Reliability Data Collection and Use in Risk and Availability Assessment Proceedings of the 5th Conference eu~DCltf.l Heidelberg, Germany, April 9-11, 1986 Editor H.-I Wingender Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo Dr. Hans Jorg Wingender NUKEMGmbH Rodenbacher Chaussee 6 P. O. Box 11 00 80 6450 HanauI1, FRG ISBN-13:978-3-642-82775-4 e-ISBN-13 :978-3-642-82773-0 DOl: 10.1007/978-3-642-82773-0 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically those of translation, r!lprinting, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction by photocopying machine or similar means, and storage in data banks. Under§ 54 oft he German Copyright Law where copies are made for other than private use, a fee is payable to "Verwertungsgesellschaft Wort", Munich. © Springer·Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg 1986 Softcover reprint of tbe hardcover 1st edition 1986 The use of registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and there fore free for general use. 216113020-543210 Programme Committee Eu~[)at,", H.1. Wingender, Organizing Chairman, NUKEM (FRG) A. Amendola, Joint Research Centre (CEq G. C. Bello, TEMA-ENI (I) P. Bockholts, TNO (NL) C. A. Campbell, British Petrol (GB) V. Ionescu, Motor Columbus (CH) A. Z. Keller, University of Bradford (GB) A. Leroy, Total (F) O. Lindwall, Volvo (S) T. R. Moss, RM Consultants (GB) A. L. Smith, Reliability Consultant (CH) S. Vikman, Volvo (S) The Conference was supported by Commission of the European Communities ~ ~ JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE Ispra Establishment oIrga.niz'ed b y IIUKEM NUKEM GmbH HANAU FRG '-YI Foreword Reliability data collection and its use in risk and availability assessment is a subject of increasing importance. The founders of EuReDatA, and in particular, Arne Ullman, the originator 'and first Chairman of the Association, recognised the need for a body capable of acting as a catalyst and providing a unified approach to this subject. It is therefore a prevailing objective of the European Reliability Databank Association to initiate and support contact between experts, companies and institutions active in reliability engineering and research. Although the first and principle interest of EuReDatA is reliability data and data banks, the Association is aware that these are tools that are used with others to establish and maintain reliability and safety. It is with this objective that EuReDatA regularly holds conferences and seminars covering a range of reliability topics. C.A. Campbell H.J. Wingender EuReDatA Chairman Organiser, Editor Contents CHAPTER 1: OVERVIEWS Data Situation and the Quality of Risk Assessment (FRG) A. Birkhofer, K. Koberlein (GRS) ..••••....•.•...••.....•.•.. 3 Reliability Engineering in Europe (CEC) G. Volta (JRC-Ispra) •...••••... •...........•••.•....•.••..••. 16 1984: A Year of Industrial Catastrophies. Would Preliminary Risk Analysis Have Avoided Many of them? (Italy) G.C. Bello (TEMA-ENI), B. Frattini (ICARD) .....•..•..•..•..• 24 Status of the oREDA Project (France) A. Leroy (TOTAL) .•.............•.•.•...•.................•.. 38 EuReDatA - Project Groups: An Overview of Objectives and Results (CEC) T. Luisi (JRC-Ispra) •...•.•....•.•.•.•.•••••..•..•••.•••.•.• 47 A Guide to Reliability Data Collection, Validation and Storage (U.K.) B. Stevens (UKAEA-NCSR) •...•.•.•.....•.•....•.•.•......•.•.. 57 The Use of Nuclear Power Plant Operating Experience in Probabilistic Safety Assessment L. Lederman (IAEA) .••••..•....•.•••••.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•..• 66 "IX CHAPTER 2: RELIABILITY DATA BANKS (PROJECTS AND EXPERIENCE) Reliability Data Bank in Electronics: ITALTEL Experience over 10 Years of Operation (Italy) G. Turconi (ITALTEL) .................•.................•.... 77 Component Event Data Bank Fast Breeder Reactors (Italy) G. Cambi (Univ. of Bologna), R. Righini (ENEA), P. Sola, G. Zappelini (NIER) ......................•......•..........• 83 The Organization and Collection of System's Data in Fusion (U.S.A.) C.W. Maynard, Z. Musicki (Univ. of Wisconsin) ............... 90 HARIS - an Information System for Reliability and Risk Studies (U.K.) " T.R. Moss, V. Piotrovicz (R.M. Consultants) ................. 100 Classification Scheme for Process Plants (Italy, CEC) G.C. Bello (TEMA), L. Ferrario (JRC-Ispra) , B. Frattini (ICARD), S. Zanelli (Univ. of Pisa) .... ; ...........•...•••.. 110 Merging of Heterogeneous Data Sources on Nuclear Power Plant Operating Experience (CEC, Italy) H.W. Kalfsbeek (JRC-Ispra), M. Melis, B. Lisanti (EDRA-Milano) ............................................... 120 A Survey on Industrial Accident Data Bases (Netherlands, U.K., Italy, CEC) P. Bockholts, I. Heidebrink (TNo), T.R. Moss, J.A. Butler (R.M. Cons.), C. Fiorentini (TECSA), P.Bastianini (JRC- Ispra) .........................•............•............... 130 Data Bank of Events with the Rijnmond Process Industry (Netherlands) D. Goos, E.F. Blocker (Central Environmental Control Agency Rijnmond) ................................................... 137 x SONATA: An Accident Data Base for Industrial Activities and Transport. Scope, Organization and Main Results (Italy) E. Galatola, V. Colombari, G.C. Bello (TEMA-ENI) •.•••••••••• 146 CHAPTER 3: RELIABILITY DATA PROCESSING Computerized Data Handling and Data Storage on Production Control of Aircraft Components and Test Equipment Reliabi lity (F.R.G.) K. JUngling, A. Maurer (NUKEM) ....•.••.•.•...•••.••.••..•.•• 159 Reliability Data Collection on IC and VLSI Devices Tested under Accelerated Life Conditions (Canada) D.M. Barry, M. Meniconi (Lakehead Univ. Ontario) 165 Field Data as a Correction of Mil-Handbook Estimates (Italy) C.A. Clarotti, M. de Marinis (ENEA), A. Manella (Garanzia Qualita) .•.....••••.•.•.••.•.•••..•.•.•.•.•••.•.••.•.•..•••• 177 Developing Replacement Policies for Failing Components Using Discriminant Analysis (U.K.) D. Jerwood, F.A. Georgiakodis (Univ. of Bradford) .......•... 186 Statistical Inference by the Use of Truncated Exponential Distribution: Estimates with Failure and Survival Times (Argentina) D. Chiavassa, M. Masera (INGAR - Santa Fe) 194 Analysis of the Component Event Data Bank (CEDB) of the European Reliability Data System (ERDS): General Lines of Investigation and Objectives (CEC) A. Besi (JRC - Ispra) •..•.••••••.•••••......•••.......••.... 204 Data Treatment and Trend Analysis at SKI (Schweden) R. Nyman, L. Carlsson (SKI-Swedish Nuclear Power Inspec- torate) ••.•.•....••.••...••.•.•••••.•.••....•......•.•.••... 214 XI Multiple Correspondence Analysis of Abnormal Event Data from Nuclear Power Plants H.W. Kalfsbeek (JRC-Ispra) .•.••.......•..•. ~ ......•.•...•.•. 229 CHAPTER 4: SAfETY AND RELIABILITY ASSESSMENT (CASE STUDIES) New Developments in Probabilistic Risk Assessment Methodology for Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities (F.R.G.) R. Leicht, H.J. Wingender (NUKEM) ....•....•....•..•.•.•..••• 243 Use of PRA Methods in the Safety Analysis of Nuclear Waste Facilities (F.R.G.) R. Leicht, J. Neuber, B. Puttke (NUKEM) •.•••.••••....••••••. 253 Use of the Steady States Method in the Probabilistic Safety Analysis of an Encapsulation Plant for Spent Fuel Elements (F .R.G.) R. Leicht, A.R. Neghabian, B. Puttke (NUKEM) •••.•..••..•..•. 263 Assessment of PSA Methods and Procedures: a Wide Scoping European Research Programme (CEC) A. Amendola (JRC-Ispra) ........•.•....••...........•.....•.• 273 A Feedback of the Probabilistic Safety Study (S.P.S.) into P.U.N. Design (Italy) P. Moretti, M. Prelati (ENEL) 281 The Influence of Reliability and Safety on System Design (U. K. ) P. Grimshaw, H. Hamlin (Normalair-Garrett Ltd) ....••.......• 289 The Viggen Aircraft Radar, Reliability Achievement (Sweden) G. Marklin, G. Holmberg (Ericsson Radio Systems AB) .....•... 301 XII Relevance of Availability Evaluation Methodologies to Consumer Products Manufacturing Systems (Iraq) N.A. Stipho (Min. of Light Industries, Baghdad) 314 Availability Study of a Polyethylene Plant (Italy) D. Barone (ENICHEM), L. Negro, N. Piccinini (Politecnico Torino) ••••••.•••••.•.•••.••••.•••.•.•.•.••••..•••.•.•..•••• 322 Availability and Risk Assessment of Power and Chemical Plants Utilizing PEAT (Finland) H. Perhonen (Techn. Res. Centre VTT), A. Lyytikainen ...••••. 332 Risk Analysis of a Large Tank Farm of Liquefied Petroleum Gases (Italy) S. Mazzocchi (TEMA-ENI), M. Campana (TRR) •...•....•...•...•. 344 Assessment of Accident Frequencies and Consequences for a New Danish Tunnel (Denmark) K.E. Petersen (RISO Nat. Lab.) 357 Safety Assessment of Offshore Installations Using a Com puter Model (Norway) J.E. Vinnem, S. Haugen, L.R. Saetran (Sikte C A/S) ••••••...• 364 Reliability Data Required for a Seismic Risk Assessment (U.S.A.) J.E. Wells (Univ. of California, LLNL) ...••.•..•..•....••••. 374 Structural and Mechanical Reliability Assessment in Ship Design and Operation (F.R.G.) C. Oestergaard (Germanischer Lloyd Hamburg) .••••••.....•..•• 384 Data Acquisition, Probabilistic Design and Safety Margins at the Eastern ScheIdt Barrier Project (Netherlands) F.C. Hamer, J.K. Vrijling (Ministry of Transport and Public Works) .••••...•••.•....••.•.....•..••....•••.......••••.•••. 394