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t r o p e r l a r e n e g reFerenceS and backgroUnd paperS GENERAL REPORT - REFERENCES AND BACKGROUND PAPERS 155 156 ARAB KNOWLEDGE REPORT 2010/2011 references t r o p e r reFerenceS In arabIc al-bilawi, hassan. 1986. Dirasa Naqdiya l a fi Fikr Pierre Bourdieu al-Tarbawi, r e abdel-aziz, Safaa mahmud. 2004. Dirasat Tarbawiya (A Critical Study n Nahw Ru’ya Jadida li Tatwir al-Ta’lim in the Educational Thought of Pierre e g al-Ibtida’i lil Dikhul ila Mujtama’ al- Bourdieu, Educational Studies). Volume Ma’rifa fi Misr, al-Ta’lim wal Tanmiya al- I, Part IV. Cairo, Egypt. Mustadama (Towards a New Vision for the Development of Primary Education ---. 1993. Tarbiya Mutakamila li Tanmiya to Access the Knowledge Society in Mutakamila: Ru’ya fi Islah al-Taclim fi Egypt, Education and Sustainable Daw’ Mutaghayirat al-Qarn al-Wahid Development). Al-Zaqaziq University, wal ‘Ishrin (Integrated Education for Egypt. March 10-11, 2004. Integrated Development: A Vision of Education Reform in Light of the abu zeid, Samir. 2009. Al-‘Ilm wal Variable of the 21st Century). Education Nazra al-Arabiya ila al-Alam: al-Tajriba and Development. Third year, Issue No. al-Arabiya wal Ta’sis al-‘Ilmi lil Nahda (2), January 1993. Egypt. (Science and Arab View to the World: The Arab Experience and Scientific ---. 2006. Al-Tanmiya al-Thaqafiya wal Foundation for the Renaissance). Tanwir: Madkhal ila Mahw al-Umiyah: Centre for Arab Unity Studies, Beirut. Ru’ya Naqdiya (Cultural Development and Enlightenment: Introduction to al-amir, adnan. 2005. Eslah al ta‘leem Literacy: A Critical View) Dar al-Macrifa al ‘am fe al buldan al-‘Arabiya (The al-Jamiya, Alexandria. reform of public education in the Arab region). UNESCO Regional Office in al-kurdi, mahmoud Saleh. 2010. Al- the Arab region, Beirut. Tanshi’a al-Siyasiya fil Mu’asasat al- Ta‘limiya (Political Upbringing in al-‘ayaddi, nasruddin. 2005. Al-Shabab Educational Institutions). 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Mu’assasat teacher: policies and programmes). al-Fikr al-Arabi, Beirut. Cairo. ---. 2010. Al-Taqrir al-Arabi al-Thalith lil- lilah, ali. 2007. Al-Mujtama’ al-Madani al- Tanmiya al-Thaqafiyya (The Third Arab Arabi: Qadaya al-Muwatana wa Huquq Report on Cultural Development). al-Insan (Arab Civil Society: Issues of Mu’assasat al-Fikr al-Arabi, Beirut. Citizenship and Human Rights). Anglo Egyptian Bookshop, Cairo. muhammad bassam Sukriah. 2005. Al-Islah al-Tarbawi fi Hong Kong mahbubani, kishore. 2009. Nisf al- and Malaysia, Islah al-Ta‘lim al-‘Am Alam al-Asyawi al-Jadid (New Asian fil Buldan al-Arabiya (Educational Hemisphere). Translated by Samir Reform in Hong Kong and Malaysia, Karim, National Centre for Translation, Public Education Reform in the Arab Cairo. Countries). Adnan al-Amir (Editor). UNESCO Regional Office, Beirut. mohsen, mustafa. 1997. Al-Tanshi’a al- Mihaniya lil Shabab bayn Aliyat Ishtighal muheisen, taisir. 2010. 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Taqdim Isma‘il Siraj al-Din (Youth, Reform and Modernisation, presented naguib, kamal. 2005. Tatwir Manzumit by Ismail Seraj al-Din). Bibliotheca al-Tarbiya al-Arabiya min Ajl Tamkin Alexandria, Alexandria. al-Shabab: Al-Tahadiyat wa Afaq al- Mustaqbal (Development of Arab rida, mohammed Jawad. 2005. Al-Islah Education System to Empower Youth: al-Tarbawi al-Matlub fil Alam al-Arabi, Challenges and Prospects for the I‘adat al-Mughayabat al-Arba‘a ila al-Uqul Future). Series of studies and reports al-Bazigha, Islah al-Ta‘lim fil Buldan al- on population and development in the Arabiya (Required Educational Reform Arab region, Population Policies and in the Arab World - Returning the Four Migration Department, League of Arab Absent Elements to the Emerging States, Cairo. Minds - Reforming Education in Arab Countries). Adnan al-Amin (Editor). organisation for economic cooperation UNESCO Regional Office, Lebanese and development. 2010. Taqadum al- Association for Educational Studies, and Idara al-’Amma fi Itar Islah al-Siyasat bi Kuwait Society for the Advancement of Duwal Mintaqat al-Sharq al-Awsat wa Arab Children, Beirut. Shamal Afriqiya: Dirasat Hawl Islah al- Siyasat (Progress of Public Administration Saul, John ralston. 2009. Inhiyar al- in the Framework of Reforming Policies ‘Awlama wa Iadat Ikhtira al-Alam in the MENA Countries: Studies on (The Collapse of Globalism and the Reforming Policies). Ministry of State Reinvention of the World). Translated by for Administrative Development, Arab Mohammed al-Khuli. Al-Dar al-Masriya Republic of Egypt, Cairo. al-Libnaniya and Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation, Cairo. ornstein, robert, and ehrlich, paul. 2000. Aql Jadid li Alam Jadid (New Sen, amartya. 2004. Al-Huriya wal Mind New World). Translated by Tanmiya (Freedom and Development). Ahmad Mustajir. Al-Hay’a al-Misriyya Translated by Shawki Jalal. The National al-Amma lil-Kitab, Cairo. Council for Culture, Arts and Letters (NCCAL). Alam Al-Marifa, issue no. ozzie, ahmad. 2008. Fil Lugha wal 303, Kuwait. Tawasul al-Tarbawi wal Thaqafi: Muqaraba Nafsiyya wa Tarbawiya Sha’ban, abdul hussein. 2010. Al- (Language and Educational and Cultural Mujtama’ al-Madani al-Arabi: Hal Huwa Communication: Psychological and Quwa Thalitha (Arab Civil Society: Is Educational Approach). Majallat Ulum It a Third Power). Lecture at Baghdad al Tarbiya. Issue No. 13. Al-Najah al University, Centre for International Jadida Press. Casablanca, Morocco. Studies. Qamber, mahmoud. 1989. Al-Tarbiya the egyptian ministry of education. wal Mujtama’: Fikr wa Thaqafa wa 2007. 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Nahw Ru'ya Jadida li Tatwir al-Ta'lim al-Ibtida'i lil Dikhul Al-'Ilm wal. Nazra al-Arabiya ila . Karim, National Centre for Translation,. Cairo. mohsen
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