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342 Regulatory Peptides, 37 (1992) 342-343 © 1992 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved. 0167-0115/92/$05.00 Author index to volume 37 Akpan, J.O., Havel, P.J., Parry, S.J., Shalwitz, Falmer, S., see Reinecke, M., 155 R.A. and Gingerich, R.L, The characteriza- Fleshman, D.J., see O’Dorisio, M.S., 213 tion of radioimmunoassay for rat pancreatic Fu, M.J., Lin, K.S., Chan, J.Y.H. and Chan, polypeptide in serum, 59 S.H.H., Participation of pertussis toxin-sensi- Amann, R., see Donnerer, J., 27 tive GTP-binding regulatory proteins in the Arima, N., see Nakamura, A., 183 suppression of baroreceptor reflex by Arimura, A., Pituitary adenylate cyclase activating neurotensin in the rat, 167 polypeptide (PACAP): discovery and current Fujita, T., see Nakamura, A., 183 status of research, 287 Funakoshi, A., Tateishi, K., Tsuru, M. and Kono, Arnold, R., see Beckh, K., 205 A., Pertussis toxin non-sensitive G protein Beckh, K., Ménnikes, H., Loos, S., Arnold, R. and mediates cholinergic stimulation for secretion Koop, H., Low hepatic clearance of peptide of pancreastatin and somatostatin from YY (PPY) in the perfused rat liver, 205 QGP-IN cells, 1 Bernard, C., see Herrmann, C., 123 Félsch, U.R., see Hécker, M., 255 Bomzon, A., see Shaffer, E.A., 15 Giachetti, A., see Maggi, C.A., 85 Boor, P.J., see Tipnis, U.R., 227 Gibbins, I.L., see Morris, J.L., 101 Brown, B.L., see Rahman, S., 111 Gingerich, R.L., see Akpan, J.O., 59 Buchan, A.M.J., see Houghton, P.E., 73 Goberna, R., see Segura, J.J., 195 Buchanan, K.D., see McKay, D.M., 143 Guerrero, J.M., see Segura, J.J., 195 Bunning, R.A.D., see Rahman, S., 111 Habibi, H.R., Peter, R.E., Nahorniak, C.S., Calvo, J.R., see Segura, J.J., 195 Milton, R.C. de L. and Miller, R. P., Activity Challis, J.R.G., see Houghton, P.E., 73 of vertebrate gonadotropin-releasing hor- Chan, J.Y.H., see Fu, M.J., 167 mones and analogs with variant amino acid Chan, S.H.H., see Fu, M.J., 167 residues in positions 5, 7 and 8 in the goldfish Chayvialle, J.-A., see Herrmann, C., 123 pituitary, 271 Chiba, T., see Nakamura, A., 183 Halton, D.W., see McKay, D.M., 143 Creutzfeldt, W., see Hécker, M., 255 Havel, P.J., see Akpan, J.O., 59 Cuber, J.-C., see Herrmann, C., 123 Hayes, T.K., see Schoofs, L., 49 Davison, J.S., see Shaffer, E.A., 15 Herrmann, C., Cuber, J.-C., Bernard, C. and De Loof, A., see Schoofs, L., 237 Chayvialle, J.-A., Cooperative effects of De Loof, A., see Schoofs, L., 49 bombesin, substance P and metacholine on Dobson, P.R.M., see Rahman, S., 111 the release of intestinal neurotensin in rats, Donnerer, J., Schuligoi, R. and Amann, R., Time- 123 course of capsaicin-evoked release of cal- Holman, G.M., see Schoofs, L., 237 citonin gene-related peptide from rat spinal Holman, G.M., see Schoofs, L., 49 cord in vitro. Effect of concentratrion and Holmgren, S., see Morris, J.L., 101 modulation by Ruthenium Red, 27 Houghton, P.E., Buchan, A.M.J. and Challis, Drakenberg, K., see Reinecke, M., 155 J.R.G., Ontogeny of the distribution and colo- Du, B.-H., see Eng, J., 9 calization of Calbindin D,,, within neural Eglezos, A., see Maggi, C.A., 85 and endocrine cells of the gastrointestinal Eng, J., Du, B.-H., Johnson, G. F., Kanakamedala, tract of fetal and neonatal sheep, 73 S., Samuel; S., Raufman, J.-P. and Straus, E., Hwang, D.L., Lev-Ran, A., Yen, C.F. and Cat gastrinoma and the sequence of gastrins, Sniecinski, I., Release of different fractions of 9 epidermal growth factor from human platelets 343 in vitro: preferential release of 140 kDa Peter, R.E., see Habibi, H.R., 271 fraction, 95 Proost, P., see Schoofs, L., 49 Hocker, M., Schmidt, W. E., Creutzfeldt, W., Roy Qualman, S.J., see O’Dorisio, M.S., 213 Choudhury, A., Nustede, R., Schafmayer, A. Quartara, L., see Maggi, C.A., 85 and Félsch, U.R., Determination of plasma Rahman, S., Dobson, P.R.M., Bunning, R.A. D., cholecystokinin (CCK) concentrations by Russell, R.G.G. and Brown, B.L., The regu- bioassay and radioimmunoassay in man. A lation of connective tissue metabolism by critical evaluation, 255 vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, 111 Johnson, G.F., see Eng, J., 9 Raufman, J.-P., see Eng, J., 9 Kanakamedala, S., see Eng, J., 9 Reinecke, M., Drakenberg, K., Falmer, S. and Kono, A., see Funakoshi, A., 1 Sara, V.R., Peptides related to insulin-like Koop, H., see Beckh, K., 205 growth factor 1 in the gastro-entero-pan- Kummer, W., Ultrastructure of calcitonin gene- creatic system of bony and cartilaginous fish, related peptide-immunoreactive nerve fibres 155 in guinea-pig peribronchial ganglia, 135 Roy Choudhury, A., see Hécker, M., 255 Lax, H., see Shaffer, E.A., 15 Russell, R.G.G., see Rahman, S., 111 Lev-Ran, A., see Hwang, D.L., 95 Samuel, S., see Eng, J., 9 Lin, K.S., see Fu, M.J., 167 Sara, V.R., see Reinecke, M., 155 Loos, S., see Beckh, K., 205 Schafmayer, A., see Hécker, M., 255 Lovejoy, D.A., Stell, W.K. and Sherwood, N.M., Schmidt, W.E., see Hécker, M., 255 Partial characterization of four forms of Schoofs, L., Holman, G.M., Proost, P., Van immunoreactive gonadotropin-releasing hor- Damme, J., Hayes, T.K. and De Loof, A., mone in the brain and terminal nerve of the Locustakinin, a novel myotropic peptide from spiny dogfish (Elasmobranchii; Squalus acan- Locusta migratoria, isolation, primary struc- thias), 39 ture and synthesis, 49 Maggi, C.A., Eglezos, A., Quartara, L., Schoofs, L., Tips, A., Holman, G.M., Nachman, Patacchini, R. and Giachetti, A., Hetero- R.J. and De Loof, A., Distribution of locusta- geneity of NK-2 tachykinin receptors in ham- myotropin-like immunoreactivity in the ster and rabbit smooth muscles, 85 nervous system of Locusta migratoria, 237 McKay, D.M., Shaw, C., Halton, D.W., Thim, L. Schuligoi, R., see Donnerer, J., 27 and Buchanan, K.D., The primary structure Segura, J.J., Guerrero, J.M., Goberna, R. and and tissue distribution of an amphibian Calvo, J.R., Stimulatory effect of vasoactive neuropeptide Y, 143 intestinal peptide (VIP) on cyclic AMP pro- Millar, R.P., see Habibi, H.R., 271 duction in rat peritoneal macrophages, 195 Milton, R.C. de L., see Habibi, H.R., 271 Shaffer, E.A., Bomzon, A., Lax, H. and Davison, Morris, J.L., Gibbins, I.L. and Holmgren, S., J.S., The source of calcium for CCK-induced Galanin is more common than NPY in vascu- contraction of the guinea-pig gall bladder, 15 lar sympathetic neurons of the brush-tailed Shalwitz, R.A., see Akpan, J.O., 59 possum, 101 Shaw, C., see McKay, D.M., 143 MoOnnikes, H., see Beckh, K., 205 Sherwood, N.M., see Lovejoy, D.A., 39 Nachman, R.J., see Schoofs, L., 237 Sniecinski, I., see Hwang, D.L., 95 Nahorniak, C.S., see Habibi, H.R., 271 Stell, W.K., see Lovejoy, D.A., 39 Nakamura, A., Yamatani, T., Arima, N., Straus, E., see Eng, J., 9 Yamashita, Y., Fujita, T. and Chiba, T., Cal- Tateishi, K., see Funakoshi, A., 1 citonin inhibits the growth of human gastric Thim, L., see McKay, D.M., 143 carcinoma cell line KATO III, 183 Tipnis, U.R. and Boor, P.J., Inhibition of poly- Nustede, R., see Hécker, M., 255 amine synthesis impairs the secretion of atrial O’Dorisio, M.S., Fleshman, D.J., Qualman, S.J. natriuretic peptide, 227 and O’Dorisio, T.M., Vasoactive intestinal Tips, A., see Schoofs, L., 237 peptide: autrocrine intestinal peptide: auto- Tsuru, M., see Funokoshi, A., 1 crine growth factor in neuroblastoma, 213 Van Damme, J., see Schoofs, L., 49 O’Dorisio, T.M., see O’Dorisio, M.S., 213 Yamashita, Y., see Nakamura, A., 183 Parry, S.J., see Akpan, J.O., 59 Yamatani, T., see Nakamura, A., 183 Patacchini, R., see Maggi, C.A., 85 Yen, C.F., see Hwang, D.L., 95 344 Regulatory Peptides, 37 (1992) 344-346 © 1992 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved. 0167-0115/92/$05.00 Key word index to volume 37 AMP, cyclic; VIP; Rat peritoneal macrophage; Cartilaginous fish; GnRH; Brain peptide; HPLC; Neuropeptide; Neuroimmunoregulation, 195 Reproduction; Radioimmunoassay, 39 Airway ganglia; Airway innervation; Ultrastruc- Cat; Gastrin; Gastrinoma, 9 tural immunohistochemistry; Peptidergic Cholera toxin; Neutensin; Baroreceptor reflex; nerve, 135 Guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory pro- Airway innervation; Airway ganglia; Ultrastruc- tein; Gi; Gp; Forskolin; Pertussis toxin; tural immunohistochemistry; Peptidergic N-Ethylmaleimide; Phorbol ester; Rat, 167 nerve, 135 Chondrichthyes; IGF-1; GEP-system; Osteich- Atrial natriuretic peptide; Polyamine; DFMO, thyes; Phylogeny, 155 227 Colocalization; Calbindin D,,,; Gastrointestinal Baroreceptor reflex; Neutensin, Guanine nucle- tract; Fetal and neonatal sheep; Endocrine otide-binding regulatory protein; Gi; Gp; cell; Nerve cell, 73 Cholera toxin; Forskolin; Pertussis toxin; Connective tissue; Vasoactive intestinal poly- N-Ethylmaleimide; Phorbol ester; Rat, 167 peptide; Prostaglandin E,; Rheumatoid Bile secretion; Peptide YY; Rat liver; Perfusion; arthritis, 111 Glucose production, 205 Corpora allata; Neuropeptide; Suboesophageal Bombesin; Substance P; Metacholine; Potentia- ganglion; Insect brain; PBAN; Bombyx mori, tion; Neurotensin release; Rat, 123 237 Bombyx mori; Neuropeptide; Suboesophageal DFMO; Polyamine; Atrial natriuretic peptide, ganglion; Corpora allata; Insect brain; 227 PBAN, 237 Dose-effect relationship; Neuropeptide release; Brain peptide; GnRH; HPLC; Reproduction; Capsaicin, 27 Cartilaginous fish; Radioimmunoassay, 39 Endocrine cell; Calbindin D,,,; Colocalization; CCK; Gallbladder contraction; Calcium, 15 Gastrointestinal tract; Fetal and neonatal CCK bioassay; Plasma CCK; CCK radio- sheep; Nerve cell, 73 immunoassay; CCK receptor antagonist; Epidermal growth factor; Platelet release, 95 Loxiglumide, 255 European common frog (Rana_ temporaria); CCK receptor antagonist; Plasma CCK; CCK Neuropeptide Y; Primary structure; Immuno- bioassay; CCK radioimmunoassay; Loxi- cytochemistry; Peptide phylogeny, 143 glumide, 255 Fetal and neonatal sheep; Calbindin D,,,; Colo- CCK radioimmunoassay; Plasma CCK; CCK calization; Gastrointestinal tract; Endocrine bioassay; CCK receptor antagonist; Loxi- cell; Nerve cell, 73 glumide, 255 Fluoride; Pancreatic cancer cell line; Intracellular Calbindin D,,,; Colocalization; Gastrointestinal Ca** mobilization; Muscarinic receptor; tract; Fetal and neonatal sheep; Endocrine Carbachol, 1 cell; Nerve cell, 73 Forskolin; Neutensin; Baroreceptor reflex; Calcitonin; Gastric cancer cell growth, 183 Guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory pro- Calcium; Gallbladder contraction; CCK, 15 tein; Gi; Gp; Cholera toxin; Pertussis toxin; Capsaicin; Neuropeptide release; Dose-effect N-Ethylmaleimide; Phorbol ester; Rat, 167 relationship, 27 GEP-system; IGF-1; Osteichthyes; Chondrich- Carassius auratus; GnRH; LHRH; Gonado- thyes; Phylogeny, 155 tropin; Growth hormone; Receptor, 271 Gallbladder contraction; Calcium; CCK, 15 Carbachol; Pancreatic cancer cell line; Intra- Gastric cancer cell growth; Calcitonin, 183 cellular Ca** mobilization; Muscarinic recep- Gastrin; Gastrinoma; Cat, 9 tor; Fluoride, 1 Gastrinoma; Gastrin; Cat, 9 345 Gastrointestinal tract; Calbindin D,,.,; Colocali- Muscarinic receptor; Pancreatic cancer cell line; zation; Fetal and neonatal sheep; Endocrine Intracellular Ca** mobilization; Fluoride; cell; Nerve cell, 73 Carbachol, 1 Gi; Neutensin; Baroreceptor reflex; Guanine N-Ethylmaleimide; Neutensin; Baroreceptor re- nucleotide-binding regulatory protein; Gp; flex; Guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory Cholera toxin; Forskolin; Pertussis toxin; protein; Gi; Gp; Cholera toxin; Forskolin; N-Ethylmaleimide; Phorbol ester; Rat, 167 Pertussis toxin; Phorbol ester; Rat, 167 Glucose production; Peptide YY; Rat liver; Per- NK-2 receptor subtype; Tachykinin; Tachykinin fusion; Bile secretion, 205 receptor; Tachykinin antagonist, 85 GnRH; Brain peptide; HPLC; Reproduction; Nerve cell; Calbindin D,,,; Colocalization; Cartilaginous fish; Radioimmunoassay, 39 Gastrointestinal tract; Fetal and neonatal GnRH; LHRH; Gonadotropin; Growth hor- sheep; Endocrine cell, 73 mone; Receptor; Carassius auratus, 271 Neuroblastoma; Vasoactive intestinal peptide; Gonadotropin; GnRH; LHRH; Growth hor- Tumor, 213 mone; Receptor; Carassius auratus, 271 Neuroimmunoregulation; VIP; Rat peritoneal Gp; Neutensin; Baroreceptor reflex; Guanine macrophage; AMP; cyclic; Neuropeptide, 195 nucleotide-binding regulatory protein; Gi; Neuropeptide release; Capsaicin; Dose-effect Cholera toxin; Forskolin; Pertussis toxin; relationship, 27 N-Ethylmaleimide; Phorbol ester; Rat, 167 Neuropeptide; Locusta migratoria; Insect hindgut Growth hormone; GnRH; LHRH; Gonado- motility; HPLC; Pancreatic icosapeptide, 49 tropin; Receptor; Carassius auratus, 271 Neuropeptide Y; Primary structure; European Guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory protein; common frog (Rana temporaria); Immuno- Neutensin; Baroreceptor reflex; Gi; Gp; cytochemistry; Peptide phylogeny, 143 Cholera toxin; Forskolin; Pertussis toxin; Neuropeptide; VIP; Rat peritoneal macrophage; N-Ethylmaleimide; Phorbol ester; Rat, 167 AMP; cyclic; Neuroimmunoregulation, 195 HPLC; GnRH; Brain peptide; Reproduction; Neuropeptide; Suboesophageal ganglion; Cor- Cartilaginous fish; Radioimmunoassay, 39 pora allata; Insect brain; PBAN; Bombyx HPLC; Neuropeptide; Locusta migratoria; Insect mori, 237 hindgut motility; Pancreatic icosapeptide, 49 Neurotensin release; Bombesin; Substance P; IGF-1; GEP-system; Osteichthyes; Chondrich- Metacholine; Potentiation; Rat, 123 thyes; Phylogeny, 155 Neutensin; Baroreceptor reflex; Guanine nucle- Immunocytochemistry; Neuropeptide Y; Primary otide-binding regulatory protein; Gi; Gp; structure; European common frog (Rana tem- Cholera toxin; Forskolin; Pertussis toxin; poraria); Peptide phylogeny, 143 N-Ethylmaleimide; Phorbol ester; Rat, 167 Immunohistochemistry; Vasoconstrictor neuron; Osteichthyes; IGF-1; GEP-system; Chondrich- Perivascular axon, 101 thyes; Phylogeny, 155 Insect brain; Neuropeptide; Suboesophageal PACAP; Review, 287 ganglion; Corpora allata; PBAN; Bombyx PBAN;; Neuropeptide; Suboesophageal ganglion; mori, 237 Copora allata; Insect brain; Bombyx mori, 237 Insect hindgut motility; Neuropeptide; Locusta Pancreatic cancer cell line; Intracellular Ca?* migratoria; HPLC; Pancreatic icosapeptide, mobilization; Muscarinic receptor; Fluoride; 49 Carbachol, | Intracellular Ca* mobilization; Pancreatic can- Pancreatic icosapeptide; Neuropeptide; Locusta cer cell line; Muscarinic receptor; Fluoride; migratoria; Insect hindgut motility; HPLC, 49 Carbachol, 1 Pancreatic polypeptide; Rat; Specific radio- LHRH; GnRH; Gonadotropin; Growth hor- immunoassay, 59 mone; Receptor; Carassius auratus, 271 Peptide YY; Rat liver; Perfusion; Glucose pro- Locusta migratoria; Neuropeptide; Insect hindgut duction; Bile secretion, 205 motility; HPLC; Pancreatic icosapeptide, 49 Peptide phylogeny; Neuropeptide Y; Primary Loxiglumide; Plasma CCK; CCK bioassay; CCK structure; European common frog (Rana tem- radioimmunoassay; CCK receptor antagonist, poraria); Immunocytochemistry, 143 255 Peptidergic nerve; Airway ganglia; Airway inner- Metacholine; Bombesin; Substance P; Potentia- vation; Ultrastructural immunohistochemis- tion; Neurotensin release; Rat, 123 try, 135 346 Perfusion; Peptide YY; Rat liver; Glucose pro- Rat; Pancreatic polypeptide; Specific radio- duction; Bile secretion, 205 immunoassay, 59 Perivascular axon; Vasoconstrictor neuron; Receptor; GnRH; LHRH; Gonadotropin; Immunohistochemistry, 101 Growth hormone; Carassius auratus, 271 Pertussis toxin; Neutensin; Baroreceptor reflex; Reproduction; GnRH; Brain peptide; HPLC; Guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory pro- Cartilaginous fish; Radioimmunoassay, 39 tein; Gi; Gp; Cholera toxin; Forskolin; Review; PACAP, 287 N-Ethylmaleimide; Phorbol ester; Rat, 167 Rheumatoid arthritis; Vasoactive intestinal poly- Phorbol ester; Neutensin; Baroreceptor reflex; peptide; Prostaglandin E,; Connective tissue, Guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory pro- 111 tein; Gi; Gp; Cholera toxin; Forskolin; Per- Specific radioimmunoassay; Rat; Pancreatic poly- tussis toxin; N-Ethylmaleimide; Rat, 167 peptide, 59 Phylogeny; IGF-1; GEP-system; Osteichthyes; Suboesophageal ganglion; Neuropeptide; Cor- Chondrichthyes, 155 pora allata; Insect brain; PBAN; Bombyx Plasma CCK; CCK bioassay; CCK radioimmuno- mori, 237 assay; CCK receptor antagonist; Loxiglumide, Substance P; Bombesin; Metacholine; Poten- 255 tiation; Neurotensin release; Rat, 123 Platelet release; Epidermal growth factor, 95 Tachykinin; Tachykinin receptor; NK-2 receptor Polyamide; DFMO; Atrial natriuretic peptide, subtype; Tachykinin antagonist, 85 227 Tachykinin receptor; Tachykinin; NK-2 receptor Potentiation; Bombesin; Substance P; Meta- subtype; Tachykinin antagonist, 85 choline; Neurotensin release; Rat, 123 Tachykinin antagonist; Tachykinin; Tachykinin Primary structure; Neuropeptide Y; European receptor; NK-2 receptor subtype, 85 common frog (Rana temporaria); Immuno- Tumor; Vasoactive intestinal peptide; Neuro- cytochemistry; Peptide phylogeny, 143 blastoma, 213 Prostaglandin E,; Vasoactive intestinal poly- Ultrastructural immunohistochemistry; Airway peptide; Connective tissue; Rheumatoid ganglia; Airway innervation; Peptidergic arthritis, 111 nerve, 135 Radioimmunoassay; GnRH; Brain peptide; VIP; Rat peritoneal macrophage; AMP; cyclic; HPLC; Reproduction; Cartilaginous fish, 39 Neuropeptide; Neuroimmunoregulation, 195 Rat liver; Peptide YY; Perfusion; Glucose pro- Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide; Prostaglandin duction; Bile secretion, 205 E,; Connective tissue; Rheumatoid arthritis, Rat peritoneal macrophage; VIP; AMP, cyclic; 111 Neuropeptide; Neuroimmunoregulation, 195 Vasoactive intestinal peptide; Neuroblastoma; Rat; Bombesin; Substance P; Metacholine; Tumor, 213 Potentiation; Neurotensin release, 123 Vasoconstrictor neuron; Perivascular axon; Rat; Neutensin; Baroreceptor reflex; Guanine Immunohistochemistry, 101 nucleotide-binding regulatory protein; Gi; Gp; Cholera toxin; Forskolin; Pertussis toxin; N-Ethylmaleimide; Phorbol ester, 167

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