“RELATIVE ABUNDANCE OF MAJOR INSECT PESTS AND THEIR NATURAL ENEMIES IN DIFFERENT RICE ECOSYSTEM DURING KHARIF SEASON” M. Sc. (Ag.) THESIS By YASPAL SINGH NIRALA DEPATMENT OF ENTOMOLOGY COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE INDIRA GANDHI KRISHI VISWAVIDYALAYA RAIPUR (C.G.) 2014 “RELATIVE ABUNDANCE OF MAJOR INSECT PESTS AND THEIR NATURAL ENEMIES IN DIFFERENT RICE ECOSYSTEM DURING KHARIF SEASON” THESIS Submitted to the Indira Gandhi Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Raipur By YASPAL SINGH NIRALA IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIRMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF Master of Science In Agriculture (ENTOMOLOGY) ROLL NO. 15532 ID NO. 110508051 JULY, 2014 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all I would like to thank and praise Almighty “God” the most beneficent and merciful, for all his love and blessing conferred upon mankind. I take this golden opportunity to express my deepest sense of gratitude to the Chairman of my Advisory Committee Shri Gagendra Chandrakar, Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology, for his research insight, valuable guidance, constant encouragement, unique supervision and kind sympathetic attitude, despite his heaviest schedule of work, his helpful, patience, creative guidance has given touch of excellence to this manuscript. With extreme pleasure, I extent my heartiest thanks to the members of my Advisory Committee Dr. Sanjay Sharma, Professor, Department of Entomology, Shri Vikas Singh Scientist, Department of Entomology, Dr. Shrikant Chitale, Scientist, Department of Agronomy and R.R. Saxena, Professor Department of Agril. Statistics and Social Science (L) for their excellent guidance, suggestions and regular encouragement during the course of investigation. I express my sincere and profound gratitude to Dr. V.K. Kosta, Prof. and Head, Department of Entomology for his inspiring suggestions and providing me all the necessary facilities, during my study. I wish to record my sincere thanks to Dr. S. K. Patil, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Dr. J.S. Urkurkar, Director Research Services and Dr. S.S. Shaw, Director of Instructions, Dr.M.P. Thakur, Director Extention Services, Dr.V.K. Kosta,Dean Student Welfare, IGKV, Raipur, Dr.S.R.Patel, Dean, College of Agriculture, Raipur, for their administrative and technical help which facilitated my research work. I am highly indebted to the teachers of my Department Dr. A.K. Dubey, Dr. V.K. Dubey Dr.Rajiv Gupta, Dr. H.K. Chandrakar, Dr. Shiv.K.Srivastava, Dr. S.K.Srivastava, Dr.Y.K.Yadu, Dr. R.N. Ganguli, Dr. D.K. Rana, Dr. (Smt.) Jaya Laxmi Ganguli, Dr. B.P. Katalam, Shri Navneet Rana, Shri Vikas Singh, Shri P.K. Netam for their constant co-operative suggestion, encouragement and help during my investigation. I do express my heartiest thanks to Shri R.S. Yadav, Shri D.N. Chandrakar, Shri Kunjulal Sahu, Shri Sankirtan, Shri Babulal, Shri Ghanshyam, Shri Manoj Patel, Shri CONTENTS PAGE CHAPTER PARTICULARS NO. I INTRODUCTION 1-6 II REVIEW OF LITERATURE 7-20 III MATERIALS AND METHODS 21-29 IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 30-127 V SUMMARY, CONCLUSION & SUGGESTIONS FOR 128-139 FUTURE RESEARCH WORK ABSTRACT 140 REFERENCES 141-157 LIST OF TABLE TABLE BETWEEN PARTICULARS PAGES NO. Succession of rice insect pests in different rice ecosystem 46-51 through sweeping net sampling at Raipur during kharif season 2013-14. Overall status of rice insect pests in different rice ecosystem at 51 Raipur during kharif season 2013-14. Percent damage of rice insect pests in different rice ecosystem 82-84 at Raipur during kharif season 2013-14. Overall situations of per cent damage of rice insect pests in 84 different rice ecosystem at Raipur during kharif season 2013- 14. 4.1.3 Observation of stem borer species composition in different 87 rice ecosystem at Raipur during kharif season 2013-14. 4.2.1 Observations of natural enemies in different rice ecosystem at 96-99 Raipur during kharif season 2013-14. 4.2.2 Overall situations of natural enemies of rice insect pests in 99 different rice ecosystem at Raipur during kharif season 2013- 14. 4.2.3 List of the natural enemies found in different rice ecosystem 104-106 at Raipur during kharif season 2013-14. 4.2.4 Observation of stem borer egg mass parasitization at Raipur 108 during kharif season 2013-14. 4.2.5 Observation of stem borer larval parasitization by NPV in 110 different rice ecosystem at Raipur during kharif season 2013- 14. 4.2.6 Stem borer larval-pupal parasitization. 111 4.2.7 Observation of brown plant hopper egg mass parasitization at 114 weekly interval in Raipur during kharif season 2013-14. Weekly observations of insect pests of rice in the light trap 121 collection data at Raipur during kharif season 2013-14. Correlation coefficient (r) between insect population and 122 weather parameters at Raipur during kharif season 2013-14. Weekly observation of natural enemies in the light trap 125 collection data at Raipur during kharif season 2013-14. Correlation coefficient between natural enemies population 126 and weather parameters during kharif season 2013-14. LIST OF FIGURES FIGOURS BETWEEN PARTICULARS NO. PAGES Overall status of rice insect pests in different rice 51-52 ecosystem at Raipur during kharif season 2013-14. Overall situations of per cent damage of rice insect pests 84-85 in different rice ecosystem at Raipur during kharif season 2013-14. 4.1.3 Observation of stem borer species composition in 87-89 different rice ecosystem at Raipur during kharif season 2013-14. 4.2.2 Overall situations of natural enemies of rice insect pests 99-100 in different rice ecosystem at Raipur during kharif season 2013-14. 4.2.4 Relative composition of egg parasitoids of rice yellow 107-109 stem borer, Scirpophaga incertulas Walker at Raipur during kharif season 2013-14. 4.2.5 Observation of stem borer larval parasitization by NPV 109-111 in different rice ecosystem at Raipur during kharif season 2013-14. 4.2.6 Observation of BPH egg mass parasitization at weekly 112-114 interval in Raipur during kharif season 2013-14. Weekly observations of insect pests of rice in the light 121-122 trap collection data at Raipur during kharif season 2013-14 Regression equation between weather parameter and 122-123 different rice insect pests. Weekly observation of natural enemies in the light trap 125-126 collection data at Raipur during kharif season 2013 Regression equation between weather parameter and 125-127 Ear wigs LIST OF PLATES PLATES BETWEEN PARTICULARS NO. PAGES 1 Rice insect pests found in different rice ecosystem 76-77 2 Different species of spiders found in rice ecosystem 88-89 3 Different species of wasps found in rice ecosystem 90-91 4 Different species of damsel and dragon flies found in 91-92 different rice ecosystem 5 Diffrent species of lady bird beetle found in different rice 100-101 ecosystem 6 Mirid bugs adult and nymph found in different rice 100-101 ecosystem 7 Ground beetle, Ophionea nigrofasciata 100-101 8 Rove beetle, Paederus fuscipes 100-101 9 Ear wigs, Doru aculeatum 100-101 10 Syrphid fly adult 102-103 11 Techanid fly, Chaetomylobia javana pupa 102-103 12 Assassin bug, Polytoxus fuscovittatus adult 102-103 13 Dragon and damselfly naiads 102-103 14 Water strider, Limnogonus fossarum 102-103 15 Water beetle, Dytiscus sp. 102-103 16 Virus infected rice skipper larvae 102-103 17 Virus infected horn caterpillar larvae 102-103 18 Pathogenic fungus infected rice skipper larvae 102-103 19 Stem borer egg mass parasitization 108-109 20 BPH egg mass parasitization 114-115