Regge-like quark-antiquark excitations in the 2 effective-action formalism 1 0 2 n a J 4 Dmitri Antonov ∗ DepartamentodeFísicaandCentrodeFísicadasInteracçõesFundamentais, ] h InstitutoSuperiorTécnico,UTLisboa, p Av. RoviscoPais,1049-001Lisboa,Portugal - p E-mail:[email protected] e h JoséEmílio F.T.Ribeiro [ DepartamentodeFísicaandCentrodeFísicadasInteracçõesFundamentais, 2 InstitutoSuperiorTécnico,UTLisboa, v Av. RoviscoPais,1049-001Lisboa,Portugal 4 E-mail:[email protected] 8 9 5 Radialexcitationsofthequark-antiquarkstringsweepingtheWilson-loopareaareconsideredin . 3 theframeworkoftheeffective-actionformalism. Identifyingtheseexcitationswiththedaughter 0 1 Reggetrajectories,wefindcorrectionswhichtheyproducetotheconstituentquarkmass. Theen- 1 ergyofthequark-antiquarkpairturnsouttobemostlysaturatedbytheconstituentquarkmasses, : v rather than by the elongation of the quark-antiquark string. Specifically, while the constituent i X quarkmassturnsouttoincreaseasthesquarerootoftheradial-excitationquantumnumber,the r a energyofthestringincreasesonlyasthefourthrootofthatnumber. InternationalWorkshoponQCDGreen’sFunctions,ConfinementandPhenomenology 5-9September2011 Trento,Italy Speaker. ∗ (cid:13)c Copyrightownedbytheauthor(s)underthetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlikeLicence. Regge-likequark-antiquarkexcitationsintheeffective-actionformalism DmitriAntonov 1. Introduction Low-energyQCDcanbecharacterized byfournonperturbative quantities, ofwhichthegluon condensate (gFmna )2 and the vacuum correlation length l (that is, the distance atwhich the two- h i point, gauge-invariant, correlation function of gluonic field strengths exponentially falls off) are relatedtoconfinement(sothatthestringtensioncorresponding tothetwostaticsourcesinthefun- damental representation is s (cid:181) l 2 (gFmna )2 [1]),whilethequarkcondensate yy¯ ,together with h i h i the constituent quark mass m, characterizes spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry. The quark condensate is expressible in terms of gluonic degrees of freedom, yy¯ = ¶ G [Aam ,m] /¶ m, h i − h i where G [Aam ,m] ,theone-loopeffectiveaction,canberepresentedasaworld-lineintegraloverthe h i closedquark’s trajectories zm (t ) andtheiranticommuting counterparts y m (t ) [2], { } { } ¥ ds G [Aam ,m] = 2Nf e−m2s Dzm Dy m e− 0sdt(14z˙2m +12y m y˙m ) h i − Z0 s ZP ZA R × s trPexp ig dt Ta Aam z˙m y m y n Fmna Nc . (1.1) × 0 − − (cid:26)(cid:28) (cid:20) Z (cid:21)(cid:29) (cid:27) In (1.1), N is the number of light-quark flavors(cid:0), s is the Schwinge(cid:1)r proper time “needed” for the f quark to orbit its Euclidean trajectory, Fmna =¶ m Ana ¶ n Aam +gfabcAbm Anc is the Yang–Mills field- − strengthtensor,andTa’sarethegenerators ofthegroupSU(N )inthefundamentalrepresentation, c obeying thecommutation relation [Ta,Tb]=ifabcTc. Notice that, since thequark condensation is generally argued to occur due to the gauge fields, the free part of the effective action in Eq. (1.1) hasbeensubtracted, sothat G [0,m] =0. Furthermore, PandAstandtherefortheperiodic ( h i P ≡ ) and the antiperiodic ( ) boundary conditions, which are imposed, zm (s)=zm (0) A ≡ y m (s)= y m (0) R rRespectively, on the trajectories zm R(t ) anRd their−Grassmannian counterparts y m (t ) describing g - matricesorderedalongthetrajectory. Thetrajectories obeythecondition sdt zm (t )=0,meaning 0 that the center of each trajectory is the origin. That is, the factor of volume associated with the R translation of a trajectory as a whole is divided out, and the vector-function zm (t ) describes only the shape of a closed trajectory, not its position in space. Finally, throughout this talk, we mean bythequark masstheminimalvalueofthemassparameter m,entering Eq.(1.1), whichrenders a finite yy¯ —seeRef.[3]. h i Fromthemathematical viewpoint, theeffective action(1.1)represents anintegral overclosed quarktrajectories, withtheminimalsurfacesboundedbythosetrajectories appearingasarguments oftheWilsonloops. Thatis, ¥ ds G [Aam ,m] = 2Nf e−m2s Dzm Dy m e− 0sdt(41z˙2m +21y m y˙m ) − Z0 s ZP ZA R × (cid:10) (cid:11) s d × exp −2 0 dty m y n d smn (z(t )) W[zm ] −Nc , (1.2) (cid:26) (cid:20) Z (cid:21) (cid:27) (cid:10) (cid:11) withtheWilsonloopgivenby s W[zm ] = trP exp ig dt TaAam z˙m (1.3) 0 (cid:28) (cid:18) Z (cid:19)(cid:29) (cid:10) (cid:11) andd /d smn beingtheareaderivativeoperator,whichallowsustorecoverthespinterm y m y n Fmna ∼ inEq.(1.1). Equation(1.2)allowsustoreducethegauge-fielddependence ofEq.(1.1)tothatofa 2 Regge-likequark-antiquarkexcitationsintheeffective-actionformalism DmitriAntonov Wilson loop. TheWilson loop isunambiguously defined bythe minimal-area surface bounded by thecontour zm (t ). World-line integrals of this type were first calculated by imposing for the minimal surface a specific parametrization, which in 3D corresponds to a rotating rod of a variable length [4]. We notice that similar parametrizations of minimal surfaces spanned by straight-line strings (which interconnect quarks or gluons in the one-loop diagrams) are widely used in the existing litera- ture [5]. With the 4D parametrization of this kind, we were able to obtain, within the effective- actionformalism,arealisticlowerboundfortheconstituentquarkmass: m=460MeVfor yy¯ h i≃ (250MeV)3 (cf. Ref.[3]). Forbookkeeping purposes, anexplicit derivation ofthisparametriza- − tionfromtheNambu–Gotostringactionwillbeprovided inSectionIIofthistalk. It happens that for sufficiently large m’s, the mean size of the trajectory is smaller than the vacuum correlation length l , so that the nonperturbative Yang–Mills fields inside the trajectory can be treated as constant, leading to the area-squared law for the Wilson loop [6]. By using the world-line representation (1.1), the area-squared law can be shown (see Ref. [3] for details) to yield the known heavy-quark condensate of QCD sum rules, yy¯ heavy (cid:181) (gFmna )2 /m, in h i −h i whichcasembecomestheconstituent massofaheavy quark. Forlighterquarks, themeansizeof their Euclidean trajectories exceeds l , so that one can expect the area-squared law tobe morphed into an area law. However, unlike static color sources transforming according to the fundamental representation ofSU(N ),whichyieldanarealawwithaconstantstringtensions ,lightquarksare c subject to azigzag-type motion. This type ofmotion can only be reconciled with the area law for someeffectivescale-dependent stringtensions˜(s)(cid:181) 1/s,soastoobtainanonvanishing yy¯ [3]. h i Wenoticethatthefractalizationofquarktrajectories,whichtakesplaceuponthedeviationfromthe heavy-quark limit,hasbeenstudied inRef.[7]intermsofthevelocity-dependent quark-antiquark potentials. It is then clear from the above discussion that the minimal value for the mass parameter m and the mean size of the quark trajectory are not independent from each other so that, in general, G [Aam ,m] is a functional of the minimal area. To this we have to add that the quark condensate characterizes the QCD vacuum, and, therefore, should remain invariant under the variations of (cid:10) (cid:11) the minimal area. The final ingredient should come from energy conservation: the total energy of a given excited quark-antiquark system should be equal to the sum of the quark masses and the energy stored in the quark-antiquark string. Then, the purpose of our analysis is to study the effective action as a functional of the minimal area for quark-antiquark excited systems, that is, to evaluate the corresponding variation d m such that yy¯ remains constant for a given series of h i quark-antiquark radialexcitations. Atthispoint,weneed aphysicalinputonhowtoquantifythese excitations. AnaturalchoicewillbetolinktheseexcitationstothedaughterReggetrajectories[8]. Inthiswork,weadoptthispointofview. The talk is organized as follows. In the next Section, using as an input the excitation energy corresponding tothe n-th daughter Reggetrajectory, weintroduce anAnsatz forthescaling factor Z , which describes an increase in the area of the excited-string world sheet. In this way, we n consider only the radial excitation modes of the quark-antiquark pair, which correspond to the “breathing modes” of the string world sheet. Consideration of angular excitations, which would correspond to the disclinations of the world sheet, lies outside the scope of our present analysis. Then, we proceed to a selfconsistent determination of the “critical index” g , which defines that 3 Regge-likequark-antiquarkexcitationsintheeffective-actionformalism DmitriAntonov Ansatz. With this knowledge at hand, we calculate the constituent quark-mass correction d m as n afunction ofthe radial-excitation quantum number n. InSection III,using thelarge-n asymptotes of the formulae obtained for Z and d m , we show that the primary contribution to the excitation n n energyofthequark-antiquark pairstemsfromtheconstituentquarkmassm ,andnotfromthearea n increase. Wealso obtain the lowest (that is, n=1)correction tothe constituent quark mass, d m , 1 whichturnsouttobeabout26MeV.AlsoinSectionIII,wepresentsomeconcluding remarksand anoutlook. 2. A correction to the constituent quark mass InthisSection,wederiveageneralexpressionforthecorrectiontotheconstituentquarkmass, coming from radial excitations of the quark-antiquark string sweeping the surface of the Wilson loop. Tothisend,weusefortheeigenenergies ofradialexcitations ofthequark-antiquark pairthe Reggeformula[8]: E = ps (4n+3). (2.1) n Here, n is the quantum number of a radial epxcitation, and s (440MeV)2 stands for the string ≃ tension inthefundamental representation ofthegroupSU(3). The energy gap E E can be filled in by both deformations of the quark-antiquark string n 0 − and/orbyincreasing inthequarkconstituent masses. Thatis, E E =s (L L )+2(m m ), (2.2) n 0 n 0 n 0 − · − − whereL ’saretheeigenvalues ofthelengthofthestring. Noticethatm turnsouttobeanimplicit n n function of L . Wefurthermore denote by 2R the diameter of the semiclassical Euclidean trajec- n n toryperformedbythequarkinthe n-thexcitedstateofthesystem. Thevalueof2R cannotexceed n some 2R , at which string-breaking occurs. The string elongation is given by the ratio L /L , n,max n 0 whereinthe(n=0)statewemusthave2R =L . 0 0 Since wewill be calculating the constituent quark masses m in the units of √s , it is conve- n nienttointroduce adimensionless function f m /√ps . (2.3) n n ≡ Thesoughtcorrection totheconstituent quarkmasscanbeobtainedfromtheeffectiveaction(1.1) if one uses there for the surface, entering the Wilson loop, the world sheet of the excited quark- antiquark string. To this end, let us start by defining the scaling factor Z which describes an n enlargement oftheworld-sheet areaoveritsvalueinthe (n=0)state. Wehave L p /s n =1+S , where S √4n+3 √3 2 d f , (2.4) n n n L ≡ 2R − − · 0 p 0 h i and d f f f . Accordingly, the scaling factor, which describes an increase of the area of the n n 0 ≡ − stringworldsheetinthe n-thexcitedstate,reads 2 L Z = n =(1+S )2. (2.5) n n L 0 (cid:18) (cid:19) 4 Regge-likequark-antiquarkexcitationsintheeffective-actionformalism DmitriAntonov Wefurther notice that the role of aglobal characteristic of the quark trajectory can be played either by its semiclassical radius R , orby the proper time sduring which the trajectory is orbited n bythequark. Therefore, thesetwoquantities arerelatedto eachotherthroughascalingrelationof theform g s R =R . (2.6) n n,max · s max (cid:18) (cid:19) Heres isthepropertimenecessary forthequarktoorbitatrajectory ofthemaximumdiameter max 2R equal to the string-breaking distance. The actual value of the “critical index” g will be n,max selfconsistentlydeterminedbelow. Thus,wegetforthecorrectingtermS inEq.(2.5)thefollowing n expression: x p /s sg S =S (s)= n, where x max √4n+3 √3 2 d f . (2.7) n n sg n≡ 2R − − · n p 0,max h i Weproceednowtothediscussionofparametrizations forthe minimalareaofthestringworld sheetandfortheWilsonloop. Fortheminimalareaoftheunexcited-string worldsheetweusethe followingparametrization: 1 s S4D = dt e mnlr zl z˙r . (2.8) 2√2 0 | | Z It represents a four-dimensional generalization of S = 1 sdt z z˙ (cf. Ref. [4]), which is the 3D 2 0 | × | area-functional of a surface swept out by a rotating rod of a variable length. We notice that S R 4D stemsdirectlyfromtheusualformulaforthearea(correspondingtotheNambu–Gotostringaction) upon the parametrization of the surface by the vector-function wm (z 1,z 2)=z 2 zm (z 1/s ), where z =st andz [0,1]. Indeed, theusualformulafortheareareads A = s sdz· 1dz √detg , 1 2∈ 0 1 0 2 ab where gab =¶ awm ¶ bwm is the induced-metric tensor, and each of the inRdices aRand b takes the · values 1 and 2. Using the above parametrization for wm (z 1,z 2), one can then readily prove the followingequality: 1 s S4D =A = dt z2m z˙n2 (zm z˙m )2. 2 0 − Z q Next,wefollowRef.[3]forwhatconcernstheparametrization oftheWilsonloop(1.3),whichcan bewrittenintheform N hW[zm ]i= 2a 1Gc(a )·(s˜|S mn |)a ·Ka (s˜|S mn |). (2.9) − Here, S mn =e mnlr 0sdt zl z˙r istheintegrated surface element, whoseabsolute valueisimpliedin 1/2 thesensethat S mn R= 2 (cid:229) S 2mn . Furthermore,G (x)andKa (x)inEq.(2.9)stand,respectively, | | m <n for Gamma- and Mac(cid:16)Donald fun(cid:17)ctions, a & 1 is some parameter, and s˜ = s˜(s) stands for the effective string tension of dynamical quarks. As it was shown in Ref. [3], Eq. (2.9) provides an interpolation between the area law for large loops and the area-squared law [6] for small loops. This statement is illustrated byFigs. 1and 2, which compare the combined parametrization (2.9), for a =1.9, with the area and the area-squared laws. For this illustration, we choose a circular contour with the minimal area S, set Nc = 3, and use the relation [6] h(gFmna )2i= 7p2 ls2, where l = 1.72GeV 1 [9] for the case of QCD with dynamical quarks considered here. The chosen − value of a = 1.9 has been shown in Ref. [3] to provide the best analytic approximation of the 5 Regge-likequark-antiquarkexcitationsintheeffective-actionformalism DmitriAntonov 1 ’Combined’ parametrization Area law 0.9 ’Area-squared’ law 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 s S Figure1: 2a −11G (a )·(s S)a ·Ka (s S)ata =1.9, e−s S, e−h(g4F8mnaNc)2iS2. Thevalues S=4correspondstothe radiusofthecontourequalto0.51fm. 9 ’Combined’ parametrization Area law ’Area-squared’ law 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Figure2: −ln 2a −11G (a )·(s S)a ·Ka (s S) ata =1.9, s S, h(g4F8mnaNc)2iS2. Thevalues S=5.5corresponds to the radius ofhthe contourequal to 0.6 fim. The gap between ln[ ] and s S, being ln(s S) at large − ··· ∼ distances,isirrelevantforthestaticpotential. area-squared lawbythecombined parametrization (2.9)atsmalldistances. Figure1illustrates the efficiencyofthisapproximation. Wearenowinapositiontocalculate G [Aam ,mn] ,whichisdefinedbyEq.(1.1)withmreplaced h i bymn. Forthispurpose, wemultiplytheinfinitesimalsurfaceelementdt zl z˙r inS mn abovebythe scaling factorZ . FollowingRef.[3],wearriveattheexpression n hG [Aam ,mn]i=−2NfNcZ0¥ dsse−m2ns·a (a (+2p1s)˜(2a)3+2) m(cid:213) <n Z−+¥ ¥ dBmn ! 1I(+Zn4B,s2mFn˜2mn a )+3, (2.10) (cid:16) (cid:17) 6 Regge-likequark-antiquarkexcitationsintheeffective-actionformalism DmitriAntonov where I(Zn,Fmn )= Dzm Dy m e− 0sdt(14z˙2m +21y m y˙m +2iZnFmn zm z˙n −iZnFmn y m y n ) (2.11) ZP ZA R andFmn e mnlr Blr . ≡ The world-line integral (2.11) describes an infinite sum of one-loop quark diagrams, each having its own number of external lines of the auxiliary gauge field Bmn . Similarly to what was done in Ref. [3], we retain in this diagrammatic expansion only the two leading terms – the one corresponding to a free quark, which cancels out in Eq. (1.1), and the one corresponding to a diagram withtwoexternallinesofthegaugefield. Thelatter yieldsthefollowingexpression: 1 4 I(Zn,Fmn )= (4p s)2 3(sBZn)2+O (sBZn)4 , (2.12) (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:0) (cid:1) 1/2 whereB= (cid:229) B2mn . m <n We sta(cid:16)rt our an(cid:17)alysis with the limit n 1, where one can approximate the factor Z in n ≫ Eq. (2.12) by S2. In the same large-n limit, it is legitimate to disregard the quartic and the higher n termsintheexpansion (2.12), providedtheamplitude Bisbounded fromaboveas 1 s2g 1 − B< = . (2.13) sS2 x 2 n n In the last equality, we have used the explicit parametrization (2.7) of S in terms of s. Now, as n it was already mentioned in Introduction, the quark condensate, hyy¯ i=−¶ ¶mnhG [Aam ,mn]i, being the quantity which characterizes the QCD vacuum, should remain n-independent. For this to be possible,theenergyofstringexcitationsshouldbelargelyabsorbedbytheconstituentquarkmasses m ,anditwillbedemonstrated belowthatthisiswhatindeedhappens. n Anexpression forthequarkcondensate followingfromEqs.(2.10)-(2.13) reads yy¯ = a (a +1)(a +2)Nf m ¥ dse−m2nsS4 s2g−1/xn2dB B7 , (2.14) h i − 8p 2 · nZ0 s˜6 nZ0 1+ B2 a +3 2s˜2 (cid:16) (cid:17) wherefromnowonwesetN =3. TheB-integrationinthisformulacanbeperformedanalytically, c toyield 3N ¥ f˜[A (s),a ] hyy¯ i=−4p 2f ·mnZ0 dse−m2ns· 2s2nAn(s) , (2.15) where 1 s2g 1 2 − A (s) , (2.16) n ≡ 2 sx˜ 2 (cid:18) n (cid:19) whileasomewhatcomplicated function f˜[A,a ]wasintroduced inRef.[3]. Animportantproperty ofthisfunctionisthat,fora &1ofinterest,theratio f˜[A,a ]/A,asafunctionofA,hasamaximum atA 1,whichsharpensandreaches afinitevalue( 1.18),withthefurtherincrease of a . ≪ ≃ In order forthe quark condensate to stay finite in the small-mass limit, one should be able to represent f˜[An(s),a ] intheform(cf. Refs.[10,3]) 2s2An(s) f˜[A (s),a ] s 3/2 n = 0 , (2.17) 2s2A (s) √s n 7 Regge-likequark-antiquarkexcitationsintheeffective-actionformalism DmitriAntonov where s is some parameter of dimensionality (mass)2 unambiguously related tothe phenomeno- 0 logical value of yy¯ . Moreover, this representation should remain valid up to the values of the h i propertimesuchthat m2s &1. (2.18) n max Equation(2.17)canequivalently bewrittenas f˜[A ,a ] n =x, where x 2(s s)3/2. (2.19) 0 A ≡ n Owing to the above-mentioned form of the function f˜[A,a ]/A, a solution to Eq. (2.19), which provides a physical decrease of s˜ with s, reads A xe , where e 0 for a &1 of interest, and n ≃ → x.1 (cf. Ref. [3]). Therefore, to a very good approximation, one can set in Eq. (2.16) A 1. n ≃ This allows us to obtain the actual value of the power g in the initial Ansatz (2.6). To this end, we notice that, due to the energy conservation in the quark-antiquark system, a variation of the semiclassical radius R of the trajectory leads to the variation d m = s˜d R of the constituent n n n quark mass. Therefore, a difference between the values of the radius R in the n-th and the 0-th n states, d R R R ,reads n n 0 ≡ − d m √2x 2 d R = n =d m n , (2.20) n s˜ n· s2g 1 − whereEq.(2.16)hasbeenusedatthefinalstep. Now,inorderforEqs.(2.6)and(2.20)tohavethe sames-dependence, g =1/3. Withthisvalueofg athand,wecannowcalculatethecorrection d m totheconstituent quark n mass, which is produced by the radial excitations of the quark-antiquark string. To this end, we first insert the value of g =1/3 into Eq. (2.20), that leads to the following relation: (d R ) = n max √2d m x 2 s1/3. Furthermore, for x in this formula we use its expression provided by n· n,max max n,max Eq.(2.7)withg =1/3. Thatyields 2 d m s 3 3 (d R ) =p √2 n max n+ (d f ) . (2.21) n max · s R2 4− 4− n min 0,max "r r # Next, weuse theapproximation d m s 1/(d m ) , whichreflects thefact thatthe trajectory n max n min ≃ of a maximum size (and therefore requiring the maximum proper time to be orbited) is reached when the value of the constituent quark mass is minimal. [Notice that this approximation paral- lels condition (2.18).] Substituting this approximation into Eq. (2.21), we arrive at the following equation: 2 p √2 3 3 (d m ) n+ (d f ) . (2.22) n min≃ s R2 (d R ) 4− 4− n min 0,max n max"r r # In order to solve this equation, we represent it entirely in terms of (d f ) . That can be done by n min virtueoftherelation(d m ) =√ps (d f ) ,whichstemsfromEq.(2.3). Asaresult,weobtain n min n min thefollowingquadratic equation: 3 3 s 3/4R (d R )1/2 (d f ) +b (d f )1/2 n+ =0, where b 0,max n max. (2.23) n min · n min− 4− 4 ≡ (2p )1/4 r r ! 8 Regge-likequark-antiquarkexcitationsintheeffective-actionformalism DmitriAntonov Asolution tothisequation yieldsthesoughtcorrection totheconstituent quarkmass: 2 √ps 3 3 (d m ) =√ps (d f ) = b2+4 n+ b . (2.24) n min n min · 4 v 4− 4 − u r r ! u t Thelimitsofthisformulaatlargeandsmalln’swillbeanalyzed inthenextSection. 3. The limitingcases oflargeand smallexcitations. Concluding remarks Ignoring for a moment the effect of string-breaking, we see that the obtained (d m ) , Eq. n min (2.24),vanishesinthelimitofb ¥ ,whichcorrespondstothequark-antiquarkstringofaninfinite → length [cf. the definition of b in Eq. (2.23)]. In reality, however, the string-breaking phenomenon imposes an upper limit on the possible values of b. Indeed, the upper limit for both R and 0,max (d R ) is given by d /2, where d is the string-breaking distance. Lattice simulations and n max s.b. s.b. analytic studies [11] suggest for this distance the value of d 1.5fm. Using also the phe- s.b. ≃ nomenological valueofs (440MeV)2,wegetb.1.37. Therefore, wefindfromEq.(2.24)the ≃ realistic asymptotic behavioroftheconstituent quarkmasstobe (d m ) √ps n for n 1. (3.1) n min → ≫ Comparison of this result with the initial Eqs. (2.1) and (2.2) shows that, in the large-n limit, the leading contribution to the excitation energy E of the quark-antiquark pair stems from the n constituent quark masses. Indeed, one can perform the large-n expansion of (d f ) given by n min Eq. (2.24), which yields (d f ) =√n 1 bn 1/4+O(n 1/2) . Then, inserting this expansion n min − − − intotheformulaforS ,Eq.(2.7),weobtaintheleadinglarge-n behavior n (cid:2) (cid:3) p /s S bn1/4, (3.2) n s=smax → pR0,max · (cid:12) whichissubdominant comparedtoEq(cid:12).(3.1). Recalling Eq.(2.4),weconclude that m L2. n,min n ∼ Thus, the constituent quark mass appears as a primary ingredient of the excitation energy of the quark-antiquarkpairinthelarge-nlimit,whereastheelongationofthestringplaysonlyasecondary role. Still, we observe an increase of S with n, which, for sufficiently large n’s, validates the n approximation Z S2 usedafterEq.(2.12). n n ≃ Let us now evaluate a correction to the constituent quark mass, which is associated with the (n=1)excitation. Wenotethatthisexcitationisdeveloped justontopofthemaximally-stretched unexcited-string configuration. For this reason, one can use for such an evaluation the above- adopted maximum values of b=1.37 and R =0.75fm, and also set s=s . Extrapolating 0,max max thenEq.(3.2)downton=1,wegetS S =1.45. Thefactthatthisextrapolationton=1 1≡ 1|s=smax of the initial parametrically large result of Eq. (3.2) leads to S 1, signals the need to introduce 1 ∼ some correcting numerical factor k. It can be defined through the relation (kS )2 = Z , where 1 1 again Z =(1+S )2. Thisequation yields thevalueofk=1.69. Next,according toEq.(3.2), the 1 1 9 Regge-likequark-antiquarkexcitationsintheeffective-actionformalism DmitriAntonov multiplication of S by a factor of k is equivalent to the multiplication of b by such a factor. This 1 observation yields the corrected value of b=2.32. Inserting it into Eq. (2.24), we get the sought estimateforthe(n=1)correction totheconstituent quarkmass: (d m ) =26.0MeV. 1 min This value looks like a reasonable additive correction to the leading result, m=460MeV, quoted intheIntroduction. In conclusion, we notice that excitations of the quark-antiquark pairs can in general lead to an increase of the constituent quark mass and to an elongation of the quark-antiquark string. In this talk, we have shown that, for large radial excitations n, the constituent quark mass grows as O(n1/2), while the length of the string grows only as O(n1/4). This result clearly means that the excitation energy of a quark-antiquark pair stems mostly from the increase of the constituent quark masses and not from string elongation. Thus, atleast within the effective-action formalism, excited quark-antiquark bound states tend to have essentially the same size, irrespective of their radial excitations. This is true even if we had energy dependence for bound states different from that of Eq. (2.1), because that will be just another prescription for the area scaling and hence, the final qualitative result would not depend on actual details on how this scaling is obtained, but just from the fact that for a given scaling up of the area, the mass would go like the square of the string elongation, whereas the string energy would dimensionally go with s L . Finally, such size n stiffnesswillprecludedecaychannelstobecomelargewithstringelongations,becausetheychiefly measure the size of the parent hadron and that does not change appreciably. We also emphasize thattheadoptedcalculational methoddoesnotrelyonanyspecificclassofthestringdeformations (such as, e.g., the normal modes). Finally, it looks natural to apply the present approach to the description of an interesting lattice result [12] that, for quarks in the fundamental representation, thedeconfinement andthechiral-symmetry-restoration temperatures arenearly thesame,whereas for quarks in the adjoint representation, the chiral-symmetry-restoration temperature exceeds the deconfinement onebyafactorof8. Workinthisdirection iscurrently inprogress. Acknowledgments D.A. thanks the organizers of the QCD-TNT-II International Workshop for an opportunity to present these results in a very nice and stimulating atmosphere. The work of D.A.was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, program Ciência-2008) and by the Center for Physics of Fundamental Interactions (CFIF) at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Lisbon. 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