LEBANESE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY Relationship between Anger, Social Competence and Academic Performance in Youth in Kuwait By Zeina Mokaddam A thesis Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Education School of Arts & Sciences January 2014 ii THESIS COPYRIGHT RELEASE FORM LEBANESE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY NON-EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTION LICENSE By signing and submitting this license, you (the author(s) or copyright owner) grants to Lebanese American University (LAU) the non-exclusive right to reproduce, translate (as defined below), and/or distribute your submission (including the abstract) worldwide in print and electronic format and in any medium, including but not limited to audio or video. You agree that LAU may, without changing the content, translate the submission to any medium or format for the purpose of preservation. You also agree that LAU may keep more than one copy of this submission for purposes of security, backup and preservation. You represent that the submission is your original work, and that you have the right to grant the rights contained in this license. You also represent that your submission does not, to the best of your knowledge, infringe upon anyone's copyright. If the submission contains material for which you do not hold copyright, you represent that you have obtained the unrestricted permission of the copyright owner to grant LAU the rights required by this license, and that such third-party owned material is clearly identified and acknowledged within the text or content of the submission. IF THE SUBMISSION IS BASED UPON WORK THAT HAS BEEN SPONSORED OR SUPPORTED BY AN AGENCY OR ORGANIZATION OTHER THAN LAU, YOU REPRESENT THAT YOU HAVE FULFILLED ANY RIGHT OF REVIEW OR OTHER OBLIGATIONS REQUIRED BY SUCH CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT. LAU will clearly identify your name(s) as the author(s) or owner(s) of the submission, and will not make any alteration, other than as allowed by this license, to your submission. Name: Zeina Mokaddam Signature: Date: 17th of January, 2014 iii PLAGIARISM POLICY COMPLIANCE STATEMENT I certify that: • I have read and understood LAU’s Plagiarism Policy. • I understand that failure to comply with this Policy can lead to academic and disciplinary actions against me. • This work is substantially my own, and to the extent that any part of this work is not my own I have indicated that by acknowledging its sources. Name: Zeina Mokaddam Signature: Date: 17th of January, 2014 iv To Arab Youth; Our Future, Our Salvation v ACKNOWLEDGMENT Embarking on writing a thesis is challenging one’s self to rise beyond self-doubt, to keep one’s motivation regardless of frustration, to keep one’s focus regardless of life and career’s distractions…Such a journey cannot be undertaken on one’s own… Many are the people who have supported me and took part in my journey and thus have become not just an integral part of this work, but an everlasting mark in my life. I want to take this opportunity to extend my deepest gratitude to my advisor Dr. Ketty Sarouphim, her relentless support, her motivation and commitment, have given me the strength to keep pushing myself far beyond my own expectations. To my committee members, Dr. Ahmed Oueini and Dr. Mona Nabhani, thank you for your patience and understanding, your unspoken belief in me guided me through many trying times, I can only hope that my work rises to your expectations. To my mentor, Dr. Hudda Ayash Abdo who has rekindled my passion for psychology and the need to understand and extend a helping hand to others… To all my family and friends who kept pushing me and never lost faith… To my father, the constant, real or perceived nagging voice in my conscious to make it happen... I truly thank each and every one of you. vi Relationship between Anger, Social Competence and Academic Performance in Youth in Kuwait Zeina Mokaddam ABSTRACT This study examined the variable “Anger” in youth in Kuwait and its relationship to “Social Competence”. It also investigated gender differences and types of schools differences (public versus private) in relation to these two variables. The study further investigated “Social Competence” and “Anger” in relation to “Academic Performance”. Data were collected using STAXI-2 C/A and SSIS in English format and Arabic adaptations in private and public schools in Kuwait. The sample consisted of 357 students (161 females and 196 males), ranging in age from 16 to 18 years. Results revealed that the variable “Social Skills” was positively correlated with “Anger Control” and negatively correlated with “State Anger” and “Anger Expression Out”. The results also revealed significant differences between public and private schools respondents, with public schools respondents scoring significantly higher on “State Anger”, “Trait Anger” and “Anger Expression Out” and significantly lower on “Anger Expression In”, “Anger Control” and ‘Social Skills”. The results did not reveal significant gender differences in the variables “State Anger” and “Trait Anger”, but there were significant gender differences in the variable “Anger Expression In” with female participants scoring higher. Findings revealed a negative relationship between “State Anger” and “Academic Performance” and a positive significant relationship between “Social skills” and “Academic Performance”. The main recommendation that stems from this study is that schools in Kuwait, public schools in particular, must adopt programs for teaching students social skills and anger control. Keywords: Anger, Social Skills, Academic Performance, Arab Youth, Kuwait, Public Schools, Private Schools vii TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Page I- Introduction ............................................................................................................1 1.1 Contextual Framework .......................................................................................1 1.2 Sampling ..............................................................................................................2 1.3 Validity of Sampling Technique ..........................................................................2 1.4 Instruments ..........................................................................................................3 1.5 Reliability and Internal Consistency of the Instruments .....................................3 1.6 Research Design ..................................................................................................4 1.7 The Purpose of the Study ....................................................................................4 1.8 Rationale and Significance of the Study .............................................................4 1.9 Operational Definition of the Variables ..............................................................4 1.10 Research Questions ..........................................................................................6 1.11 Limitations .......................................................................................................6 1.12 Ethical Considerations .....................................................................................7 II- Literature Review .................................................................................................8 2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................8 2.2 The Study of Anger ............................................................................................8 2.3 The study of Social Skills .................................................................................11 2.4 Social Competence and Academic Performance ..............................................12 2.5 The Kuwaiti Culture: An Overview ..................................................................13 2.6 Conclusion ........................................................................................................15 III- Methods ..............................................................................................................16 3.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................16 3.2 Participants ........................................................................................................16 3.3 Procedure ...........................................................................................................16 3.4 Data Analysis .....................................................................................................18 viii IV- Results .................................................................................................................22 4.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................22 4.2 The Anger variable ...........................................................................................22 4.2.1 The State Anger variable ...............................................................................22 4.2.2 The Trait Anger variable ...............................................................................25 4.2.3 The Anger Expression out variable ...............................................................28 4.2.4 The Anger Expression In variable .................................................................32 4.2.5 The Anger Control variable ...........................................................................35 4.3 The Social Skills variable .................................................................................38 4.4 The Relationship between Social Skills, Anger and Academic Achievements .......................................................................42 4.5 Conclusion ........................................................................................................47 V- Discussion .............................................................................................................49 5.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................49 5.2 Social Skills and Anger ....................................................................................49 5.3 Differences in Types of Schools .......................................................................50 5.4 Gender Differences ...........................................................................................50 5.5 Academic Performance, Anger and Social Skills .............................................51 5.6 Recommendations for practice .........................................................................51 5.7 Recommendations for future research .............................................................52 References ............................................................................................................53-62 Appendixes ........................................................................................................63-105 ix LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1 - Participants’ Classification on the Variable “State Anger”..........................,23 Table 2 - Participants’ Classification by Gender on the Variable “State Anger”.........23 Table 3 - Gender Difference in “State Anger”.............................................................24 Table 4 - Participants’ Classification by Type of School on the Variable “State Anger”.…..........................................................................................................24 Table 5 - Type of School Difference in “State Anger”................................................25 Table 6 - Participants’ Classification on the Variable “Trait Anger”.......................... 26 Table 7 - Participants’ Classification by Gender on the Variable “Trait Anger”........ 26 Table 8 - Gender Difference in “Trait Anger”.............................................................27 Table 9 - Participants’ Classification by Type of School on the Variable “Trait Anger”...............................................................................................................28 Table 10 - Type of School Difference in “Trait Anger”..............................................28 Table 11 - Participants’ Classification on the Variable “Anger Expression Out”.......29 Table 12 - Participants’ Classification by Gender on the Variable “Anger Expression Out”…..........................................................................................30 Table 13 - Gender Difference in “Anger Expression Out”..........................................30 Table 14 - Participants’ Classification by Type of School on the Variable “Anger Expression Out”..............................................................................................31 Table 15 - Type of School Difference in “Anger Expression Out”.............................32 Table 16 - Participants’ Classification on the Variable “Anger Expression In”..........33 Table 17 - Participants’ Classification by Gender on the Variable “Anger Expression In”................................................................................................33 Table 18 - Gender Difference in “Anger Expression In”............................................34 Table 19 - Participants’ Classification by Type of School on the Variable “Anger Expression In”................................................................................................34 Table 20 - Type of School Difference in “Anger Expression In”...............................35 Table 21 - Participants’ Classification on the Variable “Anger Control”....................36 Table 22 - Participants’ Classification by Gender on the Variable “Anger Control”..36 x