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Regular collision of dilatonic inflating branes Emily Leeper, Kazuya Koyama and Roy Maartens Institute of Cosmology & Gravitation, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, PO1 2EG, UK (Dated: 15/08/05) We demonstrate that a two brane system with a bulk scalar field driving power-law inflation on the branes has an instability in the radion. We solve for the resulting trajectory of the brane, and find that the instability can lead to collision. Brane quantities such as the scale factor are shown to be regular at this collision. In addition we describe the system using a low energy expansion. The low energy expansion accurately reproduces the known exact solution, but also identifies an 6 alternative solution for thebulk metric and brane trajectory. 0 0 2 I. INTRODUCTION nariotoincludetwobranes. Theyfoundthatforany valueofthebranetensiononthesecondbranethere n isonelocationwherethesecondbranewillremainat a In the search for a theory that can describe J aconstantbulkcoordinateawayfromthefirstbrane. both quantum mechanics and gravity, string theory 3 (which describes matter as vibrating stringsmoving Thisissomewhatanalogoustothescenariowithtwo 1 de Sitter (dS) branes and an empty Anti-de Sitter in 11 dimensions) seems a strong candidate. It has (AdS) bulk studied by Gen andSasaki[8]. However been the subject of muchresearch,and many differ- 2 unlike the static de Sitter model, the presence of ent realisations of string theory have been found to v the scalar field means that the constant coordinate 5 be possible. This being so,experimentalconstraints separation does not lead to a static equilibrium as 4 on the theory are vital. It is hoped that the next the proper distance between the two branes is time 1 generation of particle accelerators now being built 8 will reach energies where some sign of extra dimen- dependent. 0 sions may be seen, while laboratory gravity exper- 5 iments at low energies can put constraints on the 0 The stability of this two-brane model against a / length scale of any extra dimensions. In cosmology, h wide class of metric perturbations was shown in [7]. wecanprobeboththehighestenergies,throughun- t Although it was shown that there were no unstable - derstanding of the early universe, and the largest p bulk metric perturbations, including perturbations scales available to us; thus anunderstanding of how e ofthebulkmetricintroducedbyradionfluctuations, stringtheoryandextradimensionsaffectscosmology h theradionitselfwasnotcalculated. Thusascenario : is very valuable. v with a brane moving in the fixed bulk space-time The fact that we observe only three spatial di- i was not excluded by the analysis of [7]. Such a sce- X mensions has to be explained away in string the- nario would be the natural analogue of the radion r ory - this can be done by compactifying the ex- instability found in the two-dS brane model in [8]. a tra dimensions to very small scales, or by attach- In Section IIB we will examine the case where the ing all the strings corresponding to normal matter second brane is allowed to move in the fixed bulk to a four-dimensional surface called a brane. Five- metric, and solve the junction conditions giving its dimensional models based on this latter method of trajectory. We find that the second brane position dimensional reduction were presented in two papers isindeedunstable,withanydisplacementleadingto by Randall and Sundrum in 1999 [1]. Much work the second brane going to infinity or colliding with has been done on cosmological generalisations of the reference brane. However, it is shown that all these models since then. Early universe inflation brane quantities are completely regular at this col- in braneworldshas been extensively studied, mostly lision. This is in contrast with the results of Web- drivenbysomekindofinflatonfield,eitherlocalised ster and Davis [9], who examined similar non-BPS on the brane with the other matter fields [2], or liv- braneworldmodelswithmoregeneralscalarfieldpo- ing inthe wholebulk [3, 4]. Inthis paper we willbe tentials,andfoundthatthescalarfieldtypicallybe- considering a model of bulk-driven inflation. comes divergent at a collision. In [5], Koyama and Takahashi found an exact so- lution for a five-dimensional bulk metric where a bulkscalarfieldwithnon-BPSexponentialpotential The stability of this scenarioto homogenousmet- drives power-law inflation on a single brane. This ricperturbationsisexaminedinalowenergyexpan- scenario is particularly attractive as the cosmologi- sion in Section III. These results reinforce the sta- cal perturbations, normally an intractable problem bility found in [7]. We also demonstrate the ability in braneworld scenarios,can be solved exactly [6]. of the low energy expansion to reproduce a known In [7], Mukohyama and Coley developed the sce- exact solution in the correct limit. 2 II. EXACT SOLUTION Weassumethat 8/3<∆< 2sothatallexpo- − − nentsarefinite, andthat∆/8+δ<0toensureΛ< A. Previous Results 0. Then we note that for δ = 0 a brane at position 6 z = z , determined by (z ) = 1, undergoes power 0 0 law inflation with scaleHfactor a(t)=(H t)2/(3∆+8); The scalar field Φ in the bulk has potential [5]: 0 andforabraneatthislocationbulktimetcoincides ∆ with brane proper time. In the limit δ 0 we have Λ(Φ)=κ−2 8 +δ σ02e−2√2bκΦ(z,t), (1) that H =H0 =0, giving a scale factor→of 0, demon- (cid:18) (cid:19) stratingthatthepowerlawinflationisdrivenbythe and induced potentials on the two branes: scalar field and by the δ part of the scalar field in particular. λ0,1(Φ)=√2κ−2σ0,1e−√2bκΦ(z,t), (2) A second brane may be introduced at arbitrary constant z = z as in [7]. Proper distance between where Φ is taken to have a separable form: 1 the branes is then given by Φ(z,t)=φ(t)+Ξ(z). (3) z1 L=H t eW(z)dz t. (13) 0 Theparameter∆isdefinedintermsofthe coupling ∝ Zz0 constant b as InthecaseoftwodSbranestheequilibriumposition 8 ∆=4b2 . (4) has constant proper distance; the time-dependence − 3 of the power-law inflation on the brane causes a simple time-dependence for the equilibrium proper Then the part of the bulk potential proportional to distance. As H is positive, once the branes have ∆ is the BPS potential, and tuned to the brane po- 0 emergedfromthecurvaturesingularityatt=0they tentials such that the metric induced on the branes are always moving apart. will be static (this is equivalent to the Randall- The junction conditions at the first brane are au- Sundrum tuning in the model with AdS bulk). The tomatically satisfied; at the second brane they give parameter δ is a free parameter giving the devia- a single equation relating z and the two brane ten- tion from this BPS tuning, and is what allows the 1 sions, σ and σ : time-dependent evolution on the brane. 0 1 The action for this model is given by ∆ δ σ = 2√2σ 1 − coshHz . (14) 1 0 1 − − − 8δ ∆ r r 1 1 S = d5x√ g R ∂ Φ∂µΦ Λ(Φ) (5) − 2κ2 − 2 µ − In proper time on the second brane the scale factor Z (cid:20) (cid:21) gives power law inflation with the same exponent d4x√ q λ (Φ) d4x√ q λ (Φ). but a different constant of proportionality. 0 0 1 1 − − − − Z Z Taking the bulk metric ansatz: B. Perturbing the equilibrium position ds2 =e2W(z) dt2+e2α(t)d~x2+e2√2bκφ(t)dz2 , − We now relax the assumption that the second h i(6) branehastobeatconstantz andperturbthe brane the Einstein equations are solved by [5]: fromits equilibriumpositionfoundabove. The gov- eα(t) = (H t)2/(3∆+8) (7) erning equations are derived from the junction con- 0 ditions and prove not to be analytically soluble, e√2bκφ(t) = H t (8) though a numeric solution can be obtained. Nu- 0 meric solutions shown here have initial conditions eW(z) = (z)2/3(∆+2) (9) close to, but slightly perturbed from the constant z H brane position. eκΞ(z) = (z)2√2b/(∆+2) (10) H with 1. Junction Conditions 3∆+8 δ H0 = H, H = (∆+2) σ0 (11) The power-law inflation demonstrated in Section −3(∆+2) − −∆ r IIA is induced by the action of the bulk scalar field and for Λ<0, (z) is given by: onthebrane,withthebranebeingemptyapartfrom H thescalarfieldpotential(2). We nowallowformat- ∆ ter with energy density ρ and pressure p on the sec- (z)= 1 sinhHz (12) ondbrane. Thenwefindthejunctionconditionsand H − − 8δ r 3 the scalarfieldmatchingconditions (givengenerally 2. A numeric solution for the brane trajectory in [7]) at the second brane become: To go beyond a linear analysis we solve equation (16) for z˙ : 1−(H0tz˙1)2 −3/2e−W H0tz¨1−H03t2z˙13 1 (cid:2) κ−2W′H(cid:3)0tz˙12+2H0hz˙1+ HW0′ti (15) z˙1 = 72H02H722(+3∆σ12+(38∆) +8)2Ht "− 3(∆H+′ 2) (20) = λ (Φ) 2ρ 3p , 1 − 6 { − − } √2 σ2(3∆+8)2 (3∆+8)2 2 1−(H0tz˙1)2 −1/2e−W (cid:20)HW0′t + (32∆H0+z˙18)(cid:21) −12σ1s1+ 172H02H2 − 9(∆+2)2HH02H′ 2 #. (cid:2) κ2 (cid:3) = λ (Φ)+ρ , (16) Weintroducecoordinatesnormalisedwithrespect 1 − 6 { } to reference brane tension σ : 0 1−(H0tz˙1)2 −1/2e−W HW0′t H H , σ σ1 , t σ t, z σ z. (cid:2) 2H0(cid:3)z˙1 h → σ0 1 → σ0 → 0 → 0 + (3∆+8) In order to obtain a numeric solution of the differ- i κ2 entialequation(20)wechoosevaluesfortheparam- = λ (Φ). (17) − 6 1 eters as: 9 1 1 We can see that (16) and (17) are inconsistent ∆= , δ = , H = , unless ρ = 0. The bulk metric ansatz and the form −4 4 12 of the scalar field matching condition we have cho- 5 H = , σ = 2. (21) 0 1 sen do not allow for matter on the brane. It would 36 − be possible to add matter by taking a more general These have been chosen to be consistent with the metric ansatz, or alternatively allowing a coupling definitionsandinequalitiespresentedinSectionIIA. of the scalar field to matter to change the form of Then the position of the reference brane is given by equation 17 (as discussed in [10]). Here, however, we will investigate the case with no matter on the branes. z0 =12sinh−1(2√2) 21.2, (22) When ρ is taken to be zero, equations (16) and ≃ (17) are equivalent, and equation (15) is equivalent andthetunedsecondbranepositiongivingconstant to the derivative of these two. z is (from equation (14)) 1 To evaluate the effect of any deviation from the z1 = const scenario previously considered we make z¯1 =12cosh−1(6) 29.7. (23) ≃ theperturbationz z +δz,wherez isthatvalue 1 1 1 → of z that satisfies equation (14) and δz is small. From equations (12) and (20) we get the equation 1 Thenthelinearisedexpansionofequation(16)gives: for z1(t): 36 sinh(z /12)cosh(z /12) 6√35 1 1 1 δ(eWW′)+ 2H0e−Wδz˙ = 2bσ1Ξ′e−√2bκΞδz. z˙1 = 5 (cid:2) [{cosh(z1/12)}2+3−5]t (cid:3). (24) H t 3∆+8 6κ H t 0 0 (18) Figure 1 shows numeric solutions of this equa- when we substitute the solution for W and Ξ given tion with initial conditions chosen so that the three (in the case Λ < 0) by equations (9) – (12), this curvesshowthetrajectoryofthesecondbranewhen simplifies to itisinitiallyatorslightlytoeithersideof,thetuned position calculated above in equation (23). The ref- 3(∆+2)δz erencebranepositionis alsoshown,andone cansee =δz˙. (19) −(3∆+8) t thatwhenthesecondbraneisperturbedtowards the reference brane, they will eventually collide. This has solution δz t 3(∆+2)/(3∆+8). For the − ∝ range of ∆ we are considering, the exponent of t is positive, and hence the radion is unstable. We 3. Scale factor on the moving brane notethatthissolutionagreeswiththeinversefourier transformofequation(49)ofreference[7]inthecase As shown in [11] the five-dimensional Einstein where all bulk metric perturbations are zero. equations can be projected onto a brane to obtain 4 four-dimensional effective equations. In the case of The bulk metric considered here is further con- a bulk scalar field with no matter on the branes, strained to have F =0=F , where F =0 gives Φ µν Φ theeffectivefour-dimensionalequationsonthebrane the wave equation for φ. are [12]: Thesymmetriesofthebulkmetriccombinedwith the wave equation for the scalar field determine the δ 2 (4)G = σ2e 2√2bκΦ+ κ2T (Φ) E , (25) induced metric and scalar field on any brane in the µν −2 0 − 3 µν − µν bulk metric. There are insufficient degrees of free- where Tµν(Φ)=DµΦDνΦ−85qµν(DΦ)2, the covari- domtoallowforseveralindependentsolutions,with ant derivative on the brane is Dµ and the induced the result that these quantities will have the same metric on the brane is qµν. Eµν is the projection of τ-dependence on a moving brane as on a fixed one. the bulk Weyl tensor onto the brane. Thisresultisdemonstratedbelowusingournumeric The Weyl part of these effective Einstein equa- solution for the brane trajectory. tions can be broken up into a piece dependent on Φ Fromthedifferentialequation(24)andtheformof and a piece independent of it as follows [13]: the bulk metric we obtain the induced metric along the brane trajectory as: E =√2bκ[D ΦD Φ q D2Φ] µν µ ν µν − − ++2κb22[κD2[DΦµDΦDΦνΦ1−qqµν(D(DΦΦ)2)2]] ds2(4) = −dτ2+256[sinh(z1/12)]−16/3(cid:18)356t(cid:19)16/5d(~x229,) µ ν µν 3 − 4 6b2 where proper time τ along the brane trajectory is + δσ2e 2√2bκΦq +F . (26) ∆ 0 − µν µν related to bulk coordinate time t by E is necessarily traceless, giving µν dτ 16 6cosh(z /12)+√35sinh(z /12) 1 1 = . Fµ =3√2bκF (27) dt [sinh(z /12)]8/3 [ cosh(z /12) 2+35] µ Φ 1 { 1 } (30) where 3√2bκFΦ is the trace of the Φ part of Eµν, Choosingthenumericsolutionforz1withthesecond given by branemoving towardsthe reference brane,equation bσ2δ (30) can be solved numerically and inverted to get FΦ =D2Φ+√2bκ(DΦ)2 4√2 0 e−2√2bκΦ. (28) t(τ). − κ∆ From the induced metric (29) we have that the scale factor a on the second brane is 1 16 5t 8/5 a = , (31) 1 [sinh(z /12)]8/3 36 1 (cid:18) (cid:19) and, using (30), we have 1 da √35 H = 1 = [sinh(z /12)]5/3. (32) 1 1 a dτ 10t 1 Aplotofa (τ)isshowninFigure2. Acalculation 1 ofthequantityτH (τ)inthenumericsolutionshows 1 that it is constant at a value of 2/(3∆+8) = 8/5, demonstrating that the scale-factor is power-law with the same exponent as the non-moving brane. C. Constraints on the bulk metric Intheabovewehaveusedaparticularconstrained form of the bulk metric whose symmetry properties FIG.1: Secondbranepositionz1(t)plottedagainstbulk discounting any possibility that the brane cosmol- coordinate time t. Initial conditions are z1(0) = z¯1 (dashedline)andz1(0)=z¯1±0.1(dottedlines). Theref- ogy or the movement of the brane through the bulk erence brane position is also shown (solid line). The so- affecttheformofthe bulkmetric. Inparticular,the lutionforabraneperturbedtowardsthereferencebrane bulk scalar field and the bulk Weyl tensor are con- leads to a collision at time tc ≃ 1920, or brane proper strained to symmetric forms. This symmetry may time τc ≃919. be described in terms of the two quantities Fφ and F defined above. µν 5 distance being given by the formula a 1 L=e√2bφˆd(t). (33) 20000 In this section we will use the variables and pa- rametersof[17], but to ensurewe aredescribingthe 15000 physical system set up previously, the parameters must be given by σ = σ , V(φ) = 2δσ2e 2√2bφ, 0 − − U(φ) = 0 and U˜(φ) = σ √2/κ2e √2bφ where σ = ′ − ′ 10000 σ σ ;thentheactiongivenin[17]reducestothat 0 1 − of equation (5). The low energy expansion given in [17] relies on 5000 the assumption σ κ2ρ, κ2p, σ 1V, κ2U, κ2U˜, (34) − ≫ 0 400 800 1200 1600 τ 2000 which in our case implies FIG. 2: Scale factor a1 on the second brane plotted δ 1, σ′ σ. (35) ≪ ≪ againstbranepropertimeτ forthetrajectoryperturbed towards the reference brane. We can see that there is In the d = d = constant, z = constant case we 1 nosingularityorotherfeaturearoundthecollisionpoint can derive th∗e coordinate transformation between τc ≃919. the exact metric given by equations (7)–(10) and the approximate one of [17] as: x x, t t and → → 12 Specifying the bulk metric ensures that this sym- y 1 metrywillnotbedisturbedifthebraneisperturbed → √2(3∆+8)d σ" ∗ (36) andstartsto move. This resultsin a firstorderevo- lution equation for the radion, where other works (3∆+8) ∆ 3(∆+2) have found second order equations [14]. Given an 1 sinh(Hz) initialvaluefortheradion,thebranevelocityisfixed − r− − 8δ ! # by the evolution equation. To set arbitrary initial position and velocity, we must allow for some per- (valid at low energies and small δ only). From this turbation of the bulk metric parameters. transformation and the low energy conditions (35), Solving the full system of Einstein equations for we can derive the condition on the exact solution a moving brane would be far too complicated to be that Hz < Hz1 1. We suppose that this condi- ≪ practical, but if we use a low energy expansion we tion would also hold when d is not constant. can examine the possibility for a more general bulk in the low energy regime. A. Linear approximation The effective equations on the brane are given by III. LOW ENERGY EXPANSION equations (58)-(60) in [17] . To evaluate the effect of some small deviation from the z = constant, 1 The4-dimensionaleffectivetheoryvalidatlowen- d = constant scenario we make a linear perturba- ergiesforasystemwith2branesisderivedin[15,16] tion d = d +δ where δ is small compared to d . d d andappliedtoabulkscalarfieldin[17]. Wewillsub- Weassume∗thatσ isthetunedbranetensiontokee∗p ′ stitutethepotentialsfromequations(1)and(2)into d at constant d : this low energy formalism to determine the validity ∗ ofallowingfree branemotionwhile constrainingthe 4δσ σ = (1 d )(6∆+12)/(3∆+8) 1 (37) bulk to the static metric given in [5]. ′ ∆ − ∗ − In this low energy theory, there are essentially h i three moduli fields αˆ, φˆ and d. αˆ and φˆ correspond and that any deviation of φˆand αˆ from their values to the scale-factor and the scalar field on the refer- in the exact solution is also of order δd or smaller. ence brane, and d encodes an arbitrary variation of Undertheseassumptions,theevolutionequationfor the proper distance between the branes; the proper d decouples from the governing equations for φˆ and 6 αˆ, and gives a second order ordinary differential present a phase-plane analysis. To transform equa- equation, tion(38)to anautonomousform,wemakeachange of variable to s = 2 lnt. Using this new time 3∆+14 δ˙ 9∆(∆+2) δ (3∆+8) δ¨ + d d =0. (38) coordinate, the evolution equation becomes d 3∆+8 t − (3∆+8)2 t2 (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:20) (cid:21) 9 SubstitutingFφ =0intotheevolutionequationforφ δd′′+3δd′ − 4∆(∆+2)δd =0, (42) obtainedinthelowenergyexpansionandcombining whereaprimedenotesthederivativewithrespectto with the radionevolution equation (38) gives a first s. If we put X = δ and Y = δ , then the system order equation d d′ can be written 3(∆+2)δ δ˙ = d . (39) 9 d −(3∆+8) t X′ =Y , Y′ = ∆(∆+2)X 3Y . (43) 4 − The secondorder evolutionequation(38) has two The system has only one equilibrium point, at X = independent solutions: Y = 0. The eigenvalues of the system around this δd t−3(∆+2)/(3∆+8), (40) point are 32∆ and −3(∆2+2), with the first negative ∝ and the second positive. Thus X =Y = 0 is a sad- δ t3∆/(3∆+8). (41) d dle point. The equilibrium lines of this saddle point ∝ The growing mode (40) satisfies the F = 0 condi- are found to be Y = 3∆X and Y = −3(∆+2)X. φ 2 2 tion (39), while the decayingmode (41) does not. If The equations (43) show that the phase trajectories one chooses initial conditions for the brane motion go from left to right, i.e. towards the equilibrium satisfying F = 0, they specify solely the growing line with positive gradient. Converting the equilib- φ mode, so a solution that starts with F =0 will re- rium lines back to our original coordinates confirms φ mainthatwayforalltime. Theone-parameterfam- that they correspond to the solutions (40) and (41) ilyofsolutionsSectionIIBmustliealongthisgrow- respectively, and that the growing mode (40) is an ingmodetrajectory. Anysolutionthatalsocontains attractor line. The phase diagram for ∆ = 9 is −4 some decaying mode solution will not have F = 0, shown in Figure 3. φ but it will tend towards a trajectory that does, im- Earlierwemadethe assumptionthatαˆ andφˆdif- plying that F =0 is in some sense an attractor. fered only by a small amount from the background φ solution. We now quantify this as 2ln(H t) ln(H t) αˆ = 0 +δ (t), φˆ= 0 +δ (t) (44) α φ (3∆+8) √2b where δ and δ are small relative to the back- α φ ground. Now the linear reduction of the remaining evolution equations from [17] is obtained as: 3 δ˙ (6∆+22)δ˙ 12 δ δ¨ + α + φ + φ φ √2b t (3∆+8) t (3∆+8) t2 (45) 18√2b(∆+4) δ˙ 3(∆+2)δ d d = − ξ(d ) + , (3∆+8)2 ∗ " t (3∆+8)t2# 8 δ˙ 1 δ˙ 6∆√2b δ δ¨ + α + φ φ α (3∆+8) t 3√2bt t − (3∆+8)2 t2 (46) = 0, δ˙ 2√2b δ α φ + FIG. 3: Phase plane for the linearised evolution of d t (3∆+8) t2 when ∆ = −9. The line with positive gradient corre- (47) sponds the gro4wing mode for d shown in equation (40), 2 δ˙d 3(∆+2)δd = − ξ(d ) + , and the line with negative gradient corresponds to the (3∆+8) ∗ " t (3∆+8)t2# decaying mode (equation (41)) where Todemonstratemoreclearlythe natureofthe so- (1 d )4/(3∆+8) ξ(d )= − ∗ lutionstothe linearisedevolutionequationford, we ∗ 1 (1 d )(3∆+12)/(3∆+8 { − − ∗ } 7 The system (38), (45), (46), (47) has a general solution of the form δ = d t 3(∆+2)/(3∆+8)+d t3∆/(3∆+8), (48) d 1 − 2 δ = φ t 1+φ t 6/(3∆+8) φ 1 − 2 − (49) 3(∆+1) d ξ(d ) t3∆/(3∆+8), 2 − ∗ √2b(3∆+4) 2√2b (3∆+8) δα = φ1t−1+ φ2t−6/(3∆+8) (3∆+8) 6 (cid:20) (cid:21) 6(∆+1) (50) d ξ(d ) t3∆/(3∆+8)+c , 2 α − ∗ (3∆+8)(3∆+4) where d , d , φ , φ and c are all arbitrary con- 1 2 1 2 α stants ofintegration. However,we canneglectc as α itisagaugemode correspondingtoaredefinitionof the ordinary spatial coordinates. We can then see fromthe formofthissolutionthatanyperturbation to the background metric functions αˆ, φˆ will decay FIG. 4: Numerical simulations of the non-linear radion (in the linear regime at least). evolution(dottedlines)arecomparedtothesolutionfor theradion in thelinear regime (solid line) B. Full non-linear low energy evolution Havingcompletedthelinearanalysis,wesolvethe solutionwhichquicklydecaysto0(ortotheconstant full non-linear system of low energy equations nu- gaugemodeinthecaseofαˆ). Thisconfirmsthesta- merically,toseeiftheresultsabovearesubstantially bility of the background solution to perturbations changed in the non-linear regime. The parameters of the brane position that was demonstrated in the chosen for this numerical analysis are linear regime. 9 1 1 1 ∆= , δ = , H = , H = (51) 0 −4 100 60 36 (thevalueofδchosenforthepreviousnumericalsim- C. Accuracy of the low energy approximation ulationwastoolargetobevalidinthelowenergyap- and simulations proximations,so more appropriatevalues have been chosen). The background value of d is taken to be d = 0.5 and the corresponding tuned value of the Figures5and6showtheproperdistancebetween p∗otentialonthesecondbraneisσ 0.023. Figure the two branes (given in equation (33)) as obtained ′ 4showsthe numericalanalysis(do≃tte−dcurves)com- from the numericalintegrationof the low energy ef- pared to the solution for the radion evolution from fective equations and from the numerical solution the linear regime, shown as the solid curve. We can for the brane trajectory in the exact bulk metric see that at early time our linear approximation is solution, plotted for several different values of the reasonably accurate, but that as the collision is ap- parameter δ. There is some difference between the proached the two curves are widely divergent. exact and low energy curves, but we can see this The dotted curves show the results for the nu- difference decreasing as δ decreases, indicating that merical simulation with two different sets of initial the integration of the low energy equations is accu- conditions - one set of initial conditions correspond rate in the limit δ 0. Figure 5 demonstrates the → to the growing mode identified in the linear analy- sensitivity of the system to even small changes in δ, sis, and hence to the brane trajectories identified in whereas Figure 6 demonstrates the wide deviation the exactsolution,whereastheothersetcorrespond of the approximate solution from the exact solution to a mixture of the growing and decaying modes. when δ becomes larger. The numerical solution for αˆ and φˆunder these ini- Figure 7 demonstrates the sensitivity of both so- tialconditionsshowsthatwhiletheyhaveidentically lutionstoachangeininitialconditions. Anincrease theformofthebackgroundsolutionforthegrowing- in the initial perturbation in the distance between mode conditions, the mixed-mode initial conditions the branes dramatically decreases the time to the setaninitialperturbationawayfromthebackground brane collision. 8 FIG. 5: The proper distance between the two branes FIG. 6: The proper distance between the two branes as as given by the exact solution (solid lines) and low- given by the exact solution (solid lines) and low-energy energy non-linear equations (dashed lines), plotted for non-linear equations (dashed lines), plotted for δ = 1/5 δ = 1/200 (lowest), δ = 1/100 (middle) and δ = 1/50 (highest), δ=1/10 (middle) and δ=1/100 (lowest) (highest). IV. CONCLUSIONS in the previous section to good accuracy in the cor- In this paper we have demonstrated that for the rect limit (see Figure 5). The low energy equations bulk metric with scalar field given in [5] there is an also identify a solution excluded by the methods instability in the position of a second brane. Solv- used previously, in which the initial perturbation of ingforthetrajectoryofthissecondbraneshowsthat the second brane necessitates a perturbation of the theinstabilitycanleadtoacollisionbetweenthetwo bulkmetricawayfromitsbackground. Thissolution branes. The scale factor and scalar field are shown quickly decaystowardthe originalsolutionwith the toretainthesamedependenceonbranepropertime unperturbed bulk, confirming the conclusion of [7] regardlessof the motion of the brane, and hence re- that there can be no unstable homogeneous pertur- main regular at the collision. It was found in [9, 20] bations of the bulk metric. thatageneralclassofpotentialsfor2-branesystems with bulk scalar field will result in a singularity at It would be interesting to see if the capability any collision; however it was found in [20], as here, of solving the cosmological perturbations demon- thattheexponentialpotentialisexceptionalandcan strated in Koyama and Takahashi’s one-brane solu- tame the singularities at the collision. tion [6] is reproduced in this two-brane model. The It is also worth noting that (for a countably in- perturbations woulddivergeas the branes approach finite subset of the possible values of the parame- collision, but it is possible to match divergent per- ters b and ∆) the scalar field potential used here turbations across a collision in some scenarios (see can be reproduced from a compactification of an e.g. [21]). If this is possible it would give an inter- emptyhigherdimensionalspace[18,19],withthedi- esting parallel to the “Born-againbraneworld” [21], mensionality determining the values of ∆ and b. In the cyclic model [22]andother pre-big-bangscenar- this picture the collision is singular in that the bulk ios. A microscopic particle-theoretic understanding spacetimelosesadimensionwhenthespacebetween of interactions at the collision would be helpful in thebranedisappears,howevertheinducedmetricof determining the dynamics at the collision (whether the brane and compactified space remains regular, the branes are likely pass through each other as in and hence the effective scalar field derived from the [21, 22], coalesce as in [25, 26] or disintegrate as in compactified volume will remain regular also. [23]), as well as the behaviour of perturbations near In a complementary approach we considered the thecollision. 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