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Relationship of sand and fibre in the horny sponge, Psammocinia PDF

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by  C J Sim
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Preview Relationship of sand and fibre in the horny sponge, Psammocinia

RELATIONSHIP OF SAND AND FIBRE IN THE HORNY SPONGE, PSAMMOCINIA CHUNG JA SIM AND KYUNG JIN LEE Sim, C.J. & Lee, K.J. 1999 06 30: Relationship ofsand and fibre in the horny sponge, Psammocinia.MemoirsoftheQueenslandMuseum44:551-557.Brisbane.ISSN0079-8835. Five species ofthe genus Psammocinia (Irciniidae) are described from Chejudo Island, Namhaedo Island and Wando Island, Korea (Psammocinia jejuensis, P. mosulpia, P. mammiformis. P. samyangensisandP. wandoensis). Psammociniaischaracterisedby large quantities ofsand in spongin fibres, mesohyl matrix and as a thick superficial cortex. In addition to the primary and secondary branching fibres, fine filaments emerge from individual pores in the fibres. Occasionally short secondary' fibres are connected to large sandgrains, formingbridgesbetweenadjacentsandgrains. Theskeletonformed from sand O grains associated with fibres provides additional support for the body ofthe sponge. Porifera, hornysponge, Dictyoceratida, Psammocinia, Korea. ChungJaSim (email: cjsim(aeve.Hannam.ac.kr) & KyungJinLee, DepartmentofBiology, Hannam University, Daejeon 300-791. Korea; 6January 1999. Psammocinia (Irciniidae) is characterised in uncored secondary fibres (Bergquist, 1980). having many sand grains within spongin fibres FilamentsofPsammociniaemerge from pores in and the mesohvl matrix, and a surface crust of the fibres. sand(Bergquist, 980;Cook&Bergquist, 1996). 1 Lendenfeld (1888, 1889) reported eight species MATERIALS AND METHODS in Psammocinia, at that time included as a subgenus of Hircinia (Ircinia). Of these, only SpecimensofPsammociniawerecollected from four are currently included in Psammocinia: H. Chejudo Island, Namhaedo Island and Wando rugosa Lendenfeld, 1889, H. arenosa Island in Korea; P. mammiformis (Manjaedo, Lendenfeld, 1888, H. tenella Lendenfeld, 1889 Namhaedo Island), P. mosulpia (Mosulp'o, and H. halmiformis Lendenfeld, 1888, and of ChejudoIsland), P.jejuensis(Kimnyung, Chejudo these two (H. rugosa and H. tenella) are Island), P. samyangensis (Samyang 1 dong, Bs(eHyrongooqpnueiyrsmtasn(d1o9fW9i5Pe.)dervneepmsoiarcytueelrid,foer1na9e94(n)Pe.owlMejosapreeefcfir,eesce1fn8tr8lo4ym), CI1sh0le-ajn2du5)dm.oSdpeIpestclhai,nmde)annsdanwbdeyrPe.ficswohlailnnegdc-otneeednt.sbiyFsoSr(CWiUdaeBnnAtdi,o- NdeeswcriCbaeldedfiovneian,ewansdpecCioeoskfr&omBNeergwquZiesatla(n1d9.98I)n fSiEcaMtion(oAfKhAoSmHyIspIonStNjeS,Sl4i0gh)t mwiecrreoscuospeydantdo Korea, three species of Psammocinia were determine fibre arrangement. reported from Chejudo Island and Namhaedo RESULTS Island (Sim, 1998), and two new species, P. swaanmdyoaenngsiesnsSiism S&imLee&, 1L9e98e,, w1er9e98deascnrdibeP.d DISTRIBUTION OF SAND. In all species examinedtheprimary fibresarecompletely filled fromtheSouth SeaofKorea(Sim&Lee, 1998). with sand grainsthat form a loosely packed sand In the present study we examine five species core. Secondary fibres may be either partially from Koreanwaterswiththeaimtodeterminethe cored with sand, or lack any sand grains within extent of skeletal support provided by these their cores (Fig. ID, E). Larger size sand grains foreign skeletal elements, showing that sand is areattached totheoutsideofthe fibres(Fig. 2G). closely associated with the fibres ofthe sponge, Beneath the surface, a sand crust is mixed with sometimes providing support to the sponge as foreign spicules (Fig. 1A, B). In one species (P. bridges ofprimary and secondary' fibres connect jejuensis) the external surface of the sponge is sand grains in the body. armoured with pieces ofshell debris. The principal diagnostic characteristic of SAND ON THE ECTOSOMAL CRUST. Irciniidae is the possession ofa third element of Surfaces of P. wandoensis, P. mosulpia and P. theskeletonconsistingoffinecollagenous filam- mammiformis have a sand crust mixed with ents beyond the fasciculate primary fibres and foreign spicules, whereas P. samyangensis has a 552 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM FIG. 1.A-B,Psammociniamosulpia;A,sandcrust;B,under-crustmixedwithspongespicules.C,P.wandoensis, sandattachedinsideoffibres.D-E,P.Samyangensis; D,primaryfibrewithsand;E,largeoxeasupportingfibre. F, P. mosulpia, primary fibre with sand. G-H, P. jejuensis; G, large oxea in fibre; H, sand in fibre. I, P. mammiformis, primary fibre with sand. (Scale bars; A-B, 300|im; C-D, 150jam; E, 300um; F- 1, 150|im) SAND & FIBRE IN PSAMMOC1NIA 55: FIG. 2. A,Psammociniamammiformis, choanosomewithsand grains(SG). B,P. samyangensis, choanosome. C,P.jejuenstSychoanosome.D,P. mosulpia,choanosome.E,P. wcmdoensis,choanosome.F,P.samyangensis, choanosomesecondaryfibrewithsand.G,P. mosulpia,choanosomefibrewithsand(Scalebars: A-D,400(^m; E, lOO^im; F, 80^im; G, 300^m). thin filamentous membrane mixed with large a black sand crust making this species appear sand grains and pieces of shell, each 1-2.5mm darkly pigmented (Fig. 1A, B). diameter, not strictly a sand crust. Thetexture of this species is soft and easily torn because the SAND IN THE MATRIX. The choanosomal fibre and filament arrangement is very loose. matrixalsocontainsmanysandgrains,withsizes Psammocinia jejuensis also has filamentous ofsandgrainsvaryingbetweeneachspecies. InP. membrane instead oftrue sand crust, with large jejuensis and P. samyangensis large sand grains, grains of sand and pieces of shell distributed 0.7-4.Omm diameter, are combined with the withinthesurfacearmour. InP. mosulpiathereis filamentnetwork (Fig. 2B). InP. wandoensisthe 554 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM mesohylmatrixcontainssmallersizesandgrains, These filaments are visible under light 0-70u.mdiameter (Fig. 2E), whereas P. microscopy, butare more clearly observed using 1 mosulpia and P. mammiformis have sand grains SEM. In P. samyangensis fibre pore sizes vary ofintermediate size, 350-600jim diameter. greatly, apparently correlated to the thickness of filaments emerging. At their base several SAND IN SPONGIN FIBRES. Sandgrains in P. adjacentfilaments fuseto formacentral filament wandoensis are attached to the inside offibres, (Fig. 3B). At their terminal ends filaments are with grains approximately 50jnm diameter and usuallycomposedofasingleterminalknob(Figs uniformlydistributedinaunidirectionalplane. In 3C, 4H). The fibres seem to be in the form ofa thisspeciesthe fibresaredifficulttodifferentiate branchbutweareableto confirm that there is an fromthecloselypacked,amalgamatedsandgrains. opening on the end ofthe branch from whichthe In P samyangensis the accumulation of large filament emerges (Figs 3E, F, 4D). sand grains, 10-180um diameter, completely obscure the axis of primary fibres, and often a DISCUSSION single foreign oxea connects adjacent primary fibres like a bridge, llirther supporting fibres. In Psammocina spongin fibres are thin and Rarely, smaller sand is distributed among the cither simple or weakly fasciculated. As such, primary fibres (Fig. 1D, E). fibres probably do notprovide sufficientsupport Psammocinia mosulpia has large sand grains, for the sponge body. Through the incorporation 100-400um diameter, contained within trans- ofsand grains into fibres and at the fibre core, parent fibres which are simple, not fasciculated sufficientstructuralintegrityisachievedbythese (Fig. 1F). Sandgrainsareattached inand outside species. In addition to the rigidity received from offibres. association with sand grains, fibres of Psammociniajejuensis has sand grains within Psammocinia are also supported by a large, its primary fibres that make up stout fasciculate single oxea in many places within the mesohyl columns. Sand grains measure 20-220um (Fig. 1E). Filaments also serve an importantrole diameter. Fibresareeasilytorn. Secondary fibres in the sponge. Ifthe sponge surface lacks a true mayhavealargesingle foreignoxeaincluded,up sand crust, filaments produce a filamentous, to approximately I,440um long and 80um wide, ctohtetsoens-tlriukcetumreesmpbrroavnideeastomtheemseuarsfuarcee.ofToskgeeltehtealr appearstosupportthesponge(Fig. 1G, H).These supportforthesponge,perhapscompensatingfor oxeas are unbroken within fibres. some inadequacy in their own organic skeletal InP. mammiformistherearethick,strongfibres elements. withchain-like, small sandgrainsincluded inthe centre of fibres (Fig. II). Secondary fibres Bergquist (1995) stated that organic filaments connected to large sand grains, form bridges were separated from spongin fibres, whereas we between adjacent sand grains (Fig. 2F). Sands haveshownthatfilamentsemergefromthenumer- and fibres are tightly bound together(Fig. 2G). ous pores throughout the fibre, and thus integral to the sponge fibre system. We also noted that FILAMENTS AND FIBRES. In all five species several filaments emerge from a pore on the of Psammocinia we observed that filaments fibres (Fig. 3A), merge, and continue as a single emerge from pores on fibres (Figs 3A-F, 4A-H). filament ending in a terminal knob (Fig. 3D, E, TABLE I. Main characteristics ofthe five Psammocinia species. Species Consistency Surface Mesohyl FibreandSand Filament P.wandoensis Verj resilient Thicksandcrust 1S0m-a1l2l0suamnddigraamientse.r Muchsmaflilbrseasndinside Filamenttopdoerleesctdifficult P. mosulpia Resilient Thinsandcrust 4M0e0d-i6u0m0usmanddigarmaeitnes,r Sandinandbroeutsideoffi- Filamenttopdoerteesctdifficult P.mammiformis Resilient Sandcrust 3M5e0d-i6u0m0usmanddigarmaeitnes,r Smalclhasiann-dliiknefibre, Filamentvipsoirbelseslightly P jejutni Hasirldienbttuo,trennaostilrye- Nfomielsmaambnedrnatcnrouuesst, 7(lLla)r-g4e,0s0a0n^dmgdriaaimnes,ter Muchsandinfibre Filamenvtispiobrleeseasily P.samyangensis Veryilysotfotr,neas- Nofmielsmaambnedrnatcrnouuesst, 7<)LOa-r4g.e0s0a0nudmgdriaaimnes,ter Muchsandinfibre Filamenvtispiobrleeseasily SAND & FIBRE IN PSAMMOCINIA 555 FIG. 3. A-F, Psammocinia$amyangensis\ A, many pores on a fibre (F, fibre; Fi, filament; P, pore); B, base of filamentsandpores;C,filamentemergingfromporeonthefibre(T,terminalknob);D-E,filamentandporeona fibre; F, base offilamentandpore (Scale bars: A, lOOjim; B-C, 20^im; D-F, 10(im). H). Very rarely, we noted filaments emerging Cook & Bergquist (1998) stated that the fibre from both fibre pores and longitudinal slits along skeleton in Psammocinia is supplemented at fine collagenousfilaments,eachenlargedterminallyat thefibres(Fig.3C),butmostcommonlyfilaments both ends, whereas in the five species examined appearto emerge only from pores. heretheseterminalknobsappearatoneendonly. 556 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM FIG 4. A-B, Psammociniajejuensiss base of filament (F, fibre; Ft, filament: P. pore). C-E, Psammocinia mammiformis; filament and pore on a fibre, F, Psammocinia wandoensis, base o\' filament and pore. G-lL Psammociniamosulpia\ G, baseoffilament and pore; H, filamentemerging from poreona fibre (T, terminal knob) (Scale bars: A-B. 2()um: C-E, lOum; F-H, 20um). Several questions still remain regarding the from which the filaments emerged, and we nature of the filaments of Psammocinia. One assume,withempiricalsupportfromSEMstudies, such question concerns the origin and that a single pore can produce several filaments development of the filaments along the fibres, overtime. which is a topic for further study. Another Due to the complex morphology ofthe fibres question concerns the quantity of filaments in and filament arrangement in Psammocinia, we relation to the quantity of fibre pores. In all were fortunate to observe the multi-based fila- spongesweexaminedweobservedalargenumber ments (Fig. 3A) notpreviouslydescribed forthis offilaments, whereas there were far fewer pores genus. Further studies are required, however, to SAND & FIBRE FN PSAMMOCINIA 557 determine whether this type filament is Demospongiae). Memoirs of the Queensland exclusivelyacharacteristicofPsammocinia, oris Museum 38(1): 1-51. also found within other sponges ofIreiniidae. COOK, S. DE C. & BERCiQUIST, P.R. 1998. New speciesofdictyoceratid sponges Porifera: Demo- Asnoted inTable 1,all specieswithatruesand spongiae: Dictyoceratida) from New Zealand. crust are tough and it is difficult to observed New Zealand Journal ofMarine and Freshwater filamentporesgiventhatsomany sandgrains are Research 30:19-34. attached to fibre. The two species without a true HOOPER. J.N.A. & WIEDENMAYER, F. 1994. sand crust are not tough, easily torn, have many Porifera.Pp. 1-626. In Wells, A.(ed.) 'Zoological filaments and many filament pores were Catalogue of Australia1, Vol. 12. (CSIRO Australia: Melbourne). observed. LENDEFELD, R.VON 1888. Descriptivecatalogueof the sponges in the Australian Museum, Sydney. & ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (Taylor Francis: London). 1889.A monographofthehornysponges.(TriSbner & Co.: London). This work was supported partly by the Basic POLEJAEFF,N. 884.Reportonihekeratosacollected Science Research Institute Programme, Korean by H.M.S.1 'Challenger" during the years Ministry ofEducation through Reasearch Fund 1873-1876. Pp. 1-88. In Report on the Scientific (BSRI-97-4428). Results of the voyage of H.M.S. 'Challenger' duringthe years 1873-76, Zoology. Vol. 1 1. (Her Majesty's Stationery Office: London, Edinburgh, LITERATURE CITED Dublin") BERGQU1ST, P.R. 1980. A revision of the SIM,CP.saJ.mm19o9c8i.nTihare(eDincetywocheorrantyidsap:onIgreesinoiifdtahee)gefrnoums supraspecific classification ofthe orders Dictyo- Korea. Korean Journal of Systematic Zoology ceratida, Dendroceratida and Verongida (Class 14(1): 35-42. Demospongiae). New Zealand Journal of SIM, C. J. & LEE, K. J. 1998. New species oftwo Zoology 7: 443-503. Psammocinia Horny Sponges (Dictyoceratida: 1995. Dictyoceratida, Dendroceratida and Verongida Ireiniidae) from Korea. Korean Journal of from the New Caledonia Lagoon (Porifera: Systematic Zoology 14(4): in press.

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