservative upper bound for cut off the π+π− invariant mass at 400 MeV, as in [3], the isospin violation strength for compact charmonia. and the π+π−π0 invariant mass at 740 MeV, as in [5]. Incontrasttothis,intheS-wavemolecularpicturefor Thereforethenorm isouronlyfittingparameterwhich the X, isospin violation is enhanced significantly com- B governs the overall strength of the signal in both chan- paredtothestrength(15)foritproceedsviaintermediate nelssimultaneously,whiletheshapeofthecurvesisfully DD¯∗ statesandisthereforedrivenbythemassdifference determined from other sources. ∆ 8MeVoftheneutralandchargedDD¯∗ threshold— ≈ InTableI,welisttheparametersofthe3combinedfits see, for example, [16, 17]. An order-of-magnitude esti- tothedata,foundforthe2valuesoftheBlatt-Weisskopf mate is provided by the expression parameter r. The corresponding line shapes and the re- I (M ) I (M ) √m ∆ sult of the integration in bins are shown in Fig. 1. Rmol 0 X − c X D 0.13, (16) One can see from Table I and Fig. 1 that the best X ∼(cid:12)I0(MX)+Ic(MX)(cid:12)∼ β ∼ overall description of the data for the two channels un- (cid:12) (cid:12) where m (cid:12) is the D meson (cid:12)mass, while I (M ) and der consideration is provided by the S-wave fit. The D(cid:12) (cid:12) 0 X I (M ) denote the amplitudes corresponding to loop P-wave fit is capable to provide the description of the c X diagrams with neutral and charged DD¯∗ intermediate data of a comparable (howeversomewhat lower)quality, states, respectively, evaluated at the X mass. They are only for largevalues of the Blatt-Weisskopfparameter r, r =5 GeV−1. The P-wave fit becomes poorer when the composed of two terms, the strongly channel-dependent analytic continuation of the unitarity cut, proportional Blatt-Weisskopf parameter is decreased, and for values of r of order 1 GeV−1, the quality of the P-wave fit is to the typical momentum of the meson pair, and the weakly channel-dependent principle value term, whose unsatisfactory,whichis theresultofaverypoordescrip- size is identified with the inverse range of forces of order tion of the two-pion spectrum—see the dashed (green) of 1 GeV (see above). This estimate is within a factor curvein Fig.1. Varyingthe ratio ofbranchings / 3π 2π B B of 2 consistentwith the value R 0.26found from our around its central value within the experimental uncer- X ∼ S-wave fit—see Table I. tainty interval [see Eq. (3)] leads only to minor changes Ontheotherhand,iftheX hasthequantumnumbers in the fits and does not affect the conclusions. 2−+, one should expect the isospin violation in the X wavefunction to be ofthe naturalcharmoniumsize,and thus ofthe orderof10−2—see discussionbelowEq.(15), V. DISCUSSION since the DD¯∗ loop effects are suppressed by the ad- ditional centrifugal barrier: the estimate analogous to SincenochargedpartnersoftheX(3872)areobserved Eq. (16) now reads Rmol (√M ∆/β)3 2 10−3. experimentally, it is supposed to be (predominantly) an Thus, for the state withXth∼e quantuDm numb∼ers 2×−+, one isoscalar. Then the ratio R = g /g measures the X Xρ Xω expects values of at most R 10−2, that are signifi- strength of the isospin violation in the X VJ/ψ de- X ∼ → cantlysmallerthanthosefollowingfromthedata(seeTa- cay vertex. As discussed above, this ratio is extracted bleI).OneisledtoconcludethereforethatforR &0.1, directlyfromthe dataonthe ratioofthe branchings(3). X needed for the quantum numbers 2−+ to be consistent Anisospin-violatingobservableforacompactcharmo- with the data on the X decays, a new, yet unknown, niumistheratioofthebranchingfractionsfortheψ(2S) isospin violation mechanism would have to be invoked. decays into ηJ/ψ and π0J/ψ final states as gπ0J/ψ Br(ψ(2S) π0J/ψ) kη3 VI. CONCLUSIONS R = = → 0.03, ψ(2S) gηJ/ψ s Br(ψ(2S)→ηJ/ψ) kπ30 ≈ (15) Weconcludethereforethat,althoughthepresentqual- where kπ0 and kη are the center-of-mass momenta of π0 ity of the data in the X π+π−π0J/ψ channel is not → andη,respectively,andtheψ(2S)branchingfractionsare sufficient to draw a definite conclusion concerning the taken from [12]. However, since here also the denomina- quantum numbers of the X(3872), the combined anal- torviolatesasymmetry,namely,SU(3), andtheremight ysis of the existing two- and three-pion spectra favours 4 40 V V Me Me 30 (cid:144)nts20 òà òà òà (cid:144)nts7.410 ò ve20 à ve ò e ò ò e à à berof ìà òìà òìà ì ì ì ì berof 5ìà ìà òì ì Num10òìà òìà òìà òìà òìà òìà òìà òìà òìà òìà òìà ò ìà Num ò ò ìà 500 600 700 800 745 750 755 760 765 770 775 EHMeVL EHMeVL FIG. 1. Comparison of the theoretical predictions with the data. Experimental data, taken from [3, 5] for the two-pion (left plot) andthree-pion (right plot) spectrum,respectively,aregiven byblack circles with errorbars, while thetheoretical results areshownbothasthecontinuousnumber-of-eventdistributions(11)aswellasbymarkersforthecorrespondingintegralsover thebins. Fit S isshown asthe(red)solid lineandtriangles, fitP1 isshown asthe(green)dashedlineanddiamonds,while fit P5 is shown as the(blue) dash-dotted line and squares. 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