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Remarks on the new world pseudoscorpion genera Parawithius and Victorwithius, with a new genus bearing a remarkable sternal modification (Pseudoscorpiones, Withiidae) PDF

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Preview Remarks on the new world pseudoscorpion genera Parawithius and Victorwithius, with a new genus bearing a remarkable sternal modification (Pseudoscorpiones, Withiidae)

2004. The Journal of Arachnology 32:436–456 REMARKS ON THE NEW WORLD PSEUDOSCORPION GENERA PARAWITHIUS AND VICTORWITHIUS, WITH A NEW GENUS BEARING A REMARKABLE STERNAL MODIFICATION (PSEUDOSCORPIONES, WITHIIDAE) Mark S. Harvey: Department of Terrestrial Invertebrates, Western Australian Museum, Francis St, Perth, Western Australia 6000, Australia. E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT. The withiid genus Parawithius Chamberlin is rediagnosed, based upon a detailed exam- ination of the type species, P. nobilis (With) from Colombia, which is redescribed and illustrated. The subgenus Parawithius (Victorwithius) Feio is returned to full genericlevel. Cystowithius,anewgenusof Withiidae, is described from high elevation localities in central and South America for four species: Cystowithiussmithersinewspecies(typespecies)fromEcuador,C.ecuadoricus(Beier)newcombination, fromEcuadorandPeru,C.colombicusnewspeciesfromColombia,andC.chamberlininewspeciesfrom Mexico and Guatemala. Males of Cystowithius are highly unusual due to the presence of sternal invagi- nations, a feature that has not been previously observed in pseudoscorpions. PopulationsofCystowithius smithersi occur within the leaf sheaths of the giant rosette plant Espeletia pycnophylla var. angelensis (Compositae). Keywords: Taxonomy, new species, new genus, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Mexico, Guatemala, Espe- letia, high elevation, Cystowithius The pseudoscorpion family Withiidae is volcano 15 km north of Tulca´n, in northern distributed in most parts of the world with 34 Ecuador, Smithers et al. (2001) found many genera and 153 species currently recognized pseudoscorpion specimens inhabiting the (Harvey1991).Thefamilyisdividedintotwo spaces formed between the sheaths. Detailed subfamilies, Withiinae Chamberlin and Para- examination of the specimens showed that goniochernetinae Beier, but the relationships they represented a single species of Withiidae both within and between these groups are with a peculiar modification to the male ster- poorly known. The South American withiid nitesinwhichtheanterior-lateraledgeofster- fauna consists of seven endemic genera (Har- nites V–VIII were invaginated to form pock- vey 1991) which are currently placed in three ets within the inter-segmental membrane. tribes: Cacodemonius Chamberlin in the Ca- Subsequent examination of museum collec- codemoniini, Protowithius Beier 1955 in the tions revealed that while such a structure is Protowithiini, and Balanowithius Beier 1959, rare among the Withiidae, further American Dolichowithius Chamberlin 1931, Neowithius specimens were found with such invagina- Beier 1932, Parawithius Chamberlin 1931 tions.Thefeaturewasfoundtobeabsentfrom and Tropidowithius Beier 1955 in the Withi- otherwithiid generaand Ihereproposeanew ini.Inaddition,thecosmopolitansynanthropic genus, here named Cystowithius, for these species. In addition, the type species of Par- species Withius piger (Simon 1879) has also awithius, P. nobilis (With 1908), is rede- been recorded from Chile. The composition scribed based upon the male holotype and a and relationships of these genera are only second male specimen collected from a near- poorlyknownandconsiderableproblemsexist by locality, and the status of the species cur- inthesystematicsofthewithiines,evenatthe rently assigned to the subgenus Parawithius generic level. (Victorwithius) Feio 1944 is reassessed. During a recent survey of the fauna asso- ciatedwiththeleafsheathsofthegiantrosette METHODS plantEspeletiapycnophyllavar.angelensison Thespecimensthatformedthebasisforthis thewesternslopesofVolca´nChiles,anextinct study are lodged in the American Museum of 436 HARVEY—NEWWORLDWITHIIDAE 437 NaturalHistory,NewYork(AMNH),theNat- lateral tergalcrests;patchesofglandularsetae ural History Museum, London (BMNH), the only present on sternites VII-IX of males; CaliforniaAcademyofSciences,SanFrancis- males without sternal invaginations; and ter- co (CAS), Museum Victoria, Melbourne gites without discrete the lateral fields char- (NMV), Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien acteristic of Cacodemonius. (NHMW), Museum National d’Histoire Na- Remarks.—The genus Parawithius com- turelle, Paris (MNHN),PontificiaUniversidad prises two distinct groups which were treated Cato´lica del Ecuador, Quito (PUCE), Bohart as subgenera by Beier (1959), Parawithius Museum of Entomology, University of Cali- (Parawithius) and Parawithius (Victorwithius) fornia, Davis (UCD), Western AustralianMu- Feio 1944, which differ in the position of tri- seum, Perth (WAM) and Museum fu¨r Natur- chobothriaisbandit,whicharenearlyadjacent kunde der Humboldt-Universita¨t, Berlin to each other in the nominate subgenus but (ZMB). Terminology largely follows Cham- whicharesomewhatseparatedinallspeciesof berlin (1931a) and Harvey (1992). In partic- Victorwithius.ThesubgenusParawithius(Par- ular, it should be noted that the terminology awithius)currentlycontainsthetypespeciesP. for the trichobothria used by Harvey (1992) (P.) nobilis (With 1908) from Colombia, (P. differs slightly from that used by other work- (P.) nobilis nobilis), and Ecuador and Peru (P. ers.TheratioTSisthedistancefromthebase (P.) nobilis ecuadoricus Beier 1959), and P. of tarsus IV to the tactile seta, divided by the (P.) iunctus Beier 1932b and P. (P.) pseudo- lengthoftheentiretarsus.Thetergalandster- rufus Beier 1932b fromParaguay.Parawithius nal chaetotaxies (including those of the glan- (Victorwithius) consists of 12 species, P. (V). dular setae) refer to the entire segment, and coniger Mahnert 1979, P. (V). fiebrigi Beier notmerelyhalf-segmentsasisoftenpresented 1932b, P. (V). gracilimanus Mahnert 1979, P. in descriptions of some cheliferoid pseudo- (V). incognitus Beier 1959, P. (V). mimulus scorpion taxa. All measurements are in mm (Beier 1954), P. (V). monoplacophorus Feio and were made with an ocular micrometer on 1944, P. (V). proximus Ellingsen 1905, P. (V). acompoundoradissectingmicroscope.Spec- rufeolusBeier1959,P.(V).rufusBalzan1887, imens were examined by either clearing in P. (V). schlingeri Beier 1959, P. (V). similis 50% lactic acid or by permanently mounting Beier 1959 and P. (V). venezuelanus Beier inEuparalonmicroscopeslides.Thescanning 1932b.Theremovalofallofthosespeciespre- electron micrographs were obtained in a Phil- viously placed in Parawithius (Victorwithius) ips XL30 scanning electron microscope after to thefullgenus Victorwithius(seebelow)and the specimens were prepared by dehydration the transfer of P. nobilis ecuadoricus to the in 1,1,1,3,3,3-Hexmethyldisilazane (HMDS), new genus Cystowithius (see below) leaves air-drying and mounting on SEM stubs with only P. nobilis from Colombia, and P. iunctus carbon tape. and P. pseudorufus from Paraguay remaining SYSTEMATICS inthegenusParawithius.Ihaveexaminedma- terialofallthreeofthesespecies,includingthe FAMILY WITHIIDAE CHAMBERLIN type specimens of each and have confirmed 1931 that P. nobilis and P. pseudorufus are notcon- SUBFAMILY WITHIINAE CHAMBERLIN specificwithanyofthespeciesofCystowithius 1931 describedelsewhereinthispaper,andthatthey Genus Parawithius Chamberlin 1931 lack the diagnostic features of Cystowithius. Parawithius Chamberlin 1931b: 292; Beier 1932a: Beier (1932b) stated that the holotype of P. 212; Beier 1959: 216; Harvey 1991: 650. iunctus (ZMB 29667) was a male. In fact, the Typespecies.—ChelifernobilisWith1908, specimen is a female, as indicated on the de- by original designation. terminationlabelassociatedwiththespecimen. Diagnosis.—ThegenusParawithiusishere It is currently not possible to easily separate defined by thefollowing combinationofchar- isolated female specimens of Parawithius and acters:tactilesetaoftarsusIVsub-distal(rath- Cystowithius,soitisnotcertaintowhichgenus er than sub-medial); carapace broadest poste- thefemaleholotypeof P.iunctusbelongs.Itis riorly; trichobothria est, isb and it nearly here retained in Parawithius until the Para- adjacent to each other; male tergites without guayan withiid fauna becomes better known. 438 THE JOURNALOF ARACHNOLOGY Figures1–5.—Parawithiusnobilis(With),holotype(cid:63)unlessstatedotherwise:1.Rightpedipalp,dorsal; 2. Right chela, lateral; 3. Right tarsus IV, (cid:63) from 12 miles E. of Bogota´, Colombia;4. Carapace,dorsal; 5. Posterior sternites, ventral. Trichobothrial abbreviationsfollowChamberlin(1931)andHarvey(1992). Parawithius nobilis (With 1908) Diagnosis.—Parawithius nobilis differs Figs. 1–6 from P. iunctus and P. pseudorufus by the Chelifer nobilis With 1908: 234–236, figs 4a–b. presence of pale spots on the carapaceal me- Parawithius nobilis (With): Chamberlin 1931b: tazone, by the slightly stouter pedipalpal seg- 292;Beier1932a:213;Roewer1937:309;Beier ments (e.g. patella 3.24–3.30 times longer 1959: 216–217, fig. 25; Muchmore 1993: 99; than broad, compared with 3.4–3.6 timeslon- Judson 1997: 30. ger than broad), and the morphology of the Parawithius (Parawithius) nobilis (With): Harvey setae on the interior face of the pedipalpal 1991: 650. segments, which are only slightly clavate in Material examined.—Holotype male, Bo- P.nobilisandclearlyclavateinP.iunctusand gota´, Cundinamarca, COLOMBIA [4(cid:56)36(cid:57)N, P. pseudorufus. 74(cid:56)05(cid:57)W], Keyserling collection (BMNH). Description.—Adult males: Color general- Other material: Cundinamarca: COLOM- ly light red-brown; carapaceal metazone with BIA 1 (cid:63), 12 miles E. of Bogota´ [ca. 4(cid:56)36(cid:57)N, largepairedpaleareas;tergitesI–IIIwithpale 73(cid:56)52(cid:57)W], 3 March 1955, E.I. Schlinger, E.S. areas on each tergal half, tergites IV–IX with Ross (CAS). pale areas on each tergal half situated medi- HARVEY—NEWWORLDWITHIIDAE 439 ally thus forming a distinct medialband. Ped- times longer than broad; tarsal tactile seta of ipalp (Fig. 1): all segments granulate, except leg IV situated sub-distally, ca. 0.74 of tarsus for chelal fingers, which are smooth; dorsal length; subterminal tarsal setae arcuate and setae generally strongly foliate; trochanter acute; arolium slightly shorter than claws. 1.69–1.75, femur 4.22–4.25, patella 3.24– Dimensions (mm), males: Body length 3.30, chela (with pedicel) 3.60–3.71, chela 2.32–2.64. Pedipalps: trochanter0.422–0.435/ (without pedicel) 3.39–3.47, hand 1.73–1.78 0.248–0.250, femur 0.883–0.896/0.209– timeslongerthanbroad,movablefinger0.99– 0.211,patella0.762–0.782/0.235–0.237,chela 1.04 times longer than hand. Fixed chelal fin- (with pedicel) 1.196–1.229/0.331–0.332, che- gerwith8trichobothria,movablechelalfinger la (without pedicel) 1.125–1.150, hand length with 4 trichobothria (Fig. 2): eb and esb sit- 0.567–0.591, movable finger length 0.588– uated basally; est, it and isb grouped together 0.592. Chelicera 0.237/0.122, movable finger sub-medially;istandibsituatedbasally;band length 0.180. Carapace 0.832–0.848/0.501– sb situated near one another; st slightly closer 0.656 (width at medial area); eye diameter to sb than to t. Venom apparatus present in 0.045–0.105. Leg I: femur 0.179/0.157, patel- both chelal fingers, venom ducts long, termi- la0.378/0.160,tibia0.352/0.105,tarsus0.340/ nating in nodus ramosus near est in fixed fin- 0.069. Leg IV: femur (cid:49) patella 0.662/0.224, ger and near t in movable finger. Chelal teeth tibia 0.511/0.128, tarsus 0.396/0.080, TS strongly triangular, slightly retrorse; fixed fin- 0.294. ger with 35 teeth; movable finger with 34 Remarks.—Parawithius nobilis has been teeth;accessoryteethabsent.Chelicerawith5 infrequently recorded in theliterature,andthe setae on hand, bs and sbs dentate; movable only known specimens are the male holotype finger with 1 submedial seta; galea short with from Bogota´ (With 1908), a male specimen 4 small terminal rami; flagellum of 4 blades; from ‘New Granada’ (now Colombia) (With serrulaexteriorwith14–17blades;laminaex- 1908), a malefrom nearBogota´ (Beier1959), terior present. Carapace (Fig. 4) 1.27–1.69 and six adultsfrom LagoZurucuchu,Ecuador timeslongerthanbroad;lateralmarginseven- and a female from Huamachuco, Peru (Beier ly convex, but posteriorly widened; with 2 1959). The specimens from Lago Zurucuchu non-corneate eyes, those of holotype appar- and Huamachuco were regarded as a separate ently smaller than those other male; with ca. subspecies by Beier (1959) who named them 52 setae,including4nearanteriormarginand Parawithius nobilis ecuadoricus Beier, but 7–8 near posterior margin; with 2 deep fur- which are here treated as a distinct species of rows, the posterior furrow slightly closer to posterior carapaceal margin than to median Cystowithius (see below). The holotype of furrow. Tergites with distinct medial suture, Chelifer nobilis lodged in the BMNH is in sternitesbarelydivided.Chaetotaxyoftergites good condition, but a fine covering of minute I-XII: 9–10: 9–10: 11: 12–15: 14–17: 15–16: crystals has obscured the specimen in some 15–17: 17–18: 17: 14: 6: 2; mostly uniseriate places,inparticularthecoxalregion,thuspre- but some tergites with a few setae placed an- cluding the determination of the setal formula teriorly; all setae foliate. Chaetotaxy of ster- of the coxae. The description presentedabove nites I-XII: 12: (2)10(2): (2)11(2):14–16: 16: is based upon the male holotype and the male 16: 15–16: 11–12: 9–10: 9–11: 2; sternites from near Bogota´ lodged in CAS. Both spec- VII-IX with patches of glandular setae, ar- imens are very similar in all morphological ranged 26–41: ca. 63–77: 3–5 respectively; features including the size and shape of the setae uniseriate and acuminate, except for pedipalpal segments and in the number of smaller setae on sternite XI which are dentic- glandular setae on the male sternites. I have ulate; glandular setae small and conical in not examined the specimen lodged in the shape; (cid:63) without paired invaginations on an- BMNH from New Granada that was referred terior margins of sternites. Coxal chaetotaxy to by With (1908). 12: 10: 10: 18; pedipalpal coxa with 2 apical setae and very small sub-oral seta. Internal Genus Victorwithius Feio 1944 genitalia not observed. Legs: junction be- Victorwithius Feio 1944: 1–3. tweenfemoraandpatellaeIandIIonlyslight- Cacodemoniellus Beier 1954: 326–327 (synony- ly oblique; femur (cid:49) patella of leg IV 3.00 mized by Beier 1959: 216). 440 THE JOURNALOF ARACHNOLOGY Parawithius (Victorwithius) Feio: Beier1959:216; Genus Cystowithius new genus Harvey 1991: 651. Typespecies.—Cystowithiussmithersinew Type species.—Of Victorwithius: Victor- species. withius monoplacophorus Feio 1944, by orig- Etymology.—The generic epithet refers to inal designation; of Cacodemoniellus: Caco- the cyst-like invaginations that diagnose the demoniellus mimulus Beier 1954, by original genus (kystis, Greek for bladder, sac or cell), designation. combined with the generic stem Withius. The Diagnosis.—SpeciesofVictorwithiusdiffer name was first used for this taxon by the late from other South American withiids by the J.C. Chamberlin, who labelled the Mexican following combination of characters: tactile specimens described below as ‘‘Cystowithius seta of tarsus IV situated sub-distally; tricho- gen. nov.’’ The gender is masculine. bothrium it situated mid-way between the tip Diagnosis.—Males of Cystowithius are un- of the finger and isb; and tergites withoutdis- like those of any other pseudoscorpion in the crete the lateral fields characteristic of Caco- possession of paired sac-like invaginationson demonius. the anterior margins of sternites V-VIII (C. Remarks.—The subgenus Victorwithius is smithersi and C. ecuadoricus) or VI-VII (C. adistinctandeasilyrecognizabletaxonthatis colombicus) or VI-VIII (C. chamberlini) here returned to full generic rank. It differs (Figs. 18, 19). from Parawithius in the position of tricho- Description.—Most dorsal setae strongly bothrium it which is situated mid-way be- denticulate; setae on sternites acicular. Fixed chelal finger with 8 trichobothria, movable tween the tip of the finger and isb in Victor- chelal finger with 4 trichobothria; trichoboth- withius but is situated close to isb in ria est, it and isb grouped together sub-medi- Parawithius. The distinction between Victor- ally. Venom apparatus present in both chelal withius and some other South American gen- fingers, venom duct terminating in nodus ra- era such as Balanowithius is difficult to con- mosus near est in fixed finger and near t in firm, and further research on the relationships movable finger. Chelal teeth all closely of these genera is necessary to establish their spaced;accessoryteethabsent.Chelicerawith interrelationships and hence the limits of the 5setaeonhand,bsandsbsdenticulate,others genera. The following species are placed in acuminate; movable finger with 1 subdistal the genus Victorwithius: seta; flagellum of 4 blades, the most distal blade with several serrations on leading edge, Victorwithiusconiger(Mahnert1979)NEWCOM- other blades smooth; lamina exterior present. BINATION Carapace with 2 non-corneate eyes; with 2 Victorwithius fiebrigi (Beier 1932b) NEW COM- distinct furrows, posterior furrow closer to BINATION posterior margin of carapace than to anterior Victorwithius gracilimanus (Mahnert 1979) NEW furrow. Tergites I–X with medial suture, ster- COMBINATION nites IV–X with faint medial suture. Males Victorwithius incognitus(Beier1959)NEWCOM- BINATION with paired sac-like invaginations on anterior Victorwithius mimulus (Beier 1954) NEW COM- margins of sternites V–VIII or VI–VII or VI– BINATION VIII;maleswithpatchesofglandularsetaeon Victorwithius monoplacophorus Feio 1944 sternites VII–X, females with 2 glandular se- Victorwithius proximus (Ellingsen 1905) NEW tae per segment on segments VII–IX (C. COMBINATION smithersi)orVIII–IX(C.ecuadoricus,C.col- Victorwithius rufeolus (Beier 1959) NEW COM- ombicus and C. chamberlini); glandular setae BINATION small and conical in shape. Male genitalia Victorwithius rufus (Balzan 1887) NEW COMBI- with lateral apodeme long and triangular. Fe- NATION male genitalia with single oval median crib- Victorwithius schlingeri (Beier 1959) NEW COM- riform plate and 2 smaller lateral cribriform BINATION plates; with poorly defined membranous sper- Victorwithius similis (Beier 1959) NEW COMBI- NATION mathecal sac irregularly covered with pores; Victorwithius venezuelanus (Beier 1932b) NEW and with 2 lateral hooked apodemes. Pleural COMBINATION membrane longitudinally striate. Posterior HARVEY—NEWWORLDWITHIIDAE 441 maxillary lyrifissure present and sub-distally nert 1988 (Mahnert 1988), Rexwithiusgirardi situated. Spiracular helix present. Legs: junc- Heurtault 1993 (Heurtault 1993), Trichotow- tionbetweenfemoraandpatellaeIandIIonly ithius abyssinicus Beier 1944 (Dashdamirov slightly oblique; subterminal tarsal setae ar- 1992) and possibly in Victorwithiusmonopla- cuate and acute; arolium slightly shorter than cophorus Feio 1944 (Feio 1944). An alterna- claws; claws slender and simple. tivemorphologyinwhichthelateralapodeme Remarks.—The presence of sternal invag- and ejaculatory canal is not lengthened pos- inations in Cystowithius is unique within the teriorly occurs in some species of Withius in- Pseudoscorpiones. This feature has been ob- cluding the type species W. piger (Simon servedinallmaleshereassignedtothegenus, 1878) (Heurtault 1971) and in severalAfrican but was found to be absent in other withiids species (Mahnert 1988), as well as in Aisthe- (Table 1). The structure appears to be auta- towithius rossi Beier 1967 (Mahnert 1988), pomorphic for the four species described be- Girardwithius pumilus Heurtault 1993 (Heur- low. While the feature is easily seen in slide- tault 1993) and Ectromachernes lamottei Va- mounted specimens (either as permanent chon 1952 (Vachon 1952).Althoughitispos- mounts or as temporary mountsinglycerolor sible that those species in which the lateral lactic acid) using a compound microscope, it apodeme is triangular may represent a mono- is still visible in material examined in ethanol phyleticgroup,itshouldbenotedthatthevast using a dissecting microscope, as the antero- majority of withiids have yet to have their lateral margins of the sternite are slightly male genitalia described in detail, thus pre- curved and somewhat darkerthantheremain- cludinganycomprehensivestatementsregard- ing sternal cuticle. It was not observed using ing the utility of this feature. a scanning electron microscope as the slight AlthoughthespeciesdescribedhereinCys- contraction of the specimen during the dehy- towithius clearly form a monophyletic group, dration process hides from view the invagi- the disposition of the tactile seta of leg IV nation (Fig. 22). varies considerably in its position. The tactile The conformation of the male genitalia of seta is sub-distal in C. smithersi (TS (cid:53) 0.75– Cystowithius spp. resembles that of someoth- 0.77), C. ecuadoricus (TS (cid:53) 0.74–0.75) and er withiids as they possess an elongate, tri- C. colombicus (TS (cid:53) 0.77–0.79) but is only angular lateral apodeme that bears an extend- slightly distad of medial in C. chamberlini ed ejaculatory canal (Fig. 21). This feature (TS (cid:53) 0.59–0.61). This variation may dimin- also occurs in several species of Withius, in- ish the usefulness of this character in distin- cludingW.hispanus(L.Koch1873),W.faun- guishing between different genera of Withi- us (Simon 1879), W. neglectus (Simon 1878) idae. (Heurtault 1971), Metawithius yurii (Redikor- SpeciesofCystowithiusaregenerallyfound zev1938)(Harvey1988),M.murrayi(Pocock at high altitudes with three species occurring 1900) (pers. obs.), M. philippinus Beier 1937 above 3,000 m in the northern Andes in Co- (pers. obs.), M. spiniventer Redikorzev 1938 lombia,EcuadorandPeru,andabove2,000m (pers. obs.), Pycnowithius cavernicola Mah- in Mexico (Fig. 7). Key to species of Cystowithius 1. Chelal hand smooth; setae on chelal hand only barely denticulate; tactile seta of tarsus IV situated sub-medially (TS (cid:53) 0.59–0.61); males with sternal invaginations on sternites VI- VIII ................................................. C. chamberlini new species Chelal hand evenly granulate; setae on chelal hand distinctly denticulate; tactile seta of tarsus IV situated sub-distally (TS (cid:53) 0.74–0.79); males with sternal invaginations on ster- nites V-VIII ............................................................... 2 2(1). Larger species, e.g. chela (with pedicel) greater than 1.35 mm (Fig. 8) .......... ...................................................... C. smithersi new species Smaller species, e.g. chela (with pedicel) less than 1.20 mm (Fig. 8) ............... 3 3(2). Setae on tergite XI long and only slightly clavate (Fig. 27) ....... C. ecuadoricus (Beier) Setae on tergite XI short and strongly clavate (Fig. 32) ....... C. colombicus new species 442 THE JOURNALOF ARACHNOLOGY Table1.—Withiidaeinwhichthemalesternalinvaginationsareabsent.Asteriskdenotesthetypespecies of the genus. Specimens Taxon examined Museum Locality Remarks Balanowithius egregius holotype (cid:63), para- CAS Pichilingue, Ecua- Personal observa- Beier 1959* type (cid:47) dor tion Cacodemonius satanas Dr M. Judson (in (With 1908) litt.) Cacodemonius seg- Dr M. Judson (in mentidentatus (Bal- litt.) zan 1887) Dolichowithius argen- holotype (cid:63) CAS Salta, Argentina Personal observa- tinus Beier 1959 tion Dolichowithius exten- 1 (cid:63), 1 (cid:47) syn- BMNH La Moka, Vene- Personal observa- sus Beier 1932b types zuela tion Dolichowithius granu- 1 paratype (cid:63) AMNH Guyana Personal observa- losus Hoff, 1945 tion Ectromachernesmira- holotype (cid:63) BMNH Jemme Forest, Personal observa- bilis Beier 1944* Ethiopia tion Hyperwithiusdawydof- 4 (cid:63) syntypes NHMW Cao Nguyeˆn Laˆm Personal observa- fi Beier 1951 Vieˆn (Plateau tion von Langbian), Laˆm Dong, Vi- etnam Hyperwithiustonkinen- 1 (cid:63), 1 (cid:47), 2 proto- NHMW Lau Chau, Lau Personal observa- sis Beier 1951 nymphs syn- Chau, Vietnam tion types Juxtacheliferfructuo- paratypes (cid:63), (cid:47) AMNH Santa Fe, New Personal observa- sus Hoff 1956* and tritonymphs Mexico, U.S.A. tion Metawithius murrayi 1 (cid:63), 1 (cid:47) syntypes BMNH North West Point, Personal observa- (Pocock 1900) Christmas Is- tion land, Australia Metawithius philippi- several (cid:63), (cid:47) syn- ZMB Philippines Personal observa- nus Beier 1937 types tion Metawithius spiniven- several (cid:63), (cid:47) NHMW Cao Nguyeˆn Laˆm Personal observa- ter Redikorzev 1938 specimens Vieˆn (Plateau tion von Langbian), Laˆm Dong, Vi- etnam Metawithius (Micro- 1 (cid:63) NMV Sertung Island, In- Personal observa- withius) yurii (Redi- donesia tion korzev 1938) Metawithius (Micro- 2 (cid:63), 1 (cid:47) syn- NHMW Telom Valley, Personal observa- withius) tweediei types Cameron High- tion Beier 1955 lands, Pahang, Malaysia Nesowithius seychelle- 2 (cid:63) syntypes BMNH Praslin, Seychelles Personal observa- sensis Beier 1940* tion New genus, similar to several (cid:63), (cid:47) and WAM Manngarre Rain- Personal observa- Metawithius Cham- tritonymphs forest, Kakadu tion berlin 1931 National Park, Northern Terri- tory, Australia Parawithius nobilis holotype (cid:63) BMNH Bogota´, Colombia Personal observa- (With 1908)* tion Parawithius nobilis 1 (cid:63) CAS near Bogota´, Co- Personal observa- (With 1908)* lombia tion HARVEY—NEWWORLDWITHIIDAE 443 Table 1.—Continued. Specimens Taxon examined Museum Locality Remarks Parawithius pseudoru- holotype (cid:63) ZMB 29668 Paraguay Personal observa- fus Beier 1932b tion Scotowithius helenae Dr M. Judson (in Beier 1977* litt.) Stenowithius angulatus 1 (cid:63) CAS (JC- no data Personal observa- (Ellingsen 1906) 906.01001) tion Stenowithius bayoni 7 adult syntypes BMNH Kampala, Uganda Personal observa- (Ellingsen 1910) of Stenowithius 1932.11.12.14– tion ugandanus 20 Beier 1932b Stenowithius duffeyi 11 adult syntypes BMNH Boatswain-birdIs- Personal observa- Beier 1961 1964.8.17.2–12 land, Ascension tion Island Thaumatowithius tibia- 1 (cid:63), 2 (cid:47) syn- BMNH Le Pouce, Mauri- Personal observa- lis Beier 1940* types tius tion Trichotowithius abys- 1 (cid:63), 3 (cid:47) syn- BMNH Jemme Forest, Personal observa- sinicus Beier 1944* types Ethiopia tion Victorwithius coniger Dr M. Judson (in (Mahnert 1979) litt.) Victorwithius rufeolus 2 (cid:63) and (cid:47) syn- CAS Pichilingue, Ecua- Personal observa- (Beier 1959) types dor tion Victorwithius schlin- holotype (cid:63) CAS Tingo Mar´ıa, Personal observa- geri (Beier 1959) Monson Valley, tion Peru Victorwithius similis 1 (cid:63) and 1 (cid:47) syn- CAS 10 miles N. of Personal observa- (Beier 1959) types Trancas, Argen- tion tina Victorwithius venezue- 1 (cid:63) and 2 (cid:47) syn- BMNH La Moka, Vene- Personal observa- lanus (Beier 1932b) types zuela tion and Dr M. Judson (in litt.) Withius hispanus (L. 2 (cid:63) CAS (JC- Sardinia Personal observa- Koch 1873) 511.04004–5) tion Withius piger (Simon numerous speci- WAM, CAS Australia,Hawaii, Personal observa- 1878)* mens Europe,North tion America,South America,India, etc. Cystowithius smithersi new species tritonymph, same data as holotype (BMNH); Figs. 7–23 1 male, 1 female, 1 tritonymph, same data as holotype (PUCE); 1 male, 1 female, 1 trito- Material examined.—Holotype male,Vol- nymph, same data as holotype (MHNG); 1 ca´n Chiles, ca. 15 km N. of Tulca´n, Carchi male, 1 female, 1 tritonymph, same data as Province, ECUADOR, 0(cid:56)48(cid:57)35.0(cid:48)N, holotype (MNHN). 77(cid:56)57(cid:57)15.0(cid:48)W, altitude 3,600 m, August1997, Etymology.—The specific epithet honors in leaf sheath of Espeletia pycnophylla, P. Peter Smithers, University of Plymouth, who Smithers, A. Bond, M. Burne (WAM provided me with the opportunity to examine T54598). Paratypes: ECUADOR: Carchi the specimens described here, and who first Province: 3 males, 3 females (1 with brood- published upon the unusual biology of this sac), 5 tritonymphs, same data as holotype species (Smithers et al. 2001). (WAM T54599–54606); 1 male, 1 female, 1 Diagnosis.—Cystowithius smithersi differs 444 THE JOURNALOF ARACHNOLOGY Figures 6–7.—Maps showing known distributions of species mentioned in the text: 6. Parawithius nobilis; 7. Cystowithius species. from the other three species of the genus by brown; carapaceal metazone with paired pale its longerandmoreslenderpedipalps,e.g.the spots; tergites with paler areas, usually sur- chela (with pedicel) of C. smithersi is greater rounding setal areoles. Pedipalp (Fig. 16): all than 1.35 mm and the pedipalpal femur is segments granulate, except for chelal fingers, greater than 0.90 mm. In addition, it differs which are smooth; dorsal setae generally from C. chamberlini in the evenly granulate strongly foliate; femur 4.93–5.43 ((cid:63)), 4.70– chelal hand and the presence of male sternal 5.28 ((cid:47)), patella 4.04–4.45 ((cid:63)), 3.83–4.19 invaginations on sternites V–VIII. ((cid:47)),chela(withpedicel)4.24–4.59((cid:63)),3.88– Description.—Adults: Color dark red- 4.18 ((cid:47)), chela (without pedicel) 4.04–4.35 Figure 8.—Graph depicting pedipalpal chela (with pedicel) length versus pedipalpal femur length in Cystowithius species. HARVEY—NEWWORLDWITHIIDAE 445 anterior margin and 10 near posterior margin; with 2 deep furrows, the posterior furrow slightly closer to posterior carapaceal margin than to median furrow. Tergites with distinct medial suture, sternites barely divided. Chae- totaxyoftergitesI–XII:holotype(cid:63),10:9:10: 13: 15: 15: 17: 18: 17: 13: 9 (including 2 tac- tile setae): 2; paratype (cid:47), 12: 10: 10: 17: 17: 16: 18: 18: 19: 16: 8: 2; mostly uniseriate but some tergites with a few setae placed anteri- orly; all setae foliate. Chaetotaxy of sternites I–XII: holotype (cid:63), 13: (1)12(1): (2)12(2):16: 19:18[gls]:16[gls]:11[gls]:9:12:2;paratype (cid:47), 15: (1)17(1): (2)12(2): 17: 20: 17[gls]: 17[gls]: 17[gls]: 14: 10: 2; sternites VII–IX withpatchesofglandularsetae[gls],arranged (cid:63), ca. 75: 72: 60 respectively; (cid:47), 2: 2: 2, re- spectively;setaeuniseriateandacuminate,ex- cept for lateral setae on sternite XI which are finely denticulate; glandular setae small and conical in shape; (cid:63) with paired invaginations on anterior margins of sternites V–VIII (Figs. 18, 19). Coxal chaetotaxy: paratype (cid:63), 10: 9: 10: 18; paratype (cid:47), 14: 13:12:22;pedipalpal coxa with 2 apical setae and very small sub- oralseta.Internalgenitaliaofmalewithlateral Figure 9.—Cystowithius smithersi new species, apodeme long and triangular (Fig. 21); of fe- holotype male. male with single oval median cribriformplate and 2 smaller lateral cribriform plates, and ((cid:63)), 3.71–4.00 ((cid:47)), hand 1.98–2.07 ((cid:63)), with poorly defined membranous spermathe- 1.74–1.95 ((cid:47)) times longer than broad, mov- cal sac irregularly covered with pores; with 2 able finger 1.04–1.15 ((cid:63)), 1.00–1.22 ((cid:47)) lateralhookedapodemes(Fig.20).Legs(Figs. times longer than hand. Fixed chelal finger 13, 14): junction between femoraandpatellae with 8 trichobothria, movable chelal finger I and IIonly slightly oblique;femur(cid:49)patella with 4 trichobothria (Fig. 10): eb and esb sit- oflegIV3.80((cid:63)),4.36((cid:47))timeslongerthan uated basally; est, it and isb grouped together broad;tarsaltactilesetaoflegIVsituatedsub- sub-medially;istandibsituatedbasally;band distally, ca. 0.77 ((cid:63)), 0.75 ((cid:47)) of tarsus sb situated near one another; st mid-way be- length; subterminal tarsal setae arcuate and tween sb and t. Venom apparatus present in acute; arolium slightly shorter than claws. both chelal fingers, venom ducts long, termi- Dimensions (mm), males (females): Body nating in nodus ramosus near est in fixed fin- length 2.40–2.75 (2.44–3.71). Pedipalps: tro- ger and near t in movable finger. Chelal teeth chanter 0.484–0.493/0.222–0.232 (0.464– triangular, slightly retrorse; fixed finger with 0.515/0.224–0.246), femur 0.982–1.072/ 42 ((cid:63)), 43 ((cid:47)) teeth; movable finger with 49 0.186–0.200 (0.925–1.104/0.193–0.215), ((cid:63)),52((cid:47))teeth;accessoryteethabsent.Che- patella 0.864–0.908/0.198–0.224 (0.789– licera: with 5 setae on hand, all acuminate; 0.960/0.206–0.229), chela (with pedicel) movable finger with 1 subdistal seta; galea 1.392–1.440/0.307–0.340 (1.378–1.586/ with 3 small terminal rami; flagellum of 4 0.333–0.390), chela (without pedicel) 1.318– blades (Fig. 12); serrula exterior with 19 ((cid:63), 1.376(1.306–1.517),handlength0.634–0.672 (cid:47)) blades; lamina exterior present. Carapace (0.592–0.718), movable finger length 0.670– (Fig. 15) 0.97–1.09 ((cid:63)), 1.13–1.32 ((cid:47)) times 0.736 (0.656–0.776). Chelicera 0.250/0.128 longerthanbroad;lateralmarginsevenlycon- (0.290/0.128), movable finger length 0.147 vex, but posteriorly widened; with 2 non-cor- (0.197). Carapace 0.846–0.909/0.816–0.938 neate eyes; with ca.44setae,including4near (0.845–0.944/0.640–0.832); eye diameter

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