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Preview References no. 18421–21504 / ABD–ZYL

Photosynthesis Bibliography volume 5/1 1974 References no. 18421-21504 / ABO - ZYL v v Editors Z. Sestak & J. Catsky Dr. W. Junk b.v. - Publishers - The Hague 1979 ISBN-13: 978-90-6193-044-0 e-ISBN-13: 978-94-009-9589-5 001: 10.1007/978-94-009-9589-5 @ Dr. W. Junk b.v. - Publishers - The Hague 1979 PREFACE The bibliography includes papers in al I fields of photosynthesis research - from stu dies of model biochemical and biophysical systems of the photosynthesis mechanism to primary production studied by the so-cal led growth analysis. In addition to papers devoted entirely'to photosynthesis, papers on other topics are included if they con tain data on photosynthetic activity, photorespiration, chloroplast structure, chlo rophyll and carotenoid synthesis and destruction, etc." or if they contain valuable methodological information (measurement of selected environmental factors, leaf area, etc.). In many branches it has been very difficult to define the I imits of interest for photosynthesis researchers. This problem has arisen e.g. in topics deal ing with the transport of gases, where - in addition to the papers on CO2 transfer - some pa pers on water vapour transfer are included, these being of general application. On the other hand, many papers deal ing with the anatomy and physiology of stomata have been omitted, if the aspect of carbon dioxide or water vapour 'exchange has not been discussed. This volume contains references to papers publiphed in the year 1974, and, simi larty to Vol. 4, also addenda inc~uding references publ ished in the preceding period (i.e. 1966 - 1973). The numbers of these additional references.are label led with an asterisk in the list of refe.rences To maximize the value of the bibl iography the references are arranged alpha betical Iy by authors' names, and each volume is provided with three indexes. The authors' index contains al I names of authors, co-authors and editors. The subject in dex covers only primary items chosen according to their interest for photosynthesis researchers. In this volume its preparation was based mainly on the paper titles, key words and abstracts. In the plant index, only important crop plants and selected plant types and groups are indexed. Cumulative indexes accompany Volumes 1, 5, and then every fLfth volume, i.e. Vols. 10, 15, etc. We have tried to'cover fully the relevant papers which have appeared in the most important scientific periodicals and books. Articles publ ished in local journals, mimeographed booklets, abstracts of theses and of symposia contributions, etc., were chosen mostly from reprints and I ists of publ ications received directly from the authors. Since some 3000 relevant papers are currently publ ished every year and in cluded in this bibl iography, and since the majority of citations have been checked with the originals, collecting and preparing for publ ication of such a large amount of material would have been impossible without the collaboration of the authors of the relevant publ ications. The courtesy of those authors who have already suppl ied us with reprints is highly appreciated. We acknowledge with thanks the cooperation of our col leagues from the Depart ment of Physiology of Photosynthesis and Water Relations of the Institute of Experi mental Bota~~ of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences in Prague, especially Mrs. DRAHOflIRA TEZKA who helped in preparing the card material and typing the manuscript, Dr. INGRID TICHA who he I ped with comp I et i ng and check i ng the references, and Mr. PETR ZAZVORKA who suppl ied us w~to rare.periodicals. In addition, the former I ibrarian of the I nst i tute, Mrs. ALENA STETINOVA, he I ped us with check i ng the references. Dr. Z. SESTAK and Dr. J. CATSKY Institute of Experimental Botany Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences Flemingovo n. 2 160 00 PRAHA 6 Czechoslovakia II INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE All references are arranged alphabetically according to the authors' names and the year of publ ication. They are numbered and these numbers are used in the indexes. In case of a book title, the number is preceded by B. An asterisk preceding the num ber denotes the reference publ ished in the preceding period (1966 - 1973). The references contain the original unshortened title of the paper (book). lngl ish, French and German titles are cited in the original language. Titles in other languages are supplemented with a translation in Engl ish (sometimes using the title of the respective Engl ish abstract or a shortened title with omitted deadweight words). Titles of Japanese, Chinese etc. papers are given in Engl ish translation only. The journals' names are abbreviated mainly according to the "Style Manual for Biolo gical Journals" (Second Edition, Amer. Institute of Biological Sciences, Washington, D.C. 1964), e.g. Abhandlungen chinese Industry Pub 1 i shers Abstract Chromatography i norgan i c quantitative Abte i lung Commi ss i on Institute Quarter Iy Academy Communication international Radiation Acta comparative Investigation Radiobiology Africa Comptes rendus ital ian RasteniY agri cu It ura I Conference Izvestiya Recherche Agriculture Congress Jahrbuch Report Agronomy Contribution japanese Research Akademie (-emiya) Cytochemi stry Japan Review Algology Cytology Journa I royal allgemeine czechoslovak Klasse russ i an american Dendrology Laboratory ruSSki Y America Department Landwirtschaft Scandinavicus analytical Deutschland Letters Science Anatomy Disease Limnology Section angewandte Dissertation tlagaz i n Series (-iya) Annals Doklady marine Society annual DOpovidi ~1athemat i cs SovetskiY anorganisch (-nic) Ecology ~licrobiology soviet applied Education mi sce I Ia neous SpeCial Arbeit Embryology molecular SSSR Archiv Encyclopedia tlon09raph Stat i on Atmosphere Engineer moskovskiY Supplement atomic Enzymology ~lycology Survey Austral ia europea n national Sympos i um Beiheft experimenta I natural technical Belgique Experiment Naturforschung Technology Bericht Faculty neerlandicus Tijdschrift biochemical Federation Nether Ia nd Transaction Biochemi stry Fizika New Zealand Trava i I (-aux) biokhinicheskiY Fiziologiya nuclear tropical Biokhimiya Forestry OceanoC]raphy Trudy biological (-ogicheski Y) Forschung Optics ukrainian Biology (-ogiya) Foundation organic UK biophysical Fra nce original US, USA BiophySics Gazette Otde Ie n i e USSR Bodenkunde (jenera I Pathology University bolgarski Y <1enetical Pfl anzen- vegeta I botanica I (-anicheski Y) Genetics Phi losophy Virology Botany Gese I I schaft phySical Virusforschung british Giornale PhYSics Volume Bulleti n he 1v et icus physiological Weekblad Canada HistocheJ'listry Physiology lIetenschappen cellular (-ulaire) Histology Phytopathology WiSSenschaft central Horticulture Plant (-arum) Zeitschrift chemical hungaricus polish Zeitunq Chemistry Husbandry Proceedings Zentralblatt chimi cus imperial Pub I i cat i on Zhurnal III The numbers at the end of each reference of a journal article denote: volume (issue) : first page - last page, year of publ ication. The number of issue is given only in the journal where each issue is paginated separately. Book titles are cited according to the title page, not to the book jacket or cov er (if the names of the editors are not given on the title page, they are not cited in the reference). The publ ishing house, place and year of publ ication are included. Brackets at the end of the reference give bib I iographic detai Is and explanations to the contents, not given in the original. The fol lowing abbreviations are used most often ab abstract Jap. Japanese Arm. Armenian Latv. Latvian Belorus. Belorussian Lithu. Lithuanian Bu Ig . Bulgarian Norweg. Norwegian Car carotenoids Pc paper chromatography CC column chromatography PhAR photosyntheti ca I IY act i ve Chin Chinese radiation Chi ch Io rophy I I Pol. Po Ii sh Croat. Croatian Ps photosynthesis E Eng I ish R Russian F French Roum. Roumanian G German Span. Spanish GC gas chromatography Swed. Swedish Georg. Georg i an HC thin-layer chromatography Hung. Hungarian Tr transpiration IRGA infra-red gas analyser Ukr. Ukrainian Ita I. Ita I ian Uz. Uzbeg The transl iteration of Cyri I I Ic characters is in accordance with the BSI-ASA/ /SC-Z39 draft table, i.e. : Translit. Cyri II . Transl it. Cyri II . a a p n b 6 r p ch " s c d A sh w e e shch e ~ 3 1: T f ¢ ts 4 g r y " v B .:; Y bl k K ya R kh x yu 10 I Il Z 3 m M zh II( n H " b 0 0 Several exceptions apply for Ukrainian, Belorussian and Serbian Transl it. Cyr ill. Transl it. Cyri I I . Ukr. y " Serbian C h dj b I dz \I Be Io russ. h x y j Ij 1b nj Ii> Authors' names are presented in spe I Ii n9 used in the or i gina I paper. If th i 5 spell ing does not correspond to the original spell ing used by the author (e.g. Russian papers of Eng I ish authors), one spe I ling is referred to the other in the Authors' Index. Printers' errors in the original papers are marked by underl ining the respective words (I etters). ERR A T A Ref. No. For Read Volume 4 16950 [tn Span., ab E.] [In Ital., ab E.] 18421 - 18437 I ABD - AKU 18421 - ABDULLAEVA, S.K., GILLER, Yu.L : Iskusstvennyi~ kompleks meti Ikhlorofi Ilida a + b s belkom. [Artificial complex of methylchlorophyllide a + b with pro tein.] - Dokl. Akad. Nauk tadzh. SSR 17 (5) : 55 - 57, 1974. [In R, ab : Tajik.] 18422 - ABRAllS, G.J. von: An effect of ornithine on degradation of.chlorophyll and pro tein in excised leaf tissue. - Z. Pf lanzenphysiol. 72 : 410 - 421, 1974. 18423 - ABRASHEVA, P., SLAVCHEVA, T. : Vliyanie na Court-Noue virus v"rkhu intenzite ta na fotosintezata pri lozata. [Effect of Court-Noue vi rus on photosynthetic rate in grapevine.] - Gradinar. lozar. Nauka 11 : 125 - 129, 1974. [In Bu Ig., ab : F, R.] 18424 - ADAMS, M.S., McCRACKEN, M.D. : Seasonal production of the Myriophyllum compo nent of the littoral of Lake Wingra, Wisconsin. - J. Ecol. 62 : 457 - 465, 1974. [Ps.] 18425 - ADAMS, M.S., TITUS, J., McCRACKEN, M. : Depth distribytion of photosynthetic activity in a MYriophyllum spicatum community in Lake Wingra. - Limnol. Oceanogr. 19 : 377 - 389, 1974. 18426 - ADENIKINJU, S.A. : Analysis of growth patterns in cocoa seedlings as inf lu enced by bean maturity. - Exp: Agr. 10 : 141 - 147, 1974. 18427 ADENIKINJU, S.A. : A rapid non-destructive means of calculating leaf area in cocoa. - Trop. Agr. 51 : 578 - 579, 1974. 18428 - ADLER, E.N. : Lokal izatsiya khlorofi I la v godichnom tsikle generativnykh po chek cheremukhi obyknovennoY i yabloni BashkirskiY krasavets. [ChlorophyI I localization in annual cycle of generative buds of bird cherry and apple cv. BashkirskiY krasavets.J - In : Fiziologiya i Biokhimiya ZimostoYkosti Dr'eves nykh RasteniY. Pp. 52 - 55. Inst. Bioi. bashkir. Fi I. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ufa 1974. [In R.] 18429 - ADLER, K. : Polypeptide composition of ultrasonic- and detergent-produced chloroplast membrane particles derived from Iyophi I ized Vicia faba chloro plasts. - Photosynthetica 8 : 360 - 367, 1974. 18430 - ADOMAKO, D., HUTCHEON, ~J. V. : Ca rbohyd rate metabo I ism and trans Io eat i on in healthy and cocoa swol len shoot virus-infected cocoa plants. - Physiol. Plant. 30 : 90 - 96, 1974. 18431 - AGALIDIS, I., JAUNEAIJ, L, REISS-HUSSON, F. : Influence of iron deficiency on the cytochromes of Rhodopseudomonas spheroides. - Europe. J. Biochem. 47 573 - 580, 1974. ,"18432 - AHtlED, A.M., RADI, A.F., KHODARY, S.II. : Influence of mineral nutrients on photosynthesis and some related metabolic processes. I. Phosphorus. - Bull. Fac. Sci. (Assiut) 2 : 3 - 12, 1973. 1'18433 - AHMED, A.M., RADI, A.F., KHODARY, S.A. : Photosynthesis and some related me tabolic processes of bean plants as inf luenced by phosphorus and potassium levels. - Bull. Fac. Sci. (Assiut) 2 : 41 - 52, 1973. 18434 - AKOPYAN, G.O. : VI iyanie raznykh doz azota, fosfora i kal iva na nakoplenie vitamina E i karotina v I ist'yakh sakharnoY svekly v usloviyakh gidroponiki. [Effect of different doses of N, P, K on the accumulation of vitamin E and carotene in the leaves of sugar beet grown under open-air hydroponic condi tions.] - Soobshch. Inst. agrokhim. Problem Gidroponiki Akad. Nauk armyan. SSR 14 (Voprosy ObshcheY Agrokhimi i) : 94 - 97, 1974. [In R, ab : Arm., E.J 18435 - AKOYUNOGLOU, G., ARGYROUDI-AKOYUNOGLOU, J. : Reconstitution of grana ~hyla­ koids in spinach chloroplasts. - FEBS Lett. 42 : 135 - 140, 1974. 618436 - AKULOVA, E.~. (ed.) : Metody Issledovaniya Fotosinteticheskogo Transporta Elektrona. [Methods of Studying Photosynthetic Electron Transport.] - Inst. Fotosinteza Akad. Nauk SSSR, Pushchino 1974. [In R.] 18437 - AKULOVA, E.A., MUKHIN, E.N. : Primenenie ingibitorov fermentov donorov eiek tronov pri izuchenii fotosinteticheskogo transporta eiektr'onov v khloroplas takh. [Use of inhibitors of enzymes and electr'on donors in study of photosyn thetic electron transport in chloroplasts.] - In : IIKULOVII, E.A. (ed.) : 18437 - 18451 I AKU - ALL 2 Metody Issledovaniya Fotosinteticheskogo Transporta Elektrona. Pp. 33 - 47. Inst. Fotosinteza Akad. Nauk SSSR, Pushchino 1974. [In R.J 18438 - AKULOVICH, N.K., ORLOVSKAYA, K.I., PARSHIKOVA, T.A. : Kharakteristika prot sessov nakopleniya protokhlorofi I la i obrazovaniya ego spektral'nykh form v razvivayushchikhsya etiolirovannykh rastenlyakh. [Characteristics of pro cesses of protochlorophyl I accumulation and formation of its spectral forms in developing etiolated plants.] - In: SHLYK, A.A. (ed.) : Khlorofill. Pp. 168 - 179. Nauka i Tekhnika, Minsk 1974. [In R.J 18439 - AKULOVICH, N.K., RASKIN, V.I., GODNEV, T.N., ORLOVSKAYA, K.I., PARSHIKOVA, T. A., GUREVICH, G.M. : 0 prirode spektral'nykh form khlorofillida osveshchen nykh posle etiolyatsii list'ev. [Nature of spectral forms of chlorophyl lide after illumination of etiolated leaves.] ~ In : Vtoraya Konferentsiya Belo russkogo Biokhimicheskogo Obshchestva. Tezisy Dokladov. Pp. 199 - 200. Nauka i Tekhnika, Minsk 1974. [In R.] 18440 - AL-ABBAS, A.H., BARR, R., HALL, J.D., CRANE, F.L., BAUMGARDNER, M.F. : Spec tra of normal and nutrient-deficient maize leaves. - Agron. J. 66 : 16 - 20, 1974. [Chl.J 18441 - ALBERTE, R.S., HESKETH, J.D., HOFSTRA, G., THORNBER, J.P., NAYLOR, A.H., BERNARD, R.L., BRIM, C., ENDRIZZI, 'J., KOHEL, R.J. : Composition and activity of the photosynthetic apparatus in temperature-sensitive mutants of higher plants. - Proc. nat.Acad. Sci. USA 71 : 2414 - 2418, 1974. 18442 - ALBERTE, R.S., THORNBER, J.P. : The correlation between chlorophyl I alb ratio and proportions of chlorophyl I-protein complexes in green plants. - Plant Physiol. 1974 (Suppl.) : 63,1974. 18443 - ALElrHKOV, IJ1., LEBEDEV, S.l. : Karotinoidy khloroplastov i ikh rol' v foto sinteze. [Chloroplast carotenoids and their role in photosynthesis.] - Nauch. Tr. ukr. sel'.-khoz. Akad. 102 - Fotosinteticheskaya Deyatel'nost' Rastenir i Puti Povysheniya Produktivnosti Sel 'skokhozyaYstvennykh Kul'tur : 13 - 19, 1974. [In R.] 18444 - ALEXANDER, A.G., KUMAR, A. : Relationships of chlorophyl I and enzyme gradients to sucrose content of sugarcane leaves. - J. Agr. Univ. Puerto Rico 58 406 - 417, 1974. 18445 - ALEXANDER, V. : Primary productivity regimes of the nearshore Beaufort Sea, with reference to potential roles of ice biota. - In : REED, J.C., SATER, J. E. (ed.) : The Coast and Shelf of the Beaufort Sea. Pp. 609 - 635. Arctic Inst. North America, Arlington 1974. 18446 - ALEXANDER, V., BARSDATE, R.J.: Limnological studies of a subarctic lake system. - Int. Rev. ges. Hydrobiol. 59 : 737 - 753, 1974. [Chi.] B18447 - ALIEV, D.A. : Fotosinteticheskaya Deyatel'nost', Mineral'noe Pitanie i Produk tivnost' Rastenir. [Photosynthetic Activity, Mineral Nutrition, and Producti vity of Plants.] - Elm, Baku 1974. [In R.J 18448 - ALIEV, R.T. : [Effect of nutrition on productivity of photosynthesis in dif ferent wheat varieties.] - Izv. Akad. Nauk azerb. SSR, Ser. bioi. Nauk 1974 (4) : 25 - 29, 1974. [In Azerb., ab : R.] *18449 - ALIEV, S.A., RZAEV, N.M. : VI iyanie dykhaniya pochvy na fotosintez rasteniY na serozemnO-lugovykh pochvakh ShirvanskoY stepi. [Effect of gas exchange of soi I on plant photosynthesis in sierozem-meadow soi Is of the Shirvan Steppe.] - Izv. Akad. Nauk azerb. SSR, Ser. bioi. Nauk 1973 (1) : 41 - 44, 1973. [In R, ab·: Azerb.J 18450 - ALlEVA, S.A., TAIRBEKOV, M.G. : UI'trastrukturnaya organizatsiya i mekhanokhi micheskie svoYstva· membran khloroplastov Cicer orientinum. [Ultrastructure, mechanical and chemical properties of chloroplast membranes of Cicer orienti num.J - Dokl. Akad. Nauk azerb. SSR 30 (9) : 42 - 46, 1974. [In R, ab : Azerb., E.] 18451 - ALLAHAY, H.G., AUSTIN, B., SLATYER, R.O. : Carbon dioxide and water vapour ex change parameters of photosynthesis in a crassulacean plant, Kalanchoe daigre montania. - Aust. J. Plant Physiol. 1 : 397 - 405, 1974. 3 18452 - 18470 / ALL - AND 18452 - ALLA~IAY, W.G., OSMOND, C.B., TROUGHTON, J.H. : Environmental regulation of growth, photosynthetic pathway and carbon isotope discrimination ratio in plants capable of Crassulacean Acid Metabolism. - In : BIELESKI, R.L., FER GUSON, A.R., CRESSWELL, M.t1- Ced.) : Mechanisms of Regu latipn of Plant Growth. Roy. Soc. N.Z. Bul I. 12 : 195 - 202, 1974. 18453 - ALLEN, J.'F., HALL, D.O. : The relationship of oxygen uptake to electron trans port in photosystem I of isolated chloroplasts: the role of superoxide and ascorbate. - Biochem. biophys. Res. Commun. 58 .: 579 - 585, 1974. 18454 - ALLEN, L.H., Jr. : Model of light penetration into a wide-row crop. - Agron. J. 66 : 41 - 47, 1974. 18455 - ALLEN, L.H., Jr. : Line source carbon dioxide release. II. Two-dimensional numerical diffusion model. - Agron. J. 66 : 616 - 620, 1974. 18456 - ALLEN, L. H., Jr., DESJARDINS, R. L., LEMON, E. R. : Line, source carbon d i ox i de release. I. Field experiment. - Agron. J. 66 : 609 - 615, 1974. 18457 - ALLEN, L. . H., Jr., HANKS, R.J., AASE, J.K., GARDNER, H.R. : Carbon dioxide up take by wide-row grain sorghu~ computed by the profi Ie Bowen ratio. - Agron. J. 66 : 35 - 41, 1974. 18458 - ALLEN, L. H., Jr., STnJART, D.. ~J., LEMON, E. R. : Photosynthes i sin p Ia nt cano pies: Effect of light response curves and radiation source geometry. - Pho tosynthetica 8 : 184 - 207, 1974. 18459 - ALLEN, M.J., CURTIS, J.A., KERR, M.W. : Electrochemical phenomena associated with the "light reaction" in chloroplast thylakoids. - Bioelectrochem. Bio energ. 1 : 408 - 417, 1974. 18460 - ALLISON, J.C.S., THOMAS, P.E.L. : Leaf arrangement of Rhodesian maize culti var SR 52. - Rhod. J. agr. Res. 12 : 85 - 87, 1974. 18461 - ALSCHER, R., SMITH, M.A., PETERSEN, L., HUFFAKER, R.C., CRIDDLE, R.S. : In vitro synthesis of the large subunit of ribulosediphosphate carboxylase on 70S chl~roplast ribosomes. - Plant Physiol. 1974 (Suppl.) : 8, 1974. 18462 - AMBROSAU, A.L., SHCHUTSKAYA, V.V. : Nekatoryya patalagichnyya zmyanenni me tabal izmu u raslin bul'by pry parazhenni L-virusam. [Some pathological chan ges in metabolism of potato plants infected by virus L.J - Vestsi Akad. Navuk belarus. SSR, Ser. biyal. Navuk 1974 (3) : 57 - 60, 1974. CPs; in Belorus.J 18463 - AMES, I.H., PIVORUN, J.P. : A cytochemical investigation of a chloroplast in clusion. - Amer. J. Bot. 61 : 794 - 797, 1974. 18464 - AMESZ, J. : IV. Photosynthesis. Biophysical aspects. - Progr. Bot. 37 : 107 - - 120, 1974. 18465 - AMIRDZHANOV, A.G., POTAPOV, N.S., VELIEV, S.Ya., KIRPICHEV, I.V. : Pogloshche nie solnechnor radiatsii rasteniyami vinograda pri razlichnor strukture na sazhdeniya. [Absorption of solar radiation by grape plants with different structure of stand.] - Fiziol. Biokhim. kul't. Rast. 6 : 537 - 543, 1974. [In R, ab : E.] , 18466 - AMOUYAL, E., BENSASSON, R., LAND, E.J. : Triplet states of ubiquinone analogs studied by ultraviolet and electron nanosecond irradiation. - Photochem. Pho tobiol. 20 : 415 - 422, 1974. 18467 - ANDERSEN, W.R., HESS, W.M., PETERSEN, L.W. : Calvin cycle enzyme activity and ultrastructure of variegated tissues of a chlorophyl I mutant in tomato, - Ca ryologia 27 : 129 - 141, 1974. 18468 - ANDERSON, J.M., LEVINE, R.P. : Membrane polypeptides of some higher plant chloroplasts. - Biochim. biophys. Acta 333 : 378 - 387, 1974. 18469 - ANDERSON, J.M., LEVINE, R.P. : The r'elationship between chlorophyll-protein comp!Jxes and chloroplast membrane polypeptides. - Biochim. biophys. Acta 357 : 118 - 126, 1974. 18470 - ANDERSON, L.E. : Activation of pea leaf chloroplast sedoheptulose 1,7-diphos phate phosphatase by I ight and dithiothreitol. - Biochem. biophys. Res. Com mun. 59 : 907 - 913, 1974. 18471 - 18489 / AND - ARK 4 18471 - ANDERSON, L.E. : Microenvironmental manipulation of the observed Michaelis constant of ribulose diphosphate carboxylase. - Plant Physiol. 54 : 791 - 793, 1974. 18472 - ANDERSON, L.E., NG, T.-C.L., PARK, K.-E.Y. : Inactivation of pea leaf chloro plastic and cytoplasmic glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenases by light and di thiothrei.tol. - Plant Physiol. 53 : &35 - 839,1974. 18473 - ANDERSON, M.C., MILLER, E.E. : Forest cover as a solar camera: Penumbral ef fects in plant canopies. - J. appl. Ecol. 11 : 691 - 697, 1974. 18474 - ANDERSON, M.M., McCARTY, R.E., ZIMMER, E.A. : The role of galactolipids in spinach chloroplast lamellar membranes. I. Partial purification of a bean leaf galactolipid lipase and its action on subchloroplast particles. - Plant Physiol. 53 : 699 - 704, 1974. 18475 - ANDERSON, R.S. : Diurnal primary production patterns in seven lakes and ponds in Alberta (Canada). - Oecologia 14 : 1 - 17, 1974. 18476 - ANDING, C., OURISSON, G. : Etude des sterols durant Ie verdissement d'Euglena g~cili8 Z etiolee. - Physiol. veg. 12 : 299 - 307, 1974. 18477 - ANDREO, C.S., VALLEJOS, R.H. : Alcaloides y fotosintesis. Acci6n de diversos alcaloides sobre las reacciones fotosinteticas de transferencia de energia en cloroplastos de espinaca. [Alcaloids and photosynthesis. Action of different alcaloids on the reactions of photosynthetic energy transformation in spinach ch loroplasts.] - Cienc. Invest. 30 : 81 - 84, 1974. [In Span.J 18478 - ANDREO, C.S., VALLEJOS, R.H. : Uncoupling of photophosphorylation in spinach chloroplasts by the ionophorous antibiotic A23187. - FEBS Lett. 46 : 343 - - 346, 1974. 18479 - ANDREWS, R., COLEMAN, D.C., ELLIS, J.E., SINGH, J.S. : Energy flow relation ships in a shortgrass prairie ecosystem. - In : Proceedings of the First In ternational Congress of Ecology. Pp. 22 - 28. Pudoc, Wageningen 1974. [Prima ry product i on.J 18480 - ANSTIS, P.J.P., NORTHCOTE, D.H. : Chlorophyl I accumulation by cal Ius tissues of Glycine max. - Planta 116 : 105 - 108, 1974. 18481 - ANTOSZEWSKI, R., DZIECIO~, U. : Translocation and accumulation of 14C~photo­ synthates in the strawberry plant. - Hort. Res. 13 : 75 - 8i, 1974. 18482 - AONO, R., KANO, H., HIRATA, H. : Photosynthetic activity of isolated spinach mesophyl I cel Is. - Plant Cel I Physiol. 15 : 567 - 570, 1974. 18483 - D'AOUST, A.L., CANVIN, D.T. : Caracteristiques du 14C02 degage a la lumiere et a I' obscurite par des feui lies de haricot, de radis, de tabac et de tour nesol pendant et apres une photosynthese en presence de 14C02. - Physiol. veg. 12 : 545 - 560, 1974. 18484 - APARICIO, P.J., ANDO, K., ARNON, D.I. : Photochemical activity and components of membrane preparations from blue-green algae. I I. Low-temperature photooxi dation of cytochrome b559• - Biochim. biophys. Acta 357 : 246 - 251, 1974. 18485 - APPLETON, D.W., SARKAR, B. : The activity-related ionization in carbonic an hydrase. - Proc. nat. Acad. Sci. USA 71 : 1686 - 1690, 1974. 18486 - ARATA, H., TAKAMIYA, K.-I., NISHIMURA, M. : New type of delayed I ight emission from photosynthetic bacteria. - Biochim. biophys. Acta 357 : 365 - 369, 1974. *18487 - AREVSHATYAN, A.A., BENYUSH, V.A., POLIVODA, A.I. : K voprosu 0 zavisimosti dlitel'noY Iyuminestsentsii ot zhiznedeyatel'nosti kletok khlorel Iy. [Depen dence of delayed luminescence on the viabi lity of Chlorella cel Is.J - Bioi. Zh. Arm. 20 (3) : 99 - 101, 1967. [In R, ab : Arm.J 18488 - ARIYANAYAGAM, R.P., t100RE, C.L., CARANGAL, V.R. : Selection for leaf angle in maize and its effect on grain yield and other characters. - Crop Sci. 14 551 - 556, 1974. 18489 - ARKIN, G.F., PERRIER, E.P. : Vorticular air flow within an open row crop ca nopy. - Agr. Meteor-ol. 13 : 359 - 374, 1974.

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