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Contents of Volume 26 VOLUME 26 NuMBER 1 Migration and Social Mobility: South East England as an Escalator Region A. J. FIELDING Long Term Unemployment, Hysteresis and the Unemployment-Vacancy Relationship: A Regional Analysis D. R. Jones and D. N. MANNING An Accessibility Analysis of the Impact of the M25 London Orbital Motorway on Britain B. J. LINNEKER and N. A. SPENCE Consumer Preferences and Willingness-to-pay for Water-related Residences in Non-urban Settings: A Vignette Analysis ERAN FEITELSON The Impact of Forestry on Output in the UK and its Member Countries Peter G. McGRrecor and Iain H. MCNICOLL Using the RAS Technique as a Test of Hybrid Methods of Regional Input-Output Table Updating J. H. Lt. DEwHuRST The Citation Record of Regional Studies and Related Journals, 1980-89 Jim Taytor and JILL JOHNES Policy Review Section Competitors or Collaborators? The Structure of Inward Investment Promotion in Northern England 99 P. Dicken and A. TICKELL Competitiveness and Regional Development: The Case of Northern Ireland 106 D. M. W. N. Hitcuens, J. E. Brrnre and K. WAGNER Book Reviews 115 Books and Publications Received 121 VOLUME 26 NuMBER 2 R&D Facilities and Professional Labour: Labour Force Dynamics in High Technology EpwarpJ . MALECKI and SusaAN L. BRADBURY Spatial Aspects of Deregulation in the Market for Legal Services James H. Love, FRANK H. STEPHEN, DEREK D. GILLANDERS and ALAN A. PATERSON The Changing Corporate Head Office and its Spatial Implications Asu Aksoy and NEILL MARSHALL The Regional Extent of Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) Machine Tool Adoption and Post Adoption Success in Small British Mechanical Engineering Firms R. P. Oakey and P. N. O’ FARRELL Multiregional Demographic Projections in Practice: A Metropolitan Example PETER CONGDON 688 Contents of Volume 26 VOLUME 26 NuMBER 1 Migration and Social Mobility: South East England as an Escalator Region A. J. FIELDING Long Term Unemployment, Hysteresis and the Unemployment-Vacancy Relationship: A Regional Analysis D. R. Jones and D. N. MANNING An Accessibility Analysis of the Impact of the M25 London Orbital Motorway on Britain B. J. LINNEKER and N. A. SPENCE Consumer Preferences and Willingness-to-pay for Water-related Residences in Non-urban Settings: A Vignette Analysis ERAN FEITELSON The Impact of Forestry on Output in the UK and its Member Countries Peter G. McGRrecor and Iain H. MCNICOLL Using the RAS Technique as a Test of Hybrid Methods of Regional Input-Output Table Updating J. H. Lt. DEwHuRST The Citation Record of Regional Studies and Related Journals, 1980-89 Jim Taytor and JILL JOHNES Policy Review Section Competitors or Collaborators? The Structure of Inward Investment Promotion in Northern England 99 P. Dicken and A. TICKELL Competitiveness and Regional Development: The Case of Northern Ireland 106 D. M. W. N. Hitcuens, J. E. Brrnre and K. WAGNER Book Reviews 115 Books and Publications Received 121 VOLUME 26 NuMBER 2 R&D Facilities and Professional Labour: Labour Force Dynamics in High Technology EpwarpJ . MALECKI and SusaAN L. BRADBURY Spatial Aspects of Deregulation in the Market for Legal Services James H. Love, FRANK H. STEPHEN, DEREK D. GILLANDERS and ALAN A. PATERSON The Changing Corporate Head Office and its Spatial Implications Asu Aksoy and NEILL MARSHALL The Regional Extent of Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) Machine Tool Adoption and Post Adoption Success in Small British Mechanical Engineering Firms R. P. Oakey and P. N. O’ FARRELL Multiregional Demographic Projections in Practice: A Metropolitan Example PETER CONGDON 688 Contents of Volume 26 Policy Review Section Scottish Local Authorities and Local Enterprise Companies: A Developing Relationship J. FAIRLEY Developing Skills, Securing Jobs? Evaluating an Integrated Local Employment Initiative I. TuROK Book Reviews Books and Publications Received VOLUME 26 NuMBER 3 Do Regions Matter for R&D? ALFRED KLEINKNECHT and Tom P. Poot Regional Differences in New Firm Formation: Evidence from West Germany MICHAEL FRITSCH Geographical Variation in Female Labour Force Participation: An Application of Multilevel Modelling CLARE WarRD and ANGELA DALE An Analysis of Local Labour Market Differentials Barry REILLY The Role of Large Producers in Industrial Districts: A Case Study of High Technology Systems Houses in Southern California ALLEN J. ScorT Policy Review Section Collaboration in Labour Market Information Collection: A Survey of Data Pooling Groups in Britain PAUL FOLEY Promoting Corporate Control in Singapore MARTIN PERRY Book Reviews Books and Publications Received Volume 26 NuMBER 4 Special Issue: 1992 and Regional Development 1992 and Regional Development JoHN BACHTLER and KEITH CLEMENT Regional Competitiveness and the Single Market WOLFGANG J. STEINLE Corporate Restructuring and Cohesion in the New Europe A. Amin, D. R. CuHar tes andJ . Howe.ts The Spatial Impact of Completion of the EC Internal Market for Financial Services IAIN BEGG The Regional Impact of the Internal Market: A Comparative Analysis of Traditional Industrial Regions and Lagging Regions MICHEL QUEVIT Development Scenarios and Policy Guidelines for the Lagging Regions in the 1990s ROBERTO P. CAMAGNI 690 Contents of Volume 26 Indigenous Manufacturing Enterprises in a Peripheral Economy and the Single Market: The Case of the Republic of Ireland ANTHONY FOLey and BREDA GRIFFITH European Integration and Regional Development in Northern Europe KARIN PESCHEL Policy Review Section Community Regional Policies for the 1990s R. Hatt and D. VAN DER WEE Community Competition Policy and Economic and Social Cohesion A. MARQUES Regional Impact of the Single European Market in France C. CHICOYE Regional Impact and Policy Responses to the Single European Market: The Dutch Perspective W. H. KLeyn andJ . W. OosTERWIJk The Single Market, Cohesion and Regional Policy M. GONZALEZ LIEBMANN andJ . MONTALVO VOLUME 26 NUMBER 5 Development Strategies in the Audiovisual Industries: The Case of North East England JAMES CoRNFORD and KEVIN ROBINS Do Green Belts Change the Shape of Urban Areas? A Preliminary Analysis of the Settlement Geography of South East England PauLt LONGLEY, MICHAEL BATTY, JOHN SHEPHERD and GRAHAM SADLER Regulatory Change, Corporate Restructuring and the Spatial Development of the British Financial Sector J. N. Marsuatt, C. J. S. Gentie, S. RAyBOULD and M. CoomBeEs Industrial Districts: Old Wine in New Bottles? BENNETT HARRISON Structural Determinants of Spatial Labour Markets: A Case Study of The Netherlands LAMBERT VAN DER LANN Policy Review Section The Internationalization of Local Authority Economic Development Strategies: Birmingham in the 1980s S. MARTIN and G. PEARCE The West Midlands Clothing Sector: A Suitable Case for Team Working M. RAM Book Reviews Books and Publications Received VOLUME 26 NuMBER 6 The Competitiveness of Business Service Firms: A Matched Comparison between Scotland and the South East of England P. N. O’Farrett, D. M. W. N. HitcuHens and L. A. R. Morrat The UK Regional Distribution of Foreign Direct Investment: Analysis and Determinants STEPHEN Hitt and Max MuNDAY Contents of Volume 26 External Takeovers and the Performance of Regional Companies: A Predictive Model Brian AsHcrortT and JAMES H. Love Regional Interest and the Reagan Military Build-up PETER TRUBOWITZ and BRIAN E. ROBERTS Regional Influences on Local Policies: The Case of the Welsh Effect GEORGE A. BOYNE Policy Review Section The Deregulation of the Financial Services Industry and the Polarization of Regional Economic Prosperity Curis GENTLE and NEILL MARSHALL The Demand for Industrial Land: A North West Case Study Davip ADAMS, LYNNE RUSSELL and CLAIRE TAYLOR-RUSSELL Book Reviews Books and Publications Received VOLUME 26 NUMBER 7 Towards a Data-based Evaluation of the Japanese Technopolis Policy: The Effect of New Technological and Organizational Infrastructure on Urban and Regional Development Wa TER B. STOHR and RICHARD PONIGHAUS The Regional Financial Sector: A Scottish Case Study SHEILA C. Dow Employment Change in UK Steel Closure Areas During the 1990s: Policy Implications and Lessons for Scotland Ray Hupson, Davip SADLER and ALAN TOWNSEND ‘The Little Town That Did’: Flexible Accumulation and Community Response in Chemainus, British Columbia TREVOR J. BARNES and ROGER HAYTER Policy Review Section Regional Problems and Policies in Central and Eastern Europe JOHN BACHTLER The Decline of Public-Private Partnerships: The Fate of the Scottish Enterprise Trusts under Scottish Enterprise KEITH HAYTON Book Reviews Books and Publications Received

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