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TransactionsoftheAmericanFisheriesSociety132:409–424,2003 (cid:113)CopyrightbytheAmericanFisheriesSociety2003 Relationships between Water, Otolith, and Scale Chemistries of Westslope Cutthroat Trout from the Coeur d’Alene River, Idaho: The Potential Application of Hard-Part Chemistry to Describe Movements in Freshwater BRIAN K. WELLS*1 OldDominionUniversity, DepartmentofBiologicalSciences, Norfolk,Virginia23529,USA BRUCE E. RIEMAN, JAMES L. CLAYTON, AND DONA L. HORAN U.S.ForestService,RockyMountainResearchStation, 316EastMyrtle,Boise,Idaho83702,USA CYNTHIA M. JONES OldDominionUniversity, DepartmentofBiologicalSciences, Norfolk,Virginia23529,USA Abstract.—WequantifiedMg:Ca,Mn:Ca,Sr:Ca,andBa:Camolarratiosfromanarearepresenting the summer 2000 growth season on otoliths and scalesfrom1-year-oldwestslopecutthroattrout OncorhyncusclarkilewisicollectedfromthreestreamsintheCoeurd’AleneRiver,Idaho,system. We also quantified Mg:Ca, Sr:Ca, and Ba:Ca molar ratios in the water during summer2000 and usedregressionstomodeltheassimilationofthevariousratiosintotheotolithsandscales.Otolith andscalechemistrieswerelinearlyrelatedtotheSr:CaandBa:Caratiosinthewater.Thepartition coefficientsfortheSr:Caratiosinotolithsandscalesarehigherinthisfreshwatersystemthanin experimental results from a saline environment; we attribute these differences to differencesin thebiologyofsaltwaterandfreshwaterfish.Incontrast,theBa:Capartitioncoefficientsaresimilar betweenthetwoenvironments,suggestingthatourestimatesarerepresentativeofthoseforawide rangeofconcentrations,temperatures,salinities,andatleasttwofamiliesoffish.TheMg:Ca,Sr: Ca, and Ba:Ca ratios varied significantly in otolithsfromthe threestreamsandcouldbeusedto reclassifyindividualfishtothestreamsfromwhichtheywerecollectedwith100%accuracy.The Mn:Ca,Sr:Ca,andBa:Caratiosvariedsignificantlyinscalesfromthethreestreamsandcouldbe used to classify individuals with 82% accuracy. Given the heterogeneity of basin geology, the stability of water chemistry, and the degree of discrimination noted for the three streams we sampled, we believe that examination of the elemental composition of fish otoliths and scales could be used to describe the movements of fish in this and similar freshwatersystems.Further, thehighcorrelationbetweentheratiosinscalesandthoseinotolithssuggestsscalesmayoffera nonlethalsamplingalternative. Describing movement has been a central prob- mentalprocessesdefiningpopulations(Hanskiand leminthebiologyandmanagementofstreamfish- Gilpin 1997; Rieman and Dunham 2000), this is es. The migrations between freshwater and salt- a central problem in conservation management. water exhibited by anadromous fishes are rela- Linking movements to the structure and distri- tivelywellknown(e.g.,GrootandMargolis1991), bution of habitats across whole networks of but the movements occurring within freshwaters streamsisanimportantchallenge(Schlosser1995; arepoorlyunderstood(Gowanetal.1994;Fausch Fausch et al. 2002). Migration or the movement and Young 1995; Northcote 1997). Because mi- among spawning, growth, and refugehabitatsisa gration and dispersal are believed to be funda- commoncharacteristicoffishlifehistories.These movements generally proceed from spawningand rearing habitats in tributary streamstoriver,lake, *Correspondingauthor:[email protected] 1Present address: Department of Natural Resources or ocean environments (where most growth, mat- Conservation, Holdsworth Hall, University of Massa- uration,andoverwinteringoccur),andbacktothe chusetts,Amherst,Massachusetts01003, USA. natal sites to reproduce. Broad classifications of ReceivedApril9,2002;acceptedOctober21,2002 life history have been based on the scope andna- 409 410 WELLSETAL. tureofthesemigrations(e.g.,Northcote1997),but analyses of otoliths and scales have proven to be tremendous variability may exist within and effective for retrospectively describing the envi- amongspeciesandpopulations.Arguably,thatdi- ronmental history of individual fish as well as versity influences the resilience and productivity metapopulation dynamics (e.g., Rieman et al. of populations in varying environments (Healey 1994; Wells et al. 2000b; Thorrold et al. 2001). 1991; Thorpe 1994; Tilman et al. 1994; Rieman These techniques have been validated indepen- and Clayton 1997). dently through controlled experimentation and Themovementofindividualsamonglocalpop- field collections (Kalish 1991; Thorrold et al. ulations to reproduce, often termed dispersal 1998;Bathetal.2000;Wellsetal.2000a,2000b). (Howard 1960; Rieman and Dunham 2000) or re- However, except for a small number of studies productive ranging (Dingle 1996), also is impor- (e.g.,vanCoillieandRousseau1974;Bronteetal. tant. One mechanism for dispersal is the straying 1996; Kennedy et al. 2000, 2002), the work has of adults that fail to return to their natal habitats concentrated on estuarine and marine waters, (Rieman and Dunham 2000), although other pro- whereonewouldexpectgreatgeographicvariation cessescouldbeimportant(HanskiandSimberloff in solute concentrations. Kennedy et al. (2000, 1997). Movements among local populations, dis- 2002)haverecentlyshownthatstableisotopeanal- persalandsubsequentgeneflow,andtheselective ysis of otoliths may have considerable potential pressures associated with distinct environments for resolving movements in freshwater systems. are believed to be the primary forces structuring However,inasysteminwhichthegeographicvar- stream-fish populations (e.g., Quinn and Unwin iationinisotopicratiovaluesislimited,itmaybe 1993;Hendryetal.2000;Quinnetal.2000).Such necessarytoexamineasuiteofchemicalmarkers. movements may be critical to long-term persis- Ourinterest,then,wastoadaptmethodsthathave tence by linking local populations that indepen- been established for marine and diadromous ap- dentlywouldbevulnerabletoextinctionorbyre- plicationstodescribefishmovementswhollywith- founding those that do go extinct (Andrewartha in freshwaters. and Birch 1954; Schlosser and Angermeier 1995; We conducted initial work on this problem in Hanski and Simberloff 1997; LePage and Cury the Coeur d’Alene River basin of northern Idaho. 1997;RiemanandDunham2000;RiemanandAl- Synoptic water sampling and geological mapping lendorf 2001). showed that important differences inwaterchem- Despitethepotentialsignificanceofmovement, istry could exist among the streams in this basin. weknowrelativelylittleabouthowitvarieswithin In this system, westslope cutthroat trout Onco- andamongpopulationsofmanyfishspecies(e.g., rhyncus clarki lewisi is the dominant salmonid. Quinn 1993; Gowan et al. 1994). Migration pat- Past work suggests that both resident (i.e., re- ternshavebeenstudiedbytaggingandrecovering mainingintheirnatalstreamsthroughoutlife)and individual fish (e.g., Bjornn and Mallet 1964) or migratory forms of cutthroat trout exist and that by tracking with radio or sonic transmitters (e.g., movements among streams may be important to Swanberg 1997). Estimates of straying and gene thepersistenceoflocalpopulations(McIntyreand flow have been made through indirect methods Rieman1995).Ourobjectiveswere(1)toassociate basedonpopulationgeneticsanddirectlythrough the chemistries of the otoliths and scales of ju- tag recoverystudies.Becausethesemethodshave venilefishwiththoseoftheirnatalstreams;(2)to important but different limitations, comparisons quantify the variation within and compare the re- are critical (Labelle 1992; Tallman and Healey sultsbetweenthesetwohardparts;and(3)toeval- 1994; Thompson and Goodman 1997; Wenburg uate the potential application of hard-part chem- andBentzen2001).Unfortunately,directestimates istryfordescribingfishmovementsinafreshwater of movement based ontaggingareoftenverydif- riverbasin.Inthisstudy,wequantifythevariation ficult to make. Because life history patterns may of element signatures of immaturefishfromthree behighlyvariable(Willson1997)andbecausesig- independent streams and evaluate their potential nificant dispersal may be the result of rare events for describing movements in the Coeur d’Alene (LePage and Cury 1997), very large numbers of River system. Our work indicates that element marked individuals are required to detect or esti- analysisofhardpartscouldservetoaddresssome matemovementswithanyprecision(Seber1982). of the more daunting tasks of describing move- Passivechemicalmarksassociatedwiththedis- mentswithinthefreshwaterenvironment.Further, tinctly different environments fish encounter scale analysis may offer a nonlethal samplingap- throughlifemayprovideasolution.Traceelement proach. RELATIONSHIPOFSCALEANDOTOLITHCHEMISTRIES 411 FIGURE 1.—Map showing the locations of the streams examined in this study. Dissolved Mg, Ca, Sr, and Ba levelswereestimatedfor36streamsintheCoeurd’AleneRiverbasininnorthernIdaho.One-year-oldwestslope cutthroattroutwerecollectedfromMiners(9), YellowDog (13),and Grahamcreeks(19). Methods Coeur d’Alene River system north of its conflu- Site description.—The Coeur d’Alene River is ence with the South Fork (from north to south, intheupperColumbiaRiverbasinneartheIdaho– thesestreamswereMiners,YellowDog,andGra- Montana border (Figure 1). This study includes hamcreeks;Figure1).Thelengthsofthesestreams fish and water samples from the Coeur d’Alene that are accessible to fish range from 5 to 8 km, River,NorthForkoftheCoeurd’AleneRiver,and and the low-flow wetted width is approximately asmallgroupofstreamsthatfeedintothenorthern 2–4 m for each stream. The hydrology is domi- portion of Coeur d’Alene Lake. The geology of nated by snowmelt, with peakflowsinlatespring theCoeurd’AleneRiverbasinischaracterizedby and base flows in late summer and early fall. a heterogeneous arrangement of Precambrianme- Fish collection.—We used a backpack electro- tasedimentary rocks (Lewis and Derkey 1999; shocking unit (pulsed DC) to collect ten 1-year- Lewis et al. 1999; Miller et al. 1999) leading to old fish each from Miners (24–25 August 2000), substantial variation in stream water chemistry Yellow Dog (16–17 August and 28 September across the basin. We collected 1-year-old west- 2000), and Graham creeks (26 July and 1 August slope cutthroat trout from three streams of the 2000). We froze the fish until otoliths and scales 412 WELLSETAL. were removed with a stainless steel knife at the (cid:51) 100 (cid:109)m). We ran blanks and standards every laboratory. Otoliths were stored dry in polyeth- ninth analysis to adjust for possible drift. Theab- ylene vials, and scales were stored in paper col- latedmaterialwassweptbyacarriergas(Ar)into lection envelopes. a dual-inlet quartz spray chamber. The Ar stream Otolithandscalepreparation.—We used acau- was then mixed with a wet aerosol (1% HNO ) 3 tiouscleaningproceduretobecertainthatthehard from a 20-(cid:109)L/min PFA self-aspirating nebulizer. partswerefreeoflooseandboundcontamination. Five isotopes were quantified (25Mg, 48Ca, 55Mn, Theotolith corewasexposedfollowingthemeth- 86Sr,and138Ba).Liquidstandardswereintroduced ods in Rieman et al. (1994). We cleaned the oto- every nine samples through the nebulizer to ac- liths and scales in a class 100 clean facility for count for instrument drift and changes in mass laser ablation. All tools that came directly or in- bias, with quantification following the procedure directly into contact with the otoliths and scales outlined by Rosenthal et al. (1999). This meth- were nonmetallic and acid washed. We triple- odology alleviated the need for matrix matching rinsed the otoliths with Millipore Milli-Q water, with solid reference standards. The limits of de- rinsed them for 1 min with ultrapure hydrogen tection were calculated as the mean blank values peroxide (30%) to remove organics, sonicated plus three standard deviations. Isotopic counts themfor5mininMilli-Qwater,triple-rinsedthem were converted to elemental intensities by multi- withMilli-Qwater,anddriedthemunderalaminar plying by the percent natural occurrence of the flow hood for 24 h. When possible, we prepared isotopes. All data were standardized to Ca to ac- one nonregenerated scale from each fish. Scales countforthevariabilityinlaserenergyandweight were sonicated for 5 min in Milli-Q water, triple- of ablated material and were converted to molar rinsed with Milli-Q water, dried under a laminar ratios. flow hood for 24 h, and mounted with the distal Data analysis.—Weighted least-squares regres- sideuponmountingtapeforablation.Theisotopic sions,whichcorrectforbiasesassociatedwithhet- intensities from the tape were similar to back- eroscedasticity, were used to quantify the rela- ground levels for all isotopes quantified. tionshipsbetweenwaterandhard-partchemistries. Elemental analysis of otoliths and scales.—Ex- Also, partition coefficients, the molar ratio of the aminationoftheCoeurd’AleneRiverstreamwater elementinquestiontoCainthehard-partrelative chemistryshowedthatSr,Ba,andMgvaryacross to that in the water (McIntire 1963), were calcu- the basin. Each of these elements replaces Ca in lated. This ratio is an approximation of the slope the hard-part crystal lattice, suggesting that they from a linear regression in which the intercept is remain stable as the fish moves between habitats zero. (reviewed in Campana 1999). Therefore, we ex- One-way analyses ofvariance(ANOVAs)were aminedotolithsandscalesforMg,Ca,Sr,andBa. used to test for significant ((cid:97) (cid:53) 0.05) differences Previous work has shown that the Mn levels in in trace element concentrations in hard parts hard parts can also vary substantially across en- among streams. Tukey’s Studentized multiple vironments (Wells et al. 2000b; Thorrold et al. rangetestswereusedtoevaluatedifferencesinthe 2001). Therefore, in addition to those elements hard-part chemistries from the three streams. El- analyzed directly in the water, we quantified Mn ements that varied significantly were entered into in otoliths and scales. a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) WeusedaFinniganMATElement2inductively and canonical discriminant analysis (CANDISC coupled plasma mass spectrometer equipped with procedure of SAS; SAS 1989) to characterize the an ultraviolet (266-nm) Nd: YAG Merchantek multivariateelementalsignaturesofthehardparts. LUV-266X laser ablation system to analyze oto- All MANOVA significance tests used Pillai’s liths and scales. From otoliths we ablated a raster Trace statistic. Bootstrapped confidence ellipses from the area distal to the lastannulustowardthe werecalculatedaroundtheclassmeansofthefirst edge representing approximately one-half of the two canonical variates to locate significantdiffer- summer growth period (spot size (cid:53) 30 (cid:109)m, pass ences in hard-part chemistriesamongstreams.Fi- (cid:53) 60 s, frequency (cid:53)10,power(cid:53)30–50%,raster nally, linear discriminant function analysis (cid:53) 100 (cid:109)m (cid:51) 100 (cid:109)m). From scales we ablated a (LDFA) was used to quantify the accuracy of the raster from the edge of the scale toward the core classification of individuals to their resident representingasimilargrowthperiodasthatablated streams based on the elemental signatures of the from otoliths (spot size (cid:53) 10 (cid:109)m, pass (cid:53) 60 s, hardparts.Thecross-validationalgorithmofSAS frequency (cid:53) 10, power (cid:53) 20%, raster (cid:53) 100 (cid:109)m (theDISCRIMprocedure),whichemploysajack- RELATIONSHIPOFSCALEANDOTOLITHCHEMISTRIES 413 knife technique, was used to determine classifi- lationships to evaluate the between-stream stabil- cation accuracy. To meet the assumptions of ho- ity of water chemistry and the intercepts to eval- mogeneity of variance and normal distribution of uatesystemshifts.Whiletheslopesandintercepts errors, all element:Ca values were log trans- of these regressions are not independent of one e formed for univariate and multivariate statistics. another,thisanalysisyieldsareasonableinterpre- Water collection and analyses.—During 10–12 tation of the trends. Specifically, slopes not equal July 2000, we sampled 36 natal streams in the to 1.0 could indicate temporal variation in the re- Coeur d’Alene River basin to characterize dis- lationship of stream chemistries to one another, solved Mg, Ca, Sr, and Ba concentrations (Figure and an intercept not equal zero could indicate a 1). In the field, we vacuum-filtered 100 mL of system shift in elemental concentrations. waterthrougha0.45-(cid:109)mmembranethathadbeen Weestimatedthepotentialvariationofhard-part prewashed with distilled water. We then acidified chemistry signatures among streams across the the samples to a pH of less than 1 with 1 mL system by comparing our ability to discriminate ultrapurenitricacidforpreservation.Twosamples hardpartsfromthreestreamswiththedifferences were taken at each site and the results averaged inwaterchemistryobservedamongoursampleof forallanalyses presentedherein.Multiplesitesat 38 stream sites. First, stream element:Ca values Cedar and Wolf Lodge creeks and three branches were standardized to a mean of zero andvariance of Hudlow Creek were sampled to evaluate the of 1.0. Next, we used a nearest-neighbor cluster influence of local variation. Samples were then analysis (CLUSTER procedure of SAS) on the refrigerateduntilanalysis.Temperaturesattimeof standardizedstreamchemistriestobuildsimilarity collection were also recorded. dendrograms. The results from the LDFA on fish Allofthewateranalysespresentedinthiswork from Miners, Yellow Dog, and Graham creeks were done with a Fison’s Instruments Accuris in- were used as a benchmark to evaluate the signif- ductively coupled plasma (ICP) optical emission icance of stream chemistry groupings and define spectrometer.Theanalyticalwavelengthsusedfor the potential resolution of fish origin discrimina- Mg, Ca, Sr, and Ba were 279.08, 317.93, 407.77, tion. Specifically, the classification accuracy of and 455.40 nm, respectively. Three on-peak in- fishofknownoriginbymeansofhard-partchem- tegrationswith10-sintervalsandoneoff-peakin- istry (which was directly and linearly related to tegrationwereused.Theinternalcalibrationstan- waterchemistry)wasusedtodefinetheminimum dardswerecertifiedICPsingle-elementstandards. expected resolution of fish origin determinations Calibration standards and blanks were run every across the system. As an illustration of the ap- 15 samples. proach, consider fish from two streams that sep- The potential of these methods in the basin.— arate from each other by some minimum distance We quantified the temporal elemental variationin between clusters based on the streamchemistries. the Coeur d’Alene Riversystembecauseseasonal If fish from those streams can be clearly discrim- variation in stream chemistry overthetimeframe inatedbytherelatedhard-partchemistries,onecan represented by quantified hard-part chemistry conclude that itwouldbepossibletodiscriminate couldresultingreaterwithin-streamvariationand fish origins among other streams with similar or thus reduce the classification accuracy of fish larger differences in stream chemistries. across streams. To evaluate seasonal variability, we compared the Sr:Ca and Mg:Ca ratios from Results samples in six streams (including Graham and Otolith and Scale Relationships to Water Miners creeks) obtained in July 2000 with those Chemistry obtainedon10Octoberor11November2000.To evaluate the interannual variation in stream water Nonregenerated scales were not available for chemistry, which is relevant to the application of five fish (three from Miners Creek and two from hard-part chemistry methods across cohorts (e.g., Yellow Dog Creek), and two scales from Miners Gillanders 2002), we compared Sr:Ca and Mg:Ca Creekfishyielded86Srintensitiesaboutthreestan- ratios for 16 streams obtained in July 2000 with darddeviationsfrommeanbackgroundlevels.We those obtained in August 1999 (including ones removed these two fish, which could have led to from Yellow Dog and Graham creeks). The tem- a slightly inflated estimated mean Sr:Cavaluefor poralstabilityoftheBa:Caratiowasnotevaluated scales from Miners Creek. because it was only assayed for July 2000 stream Otolith(N(cid:53)30)andscale(N(cid:53)23)chemistries samples. We used the slopes of the temporal re- were related to water chemistry (Figures 2, 3). 414 WELLSETAL. FIGURE2.—Weightedleast-squaresregressionsestimatedfromindividualwestslopecutthroattroutcollectedfrom Miners (open circles), Yellow Dog (open triangles), and Graham creeks (open squares) ofthe(a)Mg:Ca,(b)Sr: Ca,and(c)Ba:Caratiosinotolithsonthoseinthewater.Filledsymbolsrepresentaverageotolithvaluesforeach stream((cid:54)2SEs). RELATIONSHIPOFSCALEANDOTOLITHCHEMISTRIES 415 Otolith chemistry was linearly related to the Mg: Ca, Sr:Ca, and Ba:Ca ratios of the water. Specif- ically, [Mg:Ca] otolith (cid:53) ((cid:50)0.0002 (cid:54) 0.00005SE)·[Mg:Ca] water (cid:49) (0.30 (cid:54) 0.5SE) (r2 (cid:53) 0.39, P (cid:53) 0.0003), [Sr:Ca] otolith (cid:53) (0.55 (cid:54) 0.02SE)·[Sr:Ca] water (cid:50) (0.18 (cid:54) 0.03SE) (r2 (cid:53) 0.96, P (cid:53) 0.0001), and [Ba:Ca] otolith (cid:53) (0.09 (cid:54) 0.01SE)·[Ba:Ca] water (cid:50) (0.10 (cid:54) 0.02SE) FIGURE 3.—Weighted least-squares regressions esti- mated from individual westslope cutthroat trout col- (r2 (cid:53) 0.71, P (cid:53) 0.0001). lected from Miners (open circles), Yellow Dog (open triangles),andGrahamcreeks(opensquares)ofthe(a) Scale chemistry was linearly related to the Sr:Ca Sr:Caand(b)Ba:Caratiosinscalesonthoseinthewater. and Ba:Ca ratios in the water (Figure 3). The re- Filled symbols represent average scale values for each lationships were stream((cid:54)2SEs). [Sr:Ca] scale 1). Log transformed Sr:Ca (ANOVA: F (cid:53) (cid:53) (0.39 (cid:54) 0.03SE)·[Sr:Ca] e water 1,049.17; df (cid:53) 27, 2; P (cid:44) 0.0001), Ba:Ca (F (cid:53) (cid:50) (0.06 (cid:49) 0.06SE) 85.89;df(cid:53)27,2;P(cid:44)0.0001),andMg:Caratios (F (cid:53) 12.78; df (cid:53) 27, 2; P (cid:53) 0.0001) in otoliths (r2 (cid:53) 0.88, P (cid:53) 0.0001) and varied significantly among streams (Table1).The [Ba:Ca] Mn:Caratiosin otoliths didnotvarysignificantly scale among streams. Log transformed Sr:Ca (F (cid:53) e (cid:53) (0.32 (cid:54) 0.07SE)·[Ba:Ca] 79.38;df(cid:53)20,2;P(cid:44)0.0001),Ba:Ca(F(cid:53)13.14; water df (cid:53) 20, 2; P (cid:44) 0.0002), and Mn:Ca ratios (F (cid:53) (cid:50) (0.22 (cid:49) 0.15SE) 7.97;df(cid:53)20,2;P(cid:53)0.0029)inscalesalsovaried (r2 (cid:53) 0.50, P (cid:53) 0.0002). significantly(Table1).TheMg:Caratioswerenot significantly different among streams. The Pear- There was not a significant relationship between son’s correlation coefficient for individual otolith the Mg:Ca ratio in the water and that in scales. and scale Sr:Ca ratios was 0.82 (N (cid:53) 23; P (cid:53) The partition coefficients for the Sr:Ca ratio 0.0001) and that for Ba:Ca ratios was 0.74 (N (cid:53) werecalculatedas0.40(N(cid:53)30;SE(cid:53)0.028)and 23; P (cid:53) 0.0001; Figure 4). The Mg:Ca and Mn: 0.34(N(cid:53)23;SE(cid:53)0.023)forotolithsandscales, Ca ratios were not correlated between hard parts. respectively. Those for the Ba:Ca ratio were cal- The among-stream variationinhard-partchem- culated as 0.04 (N (cid:53) 30; SE (cid:53) 0.004) and 0.22 istries could not be attributed to variation in tem- (N (cid:53) 23; SE (cid:53) 0.020) for otoliths and scales, perature or fish growth. July 2000 pointestimates respectively,andthatfortheMg:Caratioas0.0002 oftemperatureweresimilaramongMiners,Yellow (N (cid:53) 30; SE (cid:53) 0.00004) for otoliths. Dog, and Graham creeks (10.5–11.9(cid:56)C).Thetotal lengths of fish collected from Miners Creek were Variation of Otolith and Scale Chemistries slightly less than those of fish from the other Thereweresignificantdifferencesintheotolith streams (F (cid:53) 3.52; df (cid:53) 27, 2; P (cid:53) 0.044; Table andscalechemistriesfromthethreestreams(Table 1), but given the clear differencesweobservedin 416 WELLSETAL. TABLE1.—Samplesize(N)andmeantotallength(TL[mm])ofwestslopecutthroattroutfromMiners,YellowDog, andGrahamcreeks,Idaho,alongwiththeMg:Ca(mmol/mol),Mn:Ca((cid:109)mol/mol),Sr:Ca(mmol/mol),andBa:Ca(mmol/ mol) ratios in their otoliths and scales. Values in parentheses are standard errors. Tukey’s Studentizedmultiple-range testswereusedtoevaluatedifferencesinmeans;valueswithoutaletterincommonaresignificantly(P(cid:44)0.05)different. Ratio Stream N TL Mg:Ca Mn:Ca Sr:Ca Ba:Ca Otolithchemistry Miners 10 82.3(3.30)z 0.08(0.008)z 9.00(0.476)z 0.12(0.004)z 0.03(0.016)z YellowDog 10 96.6(4.86)y 0.12(0.014)z 8.46(0.705)z 1.40(0.069)y 0.19(0.023)x Graham 10 89.1(3.10)zy 0.20(0.026)y 7.33(0.469)z 1.61(0.079)y 0.08(0.008)y Scalechemistry Miners 5 87.4(4.48)z 23.25(5.881)z 144.00(8.716)z 0.14(0.034)z 0.23(0.074)z YellowDog 8 100.4(5.27)z 26.42(5.528)z 253.91(34.880)zy 1.06(0.088)y 0.78(0.111)y Graham 10 89.1(3.10)z 31.70(4.073)z 326.58(36.192)y 1.20(0.088)y 0.48(0.058)y hard-part chemistries among the streams, we be- lieve that the minor differences in size had little to do with those in hard-part chemistries. Both otoliths and scales provided stream- specific element signatures. The results from a MANOVAdemonstratedthatotolithsignatures,as definedbylog transformedSr:Ca,Ba:Ca,andMg: e Caratios,variedsignificantlyamongstreams(Pil- lai’s Trace (cid:53) 1.69; df (cid:53) 6, 52; F (cid:53) 47.12; P (cid:44) 0.0001). Scales from the three streams also had significantly different signatures with log trans- e formedSr:Ca,Ba:Ca,andMn:Caratiosasthede- pendent variables (Pillai’s Trace (cid:53) 1.22; df (cid:53) 6, 38; F (cid:53) 9.88; P (cid:44) 0.0001). Further, bootstrapped 95% confidence intervals around the class means of the first two canonical variates did not overlap for otoliths or scales (Figure 5). The Sr:Ca ratio was weighted most heavily for the first canonical variate and the Ba:Ca ratio most heavily for the second canonical variate for both otoliths and scales.TheLDFAdemonstratedthatotolithchem- istrywasdistinctenoughtoclassifyindividualfish totheirresidentstreamwith100%accuracy(Table 2). Using scale chemistry, individuals were clas- sified with 82% accuracy. All Miners Creek fish were classified correctly using either otolith or scale chemistry, but scale chemistry was less ac- curateforYellowDog(error(cid:53)25%)andGraham creeks (error (cid:53) 30%; Table2).FishfromGraham CreekweremisclassifiedtoYellowDogCreekand vice versa. Stream Chemistries and Temperatures within the FIGURE 4.—(a) Sr:Ca and (b) Ba:Ca ratios in scales Coeur d’Alene River Basin plotted against those in otoliths for Miners (open cir- The Mg:Ca, Sr:Ca, and Ba:Ca ratios varied cles), Yellow Dog(opentriangles),andGrahamcreeks among the 38 stream sites assayed. That for Mg: (opensquares).Filledsymbolsrepresentaveragescale- to-otolithvaluesforeachstream((cid:54)2SEs);dashedlines Ca ranged from 0.31 to 1.03 mol/mol (mean (cid:53) indicateequivalence. 0.66, median (cid:53) 0.62, SE (cid:53) 0.33), that for Sr:Ca RELATIONSHIPOFSCALEANDOTOLITHCHEMISTRIES 417 TABLE2.—Resultsofusinglineardiscriminantfunction analysis to classify individual 1-year-old westslope cut- throattrouttothestreamsfromwhichtheywerecollected basedonelementalsignaturesintheirotolithsandscales. Values indicate the cross-validation accuracy using Mg: Ca, Sr:Ca, and Ba:Ca ratios to classify otoliths and Mn: Ca,Sr:Ca,andBa:Caratiostoclassifyscales. Assignedstream Sourcestream N Miners YellowDog Graham Otolithcross-validationaccuracy(%) Miners 10 100 0 0 YellowDog 10 0 100 0 Graham 10 0 0 100 Scalecross-validationaccuracy(%) Miners 5 100 0 0 YellowDog 8 0 75 25 Graham 10 0 30 70 (cid:53) 0.21, SE (cid:53) 0.06, P (cid:53) 0.006; Figure 6a). The Mg:Ca ratio was stable between summer and au- tumnbothamongstreams(slope(cid:53)1.0,SE(cid:53)0.04, r2(cid:53)0.99)andasasystem(intercept(cid:53)(cid:50)0.03,SE (cid:53) 0.03, P (cid:46) 0.05; Figure 6b). The Sr:Ca ratio among streams was relatively unaltered between years and through the growth season (Figure 6c, d). Regression analysis showed that there was an equivalentrelationshipbetweensummer2000and FIGURE5.—Resultsofcanonicaldiscriminantanalysis summer 1999 stream Sr:Ca values (slope (cid:53) 1.00, used to characterize differences in the multivariate el- SE (cid:53) 0.04, r2 (cid:53) 0.98), and there was no system ementalsignaturesof(a)otolithsand(b)scalesofwest- shift(intercept(cid:53)0.07,SE(cid:53)0.10,P(cid:46)0.05;Fig- slope cutthroat trout from Miners (M; circles), Yellow ure 6c). Into autumn, the Sr:Ca ratio varied for Dog (YD; triangles), and Graham creeks (G; squares). some streams (slope (cid:53) 0.88, SE (cid:53) 0.01, t (cid:53) 12, Shown are individual canonical coefficients forcanon- r2 (cid:53) 1.0), but there was only minimal shift in the icalvariates1and2.Shadedareasarebootstrapped95% confidenceellipsesaroundtheclassmeans,whichdem- system (intercept (cid:53) 0.06, SE (cid:53) 0.02, P (cid:53) 0.02; onstrate that there exist stream-specific elemental sig- Figure 6d). natures. Temperature differences across the 38 stream sites that we sampled will have little effect on from0.54to6.14mmol/mol(mean(cid:53)2.21,median among-stream variation in hard-part chemistry. (cid:53)1.61,SE(cid:53)0.24),andthatforBa:Cafrom0.29 Point estimates of temperature collected in July to 5.11 mmol/mol (mean (cid:53) 1.76, median (cid:53) 1.69, 2000forthe36streams,includingthesecondsites SE(cid:53)0.17).Magnesiumconcentrationswerehigh- for Cedar and Wolf Lodge creeks, had a range of ly correlated to those of Ca (r (cid:53) 0.88, N (cid:53) 38, P 8.3(cid:56)Cbutweregenerallysimilaracrossthesystem (cid:53)0.0001),yettheMg:Caratiowasnot.Although (N (cid:53) 38, mean (cid:53) 10.6(cid:56)C, median (cid:53) 10.5(cid:56)C, SE Sr(r(cid:53)0.39,N(cid:53)38,P(cid:53)0.02)andBa(r(cid:53)0.55, (cid:53)0.30).Becausethereissignificantdielvariation N(cid:53)38,P(cid:53)0.0004)wereonlyweaklycorrelated in temperature, the minor differences that existed toCa,theSr:Ca(r(cid:53)(cid:50)0.73,N(cid:53)38,P(cid:53)0.0001) may have resulted from the timing of samplecol- andBa:Caratios(r(cid:53)(cid:50)0.70,N(cid:53)38,P(cid:53)0.0001) lection and would not be expected to influence were negatively correlated to Ca, indicating that hard-part chemistry in a sample of fish. increases in Ca across the system were not met Potential Determination of Fish Origins with increases in Sr or Ba. The Mg:Ca ratios among streamswerevariable Theclusterdiagramforstreamchemistriesdem- betweenyears(slope(cid:53)0.77,SE(cid:53)0.11,t(cid:53)2.09, onstratedthattherewasgoodpotentialtodiscrim- r2 (cid:53) 0.77), and summer 2000 values were signif- inate fish from various streams within the system icantlygreaterthansummer1999values(intercept (Figure 7). We judged the significance of the 418 WELLSETAL. FIGURE 6.—Interannual and seasonal variation of the (a) and (b) Mg:Ca and (c) and (d) Sr:Ca ratios in water. Ratioswereestimatedfor16streamsduringAugust1999andJuly2000aswellasfor6streamsduringfall2000. Valueson the equivalenceline(dashed)werestable. groupings based on the assignment of fish of defined by the five lithologic groups identified knownorigintoMiners,YellowDog,andGraham for the Striped Peak Formation (Figure 7d, e creeks. Because we obtained 100% classification combined). There was significant variation in accuracy for fish from these streams using otolith stream chemistry at finer spatial scales as well. chemistry, we expect to be able to discriminate Lower andupperWolfLodgeCreekgroupedto- fish origins from streams with similar or larger gether, although upper and lower Cedar Creek differences in water chemistry. If we assume that andbranchesoftheHudlowCreekeachgrouped the node linking Yellow Dog and Miners creeks into different clusters (Figure 7). (Figure 7) represents the minimum distance be- tween clusters (stream chemistries) that is neces- Discussion sary to discriminate the origins of individual fish The chemistries of otoliths and scales hold (otolith chemistries),thereareatleastsevenclus- promise as keys to clarify the movements of fish tersofstreamsinthesystemthatshouldbeclearly wholly within freshwaters such as the Coeur discriminated. d’Alene River basin. We found substantial varia- The patterns detected in the cluster analysis tion in water chemistry among and even within followedthegeneralpatternsinlithology(Lewis streams that was associated with a heterogeneous and Derkey 1999; Lewis et al. 1999; Miller et lithology. Those differences appear to be tempo- al. 1999). For example, one cluster of nine rallystableandstronglyassociatedwiththechem- streams was defined by the seven lithologic istry of otoliths and scales of fish originating in groups identified for the Wallace Formation those streams. Based on a conservative interpre- (Figure 7a). Another cluster of 12 streams was tation,otolithchemistryshouldallowthediscrim-

an ultraviolet (266-nm) Nd: YAG Merchantek. LUV-266X laser ablation system to analyze oto- liths and scales. From otoliths we ablated a raster.
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