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Preview Relationship Between the Azimuthal Dependencies of Nuclear Modification Factor and Ridge Yield

Relationship Between the Azimuthal Dependencies of Nuclear Modification Factor and Ridge Yield Rudolph C. Hwa1 and Lilin Zhu2 1Institute of Theoretical Science and Department of Physics University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-5203, USA 2Institute of Particle Physics, Hua-Zhong Normal University, Wuhan 430079, P. R. China The azimuthal angular dependence of the nuclear modification factor RAA(pT,φ,Npart) recently obtainedbyPHENIXisrelatedatlowpT tothetriggerφdependenceoftheridgeyieldasmeasured by STAR in a framework in which the azimuthal anisotropy is driven by semihard scattering near the surface. Careful consideration of the initial geometry leads to the determination of a surface segment in which the production of semihard partons are responsible for the φ dependence of the inclusive distribution on the one hand, and for the angular correlation in ridge phenomenology 0 1 on the other. With v2 also being well reproduced along with RAA and ridge yield, all relevant φ dependenciesinheavy-ioncollisionscannowbeunderstoodinaunifieddescriptionthatemphasizes 0 theridge production whetheror not a trigger is used. 2 n PACSnumbers: 25.75.Dw,25.75.Gz a J 9 I. INTRODUCTION explanation of the φ dependence on R . AA 2 SinceR wasintroducedoriginallyforthepurposeof AA exhibiting the effect ofjet quenching at highp , it is ac- ] Recent measurement of π0 production in heavy-ion T h tually inappropriate to describe the behavior at low p . collisions, expressed in terms of the nuclear modifica- T t In the next section we shall introduce a modified R - tion factor R , shows interesting dependence on the AA l AA that is more suitable. The present paper is focused ex- c azimuthal angle φ at various centralities and transverse u momenta p [1]. Those properties in φ are lost when clusively on pT <2 GeV/c. It is conventionally thought n T that at such low p only soft physics is involved, a view the azimuthal anisotropy is summarized in terms of the T [ thathasbeenregardedasbeingtoosimplisticonaccount elliptic flow coefficient v2. Similarly, the production of ofthesemihardscatteringthatcanenhancethesoftther- 2 ridge in association with triggers has revealing behavior v in φ , the azimuthal angle of the trigger relative to reac- mal partons [10, 11]. Whether or not trigger particles 2 s are used to select a subset of events, semihard partons tionplane,atvariouscentralities[2],butthoseproperties 4 arepervasiveandgenerateridgesthataffectbothsingle- are also lost upon integration over all φ in the determi- 5 s particle and dihadron distributions. That is why we are nation of the total ridge yield [3, 4]. In this paper we 1 able to relate the two azimuthalfeatures of the hadronic . showthatthesetwophenomenaarerelated,eventhough 9 observablesthathavebeendeterminedbythe twoRHIC R (p ,φ,N ) is a measure of the single-particle dis- 0 AA T part experiments [1, 2]. tribution, while the ridge yield YR(φ ,N ) is a mea- 9 s part 0 sure of the correlation between trigger and associated The focus of this paper is on the azimuthal de- v: particles in specific pT ranges. YpeRn(dφen,cNies o)f aRtAmAi(dprTa,pφid,Nityp,arwt)hearneddathtae erxidisgte[1y,ie2l]d. s part i In [1] the attention is given mainly to hard processes X We leave out completely any consideration about lon- at high p , but it is noted that at low p and large ∆φ T T gitudinal correlation, on which there is experimental ev- r around π/2 (the φ angle relative to the reaction plane) a idence that the ridge particles assoicated with a trigger RAA isnearlyconstantinNpart. Suchacuriousproperty can be widely separated in rapidity with ∆η > 4 [12], ∼ calls for an explanation. A difference in the tempera- although autocorrelation without trigger shows a ridge turesalongthex-andy-directionsinthetransverseplane with ∆η ≈ 2 [13]. The physics for longitudinal correla- has been discussed in the Buda-Lund model [5, 6] where tion is very different from that of azimuthal correlation v can be expressed in terms of a scaling variable that 2 at midrapidity. We regard them as separate issues to be depends on the difference between those temperatures. treated separately, though all basic problems are related However,being a hydrodynamicalstudy it does notcon- at some deep level that we do not address here. sider explicitly the φ dependence. Azimuthal anisotropy at low p that does not depend on the assumption of T rapid thermalization has been investigated in the con- text of semihard scattering and the ridges that are pro- duced [7, 8]. There also v is derived without detailed II. CONNECTION BETWEEN RAA(pT,φ,Np) 2 AND THE RIDGE consideration of the φ variable. The azimuthal correla- tionbetweentheridgeandtriggerparticleshas,however, beenstudiedinthecorrelatedemissionmodel(CEM)[9]. The main content of R (p ,φ,N ) is the single- AA T p It is from that study that we shall find in this paper an particle distribution of AA collisions, which we abbre- 2 viate as ρ : creation points of the relevant semihard partons can be 1 farther away from the surface. What count for the ridge dN AA formation are those semihard partons that do lose en- ρ (p ,φ,N )= (N ) , (1) 1 T p p pT dpT dφ ergy on the way out and drive the azimuthal anisotropy. A shift in the time period when that occurs in the tra- where N is a shortened notation for the number of par- p jectory of a parton in the medium does not alter the re- ticipants, N . In the following we shall consider only part lationship we propose between semihard scattering and theproductionofπ0,sincethatiswhatismeasuredin[1] ridge formation. with high accuracy. The properties of ρ (p ,φ,N ) are 1 T p An important point to stress in distinguishing our ap- usually presented, especially in hydrodynamical studies, proachfromthe conventionalhydroapproachis that the in terms of the p spectra (average of ρ over φ) and T 1 bulkofwhatiscalculatedinthe lattercontainsφdepen- the elliptical flow coefficient v (p ) (second harmonic in 2 T dence at p <2 GeV/c and serves as the background of φ). Theconceptualbasisofflowdeemphasizestheroleof T higherp hardprocesses,while thebulkinourapproach hardscatteringamongpartonsandoffersafluiddescrip- T has no φ dependence and it is the ridge component at tion of the bulk medium at low p . In that description T p <2 GeV/c that gives rise to the φ dependence of the azimuthalanisotropyinnon-centralcollisionsisregarded T soft component. Thus we write astheconsequenceofasymmetricpressuregradientinthe transverseplaneatearlytime, assumingfastthermaliza- ρ (p ,φ,N )=B(p ,N )+R(p ,φ,N ) (2) 1 T p T p T p tion. However, that is not the only approach that can claim physical relevance, although it is the conventional with B and R denoting bulk and ridge, respectively, for viewbackedbyalargenumberofinvestigationsbasedon p <2 GeV/c. T hydrodynamics [14]. At a fixed p ,ρ (p ,φ,N ) increases rapidly with N , T 1 T p p An alternative view is to regard semihard scattering but R (p ,φ,N ) decreases with N except when φ ≈ AA T p p nearthesurfaceofthenuclearoverlapasthedrivingforce π/2. The relationship between them is of the azimuthal anisotropy, since at low enough virtu- ality such scattering processes are pervasive throughout R (p ,φ,N )=Z(p ,φ,N )ρ (p ,φ,N ), (3) AA T p T p 1 T p the medium, and when they occur near the surface of the almond-shapedinitialconfigurationofthe densesys- where the rescaling factor is tem, the semihardpartons can emerge from the medium Z(p ,φ,N )=[N (N )dN /p dp dφ]−1, (4) and not only hadronize as intermediate-p jets, but also T p c p pp T T T generate ridge particles at lower p [10, 11]. Many is- T N being the number of binary collisions,shortfor N , sues are involved in the above statement. First, the c coll and dN /p dp dφ the single π0 inclusive distribution fact that semihard scattering cannot be calculated re- pp T T in pp collisions. This rescaling factor is designed to give liably in pQCD does not mean that its effects are not R aquantitativedescriptionoftheeffectofjetquench- important. Second, those effects are sensitive to the AA ing at high p . But at low p , which is the region of geometrical shape of the initial system at early time, T T interest to us in this paper, the more relevant rescaling since if the parton’s transverse momentum is k ∼ 2- T factor is 3 GeV/c, the time scale involved is < 0.1 fm/c. The ∼ semihard jets created near the surface give rise to non- Z′(p ,φ,N )=[N dN /p dp dφ]−1, (5) trivial φ dependence of low-p partonic distribution in- T p p pp T T T dependent of the validity of the notion of pressure gra- whereN isusedinsteadofN becauseofthedominance p c dient at τ < 1 fm/c [7]. Third, those φ-dependent soft ofsoftprocesses. Thuswedefineadifferentnuclearmod- partonshadronize andformthe ridgestructure observed ification factor by STAR whether with trigger [2–4, 15] or without trig- ger [13]. A theoretical description of the connection be- R′ (p ,φ,N )=Z′(p ,φ,N )ρ (p ,φ,N ). (6) AA T p T p 1 T p tweenridgesandv inthe approximationofusinga very 2 simple geometrical picture is given in [7, 8]. It is along From the data on R given in [1], we can determine AA ′ the same line of reasoning, but using a more realistic R . We illustrate their differences by showing in Fig. AA treatment of the initial geometry, that we relate in this 1 (a) the original R (p ,φ,N ) and (b) the modified AA T p ′ ◦ paper all features of φ-dependent observables, namely: R (p ,φ,N ), for φ in the ranges 0 < ∆φ < 15 and AA T p R (p ,φ,N ), v (p ,N ) and ridge yield YR(φ ,N ) 75◦ <∆φ<90◦for1.0<p <1.5GeV/c. Inthefollow- AA T p 2 T p s p T for p <2 GeV/c. ing we shall for brevity use φ=0 and π/2 to denote the T For hard scattering calculable in pQCD it has been twoangularranges,althoughincalculationsthatinvolve ◦ ◦ shown that the Landau-Pomerachuk-Migdalinterference comparisonwithdataweshalluseφ=7.5 and82.5 ,re- effect suppresses the radiative energy loss of a hard par- spectively. TheerrorbarsinFig.1(b)arecalculatedfrom ton in the initial phase of its trajectory [16, 17]. Apply- the errors on N and N , neglecting the errors on R p c AA ing the inference to semihard partons, despite uncertain which are much smaller. Comparison can also be made validity,therecanbeaninitialtime intervalwhennoen- for1.5<p <2.0GeV/c,whichweomitheresincethey T ergylossmayoccur,theconsequenceofwhichisthatthe are similar to those in Fig. 1. The effective values of the 3 two p rangeswill be 1.21and 1.71GeV/c givennumer- T ically in tables in [1]. We see in Fig. 1(a) that R for 2 2 AA φ=0decreasesrapidlywithN ,butR′ in(b)isnearly φ=0 p AA PHENIX independent of Np fo′r φ = 0. Whereas RAA at φ = π/2 1.5 φ=π/2 1.5 is nearly constant, R (φ=π/2)increases linearly with AA N . Intuitively,thesepropertiesoftheN dependencefor 1.0<p <1.5 GeV/c R′p are easier to understand, since thepelliptical shape AA1 T AA1 ofAtAhe initial nuclear overlap is relatively independent of R ′R theimpactparameterbwhenviewedfromthebroadside at φ = 0, but becomes narrower as b increases, when 0.5 0.5 viewed from φ = π/2 where one sees mainly the narrow (a) (b) side of the ellipse. Our problem is to reproduce these 0 0 ′ properties of R quantitatively in a framework where 100200300400 100200300400 AA the decomposition of ρ into the two components in Eq. N N 1 (2) plays an important role. p p Asdescribedin[7,8]andsummarizedinthebeginning ′ of this section, the azimuthal anisotropy arises from co- FIG.1: (a)OriginalRAAand(b)modifiedRAAatfixedpT in pious semihard scattering near the overlap surface; the therange1.0<pT <1.5GeV/cforφintheranges0<∆φ< ◦ ◦ ◦ produced semihard partons lose energy to the medium, 15 , denoted by φ=0 (in solid circle), and 75 <∆φ<90 , denotedbyφ=π/2(inopensquares). Thedataarefrom[1]. whoseenhancedthermalpartonshadronizeintotheridge particles that carry the footprint of the initial geometry. The φ dependence of the ridge distribution R(p ,φ,N ) T p plane with |η| < 0.35. We shall use label 1 to refer to is therefore expected to be minimal at large N (small p the trigger and label 2 to a particle in the ridge. Thus, b), but increases with decreasing N , thus opening the p we have ∆φ = φ −φ for the correlation angle, not to gap between φ = 0 and π/2 as shown in Fig. 1. The re- 2 1 be confused with the notation in [1] where ∆φ denotes coil semihard partons directed towardthe interior of the the angle of a pion relative to the reaction plane. When dense medium are thermalized and retain no memory of the reaction plane is used as the reference for triggers the initial geometry by the time they are hadronized; in correlations (as will be done in the following), then together with all the other soft processes that occur in φ is identified with φ in [2]. The dihadron correlation the interior they form the bulk that is φ independent. 1 s distribution has two components, which are referred to With B(p ,N ) in Eq. (2) being independent of φ, it is T p as Jet and Ridge [3, 4], the former being the peak in ∆η possible to calculatev (p ,N ), whosevalue depends on 2 T p thatsitsabovethepedestalthatisthelatterwithawide the relative magnitudes of B(p ,N ) and R(p ,φ,N ). T p T p spread in ∆η. We write them without the arguments as The absolute magnitude of R(p ,φ,N ) can be related T p tothe ridgeyieldthatdepends onthe triggerangleφ in s ρ =ρJ +ρR. (8) dihadron correlation [2]. Thus we have a tightly con- 2 2 2 strained system that restricts the options available to We shall consider only the latter, assuming that in rid- finding a satisfactory physical basis to explain all the geology the former has been subtracted out from the di- relevant experimental features. hadron correlation function. To summarize this section, we have describedan over- The stage is now set for us to discuss the crucialpoint all picture in which the φ and N dependencies of p in ourphysicalbasis thatrelates ρR(p ,φ ,p ,φ )to the R (p ,φ,N ) are to be related to those of the ridge 2 1 1 2 2 AA T p ridge component R(p ,φ,N ) in Eq. (2) for the single- structure at low p . In the following sections we imple- T p T particle distribution. Usual ridgeology involves the use ment this picture with concrete calculations. ofatriggerandmeasuresthemomentumofanotherpar- ticle associated with it. For p in the range 3-4 GeV/c 1 as studied by STAR in [2], the parton that produces the III. RIDGE AND DIHADRON CORRELATION trigger is semihard, i.e., its transverse momentum is in the intermediate k region, < 5 GeV/c. PHENIX uses The discussion in the preceding section is concerned T even lower trigger momentum (2 < p < 3 GeV/c) to mainlywiththesingle-particledistributionρ (p ,φ,N ). 1 1 T p study the away-side structure [18]. The azimuthal prop- However,ridgeology(shortfor ridge phenomenology)in- erties of the ridge structure as functions of φ and φ volves two-particle correlation. Let us denote two-pion 1 2 separatelyprovidesignificantinsightinto the correlation distribution after background subtraction by between the semihard and the soft thermal partons that dNππ doesnotdependsensitivelyonthetriggermomentum[2]. ρ2(p1,φ1,p2,φ2)= AA (Np), (7) A model on that azimuthal correlation has successfully p dp dφ p dp dφ 1T 1T 1 2T 2T 2 reproduced the data on the φ dependence of the ridge s where the subscript T will for brevity be omitted, since yield[9];moreover,apredictionontheasymmetryofthe allmomentawillhereafterberestrictedtothetransverse ridge structure in that model (CEM) has recently been 4 verifiedbyananalysisoftheSTARdata[19]. Thesignif- are carried by local flow to various points on the surface icanceofthatfindingasrelatedtoourpresentproblemis indirectionsnormalto the surface. (d) Hadronizationof that the ridge yield studied in [2, 9] involves an explicit those enhanced thermal partons by recombination gen- integration of the ∆φ distribution of ρR over the ridge erates the ridge particles that are centered around the 2 angle φ , while the ridge component R(p ,φ,N ) in ρ averageflowdirection. (e)Density ofthe ridgeishighest 2 T p 1 involvesanimplicitintegrationofthesameoverthetrig- whenthe flowdirectionsareinalignmentwith the direc- ger angle φ . A successful description of the correlation tionofthesemihardparton. (f)Theresultantcorrelation 1 between φ and φ is therefore a crucial input for the between φ and φ can be described by the convolution 1 2 1 2 determination of R(p ,φ,N ). of a Gaussian distribution in φ −ψ (where ψ is the lo- T p 1 An important partof the physics implied in the above cal flow direction) with another distribution describing is that the direction of the semihard parton that gener- the fluctuation of φ from ψ. In the midst of all those 2 atestheridgeneednotbeidentifiedbyatriggerparticle, subprocesses that cannot be calculated from first princi- i.e., a ridge can exist whether or not there is a trigger. ples,thereareconsiderationsofnucleardensity,pointsof A ridgeparticle atφ canbe due to semihardpartons at semihard scattering, emission points along the trajecto- 2 a range of φ around φ , so for an inclusive ridge distri- ries, and the exit points at the surface, all of which have 1 2 bution in φ , the value of φ should be integrated over, beentakenintoaccounttothe extentpossible. Whatwe 2 1 relative to every fixed φ . If we omit the arguments p can adapt from that study in ridgeology is the central 2 T andN inR(p ,φ,N )andidentifyφ=φ ,thenwehave result that there is a correlation p T p 2 R(φ2)∝ dφ1 ρR2(φ1,φ2), (9) C(x,y,φ1)=exp −[φ1−2ψσ(2x,y)]2 (11) Z ( ) where the proportionality factor involves the integration between the semihard parton direction φ and the flow over p , which will not be considered explicitly. On the 1 1 direction ψ(x,y) at the exit point (x,y) on the surface, other hand, the ridge yield determined in [2] integrates with σ = 0.33. The angle between the ridge particle over all φ in the range |∆φ|<1, so we have 2 φ and ψ due to fluctuations has negligible effect on the 2 results. YR(φ )∝ dφ ρR(φ ,φ ), (10) 1 2 2 1 2 For every semihard parton direction φ a variation in 1 Z thestartingpointofthetrajectoryinthenuclearoverlap wheretheproportionalitydependsonthenumberoftrig- leads to a variation in ψ(x,y). This important property gered events in prescribed ranges of p and p , since YR canbeturnedaroundandappliedtotheridgecomponent 1 2 is the per-trigger yield. The effective range of integra- of the single-particle distribution. With φ identified as 2 tioninbothEqs.(9)and(10)dependsonthecorrelation ψ,foreveryridgeparticledetectedatφ thereisavariety 2 width in ρR(φ ,φ ) and is much narrower than 1 rad. of semihard partons in direction φ that can contribute 2 1 2 1 It should now be clear why the φ dependence of R to thatridge depending onwhere the exitpoint(x,y) is, AA in the PHENIXdata [1]should in ourview be relatedto so long as |φ −φ | is within the Gaussian width of Eq. 1 2 the ridgeological study by STAR [2]. There is, however, (11). The point to stress here is that for R(p ,φ,N ) T p more complication than just the correlation in ∆φ. The in the single-particle distribution in Eq. (2), φ is φ and 2 dependenceoncentralitythathasnotbeenmadeexplicit the semihard parton at φ is undetected and should be 1 in Eqs. (9) and (10) is evident in both [1] and [2]. To integrated over. achieve the correct dependence on Np requires a careful The scheme described above can be implemented by consideration of the geometry of the problem, which is concrete calculation because the main input is angular the subject of the next section. correlation using early time geometry. Hadronization, A summary of this section is that the distribution of of course, occurs at late time, and we do not rely on ridge particles and the ridge yield are two sides of the hydrodynamics to describe the evolution of the system samecoin,theformerbeingtheprojectionontoφ2 ofthe inspace-time. Ourassumptionisthattheridgeparticles two-particle distribution ρR2(φ1,φ2), the latter being the in the final state have the same φ distribution as that projection of the same onto φ1. of the enhanced thermal partons at early time, which in turnisprescribedbyEq.(11). Thebulkcomponentthat hasnopreferreddirectiontoexpand(notbeingthesame IV. GEOMETRICAL CONSIDERATIONS asthehydrodynamicalbulk)isisotopic,andbecomesthe background of the ridge that carries all the information The correlation between a semihard parton at φ and about the anisotropy of the initial geometry. 1 a ridge particle at φ has been studied in the CEM that WhentwonucleiofradiusR collideatimpactparam- 2 A involves several subprocesses [9]. (a) The semihard par- eter b, the almond-shaped overlap has width and height tonlosesenergytothe medium. (b)Successiveradiation given, respectively, by bythe partonenhancesthe thermalpartonsinthe vicin- ity of the trajectory. (c) The enhanced thermal partons w =1−b/2, h=(1−b2/4)1/2, (12) 5 wherealllengthsarenormalizedbyR . Theappropriate that S(φ ,b) can be determined by A 2 geometry that can best describe the intial configuration almost immediately after impact is the ellipse S(φ,b) = dℓ= (dx)2+(dy)2 1/2 Zarc Z x y θ2 (cid:2) (cid:3) ( )2+( )2 =1 . (13) = w2sin2θ+h2cos2θ 1/2dθ w h Zθ1 = h[E((cid:2)θ ,α)−E(θ ,α)], (cid:3) (15) 2 1 The flow direction at the surface is normal to that sur- face, so its azimuthal angle is where E(ϑ,α) is the elliptic integral of the second kind ϑ ψ(x,y)=tan−1 w2y . (14) E(ϑ,α)= (1−αsin2θ)1/2dθ. (16) (cid:18)h2x(cid:19) Z0 In Eq. (15) we have Itshouldbenotedthatalthoughwerefertoψastheflow direction,theuseofthosewordsismainlyacompactway α(b) = 1−w2/h2 , tonamethedirectionnormaltothesurface,asdefinedin h Eq.(14). Weplacenoemphasisonhydrodynamicsasthe θi = tan−1 tanφi , i=1,2, if φi ≤π/2 , w basis for that description, especially in the initial phase (cid:18) (cid:19) φ = φ−σ, φ =φ+σ. (17) of the evolution of the medium. The implication of Eq. 1 2 (11) is that for a fixed semihard parton at φ , the ridge 1 If φ >π/2, then particleatφ identified withψ(x,y)candeviatefromφ 2 2 1 at most by σ, as illustrated in Fig. 2(a). By the same π h reasoning, for a fixed φ the possible semihard partons θ = + cot−1 tanφ . (18) 2 2 2 2 w thatcancontributetothecorrespondingridgemusthave (cid:12) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) their φ1 that can deviate from φ2 by no more than σ, as Thus the physical m(cid:12)(cid:12)eaning of S(φ,b) i(cid:12)(cid:12)s that it is the illustrated in Fig. 2(b). That means the exit point (x,y) segment of the surface through which the semihard par- of the semihard parton at the surface is restricted to a ton can be emitted to contribute to a ridge particle at certain range, which we shall denote by S(φ ,b). 2 φ. In Fig. 3 we show S(φ,b) for φ = 0 and π/2, and σ = 0.33. The two curves start out with the same value at b = 0, but develop a wide gap between them, as b increases. If they are plotted against N , then the be- p havior of S(φ,N ) appear similar to the N dependence p p ′ of R shown in Fig. 1(b) for b < 1.5, corresponding to AA N > 50, apart from a common background for the two p sets of data points. That is a strong hint that we are on the right track. 1 0.8 φ=0 )0.6 b φ, φ=π/2 S(0.4 0.2 FIG. 2: (Color online) Sketches to illustrate the relationship between the semihard parton’s direction φ1 (in thin red ar- 00 0.5 1 1.5 2 rows) and the ridge particle’s direction φ2 (in thick green b arrows). (a) Three possible semihard partons all having the sameφ1,butgenerating ridgeparticles indifferentdirections FIG.3: SurfacesegmentS(φ,b)vsnormalizedimpactparam- φ2 not deviating by more than σ from φ1. (b) For a fixed eter b for φ = 0 (solid line) and φ = π/2 (dashed line) and φ2 (two being illustrated), φ1 of contributing partons are re- σ=0.33. stricted to within a cone of width σ around φ2. Note that the initial slope of S(0,b) at b = 0 is pos- From the geometry of the ellipse we can use the con- itive, but that of S(π/2,b) is negative. The latter can straintofEq.(13) to write x=wcosθ andy =hsinθ so intuitively be understood because the ellipse is narrower 6 thanthecirclewhenviewedfromthetop,sothesegment which carries the dimension (GeV)−2 for both B(p ,b) T of the surface within the width σ decreaseswith increas- and R(p ,φ,b), we write T ing b. In the former case the ellipse is flatter than the circle when viewed from φ = 0, so at fixed σ the seg- C2(b) ′ ′ A(b)= aD(x,y ,b) , (21) ment covers more of the surface as b is increased near 6 b=0. What is remarkable is that such detailed geomet- where a is a free parameter to be fixed by the magni- rical properties seem to be exhibited by the behavior of tudeofv (p ,b)thatdeterminesthedegreeofazimuthal R′ at high N . 2 T AA p anisotropy. As we have noted earlier, this is a highly It should be mentioned that our consideration so far constrained problem in which many pieces of data are hasbeenexclusivelyinthetransverseplaneatmidrapid- brought to bear on the phenomenology. ity so that the use of elliptic geometry has been simple ′ ′ ForthelocaldensityD(x,y ,b)inthetransverseplane and adequate for the calculation of the surface segment weusetheGlaubermodeltocomputeit,which,foranar- S(φ,b) through which semihard partons are emitted at bitrary point (x,y), is, apart from an unspecified overall small |y|. Since semihard scattering occurs at early time normalization, (τ < 0.2 fm/c), the appropriate geometry is the overlap in the transverse plane of two Lorentz-contracted discs. D(x,y,b)=L (x,y) 1−e−ωLB(x,y) Longitudinalgeometry enters the problemin the consid- A eration of local density later in this section. +L (x,y) 1h−e−ωLA(x,y) i, (22) B We now assert as the basic assumption about the h i azimuthal anisotropy of the single particle distribution whereω =4.6forAu+Aucollision[9]andL (x,y)are A,B ρ (p ,φ,b) that it arises from the φ dependence of the 1 T the longitudinal lengths ridge component that is proportional to S(φ,b). That component depends on all three variables pT, φ and b. 1 zA,B L (x,y)= dzρ(s,z) , (23) iSnintcheetfhaecttohreirzmaballepfaorrtmonsareexponentialinpT,wewrite A,B ρ0 Z−zA,B and ρ(r) is the nuclear density in Woods-Saxon form R(p ,φ,b)=e−ET(pT)/T′A(b)S(φ,b) , (19) T −1 ρ(r)=ρ 1+e(r−r0)/ξ (24) where the use of the transverse kinetic energy E is dis- 0 T cussedin[8]asameanstoaccountforthehadronicmass h i with r = 0.92, ξ = 0.08, and ρ = 0.285 where all m with E (p ) =(p2 +m2)1/2−m . The factor A(b) 0 0 0 T T T 0 0 lengths areinunits ofR =7fm andρ is normalizedby dependsonlyonb,sincetheothertwofactorsinEq.(19) A A. In Eq. (23) z2 =1−s2, z2 =1−|~s−~b|2, and exhaust the pT and φ dependencies. The bulk term in A B Eq. (2) has no φ dependence, so we write as in [8] s2 =(x+b/2)2+y2 . (25) C2(b) B(p ,b)= e−ET(pT)/T , (20) The approximation we make to avoid averaging over all T 6 points (x,y) in the initial overlap is to choose (x′,y′) to beatarepresentativedistanceδrfromthesurfaceonthe wheretheprefactorC2/6followsfromthethermalparton shortaxis ofthe almond. Detailed study has shownthat distribution q0dNB/dq dφ = Cq exp(−q /T) through T T T the layer in the medium just below the surface in which recombination. C(b)isknownfromapreviousstudyand semihard partons are predominantly produced, leading is describedas a power law inN [20], onwhich we shall p to the ridge particles, is of thickness 0.2 [9]. Thus we make a slight modification below to render a better de- adopt δr =0.17 for the average and choose scription of the data. Since the ridge particles are due tothehadronizationoftheenhancedthermalpartons,its x′ =1−b/2−δr, y′ =0. (26) ′ T ishigherthanthebulkT byasmallamountdiscussed ′ ′ previously [3, 8] and will be detailed below. In this way D(x,y ,b) is a calculable quantity for ev- The factorized form for R(p ,φ,b) in Eq. (19) is an ery b. Its normalization is absorbed into the unknown T approximation of a complicated expression that involves parameter a in Eq. (21). an integration over all points of semihard scattering in The treatment of the geometry of the collision prob- the nuclear overlapregionand another integrationalong lem in this section is far more realistic than the Θ(φ) the trajectory of each semihard parton in the medium function used in [7, 8]. The incorporation of the corre- [9], as well as over the angle φ in Eq. (9). The prob- lation properties found in CEM [9] in the determination 1 abilities of the creation of a semihard parton and of its of S(φ,b) endows the ridge component R(p ,φ,b) with T energy loss depend on the local density of the medium. a reliably calculable φ dependence that can be tested as We simplify allthat by writing A(b) in Eq.(19)as being thephysicaloriginoftheanisotropyofthesingle-particle ′ ′ proportionalto the effective density D(x,y ,b) at a rep- distribution ρ (p ,φ,b). 1 T ′ ′ resentativepoint(x,y )nearthesurfacewheresemihard A way to summarize what has been done in this sec- scattering takes place. Factoring out C2(b)/6 explicitly tion is to use Fig. 2(b) and state that, for every ridge 7 particle at φ indicated by the thick green arrow, the (21),whichinturncannotbedeterminedseparatelyfrom 2 ′ possible angles φ of the semihard partons that can con- T andT . Aniterativeprocessmaybenecessary,thefirst 1 ′ tributetoitarewithintheconeshownbythethinredar- step of which is what we do now by taking T to be as ′ ′ rows, which subtends a segment on the elliptical bound- givenin[21]: T =0.317GeV,and∆T =T −T =0.045 ′′ ary. That segment is quantified by S(φ,b) that we have GeV as given in [3]. From Eq. (30) follows T = 1.916 calculated. It gives the φ dependence of the ridge distri- GeV. With these values we can calculate K(p ,b) and T butionR(p ,φ,b),whosebdependence isaffectedbythe then v (p ,b) in Eq. (28) with a suitable choice of a. T 2 T medium density that is also calculable from geometry. 0.3 p =1.21 GeV/c V. ELLIPTIC FLOW COEFFICIENT v2(pT,b) PHENIX T p =1.71 GeV/c T 0.2 It is now straightforward to calculate v , defined by ) 2 b the second harmonic of ρ1 ,T p ( 2π 2 v (p ,b)=hcos2φi= 0 dφcos2φρ1(pT,φ,b) . (27) v 0.1 2 T 2π R 0 dφρ1(pT,φ,b) R Using Eqs. (2) and (19) we obtain 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 π/2 b dφcos2φS(φ,b) v (p ,b)= 0 (28) 2 T π/2 K(RpT,b)+ 0 dφS(φ,b) FIG. 4: Elliptic flow coefficient v2(pT,b) vs b for pT = 1.21 GeV/c (solid) and 1.71 GeV/c (dashed). Data are from [1]. R where, owing to Eqs. (20) and (21), In Fig. 4 we show our calculated results for v (p ,b) πB(p ,b) 2 T K(pT,b) = 2e−ET(pTT)/T′A(b) efoxrhipbTiti=ng1.e2x1ce(lsloelnitdalignree)emanednt1w.7i1thGtehVe/dca(tdaasthheadt hlianvee) = π e−ET(pT)/T′′ (29) thecorrespondinghpTi[1]. Theoneparameterweadjust 2aD(x′,y′,b) togetthebestfitisa=0.47. Thenatureofthebdepen- denceiscriticallydependentonthe propertiesofS(φ,b), with while K(p ,b) plays a less sensitive role, being of order T 1 1 1 1 for most values of b at pT < 2 GeV/c. K(pT,b) is a T′′ = T − T′ . (30) measure of the relative strength of the bulk component B(p ,b) to the ridge component R(p ,φ,b) in Eq. (2) T T NotethatC2(b)inA(b)andB(p ,b)arecancelled,leav- for single-particle distribution. The fact that we have a T ing only the density D(x′,y′,b)to prescribe the b depen- good reproduction of the data on v (p ,b) validates our 2 T dence in K(p ,b). approach to assigning the φ dependence of ρ (p ,φ,b) T 1 T The integrals in Eq. (28) are easy to evaluate, but the entirely to R(pT,φ,b). That validation is strengthened resultonv dependsonthemagnitudeofK(p ,b),which whenthe sameformalismcanbeshowntoreproducethe 2 T has an undetermined parameter a. Moreover, the suit- data onthe ridge yield in φs-dependent dihardroncorre- able values for the inverse slopes T and T′ require some lation. discussion of the thermal distributions. In the recombi- To summarize, we have in this section made the first nationmodelforheavy-ioncollisions[21]theshowerpar- phenomenological demonstration that the φ dependence ton distribution S can be calculated from semihard and calculated in Sec. IV leads to a good description of the hardscattering,butthe thermalpartondistributionT is dataonv (p ,b)usingonefreeparameterafortheover- 2 T determinedbyphenomenology. Itisthehadrondistribu- all magnitude of the azimuthal anisotropy. tionatlowp thatisfittedbyanexponentialform,from T which is inferred the T distribution through TT recom- bination in the case of meson. TS recombination is then VI. DEPENDENCE OF RIDGE YIELD ON calculated to obtain the effect of semihard scattering at TRIGGER DIRECTION intermediatep . Whatisdonein[21]istoextractthein- T verseslopefromtheinclusive spectrumaveragedoverall Wenowconsiderthecorrelationbetweenatriggerand ′ φ. Ridgeologyin [7, 8] separatesT fromT, but is based the ridge particle associated with it. It may be helpful on a very simple model on φ dependence. In our more to recapitulate what we have done. For single-particle realisticstudyherethecomplicationofR(p ,φ,b)inEq. distributiontheridgecomponentR(p ,φ,b)isrelatedto T T (19) cannot be isolated from the backgroundB(p ,b) in the dihadron correlation distribution by Eq. (9), where T Eq.(2)without the knowledgeofthe parametera in Eq. ρR is the ridge component of ρ expressed in Eq. (8). 2 2 8 Dominance of ρR by the correlation function C(φ ,φ ) that the yield at the lowest φ is larger for 20-60% than 2 1 2 s shown in Eq. (11) with φ = ψ(x,y) leads to the study for0-5%,unlikethesituationforallhigherφ bins. That 2 s of the surface factor S(φ,b) given by Eq. (15). The in- is a remarkable confirmation of the validity of Eq. (31) tegral in Eq. (9) is carried out in Eq. (15) that results and of the properties of S(φ,b) that we have obtained. in R(φ ,b) ∝ S(φ ,b), as shown explicitly in Eq. (19). Thus in this section we have shown the other side of 2 2 Now,withthesameρR(φ ,φ )wecancalculatetheridge the coininthe metaphorusedatthe endofSec.III.The 2 1 2 yield YR(φ ) as given in Eq. (10), where the integration ridge yield is also well described by S(φ,b). 1 ofρR(φ ,φ ), dominated by C(φ ,φ ), overφ results in 2 1 2 1 2 2 YR(φ1,b)∝S(φ1,b) . (31) VII. NUCLEAR MODIFICATION FACTOR ThuswhatweknowalreadyaboutS(φ,b),showninFig. Having shown the existence of substantial support for 3, need only be replotted to be compared to data. In [2] the per-trigger ridge yield is analyzed for ptrig the relevance of S(φ,b) to v2(pT,b) and YR(φs,b), we T nowreturntoR (p ,φ,b),thenewdataonwhichstim- and passoc in the narrow ranges 3 < ptrig < 4 GeV/c AA T T T ulated our present line of investigationin the first place. and 1.5 < passoc < 2.0 GeV/c in 6 bins of φ (trigger T s Recall that in Sec. 2 an alternate nuclear modification direction relative to the reaction plane) between 0 and ′ factor(NMF)R (p ,φ,N )isdefinedbyrescalingwith π/2 for two centralities 0-5 % and 20-60 %. For the AA T p N insteadofN forp <2GeV/c;itsdependenceonN correspondingbvaluesweuse¯b=0.33fortheformerand p c T p is shown in Fig. 1(b). The way in which the data points averageover1.06,1.24,1.41,and1.57forthelatter. From forφ=0 andπ/2convergeasN approaches400isvery S(φ,b) in Eq. (15) we obtain the results for YR(φ,¯b), p similar to the way that S(0,b)and S(π/2,b)convergeas shown by the solid lines in Fig. 5(a) and (b), compared b→0 in Fig. 3. The φ-dependent part is, however, only tothedatafrom[2]. Thenormalizationofthetheoretical the ridge component in ρ (p ,φ,N ); the bulk compo- 1 T p curvesisadjustedtorenderagoodoverallfitinFig.5(a), nent that is roughly of the same magnitude is the other since the data on yield depend on the experimental cuts ′ piece yet to be added, rendering R (p ,φ,N ) to be- so their magnitudes are not predictable. However, once AA T p have as in Fig. 1. thenormalizationfactorforFig.5(a)isdetermined,that The normalizations of both B(p ,N ) and T p for Fig. 5(b) is not readjustable. Our results show good R(p ,φ,N ) in Eq. (2) should now be determined. T p agreementwiththedatabothinthetwoφ dependencies s Their relative magnitude has already been examined in and in the normalization for the non-central collisions. connection with K(p ,b) in Eq. (29). Using Eqs. (19), T (20) and (21), let us re-express their sum as follows 0.2 ρ (p ,φ,N )=C2(N ) f(p ,φ,N ) , (32) 1 T p p T p where (a) 0−5% (b) 20−60% 0.15 STA0R.15 f(pT,φ,Np)= 1 e−ET/T +aD(b)S(φ,b)e−ET/T′ .(33) ) 6 s φ h i ( 0.1 0.1 Thestrengthofthethermalpartonsinthemedium,char- R acterized by C(N ), is not calculable in our approach Y p and has always been determined by fitting the low-p T 0.05 0.05 hadronicdata[21]. ItsdependenceonN hasbeenquan- p tified in [20] based on older data. We now give a better determinationofitinlightofthenewerdatathatinclude 0 0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 also the φ dependence [1]. φ It has been an assumption in our approach that the s φ dependence of ρ (p ,φ,N ) is borne by R(p ,φ,N ) 1 T p T p alone in Eq. (2), and not by B(p ,N ) at all. While T p FIG.5: Ridgeyieldpertriggervstrigger angleφs relativeto that assumption has been tested indirectly by v2(pT,b) reactionplanefor(a)0-5%and(b)20-60%centralities. Solid inFig.4,we nowconfrontitdirectly by recognizingthat lines are calculated results from Eq. (31), and the data are if it is valid, then f(p ,φ,N ) in Eq. (33), which we T p from [2]. can calculate, must correctly describe the experimental φdependenceofρ (p ,φ,N ),apartfromanoverallnor- 1 T p The mild decrease of YR(φ ) with φ in Fig. 5(a) can malization. In other words, C(N ) in Eq. (32) must be s s p be seen in Fig. 3 when b is restricted to b = 0.33. The independent of φ, a property that could not have been precipitousdecreaseinFig.5(b)correspondstothelarge checked prior to any knowledge about the φ dependence gap between the two curves of S(φ,b) for φ=0 and π/2 of ρ (p ,φ,N ). With the data on the latter being now 1 T p whenbisbetween1.06and1.57. Ofparticularinterestis givenin[1],we havecheckedthatC(N )is indeedinsen- p the increase of S(φ=0,b) when b is increased from 0.33 sitivetoφ. Weexhibitthatfindinginthefollowingmore toabout1.5. Indeed,thedataofYR(φ ,b)inFig.5show revealing way. s 9 5 1 (a) 1.0<p <1.5 GeV/c (b) 1.5<p <2.0 GeV/c T T 20 ) 4 φ=0 0.8 p )p N φ=π/4 N 3 0.6 ( φ, φ=π/2 C 10 p =1.21 GeV/c ,T T p 2 0.4 p =1.71 GeV/c ( T 1 ρ 1 0.2 5 50 100 200 300 N p 0 200 400 600 0 200 400 600 2 2 C (N ) C (N ) p p FIG. 6: The points are empirical C(Np) described in the textforpT=1.21GeV/c(solidcircles) and1.71GeV/c(open squares). The straight line is a power-law fit. FIG. 7: Pion inclusive distribution ρ1(pT,φ,Np) vs C2(Np) at six points of Npart given in [1] for three ranges of φ : ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ (0,15 ),(30 ,45 ) and (75 ,90 ). (a) 1.0<pT <1.5 GeV/c, If we use the experimentalvalues for ρ onthe LHSof (b) 1.5 < pT < 2.0 GeV/c. The lines are calculated values 1 from Eqs. (32) and (33). Eq.(32) andthe calculatedvalues off(p ,φ,N ) onthe T p RHS, we candetermine their averagesoverφ separately; we then take the square root of their ratio and regard ′ factor Z(N )/Z (N ) in Eqs. (4) and (5). The question theresultastheempiricalC(N ). Strictlyspeaking,itis p p p ′ is why R (φ=π/2,N ) rises with N . At low p path possible for C(Np) thus extracted to depend on whether AA p p T length is not an important issue. The rising behavior p is1.21or1.71GeV/c. Theyare,however,showntobe T is the consequence of a combination of factors that in- independentofp inFig.6bypointsdepictedindifferent T clude the broadening of the tip of the ellipse, when b is symbols that essentially overlap. We can fit them very decreased,andtheincreasinglikelihoodforsemihardpar- well by a simple power law tons directed at large φ to produce ridge particles with 1 C(Np)=1.1 Np0.54 GeV−1 , (34) a narrow cone of angular correlation around φ2 ≈ π/2. That likelihood is quantified by S(φ,b), as shown by the as shown by the straight line. We can then use this dashed line in Fig. 3. formula in Eq. (32) and exhibit the φ dependence of ρ (p ,φ,N ) in two ways. First, we plot the experimen- 1 T p taldata ofρ1(pT,φ,Np) vs C2(Np)as points in Fig.7 at 2 the six values of N treated as parametric variables and p (a) 1.0<p <1.5 GeV/c (b) 1.5<p <2.0 GeV/c for (a) 1.0 < pT < 1.5 GeV/c and (b) 1.5 < pT < 2.0 T T 1.5 1.5 GeV/c. In each panel there are three sectors of φ values ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ corresponding to ∆φ=(0,15 ),(30 ,45 ) and (75 ,90 ) A analyzedin[1],althoughthe legendinthefigureapprox- A 1 1 imates them as integral fractions of π. The curves are ′R the results of our evaluation of f(pT,φ,Np) at the cor- φ=0 responding values of the parameters. The agreementbe- 0.5 φ=π/40.5 tween theory and experiment is excellent. ′ φ=π/2 Another way is to exhibit directly R (p ,φ,N ) AA T p 0 vs Np in Fig. 8 and RAA(pT,φ,Np) in Fig. 9. 0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300 The calculated results based on Eq. (32) are shown N by solid, dash-dotted and dashed lines for φ = p ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ (0,15 ),(30 ,45 ) and (75 ,90 ), respectively. They agree with the data essentially all within errors. The FIG.8: AlternativeRA′ A(pT,φ,Np)vsNp forφandpT values spread for different values of φ is therefore to be inter- as in the figure caption of Fig. 7. Data points are obtained preted as a consequence of the physics of ridges. We from[1]byrescalingRAA(pT,φ,Np). Thelinesarecalculated now see that the flatness of the NMF R along the results. AA normal to the reaction plane, pointed out especially in [1], is not caused by any extraordinary, single piece of In the above we have considered only pion produc- physics. It is due to the cancellation of the linearly ris- tion at low p , where TT recombination dominates. For T ′ ing behavior of R shown by the dashed lines in Fig. p > 2 GeV/c, the contributions from TS and SS re- AA T 8 and the decreasing behavior of N /N in the rescaling combination must be added, as have been calculated p c 10 VIII. CONCLUSION 1 φ=0 Wehavegivenaunifieddescriptionofalltheazimuthal 0.8 PHENIX0.8 φ=π/4 dependencies of all observables on π0 production at low φ=π/2 p inheavy-ioncollisions. Theyare: R (φ,N ),v (N ) T AA p 2 p A0.6 0.6 and ridge yield YR(φ ,N ) as functions of N , the num- A s p p R ber of participants. The main physics input is that the 0.4 0.4 semihardscatteringnearthesurfacedrivestheazimuthal anisotropy on the one hand and the production of ridge 0.2 0.2 particles on the other with or without trigger. The ge- (a) 1.0<p <1.5 GeV/c (b) 1.5<p <2.0 GeV/c T T ometrical factor, S(φ,b), that makes precise the bridge 0 between the two aspects of the problem follows from 0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300 a study of the correlation between the φ directions of N the trigger and ridge particles. The main understanding p achieved in this picture is that the single-particle distri- bution dNπ /p dp dφ has two components: one is the FIG. 9: Standard RAA(pT,φ,Np) vs Np. Data points are φ-independAeAnt bTulkTB(p ,N ), different from the con- T p from [1] as in Fig. 8. The lines are calculated results. ventional bulk that is φ-dependent, and the other is the ridge component R(p ,φ,N ) that carries all the φ de- T p pendence. It is the latter that can be tested by correla- tion experiment using triggers. 2] A number of parameters are involved in this analysis, −) 100 π0 (PHENIX) butmostofthemareadoptedfrompreviousstudies. The c −2 correlation width σ is an important input, and its value / 10 V was determined in Ref. [9] in connection with the study e −4 10 ′ G of ridgeology. The values of T and T are from Refs. −6 ( 10 [3] and [21], and that of δr is an approximation of what [ T −8 was found relevant in Ref. [9]. The parametrization of p 10 C(N ) is an improvement of that found in Ref. [20] and d −10 p T 10 isadescriptionofthedependenceoncentrality,notonφ. p −12 The one parameter that we have adjusted in this paper / 10 π to fit the normalization of v (p ,b) is a, which appears N −14 2 T 10 d in Eq. (21) and affects the magnitude of the ridge. The 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 basic properties of the φ dependence that we can calcu- p (GeV/c) late, such as S(φ,b) and YR(φ ,b) do not depend on a, T s although R (p ,φ,b) depends on it indirectly. AA T The concern in this paper has been exclusively about FIG.10: Inclusivedistributionsofπ0 forallcentralitiesrang- low-p pionsatp <2GeV/c. Conventionally,suchpar- ing from 0-10% (top)to 80-90% (bottom) in 10% steps, each T T ticles are regarded as products of soft processes. How- displaced by a factor of 0.2. The data are from [1]. ever, our view is that some of them can be due to semi- hardprocessesthatcancopiouslyproducesemihardpar- tons whose footprints are the ridge particles at low p . T Triggers select a subset of events for the study of corre- before for all centralities [22]. But now with the new lations, but without triggers the effect of the semihard parametrization of C(N ) given in Eq. (34) for TT re- partons must nevertheless be taken into account in the p combination, we can revisit the single-particle distribu- calculation of inclusive distributions at low pT. tions at higher p , averaged over all φ, even though the The production of proton has not been considered, T TT componentis notdominant. The calculatedresult is either in this paper or in the experimental study of shown in Fig. 10 for nine bins of centrality. The agree- the φ dependence of R [1]. Theoretically, large AA ment with data [23] is evidently very good. How they baryon/meson ratio has been a signature of the recom- depend on φ remains to be investigated. bination model [10, 11]. Since the same hadronization mechanism applies to both inclusive and ridge produc- With this section we have completed the circuit and tion, we expect that R for proton will have the same AA returned to the original question about the characteris- characteristics as that for pion. There are some differ- tics of the nuclear modification factor raised in Sec. I. ences in the p dependence because of the difference in T By reproducing the data on its φ dependence at low p , the recombination functions, but the physics connecting T we have demonstrated that all φ dependencies in ridges, R and YR is the same. That is, at a fixed centrality AA elliptic flow and NMF are interconnected. S(φ,b) exhibits the range of variation when φ is varied

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