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Remark on Well-posedness of Quadratic Schrödinger equation with nonlinearity $u\bar u$ in $H^{-1/4}(\R)$ PDF

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Preview Remark on Well-posedness of Quadratic Schrödinger equation with nonlinearity $u\bar u$ in $H^{-1/4}(\R)$

REMARK ON WELL-POSEDNESS OF QUADRATIC SCHRO¨DINGER EQUATION WITH NONLINEARITY uu IN H−1/4(R) 0 YUZHAOWANG 1 0 2 Abstract. In this note, we give another approach to the local well-posedness of quadratic Schr¨odinger equation with nonlinearity uu in H−1/4, which was already proved by Kishimoto n [3]. Ourresolutionspaceisl1-analogueofXs,b spacewithlowfrequencypartinaweakerspace a L∞L2. SuchtypespacesweredevelopedbyGuo. [2]todealtheKdVendpointH−3/4regularity. J t x 5 ] P 1. Introduction A This paper is mainly concerned with the following equation . h iu +u =|u|2, u(x,t):R×R→C, t t xx (1.1) a (cid:26) u(x,0)=φ(x)∈Hs(R). m The low regularity for this equation was first studied by Kenig, Ponce, Vega in [4], they proved [ the local well-posedness in Hs, for s > −1/4, by using Xs,b spaces. The local well-posedness in 3 H−1/4 was already proved by Kishimoto [3], where Kishimoto solved (1.1) in the spaces v Z =X−1/4,1/2+β +Y 9 3 and 9 .0 Y ={f ∈S′(R2);kfkY =khξi−1/4hτ −ξ2i3βfˆkL2ξLpτ +khξi1/4−2βhτ −ξ2i3βfˆkL2ξL2τ}, 0 with 0<β ≤1/24, 2β <1/p′ <3β and 1/p+1/p′ =1. 1 WegiveanotherapproachbasedontheargumentdevelopedbyGuo. [2],whichsolvedtheglobal 9 well-posedness for KdV equation in H−3/4. Our resolution space is l1-analogue of Xs,b space with 0 : low frequency part in a weaker space L∞L2, so as a resolution space, it has simple form. v t x It is well known that Xs,b failed for (1.1) in H−1/4 because of the logarithmic divergences from i X high×high → low interactions, it is natural to use the weaker structure in low frequency. We r use L∞L2 to measure the low frequency part, however in [2] Guo used L2L∞. The reason for this a t x x t is that in the KdV case, the high×low interactions has one derivative, and the smoothing effect norm L∞L2 was needed to absorb it. This method can also be adapted to other similar problems x t where some logarithmic divergences appear in the high-high interactions. Theorem 1.1. The initial value problem (1.1) is local well-posedness in H−1/4. For f ∈ S′ we denote by f or F(f) the Fourier transform of f. We denote by F the Fourier x transformonspatialvariable. LetZandNbethesetsofintegersandnaturalnumbersrespectively, b Z =N∪{0}. For k ∈Z let I ={ξ :|ξ|∈[2k−1,2k+1]}, k ≥1; I ={ξ :|ξ|≤2}. Let η :R→ + + k 0 0 [0,1] denote an even smooth function supported in [−8/5,8/5] and equal to 1 in [−5/4,5/4]. We define ψ(t)=η (t). For k ∈Z let η (ξ)=η (ξ/2k)−η (ξ/2k−1) if k ≥1 and η (ξ)≡0 if k ≤−1. 0 k 0 0 k For k ∈Z , define P by P u(ξ)=η (ξ)u(ξ). For l∈Z let P = P ,P = P . + k k k ≤l k≤l k ≥l k≥l k P P 2000 Mathematics Subject Cdlassification. 35Qb53,35L30. Key words and phrases. QuadraticSchr¨odingerequation,Localwell-posedness,Lowregularity. 1 2 YUZHAOWANG For u0 ∈S′(R), we denote W(t)u0 =eit∂x2u0 defined by Fx(W(t)φ)(ξ)=exp[−iξ2t]φ(ξ). For k ∈Z we define the dyadic Xs,b-type normed spaces X =X (R2), + k k b f(ξ,τ) is supported in I ×R and Xk =(cid:26)f ∈L2(R2): kfkXk = ∞j=02j/2kηj(τk+ξ2)·fkL2, (cid:27) (1.2) P thus we have kfkL1τL2ξ ≤kfkXk. For −3/4≤s≤0, we define our resolution spaces b F¯s ={u∈S′(R2):kuk2 = 22skkη (ξ)F(u)k2 +kP (u)k2 <∞}. (1.3) F¯s kX≥1 k Xk ≤0 L∞t L2x It is easy to see that for k ∈Z + kPk(u)kL∞t L2x.kF[Pk(u)]kXk, (1.4) as Laectoans,eaqu,eance∈, wRe, dheafivneekaukL∞t H=sm.akxuk{Fa¯s.,a ,a }, same as a ,a . Usually we use k ,k ,k 1 2 3 max 1 2 2 min med 1 2 3 and j1,j2,j3 to denote integers, Ni =2ki and Li =2ji for i=1,2,3 to denote dyadic numbers. 2. Dyadic Bilinear Estimates In this section we will give some dyadic bilinear estimates for next section. We define D ={(ξ,τ):ξ ∈[2k−1,2k+1] and τ +ξ2 ∈I }, k ∈Z,j ∈Z . k,j j + Following the [k;Z] methods [5] the bilinear estimates in Xs,b space reduce to some dyadic sum- mations: for any k ,k ,k ∈Z and j ,j ,j ∈Z 1 2 3 1 2 3 + (uk2,j2,suvkp3,j3)∈Ek1Dk1,j1(ξ,τ)·uk2,j2 ∗vk3,j3(ξ,τ)kL2ξ,τ (2.1) where E = {(u,v) : kuk , kvk ≤ 1 and supp(u) ⊂ D , supp(v) ⊂ D } and D = 2 2 k2,j2 k3,j3 k3,j3 {(ξ,τ);(−ξ,−τ) ∈ D }. By checking the support properties, we get that in order for (2.1) to k3,j3 e e be nonzero one must have |k −k |≤3, and j ≥k +k −10 (2.2) max med max max min The following sharp estimates on (2.1) were obtained in [5]. Lemma2.1(Proposition11.1,[5](–++)case). Letk1,k2,k3 ∈Zandj1,j2,j3 ∈Z+. LetNi =2ki and Li =2ji for i=1,2,3. Then (i) If N ∼N and L ∼N N , then we have max min max max min (2.1).L1/2 L1/4 . (2.3) min med (ii) If N ∼ N ≫ N and N N ∼ L = L , and N ∼ N ≫ N and N N ∼ 1 3 2 max min 2 max 1 2 3 max min L =L , then 3 max (2.1).L1/2 L1/2 N−1/2. (2.4) min med min (iii) In all other cases, we have (2.1).L1/2 N−1/2min(N N ,L )1/2. (2.5) min max max min med QUADRATIC SCHRO¨DINGER EQUATION 3 3. Proof of Theorem 1.1 For u,v ∈F¯s we define the bilinear operator t t B(u,v)=ψ W(t−τ)∂ ψ2(τ)u(τ)·v(τ) dτ. (3.1) x 4 Z (cid:0) (cid:1) 0 (cid:0) (cid:1) Asin[2],theproofforTheorem1.1reducetoshowingtheboundnessofB :F¯−1/4×F¯−1/4 →F¯−1/4. Lemma 3.1 (Linear estimates). (a) Assume s∈R, φ∈Hs. Then there exists C >0 such that kψ(t)W(t)φkF¯s ≤CkφkHs. (3.2) (b) Assume s∈R,k ∈Z and (i+τ −ξ3)−1F(u)∈X . Then there exists C >0 such that + k t F ψ(t) W(t−s)(u(s))ds ≤Ck(i+τ −ξ3)−1F(u)k . (3.3) (cid:13) (cid:20) Z (cid:21)(cid:13) Xk (cid:13) 0 (cid:13)Xk (cid:13) (cid:13) Proof. Such lin(cid:13)ear estimates have appeared in(cid:13)many literatures, see for example [1]. (cid:3) Lemma 3.2 (Bilinear estimates). Assume −1/4≤s≤0. Then there exists C >0 such that kB(u,v)kF¯s ≤C(kukF¯skvkF¯−1/4 +kukF¯−1/4kvkF¯s) (3.4) hold for any u,v ∈F¯s. Proof. It is easy to see kB(u,v)kF¯s.kP≥1B(P≥1u,P≥1v)kFs +kP≥1B(P≥1u,P0v)kF¯s +kP≥1B(P0u,P≥1v)kF¯s +kP≥1B(P0u,P0v)kF¯s +kP0B(u,v)kF¯s ,A+B+C+D+E We notice that there is no low frequency in part A, so the proof for part A do not involve the special structure in low frequency, and standard Xs,b argument will suffice, we omit the proof. The proof for part B, C and D are similar, we just consider part B for example. By definition and Lemma 3.1 (b), let S ={(k ,k );k ,k ≥1,|k −k |≤5}, then B 1 3 1 3 1 3 \ 2 B2.(k1,Xk3)∈SB22sk3(cid:16)jX3≥02−j3/2k1Dk3,j3ψ(t)Pk1u∗Pd0vkL2ξ,τ(cid:17) . 22sk3kψ(t)Pk1uk2L2kP0vk2L∞. 22sk3kPk1uk2L∞L2kP0vk2L∞ (3.5) t x X X (k1,k3)∈SB (k1,k3)∈SB which is sufficient by Bernstein inequality and (1.4). NowweturntopartD.DenoteQ(u,v)=P B(P u,P v¯). Bystraightforwardcomputations, ≤0 k1 k2 F[Q(u,v¯)](ξ,τ)=c ψ(τ −τ′)−ψ(τ +ξ2)η (ξ) P[u(ξ ,τ )P[v¯(ξ ,τ ) dτ′. ZR b τ′+ξb2 0 ZZ k1 1 1 k2 2 2 where Z ={ξ =ξ +ξ ,τ′ =τ +τ }. Fixing ξ ∈R, we decomposing the hyperplane as following 1 2 1 2 A = {ξ =ξ +ξ ,τ′ =τ +τ :|ξ|.2−k1}; 1 1 2 1 2 A = {ξ =ξ +ξ ,τ′ =τ +τ :|ξ|≫2−k1, 2 1 2 1 2 |τ +ξ2|≪2k1|ξ|,|τ −ξ2|≪2k1|ξ|}; 1 1 2 2 A = {ξ =ξ +ξ ,τ′ =τ +τ :|ξ|≫2−k1,|τ +ξ2|&2k1|ξ|}; 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 A = {ξ =ξ +ξ ,τ′ =τ +τ :|ξ|≫2−k1,|τ −ξ2|&2k1|ξ|}. 4 1 2 1 2 2 2 4 YUZHAOWANG Then we get F[Q(u,v¯)](ξ,τ)=I +II+III, where I =C ψ(τ −τ′)−ψ(τ +ξ2)η (ξ) P[u(ξ ,τ )P[v¯(ξ ,τ )dτ′, ZR b τ′+ξb2 0 ZA1 k1 1 1 k2 2 2 II =C ψ(τ −τ′)−ψ(τ +ξ2)η (ξ) P[u(ξ ,τ )P[v¯(ξ ,τ )dτ′, ZR b τ′+ξb2 0 ZA2 k1 1 1 k2 2 2 III =C ψ(τ −τ′)−ψ(τ +ξ2)η (ξ) P[u(ξ ,τ )P[v¯(ξ ,τ )dτ′. ZR b τ′+ξb2 0 ZA3∪A4 k1 1 1 k2 2 2 We consider first the the term I. By (1.4) and Proposition 3.1 (b), kF−1(I)kL∞t L2x.kIkX0.(cid:13)(cid:13)(i+τ′+ξ2)−1η0(ξ)ZA1P[k1u(ξ1,τ1)P[k2v¯(ξ2,τ2)(cid:13)(cid:13)X0, since in the set A we have |ξ|.2−(cid:13)k1, thus we continue with (cid:13) 1 . 2−j3/2 k1Dk3,j3 ·uk1,j1 ∗vk2,j2kL2 k3≤X−k1+10jX3≥0 j1≥X0,j2≥0 where u =η (ξ)η (τ +ξ2)u, v =η (ξ)η (τ −ξ2)v. (3.6) k1,j1 k1 j1 k,j2 k j2 Using Proposition 2.1 (iii), then we get b b kF−1(I)kL∞t L2x . 2−j3/22jmin/22k3/2kuk1,j1kL2kvk2,j2kL2 k3≤X−k1+10jXi≥0 . 2−k1/2kP[uk kP[vk , k1 Xk1 k2 Xk2 which suffices to give the bound for the term I since |k −k |≤5. 1 2 NextweconsiderthecontributionofthetermIII. AstermI, by (1.4)andProposition3.1(b), kF−1(III)kL∞t L2x . (cid:13)(i+τ′+ξ2)−1η0(ξ)Z P[k1u(ξ1,τ1)P[k2v(ξ2,τ2)(cid:13) (cid:13) A3∪A4 (cid:13)X0 (cid:13) (cid:13) . (cid:13) 2−j3/2 k1Dk3,j3 ·uk1,j1 ∗vk2,j2k(cid:13)L2. −k1X≤k3≤0jX3≥0 j1≥X0,j2≥0 Without loss of generality, we assume |τ +ξ2|&|ξξ |, applying Proposition 2.1 (iii), then we get 1 1 1 kF−1(III)kL∞t L2x . 2j2/22−k1/2kuk1,j1kL2kvk2,j2kL2 −k1X≤k3≤0j1≥k3+Xk1−10,j2≥0 . 2−k1/2kP[uk kP[uk , k1 Xk1 k2 Xk2 which suffices to give the bound for the term III since |k −k |≤5. 1 2 Now we consider the main contribution term: term II. By direct computation, we get t F−1(II)=ψ(t) e−i(t−s)ξ2η (ξ)iξ eis(τ1+τ2) u (ξ ,τ )v (ξ ,τ ) dτ dτ ds t Z0 0 ZR2 Zξ=ξ1+ξ2 k1 1 1 k2 2 2 1 2 where uk1(ξ1,τ1)=ηk1(ξ1)1{|τ1+ξ12|≪2k1|ξ|}u(ξ1,τ1), vk2(ξ2,τ2)=ηk2(ξ2)1{|τ2−ξ22|≪2k1|ξ|}v(ξ2,τ2). b b QUADRATIC SCHRO¨DINGER EQUATION 5 By a change of variable τ′ =τ +ξ2, τ′ =τ −ξ2, we get 1 1 1 2 2 2 t F−1(II) = ψ(t)e−itξ2η (ξ) eisξ2 eis(τ1+τ2) t 0 Z0 ZR2 × e−isξ12u (ξ ,τ −ξ2)eisξ22v (ξ ,τ +ξ2) dτ dτ ds Z k1 1 1 1 k2 2 2 2 1 2 ξ=ξ1+ξ2 = ψ(t)e−itξ2η (ξ) eit(τ1+τ2) eit(−ξ12+ξ22+ξ2)−e−it(τ1+τ2) 0 ZR2 Zξ=ξ1+ξ2 τ1+τ2−ξ12+ξ22+ξ2 × u (ξ ,τ −ξ2)v (ξ ,τ +ξ2) dτ dτ . k1 1 1 1 k2 2 2 2 1 2 Then by Plancherel Theorem and Ho¨lder inequality, we can bound kF−1(II)k by t Lξ η (ξ) 0 |u (ξ ,τ −ξ2)v (ξ ,τ +ξ2)| dτ dτ ZR2(cid:13)(cid:13)Zξ=ξ1+ξ2 |τ1+τ2−ξ12+ξ22+ξ2| k1 1 1 1 k2 2 2 2 (cid:13)(cid:13)L2ξ 1 2 (cid:13) χ (ξ) (cid:13) . 2k/2 k |u (ξ ,τ −ξ2)v (ξ ,τ +ξ2)| dτ dτ ZR2−kX1≤k≤0 (cid:13)(cid:13)Zξ=ξ1+ξ2 |ξξ1| k1 1 1 1 k2 2 2 2 (cid:13)(cid:13)L∞ξ 1 2 .2−k1/2kuk1kL1τ2L2ξ(cid:13)2kvk2kL1τ3L2ξ3.2−k1/2kP[k1ukXk1kP[k2ukXk2. (cid:13) where we use |τ +τ −ξ2+ξ2+ξ2|&|ξξ |, which completes the proof of the lemma. (cid:3) 1 2 1 2 1 Acknowledgment. TheauthorisverygratefultoProfessorZihuaGuoforencouragingtheauthor to work on this problem and helpful conversations. References [1] A. D. Ionescu, C. E. Kenig, Global well-posedness of the Benjamin-Ono equation in low-regularity spaces, J. Amer.Math.Soc.,20(2007),no.3,753-798. [2] Z.Guo,Globalwell-posednessofKorteweg-deVriesequationinH−1/4(R).J.Math.PuresAppl.91(2009)583-597 [3] N.Kishimoto,Low-regularitylocalwell-posednessforquadraticnonlinearSchr¨odingerequations,preprint. [4] C.E.Kenig,G.Ponce,andL.Vega,Quadraticformsforthe1-DsemilinearSchr¨odingerequation,Trans.Amer. Math.Soc.348(1996),no.8,3323-3353. [5] T.Tao,MultiplinearweightedconvolutionofL2 functionsandapplicationstononlineardispersiveequations. Amer.J.Math.(2001),123(5):839-908,. LMAM, School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871,China E-mail address: [email protected]

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