RF.Fl ECnONS Op AN ACOUSTICIAN At KIBB1 EWHITE Kabblevvluie. AC. 2001 1231: Reflections ofan acoustician. Memoirs oflhz Queewtktnd Museum 41{2): 491-49$ Brisbane. ISSN 007V-H.S35. fn tin- early lc>50s a fixed hydrophone airay was .set up offthe coasl ol New Zealand. The local ocean environment is characterised by a complex OCeaaOgraphic structure, but thcrC .'.*s. confident expectation that tliis installation would help provide an understandingofthe phenotftcttu involvedintlu-propagationonovv-frecjuencvsound in localconditions Someof iik SUTPT1SC8 experienced in this evniuiiiuhoii oi the acoustic properties ol the ocean, including a report ofthe first probable acoustic encounter with the humpback vrflfljc in the Southern Hemisphere, are d< crU : 01 thus personal account. G New /.calami marine envit'Qttitl&M, titoustlcpt'opertteSy hiempbaci whafasang, I ( ; Kihhlt'wlatt', Department O) PtmtCS, UntwrvUy ol Auckland, Private Btlfr lO(//'> Auckland, New Zealand 28 MayTOOl The submnnne almost won World War II for branch ol naval science into the dflft Germany (Rugc, 1957).Thattheallieseventually Organisations Ol many countries, including achieved superiority in the Battle ofthe Atlantic Australia and New Zealand. As with main was due largely to the development ofradar and branches Ol oceanography, (he propagation oi its joint deployment with sonar (Kemp. 1957). sound in the sea and its noise have been oi im- Both systems involve the transmission of a portanceto whale.studies Significantcontributions directional pulse Ofenergy (electromagnetic in have arisen from manyactivities, including those diecaseofradarandacoustic in thatofsonar)and in Australia (Cato, 1991; Hunter, 10%). Ibis thedetectionofanyechoreturnedbyan illuminated account deals with someoftheearly experiences target. ill New Zealand. On typical anti-submarine warfare vessel PROPAGATION STUDIES the time, the sonar operated ea. l0-20kl I/., used transducers of about lm in diameter, and LOTION OF OCEANOGRAPHJC FRON achieved detection ranges ofaboul 10km li w;i-. I1)n1aIn experiment for evaluating the propagation well known at the time that the attenuation of propertiesOi theocean,ahydrophoneisdeployed soundintheoceandecreasedalmost linearly wilh from a receiving ship while another ship (or an the frequency of the sound used and that aircraft) drops sound signals as it opens range improved performance should be achieved at Suchaprocedurewasusedtoestablishthe feetors wlaowserredfurceqeudentcoiaecsh.ieHvoewaevleorng,erifdettheectfiorneqruaenngcey, ctionnetnrtoallliwnagteprrsopaangdatitooninivnesNteigwateZeaalnaynds'esas|onnal the transducer size had to increase to achieve variation that occurred. On otheroccasions New comparable directionality; so that engineering Zealand's unique position m the SouthernOcean problems severely constrained the use of lower allowed examination of longeroceanic paths frequencies in ship-home sonars. One ofthe firstofthese experiments involved In the post-war period interest switched from propagation across the Tasman Sea(Kibblevvhite "active' to "passive' systems, in which the aim & Denham, [967), An aircraft dropped was to detect and locate the self-noise generated explosives as it llew towards Australia and the by an underwater source (like a submarine), signals were received on a hydrophone laid off rather than au echo produced by reflected the southern fiords of west New Zealand radiation. Such an approach could potentially Amongst other information, the experiment exploitthe thousand-folddecrease in attenuation dcmonsiiatcd for the first time that oceano 11iiit results when the acoustic frequency of graphic fronts, likethe SubtropicalConvergence, interest isreduced from 10.0001 1/ to 100Hz* But could beidentifiedandpositionedacousticallyby any such changecalled fora betterunderstanding the change in transmission characteristics o\' the factors influencing long-range trans- observed fts the source moved Ifom one water mission in theoceanand itsambientnoise. These mass to another. The trial also demonstrated, in a requirements led to the introduction of a new very effective wav. the difference between the 492 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM ' FLIGHTTRACK \ \ _^^ FIG. 1. ProjectNeptune, Southern Oceantransmission paths. speed of sound in water and that of electro- confirmation ofthe remarkable effectiveness of magnetic radiation in the atmosphere. After the the deep ocean in transmitting low-frequency pilot's last 'bomb's away' message on the radio sound. there was adelayofnearly20 minutesbefore the soundofthedetonationreachedusinNewZealand, CHASE V. In the 1960s the difficulty of dis- approximately 1,800km away. Other acoustic tinguishingbetweenanatural seismiceventanda experimentshavesubsequentlydemonstratedthe covert nuclear explosion presented a serious presence of similar fronts in other oceans impediment to the negotiation of a nuclear (Kibblewhite & Browning, 1978). test-ban treaty. The Chase V experiment was PROJECT NEPTUNE. Transmission paths of designed to help resolve these difficulties by monitoring the seismic and acoustic signals even greater length were involved in Project Neptune. In this experimentan aircraftofthe US producedbyalargeunderwaterexplosion.Inthis projectanoldLibertyship containing ,000 tons Airforce dropped sound signals along the two of TNT was scuttled at a specific lo1cation off legs ofa flightpath from Bermuda to Capetown Cape Mendocino and setto explode atthe depth raensdultCiangpeatcoouwsntictosiPgenratlhs. wReerceormdaidnegsinofNtehwe of the SOFAR channel axis (Fig. 2). Our participation involved monitoring any signals Z(Keiablbalnedwhidtuer,ingDetnhheamsec&ondBarlkeegr,of19t6h5e).flTighhet whichmightreachNewZealand(Kibblewhite& Denham, 1969). transmission path for the most distant of the signals received was approximately 10,000km, It transpiredthat, not only was a direct arrival nearly one quarter ofthe Earth's circumference. observed, but another hour went by before In spite of the distances involved, the results reverberations from topography throughout the demonstrated that a propagation path existed Pacific Ocean gradually died away. The first through the Southern Ocean, provided the great arrival, which took 90 minutes to cross the circlepathbetweensourceandreceiverwasclear Pacific, confirmed that a direct water path from of intervening topography (Fig. 1). In all cases Cape Mendocino to New Zealand existed, in thesignalcharacterwasconsistentwiththetravel spite of the extensive intervening topography. pathpassingthroughatleastthreedifferentwater The length of the transmission path was again masses. The results provided, however, further nearly one quarter ofthe Earth's circumference. REFLECTIONS OF AN ACOUSTICIAN 493 >r.l.njiueyIsland ftirtls.Mdlld I1:'»)ll!l.1111I-UK REFLECTED Silent SUK"" SOUTIIKFRMADECRinijF vt Fiji ,,Samoa. Rumblein SEAMOUNIS / / Cook.-.."V. Is."..'Tahiti ; EasterIs PitcaimIs FIG. 2. CHASEV, transmission paths. Six major echoes in the reverberation following themainarrivalwereparticularly striking. These signals were subsequently identified with reflections from Henderson andPitcaim Islands, and large underwatermountains onthe Tuamotu FIG. 3. Great Barrier Island, the Taupo-White Island- Raoul Islandvolcanic zoneand the South Kermadec Ridge which were undiscovered at the time (Kibblewhite & Denham, 1971 Ridge seamounts. ). This evidence of a direct acoustic path from purchaseofland,constructionofalaboratoryand NorthAmericatoNewZealand,togetherwiththe living quarters on an isolated island, a training evidence from Project Neptune, pointed to the coursetoacclimatisediversforworkinthewater possibility that a deep-water path might exist depths involved and even the purchase ofModel from the west to the east coasts of the North 3 of the first television camera employed in Americanmainland, adistance ofnearlyhalfthe underwater exploration (which was built to Earth's circumference. support the search for the Comet aircraft that AMBIENT SEANOISE crashed in the Mediterranean about that time). Further, the deployment was not completed HUMPBACK WHALE SONG. Whatever the without drama. There were ship strikes, cables became wrapped around ship's screws and near propagation conditions encountered (and it is apparent thatthey can be very favourable at low groundingsresulted,diverscollapsedunderwater frequencies), the successful detection and locat- and the hours at seawere long and exacting. ion ofan acoustic source by passive techniques However, the time finally came to connect the willdependultimatelyontherelativestrengthsof underwater array to the shore electronics, albeit the signal generated by the source and the local in temporary accommodation. A few ofus were sea noise atthe listening site. Ambient sea noise working late on a coldnight to achieve this. We is thus as critical as propagationin the successful could well have waited till the morning but application of underwater sound. Because a curiosity drove us on. We did not know exactly properunderstandingofanygeophysicalprocess whattoexpectbutweresmuglyconfidentthatwe requires long-term study, it was decided to base would be listening in to one of the quietest investigations of this parameter on a fixed, environments in the ocean. Instead we were semi-permanenthydrophoneinstallation,located 'blasted' by some biological community in full offGreat Barrier Island (Fig. 3). song. Our expectations of the hoped for 'silent Preparation for the installation ofthis facility sea'were certainly not fulfilled. extended overayear. A large sum ofmoneywas committedtothepurchaseofarmouredcable,the As it turned out we were unknowingly eaves- commissioning ofa cable ship to lay the cables, dropping on migrating humpback whales. This construction of large underwater tripods, activity, dubbed by the staff as the 'Barnyard 494 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM 20-second Pulse. The '20-second pulse' was so named by virtue of its pulse length. The spectrogram (line a) at the top ofFig. 5 and the higher speed presentation at the bottom of this figure (line f) show the pulse as a function of frequency and time. The 1/3 octave analysis given in lines (b) and (c) show the pulse is an almost pure tone of about 23Hz. Record (d) indicates the regularity and spacing of a pulse sequence. (The 1/3 octave resolution of these early spectra was the best achievable before computers gave us access to modem spectral m m analysis.) m fci 5-secondPulse.The '5-secondpulse'wassimilar in characterbut shorter in length and not so pure in tone. The dominant frequency was again around 25Hz. Pulses of similar type were also observedatothersites around New Zealand, and MOHNtNOCMORUS a call-answer sequence was often observed. The signals were attributed to whales but no particular species was identified. Even so these observationsoflong, low-frequencypulsesinthe South Pacific werereassuringtotheacousticians in the Northern Hemisphere as they confirmed thatthepulseswereaworldwidephenomenaand not necessarily a new weapon of the cold war. Examples are given in figs 4, 5 and 6 ofKibble- white et al. (1967). FIG. 4. Humpback whale song recorded off Great Significance ofthe 25Hz Band. The 25Hz band, Barrier Island 1960. in which many whale calls operate, coincides with thatatwhichthe attenuationofsound in the Chorus', couldpersistfordays at atime (Fig. 4). deep ocean is a minimum (Kibblewhite & It was most marked between June to December, Hampton, 1980). Given optimum propagation during the annual migration. Incidence declined conditions, whale calls of this type could to low levels after 1961, no doubt due to the thereforebe expectedto travel longdistances. In impact of a local whaling operation (Dawbin, ourearlyexperiments weestimatedsourcelevels 1967). ofthe above pulses were about 50Pa/Hz at one metre. Usingexpectedspreadingandattenuation Two features of this early encounter are rates for deep water, we then estimated that noteworthy. First, the apparent disregard of the measurable signals might prevail at distances of whales to the harpoon thatwas routinely fired in several thousand kilometres. Speculative as this their midst during this period (Fig. 4, 2 August was at the time, the US Navy has recently 1960) and second, the activity encountered was reported tracking a particular whale for several probably the first acoustic experience ofhump- weeks as it moved alongthe European coast and back whale song in the Southern Hemisphere that they did this from a SOSSUS station on the (Kibblewhite etal., 1967). other side ofthe Atlantic. Ifwhale hearing is as good as ours, they have a remarkable com- OTHER BIOLOGICAL SOURCES. Signals munication system. from other biological sources were observed, Further evidence ofthe long distances whale although less frequently, at several sites around signals can travel is providedbythe comparison New Zealand. These signals were too low in ofthe spectra ofFig. 6, which were recorded in frequency to be recorded satisfactorily by the theNorthandSouthPacificOceans(Kibblewhite tape recorders then available. However typical etal., 1976).Thenorthernspectrumwasrecorded features could be established (Kibblewhite etah, by a hydrophone moored in deep water in the 1967). middleofthe Pacific, with excellentpropagation REFLECTIONS OF AN ACOUSTICIAN 495 6 Seconds B o PULSE A * PULSE B PULSE C % 1 -30 :> 20 40 60 30 100 Frequency als 13 20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 2S 29 30 31 THIRD OCTAVE SPECTRA SPECTRUM OF PULSE B 0.4C/s BANFDreVqUueDnTcHy c/s ^ uuuimiai /f~\\ V^h. *iHfJ\^.^u.rtjA^.__*-^s-Vw..- >-' 5 Minutes PULSE SEQUENCE 30 Seconds THIRDOCTAVEENVELOPES m w;:x:wMmm$wMi:^l:$W^ mm VMNWaW^V \sf/^ 1 Second V1SIC0RDER RECORD OF PULSE B FIG.5. '20-second'pulse.A,sonogramsoftwopulses.B,C, 1/3octavespectra.D,pulsesequences.E, 1/3octave envelopes, pulse B. F, visicorderrecord, pulseB. occurringinalldirections. The southernspectrum Measurements at numerous sites in the region was recorded in coastal water. The influence of confirmedasimilardiurnalactivityandshowedit whales and shipping intheNorth Pacific is clear was influenced by the level of solar intensity, in the spectral difference. both daily and seasonal. Investigations revealed thatthe commonseaegg(Evechinuschloroticus), EVENING CHORUS. The 'Barnyard Chorus' which is endemic around New Zealand, was the was not the only component ofthe sea noise to most likely source and that the spectral peak dispelthe conceptthatthe seawas an essentially observed was relatedto the acoustic response of quiet environment. Experience quickly revealed the animal during feeding. A comprehensive thata significantincrease innoise level occurred reviewofthiswork,whichincludesacomparison twice each day. The largerincrease occurredjust with similar biological choruses observed by around sunset and became known as the Cato and others in Australian waters was 'Evening Chorus', the smaller increase just compiled by Denham in 1994. before sunrise as the 'Morning Chorus'. The spectral peak in each case was around 1.2kHz VOLCANISM.Intheearlydaysofoperation,the (Fig- 7). sea-noise spectrum offGreat Barrier Island was 496 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM AMBIENTNOISFSPECTRA INFLUENCE OF SEA STATE ON AMBIENT 'T I 1 NOISE /0*9*00-0-0-0^ O• SNOOURTTHHPPAACCIIFFIICC 80- \ i- SEA NOISE DURING HIGH AND LOW SEA STATES. Whilemanysourcescontributetonoise inthesea, the local sea stateusuallyprovidesthe 70 majorinput.AsthespectraofFig. 8demonstrate, sea surface agitation and wind can significantly 60 modify the local spectrum between 12Hz and 20 110000 220000 1000 1200Hz. The minimum levels shown in these DIFFERENCE>BETWEENNORT\HANDSOUTHPACIFICSFtCTRA NewZealand spectraare lowbyworld standards 20 r and reflect the country's isolation. While oi~ WHALES1 IFPIN interest in themselves, such levels posed the \ question as to how low the sea noise would become, if the surface-generated component » couldbeeliminatedcompletely. Thecalmwaters 50 100 200 500 1000 underthe ice-sheetatMcMurdo Soundappeared FREQUENCY.Hi to offer the ideal environment in which to make & FIG. 6. Comparison ofambient noise spectra in the this assessment (Kibblewhite Jones, 1976). North and South Pacific Ocean. Anexploratoryprogrammewasspentadopting instrumentation to withstand the rigours of the at times also distorted by an intermittent low- climate and in a second season of operation frequency component. We came to realise that successful recordings were made. As a further thisdistortionwastheresultofagenuineacoustic exampleofthemisconceptionscharacterisingthe source, but in this case one ofgeophysical rather studyofthis subject, weencounteredan acoustic than biological origin, andultimately traced itto environment completely different from the one underwater volcanism only 300km from expected. The most immediately apparent Auckland (Kibblewhite, 1966). The active feature was the high, and almost continuous, level ofthe biological activity. The chorus ofthe volcano lies on a linejoiningthe active volcanic local seal community was the dominant feature centre in the middle of the North Island with but signals produced by cracking ice and correspondingactivityaround Raoul Island(Fig. humpback whales (perhaps up to 30km away) 3).Abetterpictureofthe levelofactivitybecame were also recognisable. Activity ofthis intensity apparent when transistor technology allowed an persisted throughout the two weeks ofoperation improvementofthestation'scapabilityin 1963. and it proved difficult to identify any 'quiet' 06 09 N Z TIME FIG. 7. Spectral contours ofthe ambientnoise level showing the rise in activity at sunset and sunrise. r REFLECTIONS OF AN ACOUSTICIAN 497 10ij i i i | ' 11 i r i | M i 1 | I1 1- M „£^*7800"--^** ^ +" C*B 111544000000DDDEEECCCEEEMMMBBBEEERRR897,,,WKWIIINNNDDD0ZZ,EE5RRr,OO,ML " High Sea Stale 80 S Slfc. "*^.. X -^>jL '""- SE*STATE-T -\ Low Sea Stat,.e-' j*50-. ^C*S^ , <><^^"s*"—^£!N^>s--BI^OLOGICALCOMPONENT S;40 ^^*^$^>^-- 60 SeLF^NOISE -_ 30, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1*W«—*Mi-J-J FREQUENCY-<H. ,1,1 FIG. 9. Sea-statespectraatlowwindspeeds underthe I'll 1 1 .1 t ( ' l1 I I McMurdo Sound ice sheet. FREQUENCr-kHi FIG. 8. Typical sea-noise spectra in high and low Investigations by acousticians, in many parts of sea-state conditions. theworld,havenow shownthatthehigh spectral levels below 10Hz arise from a particular periods at all. An uncontaminated sea-noise interaction ofocean surface-waves and are thus spectrum at low wind speed was however ob- highly wind dependent (Kibblewhite & Ewans, tained. Spectrallevelsdidindeedliesubstantially 1985; Kibblewhite & Wu, 1996). below those normally associated with sea-state Typical sea-noise spectra between 0.1-3kHz zero (Fig. 9). andwindspeeds5-30ms_1 incorporatingthislow , INFRASONIC SEA NOISE. Our initial frequency component, are shown in Fig. 10. These infrasonic acoustic components are experience of sea-noise at frequencies below m1OaHdzeiotcpcousrsribeldewthoeinncotrrpaonsriastteorantaemcphlnioflioegryinfitrhset hroebosswpceouvnrseeisrb,rleecaofrroedrinmlgiescaorrfonssieeniigssmmotloaocgtieisxvtpislt.yoAiwctohuistcthhiecoimfatnestn,o fhiorustsienxgpeorfimtehentunadceurtw-aotfefrfrheyqdureonpchyonoef.1FHozrwtahse advantage. We have recently used them to measure the spectral properties of an offshore selected. wave climate, using seismic sensors on land Deploymentofthis systemwentverywell and aslelvewreerestaodrmmirbilnegwitusp.quTaloitoyurwhdeinsmaaymosdeear-antoeilsye rwaatvhee-rritdhaenrsthaetmsoera.e eItxpheanssiavlesoanbdeveunlnserhaobwlne theoretically, that certain properties of the levels rose al—armingly (in spite ofthe depth of deployment approx. 250m) and eventually sea-noiseinthispartofthespectrumareuniquely overloaded the underwater electronics. Tests suitable for the location of oil and gas bearing showed that nearly all ofthis unexpected noise occurred in Etf'Av'ti:.-- thenewbandbelow 1OHz.The hydrophone system was recovered and the low frequency response of the underwater amplifieradjusted, justintimetorecordthesignal from theCHASE Vexplosion g | described earlier. The ex- ? periencewasagaincompletely s unexpected. I Some ofthe features ofthis infrasonic component of the sea-noise spectrum were established at the time but a full understanding had to await the technological developments which were to appear some 20 years later. FIG. 10. Typical sea-noise spectra(0.1-3kHz) forwind speeds 5-30ms" 498 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM structuresontheworld's continentalshelves. This by long-range acoustic propagation experiments. component may therefore become critical in the Deep SeaResearch 25: 1107-1118. search forfutureenergyreserves (Kibblewhite& KIBBLEWHITE,A.C.&DENHAM,R.N. 1967.Long Wu, 1996). range propagation in the South Tasman Sea. Journal oftheAcoustical Society ofAmerica41: DISCUSSION 401-411. 1969. Hydroacoustic signals from the CHASE V It is clear that the 'Silent Sea' is anything but explosion. Journal ofthe Acoustical Society of quiet, and instead displays the output of many America45: 944-956. contributing acoustic sources. Some of these 1971. The CHASE V explosion - submarine result from environmental factors; others from topographic reflections from the vicinity of biological and geophysical activity, while others PitcaimIsland. DeepSeaResearch 18:905-911. are man-made. Perhaps the most intriguing, KIBBLEWHITE,A.C,DENHAM,R.N.&BARKER. however,arethoseproducedbycetaceans. These P.H. 1965. 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