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Relativistic Models of Extended Hadrons Obeying a Mass-Spin Trajectory Constraint: Lectures in Mathematical Physics at the University of Texas at Austin PDF

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Preview Relativistic Models of Extended Hadrons Obeying a Mass-Spin Trajectory Constraint: Lectures in Mathematical Physics at the University of Texas at Austin

Lecture Notes in Physics Edited by Ii. Araki, Kyoto, J. Ehlers, Mijnchen, K. Hepp, Ziirich R. Kippenhahn, MOnchen, H.A. Weidenmijller, Heidelberg and J. Zittartz. KBln 165 N. Mukunda H.van Dam L.C. Biedenharn Relativistic Models of Extended Hadrons Obeying a MassSpin Trajectory Constraint Lectures in Mathematical Physics at the University of Texas at Austin Edited by A. Biihm and J.D. Dollard 1 Springer-Veriag Berlin Heidelberg New York 1982 Authors L.C. Biedenharn Physics Department, Duke University Durham, NC 27706, USA H. van Dam Physics Department, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC 27514, USA N. Mukunda Centre for Theoretical Studies, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore- 2, India Editors A. Bahm Physics Department, University of Texas Austin, TX 78712, USA J.D. Dollard Mathematics Department, University of Texas Austin, TX 78712, USA ISBN O-540-11586-2 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York ISBN O-387-11586-2 Springer-Verlag New York Heidelberg Berlin This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically those of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustratrons, broadcasting, reproduction by photocopying machine or similar means, and storage in data banks. Under 5 54 of the German Copyright Law where copies are made for other than private use, a fee is payable to ‘Verwertungsgesellschaft Won”, Munich. Q by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1992 Printed in Germany Printing and binding: l3ettz Cffsetdruck, HemsbachlBergstr. 2153/3140-543210 Preface The purpose of the Texas lecture notes is to inform graduate students and "non-specialists" about recent developments in various areas of mathematics and physics. This volume of notes originated from two series of lectures which were presented by two of the authors during the academic year 1979-80 at the University of Texas at Austin. The subject discussed in this volume is one of the most funda- mental problems of particle physics - the problem of the hadron mass spectrum. It is the question of how the continuous parameter mass depends upon the discrete parameter spin, resulting in the discrete mass spectrum for the hadrons. There is no generally accepted solution to this problem nor is ereh.t a generally accepted proposal on how to attack it. The proposal discussed here uses the methods of representation theory. It is based upon the idea that the internal structure of the hadrons is not explicitely given in terms of elementary constituents but is more abstract. Due to the novelty of this approach, the description of a relativistic quantum mechanics for extended objects proposed in these notes (in particular Chp. 4), may not be in its final form. Still, it warrants publication as a review since it will continue to stimulate discussions and further developments in this important area. Chapters 5 through 8 are mainly concerned with the application of constrained Hamiltonian mechanics and give a very clear and beautiful presentation of classical models for relativistic rotating objects. If one believes that quantum theory is obtained by the correspondence principle from classical mechanics, this is a subject that cannot be avoided. The Editors CONTENTS Page CHAPTER ONE: Introduction ....................................... 1 CHAPTER TWO: Dirac's New Relativistic Wave Equation and Its Generalization ............................ 10 §i. Dirac's Presentation of His Ne~; Equation ............... i0 §2. Relationship with the de Sitter Group, S0(3,2) ......... 13 §3. Some Properties of the New Dirac Equation .............. 21 §4. An Alternative, ~re Illuminating, View of the Structure ............................................. 25 §5. Generalization to Non-Zero Spin States ................. 28 §6. Minimal Electromagnetic Interaction is Forbidden for the New Dirac Equation ............................ 32 CHAPTER THREE: Unitary Representations of the Poincare Group in the Thomas Form: Quasi-Newtonian Coordinates 34 §I. Overview ............................................... 34 §2. The Wigner Irreps M,s ................................ 35 §3. Poincar~ Generators for the Wigner Irreps .............. 37 §4. Quasi-Newtonian Coordinates and the Generators in Thomas Form ........................................... 38 §5. Generalization of the Thomas Form ...................... 40 §6. Application of the Generalized Thomas Form: Regge Trajectories .................................... 41 §7. Supersymmetry: Relativistic SU(6) .............. ....... 43 CHAPTER FOUR: Explicitly Poincar~ Invariant Formulation, Relation to Supersymmetry, No-Go Theorems ........ 45 §I. The Transformation from Quasi-Newtonian to Minkowski Coordinates ................................. 45 §2. Explicit Construction of the Transformation ............ 47 §3. An Algebra which Extends the Poincar~ Algebra and Contains Operators for Raising and Lowering Mass and Spin ......................................... 54 §4. Relation with Standard Global Supersymmetry ............ 57 §5. Relativistic SU(6) ..................................... 63 CHAPTER FIVE: Constrained Hamiltonian Mechanics ................. 64 §I. Theory ........ , ........................................ 64 §2. Examples ............................................... 74 IV Page CHAPTER SIX: Vector Lagrangian Model ............................ 79 §i. Choice of Variables and Lagrangian ..................... 79 §2. Phase Space Structure and Conservation Laws ............ 82 §3. Two-Variable Models: Model A ........................... 86 §4. Two-Variable Model B ................................... 91 §5. Two-Variable Model C ................................... 94 §6. The General Three-Variable Case ........................ 96 §7. Quantization ........................................... 98 §8. Electromagnetic Interaction ............................ 105 CHAPTER SEVEN: Lagrangian Spinor Model, Electromagnetic Interaction ..................................... 106 §i. Choice of Variables and Lagrangian ........ • ............. 106 §2. Phase Space, Conservation Laws and Forms of Constraint.109 §3. Equations of Motion and Space-Time Trajectory .......... ii0 §4. Quantization of the Free Spinor Model .................. 113 §5. Relation to the Models of Chapters 3 and 4 ............. 115 §6. Electromagnetic Interactions ........................... 116 §7. Calculation of the Magnetic Moments of the States ...... 118 §8. Relativistic SU(6) ~del, String Model ................. 122 CHAPTER EIGHT: Further Analysis of the Classical Motion of the Spinor Model ............................. 124 §i. Dynamics in Terms of Primary Variables ................. 124 §2. Free Particle Kinematics, Introduction of Secondary Coordinates and Spin ........................ 125 §3. Free Particle Motion ................................... 127 §4. Spin for Particle in an External Electromagnetic Field, Gyromagnetic Ratio ............................. 132 §5. Energy-Momentum Tensor ................................. 135 §6. Classical SU(6) Model with Three Pairs of Oscillators ........................................... 136 APPENDIX A: The Relativistic Spherical Top ...................... 138 APPENDIX B: Galilean Subdynamics ............ . ................... 153 CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION One of the significan£ early developments in hadron spectroscopy was the empirical realization that excited hadronic states--having the same SU3 labels and parity--could be organized into families called "Regge sequence" or "Regge trajectories". The resulting (Mass) 2 versus spin plots, developed by Chew and and Frautschi, were expected (from potential model calculations) to show strong curvature, but as the data were assembled straight line fits, M 2 = C s, with a universal slope o C( o ~ .i GeV )2 seemed indicated. Such linearly rising Regge trajec- tories became an acceptable empirical model for hadronic structure, which could be considered to agree with unitarity constraints as a sort of 'zero-width first approximation' MAN i. Coupled with the concept of duality, this viewpoint--as is well known--led first to the Veneziano model, then to dual resonance models, and eventually to the technically very impressive dual string models FRA i. An alternative line of development of the trajectory concept came from the discovery of SU(6) symmetry DYS i, combining Gell-Mann SU(3) with the in£risinic spin SU2, in a way familiar from Wigner's introduc- tion of (non-relativistic) SU4 symmetry in nuclear structure physics. In hadronic physics, SU6 symmetry is problematic, since it appeared justifiable only non-relativistically, but was applied in a relativistic context. ~re exotic models were developed in great profusion, most-- unfortunately--wholly incorrect (.such as U(!2)) and in obvious contra- diction to basic principles. This line of development was brought to a halt by the McGlinn i O'Raifeartaigh theorem which asserts (in essence) that: If one has a finitely generated Lie symmetry group G which contains the Poincar~ group P as a subgroup (and G is not a direct product 'G x )P , then in any UIR of G either the mass spectrum is continuous, or consists of a single discrete point. Any hope of producing the empirical Regge trajectories via the representations of a symmetry group seemed doomed. The reaction to this theorem was almost as extreme as the U(12) fiasco itself, which the theorem had eliminated. This was especially unfortunate, since the use of group structure as a substitute for dynamics is a valid--and very useful--theoretical technique for model building, and moreover, some of the symmetry models being developed *S. Coleman, Proc. Midwest Conference on Theoretical Physics, Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind., 1966. at this time NAM l TAK i BOH i were actually valid ways to circum- vent this "no-go' theorem. Nevertheless, the belief is still widespread that only the use of supersymmetry (boson-fermion multiplets) avoids the no-go theorem. The models we shall discuss in detail in these lectures follow the line of development of symmetry structures; these models were clearly foreshadowed, more or less explicitly, in a brief survey by Takabayashi in 1967 TAK i. These same models may also be considered in terms of the other line of development since--in the limit--they fit into string model structures. In order to treat, relativistically, structures which are no% ele- mentary--as for example an entire Regge trajectory--, one is forced to make a choice right at the beginning: )a( is the structure to be made up of other (possibly elementary) particles? or )b( is the "internal structure" to be more abstract (for example not realizable as particles?) If one chooses )a( then one faces serious, as yet not fully solved, problems: cluster decomposition, existence of a continuum,.., and essentially the only way to proceed is via a fully fledged field theory. (Cf. however, the recent work of Komar KOM i, F. Rohrlich ROH i and I. T. TodorovTOD i.) The fact that quarks are not (as yet) seen, leads one to hope that alternative )b( is a valid approach, for which, in particular, there is no continuum and the indefinitely rising discrete Regge trajectory is an acceptable first approximation. The essential point in this use of alternative )b( is that the in- ternal coordinates, while varying under Lorentz transformations (and hence carrying spin angular momentum) do not carry any linear momentum.* (This is not quite the same as removing the center-of-mass coordinate, having translation invariant internal coordinates, since (by reversing the process) one could recover the linear momentum carried by the separate constituents.) The internal (spin) angular momentum is defined by spin operators acting on the abstract internal coordinates and these do not arise from differences of particle positions. (This is discussed in Chapter 2.) Such a viewpoint is a literal generalization of the concepts used in the four-component Dirac wave function. There is one, and only one, position coordinate (x) and the spin is carried by the indices. Gen- eralizing to a denumerable infinity of indices is equivalent to using: * This circumstance is less surprising if one recalls that phonons (of non-zero frequency) also do not carry linear momentum, as Peierls has discussed PEI i. This analogy would suggest that the internal varia- bles used here are Fourier modes of the internal structure. ~n(X ) + ~(x ;~), where we have introduced in ~ one (or more) continuous internal variables. (Hence the term: infinite component wave functions.) Such a generalization was suggested very early (950's) by Yukawa YUK i as bi-local (later quadri-local) fields. Yukawa used as inter- nal variables four-vectors, and this leads at once to an insuperable problem for interactions. (Constraints are required to remove redundant timelike variables and the associated negative energy timelike oscilla- tions, and interactions are incompatible with the constraints, see Chapters 5 and 6.) The proper way to proceed--or at least a way which is successful in allowing interactions--is to use spinorial internal variables. This is, once again, an idea that appears in the early literature--nost notably in the Majorana equation MAJ I,FRD 1,GEL 1--but the bad Spectral properties (accumulation points in the mass spectrum at zero-energy,...) led to an equally early discard. For another approach see DRE i. Our interest in this already well-studied field was stimulated by a paper by Dirac in 1970 DIR i. In this paper, Dirac gave a new wave equation with spinor internal variables that superficially was similar in appearance to the famous Dirac electron equation. The equation was, in fact, a very ingenious way to avoid the spacelike (and light-like) solutions of the Majorana spectrum, and it had an inherently positive energy spectrum, a conserved current, but forbade any (minimal) coupling ot electromagnetism. An especially intriguing point was that Dirac claimed that in a moving system the "particle" appeared to have all spins. This is an error*, resolved later by Dirac himself DIR 2 and is due to a misidentification of the spin. Alternatively, one may say that the orbital angular momentum is misidentified by using the wrong position coordinate. This latter is in itself a very interesting idea, for it suggests that we are dealing in Dirac's new model with two positions: the posi- tion of the "charge" (the Minkowski position, x ) as contrasted with the position of the center-of-mass (the coordinate defining, through the orbital angular momentum, the proper spin). These ideas are physically appealing and quite suggestive, for they are just the old Zitterbewegung concepts introduced by Schr6dinger SCH i, DIR 3, but now realized in the context of a (positive energy) extended structure. (We discuss this in detail in Chapter 4 and, more physically, in Chapter 8.) We may summarize now the essential ideas on which the models of these lectures are based and then outline the contents of the successive chapters: * It is curious to note that in Dirac's 1949 paper on expansors the same (erroneous) claim appears DIR 4. )a( a discrete, rising, unbounded mass spectrum (versus spin) is taken for the Regge trajectory constraint; )b( internal variables are abstract (unobservable), translation- independent, spinorial coordinates; )c( the internal variables are oriented by the state of motion (Lorentz frame) of the object (see Chapter 2, §4.); )d( the structure is a generalization of Dirac's new equation to encompass all spins~ (Dirac's structure had only spin 0.) The fact that center-of-mass and charge positions are not the same (in the models we treat) introduces another basic theme of these lec- tures: the relation between the quasi-Newtonian (or Newton-Wigner) NEW i coordinates and the Minkowski position coordinates. The general concept stems from the Foldy-Wouthuysen transformation for the Dirac electron equation FOL i, PRY i, BEC I : the center-of-mass coordi- nates are the "mean position"coordinates, the related orbital angular momentum and spin, the "mean orbital angular momentum" and "mean spin" respectively. These latter angular momenta are each separately con- served. Although fully relativistic, these quasi-Newtonian position coordinates are not manifestly relativistic; in the particular they do not constitute the space components of some four-vector. Moreover, nothing couple8 ot the quasi-Newtonian coordinates. The troubles of "relativistic SU(6)" are, in fact, precisely the troubles of quasi- Newtonian coordinates. We discuss in Chapter 3 the general subject of quasi-Newtonian coordinates, developing these ideas from the Wigner form of the Poincare irreps for massive particles with arbitrary spin WIG i. The problem of transforming from quasi-Newtonian to Minkowski coordinates is discussed in Chapter .4 Here we develop the "inverse Foldy-Wouthuysen" transformation, but in our case for all spins at once. The successful, explicit, realization of this "invers~ F-W" transforma- tion (for the entire set of ~(s),s) Wigner irreps) should be an instruc- tive example for more complicated--but closely related--situations (such as the Melosh transformation between "current quarks" and "constituent quarks" MEL i. The end result achieved in Chapter 4 is a constrained Lagrangian for an extended object in Minkowski space. To study this structure in the required detail we develop in Chapter 5, the powerful techniques of Dirac for analyzing constrained Lagrangian-Hamiltonian mechanics. In this, our work again has predecessors: in this case the Hanson-Regge HAN i, ~/~H 2 treatment of the relativistic top. Their discussion is ~ based on internal coordinates built from vectors (a Lorentz tensor) and--unlike the spinor model we develop--fails in both interactions (constraints) and in the use of non-commuting Minkowski coordinates for the structure to be quantized. (The Hanson-Regge model is dicussed in Appendix A.) Using the techniques of Chapter 5 we discuss ni( Chapter 6) vectorial models and ni( Chapter 7) the spinorial model, which--as we show--permits of electromagnetic interactions. In this chapter, we show that minimal electromagnetic coupling results in anomalous magnetic moments. In the concluding chapter, Chapter 8, we exploit the fact that the sDinorial model has a well-defined classical structure (classical relativistic mechanics) to develop a clearer physical picture under- lying the free particle motion. For example, it is by no means clear, a priori, that (unobservable) abstract coordinates, not realized in Minkowski space, can give the particle "spatial extension" in Minkowski space. Just this is, in fact, the case: for it is the spin motion that causes the charge position to differ from the center-of-mass position and this separation--the spatial extension--is proportional to the spin (and hence via the trajectory to the mass). In this structure spin is literally a type of 'orbital' motion and this fact underlies the existence of an anomalous magnetic moment. Equations of motion describing a classical relativistic particle with charge and with a magnetic moment in interaction with an external field--such as the structure discussed in Chapter 8--have been the sub- ject of very many papers in the literature. There were early argu- ments by Bohr which cast doubt on the validity of such a classical description of spinning particles MOT I. In particular, Bohr showed that such a description can only be correct if the magnetic moment of the particle is large compared to eh/mc. Similarly it was argued that the Stern-Gerlach effect cannot be observed for electrons as distinct from atoms. That such equations may be quite useful was demonstrated by the experimental use of the (Thomas)-Bargmann-Michel- Telegdi ("BMT") equation BAR i in determining the g-factor of elec- tron and muon and has been defended further DIX i. The B.M.T. equations are incomplete in that they neglect deri- vatives of the electromagnetic field and do not include the Stern- Gerlach effect. The attempt by Good GO0 i to complete these equations to include field gradients was unsuccessful as his equa- tions conflict with the conservation laws. Suttorp and de Groot SUT i gave the correct equations. Van Dam and Ruygrok VAN i recently derived the correct equations using the source terms by which the particles act back on the field and using the i0 conservation laws of linear and angular momentum for field plus particle. Historically Frenkel FRE i was the first one to attempt to write relativistic equations for spinning particles in an electro-

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