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Preview Regularity of stable solutions of $p$-Laplace equations through geometric Sobolev type inequalities

Regularity of stable solutions of p-Laplace equations through geometric Sobolev type 2 inequalities 1 0 2 Daniele Castorina Manel Sancho´n n a J 7 1 ] P A Abstract . h t a InthispaperweproveaSobolevandaMorreytypeinequalityinvolvingthemean m curvatureandthetangentialgradientwithrespecttothelevelsetsofthefunctionthat [ appears in the inequalities. Then, as an application, we establish a priori estimates 1 forsemi-stablesolutions of ∆pu = g(u)inasmoothboundeddomainΩ Rn.In − ⊂ v particular,weobtainnewLr andW1,r boundsfortheextremalsolutionu⋆whenthe 6 domain is strictly convex. More precisely, weprove that u⋆ L∞(Ω) ifn p+2 48 andu⋆ Ln−npp−2(Ω) W1,p(Ω)ifn > p+2. ∈ ≤ 3 ∈ ∩ 0 . Keywords.Geometricinequalities,meancurvatureoflevelsets,Schwarzsymmetri- 1 0 zation,p-Laplaceequations, regularity ofstablesolutions 2 1 : v 1 Introduction i X r Theaimofthispaperistoobtainaprioriestimatesforsemi-stablesolutionsofp-Laplace a equations.Wewillaccomplishthisbyprovingsomegeometrictypeinequalitiesinvolving thefunctionals 1/p 1 q I (v;Ω) := v p/q + H q v pdx , p,q 1 (1.1) p,q p′|∇T,v|∇ | | | v| |∇ | ≥ (cid:18)ZΩ(cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:19) where Ω is a smooth bounded domain of Rn with n 2 and v C∞(Ω). Here, and in ≥ ∈ 0 therest ofthepaper,H (x) denotesthemean curvatureat xofthehypersurface y Ω : v { ∈ v(y) = v(x) (whichissmoothatpointsx Ωsatisfying v(x) = 0),and isthe T,v | | | |} ∈ ∇ 6 ∇ D. Castorina: Departamentde Matema`tiques, UniversitatAuto`nomade Barcelona, 08193Bellaterra, Spain;e-mail:[email protected] M.Sancho´n:DepartamentdeMatema`ticaAplicadaiAna`lisi,UniversitatdeBarcelona,GranVia585, 08007Barcelona,Spain;e-mail:[email protected] MathematicsSubjectClassification(2010):Primary35K57,35B65;Secondary35J60 1 2 DanieleCastorina,ManelSancho´n tangentialgradientalongalevelsetof v .WewillproveaMorrey’stypeinequalitywhen | | n < p+q and aSobolevinequalitywhen n > p+q (see Theorem1.2 below). Then, as an application of these inequalities, we establish Lr and W1,r a priori esti- matesforsemi-stablesolutionsofthereaction-diffusionproblem ∆ u = g(u) inΩ, p − u > 0 inΩ, (1.2)  u = 0 on∂Ω.  Here, the diffusion is modeled by the p-Laplace operator ∆ (remember that ∆ u := p p div( u p−2 u)) with p > 1, while the reaction term is driven by any positive C1 non- |∇ | ∇ linearityg. As we will see, these estimates will lead to new Lr and W1,r bounds for the extremal solution u⋆ of (1.2) when g(u) = λf(u) and the domain Ω is strictly convex. More pre- cisely, we prove that u⋆ L∞(Ω) if n p + 2 and u⋆ Ln−npp−2(Ω) W1,p(Ω) if ∈ ≤ ∈ ∩ 0 n > p+2. 1.1 Geometric Sobolev inequalities BeforeweestablishourSobolevand Morreytypeinequalitieswewillstatethatthefunc- tionalI definedin(1.1)decreases(uptoauniversalmultiplicativeconstant)bySchwarz p,q symmetrization.GivenaLipschitzcontinuousfunctionv anditsSchwarzsymmetrization v∗ itis wellknownthat v∗ r dx = v r dx forall r [1,+ ] | | | | ∈ ∞ ZBR ZΩ and v∗ r dx v r dx forallr [1, ). |∇ | ≤ |∇ | ∈ ∞ ZBR ZΩ OurfirstresultestablishesthatI (v∗;B ) CI (v;Ω)forsomeuniversalconstant p,q R p,q ≤ C dependingonlyonn, p, and q. Theorem 1.1. Let Ω be a smooth bounded domain of Rn with n 2 and B the ball R ≥ centered at the origin and with radius R = ( Ω / B )1/n. Let v C∞(Ω) and v∗ its | | | 1| ∈ 0 Schwarz symmetrization. Let I be the functional defined in (1.1) with p,q 1. If n > p,q ≥ q +1 thenthereexistsa universalconstantC dependingonlyon n, p, andq, suchthat 1/p 1 v∗ pdx = I (v∗;B ) CI (v;Ω). (1.3) x q|∇ | p,q R ≤ p,q (cid:18)ZBR | | (cid:19) NotethattheSchwarzsymmetrizationofvisaradialfunction,andhence,itslevelsets are spheres. In particular, the mean curvature Hv∗(x) = 1/ x and the tangential gradient | | T,v∗ v∗ p/q = 0. Thisexplainstheequalityin(1.3). ∇ |∇ | p-LaplaceequationsandgeometricSobolevinequalities 3 ArelatedresultwasprovedbyTrudinger[18]whenq = 1fortheclassofmeanconvex functions (i.e., functions for which the mean curvature of the level sets is nonnegative). Moreprecisely,heprovedTheorem 1.1replacing thefunctionalI by p,q 1/p I˜ (v;Ω) := H q v pdx (1.4) p,q v | | |∇ | (cid:18)ZΩ (cid:19) andconsideringtheSchwarzsymmetrizationofv withrespecttotheperimeterinsteadof theclassicalonelikeus(seeDefinition2.1below).Inordertodefinethissymmetrization (with respect to the perimeter) it is essential to know that the mean curvature H of the v level sets of v is nonnegative. Then using an Aleksandrov-Fenchel inequality for mean | | convex hypersurfaces (see [17]) he proved Theorem 1.1 for this class of functions when q = 1. WeproveTheorem1.1usingtwoingredients.Thefirstoneistheclassicalisoperimet- ricinequality: n B 1/n D (n−1)/n ∂D (1.5) 1 | | | | ≤ | | foranysmoothboundeddomainDofRn.ThesecondoneisageometricSobolevinequal- ity, due to Michael and Simon [12] and to Allard [1], on compact (n 1)-hypersurfaces − M withoutboundarywhichinvolvesthemeancurvatureH ofM:foreveryq [1,n 1), ∈ − thereexistsaconstantAdependingonlyon nand q suchthat 1/q⋆ 1/q φ q⋆dσ A φ q + Hφ q dσ (1.6) | | ≤ |∇ | | | (cid:18)ZM (cid:19) (cid:18)ZM (cid:19) foreveryφ C∞(M),whereq⋆ = (n 1)q/(n 1 q)anddσdenotestheareaelementin ∈ − − − M.Usingtheclassicalisoperimetricinequality(1.5)andthegeometricSobolevinequality (1.6) with M = x Ω : v(x) = t and φ = v (p−1)/q we will prove Theorem 1.1 { ∈ | |q } q |∇ | withtheexplicitconstantC = Ap ∂B (n−1)p, beingAtheuniversalconstantin(1.6). 1 | | From Theorem 1.1 and well known 1-dimensionalweighted Sobolev inequalitiesit is easy to prove Morrey and Sobolev geometric inequalities involving the functional I . p,q Indeed, by Theorem 1.1 and since Schwarz symmetrization preserves the Lr norm, it is sufficientto provetheexistenceofapositiveconstantC independentofv∗ such that v∗ CI (v∗;B ). k kLr(BR) ≤ p,q R Usingthisargumentweprovethefollowinggeometricinequalities. Theorem1.2. LetΩbeasmoothboundeddomainofRn withn 2andv C∞(Ω).Let ≥ ∈ 0 I bethefunctionaldefinedin (1.1)with p,q 1 and p,q ≥ np p⋆ := . q n (p+q) − Assumen > q +1.The followingassertionshold: 4 DanieleCastorina,ManelSancho´n (a) If n < p+q then p+q−n v L∞(Ω) C1 Ω np Ip,q(v;Ω) (1.7) k k ≤ | | forsomeconstantC dependingonlyonn, p, andq. 1 (b) If n > p+q, then kvkLr(Ω) ≤ C2|Ω|r1−p1⋆qIp,q(v;Ω) for every1 ≤ r ≤ p⋆q, (1.8) whereC isa constantdependingonlyonn, p, q, andr. 2 (c) If n = p+q, then p′ v n exp | | dx Ω , where p′ = p/(p 1), (1.9) C I (v;Ω) ≤ n 1| | − ZΩ ((cid:18) 3 p,q (cid:19) ) − forsomepositiveconstantC dependingonlyon nand p. 3 Cabre´ and the second author [6] proved recently Theorem 1.2 under the assumption q p using a different method (without the use of Schwarz symmetrization). More ≥ precisely, they proved the theorem replacing the functional I (v;Ω) by the one de- p,q fined in (1.4), I˜ (v;Ω). Therefore, our geometric inequalities are only new in the range p,q 1 q < p. ≤ Open Problem 1. Is Theorem 1.2 true for the range 1 q < p and replacing the func- ≤ tionalI (v;Ω) bytheonedefined in(1.4), I˜ (v;Ω)? p,q p,q This question has a posive answer for the class of mean convex functions. Trudinger [18] proved this result for this class of functions when q = 1 and can be easily extended foreveryq 1.However,toourknowledge,forgeneral functions(withoutmeanconvex ≥ levelsets)itis an openproblem. 1.2 Regularity of semi-stable solutions The second part of the paper deals with a priori estimates for semi-stable solutions of problem (1.2). Remember that a regular solution u C1(Ω) of (1.2) is said to be semi- ∈ 0 stableifthesecond variationoftheassociated energy functionalat uis nonnegativedefi- nite,i.e., 2 u u p−2 φ 2+(p 2) φ ∇ g′(u)φ2 dx 0 (1.10) |∇ | |∇ | − ∇ · u − ≥ ZΩ ( (cid:18) |∇ |(cid:19) ) foreveryφ H ,whereH denotesthespaceofadmissiblefunctions(seeDefinition4.1 0 0 ∈ below). The class of semi-stable solutions includes local minimizers of the energy func- tionalas wellas minimaland extremalsolutionsof(1.2)when g(u) = λf(u). p-LaplaceequationsandgeometricSobolevinequalities 5 Using an appropriatetest function in (1.10) we provethe followinga prioriestimates forsemi-stablesolutions.Thisresultextendstheonesin[3]and[6]fortheLaplaciancase (p = 2)duetoCabre´ and thesecondauthor. Theorem 1.3. Let g be any C∞ function and Ω Rn any smooth bounded domain. ⊂ Let u C1(Ω) be a semi-stable solution of (1.2), i.e., a solution satisfying (1.10). The ∈ 0 followingassertionshold: (a) Ifn p+2then thereexistsa constantC dependingonlyonnand psuchthat ≤ 1/p kukL∞(Ω) ≤ s+ sC2/p|Ω|p+n2p−n |∇u|p+2dx foralls > 0. (1.11) (cid:18)Z{u≤s} (cid:19) (b) If n > p+2 thenthereexists aconstantC dependingonlyon nandp suchthat u s n−n(pp+2) dx n−(npp+2) C u p+2 dx 1/p (1.12) | |− ≤ s2/p |∇ | (cid:18)Z{u>s}(cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:19) (cid:18)Z{u≤s} (cid:19) foralls > 0.Moreover,thereexistsaconstantC dependingonlyonn,p,andr suchthat np u r dx C Ω + u n−(p+2) dx+ g(u) L1(Ω) (1.13) |∇ | ≤ | | | | k k ZΩ (cid:18) ZΩ (cid:19) forall1 r < r := np2 . ≤ 1 (1+p)n−p−2 To prove (1.11) and (1.12) we use the semi-stability condition (1.10) with the test functionφ = u η to obtain |∇ | 4 n 1 u p/2 2 + − H2 u p η2dx u p η 2dx (1.14) p2|∇T,u|∇ | | p 1 u|∇ | ≤ |∇ | |∇ | ZΩ(cid:18) − (cid:19) ZΩ for every Lipschitz function η in Ω with η = 0. Then, taking η = T u = min s,u , ∂Ω s | { } weobtain(1.11)and(1.12)whenn = p+2byusingtheMorreyandSobolevinequalities 6 established in Theorem 1.2 with q = 2. The critical case n = p+2 is more involved. In order to get (1.11) in this case, we take another explicit test function η = η(u) in (1.14) andusethegeometricSobolevinequality(1.6).Thegradientestimateestablishedin(1.13) will follow by using a technique introduced by Be´nilan et al. [2] to get the regularity of entropysolutionsforp-LaplaceequationswithL1 data(seeProposition4.2). The rest of the introduction deals with the regularity of extremal solutions. Let us recall theproblemandsomeknownresultsin thistopic.Consider ∆ u = λf(u) in Ω, − p (1.15) u = 0 on ∂Ω, λ (cid:26) whereλ isapositiveparameterand f isaC1 positiveincreasingfunctionsatisfying f(t) lim = + . (1.16) t→+∞ tp−1 ∞ 6 DanieleCastorina,ManelSancho´n Cabre´ and the second author [5] proved the existence of an extremal parameter λ⋆ ∈ (0, ) such that problem (1.15) admits a minimal regular solution u C1(Ω) for ∞ λ λ ∈ 0 λ (0,λ⋆) and admits no regularsolutionforλ > λ⋆. Moreover,every minimalsolution ∈ u isasemi-stableforλ (0,λ⋆). λ ∈ FortheLaplacian case(p = 2),thelimitofminimalsolutions u⋆ := lim u λ λ↑λ⋆ isa weak solutionoftheextremalproblem(1.15) and it isknownas extremalsolution. λ⋆ Nedev [13] proved, in the case of convex nonlinearities, that u⋆ L∞(Ω) if n 3 and ∈ ≤ u⋆ Lr(Ω) for all 1 r < n/(n 4) if n 4. Recently, Cabre´ [3], Cabre´ and the ∈ ≤ − ≥ second author [6], and Nedev [14] proved, in the case of convex domains and general nonlinearities,thatu⋆ L∞(Ω) ifn 4 and u⋆ Ln2−n4(Ω) H1(Ω) ifn 5. ∈ ≤ ∈ ∩ 0 ≥ For arbitrary p > 1 it is unknown if the limit of minimal solutions u⋆ is a (weak or entropy) solution of (1.15) . In the affirmative case, it is called the extremal solution of λ⋆ (1.15) . However, in [15] it is proved that the limit of minimal solutions u⋆ is a weak λ⋆ solution(in the distributionalsense) of (1.15) wheneverp 2 and f satisfies theaddi- λ⋆ ≥ tionalcondition: thereexistsT 0 such that(f(t) f(0))1/(p−1) isconvexforall t T. (1.17) ≥ − ≥ Moreover, u⋆ L∞(Ω) ifn < p+p′ ∈ and n u⋆ Lr(Ω), forall r < r˜ := (p 1) , ifn p+p′. ∈ 0 − n (p+p′) ≥ − This extends previous results of Nedev [13] for the Laplacian case (p = 2) and convex nonlinearities. Our next result improves the Lq estimate in [13, 15] for strictly convex domains. We also prove that u⋆ belongs to the energy class W1,p(Ω) independently of the dimension 0 extendingan unpublishedresultofNedev [14]forp = 2 toeveryp 2 (seealso[6]). ≥ Theorem 1.4. Let f be an increasingpositiveC1 function satisfying(1.16). Assumethat Ω is a smooth strictly convex domain of Rn. Let u C1(Ω) be the minimal solution of λ ∈ 0 (1.15) .There existsa constantC independentof λsuchthat: λ (a) If n ≤ p+2then kuλkL∞(Ω) ≤ Ckf(uλ)kL1/1((pΩ−)1). (b) If n > p+2 then kuλkLn−npp−2(Ω) ≤ Ckf(uλ)kL1/1((pΩ−)1). Moreover kuλkW01,p(Ω) ≤ C′ whereC′ isa constantdependingonlyonn, p, Ω, f and f(u ) . λ L1(Ω) k k Assume,inaddition,p 2 andthat (1.17)holds.Then ≥ p-LaplaceequationsandgeometricSobolevinequalities 7 (i) If n p+2then u⋆ L∞(Ω). In particular,u⋆ C1(Ω). ≤ ∈ ∈ 0 (ii) If n > p+2 thenu⋆ Ln−npp−2(Ω) W1,p(Ω). ∈ ∩ 0 Remark1.5. Iff(u )isboundedinL1(Ω)byaconstantindependentofλ,thenparts(a) λ and(b)willleadautomaticallytotheassertions(i)and(ii)statedinthetheorem(without therequirementthatp 2and(1.17)holdtrue).However,aswesaidbefore,theestimate ≥ f(u⋆) L1(Ω) is unknown in the general case, i.e, for arbitrary positive and increasing ∈ nonlinearitiesf satisfying(1.16)andarbitrary p > 1. Open Problem 2. Is it true that f(u⋆) L1(Ω) for arbitrary positive and increasing ∈ nonlinearitiesf satisfying(1.16)? Under assumptions p 2 and (1.17) it is proved in [15] that f(u⋆) Lr(Ω) for all ≥ ∈ 1 r < n/(n p′) when n p′ and f(u⋆) L∞(Ω) if n < p′. In particular, one ≤ − ≥ ∈ has f(u⋆) L1(Ω) independently of the dimension n and the parameter p > 1. As a ∈ consequence, assertions (i) and (ii) follow immediately from parts (a) and (b) of the theorem. ToprovetheLr aprioriestimatesstatedinpart(a)and(b)wemakethreesteps.First, weusethestrictconvexityofthedomainΩtoprovethat x Ω : dist(x,∂Ω) < ε x Ω : u (x) < s λ { ∈ } ⊂ { ∈ } forasuitables.Thisisdoneusingamovingplaneprocedureforp-Laplaceequations(see Proposition 3.1 below). Then, we prove that the Morrey and Sobolev type inequalities stated in Theorem 1.2 for smoothfunctions,also hold for regular solutionsof (1.2)when 1 q 2.Finally,takingatestfunctionη relatedtodist( ,∂Ω)in(1.14)andproceeding ≤ ≤ · as in theproof ofTheorem 1.3 we willobtain the Lr a prioriestimates establishedin the theorem. The energy estimate established in parts (ii) and (b) of Theorem 1.4 follows by ex- tendingtheargumentsofNedev[14]fortheLaplaciancase(seealsoTheorem2.9in[6]). First,usingaPohoˇzaevidentityweobtain 1 u p dx u p x ν dσ, for allp > 1 and λ (0,λ⋆), (1.18) |∇ λ| ≤ p′ |∇ λ| · ∈ ZΩ Z∂Ω where dσ denotes the area element in ∂Ω and ν is the outward unit normal to Ω. Then, using the strict convexity of the domain (as in the Lr estimates) and standard regularity estimates for ∆ u = λf(u (x)) in a neighborhood of the boundary, we are able to p λ − control the right hand side of (1.18) by a constant whose dependence on λ is given by a functionof f(u ) . λ L1(Ω) k k 8 DanieleCastorina,ManelSancho´n Remark 1.6. Let uscompare ourregularityresultswiththesharp ones provedbyCabre´, Capella, and thesecond authorin [4]when Ω istheunitballB ofRn. In theradial case, 1 theextremalsolutionu⋆ of(1.15) is boundedifthedimensionn < p+ 4p .Moreover, λ⋆ p−1 ifn p+ 4p then u⋆ W1,r(B )forall 1 r < r¯ , where ≥ p−1 ∈ 0 1 ≤ 1 np r¯ := . 1 n 2 n−1 2 − p−1 − q In particular,u⋆ Lr(B ) forall1 r < r¯ , where 1 0 ∈ ≤ np r¯ := . 0 n 2 n−1 p 2 − p−1 − − q Itcanbeshownthattheseregularityresultsaresharpbytakingtheexponentialandpower nonlinearities. Note that the Lr(Ω)-estimate established in Theorem 1.4 differs with the sharp expo- nent r¯ defined aboveby the term 2 n−1. Moreover,observe that r¯ is larger than p and 0 p−1 1 tends to it as n goes to infinity. In pqarticular, the best expected regularity independent of the dimension n for the extremal solution u⋆ is W1,p(Ω), which is the one we obtain in 0 Theorem1.4. 1.3 Outline of the paper The paper is organized as follows. In section 2 we prove Theorem 1.1 and the geometric type inequalities stated in Theorem 1.2. In section 3 we prove that Theorem 1.2 holds for solutions of (1.2) when 1 q 2. Moreover we give boundary estimates when the ≤ ≤ domainisstrictlyconvex.In section 4, we present thesemi-stabilitycondition(1.10)and the space of admissible functions H . The rest of the section deals with the regularity of 0 semi-stablesolutionsprovingTheorems1.3and 1.4. 2 Geometric Hardy-Sobolev type inequalities In this section we prove Theorems 1.1 and 1.2. As we said in the introduction, the geo- metricinequalities establishedin Theorem 1.2 are new for the range 1 q < p sincethe ≤ caseq pwas provedin[6]. However,wewillgivetheproofinall cases usingSchwarz ≥ symmetrization,givingan alternativeprooffortheknownrangeofparameters q p. ≥ We start recalling the definition of Schwarz symmetrizationof a compact set and of a Lipschitzcontinuousfunction. Definition 2.1. We definetheSchwarzsymmetrizationof a compactset D Rn as ⊂ B (0) withR = ( D / B )1/n if D = , D∗ := R | | | 1| 6 ∅ if D = . (cid:26) ∅ ∅ p-LaplaceequationsandgeometricSobolevinequalities 9 Letv beaLipschitzcontinuousfunctionin ΩandΩ := x Ω : v(x) t . Wedefine t { ∈ | | ≥ } theSchwarzsymmetrizationof v as v∗(x) := sup t R : x Ω∗ . { ∈ ∈ t} Equivalently,we can definetheSchwarz symmetrizationofv as v∗(x) = inf t 0 : V(t) < B x n , 1 { ≥ | || | } whereV(t) := Ω = x Ω : v(x) > t denotesthedistributionfunctionofv. t | | |{ ∈ | | }| The first ingredient in the proof of Theorem 1.1 is the isoperimetric inequality for functionsv in W1,1(Ω): 0 d n B 1/nV(t)(n−1)/n P(t) := v dx fora.e. t > 0, (2.1) 1 | | ≤ dt |∇ | Z{|v|≤t} where P(t) stands for the perimeter in the sense of De Giorgi (the total variation of the characteristicfunctionof x Ω : v(x) > t ). { ∈ | | } The second ingredient is the following Sobolev inequality on compact hypersurfaces withoutboundarydueto Michaeland Simon[12]and toAllard[1]. Theorem 2.2 ([1, 12]). Let M Rn be a C∞ immersed (n 1)-dimensional compact ⊂ − hypersurface without boundary and φ C∞(M). If q [1,n 1), then there exists a ∈ ∈ − constantAdependingonlyonn andq suchthat 1/q⋆ 1/q φ q⋆dσ A φ q + Hφ q dσ , (2.2) | | ≤ |∇ | | | (cid:18)ZM (cid:19) (cid:18)ZM (cid:19) whereH isthemeancurvatureofM,dσ denotestheareaelementinM,andq⋆ = (n−1)q. n−1−q AswesaidintheintroductionitiswellknownthatSchwarzsymmetrizationpreserves theLr-normanddecreasestheW1,r-norm.Letusprovethatitalsodecreases(uptoamul- tiplicativeconstant) the functional I defined in (1.1) using the isoperimetric inequality p,q (2.1) and the geometric inequality(2.2) applied to M = M = x Ω : v(x) = t and t { ∈ | | } φ = v (p−1)/q. |∇ | Proofof Theorem 1.1. Let v C∞(Ω), p 1, and 1 q < n 1. By Sard’s theorem, ∈ 0 ≥ ≤ − almost every t (0, v L∞(Ω)) is a regular value of v . By definition, if t is a regular ∈ k k | | valueof v ,then v(x) > 0 for all x Ω such that v(x) = t. Therefore, M := x t | | |∇ | ∈ | | { ∈ Ω : v(x) = t is a C∞ immersed (n 1) dimensional compact hypersurface of Rn | | } − − without boundary for every regular value t . Applying inequality (2.2) to M = M and t φ = v (p−1)/q weobtain |∇ | q/q⋆ v (p−1)qq⋆ dσ Aq v p−q1 q + H q v p−1dσ (2.3) T,v v |∇ | ≤ ∇ |∇ | | | |∇ | (cid:18)ZMt (cid:19) ZMt(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 10 DanieleCastorina,ManelSancho´n for a.e. t (0, v L∞(Ω)), where Hv denotes the mean curvature of Mt, dσ is the area ∈ k k elementin M ,Ais theconstantin (2.2)whichdependsonlyon nand q, and t (n 1)q q⋆ := − . n 1 q − − RecallthatV(t),beinganonincreasingfunction,isdifferentiablealmosteverywhereand, thankstothecoarea formulaand thatalmosteveryt (0, v L∞(Ω)) isaregularvalueof ∈ k k v ,wehave | | 1 V′(t) = dσ and P(t) = dσ fora.e. t (0, v L∞(Ω)). − v ∈ k k ZMt |∇ | ZMt ThereforeapplyingJenseninequalityandthenusingtheisoperimetricinequality(2.1), weobtain v (p−1)qq⋆+1 dσ qq⋆ P(t)p−1+qq⋆ (A1V(t)n−n1)p−1+qq⋆ (2.4) |∇ | v ≥ ( V′(t))p−1 ≥ ( V′(t))p−1 (cid:18)ZMt |∇ |(cid:19) − − fora.e. t (0, v L∞(Ω)), whereA1 := n B1 1/n. ∈ k k | | Note that for radial functions the inequalities in (2.4) are equalities. Therefore, since the Schwarz symmetrization v∗ of v is a radial function and it satisfies (2.3), with an equalityand withconstantA = ∂B −1/(n−1), weobtain 1 | | q/q⋆ v∗ (p−1)qq⋆ dσ = ∂B1 −n−q1 Hv∗ q v∗ p−1dσ |∇ | | | | | |∇ | (cid:18)Z{|v∗|=t} (cid:19) Z{v∗=t} (2.5) (A1V(t)n−n1)p−1+qq⋆ = . ( V′(t))p−1 − for a.e. t (0, v L∞(Ω)). Here, we used that V(t) = v > t = v∗ > t for a.e. ∈ k k |{| | }| |{| | }| t (0, v L∞(Ω)). ∈ k k Therefore, from (2.3), (2.4), and (2.5), weobtain ∂B1 −n−q1 Hv∗ q v∗ p−1dσ Aq T,v v p−q1 q + Hv q v p−1dσ, | | | | |∇ | ≤ ∇ |∇ | | | |∇ | Z{v∗=t} ZMt(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) for a.e. t (0, v L∞(Ω)). Integrating the prev(cid:12)ious inequali(cid:12)ty with respect to t on ∈ k k (0, v L∞(Ω)) and using the coarea formula we obtain inequality (1.3), with the explicit k k q q constantC = Ap ∂B (n−1)p, provingtheresult. 1 | | q q Remark 2.3. We obtained the explicit admissible constant C = Ap ∂B (n−1)p in (1.3), 1 | | whereAis theuniversalconstantappearing in(2.2). We prove Theorem 1.2 using Theorem 1.1 and known results on one dimensional weightedSobolevinequalities.

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