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RELIGION, IDENTITY AND CHANGE Religion is of enduring importance in the lives of many people, yet the religious landscape has been dramatically transformed in recent decades. Established churches havebeen challenged by Eastern faiths, revivals of Christian and Islamic fundamentalism and the eclectic spiritualities of the New Age. Religion has long been regarded by social scientists and psychologists as a key source of identity formation, ranging from personal conversion experiences to collective association with fellow believers. Thisbookaddressestheneedforareassessmentof issuesrelatingtoidentityinthe light of current transformations in society as a whole and religion in particular. Drawingtogethercasestudiesfrommanydifferentexpressionsoffaithandbelief – Hindu, Muslim, Roman Catholic, Anglican, New Age – leading scholars ask how contemporary religions or spiritualities respond to the challenge of forming individual and collective identities in a national context marked by secularisation and postmodern decentring of culture, but asks important questions that are of universal significance for those studying religion: How is personal and collective identityconstructedinaworldofmultiplesocialandculturalinfluences?Whatrole can religion play in creating, reinforcing or even transforming such identity? Published in association with the British Sociological Association Study of Religion group, in the Ashgate Religion and Theology in Interdisciplinary Perspective Series. The editors, Simon Coleman and Peter Collins, teach in the Department of Anthropology, University of Durham, UK. RELIGION AND THEOLOGY IN INTERDISCIPLINARY PERSPECTIVES SERIES Series Editors Professor Douglas Davies, University of Durham, UK Professor Richard Fenn, Princeton Theological Seminary, New Jersey, USA Creativity through shared perspectives lies at the heart of Ashgate’s new series on Theology and Religion in Interdisciplinary Perspective. Central religious and theological topics can be raised to a higher order of expression and clarity when approachedthroughinterdisciplinaryperspectives;thisnewseriesaimstoprovidea pool of potential theories and worked out examples as a resource for ongoing debate, fostering intellectual curiosity rather than guarding traditional academic boundariesandextending,rather thanacting asasimpleguideto,analreadywell- definedfield.Majortheologicalissuesofcontemporarysocietyandthought,aswell as some long established ideas, are explored in terms of current research across appropriate disciplines and with an international compass. The books in the series willproveofparticularvaluetostudents,academics,andotherswhoseethebenefit to be derived from bringing together ideas and information that often exist in relative isolation. Also in the series Predicting Religion Edited by Grace Davie, Paul Heelas and Linda Woodhead ISBN 0 7546 3009 9 (Hbk) ISBN 0 7546 3010 2 (Pbk) The Return of the Primitive A New Sociological Theory of Religion Richard K. Fenn ISBN 0 7546 0419 5 (Hbk) ISBN 0 7546 0420 9 (Pbk) Christian Language and its Mutations Essays in Sociological Understanding David Martin ISBN 0 7546 0739 9 (Hbk) ISBN 0 7546 0740 2 (Pbk) Religion, Identity and Change Perspectives on Global Transformations Edited by Simon Coleman and Peter Collins University of Durham BSA Sub series of Religion and Theology in Interdisciplinary Perspectives Series First published 2004 by Ashgate Publishing Published 2016 by Routledge 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN 711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017, USA Routledge is an imprint oft he Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business Copyright © Simon Coleman and Peter Collins 2004 The editors have asserted their moral right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as the editors of this work. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers. Notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Religion, identity and change : British perspectives on global transformations. - (BSA sub-series of religion and theology in interdisciplinary perspectives) I. Religion and sociology- Great Britain 2. Identity (Psychology) - Great Britain 3. Identity (Psychology) - Religious aspects 4. Identification (Religion) 5. Great Britain - Religion I. Coleman, Simon, 1963-II. Collins, Peter III. British Sociological Association 306.2'0941 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Religion, identity, and change: perspectives on global transformations I edited by Simon Coleman and Peter Collins. p. em. - (Religion and theology in interdisciplinary perspectives series) ISBN 0-7546-0450-0 (alk. paper) I. Religion and sociology - Great Britain. 2. Great Britain-Religion-20th Century. 3. Identity (Psychology) I. Coleman, Simon. II. Collins, Peter (Peter Jeffrey) III. Series. BL60.R323 2003 306.6'0941-dc21 2003048199 ISBN 13: 978-0-7546-0450-1 (hbk) Contents List of Contributors vii Preface viii Kieran Flanagan 1 Introduction – Ambiguous Attachments: Religion, Identity and Nation 1 Simon Coleman and Peter Collins 2 Losing Our Space, Finding Our Place? The Changing Identity of the English Parish Church 26 Martyn Percy 3 The Changing Identity of Catholics in England 42 Michael P. Hornsby-Smith 4 Identity and the Anglican Priesthood: Debates on the Ordination of Women and Homosexuals in Sociological Perspective 57 Martin D. Stringer 5 Religion, Identity and Change in Contemporary Wales 69 Paul Chambers 6 Unfinished Business – Devolving Scotland/Devolving Religion 84 Steve Sutcliffe 7 Time, Place and Mormon Sense of Self 107 Douglas Davies 8 American-led Urban Revivals as Ethnic Identity Arenas in Britain 119 Nancy A. Schaefer 9 Protestant Women – Protesting Faith: Tangling Secular and Religious Identity in Northern Ireland 136 Katy Radford 10 Islam, Identity and Globalisation: Reflections in the Wake of 11 September 2001 154 David Herbert vi Contents 11 ‘I’m a Gujarati Lohana and a Vaishnav as Well’: Religious Identity Formation among Young Coventrian Punjabis and Gujaratis 174 Eleanor Nesbitt 12 Kinship Identity and Nonformative Spiritual Seekership 191 Matthew Wood Index 207 List of Contributors Paul Chambers (School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Glamorgan) Simon Coleman (Department of Anthropology, University of Durham) Peter Collins (Department of Anthropology, University of Durham) Douglas Davies (Department of Theology, University of Durham) Kieran Flanagan (Department of Sociology, Bristol University) David Herbert (Department of Religious Studies, Open University) Michael P. Hornsby-Smith (Department of Sociology, University of Surrey) Eleanor Nesbitt (Religions and Education Research Unit, University of Warwick) Martyn Percy (Lincoln Theological Institute, University of Manchester) Katy Radford (Currently Policy Researcher, Save the Children, Northern Ireland) Nancy A. Schaefer (Amsterdam, freelance researcher) Martin D. Stringer (Department of Theology, Birmingham University) Steve Sutcliffe (Formerly of Department of Religious Studies, University of Stirling) Matthew Wood (Richmond, the American International University, London) Preface Kieran Flanagan Oneofthemostsurprisingshiftsinrecentsociologyhasbeenthecentringof issues of identityintoitsdeliberations.Identityhasalwaysbeenanimportantsociological concept, but until recently it has had a rather dispersed existence in facets of ethnicity,educationandroles.Itwasatermoftenmentionedbutseldomgivenany theoretical significance. The fallout from debates on postmodernity in the 1990s brought two seemingly unconnected areas of sociology into analytical focus: the selfandculture.Identityistheconceptthatlinksboth.Itpointstotheuncertainties and unsettlements of life in what Bauman has termed ‘liquid modernity’ (Bauman 2000).Inthissetting,littleissolid,allismalleableandidentitycanbeanythingand nothing. Ironically, the endless opportunities of life in ‘liquid modernity’ have made notions of identity highly problematic. Identities are increasingly objects of desire and manufacture. This opens out endlessavenuesofpossibilityformakinganidentity,buttheseopportunitiesleadto all sorts of knavish tricks. The grammar for arbitrating between distinction and recognitionhasbecomeuntenable,andintheconfusionallmannersofambiguityof identitypassforauthentic.Someexultintheseconfusionswhileothersmakemore. In these confusions, the issue of identity has become a matter of perplexity, if not curiosity, that places the term in the centre of sociological scrutinies. Asasiteofaffiliationanddesignation,identityrelatestobiography,toasenseof recollection, but it also points to forms of identification, how one wishes to be defined.Identitycarriesapropertyofdistinction, ofmarkingboundaries,butinan era of tolerance some of these become unfixed, leading to more unsettlements. Culture, too, has become dominatedbysimilar frustrationsof opportunity butalso by denial, for it also faces definitional problems. These conditions of unsettlement havebecomemagnifiedinthecontextofglobalisation.Theprocessesofembedding and disembedding that Giddens (1991) has used to characterise globalisation have effected a destabilisation of identity and culture. Increasingly, identity is the term that expresses the need to shape culture into someformofrecognisablepracticethatlinkstoanidentifiablewayoflife.Cultural practice needs a distinctive mark for identification purposes. Identity and culture become matters of importance for those who find the links between each problematic and their bases insecure. The politics of recognition have arisen to reflecttheneedsofthemarginal,thosewhoseidentitiesseemunsecuredinaculture whereallshouldrestsecured.Identitiessufferwhereothersimposedefinitionsthat aredeemedestrangingbytheidentified.Thisthwartingofambitionsandadenialof affirmation has generated a response from sociologists to speak for those whose identity is given neither autonomy nor adequate recognition. Thus, lurking in the questionofidentityisanissueofemancipationandacrucialfacetofthisdemandis the sociologist’s role in speaking for the unemancipated, whose identities are in Preface ix some way indiscernible. In all these questions of identity are ultimate questions about fate, destiny, memory and biography. The question ‘who am I?’ forms the basisoftheself-interrogationofculturesandgroups.Personalidentity,thatwhichis theresponsibilityoftheactortocraft,isintermingledwithcollectiveidentities,thus making efforts to reconcile levels of analyses of both highly problematic. In these many shapes and sizes of identities, there is a property of searching, of insecurity and distrust. Earliernotionsof identity,inthe1970s,relatedtodefinitequestionsof itssocial construction. Inthissetting,identityhadanagendaofcertainty,onethatrelatedto its conventional sites of exploration in social psychology and education. The issue of identity was one of its transmission in forms of socialisation, so that the formation of the social self in childhood and its movement into adulthood were of criticalsociologicalinterest.Quiteclearly,inthiscontextthebiographyofgrowing up had many problematic dimensions but at least identity was set in relation to a narrowlydefinedissueofageing.Nowissuesof identityariseinalmostallareasof sociology, including religion where little sociological attention has been given to theimpactofthiscruciallyimportantterm.Thiscollectionfillsanotablegapinthe intellectual marketplace, and in the sociology and anthropology of religion. It marks out a territory that very much needs exploration. Somereasonsforthegrowingcomplexityofnotionsofidentityemergedinareas rather removed from the habitual concerns of sociology. These areas were in political sociology, particularly in relation to nationalism. Identity had a political and cultural facet. It related to the responses of the fringes of the state to their apparent disqualification from its cultural consensus. For nationalists, identity was something fractured, peripheral and incomplete. In the 1980s, nationalism in the BritishIsleswastreatedasaquestforself-definitionandthisdemandforautonomy pointed towider issues thatwere toemergeinothersectors ofsociology. Issues of identity are most pertinent when they emerge on the margins of cultural and political consensus. Identity came into the centre of sociology to signify a property of precariousness, a sense of displacement that gave expression to the insecurities thattheterm‘postmodernity’wasinventedtocharacterise.Inthismoodofthelate 1980s,postmodernitypointedtotheconclusionthatallfacetsoflifewereavailable for redefinition in the light of a failure of consensus as to what rules of identification were to count. Identity pointed to a paradox: differences were to be treatedwithindifference,ifnottolerance;andsimilaritieswereintolerablebecause theyaffirmedthemonochromenatureofacultureofcommodity.Associalbondsof commitment and trust unravel, the suspicion and scepticism surrounding the treatment of the construction of identities in traditional realms fades away. This clears the space for a wider issue of how identities are to be constructed in civil society.Intheclimateofuncertaintyregardingthemakingof identity,thoseonthe margin seek to take advantage of the chaos. Concerns with discrimination and exclusion based on race in the 1960s are amplified in the wider concerns of those who feel culturally disadvantaged, whose dignity is denied and whose claims to recognition are spurned. Theagendaof identitypoliticsseekstoovercomeaperceivedsenseofexclusion and to secure legal redress for those who feel excluded in areas such as gender,

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