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References no. 25162-28495 / ABD-ZVE PDF

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Preview References no. 25162-28495 / ABD-ZVE

Photosynthesis Bibliography volume 7 1976 References no. 25162-28495 / ABD-ZVE Editors Z. Šestâk & J. Čatsky Springer-Science+Business Media, B.v. 1980 Contributors: Z. Sestâk v J. Catsky 1. Tichâ J. Pospisilovâ J. Solârovâ D. Hodânovâ ISBN 978-90-6193-046-4 ISBN 978-94-009-9166-8 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-94-009-9166-8 © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 1980 Originally published by Dr. W. Junk by Publishers, The Hague in 1980 PREFACE The bib I iography includes papers in alI fields of photosynthesis research - from stu dies of model biochemical and biophysical systems of the photosynthesis mechanism to primary production studied by the so-cal led growth analysis. In addition to papers devoted entirely to photosynthesis, papers on other topics are included if they con tain data on photosynthetic activity, photorespiration, chloroplast structure, chlo rophyl I and carotenoid synthesis and destruction; etc., or if they contain valuable methodo I og i ca I information (measurement of se I ected env i ronmenta I ·factors, I eat area, etc.). In many branches it has been very difficult to define the I imits of interest for photosynthesis researchers. This problem has arisen e.g. in topics dealing with the transport of gases, where- in addition to the papers on C02 transfer- some pa pers on water vapour transfer are included, these being of general application. On the other hand, many papers dealing with the anatomy and physiology of stomata have been omitted, if the aspect of carbon dioxide or water vapour exchange has not been discussed. This volume contains references to papers pub I ished in the year 1976, and, similarly to Vol. 6, also addenda including references pub I ished in the preceding period (i.e. 1966- 1975 ). The numbers of these additional references are label led with an asterisk in the I ist of references. To maximize the value of the bibliography the references are arranged alpha betically by authors' names, and each volume is provided with three indexes. The Authors' Index contains alI names of authors, co-authors and editors. The Subject Index covers only primary items chosen according to their interest for photosynthesis researchers. Starting with Volume 6, the Subject Index has been newly arranged and enlarged. It contains more detai Is on the electron transport chain, carbon fixa tion pathways, gas exchange on leaf and canopy level, etc. In the Plant Index, only important crop plants and selected plant types and groups are indexed. Cumulative indexes accompany Volumes 1, 5, and then every fifth volume, i.e. Volumes 10, 15, etc. We have tried to cover fully the relevant papers which have appeared in the most important scientific periodicals and books. Articles pub I ished in local jour nals, mimeographed booklets, etc., were chosen mostly from reprints and I ists of pub- 1 ications received directly from the authors. Only abstracts pub I ished in regular journals were included. Since some 3000 relevant papers are currently pub I ished every year and in cluded in this bib I iography, and since the majority of citations have been checked with the originals, col lecti~g and preparin~ for pub I ication of such a large amount of material would have been impossible without the collaboration of the authors of the relevant pub I ications. The courtesy of those authors who have already supplied us with reprints is highly appreciated. We acknowledge with thanks the cooperation of our col leagues from the Institu te of Experimental Botani of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences in Prague, especi ally Mrs. DRAHOt1lRA TEZKA, Mrs. VLASTJ!. FLORIANOVJ\, ~1rs. LENKA KOLCABOVJ\, Mrs. MARIE t1~NDLOVl\, and Mrs. rlARTA SMTDOVJI. who helped in preparing the card material. Mr.PETR ZAZVORKA and the I ibrarian of the Institute, ~1rs. ZORA ZAHOYSKA helped us with check ing the references. Dr. Z. SESTAK and Dr. J. CATSKY Institute of Experimental Botany Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences Flemingovo n. 2 CS-160 00 PRAHA 6 Czechoslovakia II INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE AI I references are arranged alphabetically according to the authors' names and the year of pub/ ication. They are numbered and these numbers are used in the indexes. In case of a book title, the number is preceded by B. An asterisk preceding the num ber denotes the reference pub/ ished in the preceding period (1966- 1975). The references contain the original unshortened title of the paper (book). Eng/ ish, French and German titles are cited in the original language. Titles in other languages are supplemented with a translation in Eng/ ish (sometimes using the title of the respective English abstract or a shortened title with omitted deadweight words). Titles of Japanese, Chinese etc. papers are given in Eng/ ish translation only. The journals' names are abbreviated mainly according to the "Style Manual for Biolo gical Journals" (Second Edition, Amer. Institute of Biological Sciences, Washington, D.C. 1964), e.g. Abhandlungen chinese Industry Publishers Abstract Chromato9raphy inorganic quantitative Abte i I ung Commission Institute Quarter Iy Academy Communication international Radiation Acta comparative Investigation Radiobiology Africa Comptes rendus italian Rasten i Y a9ri cuI tura I Conference Izvestiya Recherche Agriculture Congress Jahrbuch Report A9ronomy Contribution japanese Research Akademie (-emiya) Cytochemistry Japan Review Al90logy Cytology Journa I royal allgemeine czechoslovak Klasse russian american Dendrology Laboratory russkiY America Department Landwirtschaft scandinavicus analytical Deutschland Letters Science Anatomy Disease Limnology Section angewandte Dissertation r1agaz in Series (-iya) Annals Doklady marine Society annual Dopovidi ~1athemat i cs sovetskiY anorganisch (-ni c) Ecology Hicrobiology soviet applied Education mi see I Ia neous special Arbeit Embryology molecular SSSR Archiv Encyclopedia r1ono~Jraph Stat ion Atmosphere Engineer moskovskiY Supplement atomic Enzymology t1ycology Survey Australia european national Symposium Bei heft expe r i menta I natural technical Belgique Experiment Naturforschung Technology Bericht Faculty neerlandicus Tijdschri ft biochemical Federation Netherland Transaction Biochemistry Fizika New Zealand Trava i I (-aux) biokhinicheskiY Fiziologiya nuclear tropical Biokhimiya Forestry Oceano!']raphy Trudy biological (-ogicheski Yl Forschung Optics ukrainian Biology (-ogiya) Foundation organic UK biophysical France original US, USA Biophysics Gazette Otde Ie n i e USSR Bodenkunde genera I Pathology University bolgarski Y genetical Pflanzen- vegetal botanical (-anicheskiYl Genetics Philosophy Virology Botany Gese II schaft physical Virusforschung british Giornale Physics Volume Bulletin helveticus physiological Weekblad Canada Histochemistry Physiology Hetenschappen cellular (-ulai re) Histology Phytopathology ~li SSenschaft central Horticulture Plant (-arum) Zeitschrift chemical hungaricus polish Zeitung Chemistry Husbandry Proceedings Zentralblatt chimicus imperial Pub I icat ion Zhurnal Ill The numbers at the end of each reference of a journal article denote : volume (issue) : first page- last page, year of pub! ication. The number of issue is given only in the journal where each issue is paginated separately. Book titles are cited according to the title page, not to the book jacket or cov er. (if the names of the editors are not given on the title page, they are not cited in the reference). The pub! ishing house, place and year of pub! ication are included. Brackets at the end of the reference give bib! iographic detai Is and explanations to the contents, not given in the original. The following abbreviations are used most often ab abstract Jap. Japanese Arm. Armenian Latv. Latvian Be I or us. Be I oruss ian Lithu. Lithuanian Bu I g. Bulgarian Norweg. Norwegian Car caroteno ids PC paper chromatography cc column chromatography PhAR photosynthetically active Chin Chinese radiation ChI chI orophy I I Pol. Polish Croat. Croatian Ps photosynthesis E English R Russian F French Roum. Roumanian G German Span. Spanish GC gas chromatography Swed. Swedish Georg. Georgian TLC thin-layer chromatography Hung. Hungarian Tr transpiration IRGA infra-red gas analyser Ukr. Ukrainian Ita I. Ita I ian Uz. Uzbeg The trans! iteration of Cyri I I ic characters is in accordance with the BSI-ASA/ /SC-Z39 draft table, i.e. : Trans! it. Cyri II. Trans! it. Cyri II. a a p n b 6 r p ch 4 s c d A sh w ee e3 ts hch ITll f <ll ts 4 g y H v B kvI "K' yya Rbl kh X yu 10 I Jl z 3 m M zh lK ... H 0 0 b Several exceptions apply for Ukrainian, Belorussian and Serbian Trans! it. Cyri II. Trans! it. Cyri II. Trans! it. Cyri II. Ukr. y H Serbian c n c 1.! i dj "b s m I dz \l c ~ Beloruss. h X uv yv j I j 1b nj 1-b Authors' names are presented in spel I ing used in the original paper. If this spel I ing does not correspond to the original spel I ing used by the author (e.g. Russian papers of Eng! ish authors), one spel I ing is referred to the other in the Authors' Index. Printers' errors in the original papers are marked by under! ining the respective words ( I etters). E R R A T Jl. Ref. no. For Read Volume 1, Part 1 361 Respitation Resp i ration VoluMe 1, Part 2 7217 vie i I I i sement vieil lissement Volume 2 9955 229 299 10311 resistance resistances Volume 4 17212- t1IZRAKH, S.A. 1721 17212 Volume 5, Part 2 p. 281 Age_ ·: ._. chI orophy I I 18431 19431 Volume 6 21537 pigmnet pigment 24780 evapotranspirazione evapotraspirazione 24827 del a de Ia p. 225 GOV.INDJ EE GOVINDJEE, R. p. 282 Leaf chamber ••. .chember chamber p. 285 11ode I of canopy 23471 23871 p. 286 02 and gas ..• 22442 22542 25162 - 25179 I ABO - AKA 25162 - ABDEL-RAHfllAN, M. : Ec fects of fungicide programs on tree growth, vigor, leaf cevelopment, chlorop yl I contents and fruit set of apples. - HortScience 11 (3, Sect. 2) : 318, g76. 25163- ABELIOVICH, f .. , AZOV, Y. : Tcxicity of ammonia to algae in sewage oxidation ponds. - Appl. envirc"n. r'icrobiol. 31 : 801 - 806, 1976. [Ps.~ ''25164- ABERNETHY, R.H., WRIGHT, L.N. : Inflorescence gas exchange and seed weight of blue panicgrass. -Crop Sci. 15 : 383- 384, 1975. ,',25165 - ACf:EFORS, H., HERNROTH, L., LINDNlL, C. : Studies on the primary and seconda ry production of plankton in the Baltic. - r~edd. Havsfiskelab. Lyseki I 186 : 1 - 3, 1975. 25166- JI,CKER, S., PICAUD, A., DURANTON, J. : Des activites photosynthetiques sans les complexes pigmentairPs CPI et.CP2. - Biochim. biophys. Acta 440 : 269- - 277, 1976. 25167- ACOCK, B., CHARLES-EDWARDS, D.A., HAND, D.W. :An analysis of some effects of humidity on photosynthesis by a tomato canopy under winter I ight condi tions and a range of carbon dioxide concentrations. - J. exp. Bot. 27 : 933- - 941, 1976. 25168- AGOCK, B., HAND, D.W., THORNLEY, J.H.M., W~RREN WILSON, J. : Photosynthesis in stands of green peppers. An application of empirical and mechanistic models to control led-environment data. -Ann. Bot. 40 : 1293- 1307, 1976. 25169- ADAMS, J.E., ARKIN, G.F., RITCHIE, J.T. : Influence of row spacing and straw mulch on first stage drying. -Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 40 : 436- 442, 1976. [Growth analysis.} 25170- ADEDIPE, N.O. : Comparative sensitivity of 14C-sucrose and 32P translocation to water stress pulse in Hibiscus esculentus (okra). - Biochem. Physiol. Pflan zen 169 : 347 -. 353, 1976. 25171 - J!.DEDIPE, N.O., FLETCHER, R.A., ORMROD, D.P. : Distribution of 14c assimilates in the cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) in relation to fruit abscission and treatment with benzyladenine. -Ann. Bot. 40 : 731 - 737, 1976. 25172 - ADELANA, 8.0. : Effects of plant density on tomato yields in Western Nigeria. - Exp. Agr. 12 : 43- 47, 1976. [Growth analysis.] 25173- ADJEI-TWU~l, D.C., SPLITTSTOESSER, W.E. : The effect of soi I water regimes on leaf water potential, growth and development of soybeans. - Physiol. Plant. 38 : 131 - 137, 1976. [Ps.] 25174- ADLER, K. : Sequential synthesis of membrane polypeptides in chloroplast thy lakoids of synchronized Chlorella pyrenoidosa eel Is. - Plant Sci. Lett. 6 : 261 - 266, 1976. 25175- ADYGEZALOV, V.F., GRDDZINSKII, D.P. : lzuchenie metabol icheskol prirody foto i nduts i ruemykh b i opotents i a Io v I i sta. [~1etabo I i c nature of photoinduced b i o-, potentials in the leaf.] - Fiziol. Biokhim. kul't. Rast. 8 : 601 - 606, 1976. [In R, ab : E.] 25176- AEROV, I.L. : VI iyanie rasseyaniya sveta mezhkletnikami na opticheskie para metry I ist'ev. [Effect of I ight scattering by intercellular spaces on optical parameters of leaves.] - Fiziol. Biokhim. kul1t. Rast. 8: 94- 98, 1976. [In R, ab : E.] 25177- AFLAFO, C., SHAVIT, N. Phosphorylation of nucleotides bound to chloroplast membranes and their role in photophosphorylation. - Biochim. biophys. Acta 440 : 522 - 530, 1976. 25178- AKANOV, E.N. : Metod avtomaticheskogo izmereniya i registratsii gazoobmena v fitotrone. [Automatic measuring and recording of gas exchange in a phyto tron.] - In : Gazometricheskoe lssledovanie Fotosinteza i Dykhaniya RasteniT. Pp. 7- 8. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Tartu 1976. [In R.~ 25179- AKAZAWA, T., OSMOND, C.B. : Structural properties and ribulosebisphosphate carboxylase and oxygenase activity of fraction-! protein from the marine alga Halimeda cylindracea (Chlorophyta}. - Aust. J. Plant Physiol. 3 : 93- 103, 1976. 25180 - 25197 I AKE - ALL 2 -A. : 25180 - AKERLUND, H. -E., ANDERSSON, B., ALBERTSSON, P. I so Ia t ion of Photosystem II enriched membrane vesicles from spinach chloroplasts by phase partition. - Biochim. biophys. Acta 449 : 525 - 535, 1976. 25181 -AKERS, C.P. : Tobacco leaf trichomes : ultrastructure of glandular trichomes. -Plant Physiol. 57 (Suppl.): 44, 1976. [Chloroplast.] 25182 - AKULOVA, E.A. : Dva puti transporta elektronov v khloroplastakh : fosfori I i ruyushchiY i nefosfori I iruyushchiY. [Two ways of electron transport in chlo roplasts : phosphorylating and non-phosphorylating.] - In : ltogi Issledova niya Mekhanizma Fotosinteza. Pp. 29- 34. Pushchino 1976~ [In R.) 25183- AKULOVA, E.A., ROSHCHINA, V.V. : Svetoindutsirovannye okislitel'no-vosstano vitel1nye prevrashcheniya tsitokhroma f v I ist'yakh gorokha. [Light-induced redox conversions of cytochrome f in pea leaves.) - Biokhimiya 41 : 1742 - - 1747, 1976. [In R, ab : E.] 25184- ALBERTE, R.S., HESKETH, J.D., KIRBY, J.S. : Comparisons of photosynthetic ac tivity and ·ramel lar characteristics of virescent and normal green peanut lea ves.<• Z. Pflanzenphysiol. 7? : 152 - 159, 1976. 25185- ALBERTE, R.S., HESKETH, J.D., THORNBER, J.P., KLEINHOFS, A. : Comparisons of photosynthetic activity and chloroplast lame! lar characteristics of chloro phyll mutants of barley. -Plant Physiol. 5? (Suppl.) : 72, 1976. 25186- ALBERT£, R.S., McCLURE, P.R., THORNBER, J.P. : Photosynthe~is in trees. Organi zation of chlorophyl I and photosynthetic unit size in isolated gymnosperm chloroplasts. -Plant Physiol. 58 : 341 - 344, 1976. 25187- ALBERTINE, K.H., MARAVOLO, N.C., KAUSTINEN, H. : Effects of gibberellin and several growth retardants on plastid ultrastructure in the hepatic Marehantia polymorpha. - B~yologist ?9 : 22 - 34, 1976. 25188- ALBERTSSOrJ, P.-.t' .. , LARSSON, C. : Properties of chloroplasts isolated by phase partition.- Mol. eel I. Biochem. 11 : 183- 189, 1976. 25189- ALDERFER, R.G., EAGLES, C.F. : The effects of partial defoliation on the growth and photosynthetic efficiency of bean leaves. - Bot: Gaz. 13? : 351 - - 355, 1976. 25190 - ALEXANDER, A. G., BIDDULPH, 0. : Effects of Paraquat on carbon assimi I at ion and transport by sugarcane leaves in white light and darkness.- Plant Cel I Physiol. 17 : 601 - 609, 1976. 25191- ALFANO, R.R., YU, W., GOVINDJEE, R., BECHER, B., EBREY, T.G. : Picosecond ki netics of the fluorescence from the chromophore of the purple membrane pro tein of Halobaeterium halobium. - Biophys. J. 16 : 541 - 545, 1976. 25192- ALIEV, K.A., VASIL'EVA, V.N. : DeYstvie khloramfenikola i tsiklogeksimida na sintez i karboksi laznuyu aktivnost' ribulezo-1 ,5-difosfat-karboksi lazy. [Ef fect of chloramphenicol and cycloheximide on the synthesis and carboxylating activity of ribulose-1,5-diphosphate carboxylase.] - Fiziol. Rast. 23:786- - 791, 1976. [In R, ab: E.] 25193- ALLAWAY, W.G. : Influence of stomatal behaviour on long distance transport. - In : WARDLAW, I.F., PASSIOURA, J.B. (ed.) : Transport and Transfer Processes in Plants. Pp. 295- 311. Academic Press, New York- San Francisco- London 1976. [Photosynthates.) 25194 - ALLAWII.Y, W.G., HILTHORPE, F.L. : Structure and functioning of stomata. - In KOZLOWSKI, T.T. (ed.) :Water Deficits and Plant Growth. Vol. IV. Pp. 57- 102. Academic Press, New York- San Francisco- London 1976. [Ps.] 25195- ALLEN, L.H., Jr., LEMON, E.R. :Carbon dioxide exchange and turbulence in a Costa Rican tropical rain forest.- In :MONTEITH, J.L. (ed.) : Vegetation and the Atmosphere. Vol. 2. Case Studies. Pp. 265- 308. Academic Press, Lon don - New York - San Francisco 1976. 25196 -ALLEN, M.J., CRf.NE, A. E. : Null potential voltammetry - an approach to the study of plant photosystems. - Bioelectrochem. Bioenerg. 3 : 84 - 91, 1976. 25197 - ALLEN, M.M., llUTCIHSOil, F. : Effect of some environmental factors on cyanopha ge AS-1 development in Anacystis nidulans. -Arch. ~-Hcrobiol. 110 : 55 - 60, 1976. [Ps.] 3 25198 - 25216 I ALL - AND 25198- ALLEN, R.J., Jr. : A five-year comparison of solar radiation and sugarcane production in the Everglades agricultural area. -Sol I Crop Sci. Soc. Florida Proc. 36 : 197 - 200, 1976. [Prediction.] 25199- ALSCHER, R., SMITH, M.A., PETERSEN, L.W., HUFFAKER, R.C., CRIDDLE, R.S. :In vitro synthesis of the large subunit of ribulose diphosphate carboxylase on 70S ribosomes. -Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 174 : 216- 225, 1976. 25200- ALSCHER, R.G., HAWKES, S.P., SAUER, K. : The association of protein synthesis with protochlorophyl I ide holochrome regeneration in dark-grown barley leaves. - Biochem. biophys. Res. Commun. 73 : 240 - 247, 1976. 25201 - ALVAGER, T., GROSS, J.A., MAGYAR, R. : Nanosecond fluorescence study of chlo roplast systems. - Proc. indian Acad. Sci. 85 : 343- 349, 1976. 25202- AMESZ, J., DE GROOTH, B.G. : Photosynthetic electron transport and electro chromic effects at sub-zero temperatures. : Biochim. biophys. Acta 440 : 301- - 313, 1976. 25203- AMIRDZHANOV, A.G., KIRPICHEV, I.V., PRIVALOVA, E.A. : Matematicheskoe opisa nie zavisimosti radiatsionnogo rezhima krony vinogradnogo kusta ot fitometri cheskikh kharakteristik. [Mathematical description of the effect of phytomet ric characteristics on the radiation regime of the crown of grapevine.] - Fi ziol. Rast. 23 : 58- 66, 1976. [In R, ab : E.] *25204- AMIRI, Z. : Contribution~ !'etude des pigments chlorophyl I lens de Ia feui I le de tabac. -Ann. Dir. Etud. Equip. SEITA, Sect. 2, 8 : 73- 121, 1971. [Chi determination.] 25205- AMPOFO, S.T., ''OORE, K.G., LOVELL, P.H. :The role of the cotyledons in four Acer species and in Fagus sylvatica during early seed I ing development. - New Phytol. 76 : 31 - 39, 1976. [Ps, Chi.] 25206- AMPOFO, S.T., MOORE, K.G., LOVELL, P.H. : Cotyledon photosynthesis during seed I ing development in Acer.- New Phytol. 76 : 41 -52, 1976. 25207- AMPOFO, S.T., MOORE, K.G., LOVELL, P.H. : The influence of leaves on cotyle don photosynthesis and export during seed I ing development in Acer. - New Phy tol. 76 : 247- 255, 1976. 25208- ANDERSAG, R., PIRSDN, A. : Verwertung von Glukose in Chlorel lakulturen bel Blau- und Rotl ichtbestrahlung. - Biochem. Physiol. Pflanzen 169 : 71 - 85, 1976. [Chi.] 25209- ANDERSEN, A.S. : Regulation of apical dominance by ethephon, irradiance and C02. - Physiol. Plant. 37 : 303- 308, 1976. [Growth analysis.] 25210 -ANDERSEN, F.~. : Primary production in a shallow water lake with special re ference to a reed swamp. - Oikos 27 : 243- 250, 1976. [Chi.] 25211 -ANDERSON, L.E., AVRON, M. : Light modulation of enzyme activity in chloro plasts. Generation of membrane-bound vicinal-dithiol groups by photosynthetic electron transport.- Plant Physiol. 57 : 209- 213, 1976. 2S212- ANDERSON, L.E., AVRON, 11. :Reductive generation of vicinal-dithiols by pho tosynthetic electron transport system is involved in light-regulation of chloroplast enzyme activity. - In : SHALTIEL, S. (ed.) : Metabolic lntercon version of Enzymes 1975. Pp. 220- 226. Springer-Verlag, Berlin- Heidelberg - New York 1976. 25213- ANDERSON, L.E., DUGGAN, J.X. : Light modulation of glucose-6-phosphate dehyd rogenase. Partial characterization of the light inactivatipn system and its effects on the properties of the chloroplastic and cytoplasmic forms of the enzyme. -Plant Physiol. 58 : 135- 139, 1976. 25214- ANDERSON, L.E., NEHRLICH, S.C. : Are the dark forms of the 1 ight-modulated carbon metabolism enzymes Hi I I reagents?- Plant Physiol. 57 (Suppl.) : 5, 1976. 25215 -ANDERSON, O.R. : Respiration an~ photosynthesis during resting eel I formation in Amphora coffeaeformis (AG.)KUTZ. - Limnol. Oceanogr. 21 : 452- 456, 1976. 25216- ANDERSON, W.R., JOHNSON, M., LAYCOCK, R., SMITH, B.N. : 13cjl2c fractionation

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