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Religion, Law, and Freedom: A Global Perspective PDF

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Religion, Law, and Freedom Religion, Law, and Freedom A Global Perspective Joel Thierstein Edited by Yahya R. Kamalipour and Foreword by Cees J. Hamelink LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Religion,law,andfreedom:aglobalperspective/editedbyJoelThiersteinandYahya R.Kamalipour;forewordbyCeesJ.Hamelink. p. cm. Includesbibliographicalreferences(p. )andindex. ISBN0–275–96452–3(alk.paper) 1. Religionandlaw. 2. Freedomofinformation. I. Thierstein,Joel,1961– II. Kamalipour,YahyaR. BL65.L33R446 2000 291.1'772—dc21 99–088506 BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationDataisavailable. Copyright(cid:1)2000byJoelThiersteinandYahyaR.Kamalipour Allrightsreserved.Noportionofthisbookmaybe reproduced,byanyprocessortechnique,without theexpresswrittenconsentofthepublisher. LibraryofCongressCatalogCardNumber:99–088506 ISBN:0–275–96452–3 Firstpublishedin2000 PraegerPublishers,88PostRoadWest,Westport,CT06881 AnimprintofGreenwoodPublishingGroup,Inc. www.praeger.com PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica TM Thepaperusedinthisbookcomplieswiththe PermanentPaperStandardissuedbytheNational InformationStandardsOrganization(Z39.48–1984). 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 For Sally and Emily J. T. For Mah, Daria, Shirin, and Niki Y.R.K. Contents Tables and Figures xi Foreword by Cees J. Hamelink xiii Acknowledgments xix Introduction xxi I. Perspectives on Eastern and Western Religions 1 1. Historical Perspectives on Contemporary Freedom in America 3 Ron Manuto 2. Religion, Religious Expression, and the Law in the European Union 17 Manny Paraschos 3. Law and Religious Freedom in Medieval China: State Regulation of Buddhist Communities 34 Tanya Storch II. Press Freedom in Religious and Secular Societies 45 4. The Problems of Press Freedom in Iran: From the Constitutional Revolution to the Islamic Revolution 47 Kazem Motamed-Nejad and Naiim Badii viii Contents 5. The ‘‘Monkey Trial’’ in the Land of the Bible: Modern Techniques of Religious Censorship—The Case Study of Israel 63 Yehiel Limor and Hillel Nossek 6. Who Speaks for China? State Control over the Discourse on Opium 81 Alan Baumler 7. Pluralism and Prior Restraint on Religious Communication in Nigeria: Policy versus Praxis 98 Bala Musa 8. Latvian Legal and Liturgical Legacy: First Transgressions and Turmoil, then Technology and Tolerance 112 Riley Maynard III. Journalism, Advertising, and Ethical Issues 121 9. Professional Ethics and Sociopolitical Mobilization of Muslim Journalists: A Study of Communication, Ethics, and the Islamic Tradition 123 Hamid Mowlana 10. Confucian Conflicts in Singaporean Advertising: A Case Study of the ‘‘Wonder Bra’’ Campaign 141 Linda K. Fuller IV. Religion, Politics, Media, and Human Rights 159 11. When Size Does Matter: How Church Size Determines Media Coverage of Religion 161 Michael J. Breen 12. Transcultural Communication and the Antinomy between Freedom and Religion: A Comparison of Media Responses to the Rushdie Affair in Germany and the Middle East 177 Kai Hafez 13. Japanese Media, Religion, and the Law 193 Dan Tinianow 14. Economic Liberalization and Political Conservatism as Reflected in China’s Media Development (1978–Present) 205 Guo Ke Contents ix 15. Faith in Human Rights: Human Rights in Faith 215 Nazila Ghanea-Hercock Selected Bibliography 227 Table of Cases and Laws 229 Index 231 About the Editors and Contributors 239

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