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Rehabilitating a Historic Truss Bridge Using a Fiber Reinforced Plastic Deck PDF

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by  RandlChad
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Preview Rehabilitating a Historic Truss Bridge Using a Fiber Reinforced Plastic Deck

54/3-8:5 NationalParkService U.S.DepartmentoftheInterior TechnicalPreservationServices Preservation Tech Notes METALS NUMBER 5 Rehabilitating a Historic Truss Bridge Using a Fiber Reinforced Deck Plastic WILSON'S BRIDGE Chad Randl Chester County, Technical Preservation Services Pennsylvania National Park Service Introduction Iron truss bridges were an essential ele- the National Register ofHistoric ment ofAmerica's SteamAge. In the Places. decades following the Civil War, the The bridge features a single-span combination ofstrength, durability and Pratt pony truss, approximately sixty affordability made iron bridges a feet long and sixteen feet wide {seefig- favored means oftraversing a ravine or ure 1). When first constructed in the river. They were a symbol ofindustrial late 19"1 century, the bridge included an power, a testimony to engineering effi- oak plank deck supported by timber ciency, and a source oflocal pride. stringers running parallel to the road- Overthe years, however, the increasing way. Stringers, in turn, rested upon load capacity and widths required by four iron floor beams that hung from succeeding generations ofvehicles, as the superstructure by large U-shaped well as inadequate maintenance and bolts. Fieldstone abutments supported wholesale replacement programs, have the bridge with wingwalls extending reduced their number dramatically. As down to the ground line. FEDSKAl. a result ofthis decline, an increased The bridge had undergone numer- PUBCJCAi.. emphasis is now being placed on iden- ous repair campaigns over the past tifying and implementing methods to hundred years, some ofwhich included preserve as many ofthe remaining iron substituting new materials and compo- truss bridges as possible. One such nents. Between 1930 and 1940, the effort involves Wilson's Bridge, a timber stringers were replaced with rPUBLIC DOGU wrought iron bridge constructed in steel I-beam stringers. The deck had DEPOSITORY !TI=M 1886 to cross Valley Creek in been replaced on four occasions, most Tredyffrin Township, Pennsylvania. recently (in the mid-1960s) with a nail- Also known as County Bridge laminated wood deck and asphalt wear- FEB 1 6 2004 #166, this span now lies within the ing surface. CLErVISON boundary ofValley Forge National At the time ofits rehabilitation in LIBRARY Historical Park. It was fabricated by 1998, Wilson's Bridge carried a dead the Phoenix Iron Company and con- end road linking several residences and structed by John Denithorne & Sons, a park maintenance facility with the both ofnearby Phoenixville, rest ofthe national park and county Substitute materials may be used Pennsylvania. Because ofits location, road system. The dirt road had a low CM ^ connection to local industrial history, average daily traffic level ofapproxi- to replace deteriorated ormissing and the scarcity ofwrought iron mately thirty-five vehicles; it was more elements ofa historic bridge bridges still in use, Wilson's Bridge is commonly used by hikers and horse- provided the characterofthe recognized as a valuable park and com- back riders travelling along the park's munity resource, eligible for listing in trail system. A four-person bridge historic resource is preserved. o Truss Deck and Wearing Roadway Surface Masonry Profile Wingwall Floorbeams Masonry Abutment Creekbed^^ Stringers Figure 1. DrawingofWilson's Bridgeshowingmajorstructuraland sitecomponents. Drawing: ChesterCounty EngineeringDepartment. crew within the Chester County extensive cracking and was losing would need to undergo significant Engineering Department was responsi- adhesion with the deck below (seefig- repairwork, ways ofincreasing the ble for maintaining Wilson's Bridge, ure 2). The thirty-five year old nail- allowable loads on the bridge would along with the county's other one hun- laminated deck, made up ofindividual also be explored. In addition to these dred spans, one third ofwhich were timber boards placed on edge and immediate concerns, the bridge was considered historic. Recognizing that spiked together to form a 4-1/2" thick due for cyclical maintenance work the deterioration ofWilson's bridge continuous surface, was uniformly soft including repainting the truss and had reached a point where the structure and unable to support the wearing sur- repairing and repointing the stone abut- would soon be unable to support a face above. The steel stringers were ments and wingwalls (seefigure 4). minimum required load capacity, the also in poor condition (seefigure 3). Any repair program also had to pro- bridge team sought a means ofretain- Though the full extent oftheir deterio- tect the creek flowing beneath Wilson's ing the bridge in place, while upgrad- ration was not clear until the deck was Bridge. Pennsylvania's Department of ing its structural capacity. Appropri- removed, preliminary examination Environmental Protection identified ately rehabilitated, the span could then indicated that the I-beam stringers were Valley Creek as an "Exceptional Value continue to function both as a vehicular severely corroded, particularly overthe Stream," a designation that meant all bridge and as a link to equestrian and abutments where they had suffered work on the bridge had to be carefully hiking trails, with little effect on its approximately fifty percent section designed to exclude the chance of historic appearance. loss. water contamination or disturbing the At this time, the wrought iron truss creek bed and banks. Problem had a posted weight load limit ofseven tons. This restricted the size and type Solution By the late 1990s, there were numer- ofvehicles (including emergency vehi- ous indications that Wilson's Bridge Due to the bridge's historic signifi- cles) able to reach the residences and required immediate intervention. The cance and the several hundred thou- maintenance facility on the opposite current asphalt wearing surface showed sand dollar cost ofa new span, the side ofValley Creek. Since the bridge Figure2. Before rehabilitation,Wilson's Bridge had an asphaltwearing Figure3.AviewoftheundersideofWilson's Bridgebefore rehabilita- surfacethatwasdelaminatingfromthedeck below. Extensivecracks tion.Thetimbernail laminateddecksaton steel"I-beam"stringers and numerouspotholeswerealsopresent. which,in turn,weresupported bywroughtiron floorbeams. Failureof thewearingsurfacehad allowed watertopenetratethelaminated deck plankscausingfurtherdeterioration toboth thedeckand thestringers below. only option seriously considered was to from bridge applications, the ecological rehabilitate the existing bridge. Aplan importance ofValley Creek led the coun- was developed to repair the superstruc- ty to look for a different solution. ture and abutments following standard A nail-laminated bridge deck was practices, along with the replacement another treatment option. This type is ofthe deteriorated 1960s deck and usually assembled and attached to the wearing surface. Several conventional structure piece by piece. Such a process choices were identified for the replace- would have required closing the dead end ment deck: a glue-laminated timber road for approximately six weeks - one deck, a nail-laminated timber deck week to remove the old deck, one week similarto the existing surface, or a to install new steel stringers, and four steel and concrete deck. Each was weeks to build the new deck in place. ruled out in turn before a new material Because the bridge was the only means that met all ofthe bridge rehabilitation for residents to reach the main roads, requirements was identified, evaluated, either a temporary span would have to be and selected for thejob. constructed orthe residents and the park With a typical lifespan ofoverthir- maintenance facility would have to be ty years, glue laminated timber decks relocated for the duration ofthe project, are reasonably cost effective and would both at a prohibitive expense forthis pro- be in keeping with the historic charac- ject. This deck system also offered no ter ofWilson's Bridge. Chester improvements in load capacity. Though County engineers had used "glulairT comparable in cost to a glulam deck, nail decks on three other recent bridge laminated decks have a significantly rehabilitation projects. The decks are shorter expected life span, and corre- usually pressure-treated with chemical spondingly higher costs. This alternative wood preservatives. In the previous was therefore not attractive. county bridge projects, some ofthe Typical steel and concrete deck sys- preservative leached out ofthe decks tems were also considered. As with the and into waterways below. In all three timber-laminated decks, this system Figure4.TheWilson Bridgewingwalls had projects, remediation was then under- would have required replacing the steel looseand crumbling mortarjoints. Much of taken. While at this time there is not a stringers with heavier new stringers due thewallsurfacerequired removalofthisdete- consensus as to the environmental to the increased weight ofthe deck. riorated material and significant repointing. impact ofsuch leached preservatives Theirweight, combined with that ofa Existing Bridge Rehabilitated Bridge Bituminous Oak Plank Wearing Surface Wearing Surface in =5 13" J U-bolt Replaced Hanger U-bolt Steel Stringers Floor Beam FRP Deck Figure5.AsectiondrawingoftheWilson's Bridge.Theleftsideshowstheconstruction ofthespan beforerehabilitation,whilethe rightsideshows removalofthestringersand theinstallation ofan FRPdeckwith a plankwearingsurface. Both systemswereapproximately thirteen inches thick. Drawing: ChesterCounty Engineering Department. new concrete deck, would have decreased the load capacity ofthe bridge to as little as three or four tons. Such a change would then require relo- cation ofthe park facility and make the passage ofemergency vehicles and delivery ofheating fuel to the resi- dences virtually impossible. Because the load capacity would be reduced rather than increased, this alternative was also ruled out. After most conventional solutions were assessed, Chester County engi- neers sought an alternative approach. Recent articles in technical publica- tions and presentations at several con- ferences suggested the possible appli- cation ofplastic composite decks for bridge rehabilitation work. The materi- al is essentially a very high strength Figure6.Taken atthecomposite manufacturer,thisphotoshowslayersoffiberglassarranged structural fiberglass commonly known aroundthedeckcoreandplaced in the mold.Themold wasthen infusedwith aresin thatsealedthe as fiber reinforced polymer (FRP). layers intoaone-piecepanel. Photo: HayatiCatbas, HardcoreComposites. Though in existence since the end of oWpomrelndtWsahravIIe, nmaedweteitcshnuosleogiinclaalrgdeevel- Deck Fabrication ping it as a single panel to the Valley structural sections such as bridge decks The county worked with a manufactur- Creek site where it would be installed. The manufacture ofthe FRP deck increasingly practical. er offiberreinforced composites that The characteristics ofan FRP deck had extensive experience in developing was made possible by a number of matched those sought by Chester structural applications for the material. recent innovations in composite materi- County forWilson's Bridge {seefigure Using fiber-reinforced polymers, the al production. The Wilson's Bridge deck was fabricated using a adaptation 5). Composite decks are chemically company had fabricated a dozen traf- ofthe technique known as vacuum stable and resistant to deterioration fic-bearing bridges or bridge decks in assisted resin transfer molding, or ccyaculseesd, bchyemmoiicsatlusrea,ndfroetehzeer-tfhoarwces that tnhuemeprreovuisoupsiefrso,urpiyleianrgss,,aasndweoltlhears VARTM. In this technology, a plastic act on bridge surfaces. They also have marine structures. Plans were made honeycomb core is sandwiched a higher strength-to-weight ratio than for fabricating the deck at their facility between fiber layers in a mold (seefig- conventional decks. This strength in New Castle, Delaware, then ship- ure 6). The mold is sealed and a vacu- makes the use ofsteel stringers unnec- essary. The reduced dead load ofan FRP decked bridge allows a corre- sponding increase in the live loads the bridge is able to carry. Resins used in the FRP deck harden to a solid state so they can not leach or deteriorate, thus avoiding the release ofany potentially harmful materials into the surrounding area, especially the creek below. Though the cost ofa composite deck is somewhat higherthan that ofa nail- laminated timber deck, the estimated life span ofthe former is more than twice as long. Additional cost savings are usually realized in the short con- struction times and low level of required maintenance. The installation ofa fiberrein- forced polymer deck on Wilson's Bridge would be part ofa thorough rehabilitation program. Repointing the masonry abutments and wing walls, replacing steel U-bolt hangers, and stripping and repainting the superstruc- ture would be undertaken prior to the Figure7.Afterthepanel had setintoa solid mass,workers removed itfrom themold andsanded delivery ofthe composite deck. and finished all surfaces.Thelaststepsincluded paintingthedeckand installingtheoakplank wearingsurface. Photo: HayatiCatbas, HardcoreComposites. When the entire assembly was com- plete, the deck was loaded onto a trac- tor-trailer and shipped forty miles to the bridge site. Because ofthe size of the deck, it was necessary to obtain special hauling permits similar to those required for transporting double-wide manufactured homes. Approximately one month passed between the order date and the ship date. Truss and Abutment Rehabilitation While the deck was being fabricated in Delaware, the Chester County bridge team began work on the truss and abut- ments. Both the masonry abutments and wing wall approaches required sig- nificant repointing. Existing mortar from earlierpatchjobs had separated from thejoints in many locations. This Figure8. U-boltsconnectedeach ofthefourfloorbeamstothesuperstructure above. Priorto reha- deteriorated mortar was gently raked bilitation,some bolts,liketheonein thephoto,showed signsofimpactdamage.Theengineers out with hand tools and a new mortar determined thatallofthewroughtiron boltswere nearthethresholdoftheirstress level andcalled pointed into place. The existing forreplacementwith high-strength steel U-boltsofthesamedimensions. asphalt wearing surface, nail-laminated deck, and steel stringers were all um removes airwhile drawing a resin teen inches thick. After fabrication, it removed. Wrought iron U-bolt hang- into the mold and through the was painted with a primary coat of ers, several ofwhich had suffered fiber/core sandwich. It sets into a uni- epoxy paint that bonded well to the impact damage, were known to be form, seamless panel that is then sand- plastic substrate, followed by a weak links in the structure. As part of ed and finished {seefigure 7). Closed polyurethane top coat matching the the rehabilitation they were replaced vacuum infusion molding processes bridge superstructure color that further with high-strength steel substitutes that such as VARTM allow forthe creation protected the composite from the had a higher structural capacity than ofthree-dimensional structural ele- degrading effects ofultraviolet light. the original hangers but were identical ments that are extremely light yet The white oak wearing surface was in appearance (seefigure 8). durable. then attached by drilling lag bolts After structural work was complet- Fabricated as a single piece, the through the planks and into the top of ed, the entire truss was repainted with deck measured approximately sixty the deck. Low, timber curbs were also a three-coat system. The base coat was feet long by fifteen feet wide by thir- installed on either side ofthe deck. an inorganic, zinc-rich primerthat inhibits oxidization. Epoxy paint was selected for the intermediate coat. Though the epoxy bonded well to the primer, it was not sufficiently durable for a finish coat, so a hard and ultravi- olet light resistant polyurethane paint was used. To protect the creek, all sur- face preparation was undertaken with shrouded vacuum power tools that sig- nificantly reduced airborne dust, chips, and debris. Work along the outside and underside ofthe bridge took place from a floating platform. Additionally, all vehicles and machinery were kept on the roadway and away from the creek banks. Installation of New Deck and Wearing Surface Work on repairing and repainting the truss was completedjust prior to deliv- ery ofthe deck. A six-person team of engineers and workers from the com- Figure9.Aworkerapplied adhesivetothefloorbeamswhereeach ofthebearingpadswould be positioned. Fourpadswereinstalledon each floorbeam tocushion thedeck,evenlydistributeloads posite manufacturer assisted the county tothe floorbeam and provideasecurefitbetween beam and deck. bridge crew. First, four bearing pads kept the previously altered bridge in service without adversely affect- ing its historic character. Other work, including replacing the floor- beam hangers in kind and report- ing the abutments, was also sensi- tive to the historic appearance of the bridge. When originally constructed, iron bridges were valued for their structural efficiency and ease of replication. Today, those same benefits are attributed to composite materials. Fiber reinforced poly- mertechnology provided what is anticipated to be a long-term solu- tion to the challenge ofrehabilitat- ing, maintaining, and continuing the use ofWilson's Bridge. Only when viewed from the stream bed Figure 10.Whenthedeckarrived atthesite,thetrailerwas backedontothebridgeapproach and crane directly beneath the bridge is the cablessecuredtothedeck.Although the road beyond thatsideofthebridge isadeadend,thetruckdriver change to a FRP deck readily wasableto maneuveracross avacantsitetogetthedeckon theoppositesideofthecreek. apparent. From all other perspec- tives, Wilson's Bridge retains its Evaluation historic appearance with its iron The wrought iron truss is superstructure preserved and a renewed plank wearing surface on the most historically signif- icant component of top. The composite deck's light Wilson's Bridge. In reha- weight/high strength combination bilitating the span, priority was given to preserving permitted the bridge to support and upgrading the truss greater live loads. The structural capacity ofthe bridge was more without introducing addi- tional members, cables or than doubled to fourteen tons, enough to support emergency vehi- other strengthening sys- tems. The deck and wear- cles, with no major change to the overall visual appearance ofthe ing surface present at the superstructure {seefigures 14 and Fbiegaumrse,1w1o.rAksertshewdeedcgkedwatsimlbieftresdaonffdtbhaertsraailloenrgatnhdeosnitdoestthoepfrleo-or wtiemreeoffoutrhtehrgeehnaebrilaittiaotni.on 15). With a one-piece plastic con- ventthedeck from damaging thetruss and to help placethe deck Replacing them with a new struction and anticipated lifespan of in position. composite deck was an fifty to seventy years, the deck should also require less interven- innovative solution that were glued at regular intervals tothetop surfaceofeach floorbeam {seefigure 9). Atwenty-ton crane then liftedthe deck offthetrailerbed and, with guidance from the workers, slowly lowered it into position {seefigures 10and 11). Lag bolts with steel clips were inserted into predrilled holes alongtheunderside of the deck, securingthedeckto each ofthe floorbeams {seefigure 12). Afterthecrane cables and fasteners usedto lift the deckwereremoved, the remainingoakplanks were attached to thedeckwith lagbolts {seefigure 13). The useofatimberplankoverlaywas unusual foran FRPdeck. Often these decks have a thinepoxyresin and aggre- gate surface that is susceptible to damage by snowplows. The timberdeckused on Wilson's Bridge, however, is easily replacedwhen damagedordeteriorated. It also recreates the historic appearance Figure 12.Tosecurethedecktoeach floorbeam, lagboltswith steelclipswereinsertedinto ofthe bridge from the roadway. predrilled holesin thedecksurfaceand fastenedtightagainstthefloorbeam's upperflange. would require altering the Factors that may affect the long-term truss itself. Infrequent live performance ofthe FRP deck, includ- load cycles also allowed for an ing eventual surface cracking and ultra- economical approach to con- violet light degradation ifnot regularly necting the FRP deck. painted, remain areas to monitor and Applications that involve assess. higher traffic volumes may require more substantial Conclusion attachment mechanisms than The area around Wilson's Bridge is vir- the steel clips and bearing pads used on Wilson's Bridge. tually unchanged from its late nine- teenth century appearance. The one- Where necessary, heavy-duty connections would provide lane road is still unpaved and the hills Figure 13.Afterthedeckwaslocked tothefloorbeamsand continuous support and pre- astbrouvcteiohna.veWielxspoenr'isenBcreiddgliettfleornmeswacnon- thecranecables removed, remainingoakplanksthat made vent loosening over time. important component ofthis landscape. upthewearingsurfacewereboltedtothecompositedeck. Composite decks are a rela- Its historic, functional and aesthetic tively recent development in significance framed the search for a bridge engineering. Though they way to preserve the span while ensur- tion for maintenance and repair than a have been tested extensively in the traditional deck system. laboratory and their performance in ing its continued use as a vehicular bridge. The resulting treatment com- Solutions developed for Wilson's the field is encouraging, a complete bined traditional repair treatments such Bridge were tailored to the specific evaluation ofthe material's durability as repainting and repointing with inno- requirements and conditions ofthe will only come with the passage of structure. The relative infrequency of time. The long term viability ofFRP vative technology, in the form ofan FRP deck. The composite system traffic and live load cycles permitted decks is especially important because its continued use as a single lane the higher material cost isjustified by offers a longer lifespan, is visually compatible with the historic material bridge without the need to increase a much longer anticipated lifespan and offers increased load capacity. structural capacity to a point that than conventional deck systems. Because ofits sensitive rehabilitation, Figure 14.Thecompositedeck,painted to match thesuperstructure,isvisuallycompatiblewith the historic bridgeas itoriginally appearedwith timber stringers.The newdeckand wearingsurfacearethesamethickness astheprevioussvstem ofsteel stringers, nail-laminated deck,and bituminoussur- face. Photo: Chad Randl. Cost: The total cost ofthe Wilson's Bridge project including rehabilitating the truss and abutments and the price of the composite deck was approximately $40,000. The design and fabrication of the FRP deck came to $28,000 with another $2,000 for delivery and instal- lation ofthe deck at Valley Creek. These figures reflected the close prox- imity ofthe composite manufacturer's facility to the bridge site as well as a modest discount offered by the manu- facturer to encourage the use ofFRP decks in historic bridge applications. The remaining $10,000 was attributed to truss and masonry work, including removing the deteriorated stringers, deck and wearing surface, replacing the iron U-bolts, repointing the abut- ments and wingwalls, and repainting Figure 15.ThelandscapesurroundingWilson'sBridgehaschangedlittlesincethespanwascon- the superstructure. structed in the 1800s.Theuseofa compositedeckandplankwearingsurfacein placeofthedeteri- orated,fourth generationdeckwasan innovativesolution thatallowedthebridgetoremain in All photos and drawings courtesy of placeandin usewith littlechangetoitshistoriccharacter. Photo: Chad Randl. Chester County Engineering Department, unless noted. Wilson's Bridge continues to serve the PROJECT DATA: CreohvaebirliPthaottioon:.WiPlhsootno'sbyBrtihdegaeutahfotre.r needs oflocal residents, the park, and the thousands ofpeople who each year Structure: cross Valley Creek on foot, on horse- Wilson's Bridge / County Bridge back, and by car or truck. The sensi- Number 166 tive approach to preserving and Valley Forge National Historical Park upgrading Wilson's Bridge offers con- Valley Forge, PA siderable promise to other efforts to save aging bridges across the country. Owner: Chester County West Chester, PA Project Date: 1998 Deck Fabricator: Hardcore Composites New DE Castle, THIS PRESERVATION TECHNOTEwaspreparedbythe forsuccessfully maintaining and preserving cultural resources. National Park Service. Charles E. Fisher, Heritage Preservation All techniques andpractices describedherein conformto estab- Services,National Park Service, serves astheTechnical Editorof lishedNational Park Servicepolicies, procedures and standards. the PRESERVATIONTECHNOTES. Information on the ThisTechNotewaspreparedpursuant to theNational Historic Wilson's Bridge projectwas generouslyprovidedby Richard PreservationAct, which direct the Secretary ofthe Interiorto Craig, Township EngineeratWestGoshenTownship, Ben develop and make available to governmentagencies and individ- Craddock ofthe ChesterCountyOffice ofFacilities uals information concerning professional methods and tech- Management, Hayati CatbasofHardcore Composites, and niques forthepreservation ofhistoric properties. Audrey Everett ofMcCormickTaylor&Associates. Special thanks are extendedtoJoe Pullaro ofLichtensteinAssociates, Comments on theusefulness ofthis information are welcomed Gary Klein and Deborah SlatonofWiss, Janney, Elstner and shouldbe addressedto PRESERVATIONTECH NOTES, Associates, Eric DeLonyofthe HistoricAmerican Engineering Technical Preservation Services, National Center forCultural Record, and Sharon C. Park and Kay D. Weeks oftheNational Resources, National Park Service, 1849 C Street, NW, (2225) Park Service's Heritage Preservation Services fortheirreview Washington, DC 20240. andcomments. PRESERVATIONTECHNOTES are designedto providepracti- cal information ontraditional practices and innovative techniques ISSN: 0741-9023 PTN46 November2003 8

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