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Relationship between Duration of Pulp Exposure and Success Rate of Apexogenesis. PDF

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Preview Relationship between Duration of Pulp Exposure and Success Rate of Apexogenesis.

ORIGINALARTICLE Relationship between Duration of Pulp Exposure and Success Rate of Apexogenesis Saeed Moradi 1*,NedaNaghavi 2,Ehsan Roohani 3,Nooshin Mohtasham4 1.DepartmentofEndodontics,DentalResearchCenter,DentalSchool,MashadUniversityofMedicalSciences,Mashad,Iran 2.DepartmentofEndodontics,DentalSchool,MashadUniversityofMedicalSciences,Mashad,Iran 3.DepartmentofRestorativeDentistry,DentalSchool,MashadUniversityofMedicalSciences,Mashad,Iran 4.DepartmentofOralPathology,DentalSchool,MashadUniversityofMedicalSciences,Mashad,Iran ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Apexogenesis is a way to save vitality of open apex damaged teeth with mild or moderate pulp involvement. Such teeth are not repaired through normal and usual treatments. This treatment provides usual and physiological conditions for root to develop in normal length. The aim of this study was to determine the success rate of apexogenesis accordingtothedurationofpulpexposure. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this animal study, mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and calcium hydroxide (CH) were used. The examined teeth were canines of cats with open apices. The treatment was accomplished in three periods of 1, 3, and 6 weeks after pulpal exposure.Fourmonthslater,theresultswereevaluatedhistologicallyandradiographically. RESULTS:TheresultsshowednosignificantdifferencebetweenthesuccessrateofMTAand CH. Besides, after 6 weeks of pulpal exposure the treatment was successful. Root development and apical closure was detected in approximately 42% of teeth, while 33% of sampleshadahealthyHertwig’ssheath. CONCLUSION: The findings of this study suggested that the conservative treatment in traumatizedteethafter1.5monthofpulpalexposurecouldbesuccessful. KEYWORDS:Apexogenesis;CalciumHydroxide;MTA Received:04Oct2006;Revised:27Nov2006;Accepted:19Dec2006 *Correspondingauthorat:SaeedMoradi,DepartmentofEndodontics,DentalSchool,MashadUniversityofMedical Sciences,Mashhad,Iran.Tel:+98-9153139275.Fax:+98-8829500.E-mail:[email protected] INTRODUCTION Hertwigʼs epithelial root sheath is another important factor that affects the treatment of an The Treatment of open apex teeth is one of the open apex tooth. In evaluation of periapical most difficult and important subjects in condition and Hertwigʼs sheath, it has been endodontics treatments. An important factor in defined that one month after pulp involvement, such treatments is the rate and severity of Hertwigʼs sheath remains healthy (10). pulpal inflammation. Numerous studies have Root growth was only possible when the evaluated the progress of inflammation in pulp Hertwigʼs epithelial root sheath has retained and the periapical region of closed apex teeth. itsspecializedfunction(11). Their results have shown that one week after Various materials have been used in pulp pulp exposure, the adjacent area to the capping and pulpotomy procedures (12-14). exposure point becomes necrotic and calcium hydroxide (CH) is the most frequently congestive and after four weeks, almost all usedmaterialsince1920. parts of the pulp become necrotic (1-7). A Nowaday, newer materials are preferred for healthy pulp is essential for the proper vital pulp therapy, such as MTA (15). They developmentoftheroot(8). stimulate significantly greater hard-tissue It seems that the pulp of an open apex tooth is formation in the periradicular tissues and result potentially more resistant against various inlessinflammationincomparisonwiththeuse irritations. Thus, this may cause its longer ofCH(16). survivalafterahardtraumaratherthanthepulp Maintaining the vitality of immature teeth until of a closed apex tooth (9). The condition of their full-root development is so important. IEJ-Volume1,Number4,Winter2006 145 Moradietal. Loss of vitality of these teeth before root anotherradiographwaspreparedforeachtooth. completion leaves poor crown/root ratio, weak Then, the vital perfusion was processed. roots more prone to fracture, and teeth more Finally, the histological slides were prepared susceptibletoperiodontalbreakdown. and pulpal inflammation, periapical Thefindingsofthisstudymayhelpustoplana inflammation, Hertwig’s sheath health status, more conservative treatment for such teeth androotdevelopmentwereevaluated. which were referred to us, at different periods For evaluation of the inflammation severity, an aftertrauma. area of 100 square micrometers was selected Thus the aim of this study was to evaluate the from the most inflammatory region in the MTAand CH usedas pulpotomyagent in open periapical zone, andplasma cells,lymphocytes, apex tooth of cats at different times after pulp macrophages and polymorphonuclears were exposure. counted with x400 magnification. Considering the number of cells, four categories were MATERIALSANDMETHODS developed: 1-Withoutinflammation:0-1cellin100µm2 Eleven one-year-old cats with permanent open 2-Slightinflammation:2-5cellin100µm2 apex canine teeth have been selected for this 3-Moderateinflammation:6-9cellin100µm2 study. The treatment was done on their canine 4-Severeinflammation:over9cellsin100µm2 teeth. They were divided into three groups: a The type of inflammation was determined one-week group with 4 cats, a three-week accordingtothetypeofinfiltrativecellsas: group with 4 cats and a six-week group with 3 a- Chronic inflammation: plasma cells, cats. lymphocytes,macrophages The cats were given general anesthesia with a b-Acuteinflammation:polymorphonuclears mixture of 0.8cc Ketamin hydrochloride Chi-Square test was used in all statistical 50mg/mland0.2ccof2%Rompun(arelaxant). analysis. After 3-5 minutes, intraoral anesthesia was achieved by injection of 1.8 ml of 2% RESULTS Lidocaine containing 1:100,000 epinephrine. A radiographic image was taken to confirm the In all control teeth the pulp was normal and opening of the apex of the teeth. Using a high without any inflammation. The odontoblastic speed fissure bur number 8 (Tizkavan, Tehran, layer and the development of the root were Iran) and copious water spray, the crowns were normal and the epithelial root sheath had normal patterns (Figure 1).The results of histo- ground at the incisal part until a very small pathologicalevaluationareshownintable1. exposure about 0.5mm in diameter was Comparison of the two materials at the same achieved. These teeth were exposed according time: Inone-weekgroupthere was asignificant totherespectedgroupfor1,3,or6weeks. difference between two materials only in the Subsequent treatment was performed as conditions of Hertwig's sheath (P<0.05). In follows: The cats were anesthetized again. The MTA-treated group, the Hertwig's layer cavity access was prepared. Then the condition was better (Figure 2). In three and pulpotomy was done until vital pulp tissue and six-week groups there was no significant normalbleedingwasdetected.Thenecroticand difference betweentwomaterials inanyof four inflamedpulptissue was excavatedcompletely. factors (P>0.05) (Figure 3, Figure 4, Figure 5, The apexogenesis materials (MTA and CH) Figure6). were put onthe healthypulp as follows: CH on Comparison of the two materials regardless of the right upper and lower teeth, MTA on the time: There was no significant difference left upper and lower teeth. A double-seal between two materials in 4 studying factors method with glass ionomer and amalgam was (p>0.05). used for coronal seal. In each group one tooth Comparison of three periods of time with the was left intact as control. Radiographic records same material: In Both groups there was no have been taken and animals were followed. significant difference in studying factors Four month later, after general anesthesia, 146 IEJ -Volume1,Number4,Winter2006 Successrateofapexogenesis Table1.Theresultsofhistopathologicalevaluationinthreeperiodsofstudy One-weekgroup Three-weekgroup Six-weekgroup MTA Ca(OH)2 MTA Ca(OH)2 MTA Ca(OH)2 Necrosis 80% 14.2% 75% 62.5% 83.3% 83.3% Severe 20% 57.1% 25% 25% 16.7% - Inflammation Moderate - - - - - - ofpulp Mild - 14.2% - - - - Healthy - 14.2% - 12.5% - 16.7% Severe 40% 28.4% 75% 37.5% 100% 50% Inflammation Moderate 40% 42.8% 12.5% 50% - 33.3% ofperiapical Mild - 14.2% 12.5% - - - Healthy 20% 14.2% - 12.5% - 16.7% Destroyed 20% 71.5% 37.5% 50% - 33.3% Conditionof Being Hertwig´s - 28.5% 37.5% 25% 66.6% 66.7% destroyed sheath Healthy 80% - 25% 25% 33.4% - Open - 14.5% 12.5% 37.5% 50% 66.6% Closureof Beingclosed - - - - - 33.4% apex Closed 100% 85.5% 87.5% 62.5% 50% - accordingtothreetimeperiods(p>0.05). theradicularpulpoftherootwasnormalandin Comparison of the results in each time period 88.9% of them the root had been developed regardless of the type of material: There was a completely, but in CHtreated group, only 75% significant difference only in the rate of apex of the teeth had a vital pulp (19). Time interval closure in three time intervals (p<0.05). The between the pulp exposure and apexogenesis in results in one-week group were better than our study may be the reason of differences thoseofthreeandsix-weekgroups,andinthree between our results with theirs. Our findings weeks group the results were better thanthat of weremoredependentonpassedexposuretime. sixweekgroup. In the studyof Thomas et al. (20) on12incisor Comparison of the results of upper and lower teeth of monkey and the study of Abedi et al. jaws with a constant material: Neither MTA (16)ondog'scanineteeth,therewaslesspulpal nor Ca (OH)2 showed significant difference in inflammation in MTA treated group. Time studying factors between upper and lower jaws factorcouldbeattributedinthisstudytoo. (p>0.05). In this study, treatment of some teeth in the 6- weeks group was successful and the DISCUSSION development of root was going on. This considerable finding can affect the treatment It is known that Hertwigʼs root sheath can plan of the open apex tooth with no positive organize the apical cells and causes continued responsetothevitaltestsatfirstobservation. formation of the root even after the pulp In spite of trauma and infection, the Hertwigʼs necrosis.This demonstratedthat the root sheath root sheath remained viable and continued to isnotdestroyed(17). map out the apical segment resulting in root Cvek stated that the root sheath is usually enddevelopment(21). sensitive to trauma; however, in some circum- Andreasen et al. suggested that by complete stances it may resist against damages from removing of microorganisms and applying a traumaandinfection(18). material_ which is not irritant for the periapical In a study on open apex canine teeth of cats tissue_ in the root canal, Hertwigʼs sheath with MTA, CH and formocresol, accomplished may continue root-end completion in an by Ghodduci et al., there was a significant apparentlynormalmanner(22). difference between the rate of inflammation We can manage these teeth with a conservative and root development in MTA and CH treated treatment and saving Hertwig’s sheath in order groups. In all of the treated cases with MTA, tocompletephysiologicalrootdevelopment. IEJ-Volume1,Number4,winter2006 147 Moradietal. Figure 1. Intact sample, normal pulp without inflammationD:dentin,O:ododontoblasticlayer,P:Pulp (×100) Figure 2. One week period samples treated with MTA A:HealthyHertwigsheath(×400)B:Healthypulp(×400) Figure 3. ThreeweekperiodsamplestreatedwithMTA Figure 4. Three week period sample treated with A:Developmentofrootwiththickdentinalwallandclose Ca(OH)2 Pulpcompletelydestroyed but apexwasclosed apex (×100) B: Incomplete of root with open apex and (×400) thindentinalwall(×100) Figure 5. Six week period sample treated with MTA Figure 6. Six week period samples treated with ApicalregionP:pulp,CA:closedapex(×400) Ca(OH)2. Begging of apex closure and thicken the dentinalwall(×400) 148 IEJ -Volume1,Number4,Winter2006 Successrateofapexogenesis CONCLUSION 9. Andreasen FM. 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