In the erotic universe created by hot new talent Lauren Dane, passion knows no rank...
Fifteen Families rule the Federated Universes-and Abbie Haws has spent her life battling the system. She's always been too driven to pay much attention to love. But when she meets Roman Lyons, Head of House Lyons, who stands for everything she hates, Abbie's attraction catches her off-guard...
Their world, Ravena, revolves around born leader Roman, who dreads meeting this defiant- if stunning-rabble-rouser. But sometimes headstrong personalities that collide in public become hot-and-heavy, guilty trysts in private.
From the Back CoverIn this erotic universe, passion knows no rank...
Since the first settlers came through the portals from Earth, fifteen Families have held the rule of the Federated Universes in their hands. There's never been a better time than now to throw out the old and usher in a new order. Give voice to the unranked. Abbie Haws has spent her life battling the system. A fighter, she's always been too busy and driven to pay much attention to finding love. But when she's granted audience with Roman Lyons, the head of House Lyons, who stands for everything she hates, her instant attraction catches Abbie off-guard...
It's common knowledge that the Known Universe revolves around Ravena--and that Ravena revolves around Roman Lyons, bred to lead since birth. Roman dreads his meeting with a defiant--if stunning--rabble-rouser. But, sometimes, headstrong personalities in the conference room make for hot-and-heavy, guilty trysts in private....
Now, Abbie will show Roman the parts of her world he wouldn't otherwise get to see. And he'll give her a glimpse of the Families' age old tradition and unleash a sexuality he'd never given rein to before.