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Relation Between Globular Clusters and Supermassive Black Holes in Ellipticals as a Manifestation of the Black Hole Fundamental Plane PDF

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Preview Relation Between Globular Clusters and Supermassive Black Holes in Ellipticals as a Manifestation of the Black Hole Fundamental Plane

Accepted to The Astrophysical JournalLetters PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.11/10/09 RELATION BETWEEN GLOBULAR CLUSTERS AND SUPERMASSIVE BLACK HOLES IN ELLIPTICALS AS A MANIFESTATION OF THE BLACK HOLE FUNDAMENTAL PLANE Gregory F. Snyder1, Philip F. Hopkins2,3, and Lars Hernquist1 Submitted 2010 November 22; Accepted 2011 January 6 ABSTRACT We analyze the relation between the mass of the central supermassive black hole (M ) and the BH 1 number of globular clusters (NGC) in elliptical galaxiesand bulges as a ramificationof the black hole 1 fundamental plane, the theoretically predicted and observedmulti-variable correlationbetween MBH 0 and bulge binding energy. Although the tightness of the M –N correlation suggests an unlikely BH GC 2 causallinkbetweensupermassiveblackholesandglobularclusters,suchacorrespondencecanexhibit small scatter even if the physical relationshipis indirect. We show that the relatively small scatter of n the M –N relation owes to the mutual residual correlation of M and N with stellar mass a BH GC BH GC J when the velocity dispersion is held fixed. Thus, present observations lend evidence for feedback- regulatedmodels in which the bulge binding energy is most important; they do not necessarily imply 6 any ‘special’ connection between globular clusters and M . This raises the question of why N BH GC ] traces the formation of ellipticals and bulges sufficiently well to be correlated with binding energy. O Subject headings: black hole physics—galaxies: evolution—galaxies: formation—galaxies: elliptical C and lenticular, cD . h p 1. INTRODUCTION confirmed this in a sample of ellipticals and spiral - bulges using dynamical models of bulge potentials, and o There are now well-established correlations be- Feoli & Mancini (2009) did so with simple proxies such r tween the mass of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) t and properties of their host galaxies, such as bulge as MBH ∝Eb ∼M∗σ2. s a luminosity, mass, light concentration, and velocity dis- Additional correlations have been found be- [ persion (Kormendy & Richstone 1995; Magorrianet al. tween SMBH mass and dark matter halo mass, 1998; Ferrarese & Merritt 2000; Gebhardt et al. as well as the number NGC of globular clusters 1 2000; Tremaine et al. 2002; Marconi & Hunt 2003; (GC) in the host galaxy (Spitler & Forbes 2009; v Gu¨ltekin et al. 2009). This suggests that the physical Burkert & Tremaine 2010; Harris & Harris 2010). In 9 mechanismdrivinggrowthoftheSMBHalsoplaysakey particular, Burkert & Tremaine (2010, hereafter BT10) 9 role in forming the bulge (for spiral galaxies) or galaxy argued that NGC is a better predictor of MBH than 2 (for ellipticals). Analytical estimates (Silk & Rees 1998; the velocity dispersion σ, citing a smaller intrinsic 1 scatter and a residual correlation between N and . Burkert & Silk 2001; Hopkins & Hernquist 2006), as GC 1 well as numerical simulations (Di Matteo et al. 2005; MBH in elliptical galaxies even after accounting for the 0 Springel et al. 2005; Cox et al. 2006; Robertson et al. median MBH −σ correlation, suggesting a fundamental 1 link between the accretion of gas by the SMBH and 2006; Croton et al. 2006; Johanssonet al. 2009) with 1 simple prescriptions for SMBH accretion have demon- the formation of a galaxy’s globular cluster system. v: stratedthe plausibility of this inference by matching the Harris & Harris (2010, hereafter HH10) extended the sample by making reasonable estimates of N from i expected slopes of these correlations. GC X Regardlessof the detailed feedback prescription,these the literature in galaxies with MBH measurements. r models predict that SMBHs grow until reaching some In this letter, we illustrate that the above link can be a critical mass, where the energy and/or momentum re- understoodas a consequence of the BHFP relationcom- leased by feedback expels material from the nucleus. As bined with a residual correlation between NGC and the such, they robustly predict that the “true” correlation bulge’s stellar massM∗ atfixed σ. Rather thansuggest- ingasingle“best”correlationbetweenM andasingle should be between SMBH mass and a quantity such as BH the binding energy or potential well depth of material galaxy parameter, the BHFP implies that the best pre- in the bulge. Hopkins et al. (2007a) show that the ob- dictor of SMBH mass is some combination thereof. For served correlations with different variables, and impor- example,MBH hasapositivecorrelationwiththebulge’s tantly their scatter and systematic deviations from the stellar mass even at fixed σ. Although the number of relations, can be understood as the projections of a sin- globular clusters in a particular galaxy, like MBH, is a complexfunctionofthegalaxy’sformationhistory,there gle fundamental dependence. This relation is approxi- matedcloselybyamulti-variablecorrelation,ablackhole existsasimilarpositiveresidualcorrelationbetweenNGC fundamental plane (BHFP). Aller & Richstone (2007) and M∗, so that the resulting NGC–MBH residuals (fix- ing σ) will be positively correlated. In §2 we describe a sample of 32 elliptical galaxies 1Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Gardin from Peng et al. (2008) with auxiliary data compiled ST,Cambridge,MA02138 2UniversityofCaliforniaatBerkeley, DepartmentofAstron- in Hopkins et al. (2008b, and subsequent papers). In om3yM,5i5ll3erCFaemllopwbellHall,Berkeley,CA94720 §3 we fit separately the relations M∗–σ and NGC–σ in 2 these galaxies to establish the residual correlation be- the residuals in M , or could the latter be attributed BH tweenNGC andM∗. Thenwecombinethisresidualslope to other variables already proposed? Specifically, we ex- with knowledge of the MBH–M∗ correlation at fixed σ amine whether the observed NGC–MBH relation is pre- from the BHFP, and calculate the residual correlation dicted as an indirect consequence of the BHFP relation. and scatter expected between N and M . We sum- ThisismotivatedbytheBHFPpredictionthatatfixedσ, GC BH marize and conclude in §4. goodtracersofthebulgebindingenergycorrelatetightly with the residuals in M . (Interestingly, a similar re- 2. THEDATA lation was shown for thBeHbinding energies of individual To determine the dependence of NGC on M∗ at fixed Milky Way globulars by McLaughlin (2000).) An ap- σ, we cross-match objects compiled in Hopkins et al. proximation to the bulge binding energy in ellipticals is (2008b) and subsequent works with the ACS Virgo a quantity like M∗σ2, so that at fixed σ, galaxies with Cluster Survey (VCC, Cˆot´e et al. 2004), from which larger M∗ will have a greater binding energy. Thus, if Peng et al. (2008) determined globular cluster counts NGC adequately traces M∗ at fixed σ, as might be nat- (N ) and uncertainties. Following BT10, we obtained ural given the observed N –galaxy correlations, then GC GC N for several additional galaxies from Spitler et al. the tightness of the N -M relation is expected. GC GC BH (2008). In this work, we focus on a particular projection of We obtained stellar masses and uncertainties from the BHFP that uses the bulge binding energy as the Peng et al. (2008) and Hopkins et al. (2009a,b), who driving parameter. However, we note that the gen- compiled photometric data from several authors eral BHFP, and also the corresponding salient relation (e.g. Bender et al. 1988; Rothberg & Joseph 2004; for GCs (e.g. Harris & van den Bergh1981;McLaughlin Lauer et al. 2007; Kormendy et al. 2009, and references 1999, and subsequent works) depends on galaxy forma- therein). We use velocity dispersions as compiled by tion history in a more complicated way (Hopkins et al. Hopkins et al. (2009a,b). The latter quantity is the one 2009c). Thus while the bulge binding energy serves ade- best-determined for nearby massive galaxies, so we as- quately for our purposes, a more detailed accounting of, sume a log-uniform uncertainty in σ of 0.02 dex, con- for example, the total baryon mass may lead to an even sistent with literature values. This approach yields 33 tighter expected correspondence. galaxiesforwhichwewilldeterminetheresidualcorrela- Asfollows,wecalculatetheexpectedresidualsinN – GC tionbetweenNGC andM∗. Wediscardtheknownrecent MBH assuming that this relation is a consequence of merger remnant NGC1316 because its nuclear velocity the BHFP and no other physics. As an expression dispersion is unrelaxed and the globular cluster system of the BHFP correlation, we use the relation between is actively evolving (Schweizer 1980). The galaxy prop- the mass of the SMBH and bulge binding energy from ertiesusedtoanalyzethis32-galaxysampleareprovided Hopkins et al. (2007a), in Table 1. In addition, we will utilize the MBH, NGC, and σ logMBH =η+βlog(M∗σ2), data directly from Table 1 of BT10 (compiled mostly where η = 8.23±0.06, and β = 0.71±0.06. We will from Gu¨ltekin et al. (2009)), and the M , N data BH GC denote this quantity as predicted from the other ob- from Table 1 of HH10. For the latter, we use the served variables as loghM |BHFPi. Then we subtract BH mean recorded σ values from the Hyperleda database fromthis the logarithmofM aspredictedsolelyfrom BH (Paturel et al. 2003; McElroy 1995). These two sources M –σ, denoted by loghM |σi, to obtain the BHFP- BH BH yield 21 galaxies that serve as a combined comparison predictedresidualcorrelationbetweenMBH andM∗. We sample(Table2)forourderivedM –N residualcor- BH GC will signify this difference in logarithmic quantities as relation. We note that BT10 and HH10 use slightly dif- ∆MBH (∆M∗, ∆NGC): ferent,but statisticallyconsistent,valuesfor N where GC the samples overlap. The differing values of MBH may ∆MBH =loghMBH|BHFPi−loghMBH|σi= makealargerdifferenceincaseswheremultiplemeasure- =βlog(M∗σ2)−βlog(hM∗|σiσ2) ments exist; here, we follow BT10 and give half weight to each in our fits. Furthermore, different studies pro- =β(logM∗−loghM∗|σi)=β∆M∗. (1) videdifferentvaluesforthevelocitydispersionofagiven galaxy; for example, Hyperleda returns σ values ∼10-20 This is just the statement that at fixed σ, MBH ∝M∗β. km/s smaller than the ones from BT10, and the papers If there exists a relation between ∆NGC and ∆M∗: byHopkins etal. providevaluesthatdiffer by∼±10-20 ∆NGC =γ∆M∗, (2) km/s. We computed the observed residual N –M GC BH correlation using these alternate sources of σ, and find this will therefore result in a correlationbetween ∆NGC that the small changes this introduces leave our conclu- and ∆MBH: sions completely unchanged. γ ∆N = ∆M =α∆M . (3) GC BH BH 3. CORRELATIONS β Both the BHFP and M –N relation appear to Totestthis, wefirstcalculateγ fromthe existingdata BH GC perform better than the MBH–σ relation because they to establish a correlationbetween NGC and M∗ at fixed explain its residuals and hence have a smaller intrinsic velocity dispersion σ (Figure 1), and then combine it dispersion. Rigorously, this can be restated as follows: withtheBHFPtocreateapredictionfortheN –M GC BH at fixed σ, the residuals in M correlate tightly with residuals. Then, in Figure 2, we compare this prediction BH the residuals in NGC and in M∗ for the BHFP. to the observed residual correlation between NGC and The question then arises: does N directly explain M from BT10 and HH10. GC BH Globular Cluster – Black Hole Relation 3 5 12 4 11 )O• C M G 3 N ( M* 10 0 g1 2 0 o 1 g l o l 9 1 0 8 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 log σ (km/s) log σ (km/s) 10 10 1.0 4 0.5 C 3 C G G N N 0.0 0 ∆ g1 2 o -0.5 l 1 -1.0 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 8 9 10 11 12 ∆ M log M (M ) * 10 * O • Figure 1. Top: Observedcorrelations of NGC and M∗ withvelocity dispersionσ forthe 32-galaxy sampledescribedin§2. Lower Left: Correlation between NGC and M∗ at fixed σ: ∆NGC (∆M∗) is the difference between the observed logarithm of NGC (M∗) and the expectedvalueofthelogarithmofNGC (M∗)giventhelinearrelationinthetopleft(topright)panel. Thelinesareourregressioncurves fittedtothedata. Thedashedblackcurvesarefittedusingaχ2techniqueaccountingforintrinsicscatter(Tremaineetal.2002),whilethe dashedredcurvesuseanalternativemaximum-likelihoodtechniquefromAkritas&Bershady(1996). Thereisaclearpositivecorrelation between ∆NGC and ∆M∗. If the BHFP is the true underlying relation, then this observed residual correlation will lead to a correlation between NGC and MBH, even at fixed σ and with no other physics linking MBH to the globular cluster systems. Lower Right: The observedcorrelationbetween NGC andM∗. Specifically, we begin by determining the observed thelowerleftpanelofFigure1,asexpectedweseeaclear best-fit linear correlations between logNGC and logσ, positivecorrelationbetween∆NGC and∆M∗,indicating and logM∗ and logσ. The resulting fits are shown in that at a fixed σ, elliptical galaxies with more globular the top two panels of Figure 1. We undertake all fits clusters also have a larger total stellar mass. We note using two methods: the χ2-minimization methods of that the values of ∆N and ∆M calculated using GC BH Tremaine et al. (2002) (hereafter, T02), and the bivari- BCES or χ2-minimization on the direct correlations are ate correlated errors and intrinsic scatter (BCES) esti- the same to within 0.1 dex. Subsequent estimates of the mators of Akritas & Bershady (1996). For the former, residual slope are unaffected by this choice. we account for intrinsic scatter in the Y axis by adding However,thetwofittingmethodsobtainsomewhatdif- a uniform scatter in quadrature with the measurement ferentestimatesfortheslopeoftheresultingresidualcor- errors such that the reduced-χ2 value of the fit is 1. relation, γ, which we will use to estimate the expected For the latter, we choose the regression line that bisects N –M residual slope α = γ/β. As plotted in Fig- GC BH the BCES(Y|X) and BCES(X|Y) curves. Altering these ure 1, we find choicesleadsto smallchangesinthe residualvalues, but γ =0.79±0.25 does not change the residual slope in a statistically sig- T02 nificantway. One-sigmauncertaintiesinthefittedslopes γBCES =1.11±0.21, arecalculatedusingpairednonparametricbootstrapsim- and correspondingly, ulations (Babu & Rao 1993). Foreachobject,wethenusethefittedrelationtocom- α =1.11±0.36 T02 pute the expected value of logNGC (logM∗) given its α =1.56±0.32. observed value of σ, and subtract it from the observed BCES value of logNGC (logM∗) to obtain ∆NGC (∆M∗). In In Figure 2, we compare this predicted slope with the 4 1.0 0.5 C G N 0.0 ∆ -0.5 -1.0 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 ∆ M BH Figure 2. Residual correlation between NGC and MBH at fixed velocity dispersionσ. The points are data from BT10 and HH10; we follow BT10 where multiple MBH measurements exist by assigning each measurement half weight in any fits. Red points correspond to the BT10 sample; their positions here and in BT10’s Figure 3 differ slightly because we take NGC residuals with respect to σ instead of bulge luminosity, but the residuals here have roughly the same slope and span a similar range of ∆NGC as compared with BT10. The eightpoints addedbythe ellipticalsampleofHH10reinforcethisresidualcorrelationandexpanditsrange. Thedarkgrayshadedregion isthe predicted residualcorrelation(withassociated 1-sigmauncertainty inlighter shade) assumingthat MBH isdetermined onlybythe BHFP,combined withtheobserved correlationbetween NGC andM∗ at fixed σ determined byfitting thedata inFigure1. We seethat theobservedresidualslopeisingoodagreementwiththisexpectedslope. ThustheapparentadditionalpredictivepowerofNGC forMBH canbeentirelyaccounted forbythepredictedcorrelationofMBH andtheobservedcorrelationofNGC withthebulgebingingenergy. one observed in the comparison sample of BT10 and thisdispersioncanbepredictedbycombiningtheBHFP HH10. Again, we compute the residuals against σ in relation with the observedcorrelations with N . From GC both N and M ; note that for consistency, this is Hopkins et al.(2007a),weseethattheM –E correla- GC BH BH b slightly different than the quantities plotted in BT10’s tionhasanintrinsicscatter∼0.2-0.25dex,andfromthe Figure 3 where the N residual was computed against presentdata,wefindthescatterofE –N is0.22±0.04 GC b GC the bulge luminosity, not velocity dispersion. We plot dex. Bypropagatingtheseasmeasurementuncertainties a region in light gray to highlight the extremes of the totheM –N relation,wepredictthatthemeasured BH GC predictedslopes,correspondingtothe rangeboundedby N –M intrinsic scatter should be ǫ = 0.23±0.03 GC BH the 1-sigma uncertainties in the slope given by our two dex, consistent with the measurement by BT10. It is regression methods. In darker gray we simply plot the also consistent with the combined dataset of BT10 and range bounded by our two slope estimates. HH10, for which we find ǫ=0.21±0.04 dex. As in Figure 1, we fit the data directly and find that the observed residual slope between N and M is 4. CONCLUSIONS GC BH We have shown that the number of globular clusters αˆT02 =0.78±0.24 in elliptical galaxies exhibits a residual dependence on αˆBCES =1.33±0.34, M∗ at fixed σ, implying that the bulge binding energy (∼ M∗σ2) is a better indicator of NGC than σ or M∗ in good agreement with the BHFP predictions above. alone. The same was shown to be true for M by BH The detection of this residual correlation by BT10 Hopkins et al. (2007a), as these parameters constitute quantitatively demonstrates that N is a better pre- a formulation of the BHFP. Thus the apparent power GC dictor of M than is σ. Such a comparison can be ofM –N versusM –σ owesto the factthat N BH BH GC BH GC alternativelyphrasedasareductionintheintrinsicscat- andM arebothtracersofthesamefundamentalprop- BH ter of the correlation. In BT10, the intrinsic scatter of erty such as the bulge binding energy. M –σ was found to be ǫ∼0.3 dex, while the intrinsic This resolves several puzzling aspects of the previous BH scatter in N –M is ǫ ∼ 0.2 dex. The magnitude of interpretation of the data. As BT10 themselves point GC BH Globular Cluster – Black Hole Relation 5 out, there cannot be a direct causal correlation between encestherein)that the formationofglobularcluster sys- N and M , since most of the GC mass is at very temsandgrowthofsupermassiveblackholesinelliptical GC BH large radii and has never had any interaction with the galaxies are driven by a common galaxy property. galaxynucleus. Moreover,while mostGCs likelyformed at very high redshift, the final mass of the SMBH is Wethanktheanonymousrefereesfornumeroushelpful sensitive to its growth via gas accretion at z . 2 (e.g. comments. Hopkins & Hernquist2006;Hopkins et al.2007c,2008a). 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But Gallagher,J.S.2008, MNRAS,385,361 Springel,V.,DiMatteo, T.,&Hernquist,L.2005,MNRAS,361, that the N –bulge relation should be so tight, and in- GC 776 clude both metal-rich and metal-poor populations, may Tremaine,S.,etal.2002,ApJ,574,740 support the inferences by BT10 and HH10 (and refer- 6 Table 1 GalaxypropertiesforFigure1 Galaxy NGC M∗ σ (109M⊙) (km/s) NGC0821 320±45a 229±57 209±10 NGC1399 5800±700a 363±91 359±18 NGC3377 266±66b 26.3±6.6 141±7 NGC3379 270±68a 107±27 221±11 NGC4318 18±6.1 5.0±1.7 101±5 NGC4365 3246±598 226±52 269±13 NGC4374 4301±1201 236±61 287±14 NGC4382 1110±181 186±44 196±10 NGC4387 69.5±9.8 13.7±3 84±4.2 NGC4406 2660±129 289±60 250±12 NGC4434 141±34 21.4±4 118±6 NGC4458 72±12 8.7±2 85±4.3 NGC4459 218±28 77.9±14 168±8 NGC4464 25.3±9.2 7.1±1.4 120±6 NGC4467 -6±13 1.8±0.6 67±3.4 NGC4472 7813±830 531±110 287±14 NGC4473 76±97 53.5±12 178±9 NGC4476 20.1±7.3 3.7±2 41±2.1 NGC4478 58±11 22±4 149±7 NGC4486 14660±891 302±79 360±18 NGC4489 31±9 6.98±1.7 49±2.4 NGC4515 81±10 7.7±1.5 90±4.5 NGC4551 47±11 11.6±2.4 100±5 NGC4552 984±198 95±16.9 261±13 NGC4564 213±31 26±6 153±8 NGC4621 803±355 83.9±19 237±12 NGC4649 4745±1099 339±50 341±17 NGC4660 205±28 23.8±4 191±9 VCC1199 -9±14 0.58±0.16 69±3.5 VCC1440 26.7±6.8 1.2±0.44 59±3 VCC1627 3.6±3.7 1.0±0.32 47±2.4 VCC1871 10.4±5 2.3±0.58 51±2.6 Note. — Properties of elliptical galaxies used to determine the correlation of NGC with M∗ at fixed velocity dispersion σ (Figure 1). Values of NGC and M∗ are compiled from Pengetal. (2008) un- lessotherwisenoted. Valuesof σ arecompiledfrom Hopkinsetal.(2009a,b)andassumedtohavealog- uniformuncertaintyof0.02dex. a Spitleretal.(2008) b Kundu&Whitmore(2001) Globular Cluster – Black Hole Relation 7 Table 2 GalaxypropertiesforFigure2 Galaxy MBH +1-sigma -1-sigma NGC σ ∆NGC ∆MBH (M⊙) (M⊙) (M⊙) (km/s) Burkert&Tremaine(2010) NGC0821 4.2×107 2.8×107 8×106 320±45 209±10 -0.39 -0.79 NGC1316 1.5×108 8×107 8×107 1173±240 226±9 0.05 -0.37 NGC1399 1.3×109 5×108 7×108 5800±700 337±16 0.11 -0.13 5.1×108 7×107 7×107 0.11 -0.54 NGC3377 1.1×108 1.1×108 1×107 266±66 145±7 0.11 0.27 NGC3379 1.2×108 8×107 6×107 270±68 206±10 -0.44 -0.31 4×108 1×108 1×108 -0.44 0.22 NGC4374 1.5×109 1.1×109 6×108 4301±1201 296±14 0.19 0.16 NGC4459 7.4×107 1.4×107 1.4×107 218±28 167±8 -0.20 -0.15 NGC4472 1.8×109 6×108 6×108 7813±830 310±10 0.37 0.16 NGC4486 6.4×109 5×108 5×108 14660±891 375±18 0.34 0.38 NGC4564 6.9×107 4×106 1×107 213±31 162±8 -0.17 -0.13 NGC4594 5.5×108 5×107 5×107 1900±189 240±12 0.16 0.09 NGC4649 4.5×109 1×109 1×109 4745±1099 385±19 -0.19 0.18 NGC5128 3×108 4×107 2×107 1550±390 150±7 0.82 0.65 7×107 1.3×107 3.8×107 0.82 0.01 Harris&Harris(2010) NGC2778 1.6×107 9×106 2×105 50±30 162±8 -0.80 -0.76 NGC4261 5.5×108 1.1×108 1.2×108 530±100 309±14 -0.79 -0.35 NGC4473 1.3×108 5×107 9.4×107 376±97 180±8 -0.08 -0.03 NGC4552 4.8×108 8×107 8×107 1200±250 253±12 -0.12 -0.06 NGC4621 4×108 6×107 6×107 800±355 225±11 -0.11 -0.06 NGC4697 2×108 2×107 2×107 229±50 171±8 -0.22 0.24 NGC5813 7×108 1.1×108 1.1×108 1650±400 237±11 0.12 0.22 NGC5846 1.1×109 2×108 2×108 4700±1200 239±11 0.56 0.40 Note. — Properties of elliptical galaxies used to calculate the correlation of NGC with MBH atfixedvelocitydispersionσ (Figure2),followingBT10. DataforNGC andMBH are compiledfromBT10andHH10. Valuesofσ areaspresentedinBT10forthosegalaxies,and values of σ for the HH10 ellipticals are taken as the mean value recorded in the HyperLeda database (Patureletal.2003;McElroy1995).

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