Wesleyan University The Honors College Relationships Between Ice-Rafted Detritus, Geochemical Trends, and Biogenic Components of Early Pliocene Ocean Sediment in Weddell Sea, Antarctica by Jason Lewis Gross Class of 2014 A thesis submitted to the faculty of Wesleyan University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts with Departmental Honors in Earth and Environmental Sciences Middletown, Connecticut April, 2014 i Acknowledgements This thesis is: For Suzanne “Master Fence Climber/Snack Maker/Greatest Thesis Advisor of the Land” O’Connell, for Joel “The Man” LaBella, for Joop “Prosciutto Sandwich” Varekamp, for Ginny “Heart of Gold” Harris, for Dana “Vertisol” Royer, for Marty “Bacardi” Gilmore, for Peter “100-Year Flood” Patton, for Tim “Geochem Crash Course” Ku, for Phil “Contact” Resor, for Kate “Wet-Siever Extraordinaire” Enright. For Danielle, for Shamar, for family, for Fauverville 107, for a Rinehart, for Throw Culture, for Bridie, for OTP, for Wesleyan, for South Pasadena, for the people who complimented me on my mustache, for science believers and deniers, for Antarctica, for the Sun, for the dreamers, for the reader. For Larry David, Scott McMicken, and Toby Leaman because I think you guys are really cool and I hope you read this someday. Much love and enjoy the dirt. i Table of Contents ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES III ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 1.1 ICE-‐RAFTED DETRITUS 4 1.2 ANTARCTIC GLACIAL HISTORY 6 1.3 ANTARCTIC GEOLOGY 8 1.4 THE PLIOCENE (5.3-‐2.6 MA) 9 1.5 OCEAN DRILLING PROGRAM 10 1.6 WEDDELL SEA, ANTARCTICA 11 1.7 ODP SITE 693 AND CORE 8R 12 1.8 CURRENT CONDITIONS 14 METHODS 29 2.1 X-‐RAY FLUORESCENCE CORE SCANNING 29 2.2 PRINCIPAL COMPONENTS ANALYSIS 30 2.3 PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS 31 2.4 CHARACTERIZING IRD 32 RESULTS 35 3.1 XRF CORE SCANNING 35 3.2 PRINCIPAL COMPONENTS ANALYSIS 36 3.3 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION 38 3.4 IRD GRAIN COUNTS 39 DISCUSSION 54 4.1 PCA 54 4.2 IRD, BIOSILICA, AND XRF ELEMENTAL DATA 55 4.3 BIOSILICA AND FE FERTILIZATION 58 CONCLUSION 64 FUTURE WORK 65 APPENDIX A PCA/XRF DATA 66 APPENDIX B GRAIN SIZE DATA 71 REFERENCES CITED 75 ii List of Figures and Tables Page Figure 1.1 Global water budget 15 Figure 1.2 Map of Antarctica 16 Figure 1.3 Continental shelf environment 17 Figure 1.4 Heinrich Events observed in North Atlantic cores 18 Figure 1.5 Zachos Curve 19 Figure 1.6 East Antarctic Ice Sheet growth model 20 Figure 1.7 Antarctic cross section and topography 21 Figure 1.8 Tectonic domains of Antarctica 22 Figure 1.9 CO ppm of past 5 million years 23 2 Figure 1.10 Global ocean circulation patterns 23 Figure 1.11 Creation of Antarctic Bottom Water 24 Figure 1.12 Location of ODP Site 693 26 Figure 1.13 Lithostratigraphic summary of Site 693 27 Figure 1.14 Present day Antarctic Ice sheet mass balance 28 Figure 2.1 X-ray Fluorescence diagram 33 Figure 2.2 X-ray core scanner diagram 33 Figure 2.3 Core 113-693-A-8R photographs 34 Figure 3.1 XRF core scan data 43 Figure 3.2 PCA biplot 44 Figure 3.3 Grain size distribution 45 Figure 3.4 Grain size distribution with XRF data 48 Figure 3.5 Grain count sample selection 49 Figure 3.6 Total lithics/biosilica ratio 50 Figure 3.7 Total lithic counts per gram 50 Figure 3.8 Biosilica counts per gram 51 Figure 3.9 Percentage quartz 51 Table 3.1 Description of lithologic units 52 Table 3.2 Importance of principal components 53 Figure 4.1 PCA clusters plotted on elemental data 60 Figure 4.2 IRD-isotope correlation 61 Figure 4.3 Iron-biosilica relationship 62 Table 4.1 IRD hypotheses 63 iii ABSTRACT With the advent of anthropogenic global climate change and sea level rise, the stability of high latitude ice sheets is being increasingly scrutinized. An historical perspective of their stability is possible through analysis of marine sediment cores, which provide a record of glacial dynamics. More information about the Pliocene, when atmospheric CO may have been as high as today, can be used to better 2 understand the consequences of changes in climate. This study focuses on the Antarctic continental slope by analyzing deep-sea cores taken from the margin of the East Antarctica Ice Sheet (EAIS) within the Weddell Sea at ODP Site 693. The study area is adjacent to a region that modeling simulations suggest was the first to develop continental ice sheets (Deconto and Pollard, 2003), but failed to grow until the very late stages of continental glaciation. The coarse grain fraction of Site 693 sediment samples was interpreted as material deposited by ice-rafting (IRD). The weight percent of IRD was compared to XRF core scan data, lithic content, and biosilica abundance to illuminate paleoenvironmental characteristics of ice-rafting events. Peaks in IRD were correlated with increases in elemental ratios, showing that ice-rafting events are reflected in the geochemical record. Layers of high IRD were found to contain both high and low amounts of biosilica, suggesting that increased ice rafting has little or no effect on sea surface conditions or nutrient upwelling. Instead, maxima and minima Fe/Ti ratios occur near depths of biosilica abundance and scarcity, respectively, indicating a possible fertilization-inducing relationship. 1 INTRODUCTION The Earth’s hydrologic system describes the complex circulation of water as it changes phase, moving from one reservoir to another. The distribution of water at a point in time represents a transient condition, as changes in climate impose limitations to the rates at which water is stored, how it is stored, and where it is stored. Of the available 1.39×109 km3 water on Earth today, only 2.5% is considered to be potable. Approximately 69% of this small freshwater reservoir is held in the cryosphere, with nearly the entirety of this value composed of water contained in massive polar ice sheets (Gleick, 1993). Water in these sheets is essentially “trapped,” only released as a consequence of warming temperatures that induce melting; due to their size and location, release of land-based ice will discharge directly into the ocean. This relationship demonstrates that polar ice and sea level rise are intertwined, highlighting the importance of ice sheet stability during major global climatic transitions. In contrast, alpine and valley glaciers discharge into lakes and rivers, providing available water to mountain communities—however this proportion is insignificant in the total global water budget (Figure 1.1). The largest ice sheets today that form Earth’s cryospheric network are the Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS) at 2.96 million km3 and the Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS) at 26.5 million km3 (excluding ice shelves), together covering about 10% of the Earth’s land surface (Allison et al., 2009; Fretwell et al., 2013). Large ice masses are constantly under scrutiny as they pose potential high-risks to the worldwide population. If entirely melted, it is estimated that the GIS and AIS would directly 2 contribute to 7.36 m and 57.7 m to global sea level rise, respectively (Bamber et al., 2013). Complete melting is impossible within the short time period of a human life, but partial melting causing several meters of rise would have apocalyptic effects to a human population concentrated on coastlines. Substantial sea-level fluctuations have not occurred since the advent of modern human civilizations, only amounting to +0.28 m since preindustrial levels at a mean rate of 0.01 mm/yr2 (Jevrejeva et al., 2008), but lately this number is increasing. Gardner et al. (2013) calculated a 1.51±0.16 mm/yr contribution to sea-level rise between 2003 and 2009 from ice-sheet and glacial melting alone (unadjusted to the effects of thermal expansion), accounting for 61±19% of total rise between those years. As we travel deeper into the Anthropocene, humans experience a new and unexplored climatic regime. A testament to uncertainty is recent super-storm Sandy— a category 3 hurricane that made landfall in Cuba during October 2012 before impacting the eastern seaboard of the United States—which caused a meter of temporary, regional rise in sea levels in several locations. The storm caused 97 direct deaths in the US and the subsequent flooding displacing hundreds of thousands of residents required months of rebuilding efforts in densely populated places such as New York City and New Jersey (The New York Times, 2012). The effects of super- storm Sandy suggest the potential disorder that could ensue from what is considered a minor, temporary imbalance in the global hydrologic system. With the permanence of modern human infrastructure, larger, longer-scale changes in sea-level rise in 3 response to the wasting of Earth’s geographically concentrated ice reservoirs dwarf such events. The purpose of this research is to better understand the glacial history of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) during the Pliocene epoch, using its past behavior as an analog for future conditions (Figure 1.2). Acquiring this history can be accomplished by studying seafloor depositional processes adjacent to the Antarctic cryospheric system. Ice is popularly used as a direct means for interpreting paleoclimate through analysis of isotopic ratios and chemistry, but ice core records only have the capability to chronicle events succeeding ~800 ka (Fischer et al., 2013). We wish to understand processes on longer time scales and as a result we turn to the more permanent marine sediment record. Large (greater than 50,000 km2) ice sheets systematically respond to changes in climate, with the rate of either ablation or growth correlated with temperature or moisture increase/decrease (Frezzotti and Orombelli, 2014). The interconnectivity of ocean sediment and proximal ice illustrates that ocean sediment characteristics will reflect variations in glacial behavior, bioproductivity, and methods of grain transport that suggest possible paleoclimatic conditions (Henderson, 2002; Wefer et al., 1999). This study focuses on changes in elemental composition, mineralogy, grain size, and microfossil abundance within a 9 m vertical core of ocean sediment. 1.1 Ice-Rafted Detritus Seafloor sediments exist at a relatively permanent resting place after long journeys of transport. As glaciers advance or retreat across continental bedrock, they have the ability to entrain rocks, minerals, and weathered sediment within their 4 structure (Alley et al., 1997; Warnke, 1970). In some instances these glaciers will calve off into smaller icebergs as they extend out to sea, eventually melting and depositing grains on the seafloor (Figure 1.3). Because floating icebergs can survive for months in the open ocean, they become under the influence of major ocean currents and allow entrained materials to be found as far as hundreds of kilometers from coastlines (Diekmann and Kuhn, 1999). When deposited, the materials are characteristically poorly sorted and geologically display the regions of which the ice has traversed over (Andrews, 2000; Warnke, 1970). These deposited glacial materials are referred to as ice-rafted detritus (IRD). IRD is distinguished primarily by individual grain-size, with any lithic entity greater than a size threshold being classified as IRD. Determining this threshold is subjective and generally falls between 63 and 250 µm. Complications arise when seafloor processes “rework” sediment e.g. turbidites and slope failure, yielding grain sizes not indicative of the manner in which they were transported (Warnke, 1970). In a highly influential study that assisted in further understanding glacial response to changes in solar radiation, Heinrich (1988) examined IRD in Pleistocene- age sediments of the eastern North Atlantic Ocean. The study found distinct sediment layers containing high abundances of IRD in 13 piston cores taken throughout the Dreizack Seamounts, using 180 µm-3 mm as its criterion (Figure 1.4). Heinrich interpreted the presence of a high-IRD layer as the product of an event in which “armadas” of icebergs drifted across the North Atlantic, depositing their entrained lithics once melted. Atmospheric conditions needed to satisfy these events are temperatures conducive to large-scale glacier formation and iceberg production, 5 followed by mechanisms allowing their melting. Ambiguity regarding the characteristics of ice growth/melt cycles has sparked debate whether these processes are influenced by external climatic forcings or internal physical properties of ice. The sediment examined for this research has entirely different properties than that of the North Atlantic. Yet, similar questions posed in Heinrich’s study on IRD can be applied here to the Antarctic continent as a method of elucidating glacial behavior. Are layers of proportionally high IRD seen in Weddell Sea sediment? Do these peaks coincide with other physical/chemical properties within the core that can provide information about the atmospheric or glacial environment during the time of deposition? 1.2 Antarctic Glacial History Cenozoic climate evolution has been characterized by several major transitions between warm-cold/glacial-interglacial intervals, oftentimes marking the beginnings of geological epochs (Anderson et al., 2011; Barrett et al., 2006; Flower and Kennet, 1994; Levitan and Leichenkov, 2011; Naish et al., 2007). Reconstructions of global paleoclimates have heavily relied on the use of δ18O to δ16O ratios taken from the calcareous skeletons of benthic and planktonic foraminifera. Ice uses the lighter δ16O isotope during crystallization, and so increasing δ18O values found in benthic or planktonic foraminifera indicate depleted δ16O in deep or surface waters, respectively (Rohling, 2007). This reveals the lighter isotope is instead being used in ice production, indicating glacial presence and colder climates (Miller and Thomas, 1985). Evaporation also uses the lighter oxygen isotope, and so depleted δ16O waters in equatorial regions can suggest increased 6