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Remaking the Chinese State After more than twenty years of economic and political reform, China is a vastly different country than the one left by Mao. Almost all of the characteristic policies, institutions, and practices of the Maoist era have been abandoned. The goals of the revolution in China’s domestic and foreign policies have been replaced by emphasis on economic modernization. It has sustained a remarkably high rate of growth, allowed a private sector to re-emerge and gradually supplant the public sector, increased the level of foreign trade and investment, and joined a host of international organizations concerned with economic and military affairs. Many in Chinese society enjoy higher standards of living, migrate in search of better paying jobs, and enjoy opportunities for foreign and domestic travel and access to higher education and new sources of information. On almost any dimension, China today is a more vibrant, dynamic, and colorful place than it was at the end of the Maoist era. Despite these dramatic changes, other fundamental features of domestic politics and foreign policy remain unchanged in China. The Communist Party remains the pre- eminent political authority and continues to prevent the formation of new organizations outside its control. Local officials promote economic growth but have not fully embraced the logic of the market economy. China remains wary of international pressures, whether economic, political, or military, and its ideological rhetoric often obscures its pragmatic behavior. This book explores the strategies of reform in China and their implications for its domestic and foreign policies. Although these reforms have been cautious and incre- mental in nature, they have been radical in their cumulative impact. This book avoids simple generalizations about the nature of Chinese politics or China’s future path. Instead it offers comparisons and contrasts between policy areas and regions within China to create a more complete picture of this complex and ever-changing country. Chien-min Chao is Professor and Director of the Sun Yat-sen Graduate Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities at Chengchi University, Taiwan. He has published widely on Chinese politics. Bruce J. Dickson is Director of the Sigur Center for Asian Studies and the Asian Studies Program in the Elliott School of International Affairs, and Associate Professor in Political Science and International Affairs at the George Washington University. He is the author of Democratization in China and Taiwan: The adapt- ability of Leninist parties and Communism in China: Institutional and comparative perspectives. Asia’s Transformations Edited by Mark Selden Binghamton University and Cornell University, USA The books in this series explore the political, social, economic, and cultural consequences of Asia’s twentieth-century transformations. The series emphasizes the tumultuous inter- play of local, national, regional, and global forces as Asia bids to become the hub of the world economy. While focusing on the contemporary, it also looks back to analyze the antecedents of Asia’s contested rise. This series comprises two strands: Asia’s Transformations aims to address the needs of students and teachers, and the titles will be published in hardback and paperback. Titles include: Debating Human Rights Chinese Society Critical essays from the United States and Change, conflict and resistance Asia Edited by Elizabeth J. Perry and Mark Selden Edited by Peter Van Ness Mao’s Children in the New China Hong Kong’s History Voices from the Red Guard generation State and society under colonial rule Yarong Jiang and David Ashley Edited by Tak-Wing Ngo Remaking the Chinese State Japan’s Comfort Women Strategies, society, and security Yuki Tanaka Edited by Chien-min Chao and Bruce J. Dickson Opium, Empire and the Global Political Economy Carl A. Trocki Routledge Studies in Asia’s Transformations is a forum for innovative new research intended for a high-level specialist readership, and the titles will be available in hardback only. Titles include: 1 The American Occupation of 3 Internationalizing the Pacific Japan and Okinawa* The United States, Japan and the Institute Literature and Memory of Pacific Relations, 1919–1945 Michael Molasky Tomoko Akami 2 Koreans in Japan* 4 Imperialism in South East Asia Critical voices from the margin A fleeting, passing phase Edited by Sonia Ryang Nicholas Tarling *Now available in paperback Remaking the Chinese State Strategies, society, and security Edited by Chien-min Chao and Bruce J. Dickson London and New York First published 2001 by Routledge 11 New Fetter Lane, London EC4P 4EE Simultaneously published in the USA and Canada by Routledge 29 West 35th Street, New York, NY 10001 Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group This edition published in the Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2004. Selection and editorial matter © 2001 Chien-min Chao and Bruce J. Dickson Individual chapters © 2001 individual contributors All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilized in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Remaking the Chinese state: strategies, society, and security/edited by Chien-min Chao and Bruce J. Dickson. (Asia’s transformations) Includes bibliographical references and index. 1. China–Politics and government–1976–. 2. China–Economic policy–1976–2000. I. Zhao, Jianmin, 1954– II. Dickson, Bruce J. III. Series. JQ1510 .R463 2001 320.951–dc21 2001019959 ISBN 0-203-16737-6 Master e-book ISBN ISBN 0-203-26223-9 (Adobe eReader Format) ISBN 0–415–26026–4 (Print Edition) Contents List of illustrations vii Notes on contributors ix Acknowledgements xi Introduction: Remaking the Chinese state 1 B RU C E J. D I C K S O N A N D C H I E N - M I N C H AO PART I 17 Political strategies in the reform era 1 Rationalizing the Chinese state: The political economy of government reform 19 DA L I L . YA N G 2 Reappraising central–local relations in Deng’s China: Decentralization, dilemmas of control, and diluted effects of reform 46 JA E H O C H U N G 3 China’s agricultural reforms: A twenty-year retrospective 76 RO B E RT F. A S H PART II 101 The social consequences of economic reform vi Contents 4 Clashes between reform and opening: Labor market formation in three cities 103 D O ROT H Y J. S O L I N G E R 5 The interdependence of state and society: The political sociology of local leadership132 DAV I D S . G. G O O D M A N 6 The reform of state-owned enterprises in mainland China: A societal perspective 157 T E H - C H A N G L I N PART III 169 Foreign policy and security issues 7 Reform and Chinese foreign policy 171 LOW E L L D I T T M E R 8 Twenty years of Chinese reform: The case of non-proliferation policy 190 BAT E S G I L L 9 Soldiers of fortune, soldiers of misfortune: Commercialization and divestiture of the Chinese military–business complex, 1978–99 204 JA M E S M U LV E N O N 10 Confidence-building measures and the People’s Liberation Army 228 K E N N E T H W. A L L E N 11 The possibility of cross-Strait political negotiations 257 C H O N G - H A I S H AW Index 279 Illustrations Figures 9.1 Nominal and inflation-adjusted defense budget 207 Tables 2.1 Number of mandatory plan items under SPC’s control 53 2.2 Number of plan items for industrial production in selected provinces 54 3.1 Average per capita output of major items of agricultural production 78 3.2 Agricultural growth in China 86 3.3 Farm sector productivity in China 87 3.4 The relative importance of improvements in yields and sown area adjustments in generating output growth 88 4.1 Population distribution in the three cities 108 4.2 Health of the local economy 109 4.3 Domestic markets 110 4.4 International involvement 111 4.5 Unemployment 111 4.6 Migrants 112 4.7 Per capita arable acreage 114 5.1 Average fixed assets and profits after tax for different categories of enterprise 137 5.2 Shanxi local elites: demographic background 140 5.3 Shanxi local elites: highest educational level 142 5.4 Shanxi local elites: careers 143 5.5 Shanxi local elites: membership of CCP 144 5.6 Shanxi local elites: living standards 146 5.7 Shanxi local elites: number and education of children 148 5.8 Shanxi local elites: family membership of CCP 149 6.1 Pension for SOE retirees 163 9.1 Partial list of divested PLA and PAP enterprises 215 10.1 Comparison of the Sino-Indian Agreement on LAC, Sino- Russian/ Central Asian Republics Shanghai Agreement, and the OSCE Vienna Document 241 Contributors Kenneth W. Allen focuses on China’s foreign military relations and the PLA Air Force. He served in the US Air Force from 1971 to 1992, including assign- ments in Taipei and Beijing. He received a BA from the University of California at Davis, a BA from the University of Maryland in Asian Studies, and an MA from Boston University in International Relations. Robert F. Ash holds the Chiang Ching-kuo Chair of Taiwan Studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in the University of London. At SOAS, he is also Coordinator of the EU–China Academic Network (ECAN), and he was formerly Director of the Contemporary China Institute. He has published widely on agricultural development in China. Chien-min Chao is Professor and Director of the Sun Yat-sen Graduate Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities at National Chengchi University in Taiwan. He has been a visiting distinguished professor at The George Washington University. His publications include Taiwan and Mainland China: Relations and Foreign Competition (1992), Authoritarian Politics (1994), An Analysis of Contemporary Chinese Politics (1997), and Cross-Strait Relations and Taiwan’s Foreign Policies (2000). He is also co-editor of the book The ROC on the Threshold of the 21st Century: A Paradigm Reexamined (1999). Jae Ho Chung is Associate Professor of International Relations at Seoul National University, Korea. He is the author of Central Control and Local Discretion in China (2000) and editor of Cities in China (1999) and Provincial Strategies of Economic Reform in Post-Mao China (1998). He is currently working on South Korea–China relations during 1949–99 and on China’s civil avia- tion industry. Bruce J. Dickson is Associate Professor of Political Science and International Affairs and Director of the Sigur Center for Asian Studies and the Asian Studies Program in the Elliott School of International Affairs at The George Washington University. He is the author of Democratization in China and Taiwan: The Adaptability of Leninist Parties (1997), and articles in Asian Survey, China Quarterly, Comparative Political Studies, Political Science Quarterly, and other publica- tions. He is also Associate Editor of the journal Problems of Post-Communism. Contributors ix Lowell Dittmer is Professor of Political Science and former Chair of the Center for Chinese Studies at the University of California at Berkeley. He is author (with Samuel Kim) of China’s Quest for National Identity and four other books analyzing Chinese domestic and foreign policy, as well as many schol- arly articles. Bates Gill is Senior Fellow in Foreign Policy Studies and inaugural Director of the Center for Northeast Asian Policy Studies at the Brookings Institution in Washington, DC. A specialist in East Asian foreign policy and politics, his work focuses on security and military–technical issues, especially with regard to China. His next book, Contrasting Visions: United States, China, and World Order, will be published by the Brookings Institution Press in 2001. David S. G. Goodman is Director of the Institute for International Studies, University of Technology, Sydney. His most recent publications include Social and Political Change in Revolutionary China and Shanxi in Reform: Everyday Life in a North China Province. Teh-chang Lin is an Associate Professor in the Graduate Institute of Mainland China Studies, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. He has published many articles and books on the issues of foreign economic assis- tance, cross-Strait political and economic relations, and economic development in mainland China. James Mulvenon is an Associate Political Scientist at the RAND Corporation in Washington, DC, specializing in Chinese military and security affairs. He has recently completed a book-length manuscript on the Chinese military’s business empire, entitled Soldiers of Fortune (2000). His current research focuses on Chinese strategic weapons doctrines (information warfare and nuclear warfare), theater ballistic missile defenses (TBMD) in Asia, Chinese military commercial divestiture, and the military and civilian implications of the infor- mation revolution in China. Chong-hai Shaw received his Ph.D. in history from St Louis University, USA. He is now a Professor at Sun Yat-sen Graduate Institute of Social Science and Humanities, National Chengchi University, Taiwan. His research fields are cross-Strait relations, Sino-American relations, the ROC government and constitution, nationalism, international politics, and studies on ethnic problems. Dorothy J. Solinger is Professor of Political Science at the University of California, Irvine, and Adjunct Senior Research Scholar at the East Asian Institute, Columbia University. Her most recent book is Contesting Citizenship in Urban California (1999) and she is a co-editor of States and Sovereignty in the Global Economy (1999). Her current research is on unemployment in China. Dali L. Yang is Associate Professor of Political Science and Director of the Committee on International Relations at the University of Chicago. His books include Calamity and Reform in China (1996), Beyond Beijing (1997), and a forthcoming volume on governance and state–business relations.

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