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Refined reconstruction and calibration of the missing transverse energy in the ATLAS detector PDF

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Refined reconstruction and calibration of the missing transverse energy in the ATLAS detector MariannaTestaaonbehalfoftheATLAScollaboration LNF-INFN 2 1 0 Abstract. Themeasurementofthemissingtransverseenergy(Emiss)isfundamentalfor 2 T manyanalysesatLHC.GoodEmissresolutionandcalibrationareessentialforsearchesof T n newphysicsaswellasprecisemeasurements. Wedescribearefinedreconstructionand a calibration of Emiss developed by ATLAS and its performances on events containing Z J T andWbosons.Thedatasamplewascollectedinproton-protoncollisionsatacenter-of- 6 massenergyof7TeV,andcorrespondstoanintegratedluminosityofabout36pb 1.The − 2 determinationoftheabsolutescaleoftheEmiss,fundamentalfordeterminingsystematic uncertaintiesinallanalysisinvolvingEmissmTeasurements,isalsopresented. ] T t e d 1Emiss reconstruction - T s n i TheEmissreconstructionincludescontributionsfromenergydepositsinthecalorimetersandmuonsre- . T s constructedinthemuonspectrometer.ThetwoEmiss componentsarecalculatedas:Emiss =Emiss,calo+ c T x(y) x(y) i Emiss,µ.TheEmisscalorimetertermEmiss,caloisreconstructedusingcalorimetercellscalibratedaccord- s x(y) T x(y) y ingtothereconstructedphysicsobjecttowhichtheybelong.Calorimetercellsareassociatedwitha h reconstructedandidentifiedhigh-p parentobjectinachosenorder:electrons,photons,hadronically T p decaying τ-leptons, jets and muons. Cells not associated with any such objects are also taken into [ accountintheEmTiss calculation.Theircontribution,namedETmiss,CellOut hereafter,isimportantforthe 2 Emiss resolution.Oncethecellsareassociatedwithobjectsasdescribedabove,theEmiss calorimeter T T v termiscalculatedasfollows[1]: 2 8 Emiss,calo =Emiss,e+Emiss,γ+Emiss,τ+Emiss,jets+Emiss,softjets+Emiss,calo,µ+Emiss,CellOut (1) 9 x(y) x(y) x(y) x(y) x(y) x(y) x(y) x(y) 4 . whereeachterm iscalculatedfromthe negativesum of calibratedcell energiesinside the corre- 01 spondingobjects,as:Emxiss,term = −PiN=ct1eerlml Eisinθicosφi,Eymiss,term = −PiN=ct1eerlml Eisinθisinφi whereEi, 2 θi and φi are the energy,the polar angle and the azimuthalangle, respectively.The variousterms in 1 Equation1aredescribedinthefollowing: : v – Emiss,e,Emiss,γ,Emiss,τ arereconstructedfromcellsinclustersassociatedtoelectrons,photonsand i x(y) x(y) x(y) X τ-jetsfromhadronicallydecayingτ-leptons,respectively; ar – Emx(iys)s,jetsisreconstructedfromcellsinclustersassociatedtocalibratedjetswith pT>20GeV; – Emiss,softjetsisreconstructedfromcellsinclustersassociatedtojetswith7GeV< p <20GeV; x(y) T – Emiss,calo,µisthecontributiontoEmiss originatingfromtheenergylostbymuonsinthecalorimeter x(y) T – the Emiss,CellOut term is calculated from the cells in topoclusters which are not included in the x(y) reconstructedobjects.Low-p tracksarealso usedtorecoverlow p particlesnotreachingthe T T a e-mail:[email protected] EPJWebofConferences eV] 16 ATLAS eV] 16 ATLAS n [G 14 Data 2010 n [G 14 Simulation utio 12 ∫Ldt=36 pb-1 utio 12 s = 7 TeV ol ol es 10 s = 7 TeV es 10 R R miss Ey 8 miss Ey 8 miss,Ex 0246 ZMQZ→→CinDB µe iµead::si - f:fjie ittf ti0t0s .:0.4 4f.4i42t 5 0 ΣΣ.5Σ 1EE ETT ΣT ET miss,Ex 0246 MMMMMMCCCCCC WWMQZZ→→Ci→→nD Bµe µ:eiµea fνν::si t::ff : ii 0ffttfii tti.00t 5 00..0044...44 224 77 8Σ ΣΣEΣΣΣ TEE EEETTTT T 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Σ E(event) [GeV] Σ E(event) [GeV] T T Fig.1. EmissandEmiss resolutionasafunctionofthetotaltransverseenergyintheeventcalculatedbysumming x y thep ofmuonsandthetotaltransverseenergyinthecalorimeterindataat √s=7TeV(left)andMC(right). T calorimeters.Furthermorethetrackmomentumisusedinsteadofthetopoclusterenergyfortracks associated to topoclusters, thus exploiting the better calibration and resolution of tracks at low momentumcomparedtotopoclusters In order to suppress noise contribution, only cells belonging to three-dimensionaltopological clus- ters[2]areused.TheEmiss muontermiscalculatedfromthemomentaofmuontracksreconstructed T with η < 2.7: Emiss,µ = P pµ where the summationis overselected muons.If the muonis | | x(y) − muons x(y) isolated(notnearbyareconstructedjet),theenergylostbythemuoninthecalorimetersisnotadded to the calorimeter term to avoid double counting of energy.Otherwise the muon spectrometer mea- surementofthemuonmomentumaftercorrectingforenergylossinthecalorimeterisused(Emiss,calo,µ x(y) contribution) 2 Study ofEmiss performance T During 2010 a large number of proton-protoncollisions, at a centre-of-massenergy of 7 TeV were recorded.Approximately600nb 1 forjetevents,0.3nb 1 forminimumbiaseventsand36pb 1for − − − Z ℓℓ and W ℓν channels have been used to check both agreements on Emiss distributions → → T betweendataandMonteCarlo(MC)simulationandtostudytheperformancesoftheEmissreconstruc- T tion in terms of resolutionand scale. Details on this study can be foundin Ref. [1]. In particular in minimum bias, di-jet and Z ℓℓ events no true Emiss is expected and resolutioncan be estimated → T asthewidthofdistributionof Emiss andEmiss.Infig.1(left)theresolutionfromdataat √s = 7TeV x y for Z ℓℓ events, minimum bias and di-jet events as a function of the total transverse energy in → theevent,obtainedbysummingthe p ofmuonsandthePE incalorimeters.Infig.1(right)the T T Emiss resolution is shown for MC events also for W ℓν MC events. The resolution of the two T → Emiss componentsisfittedwithafunctionσ=k √ΣE .Agoodagreementintheresolutionisfound T · T between data and MonteCarlosimulation.In orderto study the Emissscale it’s usefulto considerthe T componentofEmiss alongtheZdirection(Emiss)whichissensitivetothebalancebetweentheleptons T T,Z andthehadronicrecoil.Figure2showsthemeanvalueofEmissasafunctionof pZ.Thenegativebias T,Z T forlowvaluesof pZ isduetotheunderestimationofmagnitudeofthehadronicrecoildominatedby T Emiss,CellOutandbysoftjets. T 2.1 EvaluationofthesystematicuncertaintyontheEmiss scale T The knowledgeof the systematic uncertaintyon the Emiss scale is fundamentalfor any analysisin- T volvingEmiss measurements.Theoverallsystematicuncertaintyonthe Emiss scalecanbecalculated T T ConferenceTitle,tobefilled V] 6 V] 6 Ge ATLAS Ge ATLAS > [ 4 Data 2010 > [ 4 Data 2010 miss⋅ AE TZ 2 MC Z → ee miss⋅ AE TZ 2 MC Z → µµ < < 0 0 -2 -2 ∫ ∫ -4 Ldt=36 pb-1 -4 Ldt=36 pb-1 s = 7 TeV s = 7 TeV -6 -6 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 pZ [GeV] pZ [GeV] T T Fig.2. MeanvaluesofEmissasafunctionof pZ inZ ee(left)andZ µµ(right)events T,Z T → → %] 30 Events / GeVEvents / GeV 33443344050505050000000000000000 ∫Ls d=t =73 T6e pVb-1 ATLASDMMMMaCCCCt aQWWZ 2 C→ 0→→D1 µ 0τµµνν miss bias [ative ET 122505 WDa →ta 2e0ν10 A∫sLT d=Lt A=73S T6e pVb-1 22550000 rel 10 22000000 5 11550000 11000000 0 550000 -5 003300 4400 5500 6600 7700 8800 9900 110000 111100 112200 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 mm [[GGeeVV]] pe [GeV] TT T Fig.3. Left:Fittom distributionforW µνevents.Right:Relativebias, Emiss Emiss,True )/ Emiss,True ,in thereconstructedEmisTsforW eνevents.→ h T i−h T i h T i T → from the uncertainty on each high p reconstructed object and from the uncertainty on softjets and T CellOutterm(Equation1),whichareevaluatedtobe 13%and 10%respectively.InW ℓνevents theoverallEmiss systematicsuncertaintyisonaverage2.6%forbothelectronandmuonc→hannel. T 3 Determination of theEmiss scale fromW ℓν events T → The determination of the absolute Emiss scale is important in a range of analyses involving Emiss T T measurements,rangingfromprecisionmeasurementstosearchesfornewphysics.Emissscalehasbeen T determinedfromdatawithtwomethods[1].Thefirstusesafittothedistributionoftransversemass, mT,oftheleptonEmisssystem(fig.3,left).Thesecondusesthedependencebetweentheneutrinoand T leptonmomenta(fig.3,right).Bothmethodshaveconsistentresultsandfindgoodagreementbetween dataandMCsimulationfortheEmissscale.Theuncertaintyonthescaleisabout2%with36pb 1. T − References 1. ATLAS Collaboration, “Performanceof missing transverse momentumreconstructionin proton- protoncollisionsat7TeVwithATLAS”,arXiv:1108.5602[hep-ex] 2. W. Lampl and others, “Calorimeter clustering algorithms: Description and performance”, ATL- LARG-PUB-2008-002

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