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Reference data CIBSE Guide C Oxford Auckland Boston Johannesburg Melbourne New Delhi Butterworth-Heinemann Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 225 Wildwood Avenue, Woburn, MA 01801-2041 A division of Reed Educational and Professional Publishing Ltd First published 2001 © The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers London 2001 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or storing in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this publication) without the written permission of the copyright holder except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under the terms of a licence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London, England W1P 0LP. Applications for the copyright holder’s written permission to reproduce any part of this publication should be addressed to the publishers Whilst the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of going to press, neither the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers nor the publisher can accept any legal responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions that may be made. Note from the Publisher This publication is primarily intended to provide guidance to those responsible for the design, installation, commissioning, operationandmaintenanceofbuildings.Itisnotintendedto be exhaustive or definitive and it will be necessary for users of the guidance given to exercise their own professional judgement whendecidingwhethertoabidebyordepartfromit. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Reference data : CIBSE guide C 1. Buildings — Environmental engineering I. Butcher, Ken II. Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers 696 ISBN 0 7506 5360 4 Typeset in Great Britain by J&L Composition Ltd, Filey, North Yorkshire Printed and Bound in Great Britain by MPG Books, Bodmin, Cornwall Foreword This2001editionofCIBSEGuideCcontainssignificantchangesfromtheprevious1986 edition.Althoughbasicphysicaldatadoesnotchangewithtime,therefinementofmeas- urementandcalculationtechniquesmeansthateventhisbasicdataneedstobereviewedat intervals.Additionally,revisionstopracticeincalculationmethods,productselectionand usageledtoarequirementforchangesinthe presentationof thedata.Muchofthedatain the1986editionactuallydatesfrom1970andwasthereforeripeforreview. The changes made for the 2001 edition are summarised below: Section 1: Properties of humid air. The data tables remain unchanged but the intro- duction has been updated. A critique of the data has been published in Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, to which interested readers are referred (reference 11 to section 1). Section 2: Properties of water and steam. This section has been reviewed and found to need no amendment. Section 3: Heat transfer. This section has been completely rewritten. The theoretical basishasbeenreviewedinthelightofcurrentknowledgeandthecalculationprocedures updated.Referencetableshavebeenupdatedtoreflectcurrentpracticeandneeds. Section 4: Flow of fluids in pipes and ducts. This section has been completely rewrit- ten. Both calculation methods and reference tables have been updated. In particular, the opportunity has been taken to replace the limited and oversimplified tables of resistance coefficients with a more comprehensive and rigorous treatment. Section 5: Fuels and combustion. This section has been reviewed and comprehensively updated to take account of changes to fuels and fuel characteristics. Section 6: Units, standard and mathematical data. This section has been reviewed and updated. Some obsolete data has been deleted and some extra data added. These changes have taken a significant amount of time and effort to complete and I would like to express my thanks to the volunteer authors, contributors, reviewers and CIBSE staff for their valuable contributions. Finally, we hope that all users will find this Guide a useful and authoritative source of ref- erence and guidance. Paul Compton Chairman, CIBSE Guide C Guide C Steering Committee P D Compton (Chairman) (Colt International Ltd) W P Jones (consultant) P Koch (Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble; Coventry University) D L Loveday (Loughborough University) M R I Purvis (University of Portsmouth) A CWatson (secretary) Section task groups, principal authors, contributors and acknowledgements Section 1: Properties of humid air Principal author W P Jones (consultant) The tables of data are reprinted from the previous edition of Guide Cand were prepared by a task group, see below. Task group members W P Jones (Chairman) (consultant) J FArmour B G Lawrence Section 2: Properties of water and steam The tables of data are reprinted from the previous edition of Guide C. Section 3: Heat transfer Principal authors D L Loveday (Loughborough University) A H Taki (De Montford University) Contributors H B Awbi (University of Reading) P DCompton (Colt International Ltd) RMHarris (Centre for Window and Cladding Technology) M JHolmes (Ove Arup & Partners International Ltd) B P Holownia (Loughborough University) J Moss (Ove Arup & Partners International Ltd) T Muneer (Napier University) H KVersteeg (Loughborough University) Acknowledgements American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers Inc International Standards Organisation The McGraw-Hill Companies Pearson Education Ltd Section 4: Flow of fluids in pipes and ducts Principal author P Koch (Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble; Coventry University) Contributor F Sprenger (Coventry University) Acknowledgements American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers Inc Centre Technique des Industries Aérauliques et Thermiques Coventry University, School of Science and the Environment CRC Press Inc Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors’ National Association Section 5: Fuels and combustion Task group members/Principal authors M RIPurvis (Chairman) (University of Portsmouth) R Dando (Coal Research Establishment) M Drew (BP Amoco plc) R JHarris (Advantica Technologies Ltd) K Mildren (University of Portsmouth) Acknowledgements BP Amoco plc Section 6: Units, standard and mathematical data Principal author P DCompton (Chairman) (Colt International Ltd) Co-ordinating editors K JButcher (CIBSE) A CWatson (CIBSE) CIBSE Director of Information and Policy J Balian Contents 1 Properties of humid air 1-1 1.1 Psychrometric data 1-1 1.2 CIBSE psychrometric chart ((cid:1)10 to (cid:2)60(cid:3)C) 1-4 1.3 CIBSE psychrometric chart (10 to 120(cid:3)C) 1-4 References 1-4 Tables of psychrometric data 1-7 2 Properties of water and steam 2-1 2.1 Introduction 2-1 References 2-1 Tables of data 2-2 3 Heat transfer 3-1 3.1 Introduction 3-1 3.2 Heat transfer principles 3-3 3.3 Heat transfer practice 3-12 References 3-36 4 Flow of fluids in pipes and ducts 4-1 4.1 Introduction 4-1 4.2 Notation 4-1 4.3 Fluid flow in straight pipes and ducts 4-2 4.4 Water flow in pipes 4-6 4.5 Air flow in ducts 4-77 4.6 Steam in pipes 4-82 4.7 Natural gas in pipes 4-86 4.8 Pressure loss factors 4-90 4.9 Pressure loss factors for pipework components 4-91 4.10 Pressure loss factors for ductwork 4-96 References 4-116 Appendix 4.A1 Properties of various fluids 4-118 Appendix 4.A2 Mathematical basis for tables of pressure drop 4-120 Appendix 4.A3 Equivalent length 4-121 Appendix 4.A4 Compressible flow 4-122 Appendix 4.A5 Capacity K, and complex networks 4-123 5 Fuels and combustion 5-1 5.1 Introduction 5-1 5.2 Classification of fuels 5-1 5.3 Primary fuels 5-1 5.4 Secondary fuels 5-2 5.5 Specification of fuels 5-2 5.6 Combustion data 5-9 5.7 Stack losses 5-10 Bibliography 5-12 6 Units, standard and mathematical data 6-1 6.1 Introduction 6-1 6.2 The International System of Units (SI) 6-1 6.3 Quantities, units and numbers 6-4 6.4 Metrication in the European Union 6-5 6.5 Conversion factors 6-6 Bibliography 6-14 Index I-1 1-1 1 Properties of humid air 1.1 Psychrometric data 1.2 CIBSE psychrometric chart ((cid:1)10 to (cid:2)60(cid:3)C) 1.3 CIBSE psychrometric chart (10 to 120(cid:3)C) Psychrometric tables 1.1 Psychrometric data v (cid:4) specific volume of moist air (m3.kg(cid:1)1dry air) 1.1.1 Basis of calculation v (cid:4) specific volume of dry air (m3.kg(cid:1)1) a The method of formulation suggested by Goff and v (cid:4) specific volume of saturated moist air s Gratch(1,2), based on the ideal gas laws with a modification (m3.kg(cid:1)1dry air) to take account of intermolecular forces, has been adopted for calculating the thermodynamic properties of moist air. The relevant specific property of moist, unsaturated air is This approach remains in line with current practice(3,4). determined by adding a proportion of the property of sat- urated water vapour to the same property of dry air, on a The thermodymamic properties of dry air and saturated mass basis. water vapour are well established and, although more recent research work(4,5,6)has been done, the results are not A consequence of this is that the humidity of moist air is significantly different from those obtained in earlier expressed as percentage saturation (defined in terms of the work(7,8). Hence the thermodynamic properties of dry air mass of water vapour present), rather than relative humid- and water vapour, determined by the National Bureau of ity (defined in terms of vapour pressure). The details of Standards(7) and the National Engineering Laboratory(8), the psychrometric calculations are given in references 9, 10 have been retained for the evaluation of the thermody- and 11. namic properties of moist air. Since the properties of dry air and saturated water vapour 1.1.2 Standards adopted are accurately known, the properties of a mixture of the two can be established for the saturated case. For the All data are tabulated for an internationally agreed stan- enthalpy and specific volume of moist air, at a condition dard atmospheric pressure(12)of 101.325 kPa. other than saturated, the method is exemplified by the fol- lowing equations: The zero datum adopted by the National Engineering Laboratory(8) for the expression of the thermodynamic h (cid:4) h (cid:2) l(h (cid:1) h )/100 (1.1) properties of steam is the triple point of water, (cid:2)0.01(cid:3)C. a s a v (cid:4) v (cid:2) l(v − v )/100 (1.2) a s a The zero datum for the specific enthalpies of both dry air where and liquid water has been taken here as 273.15K (0(cid:3)C). h (cid:4) specificenthalpyofmoistair(kJ.kg(cid:1)1dry air) 1.1.3 Formulae used for calculations h (cid:4) specific enthalpy of dry air (kJ.kg(cid:1)1) a Saturated vapour pressure over water(8): l (cid:4) percentage saturation (%) logp (cid:4) 30.59051 (cid:1) 8.2 log (t (cid:2) 273.16) s h (cid:4) specific enthalpy of saturated moist air (cid:2) 2.4804 (cid:5) 10(cid:1)3(t (cid:2) 273.16) s (kJ.kg(cid:1)1dry air) (cid:1) [3142.31/(t (cid:2) 273.16)] (1.3) 1-2 Reference data where t (cid:4) dry-bulb temperature ((cid:3)C) p (cid:4) saturated vapour pressure over water at t(cid:6) (cid:4) sling or mechanically aspirated wet-bulb s s1 temperaturet(kPa) temperature ((cid:3)C) or t (cid:4) temperature, greater than or equal to 0(cid:3)C ((cid:3)C) p (cid:4) p (cid:1) 101.325B(t (cid:1) t(cid:6) ) (1.10) v sc sc Saturated vapour pressure over ice(7): where logp (cid:4) 12.5380997 (cid:1) [266391/(t (cid:2) 273.15)] p (cid:4) saturated vapour pressure at temperature s sc (1.4) t (kPa) sc where t(cid:6) (cid:4) screen wet-bulb temperature ((cid:3)C) sc ps (cid:4) saturated vapour pressure over ice at tem- B (cid:4) 7.99 (cid:5) 10(cid:1)4K(cid:1)1whent (cid:7) 0(cid:3)C peraturet, less than 0(cid:3)C (kPa) sc B (cid:4) 7.20 (cid:5) 10(cid:1)4K(cid:1)1whent (cid:8) 0(cid:3)C sc Moisture content: Adiabatic saturation temperature: 0.62197f p gs (cid:4) 101.325 −sfssps (1.5) t* (cid:4) t (cid:1) (hcfg(gs(cid:2)a (cid:1)gcg)) (1.11) pa ps where where g (cid:4) moisture content of saturated moist air s (kg.kg(cid:1)1dry air) t* (cid:4) adiabatic saturation temperature ((cid:3)C) f (cid:4) dimensionlessenhancementfactor(1,2,3,4,11) hfg (cid:4) latent heat of evaporation of water at tem- s peraturet (kJ.kg(cid:1)1) a Percentage saturation: g (cid:4) moisture content of saturated air at tem- sa 100g peraturet (kg.kg(cid:1)1dry air) l (cid:4) (1.6) a g g (cid:4) moisture content of moist air at the partic- s ular psychrometric state (kg.kg(cid:1)1dry air) where c (cid:4) mean specific heat capacity of dry air l (cid:4) percentage saturation (%) pa betweentandt (kJ.kg(cid:1)1.K(cid:1)1) a g (cid:4) moisture content of unsaturated moist air c (cid:4) mean specific heat capacity of water (kg.kg(cid:1)1dry air) ps vapour between tandt (kJ.kg(cid:1)1.K(cid:1)1) a Vapour pressure of water vapour in unsaturated moist air: In the case of the adiabatic saturation temperature above p g ice,h is replaced by h , the latent heat of fusion of water p (cid:4) a (1.7) at a tefgmperature t . ig v f(0.62197 (cid:2) g) a s Dew-point: where p (cid:4) vapour pressure of superheated water Foraparticularpsychrometricstate,equation(1.7)isused v to calculate the vapour pressure. An iterative technique is vapour in unsaturated moist air (kPa) then used with equation (1.3) or (1.4) to determine the p (cid:4) atmospheric (barometric) pressure (kPa) temperature for which the calculated vapour pressure is a a saturated vapour pressure. Relative humidity: Specific volume: 100p φ (cid:4) v (1.8) [ 82.0567(273.15 (cid:2) t) ] ps v (cid:4) 28.966(101.325 (cid:1) p )/101.325 where v (cid:1)[A x 2(cid:2)2A x (1(cid:1)x )(cid:2)A (1(cid:1)x )2] φ (cid:4) relative humidity (%) aa a aw a a ww a (1.12) where Wet-bulb temperature: v (cid:4) specific volume (m3.kg(cid:1)1dry air) Knowing the value of the vapour pressure, p , from equa- v t (cid:4) dry-bulb temperature ((cid:3)C) tion (1.7) the wet-bulb temperature is derived from the following equations by an iterative technique: A (cid:4) second virial coefficient for dry air4 aa (m3.kg(cid:1)1) p (cid:4) p (cid:1) 101.325A(t (cid:1) t(cid:6) ) (1.9) v s1 s1 A (cid:4) interaction coefficient for moist air4 where aw (m3.kg(cid:1)1) ps1 (cid:4) saturatedvapourpressureattemperature ts1 A (cid:4) second virial coefficient for water vapour (kPa) ww (m3.kg(cid:1)1) A (cid:4) 6.66 (cid:5) 10(cid:1)4K(cid:1)1whent(cid:6) (cid:7) 0(cid:3)C s1 0.62197 x (cid:4) (1.13) A (cid:4) 5.94 (cid:5) 10(cid:1)4K(cid:1)1whent(cid:6)s1(cid:8) 0(cid:3)C a 0.62197 (cid:2) g Properties of humid air 1-3 where 1.1.4 Psychrometric properties at x (cid:4)mole fraction of dry air non-standard barometric a pressures In the original work(1,2) and in more recent research(4), a third virial coefficient for water vapour, A , appears in equation (1.12) but it is complicated to cawlwcwulate and its The tabulated psychrometric data are accurate within the influence is insignificant. It is ignored here, without any range of barometric pressure from 95 kPa to 105 kPa and loss of accuracy. hence are suitable for the whole of the United Kingdom. For pressures outside these limits an application of the Equation (1.2) yields answers of adequate precision and is ideal gas laws will give answers of a little less accuracy. easier to use than equation (1.12). Better answers may be obtained by the use of equations (1.15) and (1.16): Specific enthalpy: 0.624p h (cid:4) ha(cid:2)g hg (1.14) gs (cid:4) (p (cid:1) 1.00s4p) (1.15) a s where (0.287 (cid:2) 0.461g) (273.15 (cid:2) t) (cid:1) (cid:4) (1.16) h (cid:4) specific enthalpy of moist air (kJ.kg(cid:1)1dry p a air) h (cid:4) specific enthalpy of dry air7(kJ.kg(cid:1)1) Corrections to specific enthalpy may be taken from a g (cid:4) moisture content (kg.kg(cid:1)1dry air) Table 1.1. h (cid:4) specific enthalpy of water vapour at the Figure 1.1, which gives the relationship between height g dry-bulb temperature(8)(kJ.kg(cid:1)1dry air) above sea level and barometric pressure, is drawn from the equation: Equation (1.1) gives answers having the same accuracy as p (cid:4) 101.325 exp[((cid:1)9.81(cid:2)a)/(101 325)] those obtained from equation (1.14) and is simpler to use. a (1.17) Table 1.1 Corrections to specific enthalpy at non-standard pressures Adibatic saturation Approximate additive corrections to specific enthalpy (kJ.kg(cid:1)1dry air) at various barometric pressures/kPa temperature °C 82.5 85.0 87.5 90.0 92.5 95.0 97.5 101.325 102.5 30 16.90 14.23 11.68 9.29 6.95 4.80 2.86 0 (cid:1)0.82 29 15.90 13.40 11.00 8.72 6.55 4.57 2.70 0 (cid:1)0.77 28 14.95 12.58 10.30 8.18 6.16 4.30 2.54 0 (cid:1)0.72 27 14.00 11.78 9.65 7.67 5.80 4.05 2.40 0 (cid:1)0.68 26 13.05 11.02 9.03 7.18 5.44 3.82 2.27 0 (cid:1)0.64 25 12.20 10.28 8.42 6.70 5.12 3.58 2.14 0 (cid:1)0.60 24 11.43 9.64 7.90 6.30 4.80 3.36 2.00 0 (cid:1)0.56 23 10.68 9.03 7.40 5.88 4.43 3.15 1.86 0 (cid:1)0.52 22 10.00 8.45 6.93 5.51 4.20 2.94 1.73 0 (cid:1)0.48 21 9.37 7.92 6.50 5.18 3.92 2.74 1.61 0 (cid:1)0.45 20 8.77 7.42 6.10 4.84 3.65 2.55 1.50 0 (cid:1)0.42 19 8.22 6.95 5.70 4.53 3.43 2.39 1.40 0 (cid:1)0.39 18 7.73 6.49 5.35 4.24 3.20 2.23 1.30 0 (cid:1)0.37 17 7.25 6.09 5.00 3.97 3.00 2.07 1.21 0 (cid:1)0.35 16 6.79 5.68 4.65 3.72 2.80 1.94 1.13 0 (cid:1)0.32 15 6.33 5.32 4.34 3.48 2.62 1.82 1.07 0 (cid:1)0.30 14 5.90 4.95 4.07 3.24 2.44 1.70 1.00 0 (cid:1)0.28 13 5.50 4.60 3.80 3.03 2.28 1.60 0.93 0 (cid:1)0.26 12 5.13 4.30 3.53 2.82 2.12 1.50 0.86 0 (cid:1)0.24 11 4.78 4.04 3.28 2.62 1.97 1.40 0.80 0 (cid:1)0.22 10 4.44 3.77 3.08 2.46 1.82 1.30 0.74 0 (cid:1)0.20 9 4.15 3.51 2.88 2.30 1.70 1.21 0.70 0 (cid:1)0.20 8 3.88 3.30 2.68 2.14 1.60 1.12 0.66 0 (cid:1)0.19 7 3.62 3.08 2.51 2.00 1.50 1.06 0.62 0 (cid:1)0.19 6 3.40 2.88 2.37 1.87 1.40 1.00 0.59 0 (cid:1)0.18 5 3.20 2.72 2.23 1.74 1.31 0.92 0.56 0 (cid:1)0.17 4 3.06 2.60 2.10 1.64 1.24 0.88 0.53 0 (cid:1)0.17 3 2.92 2.47 2.02 1.59 1.19 0.84 0.50 0 (cid:1)0.16 2 2.78 2.36 1.94 1.54 1.15 0.80 0.48 0 (cid:1)0.16 1 2.65 2.25 1.86 1.49 1.10 0.76 0.46 0 (cid:1)0.15 0 2.52 2.16 1.79 1.44 1.08 0.72 0.44 0 (cid:1)0.15 1-4 Reference data 1.0 divergingslightlyoneachsideofthe30(cid:3)Cline,andthetra- ditionalappearanceofthechartispreserved. 0.9 The wet-bulb values shown are those read from a sling or a mechanically aspirated psychrometer and lines of percent- P e/ age saturation are plotted instead of relative humidity. r su 0.8 Within the comfort zone, there is no practical difference s re between percentage saturation and relative humidity. In p c any case, the difference diminishes as saturated or dry con- ri et 0.7 ditions are approached. m o ar The psychrometric data used were taken from the tables B 0.6 of the properties of humid air in this section of CIBSE Guide C. 0.5 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 1.3 CIBSE psychrometric Altitude / m chart (10 to 120(cid:3)C) Figure 1.1 Variation of barometric pressure with altitude where The psychrometric chart for 10 to 120(cid:3)C has been based p (cid:4) the particular atmospheric (barometric) on the ideal gas laws. This does not give a significant dif- a pressure (kPa) ference when compared with a chart constructed using more accurate data, based on the method of Goff and (cid:2) (cid:4) density of air (kg.m(cid:1)3) Gratch(1,2). The principles of calcuation and drawing are a (cid:4) altitude above sea level (m) detailed elsewhere(14). Alternatively, the standard relationship(12) for altitude, atmospheric pressure and temperature may be used. This References is reproduced in Table 1.2. 1 Goff, J A and Gratch, S, ‘Thermodynamic properties of moist Table 1.2 Standard atmospheric data for altitudes to 10000 m air’, Trans. ASHVE,51, 125–164 (1945) Altitude Temperature Pressure 2 Goff, J A, ‘Standardisation of thermodynamic properties of (m) (°C) (kPa) moist air’, Trans. ASHVE,55, 459–484 (1949) (cid:1)500 18.2 107.478 3 ASHRAEHandbook Fundamentals,Section6Psychrometrics 0 15.0 101.325 (1997) 500 11.8 95.461 1000 8.5 89.874 4 Hyland, R W and Wexler, A, ‘Formulations for the thermody- 2000 2.0 79.495 namic properties of dry air from 173.15 K to 473.15 K and of saturated moist air from 173.15 K to 372.15 K at pressures to 5 MPa’, Trans. ASHRAE,89(2A), 520–535 (1982) 3000 (cid:1)4.5 70.108 4000 (cid:1)11.0 61.640 5 Hyland, R W and Wexler, A ‘Formulations for the thermody- 5000 (cid:1)17.5 54.020 namic properties of the saturated phases of H2O from 173.15 K 6000 (cid:1)24.0 47.181 to 473.15 K’, Trans. ASHRAE,89(2A), 500–519 (1983) 7000 (cid:1)30.5 41.061 6 Stimson, H F, ‘Some precise measurements of the vapour pres- sure of water in the range from 25(cid:3)C to 100(cid:3)C’, J. Res. NBS73A 8000 (cid:1)37.0 35.600 (1969) 9000 (cid:1)43.5 30.742 7 Tables of thermal properties of gases, NBS Circular 564 10000 (cid:1)50.0 26.436 (National Bureau of Standards, November 1955) 8 National Engineering Laboratory steam tables (HMSO 1964) 1.2 CIBSE psychrometric 9 Jones,WPandLawrence,BG,‘Newpsychrometricdataforair’ chart (–10 to +60(cid:3)C) Technicalmemorandumno.11(PolytechnicoftheSouthBank) 10 Some fundamental data used by building services engineers (IHVE, 1973) The chart has been designed(13) and constructed using the 11 Jones, W P, ‘A review of CIBSE psychrometry’, Building Serv. twofundamentalpropertiesofmass(moisturecontent)and Eng. Res. Technol.15(4), 189–198 (1994) energy (specific enthalpy) as linear co-ordinates. Other physical properties are not then shown as linear scales(14). 12 NACA 1955, Standard atmosphere – tables and data for alti- The30(cid:3)Cdry-bulblinehasbeenconstructedatrightangles tudes to 65000 feet, NACA Report 1235:66, Washington DC tolinesofconstantmoisturecontent,whicharehorizontal. 13 Jones, W P, ‘The Psychrometric Chart in SI Units’, JIHVE,38, The scale of specific enthalpy is obliquely inclined to the 93 (1970) verticalscaleofmoisturecontent.Inthisway,linesofcon- 14 Bull, L C, ‘Design and use of the new IHVE psychrometric stant dry-bulb temperature are approximately vertical, chart’,JIHVE,32, 268 (October 1964)

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