March 3, 2016 TO: Members of the Board of Regents Designated Representatives to the Board of Regents FROM: Joan Goldblatt, Secretary of the Board of Regents RE: Schedule of Meetings THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2016 The Board meets at UW Bothell 8:30 to 10:20 a.m. Rose Room FINANCE AND ASSET MANAGEMENT Founders Hall, UW1-280 COMMITTEE: Regents Jaech (Chair), Ayer, UW Bothell Benoliel, Blake, Harrell *10:35 a.m. to 12:25 p.m. Rose Room ACADEMIC AND STUDENT AFFAIRS Founders Hall, UW1-280 COMMITTEE: Regents Rice (Chair), Kritzer, UW Bothell Riojas, Simon 12:25 p.m. Third Floor Vista LUNCH FOR REGENTS AND OTHER Founders Hall, UW1 INVITED GUESTS UW Bothell 1:15 p.m. Rose Room REGULAR MEETING OF BOARD OF Founders Hall, UW1-280 REGENTS: Regents Shanahan (Chair), Ayer, UW Bothell Benoliel, Blake, Harrell, Jaech, Kritzer, Rice, Riojas, Simon Immediately following the Collaboratory Makerspace TOUR full Board Meeting. Discovery Hall Optional Tour of the Makerspace 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Mobius Hall President’s Town Hall Meeting *or upon conclusion of the previous session. Unless otherwise indicated, committee meetings of the Board of Regents will run consecutively; starting times following the first committee are estimates only. If a session ends earlier than expected, the next scheduled session may convene immediately. Committee meetings may be attended by all members of the Board of Regents and all members may participate. To request disability accommodation, contact the Disability Services Office at: 206.543.6450 (voice), 206.543.6452 (TTY), 206.685.7264 (fax), or email at [email protected]. The University of Washington makes every effort to honor disability accommodation requests. Requests can be responded to most effectively if received as far in advance of the event as possible. 1.1/203-16 3/10/16 UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON BOARD OF REGENTS Finance and Asset Management Committee Regents Jaech (Chair), Ayer, Benoliel, Blake, Harrell March 10, 2016 8:30 to 10:20 a.m. Rose Room, Founders Hall, UW1-280, UW Bothell Approval of Minutes of Committee Meeting on February 11, COMMITTEE 2016 ACTION 1. 2015 Internal Audit Results INFORMATION F–1 Richard Cordova, Executive Director, Internal Audit 2. Asset Liability Management Semi-Annual Borrower Reports INFORMATION F–2 (SABRe) Bill Starkey, Senior Associate Treasurer, Treasury Alana Askew, Assistant Treasurer, Operations & Analysis, Treasury 3. UW One Capital Plan INFORMATION F–3 Paul Jenny, Senior Vice President, Planning and Management Chris Malins, Associate Vice President, Treasury Mike McCormick, Associate Vice President, Capital Planning and Development 4. West Campus Utility Plant (WCUP): Approve Scope and Budget ACTION F–4 Adjustment Paul Jenny, Senior Vice President, Planning and Management Mike McCormick, Associate Vice President, Capital Planning and Development John Chapman, Executive Director for Campus Engineering & Operations, Facilities Services 5. UW Bothell Student Housing Update INFORMATION F–5 Wolf Yeigh, Chancellor, UW Bothell 6. Approve 2016-17 Student Housing Rental and Dining Plan Rates ACTION F–6 at UW Seattle Denzil Suite, Vice President, Student Life Pam Schreiber, Executive Director, Housing & Food Services 1.2.1/203-16 3/10/16 AGENDA – Finance and Asset Management Committee Meeting on March 10, 2016 Page 2 7. Approve 2016-17 Student Housing Rental Rate Adjustment at ACTION F–7 UW Bothell Wolf Yeigh, Chancellor, UW Bothell Chelsea Knodel, Director of Auxiliary Services George Theo, Dean of Student Affairs 8. Approve 2016-17 Student Housing Rental Rate Adjustment at ACTION F–8 UW Tacoma Harlan Patterson, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration, Administrative Services, UW Tacoma Mark Pagano, Chancellor, UW Tacoma 9. Advancement Benchmark Annual Report INFORMATION F–9 Connie Kravas, Vice President for University Advancement 10. UWINCO Board Update and Investment Performance Quarterly INFORMATION F–10 Report – Quarter Ended December 31, 2015 Garth Reistad, Deputy Chief Investment Officer, UWINCO 11. UW Medicine Board Update INFORMATION F–11 Kristi Blake, Regent Rogelio Riojas, Regent 12. Audit Advisory Committee Update INFORMATION F–12 Kristi Blake, Audit Advisory Committee Chair, Regent 13. Executive Session (to review the performance of public employees.) 14. Executive Session (to discuss with legal counsel litigation or potential litigation as defined in RCW 42.30.110.) 15. Other Business 1.2.1/203-16 3/10/16 UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON BOARD OF REGENTS Academic and Student Affairs Committee Regents Rice (Chair), Kritzer, Riojas, Simon March 10, 2016 10:35 a.m. to 12:25 p.m. Rose Room, Founders Hall, UW1-280, UW Bothell Approval of Minutes of Committee Meeting on February 11, COMMITTEE 2016 ACTION 1. Academic and Administrative Appointments ACTION A–1 Gerald J. Baldasty, Interim Provost and Executive Vice President 2. Overview of 2015 Faculty Demographics and Faculty Hiring INFORMATION A–2 Gerald J. Baldasty, Interim Provost and Executive Vice President Cheryl Cameron, Vice Provost for Academic Personnel, Office of the Provost Judy Howard, Divisional Dean of Social Sciences, College of Arts & Sciences 3. Establishing the Graduate Certificate in Textual and Digital ACTION A–3 Studies Rebecca Aanerud, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs & Planning, The Graduate School Geoffrey Turnovsky, Associate Professor, Department of French & Italian Studies 4. Establishing the Graduate Certificate in Palliative Care ACTION A–4 Rebecca Aanerud, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs & Planning, The Graduate School Ardith Doorenbos, Professor, Biobehavioral Nursing & Health Systems, School of Nursing 5. Community Engagement as a Distinct Academic Practice at UW INFORMATION A–5 Bothell Wolf Yeigh, Chancellor, UW Bothell Jonathan Cluts, Director of Strategic Initiatives Claire Fraczek, Director of Integrated Learning Robby Shaffer, Senior, Mechanical Engineering Joshua Hurley, Senior, Mechanical Engineering Steven Collins, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, School of STEM Maria Peña, Chief Diversity and Equity Officer, Everett Community College 6. UW Medicine Board Appointments and Reappointments ACTION A–6 Paul Ramsey, CEO, UW Medicine 1.4.1/203-16 3/10/16 AGENDA – Academic and Student Affairs Committee Meeting on March10, 2016 Page 2 7. Executive Session (to review the performance of public employees.) 8. Other Business 1.4.1/203-16 3/10/16 AGENDA BOARD OF REGENTS University of Washington March 10, 2016 1:15 p.m. Rose Room, Founders Hall, UW1-280, UW Bothell (Item No.) I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL: Assistant Secretary Shelley Tennant III. CONFIRM AGENDA IV. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD V. BOARD ITEMS Legislative and Budget Update (Information only) B–1 Gerald J. Baldasty, Interim Provost and Executive Vice President Sarah Norris Hall, Assistant Vice Provost, Planning and Budgeting Genesee Adkins, Director of State Relations Transforming Administration Program (TAP) Update (Information only) B–2 Gerald J. Baldasty, Interim Provost and Executive Vice President Wolf Yeigh, Chancellor, UW Bothell VI. REPORT OF THE CHAIR OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS: Regent Shanahan VII. REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT: President Cauce VIII. CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Minutes of Meeting of February 11, 2016 Establishing the Graduate Certificate in Textual and Digital Studies A–3 Establishing the Graduate Certificate in Palliative Care A–4 UW Medicine Board Appointments and Reappointments A–6 West Campus Utility Plant (WCUP): Approve Scope and Budget Adjustment F–4 Approve 2016-17 Student Housing Rental and Dining Plan Rates at UW Seattle F–6 Approve 2016-17 Student Housing Rental Rate Adjustment at UW Bothell F–7 Approve 2016-17 Student Housing Rental Rate Adjustment at UW Tacoma F–8 1.1.1/203-16 3/10/16 AGENDA – Board of Regents Meeting on March 10, 2016 Page 2 IX. STANDING COMMITTEES A. Academic and Student Affairs Committee: Regent Rice – Chair Academic and Administrative Appointments (Action) A–1 Overview of 2015 Faculty Demographics and Faculty Hiring (Information A–2 only) Community Engagement as a Distinct Academic Practice at UW Bothell A–5 (Information only) B. Finance and Asset Management Committee: Regent Jaech – Chair 2015 Internal Audit Results (Information only) F–1 Asset Liability Management Semi-Annual Borrower Reports (SABRe) F–2 (Information only) UW One Capital Plan (Information only) F–3 UW Bothell Student Housing Update (Information only) F–5 Advancement Benchmark Annual Report (Information only) F–9 UWINCO Board Update and Investment Performance Quarterly Report – F–10 Quarter Ended December 31, 2015 (Information only) UW Medicine Board Update (Information only) F–11 Audit Advisory Committee Update (Information only) F–12 X. REPORTS TO THE BOARD Faculty Senate Chair – Professor Norman Beauchamp Student Leaders: ASUW President – Mr. Tyler Wu GPSS President – Mr. Alex Bolton ASUW Tacoma President – Ms. Sophie Nop ASUW Bothell President – Mr. Dom Juarez Alumni Association President – Mr. Jeff Rochon XI. DATE FOR NEXT REGULAR MEETING: Thursday, April 14, 2016 XII. EXECUTIVE SESSION (to review the performance of public employees.) XIII. ADJOURN 1.1.1/203-16 3/10/16 OFFICIAL MINUTES M I N U T E S BOARD OF REGENTS University of Washington March 10, 2016 The Board of Regents held its regular meeting on Thursday, March 10, 2016, beginning at 1:15 p.m. in the Rose Room, Founders Hall, UW1-280, at UW Bothell. The notice of the meeting was appropriately provided to the public and the media. CALL TO ORDER The Board Chair, Regent Shanahan, called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. A delay of meeting notice was posted. Regents had the opportunity to visit with members of the UW Bothell community during lunch. Regent Shanahan thanked Chancellor Yeigh for hosting the Board meeting on the UW Bothell campus. Regent Shanahan remarked the Board elected new officers whose terms became effective on March 1. ROLL CALL Assistant Secretary Tennant called the roll. Present were Regents Shanahan (chairing), Ayer, Benoliel, Blake, Harrell, Jaech, Kritzer, Rice, Riojas, and Simon; President Cauce, Provost Baldasty, Ms. Goldblatt; designated representatives: Professor Beauchamp, Mr. Wu, and Mr. Rochon. Absent: Mr. Bolton CONFIRM AGENDA The agenda was confirmed as presented. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD Regent Shanahan announced the Board would receive comments from the public. This segment of the meeting is meant to give Board members a chance to hear directly from the public on any subject pertaining to the University. He noted while the Board would be pleased to have the opportunity to listen to any comments and consider them in its BOARD OF REGENTS 2 March 10, 2016 decision-making, the Board would not be in a position to directly act on the comments or provide a response. Any Board member who would like additional information would make a request through staff following the meeting. Regent Shanahan offered the opportunity to comment to people who signed up in advance. Regents heard comments about the following: • Concern by a Seattle hotel workers union staff member about affordable housing related to the Metro Tract Rainier Square building project and concern about the wages and benefits of the hotel employees provided by the hotel operator of the new project. • Members of the UW Bothell Student Diversity Council spoke about their experiences on campus as marginalized students. They expressed the need for a campus Diversity Center, voiced support for additional all-gender bathrooms to meet transgender and disability issues, asked for understanding of the needs of students living in poverty and of students who are the first in their families to attend college. One described feeling “exoticized” as a student of color, and another said students are providing services to students in the area of gender equity. A student advocated for menstrual supplies to be supplied by the University and for support for undocumented students. A speaker from UW Bothell’s Parent Union encouraged support for UW Bothell parenting students. Regent Shanahan thanked the speakers for expressing their views and for attending the meeting. BOARD ITEMS Legislative and Budget Update (Agenda no. B–1) (Information only) Randy Hodgins, Vice President for External Affairs, provided a legislative update on behalf of Genesee Adkins, Director of State Relations, who was in Olympia. Mr. Hodgins reported the current sixty-day legislative session was scheduled to adjourn on March 10, and a special session was expected to be convened by the Governor. The operating budget is being negotiated. The UW hopes for secure tuition backfill funding and a correction to an inadvertent reduction to the funding for medical education in Spokane. A capital budget might not be approved during this session and funding for the Computer Science & Engineering building continues to be vague. The leasehold excise tax bill affecting the Metro Tract is technically dead, but there is hope for an unlikely omnibus revenue bill which would contain tax exemptions and close loopholes. Sarah Norris Hall, Assistant Vice Provost of Planning and Budgeting, reported on the state operations side of Planning and Budgeting. There are no final numbers for the operating budget. The two engrossed budgets, House and Senate, differ by about $2.3 million for the FY 2017 biennial budget. The Senate budget includes an offset provision concerning the mechanism for University funding of the services of the Office of Financial Management. BOARD OF REGENTS 3 March 10, 2016 Both the House and Senate budgets provide for continued funding of the MESA (Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement) Program. See Attachment B–1. Transforming Administration Program (TAP) Update (Agenda no. B–2) (Information only) This standing agenda item was moved from the Finance and Asset Management Committee to the full Board. During this report, Regent Shanahan encouraged a discussion about new ideas and progress reports. Provost Baldasty reported TAP worked with a team of staff, comprised of central administrators, “customers” from academic units, and representatives from UW Bothell and UW Tacoma, to create service standards. A guiding principle used was to reduce the administrative burden for faculty and staff by providing timely responses to requests for assistance with minimal layers of approval. TAP is considering infrastructure efficiencies to get at the heart of how the institution operates and is developing standards for responsiveness. Chancellor Yeigh provided examples of efficiency efforts at UW Bothell and described how TAP affects the campus. Recently, Chancellor Yeigh and his Vice Chancellors worked with Ruth Johnston, from Strategy Management, to examine how effective UW Bothell is as an institution and if UW Bothell operates effectively and efficiently. A report described UW Bothell on a steep growth curve, due to enrollment levels and its general maturity cycle. This is the right time to think about the future and make needed investments. In 2008 UW Bothell created a 21st century strategic plan. The Chancellor reported the campus has made progress in the seven areas of the plan. Up to the present, positive enrollment growth has funded campus goals. This practice was examined more closely to develop a sustainable plan to guide rational enrollment growth. UW Bothell participated in the University’s “boundless” branding exercise, but did not get a clear sense of who UW Bothell is. Chancellor Yeigh expressed the need to clearly articulate UW Bothell’s identity as a brand and reported the campus is undertaking a review to determine how it fits into the University’s larger branding scheme. Structurally, UW Bothell has made some positive changes. The Chancellor has expanded his executive committee to be more representative. It now includes staff, students, faculty members, and deans. Now called the Campus Leadership Council, it remains small enough to effectively govern. UW Bothell has benefited from the TAP initiative with clearer thinking about strategy and deployment of tactics to become a better institution to support the University’s academic mission and its students.