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Regular Boundary Value Problems Associated with Pairs of Ordinary Differential Expressions PDF

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Preview Regular Boundary Value Problems Associated with Pairs of Ordinary Differential Expressions

Lecture Notes ni Mathematics Edited by .A Dold and .B Eckmann 858 I IIIII lraE .A Coddington Hendrik .S .V ed Snoo ralugeR Boundary Value smelborP Associated with Pairs of Ordinary Differential snoisserpxE galreV-regnirpS Berlin Heidelberg New York 1891 Authors Earl A. Coddington Mathematics Department, University of California Los Angeles, California 90024/USA Hendrik S. V. de Shoo Mathematisch Instituut, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen Postbus 800, 9700 AV Groningen, The Netherlands AMS Subject Classifications (1980): 34 B ,xx 47 A 70, 49 G xx ISBN 3-540407064 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg NewYork ISBN 0-387-10706-1 Springer-Verlag NewYork Heidelberg Berlin This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whethetrh ew hole or part of the material is concerned, specifically those of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction yb photocopying machine or similar and means, storage ni data banks. Under § 54 of the German Copyright Law where copies are made for other than private use, a fee is payable to "Verwertungsgesellschaft Wort", Munich. © yb Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1891 Printed ni Germany Printing and binding: Bettz Offsetdruck, Hemsbach/Bergstr. 2141/3140-543210 Preface Numerous papers have been devoted to the study of eigenvalue problems associated with pairs L,M of ordinary differential operators. They concern the solutions f of Lf = hMf subject to boundary conditions. In an earlier paper [9] we showed how these problems have a natural setting within the framework of sub- spaces in the direct sum of Hilbert spaces. In these notes we work out in detail the regular case~ where the coefficients of the opera- tors L and M are nice on a closed bounded interval ~ and M is assumed to be positive definite, in the sense that (Mr, f)2 ~ c2(f,f)2 , f ~ ~0(~) ~ for some constant c > 0. It is hoped that this detailed knowledge of the regular case will lead to a greater understanding of the more involved singular case, where L and M are defined on an arbitrary, possibly unbounded, open interval. The work of E. A. Coddington was supported in part by the National Science Foundation, and the work of H.S.V. de Snoo was supported by the Netherlands Organization for the Advancement of Pure Research (ZWO). Earl A. Coddington Los Angeles~ California Hendrik S. V. de Snoo Groningen, The Netherlands November1980 Contents Page i. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2. Seifadjoint extensions of ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 3. Forms generated by selfadjoint extensions of ~ . . . 36 4. Hilbert spaces generated by positive selfadjoint extensions of ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 5. Minimal and maximal subspaces for the pair L, M . . o 64 6. Intermediate subspaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 7. Spectra and eigenvalues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 8. Resolvents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 9- Eigenfunction expansions for selfadjoint subspaces . . 168 10. Semibounded intermediate subspaces . . . . . . . . . . 183 ii. Some special cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2O5 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ~ • • 22o Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 i. Introduction. It is well known that two hermitian n × n matrices K, H~ where H is posi- tive definite, H • 0, can be simultaneously diagonalized. The key to the proof is to consider C n, where C is the complex number field, as a Hilbert space ~H with , the inner product given by (f,g) = g Hf, where f,g e C n, considered as a space of column vectors. Then the operator A = H-1K is selfadjoint in ~H' and the spectral theorem readily yields the result. Of course such A, when K is not hermitian, can also be investigated in ~H" We consider a similar problem where K, H are replaced by a pair of ordinary differential expressions L and M, where M > 0 in some sense. Two difficulties arise: (1) there are many natural choices for a self- adjoint H • 0 generated by M, and hence many choices for ~H' and (2), once a choice for H has been made, there are many choices for the analogue of A. In our work we consider all possible choices for H • 0 and the analogue of A. In [9] we initiated our study by considering a pair of ordinary differential expressions L and M of orders n and v = 2~, respectively, acting on vector- valued functions f: ~ ~- cm~ where ~ = (a,b) is an open real interval. As to L and M we have L= ~P~D n ,k M= ~%D k:M ,+ D:d/~, k=O k=O where Pk,Qk are m × m complex matrix-valued functions such that Pj • 6 C J(~), j = 0,...,n, Qk ~ ck(~)' k = 0,..., v = 2~, and Qv(x) is invertible for all x c ,~ whereas Pn(X) is invertible for all x ~ ~ if n > v. We shall use the notations already introduced in [9], and assume some familiarity with the main results proved in that paper. In particular, we recall that if A is a linear manifold in ~2 = ~®~, where ~ is a Hilbert space, its domain ~A) and range ~(A) are given by ~A) = [f e ~ I If,g] e A, some g c ,]~ ~(A) = [g £ ~ I [f,g] e A, some f~]. denotes the operator in L2(~) given by % : [[f,~] f ~ I Co(~)L then we assumed that ~ was positive in the sense that there exists a positive constant c(J) for each compact subinterval J C ~ such that )i.1( (~'f)2 -> 'j,2)f'f(2))J(°< Co(V)" ~ f Here we consider the regular case. By this we mean that ~ = (a~b) is a finite Interval~ M is regular on 5 (that is~ the Qk can be extended to the closure = [a,b] so that Qk e ck(~), k = 07..., v~ and %(x) is invertible for all x e ~)~ and L is such that the Pj can be extended to ~ so that Pj e cJ(~)~ j = 0~...~n~ and Pn(X) is invertible on ? if n > v. When M is regular on 5 we identify the domain ~ ) = C0(5 ) of % with C0(~)~ the set of all f e C~(~) which vanish outside some proper closed subinterval [c~d]~ < c < d < b. In the regular case the local inequality (i.i) implies a global one~ in that there exists a constant c > 0 such that )2.1( ,rM( )f ~ 2 o2(f,f) ,2 c~(~); ~ f see Remark 3, just prior to "Dirichlet integrals" in Section 3 of [9]. Therefore it is (1.2) which will be the basic assumption about ~ in the regular case. This implies that (-1)~Qv(x) > 0 (positive definite) for all x ~ ~ • In Section 2 we consider a regular M of order v = 2~ on m ~, and character- ize all intermediate operators H and their adjoints H* in L2(1) satisfying M . c H c M in terms of homogeneous boundary conditions involving the quasi- mln max . derivatives f ~] of f with respect to M. In the selfadjoint case H = H we have (1.3) H = [{f,Mf] s Mma x I Af[l ] " Bf[2 ] = 01 vm ,] where A,B are vm x vm matrices satisfying rank (A : B) = vm, BA = AB , and where f[l],f[2] are vm × 1 matrices with elements ~a),f[1](a),..., f[w-l](a), f(b),f[l](b) , .... f[~-l](b) and f[v-l](a), .... f[~](a), - f[v-l](b), .... - f[~](b), respectively. In (i.3) the null space of B,v(B), plays a particularly important role. If P is the ortho- gonal projection of C vm onto v(B), we show in Theorem 2.4 that the H = H* in (1.3) can also be described as 1 H = [[f,Mf] e Mma x I Pf[l] = 0vm' A~[1] = (I-P)f[2]]' where H : A AH: B-A(I - P), and B is the generalized inverse of B. If = (~l,...,~q) is a basis for v(B), the conditions Pf[l] 1 = O vm are equivalent to ~ * f[l] = Oq, 1 and these equivalent conditions are called the essential boundary conditions for H~ whereas the remaining conditions A~[1] = (I - P)f[2] are called the natural boundary conditions for H. In Section 3 we consider a fixed selfadjoint extension H of ~ and the space ~H : [f ~ AcP-l(~) ] Dpf c L2(m), ~*f[1] = OIl generated by the essential boundary conditions for H. We have (1.4) (Hf'g)2 = g[l]A~[l] + (f'g)D' f e ~H), g ~ RH' where ' )D is the Dirichlet form b@ Ja j+l . (f'g)D = ~ ~ (DDg)Qjk (Dkf)' j=0 k=j-1 and the Qjk are such that 0=j ~=j-i The right side of (1.4) makes sense for f,g RH, c and determines a semibilinear form [ , ]H there, (!.5) [f'g]H = ~l]AHf[!]+(f'g)D' f'g e ~H" This form is analysed under the further assumption that (-l)~Qv(x) > 0, x ~ ~. In Theorem 3.1 it is shown that [ , ]H is symmetric, bounded below, and closed, and hence 0 M si bounded below. Moreover, ~H = ~[H], the set of all f c L2(~) for which there exists a sequence fn e ~H) satisfying nfII - llf 2 -~o, [fn " fm'fn - fm]H = nf(H( " fm)'fn - fm)2 *~ .O For a sufficiently large ~ > 0 we can introduce an inner product ( ' )H on ~H via (f'g)H = [f'g]H + ~f'g)2' f'g ~ ~H' and, with this, ~H becomes a Hilbert space such that ~H) si dense in H. R In Theorem 3.4 a converse result is indicated. Given any set of q linearly independent essential boundary conditions G f[1] * q = 01 and corresponding space = [f s ~'i(7) I D ~f ~ 2(~), ~*f[1] = o~], and given a symmetric semibilinear form ]g'fI + ~f[1] = gill 'D)g'f( f,g e ,~ on ~ (i.e., a hermitian R and functions Qjk' with Qjk(X) = Qkj(X) and Q~(x) > ~0 x e ~)~ there exists a unique selfadjoint extension H of ~ in L2(5) such that ~[H] = ~ and [f~g]H = [f~g]' for f~g e ~. The space H19 = v(Mmax) ~D[H] n plays a key role; its dimension is determined in Theorem 3.5- In case the Friedrichs extension ~ of ~ 1 = 0 : [[f,Mf] s Mma x I f[l] vm '] has a trivial null space we have dim 19 H = vm - q, and moreover ~[H] : ~[~] + ~H' a direct sum, S×,f[ H=o, f~[~], ×cm H Here $[~] is the closure of CO(V ) in ~D[H], considered as a Hilbert space. If S si any symmetric operator in a Hilbert space ~ with inner product ( , ~) its lower bound m(S) is defined by )S(er = inf[(Sf, )f I f e ~S), (f,f) = i]. If ~ is regular on ~ and ~) = ~MF) > O, so that ,fM( 2)f -> 0, ~ f ,)7(oC then (-l)UQv(x) • 0 for x [~ • and the results of Section 3 are applicable. Moreover, the von Neumarm extension N M of ~ is given by : {{f,Mf] e Mma x I w[2]f[l ] - W[l]f[2 ] = 0vm], where w : (Wl,..., Wwm ) is a basis for V(Mm~x) , and ~[~] = ~[~] + V(Mmax). ! If H is a selfadjoint extension of ~ satisfying m(H) ~ 0, then ~[H] = ~H e) 1 1 1 and [f'g]H = (H2f'HZg)2 for f~g e ~[H], where ~ H is the positive square root of H. If m(%) > 0, so that (1.2) is valid for 2 = c ~) = m(~) > 0~ then (1.6) [f,f]H~_m(M0)(f,f)2 , f c ~H' H : MF, and ~ = ~[MF] is a Hilbert space with the inner product [ , ]M F = ( ' )D' which we denote by ~M" The relation (1.6) implies that V(MF) = [0], and this is equivalent to the invertibility of the matrix ~[i]' so that = {[f,~] ~ M=x I ANf[i = ] f[2]], where * , * ,-i * N N = = A A <m[l )] w[2]" If Mini n C H = H C Mma x and > re(H) 0, then 2H is a Hilbert space with the inner ~ product ( ' )H = [ ' ]H' which we denote by . We have ~H = ~M @ NH' an orthogonal sum, dim ~H = vm - q, and on ~H the norm I III H is equivalent to the norm II +fI given by T i211f + : ~ I-~ ~IlfJDII + ~IIf~Dll , j=0 where

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