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Reference Frame in General Relativity AleksKleyn 8 Abstract. Areferenceframeineventspaceisasmoothfieldoforthonormal 0 bases. Every referenceframeis equipped by anholonomic coordinates. Using 0 anholonomiccoordinatesallowstofindoutrelativespeedoftwoobserversand 2 appropriateLorentztransformation. n Synchronization of a reference frame is an anholonomic time coordinate. a Simplecalculationsshowhowsynchronizationinfluencestimemeasurementin J thevicinityoftheEarth. Measurement of Doppler shift from the star orbiting the black hole helps 7 to determine mass ofthe black hole. Accordingobservations ofSgr A, ifnon 2 orbiting observer estimates age of S2 about 10 Myr, this star is 0.297 Myr younger. 3 v 7 2 0 1. Geometrical Object and Invariance Principle 5 0 Theinvarianceprinciplewhichwestudied[14]islimitedbyvectorspacesandwe 4 can use it only in frame of the special relativity. Our task is to describe structures 0 which allow to extend the invariance principle to general relativity. / c A measurement of a spatial interval and a time length is one of the major tasks q of general relativity. This is a physical process that allows the study of geometry - r in a certain area of spacetime. From a geometrical point of view, the observer g uses an orthonormal basis in a tangent plane as his measurement tool because an : v orthonormal basis leads to the simplest local geometry. When the observer moves i from point to point he brings his measurement tool with him. X Notion of a geometrical object is closely related with physical values measured r a in space time. The invariance principle allows expressing physical laws indepen- dently from the selection of a basis. On the other hand if we want to examine a relationship obtained in the test, we need to select measurement tool. In our case thisisbasis. Choosingthebasiswecandefinecoordinatesofthegeometricalobject corresponding to studied physical value. Hence we can define the measured value. Every reference frame is equipped by anholonomic coordinates. For instance, synchronization of a reference frame is an anholonomic time coordinate. Simple calculationsshowhow synchronizationinfluences time measurementin the vicinity of the Earth. Measurement of Doppler shift from the star orbiting the black hole helps to determine mass of the black hole. Sections 9.1 and 10 show importance of calculations in orthogonalframe. Coor- dinates that we use in event space are just labels and calculations that we make in coordinatesmayappearnotreliable. Forinstanceinpapers[6,7]authorsdetermine coordinate speed of light. This leads to not reliable answer and as consequence of this to the difference of speed of light in different directions. Aleks [email protected]. 1 Aleks Kleyn Reference Frame in General Relativity Few authors consider Einstein’s idea about variability of speed of light [13]. However Einstein proposed this idea when supposed to create theory of gravity in Minkovsky space, therefore he assumed that scale of space and time does not change. When Einstein learnedRiemann geometry he changedhis mind andnever returnedtoideaaboutvariablespeedoflight. Scaleofspaceandtimeandspeedof light are correlated in present theory and we cannot change one without changing another. There are few papers dedicated to a variable speed of light theory [8, 9]. Their theoryisbasedonideathatmetrictensormaybescaleablerelativedilatation. This ideaisnotnew. AssoonasEinsteinpublishedgeneralrelativityWeylintroducedhis ideatomaketheoryinvariantrelativeconformaltransformation. HoweverEinstein was firmly opposed to this idea because it broke dependence between distance and proper time. You can find detailed analysis in [10]. We havestrong relationbetween the speed of light and units of length and time in special and general relativity. When we develop new theory and discover that speed of light is different we should ask ourselves about the reason. Did we make accurate measurement? Do we have alternative way to exchange information and synchronizereferenceframe? Didtransformationsbetweenreferenceframeschange and do they create group? Insomemodelsphotonmayhavesmallrestmass[11]. Inthiscasespeedoflight is different from maximal speed and may depend on direction. Recent experiment [12] put limitation on parameters of these models. 2. Reference Frame on Manifold As is shown in section [14]-5 we canidentify frame manifold of vectorspace and symmetry group of this space. Our interest was not details of structure of basis, and stated theory can be generalized and extended on an arbitrary manifold. The detailsofstructureofbasisdidnotinterestusandstatedtheorycanbegeneralized. Inthissectionwegeneralizethedefinitionofaframeandintroduceareferenceframe onamanifold. Incaseofaneventspaceofgeneralrelativityitleadsustoanatural definition of a reference frame and the Lorentz transformation. When we study manifold V the geometry of tangent space is one of important factors. In this section, we will make the following assumption. • All tangent spaces have the same geometry. • Tangent space is vector space V of finite dimension n. • Symmetry group of tangent space is Lie group G. Definition 2.1. Set e=<e ,i∈I > of vector fields e is called G-reference (i) (i) frame, if for any x∈V set e(x)=<e (x),i ∈I > is a G-basis1 in tangent space (i) T .2 We use notation e ∈e for vector fields which form G-reference frame e. (cid:3) x (i) Vector field a has expansion (2.1) a=a(i)e (i) relative reference frame e. Ifwedonotlimitdefinitionofareferenceframebysymmetrygroup,thenateach pointofthemanifoldwecanselectreferenceframe∂ =<∂ >basedonvectorfields i 1Accordingtosection[14]-5wecanidentifybasise(x)withanelementofgroupG. 2IneachparticularcaseweneedtoproveexistenceofG-referenceframeonmanifold. 2 Aleks Kleyn Reference Frame in General Relativity tangent to lines xi =const. We call this field of bases the coordinate reference frame. Vector field a has expansion (2.2) a=ai∂ i relative coordinate reference frame. Then standard coordinates of reference frame e have form ek (i) (2.3) e =ek ∂ (i) (i) k Becausevectorse arelinearlyindependentateachpointmatrixkek khasinverse (i) (i) matrix ke(i)k k (2.4) ∂ =e(i)e k k (i) Weusealsoamoreextensivedefinitionforreferenceframeonmanifold,presented informe=(e ,e(k))whereweusethe setofvectorfieldse anddualformse(k) (k) (k) such that (2.5) e(k)(e )=δ(k) (l) (l) at each point. Forms e(k) are defined uniquely from (2.5). In a similar way, we can introduce a coordinate reference frame (∂ ,dsi). These i reference frames are linked by the relationship (2.6) e =ei ∂ (k) (k) i (2.7) e(k) =e(k)dxi i From equations (2.6), (2.7), (2.5) it follows (2.8) e(k)ei =δ(k) i (l) (l) In particular we assume that we have GL(n)-reference frame (∂,dx) raised by n differentiable vector fields ∂ and 1-forms dxi, that define field of bases ∂ and i cobases dx dual them. If we have function ϕ on V than we define pfaffian derivative dϕ=∂ ϕdxi i 3. Reference Frame in Event Space Startingfromthissection,weconsiderorthogonalreferenceframee=(e ,e(k)) (k) inRiemannspacewithmetricg . Accordingtodefinition,ateachpointofRiemann ij space vector fields of orthogonalreference frame satisfy to equation g ei ej =g ij (k) (l) (k)(l) whereg =0,if(k)6=(l),andg =1org =−1dependingonsignature (k)(l) (k)(k) (k)(k) of metric. We can define the reference frame in event space V as O(3,1)-reference frame. To enumeratevectors,weuse index k =0,...,3. Index k=0 correspondsto time like vector field. 3 Aleks Kleyn Reference Frame in General Relativity Remark 3.1. We can prove the existence of a reference frame using the orthogono- lization procedure at every point of space time. From the same procedure we get that coordinates of basis smoothly depend on the point. A smooth field of time like vectors of each basis defines congruence of lines that are tangent to this field. We say that each line is a world line of an observer or a local reference frame. Therefore a reference frame is set of local reference frames. (cid:3) We define the Lorentz transformation as transformationof a reference frame x′i =fi(x0,x1,x2,x3) (3.1) e′i =aib(l)ej (k) j (k) (l) where ∂x′i ai = j ∂x′j δ b(i)b(l) =δ (i)(l) (j) (k) (j)(k) We call the transformation ai the holonomic part and transformation b(l) the an- j (k) holonomic part. 4. Anholonomic Coordinates Let E(V,G,π) be the principal bundle, where V is the differential manifold of dimension n and class not less than 2. We also assume that G is symmetry group of tangent plain. We define connection form on principal bundle (4.1) ωL =λLdaN +ΓLdxi ω =λ daN +Γdx N i N We call functions Γ connection components. i If fiber is group GL(n), than connection has form (4.2) ωa =Γa dxc b bc ΓA =Γa i bi A vector field a has two types of coordinates: holonomic coordinates ai rel- ative coordinate reference frame and anholonomic coordinates a(i) relative ref- erence frame. These two forms of coordinates also hold the relation (4.3) ai(x)=ei (x)a(i)(x) (i) at any point x. We can study parallel transfer of vector fields using any form of coordinates. Because (3.1) is a linear transformationwe expect that parallel transfer in anholo- nomiccoordinateshas the samerepresentationasinholonomiccoordinates. Hence we write dak =−Γkaidxj ij da(k) =−Γ(k) a(i)dx(j) (i)(j) It is required to establish link between holonomic coordinate of connection Γk and anholonomic coordinates of connection Γ(k) ij (i)(j) (4.4) ai(x+dx)=ai(x)+dai =ci(x)−Γi ck(x)dxp kp 4 Aleks Kleyn Reference Frame in General Relativity (4.5) a(i)(x+dx)=a(i)(x)+da(i) =c(i)(x)−Γ(i) c(k)(x)dx(p) (k)(p) Considering (4.4), (4.5), and (4.3) we get ai(x)−Γi ak(x)dxp kp (4.6) =ei (x+dx) a(i)(x)−Γ(i) e(k)(x)ai(x)e(p)(x)dxp (i) (k)(p) i p (cid:16) (cid:17) It follows from (4.6) that Γ(i) e(k)(x)e(p)(x)ai(x)dxp =a(i)(x)−e(i)(x+dx) ai(x)−Γi ak(x)dxp (k)(p) i p i kp =ai(x)e(i)(x)−e(i)(x+(cid:0)dx) ai(x)−Γi ak(x(cid:1))dxp i i kp =ai(x) e(i)(x)−e(i)(x+dx(cid:0)) +e(i)(x)Γj ai(x)dx(cid:1)p i i j ip (cid:16) ∂e(cid:17)(i)(x) =e(i)(x)Γj ai(x)dxp−ai(x) i dxp j ip ∂xp ∂e(i)(x) = e(i)(x)Γj − i ai(x)dxp j ip ∂xp ! Because ai(x) and dxp are arbitrary we get ∂e(i)(x) Γ(i) e(k)(x)e(p)(x)=e(i)(x)Γj − i (k)(p) i p j ip ∂xp (i) ∂e (4.7) Γ(i) =ei ep e(i)Γj −ei ep i (k)(p) (k) (p) j ip (k) (p) ∂xp We introduce symbolic operator ∂ ∂ (4.8) =ep ∂x(p) (p)∂xp From (2.8) it follows ∂e(k) ∂ei (4.9) ei i +e(k) (l) =0 (l) ∂xp i ∂xp Substitude (4.8) and (4.9) into (4.7) ∂ei (4.10) Γ(i) =ei ep e(i)Γj −e(i) (k) (k)(p) (k) (p) j ip i ∂x(p) Equation (4.10) shows some similarity between holonomic and anholonomic co- ordinates. We introduce symbol ∂ for the derivative along vector field e (k) (k) ∂ =ei ∂ (k) (k) i Then (4.10) takes the form Γ(k) =ei er e(k)Γj −ei ∂ e(k) (l)(p) (l) (p) j ir (l) (p) i Therefore when we move from holonomic coordinates to anholonomic, the con- nectiontransformsthe waysimilarlyto whenwe movefrom one coordinatesystem to another. This leads us to the model of anholonomic coordinates. The vector field e generates lines defined by the differential equations (k) ∂t ej =δ(k) (l)∂xj (l) 5 Aleks Kleyn Reference Frame in General Relativity or the symbolic system ∂t (4.11) =δ(k) ∂x(l) (l) Keepingin mind the symbolic system(4.11) we denote the functionalt as x(k) and call it the anholonomic coordinate. We call the regular coordinate holonomic. From here we can find derivatives and get ∂x(i) (4.12) =e(i) ∂xk k The necessary and sufficient conditions of complete integrability of system (4.12) are c(i) =0 (k)(l) where we introduced anholonomity object ∂e(i) ∂e(i) (4.13) c(i) =ek el k − l (k)(l) (k) (l) ∂xl ∂xk ! Therefore each reference frame has n vector fields ∂ ∂ = =ei ∂ (k) ∂x(k) (k) i which have commutator [∂ ,∂ ]= ek ∂ el −ek ∂ el e(m)∂ = (i) (j) (i) k (j) (j) k (i) l (m) (cid:16) (cid:17) ek el −∂ e(m)+∂e(m) ∂ =c(m) ∂ (i) (i) k l l l (m) (k)(l) (m) For the same reason we in(cid:16)troduce forms (cid:17) dx(k) =e(k) =e(k)dxl l and an exterior differential of this form is d2x(k) =d e(k)dxi i (4.14) = ∂(cid:16)e(k)−(cid:17)∂ e(k) dxi∧dxj j i i j =−(cid:16)c(m) dx(k)∧d(cid:17)x(l) (k)(l) Therefore when c(i) 6= 0, the differential dx(k) is not an exact differential (k)(l) and the system (4.12) in general cannot be integrated. However we can create a meaningful object that models the solution. We can study how function x(i) changes along different lines. We call such cordinates anholonomic coordinates on manifold. Remark 4.1. Function x(i) is a natural parameter along a flow line of vector field e . Westudyaninstanceofsuchfunctioninsection8. Thepropertimeisdefined (i) alongworldlineoflocalreferenceframe. Asweseeinremark3.1worldlinesoflocal referenceframescoverspacetime. To makepropertime oflocalreferenceframesas time of reference frame we expect that proper time smoothly changes from point to point. To synchronizeclocksof localreference frames we use classicalprocedure of exchange light signals. 6 Aleks Kleyn Reference Frame in General Relativity From mathematical point of view this is problem to integrate differential form. However,a change of function along a loop is ∆x(i) = dx(i) I (4.15) = c(i) dx(k)∧dx(l) (k)(l) Z Z = c(i) e(k)e(l)dxk∧dxl (k)(l) k l Z Z Somebody may have impression that we cannot synchronize clock, however this conflicts with our observation. We accept that synchronization is possible until we introduce time along non closed lines. Synchronization breaks when we try synchronize clocks along closed line. This means ambiguity in definition of anholonomic coordinates. (cid:3) Fromnowonwe willnotmakeadifferencebetweenholonomicandanholonomic coordinates. Also,wewilldenoteb(l) asa−1(l) intheLorentztransformation(3.1). (k) (k) Even form dx(k) is not exact differential, we can see that form d2x(k) is exterior differential of form dx(k). Therefore (4.16) d3x(k) =0 We can represent exterior differential of form, written in anholonomic coordi- nates, as d(a dx(i1)∧...∧dx(in)) (i1)...(in) =a dxp∧dx(i1)∧...∧dx(in) (i1)...(in),p −a ddx(i1)∧...∧dx(in)−...−(−1)n−1a dx(i1)∧...∧ddx(in) (i1)...(in) (i1)...(in) =a e(p)ep dx(r)∧dx(i1)∧...∧dx(in) (i1)...(in),(p) p (r) −a c(i1) dx(p)∧dx(r)∧...∧dx(in)−... (i1)...(in) (p)(r) −(−1)n−1a dx(i1)∧...∧c(in) dx(p)∧dx(r) (i1)...(in) (p)(r) =(a −a c(r) −...−a c(r) )dx(p)∧dx(i1)∧...∧dx(in) (i1)...(in),(p) (r)...(in) (p)(i1) (i1)...(r) (p)(in) In case of form d3x(k) we get equation d(c(k) dx(i)∧dx(j)) (4.17) (i)(j) =(c(k) −c(k) c(r) −c(k) c(r) )dx(p)∧dx(i)∧dx(j) (i)(j),(p) (r)(j) (p)(i) (i)(r) (p)(j) From equations (4.16) and (4.17) it follows (4.18) (c(k) −c(k) c(r) −c(k) c(r) )dx(p)∧dx(i)∧dx(j) =0 (i)(j),(p) (r)(j) (p)(i) (i)(r) (p)(j) It is easy to see that (−c(k) c(r) −c(k) c(r) )dx(i)∧dx(j) (r)(j) (p)(i) (i)(r) (p)(j) (4.19) =(−c(k) c(r) +c(k) c(r) )dx(i)∧dx(j) (r)(j) (p)(i) (r)(i) (p)(j) =−2c(k) c(r) dx(i)∧dx(j) (r)(j) (p)(i) Substituting from (4.19) into (4.18) gives (4.20) (c(k) −2c(k) c(r) )dx(p)∧dx(i)∧dx(j) =0 (i)(j),(p) (r)(j) (p)(i) 7 Aleks Kleyn Reference Frame in General Relativity From (4.20), it follows c(k) +c(k) +c(k) (4.21) (i)(j),(p) (j)(p),(i) (p)(i),(j) =2c(k) c(r) +2c(k) c(r) +2c(k) c(r) (r)(j) (p)(i) (r)(p) (i)(j) (r)(i) (j)(p) We define the curvature form for connection (4.1) Ω=dω+[ω,ω] ΩD =dωD+CD ωA∧ωB =RDdxi∧dxj AB ij where we defined a curvature object RD =∂ ΓD−∂ ΓD+CD ΓAΓB+ΓDck ij i j j i AB i j k ij The curvature form for the connection (4.2) is (4.22) Ωa =dωa+ωa∧ωb c c b c where we defined a curvature object (4.23) RD =Ra =∂ Γa −∂ Γa +ΓaΓc −Γa Γc +Γa ck ij bij i bj j bi ci bj cj bi bk ij We introduce Ricci tensor R =Ra =∂ Γa −∂ Γa +Γa Γc −Γa Γc +Γa ck bj baj a bj j ba ca bj cj ba bk aj 5. Metric-affine Manifold For connection (4.2) we defined the torsion form (5.1) Ta =d2xa+ωa∧dxb b From (4.2) it follows (5.2) ωa∧dxb =(Γa −Γa )dxc∧dxb b bc cb Putting (5.2) and (4.14) into (5.1) we get (5.3) Ta =Tadxc∧dxb =−ca dxc∧dxb+(Γa −Γa )dxc∧dxb cb cb bc cb where we defined torsion tensor (5.4) Ta =Γa −Γa −ca cb bc cb cb Commutator of second derivatives has form (5.5) uα −uα =Rα uβ −Tpuα ;kl ;lk βlk lk ;p From (5.5) it follows that (5.6) ξa −ξa =Ra ξd−Tpξa ;cb ;bc dbc bc ;p In Rieman space we have metric tensor g and connection Γk. One of the ij ij featuresoftheRiemanspaceissymetricityofconnectionandcovariantderivativeof metricis0. Thiscreatescloserelationbetweenmetricandconnection. Howeverthe connection is not necessarily symmetric and the covariant derivative of the metric tensor may be different from 0. In latter case we introduce the nonmetricity (5.7) Qij =gij =gij +Γi gpj +Γj gip k ;k ,k pk pk Due to the fact that derivative of the metric tensor is not 0, we cannot raise or lowerindexofatensorunderderivativeaswedoitinregularRiemannspace. Now this operation changes to next ai =gija +gija ;k j;k ;k j 8 Aleks Kleyn Reference Frame in General Relativity This equation for the metric tensor gets the following form gab =−gaigbjg ;k ij;k Definition 5.1. Wecallamanifoldwithatorsionandanonmetricitythemetric- affine manifold [3]. (cid:3) If we study a submanifold V of a manifold V , we see that the immersion n n+m creates the connection Γα that relates to the connection in manifold as βγ ∂el Γα el =Γl emek + β βγ α mk β γ ∂uγ Therefore there is no smooth immersion of a space with torsion into the Riemann space. 6. Geometrical Meaning of Torsion Suppose that a and b are non collinear vectors in a point A (see figure 6.1). WedrawthegeodesicLathroughthe WedrawthegeodesicLbthroughthe point A using the vector a as a tan- point A using the vector b as a tan- gentvectortoLa inthepointA. Let gentvectortoLb inthe pointA. Let τ be the canonical parameter on La ϕ be the canonical parameter on Lb and and dxk dxk =ak =bk dτ dϕ We transfer the vector b along the We transfer the vector a along the geodesic La from the point A into a geodesic Lb from the point A into a point B that defined by any value of point D that defined by any value of the parameter τ = ρ > 0. We mark the parameter ϕ = ρ > 0. We mark the result as b′. the result as a′. We draw the geodesic Lb′ through We draw the geodesic La′ through the point B using the vector b′ as a the point D using the vector a′ as a tangentvector to Lb′ in the point B. tangentvectorto La′ inthe pointD. Letϕ′ bethecanonicalparameteron Letτ′ bethe canonicalparameteron Lb′ and La′ and dxk dxk =b′k =a′k dϕ′ dτ′ We define a point C on the geodesic We define a point E on the geodesic Lb′ by parameter value ϕ′ =ρ La′ by parameter value τ′ =ρ FormallylinesABandDEaswellaslinesADandBC areparallellines. Lengths of AB and DE are the same as well as lengths of AD and BC are the same. We call this figure a parallelogram based on vectors a and b with the origin in the point A. Theorem 6.1. Suppose CBADE is a parallelogram with a origin in the point A; then the resulting figure will not be closed [4]. The value of the difference of coordinates of points C and E is equal to surface integral of the torsion over this parallelogram3 ∆ xk = Tk dxm∧dxn CE mn ZZ 3Proofofthisstatement Ifoundin[5] 9 Aleks Kleyn Reference Frame in General Relativity C Q B (cid:8)(cid:8)b′(cid:8)* Q E 6 a′ (cid:3)(cid:23) a (cid:3) (cid:3) (cid:3) b(cid:17)3 (cid:17) (cid:3)(cid:17) D A Figure 6.1. Meaning of Torsion Proof. We can find an increase of coordinate xk along any geodesic as dxk 1d2xk ∆xk = τ + τ2+O(τ2)= dτ 2 dτ2 dxk 1 dxmdxn = τ − Γk τ2+O(τ2) dτ 2 mn dτ dτ where τ is canonical parameter and we take values of derivatives and components Γk in the initial point. In particular we have mn 1 ∆ xk =akρ− Γk (A)amanρ2+O(ρ2) AB 2 mn along the geodesic L and a 1 (6.1) ∆ xk =b′kρ− Γk (B)b′mb′nρ2+O(ρ2) BC 2 mn along the geodesic Lb′. Here (6.2) b′k =bk−Γk (A)bmdxn+O(dx) mn is the result of parallel transfer of bk from A to B and (6.3) dxk =∆ xk =akρ AB with precision of small value of first level. Putting (6.3) into (6.2) and (6.2) into (6.1) we will receive 1 ∆ xk =bkρ−Γk (A)bmanρ2− Γk (B)bmbnρ2+O(ρ2) BC mn 2 mn Common increase of coordinate xK along the way ABC has form ∆ xk =∆ xk+∆ xk = ABC AB BC (6.4) =(ak+bk)ρ−Γk (A)bmanρ2− mn 1 1 − Γk (B)bmbnρ2− Γk (A)amanρ2+O(ρ2) 2 mn 2 mn Similar way common increase of coordinate xK along the way ADE has form ∆ xk =∆ xk+∆ xk = ADE AD DE 10

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