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Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,000–000(0000) Printed14January2015 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) Reionizing the Universe in Warm Dark Matter cosmologies Pratika Dayal1,2(cid:63), Tirthankar Roy Choudhury3 , Volker Bromm4 & Fabio Pacucci5 1 SUPA†, Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh, Royal Observatory, Edinburgh, EH9 3HJ, UK 2 Institute for Computational Cosmology, Department of Physics, University of Durham, South Road, Durham DH1 3LE, UK 5 3 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Pune 411007, India 1 4 Department of Astronomy and Texas Cosmology Centre, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712, USA 0 5 Scuola Normale Superiore, Piazza dei Cavalieri 7, 56126 Pisa, Italy 2 n a J 2 ABSTRACT 1 We compare model results from our semi-analytic merger tree based framework for high-redshift (z (cid:39) 5−20) galaxy formation against reionization indicators including ] O the Planck electron scattering optical depth (τ ) and the ionizing photon emissivity es (n˙ ) to constrain the particle mass of Warm Dark Matter (WDM). Our framework C ion traces the Dark Matter (DM) and baryonic assembly of galaxies in 4 DM cosmolo- . h gies: Cold Dark Matter (CDM) and WDM with a particle mass of m = 2.25,3 and x p 5 keV. It includes all the key processes of star formation, supernova feedback, the - merger/accretion/ejection driven evolution of gas and stellar mass, and the effect of o the ultra-violet background (UVB) created during reionization in photo-evaporating r st the gas content of galaxies in halos with Mh ∼< 109M(cid:12). We show that current Planck a τes values rule out mx ∼< 2.5 keV WDM, even in the physically unlikely scenario that [ all ionizing photons produced by these galaxies escape and contribute to reionization (i.e. f = 1). With the largest number of UVB-suppressed galaxies, CDM faces a 1 esc v “stalling” of the reionization process with this effect decreasing with the disappear- 3 ance of small-scale structure with decreasing mx. Finally, we find the bulk of the 2 reionization photons come from galaxies with a halo mass Mh ∼< 109M(cid:12), stellar mass 8 M∗ ∼< 107M(cid:12) and UV magnitude −18∼< MUV ∼< −13 in CDM. The progressive sup- 2 pression of low-mass halos with decreasing m leads to a shift in the “reionization” x 0 population to larger (halo and stellar) masses of Mh ∼> 109M(cid:12) and M∗ ∼> 107M(cid:12) for 1. mx ∼> 3 keV WDM, although the UV limits effectively remain unchanged. 0 Key words: Cosmology:dark matter-reionization-cosmological parameters-cosmic 5 1 microwave background; galaxies-intergalactic medium : v i X r 1 INTRODUCTION 1971; Blumenthal et al. 1984; Bond & Szalay 1983; Cole a et al. 2005; Lange et al. 2001; Hinshaw et al. 2013; Planck According to the standard Lambda Cold Dark Matter Collaboration et al. 2014a; Slosar et al. 2013). However, as (ΛCDM)cosmologicalmodel,galaxyformationproceedshi- recently reviewed by Weinberg et al. (2013), CDM exhibits erarchically through time, driven by a cold (dark) matter a number of small scales problems: it produces halo pro- ofunknowncomposition.Inthiseraofprecisioncosmology, files that are cuspy as opposed to the observationally pre- its energy density has been measured to have a value of ferred constant density cores (Navarro et al. 1997; Subra- Ω h2 = 0.133 with baryons comprising Ω h2 = 0.0196 of m b manian et al. 2000), it over-predicts the number of satellite thetotal(PlanckCollaborationetal.2014b).CDMclusters andfieldgalaxiesascomparedtoobservations(the“missing on all scales and has been remarkably successful in predict- satellite problem”; Klypin et al. 1999; Moore et al. 1999), ing the large scale structure of the Universe, the tempera- predicts massive (Large Magellanic Cloud mass), concen- tureanisotropiesmeasuredbytheCosmicMicrowaveBack- tratedGalacticsubhalosinconsistentwithobservations(e.g. ground (CMB) and Lyman-α forest statistics (e.g. Peebles Boylan-Kolchinetal.2012)andfacesdifficultyinproducing typical disks due to ongoing mergers down to z (cid:39)1 (Wyse 2001). The limited success of baryonic feedback in solving (cid:63) [email protected] † ScottishUniversitiesPhysicsAlliance these small scale problems (e.g. Boylan-Kolchin et al. 2012; (cid:13)c 0000RAS 2 Teyssier et al. 2013) has prompted questions regarding the evolution with redshift, that should be detectable by the validity of the CDM scenario. A popular solution to the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) integrating down to small scale problems in CDM cosmology involves invoking MUV (cid:39) −16.5 at z∼> 10 (see also Calura et al. 2014; Gov- (∼ keV) Warm Dark Matter (WDM) particles that erase ernato et al. 2014). small-scalepower(Blumenthaletal.1984;Bodeetal.2001, Since low-mass high-z galaxies are now believed to be e.g)1.BeyonditsStandardModel,particlephysicsprovides the main sources of reionization photons in the early Uni- compelling motivation for WDM candidates, which can be verse (e.g. Barkana & Loeb 2001; Ciardi & Ferrara 2005; aslightas∼O(1)KeV,suchassterileneutrinos.Theseap- Choudhury & Ferrara 2007; Choudhury et al. 2008), their pear in an extension of the Standard Model with 3 sterile delayed and accelerated assembly would naturally lead to a neutrinos, out of which 2 could be as heavy as 1−10 GeV, correspondingdelayandaccelerationinthereionizationhis- while the lightest one could be within O(1) keV (for a re- tory. Now that we have verified that our theoretical galaxy view see Abazajian et al. 2012). There are some tantalising populationsareinagreementwithobservationsatz(cid:39)7−12 observational hints such as the 3.5keV monochromatic line for m =1.5,3and5keV,webuildreionizationhistoriesfor x observedbyXMM-NewtoncomingfromthePerseusgalaxy 4 DM models with m =2.25,3 and 5keV to see if we can x cluster.Thislinemightarisefromalightsterileneutrinoan- obtain tighter constraints on m by comparing to existing x nihilating into photons (Bulbul et al. 2014; Boyarsky et al. observations of the Planck CMB electron scattering optical 2014). depthandtheionizingphotonemissivity.Inadditiontoin- Astrophysical constraints on the WDM particle mass ternal feedback from supernovae (see Sec. 2.3 Dayal et al. range from m (cid:62)3.3keV using the Lyα forest power spec- 2014b) our model self-consistently includes the “external” x trum (Viel et al. 2013), m > 1.6−1.8keV using num- feedback effect from reionization in photo-evaporating gas x ber counts of high-z gamma ray bursts (de Souza et al. from DM halos (Sec. 2.2), and yields both the reionization 2013), mx ∼> 1.3keV using abundance matching of theo- history, and the ionizing photon contribution across differ- retical and observed high-z galaxies (Schultz et al. 2014), ent halo mass, stellar mass and magnitude bins (Sec. 3), as mx ∼> 1keV using dwarf spheroidal galaxy observations (de explained in what follows. Vega & Sanchez 2010), simultaneously reproducing stellar The cosmological parameters used in this massfunctionsandtheTully-Fisherrelationforz=0−3.5 work correspond to (Ω ,Ω ,Ω ,h,n ,σ ) = m Λ b s 8 galaxies (Kang et al. 2013) and comparing the observed (0.2725,0.702,0.04,0.7,0.96,0.83), consistent with the numberdensityofz≈10galaxiestothatexpectedfromthe latest results from the Planck collaboration (Planck Col- halomassfunction(Pacuccietal.2013),and mx ∼> 0.5keV laboration et al. 2014b) and we quote all quantities in inferred using the presence of supermassive black holes at comoving units unless stated otherwise. z(cid:39)5.8 (Barkana et al. 2001), A combination of ground and space-based observa- tionshasallowedastatisticallysignificantdataavailablefor z(cid:39)6−10LymanBreakgalaxies(LBGs;Oeschetal.2010; 2 THEORETICAL MODEL Bouwens et al. 2010, 2011; Castellano et al. 2010; McLure We now briefly summarise the theoretical model and inter- et al. 2010; Bradley et al. 2012; Oesch et al. 2013; McLure estedreadersarerefereedtoDayaletal.(2014a,b)forcom- etal.2013;Bowleretal.2014b;Bouwensetal.2014;Bowler plete details. We explore 4 DM models: CDM and WDM et al. 2014a) enabling such constraints to be extended to with m = 2.25,3 and 5keV. Although we cite m values thehigh-z Universe.Indeed,inDayaletal.(2014b),wepre- x x assuming thermally decoupled relativistic particles, these sented a merger-tree based semi-analytic model that traces numbers can also be converted into sterile neutrino masses both the DM and baryonic assembly of high-z(z (cid:39)7−15) (m ) using (Viel et al. 2005) galaxies in 4 cosmologies: CDM and WDM with particle sterileν masses mx = 1.5,3 and 5keV. While the halo mass func- (cid:32) m (cid:33)4/3(cid:32)0.1225(cid:33) tdioownnistoinhdaislotinmgausisshesabalselofowr aCsDMM a(cid:39)nd10m8.5xM∼> 3,ksmeVallWmDaMss msterileν =4.43keV 1kexV Ωmh2 , (1) h (cid:12) (M (cid:39)109.5M )structuresaresuppressedmoreseverelyin h (cid:12) yielding m = (13.1,18.6,36.8)keV corresponding to the 1.5keV scenario. We showed that the ultraviolet lumi- sterileν m =(2.25,3,5)keV respectively. nosity functions (UV LFs), mass to light (M/L ratios) and x stellarmassdensities(SMD)arethesameinallthe4models for the massive, luminous (M (cid:54)−18) galaxies that have UV 2.1 Merger trees and the baryonic been observed so far. However, the delay in structure for- implementation mationinthe1.5keVWDMscenarioleadstoadelayedand accelerated baryonic assembly resulting in a steeper SMD We start by constructing 400 merger trees starting at z = 4 linearly distributed across the halo mass range log(M /M ) = 9−13 for the 4 DM models considered. h (cid:12) 1 However, some works caution that the extremely low mass The merger-trees use 320 equal redshift steps (∆z = 0.05) WDM particles required to make constant density cores prevent between z = 20 and z = 4 with a mass resolution of theveryformationofdwarfgalaxies(Macci`oetal.2012;Schnei- Mres = 108M(cid:12) using the modified binary merger tree al- deretal.2014). gorithm with smooth accretion detailed in Parkinson et al. (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 Reionization in CDM and WDM 3 (2008)andBensonetal.(2013).Wescaletherelativeabun- andpredictsthez-evolutionofthefaintendUVLFslopein dances of the merger tree roots to match the z = 4 Sheth- in addition to reproducing observables including the SMD Tormen halo mass function (HMFs; Sheth & Tormen 1999) and mass-to-light ratios using fiducial parameter values of andhaveverifiedthattheseyieldHMFsingoodagreement f =0.038andf =0.1.Wemaintainthesefiducialparam- ∗ w withtheSheth-Tormen(Sheth&Tormen1999)HMFatall eter values in all the calculations carried out in this work. z. Further, we replace 1.5keV WDM with a heavier mass of We implement the merger trees with baryonic physics 2.25keV togettighterconstraintson m ;wenotethatthe x including star formation, supernova (SN) feedback driven latter mass naturally fits all of the observed data sets pre- ejection of gas, and the merger/accretion/ejection driven sented in Dayal et al. (2014a,b). evolution of the gas and stellar masses. Our model is based onthesimplepremisethatthemaximumstarformationef- ficiency (feff) of any halo is limited by the SN binding en- 2.2 Modelling reionization ∗ ergyrequiredtounbind/ejecttherestofthegasandquench The quantity which plays a crucial role in modelling reion- further star formation, up to a maximum threshold value ization is the rate of ionizing photons per unit comoving of f∗ (see Dayal et al. 2014a). This model has two z and volume n˙ion (s−1Mpc−1) in the IGM, which is essentially massindependentfreeparameterswhosevaluesareselected obtainedby(i)integratingthephotonproductionrateN˙ ion tomatchtheevolvingUVLF:themaximumthresholdstar of individual galaxies over relevant halo mass ranges, and formationefficiency(f∗)andthefractionofSNenergythat (ii)multiplyingbythefractionfesc ofionizingphotonsthat goesintounbindinggas(fw).Whilefw affectsthefaint-end escape from halos into the IGM. slopeof theUV LFwhere feedback is most effective, f∗ de- AlthoughreionizationisdrivenbytheH I ionizingpho- terminesthenormalizationatthebright-endwheregalaxies tonsproducedbyearlygalaxies,theultra-violetbackground can form stars with the maximum allowed efficiency. (UVB) built up during reionization suppresses the bary- We implement this simple idea proceeding forward in onic content of galaxies by photo-heating/evaporating gas time from the highest merger tree output redshift, z = 20. at their outskirts (Klypin et al. 1999; Moore et al. 1999; At any z step, the initial gas mass, Mg,i(z), in a galaxy Somerville 2002) preventing efficient cooling and slowing depends on its merger history: while galaxies that have no downitsprogress.Inordertoaccountfortheeffectofreion- progenitors are assigned a value Mg,i(z)=(Ωb/Ωm)Mh(z), izationfeedbackonn˙ion,weassumetotalphoto-evaporation the value is determined both by the gas mass brought in of gas from halos below M = 109M (at any z) within min (cid:12) by merging progenitors as well as that smoothly-accreted ionized regions. In other words, halos below M and can min fromtheintergalacticmedium(IGM)forgalaxiesthathave neitherformstarsnorcontributeanygasinmergersifthey progenitors.Apart(f∗eff)ofthisgasformsnewstellarmass, areforminginsidetheregionswhichhavealreadybeenion- M∗(z)withthefinalgasmassleftdependingontheratioof ized. Hence the globally averaged n˙ion is given by the (instantaneous) energy provided by exploding SN and the potential energy of the halo. We note that at any step, n˙ion(z)=fesc(z)[QII(z)n˙II(z)+[1−QII(z)]n˙I(z)], (4) the total stellar mass in a galaxy is the sum of mass of the where Q (z) is the volume filling fraction for ionized re- II newly-formed stars, and that brought in by its progenitors. gions, and n˙ (n˙ ) is the photon production rate density II I For simplicity, we assume every new stellar population within ionized (neutral) regions. Clearly n˙ contains con- I has a fixed metallicity of 0.05Z and an age t = 2Myr. (cid:12) 0 tribution from all sources which can form stars and is un- Using the population synthesis code STARBURST99 (Lei- affected by the UVB, while n˙ represents the case where thereretal.1999),itsinitialUVluminosity(atλ=1500˚A) II sources below M do not contribute to ionizing photons. canbecalculatedasL (0)=1033.077(M /M )ergs−1˚A−1 min UV ∗ (cid:12) At the beginning of the reionization process the volume andtheinitialoutputofionizingphotonscanbecalculated filled by ionized hydrogen is very small (Q << 1) and as N˙ (0) = 1046.6255(M /M )s−1. Further, the time evo- II ion ∗ (cid:12) most galaxies are not affected by the UVB, thus giving lution of these quantities can be expressed as n˙ (z) ≈ n˙ (z). However, as Q increases and reaches a ion I II t value (cid:39) 1 (note reionization is said to be complete when L (t)=L (0)−1.33log +0.462 (2) UV UV t0 QII =1),allgalaxieslessmassivethanMmin arefeedback- suppressed such that n˙ (z)≈n˙ (z). t ion II N˙ion(t)=N˙ion(0)−3.92logt +0.7 (3) The reionization history, expressed through the evolu- 0 tion of Q , can then be written as II For any galaxy along the merger tree, its UV luminosity dQ dn Q dt and ionizing photon output rate are the sum of the values II = ion − II , (5) dz dz t dz from the new starburst, and the contribution from older rec populationsaccountingforthedropwithtime.Wetherefore where dt/dz =[H(z)(1+z)]−1. Here, the first term on the have these quantities for 320 z steps between z = 20 and right hand side represents the ionizing photon production z=4. which drives reionization, and the second term shows the As shown in Dayal et al. (2014a,b), our model repro- decrease in the H II volume filling fraction due to recombi- duces the observed UV LF for all DM models (CDM and nation of electrons and protons to form H I . Further, nH WDM with m = 1.5,3 and 5keV) at z (cid:39) 5−10 over 2.5 is the comoving hydrogen number density, and t is the x rec orders of magnitude in luminosity (7 magnitudes in M ) recombination time that can be expressed as UV (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 4 Figure 1. The CMB electron scattering optical depth (τes) as a function of redshift for the 4 DM models considered in this paper, as markedineachpanel.Ineachpanel,the4linesshowresultsusingfourdifferentvaluesoffesc=1.0(dot-dashedline),0.5(dashedline), 0.35(dottedline)andthefiducialz-dependentvaluemarked(solidline);weusethesamez-dependenceoffescforboththe3and2.25keV cases.Thez-dependentfesc valuehasbeenobtainedbysimultaneouslyfittingtoτes andionizingphotonemissivityobservations.The horizontal dashed line shows the central value for τes inferred by Planck with the shaded region showing the errors allowed (Planck Collaboration et al. 2014b). As seen, while a z-dependent fesc gives reasonable results for CDM and mx∼>3keV WDM, the 2.25keV modeliseffectivelyruledoutbycurrentCMBconstraints,evenusingthemaximumallowedvalueoffesc=1. 1 trec = χnH(1+z)3αBC (6) wfohredriefffe0reanntdDαMamreozd-einlsdaerpeenshdoewntnpianraTmabetleer1s.whosevalues where α is the hydrogen case-B recombination coefficient, B χ=1.08 accounts for the excess free electrons arising from 3 RESULTS singly ionized helium and C is the IGM clumping factor which we assume to be evolving as (Pawlik et al. 2009; Now that the model has been described we start by dis- Haardt & Madau 2012) cussing the model constraints on m using observed values x oftheCMBelectronscatteringopticaldepth(τ )andion- es <n2 > izing emissivity (n˙ ). We then present the inferred reion- C = HII =1+43z−1.71. (7) ion <n >2 ization history and sources for all the 4 DM models, as de- HII scribed in what follows. As seen above, the photon production rate depends on f and hence we need to know the value of the param- esc eter to calculate the reionization history. In this work we 3.1 Joint reionization constraints from the CMB assumef tobeindependentofthehalomass,andtaketo optical depth and UVB emissivity esc beafunctionofonlyz.Oncethefunctionf (z)ischosen, esc Combining Planck and WMAP low-l polarization data, the thereionizationhistoryofthemodelcanbeworkedout.As current best estimate of τ = 0.089+0.012 (Planck Collab- shown in Sec. 3.1 that follows, simultaneously fitting to ob- es −0.014 oration et al. 2014b). We calculate τ at any given z by es servationsoftheCMBelectronscatteringopticaldepth(τ ) es solving the equation: andtheionizingemissivity(n˙ )requireaz-dependentf ion esc (cid:90) z that evolves as τ (z)=σ c dtn (1+z)3 (9) es T e 0 (cid:32) (cid:33)α 1+z where n (z) = Q (z)n is the global average comoving f =f , (8) e II H esc 0 7 value of the electron number density and σ = 6.6524× T (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 Reionization in CDM and WDM 5 Figure 2.RedshiftevolutionoftheHIionizingphotonemissivity(foralltheoreticalgalaxies)forthe4DMmodelsconsideredinthis paper, as marked in each panel. In each panel, the 4 lines show results using four different values of fesc = 1.0 (dot-dashed line), 0.5 (dashedline),0.35(dottedline)andthefiducialz-dependentvalue(solidline);weusethesamez-dependenceoffesc forboththe3and 2.25keV cases. As clearly seen, a constant fesc value severely over-predicts n˙ion compared to the observations (points) at z (cid:39) 5,6 in allDMmodels.Theobservationalresults(andassociatederrorbars)havebeencalculatedfollowingtheapproachofKuhlen&Faucher- Giguere(2012),i.e.,bycombiningtheobservationalconstraintsonΓHI fromWyithe&Bolton(2011)withλmfpfromSongaila&Cowie (2010).Seetextfordetails. izing photons in addition to n˙ (see, e.g., Choudhury & Model f0×100 α Ferrara2005,2006).Inthisworikon,wefollowtheapproachof CDM 1.65 5.4 Kuhlen & Faucher-Giguere (2012) and combine the obser- mx=5keV (13.1keV) 1.25 6.8 vational constraints on ΓHI from Wyithe & Bolton (2011) mx=3keV (18.6keV) 1.2 8.2 with λ from Songaila & Cowie (2010) to obtain the ob- mfp mx=2.25keV (36.8keV) 1.2 8.2 servationalestimateofn˙ .Wehaveusedthefiducialvalues ion fromKuhlen&Faucher-Giguere(2012):γ =1forthesource Table1.Theparametervaluesforz-evolutionoftheescapefrac- spectral index and β = 1.3 for the H I column density dis- tionfesc fordifferentDMmodels;thenumbersinbracketsshow tribution.Varyingthesewithinallowedwouldonlyresultin thesterileneutrinomasscorrespondingto mx.Thez-dependence larger error bars, hence leaving our results unchanged (see offesc istakentobefesc(z)=f0[(1+z)/7]α. Kuhlen & Faucher-Giguere 2012). The most common approach adopted in calculating the reionization history (and τ ) is to assume a redshift- es 10−25cm2istheThomsonscatteringcross-section.Notethat independentconstantvalueoff (e.g.Schultzetal.2014). esc f governs the evolution of Q as shown in Eqns. 4 and We start by following this basic approach to calculate τ esc II es 5. and n˙ for our 4DM models,to compare toobservations. ion A second observable that needs to be fit by any reion- As shown in Fig. 1, matching to the Planck optical depth izationmodelistheemissivityofionizingphotonsatz(cid:46)6. constraints requires fesc ∼> 0.5 for CDM and mx ∼> 3keV It is currently believed that reionization was completed in WDM models; a value of f = 0.2 does not result in esc a “photon-starved” manner, which is constrained mainly enough electrons to produce the measured optical depth at by the observations of H I photoionization rate ΓHI from high-z. As shown in Dayal et al. (2014b, see Fig. 3), struc- quasar absorption lines (Lyα forest) at 5 (cid:54) z (cid:54) 6 (Bolton tureformationisprogressivelydelayedwithdecreasing m , x & Haehnelt 2007). In order to calculate ΓHI in reionization resulting in a lack of H I ionizing photons which naturally models,oneneedstomodelthemeanfreepathλ ofion- leads to a low value of τ . Indeed, our model shows that mfp es (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 6 by an increase in f (or α) to obtain the required τ at esc es early epochs: the values of f and α which best fit the cen- 0 tral τ value, while being within n˙ bounds, for different es ion DMmodelsareshowninTable1.Giventhateventhemax- imum allowed value of f = 1 is not enough to reach the esc measuredτ forthe2.25keVWDMscenario,wesimplyuse es the values as in the 3keV case.3 We show the redshift evolution of the best-fit f esc values for all the DM models in Fig. 3. As mentioned, with the largest number of low mass halos available to provide H I ionizing photons CDM requires a shallower z- dependenceonf .Asuccessivedecreaseinthenumberof esc low mass halos from CDM to 5 to 3 keV requires a larger f at early times, resulting in a steeper z-dependence. To esc quantify, we find f (cid:39) 1.4% at z (cid:39) 6 which rises to 50% esc atz(cid:39)12,11,10forCDM,5and3keVWDM,respectively. 3.2 Reionization histories and sources in different DM models As discussed in Secs. 2.2 and 3.1, given the source galaxy Figure 3. The redshift evolution of the fiducial value of fesc = population, the reionization history (or the global z- f0(1+7z)α usedinthiswork(seetextfordetails).Theresultsfor evolution of QII) is fixed once the z-evolution of fesc is 2.25and3keVarethesamesinceweusethesamez-dependence determined. We start by noting that CDM allows galaxy forboth.Asseen,progressivelylighterWDMparticlesrequirea formationonthesmallestscales,withlowmassgalaxiesbe- larger photon escape fraction at earlier times to compensate for ing progressively suppressed as m decreases. It naturally x thelackoflowmasshalos. followsthatlow-massgalaxiesintheCDMmodelwillbethe mostaffectedbyUVBfeedback,drawingouttheprocessof τ is lower than the Planck limits even in the case that reionizationwiththiseffectdecreasingwiththeWDMparti- es fesc = 1, where all the H I ionizing photons escape out of clemass.ThisisthebehaviourshowninFig.4:reionization galaxiesandcontributetoreionizationrulingoutWDMwith starts earliest in the CDM model and is 50% complete by mx ∼< 2.25keV.2 Although they match the observed τes, z- z (cid:39)13, initially driven by low mass halos (see also Bromm independent constant values of f = 0.5(1) severely over- & Yoshida 2011). Suppression of star formation in the nu- esc predict the ionizing photon emissivity by about 1.6 (1.9) merous sources with Mh ∼< 109M(cid:12) leads to a “stalling” of orders of magnitude at z (cid:39) 6 as shown in Fig. 2. A sce- thereionizationprocesswithonlya10%changeinQII over nario wherein f is z-independent is therefore ruled out the 200 Myrs till z (cid:39)9. Thereafter reionization extends for esc by the emissivity constraints, irrespective of the DM model about 650 Myrs driven by more massive galaxies, with the considered. entire volume being reionized by z(cid:39)5. Reconciling these two data sets requires a z-dependent From the same figure we see that while reionization fesc =f0[(1+z)/7]αwithα>0,whichprovidesenoughpho- starts off at a slower rate for mx = 5 and 3keV WDM, tons at high-z to obtain the right optical depth τ , whilst it “catches up” fairly quickly due to the slower z-decline es yieldingreasonablylown˙ionvaluesatlatertimes;wechoose of fesc that results in a larger number of ionizing photons; f andαforeachDMmodelsuchthatboththeconstraints indeed, the IGM is 50% by z (cid:39) 11.5−12.5 in these mod- 0 are satisfied simultaneously. The fact that one requires ion- els. As expected, the progressive lack of low-mass galaxies izing sources with higher efficiency to match the two data means there is a slightly (almost no) stalling of the reion- setshasbeennotedearlier(seee.g.,Mitraetal.2011,2012). ization process in the 5(3)keV WDM scenario resulting in WithrespecttoCDM,thenumberdensityofthe(lowmass) aquickerendtoreionization:indeed,reionizationisoverby galaxiesoccupyingthefaintendoftheUVLF(MUV ∼> −11) a z (cid:39) 6 (8.5) in the 5(3)keV WDM scenario, having taken isincreasinglysuppressedwithredshiftastheWDMparticle massdecreasesfrom5to3 keV.Thismustbecompensated 3 It is, however, possible to obtain a τes∼>0.062 for the mx = 2.25 keVcase,whileatthesametimematchthen˙ion constraints 2 Note, however, that the constraints on τes from atz=6,ifwechoosef0=1.2andα=8.2.Thesewouldthenbe the recent (12/2014) Planck data seem to have been consistentwiththelatest(12/2014)Planckresults.Wealsofind (tentatively) revised to τes = 0.079 ± 0.017, see that the mx = 1.5keV WDM gives τes ∼ 0.062 in the unlikely http://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/planck/ferrara2014 for scenariothatconstantfesc=1,i.e.,thenewPlanckresultswould details.Inthatcaseonemaybeabletoreconcilethe mx=2.25 possiblyweakenthelowerlimiton mx from2.25keV to1.5keV keV case with CMB data by choosing fesc (cid:38) 0.3 which yields ifweassumedeveryionizingphotonproducedby1.5keVgalaxies τes∼>0.062. tohavecontributedtoreionization. (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 Reionization in CDM and WDM 7 videabout30%(65%)ofthetotalionizingphotonsinCDM (2.25keV WDM). From the same panel, we see that the UV suppression of low mass halos leads to a flattening in their fractional contribution for CDM. However, the frac- tionalcontributionoflowmasshalosrisesmuchmoresteeply withdecreasing m sincehaloscollapseatscaleslargerthan x that affected by the UVB. We now express the fractional contribution of galaxies in terms of observables including the stellar mass, and UV magnitude (panels b and c in Fig. 5). We find that galax- ies with M∗ ∼> 107M(cid:12) contribute 20% to the total ionizing photon emissivity in CDM. Given that forthcoming instru- ments like the JWST will be able to detect galaxies with M∗ ∼> 107.5M(cid:12) (Fig. 4; Dayal et al. 2014b; Pawlik et al. 2011), our results imply that the bulk (∼ 80%) of the stel- larmassresponsibleforproducingreionizationphotonswill likely not be directly detectable. As explained above, the contribution to the total ionizing emissivity rises with de- creasing mx,withM∗ ∼> 107M(cid:12)galaxiescontributingabout ∼ 65% to the total for the 2.25keV model. From the same panel, we see that galaxies with M∗ ∼> 109M(cid:12) contribute a negligible 2% to the total emissivity, with this value rising Figure 4.Volumefillingfractionofionizedhydrogenasafunc- to ∼8% in the 2.25keV model. tionofzforthe4DMmodelsconsideredusingthefiducialmodel. Finally,wefindthatgalaxiesbrighterthanM =−13 UV As seen, reionization is progressively delayed (and its rate en- provide∼63%ofthetotalionizingphotonsforCDMimply- hanced)fordecreasing mx whencomparedtoCDMduetopro- ing that the rest 37% must come from even fainter galax- gressive suppression of small scale structure. This naturally re- ies. This value rises to about 80% for the 2.25keV model sultsinreionizationbeingthemost“drawn-out”forCDMwhere wherefewerlowermass/luminosityhaloscollapseintobound theeffectsoftheUVBarefeltmoststrongly. structures.Currentlydetectedgalaxies(MUV ∼< −18)only contribute 6% of the total emissivity in CDM that rises to roughly 780 (420) Myrs, as compared to CDM which re- 18%inthe2.25keVmodelwiththelattershowingasteeper quiresabout1.02Gyrs.Adelayofaboutafewtenstoa100 z-evolution of the emissivity driven by the faster galaxy as- Myrs in structure formation results in reionization starting sembly. ataz(cid:39)16.5inthe2.25keVWDMscenario.Thelargerhalo Tosummarize,wefindthebulkofthereionizationpho- masses result in this model being independent of the feed- tons come from galaxies with Mh ∼< 109M(cid:12), M∗ ∼< 107M(cid:12) backeffectsofreionization,resultinginasmoothz-evolution and −18∼< MUV ∼< − 13 in CDM. The progressive sup- of QII from completely neutral to ionized in the 520 Myrs pression of low-mass halos with decreasing mx leads to between z (cid:39) 16.5 to 6.7. In principle, these different sce- a shift in the “reionization” population to larger (halo narios could be distinguished with future 21cm cosmology and stellar) masses of Mh ∼> 109M(cid:12) and M∗ ∼> 107M(cid:12) for surveys with next-generation facilities such as the Square mx ∼> 3keV WDM, although the UV limits effectively re- Kilometre Array (SKA). main unchanged. The next question that needs to be answered concerns the main reionization sources in these 4 DM models, for which we calculate the fractional contribution to the to- 4 CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSION tal ionizing emissivity at z (cid:39) 5 from galaxies in varying halomass,stellarmassandUVmagnitudebinsasshownin Although the Cold dark matter (CDM) paradigm has been Fig. 5. Starting with the halo mass (panel a), we find that enormously successful in explaining the large scale struc- CDMgalaxieswithMh ∼> 109M(cid:12)provideonlyabout35%of tureoftheUniverse,itshowsanumberofsmallscaleprob- the total ionizing photons, with the dominant contribution lems that can be alleviated by invoking (keV) Warm Dark coming from lower halo masses. As noted, small mass halos Matter (WDM) particles that erase small scale power, sup- are increasingly suppressed with decreasing m in WDM pressing the formation of low-mass structures. Given that x models which leads to an increase in the fractional contri- the low-mass high-z galaxies are believed to be the main bution of Mh ∼> 109M(cid:12) galaxies. Indeed, their contribution contributors to the process of cosmic reionization, our aim increasesfrom50to63toa80%,as m decreasesfrom5to is to use reionization tracers including the Planck CMB x 3to2.25keV.Asexpectedfromthedecreasingnumberden- electron-scatteringopticaldepth(τ )andthemeasuredion- es sitieswithincreasingMh,thecontributionofMh ∼> 1010M(cid:12) izingphotonemissivity(n˙ion)toputconstraintsonthemass halosislower(∼4%forCDM)andshowsthesametrendof (m ) of WDM particles. We use a merger-tree based semi- x increasing with decreasing m , to ∼ 15% for the 2.25keV analyticmodelthattracestheDMandbaryonicassemblyof x model; this implies galaxies with M (cid:39) 109−10.5M pro- high-z (z(cid:39)5−20)galaxiesin4DMcosmologies:CDMand h (cid:12) (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 8 Figure 5.FractionalcontributiontothecumulativeHIionizingphotondensityatz=5bygalaxiesofdifferenthalomasses(Mh;left panel), stellar masses (M∗; middle panel) and UV magnitude bins (MUV; right panel) for the fiducial DM models considered in this paper, as marked. Left panel: the solid and dashed lines show the contribution from galaxies with x∼>109 and 1010.5M(cid:12), respectively. Middle panel: the solid and dashed lines show the contribution from galaxies with x∼>107 and 109M(cid:12), respectively. Right panel: the solidanddashedlinesshowthecontributionfromgalaxieswithx∼< −13and−18,respectively. WDMwith m =2.25,3and5keV.Ourmodelincludesthe onciling these two data sets requires a z−dependent f = x esc key baryonic processes of star formation, SN feedback and f (1+z)α which provides enough photons at early times to 0 7 the merger/accretion/ejection driven evolution of gas and obtaintherightτ value,whilstyieldinglown˙ valuesat es ion stellar mass, and has been shown to fit observables over 7 later times. We find that simultaneously fitting to the two magnitudes (including the UV LFs, M/L ratios and SMD) reionization data sets requires f = (1.65,1.25,1.2)% and 0 usingonlytwoz andmass-independentfreeparameterswith α = (5.4,6.8,8.2) for CDM and m = 5,3keV WDM, re- x fiducialvaluesof3.8%forthemaximumstarformationeffi- spectively.Weusethesamevaluesfor2.25keV asfor3keV ciency and 10% of the SN energy going into unbinding gas sincetheformerneverreachestherequiredτ value.Quan- es (Dayaletal.2014a,b).Inthiswork,weusethestellarmass titatively,wefindf (cid:39)1.4%atz(cid:39)6forallmodels,rising esc assemblydrivenionizingphotonoutputfromthesetheoret- to 50% at z (cid:39) 12,11,10 for CDM, 5 and 3keV WDM, re- ical galaxies to model the reionization history. We include spectively. theeffectofexternalfeedback,i.e.,anevolvinghomogeneous Asaresultofthepresenceofthemostsmall-scalestruc- UVB suppressing the baryonic content of galaxies below a ture, reionization starts earliest in CDM, and is 50% com- thresholdmass(Mh (cid:39)109M(cid:12))toexploretheWDMmasses pletebyz(cid:39)13.Thereafter,therisingUVBsuppressesstar- allowedbyreionizationconstraints.Theonlyadditionalpa- formation in the very halos that drive reionization drawing rameterintroducedisthefractionofionizingphotons(fesc) out its end stages. Indeed, reionization is “photon-starved” that escape out of galaxies and ionize the IGM. inCDMandtakesatotalofaboutaGyrtogofromacom- Wefindthat mx ∼< 2.25keVWDMmodelsareruledout pletely neutral to ionized IGM. While the progressive lack because they yield τes values lower than that measured by ofsmall-scalestructureleadstoadelayinthestartofreion- Planck even in the (unlikely) case that all the H I ionizing ization with decreasing mx, it also transpires that existing photonsproducedbyeverygalaxyescapeintotheIGM(i.e. galaxiesarelessaffectedbytheUVBleadingtoanenhanced fesc = 1). Thus, using a model that incorporates the key rate in its progress. While the latter effect is dominant for physicsdrivingthebaryoniccontentofhigh-z galaxies(star mx ∼> 3keV resulting in reionization lasting for about 780 formation/feedback/mergers) yields a limit of mx ∼> 3keV and 420 Myrs for mx = 5 and 3keV respectively, reioniza- that is competitive with results of mx ∼> 3.3keV obtained tion lasts for about 580 Myrs in the 2.25keV model, given using the Lyman-α forest (Viel et al. 2013).4 its lack of low-mass halos. We also find that while constant values of fesc ∼> 0.5 Finally, we find that the bulk of H I ionizing photons fit the observed τes for CDM and mx ∼> 3keV WDM, a come from galaxies with Mh ∼< 109M(cid:12), M∗ ∼< 107M(cid:12) and constant fesc value severely over-predicts the emissivity by −18∼< MUV ∼< −13 in CDM. The progressive suppression about1.6(1.9)ordersofmagnitudeforfesc =0.2(0.5).Rec- oflow-masshaloswithdecreasing mx leadstoashiftinthe “reionization”populationtolarger(haloandstellar)masses of Mh ∼> 109M(cid:12) and M∗ ∼> 107M(cid:12) for mx ∼> 3keV WDM, 4 Theconstraintsobtainedfromreionizationmodelscould,how- although the UV limits effectively remain unchanged. ever, weaken to mx∼>1.5keV in case the bounds on τes are re- We end with a few caveats. Firstly, we have ignored vised,e.g.,asinthelatest(12/2014)Planckresults. SN radiative losses that could significantly reduce the to- (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 Reionization in CDM and WDM 9 tal energy available to drive winds. 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